07/24/2012 Arts and Culture Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 08/28/2012 City of Gilroy Preliminary Minutes Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Meeting 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, July 24, 2012 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Scott Francks at 6:02 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Scott Francks (Chair), Libby Lai, Conrad Lather, Tony Marandos, Thomas Muniz ALSO PRESENT Don Dey, City Transportation Engineer Theresa Hernandez, Recording Secretary, Recreation Department COMMISSION SECRETARY’S REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA The agenda for the Tuesday, July 24, 2012, regular meeting was posted on Thursday, July 19, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. in the window of the foyer by the Council Chambers in City Hall by Theresa Hernandez. PRESENTATIONS TO COMMISSION A. PUBLIC COMMENT BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA, BUT WITHIN THE SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION OF THE BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION Please limit your comments to 3 minutes (This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons desiring to address the commission on matters not on the agenda. The law does not permit Commission action or extended discussion of any item not on the agenda except under special circumstances. If Commission action is requested, the Commission may place the matter on a future agenda.) PUBLIC PRESENT Tom Quaglia – 11th St. Commons Development Ross Doyle – 11 St. Commons Development APPROVAL OF MINUTES Scott made a motion to hold the approval of the June 26, 2012 meeting until the August BPC Meeting, Conrad seconded the motion and hearing no objection it was so ordered. Scott suggested that the Commission move to item A under new business. NEW BUSINESS A. Eleventh Street Commons Subdivision (attachment) - Don Don introduced Tom Quaglia, the project manager and Ross Doyle from Signature Development Group. Tom explained that the Eleventh Street Commons site is currently approved for 97 townhomes/condos. The project was previously owned by Pinn Brothers. Pinn Brothers went bankrupt and the bank took back the property. Signature Development is now partners with Wells Fargo Bank. Tom presented a map of the proposed new development which includes 60 duplexes on the 7 ½ acre site. BPC Meeting Minutes July 24, 2012 Page 2 A. Eleventh Street Commons Subdivision (attachment) – Don cont’d Tom explained that the property sits on Monterey Street south of Tenth Street adjacent to the Platinum Theatre. A residential neighborhood sits behind the proposed development property. Tom described the residential development as having a private BBQ area, a children’s playground, and meandering multi use pathways that will connect with existing sidewalk and landscaping. This development will have an HOA for the residents and will be privately maintained. All streets within the neighborhood will be private and all streets curb, gutter, sidewalks and sewer will be privately maintained. The residential development project will not be a gated community. Water mains will be maintained by the City. No parking will be allowed along Monterey Street. The developer is planning to incorporate two pieces of public art on the property. Libby voiced a concern about emergency vehicles having access to all of the homes inside the neighborhood. Tom explained that the landscaped area along Monterey Rd. is quite large, approximately 70’ wide and will provide a good distance between traffic and pedestrians. Don suggested a “Welcome to Gilroy” sign rather than a “Gateway to the Downtown” sign. Don suggested that the project manner get in touch with Jane Howard, at the Gilroy Visitors Bureau regarding the Wayfinding Sign project. Tony asked if the new sidewalk will be connected to existing sidewalk? Tom explained that they will construct their new sidewalk to connect with the existing sidewalk providing a smooth sidewalk transition. Thomas would like to see the developer put in bike lanes on Monterey in front of that property from Tenth St. to Luchessa Ave. Thomas also wants to see appropriate street lighting for safety. Don stated that the developer will comply with all City standards for lighting and sidewalks. There was a discussion about the bushes that serve as a barrier down the center of Monterey St. The developer stated that they are not willing to remove the bushes in the median and that the City should not support the vegetation removal encouraging pedestrians to cross at this mid-block location of Monterey St. Don will put the Commissioners suggestions into letter form and he will bring the letter back to next BPC meeting for review and approval. The Commission suggested that the developer include with this project is a bike lane on the west side of Monterey St. from Tenth St. to Luchessa Ave. and continuous sidewalk on the west side of Monterey St. from Tenth St. to Luchessa Ave. The Commission thanked Tom and Ross for coming to the meeting. BPC Meeting Minutes July 24, 2012 Page 3 OLD BUSINESS A. Bike Map Update (attachment) – Don Don shared a copy of the completed Bike Map with the Commission. Don informed the Commission that the project budget allowed him to print 15,000 copies of the map. Don asked the Commissioners to keep track of any potential changes so that the changes could be incorporated into the next map update which should occur in a year or two. Don asked the Commissioners to provide suggestions at the August meeting for distribution sites of the bike map, perhaps the library, the Visitors Bureau, City Hall etc. Thomas told the Commissioners that he has