01/24/2012 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 03/27/2012City of Gilroy
Minutes of the Regular
Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Meeting
6:00 p.m.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
The meeting was called to order by the Vice-Chair, Scott Francks at 6:00 p.m.
Present: Scott Francks (Vice-Chair), Libby Lai, Conrad Lather, Tony Marandos, Thomas Muniz
(arrived at 6:15 p.m.)
Don Dey, City Transportation Engineer
Theresa Hernandez, Recreation Department
Rebecca Scheel, Parks & Recreation Commissioner
The agenda for the Tuesday, January 24, 2012, regular meeting was posted on Thursday, January
19, 2012 at 1:40 p.m., in the window of the foyer by the Council Chambers in City Hall.
Scott expressed his thanks to James Fennell for all of his work on the Commission.
Scott introduced the new Commissioner, Libby Lai. Libby stated that she has lived in Gilro y since
1968. Libby has worked at El Roble School with Conrad and belonged to the exchange club where
she met Tony. Libby has been on the Library and Culture Commissions, She has served as the
County Representative for the Library, and was the State President for the California Library Trustees
for one year. Libby stated that she is not a cyclist but she is a pedestrian and enjoys walking in
Each of the Commissioners introduced themselves to Libby and welcomed her to the Commission.
Also present was Rebecca Scheel, Parks and Recreation Commissioner. Rebecca is a school bus
driver and will attend occasional BPC meetings and report back to the Parks and Recreation
Commission on the meetings that she attends.
Stan Ketchum also attended the meeting to make a presentation to the Commission on the Gilroy
Climate Action Plan. Stan is a part time Senior Planner in the City’s Planning Department.
Please limit your comments to 3 minutes
(This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons desiring to address the commission on matters not on the
agenda. The law does not permit Commission action or extended discussion of any item not on the agenda
except under special circumstances. If Commission action is requested, the Commission may place the matter
on a future agenda.)
BPC Meeting Minutes
January 24, 2012
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Rebecca Scheel, Parks and Recreation Commissioner.
The motion was made by Libby and seconded by Conrad to approve the minutes of November 22,
2011 meeting as written. No public comment. Hearing no objection it was so ordered.
A. Election of BPC Chair and Vice-Chair - Don
Conrad nominated Scott for Chair. Don asked if there were any other nominations. None were
identified. The Commission voted unanimously to elect Scott Francks as Chair.
Scott nominated Tony for Vice-Chair. Don asked if there were any other nominations. None were
identified. The Commission voted unanimously to elect Tony as Vice-Chair.
No public comment.
Scott made a motion to move directly to New Business, Item A: Climate Action Plan Presentation –
Stan Ketchum. Hearing no objections it was so ordered.
6:15 – Thomas arrived at the meeting.
Item A. – Climate Action Plan Presentation – Stan Ketchum
The City received an energy grant in 2009 to guide the city’s efforts in achieving the goal of reducing
green house gases. The Climate Action Plan (CAP) will include efforts within the city government
operations and the entire community. The plan is intended to identify and verify the sources of
emissions. The plan also establishes targets for the future to reduce green house gas emissions and
incorporates a collection of actions that the City can implement in the future to become more
Stan stated that one of the city council’s top ten goals was to become more adaptive and sustainable
in the future. The statewide legislation which includes AB32 and the California Global Warming
Solutions Act is voluntary at the present time. The legislation provides jurisdictions with goals for
reducing green house gases back to the 1990 level by 2020.
Another piece of legislation is SB375. SB375 is an ambitious effort to tie together future transportation
planning, housing planning, especially affordable housing planning and land use planning at the
regional level. The basic steps in the plan is to establish a green house gas emission baseline for
Cities to use as a guide and then move toward developing reduction measures and setting targets to
achieve the goals for 2020. There are 5 keys areas to set reduction goals for 2020, energy,
transportation, waste, both solid and water waste, water use, and land use.
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January 24, 2012
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Item A. – Climate Action Plan Presentation – Stan Ketchum cont’d
Within the 5 key areas there are many tools that can be used to achieve the goals. Examples of
those tools include reducing motor vehicle use, building more efficiently, reducing infrastructure and
industrial demands, having on-site renewable energy, such as solar, wind, off -site renewable energy,
solid waste reduction, and water use strategies. Stan stated that a large part of the plan will be
monitoring and evaluating the progress of the plan.
