08/28/2012 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 09/25/2012 City of Gilroy Minutes of the Regular Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Meeting 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, August 28, 2012 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Scott Francks at 6:03 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Scott Francks (Chair), Libby Lai, Conrad Lather, Tony Marandos (Vice-chair), Thomas Muniz (arrive 6:30) ALSO PRESENT Don Dey, City Transportation Engineer Theresa Hernandez, Recording Secretary, Recreation Department COMMISSION SECRETARY’S REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA The agenda for the Tuesday, August 28, 2012, regular meeting was posted on Thursday, August 23, 2012 at 2:50 p.m. in the window of the foyer by the Council Chambers in City Hall by Theresa Hernandez. PRESENTATIONS TO COMMISSION A. PUBLIC COMMENT BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA, BUT WITHIN THE SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION OF THE BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION Please limit your comments to 3 minutes (This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons desiring to address the commission on matters not on the agenda. The law does not permit Commission action or extended discussion of any item not on the agenda except under special circumstances. If Commission action is requested, the Commission may place the matter on a future agenda.) PUBLIC PRESENT Forrest Ebbs APPROVAL OF MINUTES Conrad made a motion to approve both the June 2012 and the July 2012 minutes of the BPC Meeting. Tony seconded the motion and hearing no objections it was so ordered. OLD BUSINESS A. Walkable Cities – Chapter 3 - Libby Libby explained that Chapter 3 is a long chapter so she only brought half of the chapter to this meeting. Libby will provide the next half of Chapter 3 at the September meeting. Libby strongly encouraged the Commissioners to read this chapter because she feels that this chapter will be helpful when the Commission is working on Complete Streets. On page 26 there is a chart that gives definitions that will be very helpful with incorporating Complete Streets into future development in the City of Gilroy. BPC Meeting Minutes August 28, 2012 Page 2 A. Walkable Cities – Chapter 3 – Libby cont’d Don explained that Complete Streets is a program that ensures that agencies consider all forms of transportation and all levels of walkability when they are planning new facilities. Libby stated that this section is useful because it provides definitions of sidewalks, rural roads, city streets, bicycles and all types of transportation. Don asked Libby to send the weblink for the “Creating Walkable Communities” to Theresa so that Don can incorporate the pages into the monthly agenda packet. Scott wants the Commission to be aware that the League of American Bicyclists is merging with The Alliance for Biking and Walking. B. Bike Map Distribution - Discussion – Don Don distributed copies of the new Bike map to each of the Commissioners and told the Commission that 15,000 copies have been printed. Don stated that this number of maps should last at least 2 years. Don told the Commission that the school district has made a request for 11,000 copies. Don suggested to the BPC that perhaps the school district could use monies from the safe routes to school grant to purchase a number of copies of the bike map. The Commission suggested the following locations for distributing the Bike Map: Gavilan College – 100 copies - the library or main office – Tony Chamber of Commerce – 100 copies - Libby Visitors Center – 100 - Libby Police Dept. and Recreation Dept. 100 copies each – Don/Theresa Transit Center – 50 copies – Scott Library – 100 copies – Conrad Bike shops – 50 copies each – Scott Don will make contact with the GUSD Safe Routes to School liaison (Cheryl) and discuss how to get the copies of the map into the School District. There was a suggestion of having a table at the Extreme Youth Event so that Commissioners could hand out copies of the map to participants. 6:30 p.m. – Thomas arrived at the meeting. BPC Meeting Minutes August 28, 2012 Page 3 C. Proclamation for local Olympian – Tony Tony reported that he is still looking for a proclamation to model after for the Gilroy Olympian. Don said that he will contact the city clerk and then get back to Tony with the information. D. Update on Share the Road Signs for Sixth Street - Don At the last meeting Don told the Commission about the City of Gilroy slurry seal project on Sixth St. between Eigleberry and Railroad streets. As part of this project, the contractor would put down the “sharrow” markings on the pavement and install the signs that say “Bike Route” and “May use full lane”. After the project is completed this section of Sixth St. will be used as the standard for all of the bike routes in