worked on this project for many years and he is very gratified to see the map completed. B. Walkable Cities – Part 2 – Libby Libby would like the Commission to work on defining “walkability” for the City of Gilroy. What does “walkable” mean to the community of Gilroy. Part 2 of Creating Walkable Communities had very good information on pedestrians and how walking is a mode of transportation. As a mode of transportation walking is important not only for good health but it is good for the environment and good for communities to consider when planning or making improvements. Libby noted to the Commission that citizens in wheel chairs are also considered pedestrians and should be included and considered in any Pedestrian Plan for the City. Libby would like to see the Commission work on a Pedestrian Plan for the City of Gilroy, separate from the Bicycle Plan. This section also included a list of typical “elements of a “pedestrian-friendly streets” which will be helpful to the Commission when they begin working on a Pedestrian Plan for Gilroy. Scott thanked Libby for bringing this information to the Commission. Libby will bring the 3rd Section to the BPC August Meeting. C. Bicycle Sign Update (attachment) - Don Don presented a copy of the design plan for a section of Sixth St., between Eigleberry and Railroad St. that will be improved with a slurry seal project. The project will include new signing and striping for bike routes, including “sharrows” on the pavement, “bike route” signs and “bikes may take the lane” signs. Don reported that this project is currently out to bid. Don told the Commission that these new bike routes are being marked because of the Commission’s work on getting the concept bike lane/bike route layouts prepared throughout the City. BPC Meeting Minutes July 24, 2012 Page 4 C. Bicycle Sign Update (attachment) – Don cont’d In addition the Slurry Seal project will include striping of bike lanes on Church Street from Welburn to Tenth St. and a section of Westwood Drive south of First St. to Juniper Drive. CORRESPONDENCE A. Jaywalking Ordinance – Staff Report Don reported to the Commission that the California Vehicle Code defines Jaywalking as crossing in the middle of the street between two signaled intersections. On Tenth St. at Gilroy High School there is only one signaled intersection. The Police Department have reported that because there is only one traffic signal or at times no traffic signals in a school zone they have no enforcement mechanism for Jaywalking. Don stated that with approval of the City’s ordinance and installation of signage it will help the police department enforce violations. B. Almaden Cycle Touring Club - Thank you letter – Don Don reported that the Thank you letter has been sent. COMMISSIONER’S REPORTS A. VTA-BPAC – Thomas Muniz Thomas reported that MTC has restructuring the distribution of federal gas tax funds. Thomas stated that it is a complicated process and that he hopes to be able to explain the process in more detail at future meetings. Don reported that Caltrans was quick to respond to the City’s request to re-stripe SR 152 (First St, Monterey, Leavesley Rd) and that it looks very new and fresh. COMMISSIONER ANOUNCEMENTS Scott – Reminded the Commission about the Safe Cycling Class in the Fall Activity Guide Tony – asked about the City taking over the maintenance of the traffic signals on SR 152. Don told the Commission that this is correct. Tony told Don that the sensors at First St. and Santa Teresa Blvd. do not work well for bicyclists. Don stated he will come up with a plan to have Republic ITS look at the vehicle sensors for modification. Libby- would like to see the City give some proclamation to the Gilroy Olympian. STAFF COMMENTS A. Planning calendar – Reminder that the Mayor will be attending the September meeting. Don suggested that in August the BPC should begin preparing for the BPC’s presentation to Council in November. BPC Meeting Minutes July 24, 2012 Page 5 STAFF COMMENTS Cont’d B. Paseo Design for Downtown Don reported to the Commission that the Mayor has already put together the design group for this project. The Planning Division will bring their discussion back to the BPC for review and comment. C. Health Component for the General Plan Don spoke with the staff planner and was told that the current City’s General Plan does not have a Health Component. The Planning Division is looking at incorporating a Health Component into the City’s General Plan. D. Complete Streets Don will be reviewing the current General Plan to see if it complies with the Complete Streets Program. If the City’s General Plan is not in compliance the City will adopt the sample resolution prepared by MTC. Thomas would like to see some kind of “check list” that would be incorporated into the approval process for all projects brought to the City. This check list be used by all projects, public and private, to ensure all elements needed for compliance with the Complete Streets program are incorporated. Thomas stated that this would be a good tool since the BPC will not be able to see all newly proposed projects. Libby would like the Planning Division to keep all of the elements of Complete Streets in mind when reviewing each new project and this “check list” will hopefully be a useful tool. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING – August 28, 2012 at 6 p.m. Mayor attending the September meeting – Topics for discussion Bike Map distribution plan Planning calendar Walkable Communities – Part 3 Proclamation for Gilroy Olympian Adjournment to the regular meeting of August 28, 2012 at 8:15 p.m. Adjournment: 8:15 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Theresa Hernandez Recording Secretary