Stan told the Commission that work is being done to develop the implementation strategies, setting
goals, priorities and strategies for funding the plan. Stan is also working on public outreach; Stan has
presented the plan to the Chamber. The plan will be available for review by the public before it goes
to Council. Santa Clara County is working on the plan at the regional level.
The next step is to finalize the CAP and then the plan will go to the City Council for approval.
Thomas asked if the City is given credit for the solar covers over the parking area at the medical
clinic. Stan said that the community receives the credit for anything that goes on in city limits.
Don asked how the Commission can have the opportunity to provide input on the draft report before it
goes to Council. Stan stated that he would be sure to get the draft report to the BPC so that they will
have that opportunity to comment.
Libby asked what was the amount of the grant in 2009? Stan reported that the amount of the grant
was $99,000.
Libby asked if they could see what the consultants have already suggested? Stan will get this to the
Don asked about getting fleet vehicles that run on natural gas or other green fuels. Stan reported that
the City did do that but it happened before 2005 and therefore the City would not get credit. Stan
reported that the City could perhaps make all fleet vehicles electric.
No public comment.
Scott thanked Stan for his presentation.
B. Bicycle Skills Training – update – Scott
Scott gave Libby some background info on this class and how he and Don are working with the
Recreation Dept. to offer a class for the public on basic bicycle skills. This class will be given by
instructors from the League of American Bicyclist. This class will fulfill one of the education
requirements to achieve the award of a Bicycle Friendly City for the City of Gilroy.
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January 24, 2012
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B. Bicycle Skills Training – update – Scott cont’d
Scott stated that the 2 day class will have a maximum of 25 students, ages 14 and up. The class will
cover basic bicycle safety, what to wear to be safe, rules of the road, and basic bicycle maintenance.
This class will be offered in May through the Recreation Department.
Libby would like to see the class include middle school aged students. Scott told the Commission
that there are other classes that are geared for this age group and Scott feels that this age group
should be addressed by the schools.
Scott stated that they will still need to advertise the class and make the public aware of the class and
encourage people to attend.
Rebecca suggested that the Commission get in touch with Curt Hentschke, who writes an article on
bicycling in the Out & About; perhaps he could put the class information in one of his articles.
C. Complete Intersections - Update – Thomas
Thomas reported that the VTA is actively working on a regional complete streets policy to support
VTA projects for the future. There will be an update discussion on the complete streets policy at next
month’s meeting. Thomas has asked them to include the Complete Intersections in that discussion.
Thomas would like VTA to assess SR 152 (First Street, Leavesley Road) with regards to the
Complete Streets policy. Thomas reported that VTA did come to Gilroy recently to do some initial
surveys of SR 152 (First Street, Leavesley Road). Thomas is hoping that a list of improvements will
be the outcome of a study of the SR 152 (First Street, Leavesley Road) corridor. Thomas would like a
motion from the Commission to ask Council to support the complete streets initiative.
Don stated the Commission should proceed cautiously because the City Council will require a lot of
background information before they will take action on such a study. Reminding the Commission that
SR 152 is a state highway; Don told the Commission that First St. would be a very costly project.
Don also told the Commission that even though it would be costly it is a project that is worth pursuing.
Don said that VTA staff can be helpful in giving direction and insight into grant funding.
Tony would like to move forward to gather as much information as quickly as possible so it can be
determined what items would be on a list that would go to the Council. Tony feels that the First
St./Hwy. 152 corridor should be a priority for the community. Tony would like to endorse what
Thomas is trying to do and to make it a priority. Scott asked Don to look at this proposal and report
back to the Commission on how they should proceed with this project.
Libby asked if there had been assessment of intersections in Gilroy? Don said that there have not
been any assessments done at this time.
Libby asked about the timing on pedestrian crossing signals? Don stated that the timing on signals is
checked on a regular basis.
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C. Complete Intersections - Update – Thomas Cont’d
Thomas feels the next step would be for Don to contact VTA staff to determine next steps for this
Thomas reminded the Commission that this type of project is a slow moving process and while it
might take some time to assemble all of the information it is possible to move forward.
Don stated that he will work with Thomas on this project. Thomas will report back to the Commission.
