05/22/2012 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 06/26/2012
City of Gilroy
Preliminary Minutes
Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Meeting
6:00 p.m.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Scott Francks at 6:01 p.m.
Present: Scott Francks (Chair), Libby Lai, Conrad Lather, Tony Marandos
Thomas Muniz
Theresa Hernandez, Recording Secretary, Recreation Department
Don Dey, City Transportation Engineer
The agenda for the Tuesday, May 22, 2012, regular meeting was posted on Friday, May 18, 2012 at
3:35 p.m., in the window of the foyer by the Council Chambers in City Hall by Theresa Hernandez.
Please limit your comments to 3 minutes
(This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons desiring to address the commission on matters not on the
agenda. The law does not permit Commission action or extended discussion of any item not on the agenda
except under special circumstances. If Commission action is requested, the Commission may place the matter
on a future agenda.)
Rebecca Scheel
Libby moved and Conrad seconded the approval of the minutes of May 22, 2012, as written, hearing
no objection it was so ordered.
Tony made a comment about the eastbound “bike lane” on Leavesley Road between Monterey St.
and the US101 freeway. His observation was that the bike lane is very narrow and dirty. Don
commented that this is a challenging bike lane but in order to widen and change it would require that
the road be repaved and restriped.
BPC Meeting Minutes
May 22, 2012
Page 2
A. Introduction to Safe Cycling 101 Class/Recreation Department (attachment) –update-Scott
Scott wanted to let the Commission know that the class did not happen due to low enrollment. Scott
requested that the Commissioners let people know that if they are interested in taking the class to call
the Recreation Department and get on a list. Scott thanked the Commissioners for their help and
participation with getting this class scheduled in the Recreation Activity Guide and helping to publicize
the class in the Community.
B. Bike to Work Day/Energizer Station Update – Scott
Scott complimented Conrad on the Energizer Station event, it was a great success. Scott told the
Commissioners that Conrad did a great job. They had 17 cyclists stop at the Energizer Station and 14
bicyclists rode past the station. Safeway was very generous and donated some food, water and
coffee to give away to the people who attended. Scott thanked everyone for supporting the event and
for the participation to make this event such a great success.
C. Share the Road Signs Based on LAB Next Steps – Don
Don checked on the various possible signs to install. Don is considering a combination of the share
the road sign on the bottom that is a black on yellow caution sign with a green “bike route” on top
which are used on the class 3 bike route. Don reviewed the possible locations for the sign, looking at
each location for the best possible visibility for vehicles. Don will formalize these locations into a final
work order for the Operations Division. Don also stated that he would like to have the commissioners
and the people who donated the money for the signs included in some pictures at the installation of
the signs to bring some attention to the Bicycle Pedestrian Commission’s work.
Libby asked Don how soon the signs would be installed? Don stated it could happen as soon as
August for the signs on Sixth Street.
Tony requested that Don provide the actual cost of the signs at the June meeting.
Libby asked if the thank you letter had been sent to the Almaden Cycle Touring Club. Tony stated
that he will get the letter written and sent to Don to be put on letterhead.
D. Bike Map Update – Don
Don has been communicating with Eureka Cartography. Don shared a copy of the map with the
Commissioners. Don told the Commissioners that he is pleased with the way the map looks and is
happy with the detail. Don also told the Commissioners that he will ask Eureka to change some of
the colors used on the map to make it a little easier to read. Conrad pointed out that there is a gap on
Sixth St. to Camino Arroyo and the Las Animas School site on Wren Ave. is no longer there and
needs to be moved to its current location.
Don asked the Commissioners to take the map and make any corrections needed and return them to
Don within two weeks.
BPC Meeting Minutes
May 22, 2012
Page 3
A. Walkable Cities – Libby
Libby reported to the Commission that on the website for walkable cities the Commission can obtain a
score how accessible a City is by walking. The City of Gilroy has a score 54 out of 100. This score is
mainly due to the distances between homes and shopping, parks, library and the city center etc.
Libby gave the commissioners several other websites and encouraged them to look at what makes a
city a “walkable” City.
Don stated that the City will be updating its General Plan and Circulation Element starting in the Fall.
Several of these items could be included in the City’s General Plan update.
Conrad believes that the Northwest Quad is an area that could be looked at for being more
pedestrian friendly.
B. Garlic Festival Bike Parking – Tony
Tony was asked if the BPC would be willing to co-sponsor the bike parking area at the Garlic Festival.
Tony was approached by Dennis Harrigan, a representative of the Garlic Festival Committee. Tony
will contact Dennis and find out what involvement he has in mind from the Commission. When Tony
receives more information he will email the Commissioners.
A. None
A. VTA-BPAC – Thomas Muniz
Thomas was not present at the meeting/no report.
Scott – Reminded the Commissioners to do their open government training, it is required.
Scott would like to do a presentation to the Commission on the Rules of the Road at some future
Tony – asked about the new ramps put on the corners on Wren and are the ramps going to be yellow
like the other ramps around the City. Don will look into this.
BPC Meeting Minutes
May 22, 2012
Page 4
Libby- shared some pictures of signs on Leavesley Rd. – old signs and too many signs in one area.
Libby would like this to be brought to the attention of Caltrans for some improvement and
Libby asked Don about the orange markings that have been appearing on sidewalks. Don stated that
these are markings designate sidewalk hazards. The marking of these sidewalk locations will be
followed up with letters sent to property owners asking them to fix the sidewalks in front of their
property. Conrad would like to see a progress report on the City’s sidewalk program and asked if it
had ended. Don stated that this is an ongoing program that is funded each year.
Public Comment – Rebecca asked Don to make a note about the sidewalk hazard on Longmeadow
between Santa Teresa and Hirasaki.
Don thanked the Commissioners and Rebecca for coming to the ribbon cutting ceremony at the
Lyon’s Creek trail.
Rebecca reported on volunteer opportunities for the Commission working at the Kids Triathlon in July.
Don told the Commissioners to call the Recreation Department for more information on volunteering.
AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING – June 26, 2012 at 6 p.m.
July Meeting - possible cancellation
Step one on Walkable Cities
Garlic Festival Parking/where will the money for hours will go?
Bike map update
Bike sign update
Adjournment to the regular meeting of June 26, 2012 at 7:19 p.m.
Adjournment: 7:19 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Theresa Hernandez
Recording Secretary