town. Don reported that the bids came in at twice the budget amount so Operations staff will have to re-bid the project. Don had a discussion with the City Engineer and it was decided to spend the $1,000.00 contribution on bike materials (signs, markings) only. City Operations staff will perform the work at City cost. Scott stated that he would like to get the president of the Almaden Bicycle Club to come out and see the project when it is completed. Thomas asked Don about the process to update the bike map as bicycle striping gets added to more city streets. Don stated that the map would probably be updated in about two years. E. Eleventh Street Commons Subdivision Update - Don Don shared a draft memo prepared for the Planning Commission from the Bicycle Pedestrian Commission. The memo states the two items (sidewalks and bike lanes) to be installed that the BPC requested of the developers of the Eleventh Street Commons Subdivision at the July BPC meeting. Thomas asked to include striping on the east side of Monterey St. Thomas stated that if the developer is not willing to install the striping on the east side of Monterey St., then perhaps the City would be willing to do the striping on the east side. Tony voiced his concern about the fact that residents in this new development will not be able to make a left turn into this development and they will be required to go all the way to the Tenth St. intersection and perform a U-turn to come back to the development. Don advised the Commissioners to attend the meeting to voice these concerns as citizens. After much discussion it was decided to submit the memo to the Planning Commission without making any changes or additions. Libby made a motion to accept the memo to Planning Commission as written, it was seconded by Thomas. Hearing no objections it was so ordered. BPC Meeting Minutes August 28, 2012 Page 4 At this point in the meeting Tony needed to leave but before he left the meeting Don presented each Commissioner and staff with an official name badge. Thomas asked that staff move forward with a recommendation from the BPC that the City install the bike lane striping on the east side of Monterey St from Tenth St. to Luchessa Ave. in conjunction with the Eleventh Street Commons development. NEW BUSINESS A. Mayor Pinheiro Attending September’s Meeting – Scott Scott asked for topics to present to the Mayor at the next regular meeting. Scott would like to have an increased involvement with the Planning Commission and the development process. Don stated that the Complete Streets program does speak to early involvement of the BPC in the development process. Don advised the Commission to let the Mayor know that the BPC would like to be involved earlier in the development process. Libby would like the BPC to become involved with the review process for the City’s General Plan and to see that there is a health component included in the General Plan. Thomas would like to present a vision of Complete Streets to the Mayor. Libby stated that the Mayor and the City Council should know that the BPC is looking at making Gilroy a walkable City. Don advised the Commissioners to bring examples of good and not so good areas for pedestrians in the City to present to the Mayor. Thomas would like to speak to the Mayor about trails and to encourage the council’s commitment to building connecting trails and to continue working with SCVWD. Thomas would like to see the Lyon’s Creek Trail completed and to finish the design of the Ronan Trail. Libby asked about the plans to connect the levee to Gilroy Gardens. Don told the BPC that those plans are included in the Hecker Pass Specific Plan. Scott asked the Commissioners to email him any other topics for the Mayor before the next meeting. BPC Meeting Minutes August 28, 2012 Page 5 CORRESPONDENCE Don contacted a City staff person that expressed interest in the Safe Cycling Class because she was concerned that the class was for more advanced bicycle riders. Scott stated that the class is for beginner riders and beginners should not be concerned about taking this class. COMMISSIONER’S REPORTS A. VTA-BPAC – Thomas Muniz No meeting – nothing new to report. COMMISSIONER ANOUNCEMENTS none STAFF COMMENTS A. Planning calendar – In October, Scott will provide the BPC with a draft copy of the Presentation to Council. Add the extreme youth event at Las Animas Park. Staff will send out a citywide email reminder for the Safe Cycling Class. B. Don announced that the October meeting of the BPC will be his last meeting. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING – September 25, 2012 at 6 p.m. VERBS Project - Don Presentation to Council – run through - Scott Walkable Communities – Part 3.5 Adjournment to the regular meeting of September 25, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. Adjournment: 7:45 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Theresa Hernandez Recording Secretary