B. Bike Month - May 2012 - Scott
Looking at the calendar, Scott reminded the Commission that there are several events coming up, the
rock and roll to school in March, the Terra Bella Bicycle Ride in April, and National Bike Month in
Scott shared an article from American Bicyclist Magazine. This article has several ideas on how to
get your community more involved with bicycling. Scott asked the Commission to read the article and
to bring back a couple of ideas to the next meeting.
C. Cycling Signs Based on the League of American Bicyclists (LAB) – next steps – Scott
Scott asked Tony to do some research on getting funding from the Community for the signs. Libby
asked how many signs? Scott stated that he would like a total of 6 signs to get started. Scott would
like them placed on Sixth St. by the new Library and several other sites. Scott would like these signs
to encourage cycling and education of the public. Thomas asked what the signs would look like?
Don stated that the signs would have to comply with the California MUTCD standards similar to what
are posted on Hecker Pass near the golf course. Don asked what types of groups the Commissioners
are going to be contacting for donations to put toward the cost of the signs. Don reminded the
Commissioners that they would need to have a pre-approved letter, on City Letterhead with them
when they go asking for donations.
A. Cathy DeLuca email – Report on Women’s Participation in California Bicycle Committees – Don
No Comment.
B. Lower Llagas Creek Capacity Restoration Project – Thomas
Thomas gave some background on this project. This is a 7 mile restoration project on the north side
of Gilroy. The Restoration project is located outside of Gilroy city limits mainly in the county area.
Thomas did attend a meeting last November at the Water District asking that trails be included in this
restoration project.
The W ater District responded that a trail is not included in the scope of the project; however the
Water District is not opposed to the idea of a trail in this area.
Thomas would like the commission to lobby the Water District to promote the trail being included in
this project at this site.
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January 24, 2012
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Don suggested that Thomas talk to the Santa Clara County representative that attends the VTA
BPAC meetings. Don told the Commission that sending a letter after Thomas gains the VTA and
County support for the trail project probably would have better results.
Thomas will continue to work on the trail project.
A. VTA-BPAC – Thomas Muniz
Thomas attended the last meeting. Thomas asked Don about a grant for sidewalk improvement that
is due in February. Don told the Commission that t his grant is for sidewalk improvement along
County expressways; this is a very limited funded grant and at this time is not appropriate for the City
of Gilroy.
Thomas reported to the Commission that VTA is attempting to launch a bike share pilot program.
There is more information on the VTA website if the Commissioners are interested in learning more
about this proposed project.
VTA Plan for 2040 was discussed. This is similar to the City’s General Plan. Projects included in this
plan that would impact Gilroy are, express lanes on US 101 from Masten Ave. to Tenth St., express
lanes from Tenth St. to SR 25, widening US101 from Monterey to SR 129, interchange improvements
at US 101/Buena Vista, and SR 152 ramp/intersection improvements.
At the meeting there was some discussion about the VTA Bicycle Technical Guidelines and Thomas
reported that these guidelines have been adopted by the City of Gilroy. These guidelines will be used
by the City as the standard for development projects where bicycles are involved.
A. BCP Planning Calendar – Don
Don directed staff to add in May the National Bike Month, September the Gilroy Bicycle Rodeo and
the Bicycle Training Class in May.
Don explained the purpose of the planning calendar to Libby. Libby would like to see some
Pedestrian Events on the calendar. Don explained to Libby that if there is an item on the Calendar
that a Commissioner is especially interested the commissioner is free to take on t he project.
Don shared the email from Councilwoman Cat Tucker regarding the bike share program. Don
directed staff to forward the email to all of the Commissioners.
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January 24, 2012
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Conrad would like some information on the newspaper article that claimed that the City has a 25
million dollar surplus. Conrad requested that this be put on the agenda for the next meeting. Don
said that he will get information and report back to the Commission at the February Meeting.
Tony asked Don if he could take on the project of getting some banners to han g in the City promoting
May as Bike Month. Tony will report back to the Commission at the February Meeting.
Scott would like an update on SR 152.
Conrad would like to know who is taking Walter Haub’s place now that he is no longer with the Gilroy
Unified School District? Don will report back at the February meeting.
Adjournment to the regular meeting of February 28, 2012 at 6 p.m.
Adjournment: 7:47 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Theresa Hernandez
Recording Secretary