07/28/2015 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 08/25/2015 MINUTES OF BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISION REGULAR MEETING
TUESDAY, July 28, 2015
6:05 p.m.
Libby Lai (Chair), Eldon Chappell (Vice-Chair)
Leonardo Gonzalez, Tony Marandos: Excused
Henry Servin, City Transportation Engineer
Zinnia Menchaca-Navarro, Office Assistant
Sue Martin, Planning Division Manager
Lee Butler, Development Center Manager
The agenda for tonight’s Bicycle Pedestrian regular meeting was posted on Friday, July 24, 2015, at 2:09 pm
in the window of the foyer close to the Council Chambers and online by Susan Johnson keeping with
provisions of the California Brown Act.
Lani Yoshimura, librarian for the City of Gilroy spoke in regards to a program called Bike Stop Fix-It Station
program currently being offered in front of the City of Mountain View Public Library. The program offers a
variety of tools on a 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, basis. She’d like to bring the program to the City of
Gilroy Public Library and its residents. The estimated cost is between $1200.00 -$1500.00. She’ll be
applying for a small grant to help with the cost.
Approved: Minutes were moved for approval by Commissioner Muniz, Second by Commissioner Chappell.
A)Complete Street Form: Staff person Henry Servin Provided the commissioners a draft condensed copy of
the Complete Street Concept Development Checklist for review. The checklist will be provided as a
standard to developers for implementation on best practices on sidewalk, street access for future
pedestrian, bicyclists, motorists and transportation impacts, addressing safety while enhancing lighting, and
landscaping. As developers submit their plans, Commissioners would them to identify and reference their
improvements in addition to telling us.
Under the section “existing streetscape”, Commissioners would like to see a reference to lighting.
Commissioner Muniz would like the developers to refer to specific guidelines set forth from Valley
Transportation Agency (VTA), California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), City of Gilroy, or another
agency. Staff person Henry Servin will continue to have internal conversations with other staff members.
B)Santa Clara County, Bike Trails Update: Commissioner Muniz provided an update from last meeting
stating an action to provide input to the County Wide Master Trail is currently in progress. He came up
with a list of potential 13 trail alignments that would help refine our trail network; the diagram showed the
trail mapping and outlined additional potential trails.
Commissioner Muniz has expressed an interest to become a member in the Santa Clara County Parks
Group. Gilroy’s Trails Master Plan update is part of the Parks plan, in the near future, they will address
Trails Master Plan. It will be greater form in subsequent month. Henry will come back with a starter map for
adoption and endorsement by commissioners to be provided to the consultants. The Santa Clara County,
Bike Trails will come back as a continued agenda item.
C)First Street Visioning Main Street Program: Staff Person Henry Servin reached out to Caltrans; they have a
presentation that is available which is a companion to the Main Street Program as it pertains to First Street.
CalTrans can be invited to speak in a future meeting. Commissioner Lai would like to invite Mayor Gage and
other commissions, which may be interested. Staff person Henry Servin can forward to City Council and
potentially have a workshop presentation or invite others to our future meeting.
A motion was moved for approval to schedule a “Committee of the Whole” for the Envisioning Main Street
program by Commissioner Muniz, Seconded by Commissioner Chappell. A tentative date has been set for
Monday, August 10, 15.
D)Envision Silicon Valley: Staff person Henry Servin reported that the VTA has agreed to take on a proposal
Ballot Measure called November 2016. He will present a staff report for City Council on August 17, 2015
with suggested list of projects. The sales tax measure will allocate 30 years of sales tax proceeds ($80
million) for transportation related projects. The money will be for regional transit, highways and local use
upon their discretion and established for the City of Gilroy. The commissioners can determine and discuss
framework for local needs. Will issue report to BPC commissioners after August 17, 2015 meeting.
A) General Plan Update-Mobility Element: Staff member, Lee Butler discussed a brief overview of the General
Plan Mobility process; where we’ve been, where we’re at and where we’re heading.
The forming of the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) was accomplished during Phase 1. Gathering
information and preparing a Draft Background Report on key existing conditions, constraints, and opportunities
occurred during phase 2. The Vision and Guiding Principles were developed under Phase 3. The future land use
options for Gilroy were evaluated in phase 4, which similar to earlier phases, included community workshops, GPAC
meetings, Planning Commission and City Council Study discussions. Phase 4 ultimately culminated in having the City
Council approve a preferred land use alternative. They are currently in phase 5, preparation of the General Plan policy,
implementation action, and goal text, and phase 6, Environmental Review, which are occurring concurrently. The
public review phase of the draft policy, with its goals, policies, and implementation plan will be brought to GPAC
for their review, including the text under review by the Commission this evening. Ultimately, the Planning
Commission will make a recommendation on the policy text and CEQA review and the City Council will consider
adoption of the Environmental Impact Report and approval of the new General Plan text document and land use
map. The revision of the zoning code in phase 8 is already underway and will be completed subsequent to the
approval of the New General Plan.
An overview of the Public Review Draft-Chapter 3: Mobility was discussed. The Mobility Element provides the
framework for decisions in Gilroy concerning the citywide transportation system. The New General Plan draft text
examines a variety of revised goals, policies and implementations. Some of the key highlights include:
Roadway Classifications reflecting their function and relationship to surrounding land uses
Mobility Diagrams showing the transportation networks that are planned to serve the future land uses within the
City of Gilroy. The following diagrams were provided for review to the Bicycle Pedestrian Committee:
a.Figure M-1 (Planned Roadway Network)
b.Figure M-2 (Planned Bicycle Network)
c.Figure M-3 (Planned Transit and Intercity Transportation)
d.Figure M-4 (Planned Trucking and Freight Rail Network)
e.Figure M-5 (Planned Pedestrian Network)
General Mobility:
Goal M 1: provide for a safe and efficient transportation system that serves all user
Complete Streets:
Goal M2: provide complete streets that balance the diverse needs of users of the public
right-of-way with its extensive network of designated bicycle facilities.
Pedestrian and Bicyclists:
Goal M3: Support bicycling and walking by providing a safe and extensive bicycle and
pedestrian network.
Transit: Goal M4: Plan for efficient and convenient local and regional transit systems that respond to the changing
needs of Gilroy.
Vehicular Traffic and Parking:
Goal M5: Provide a safe and efficient network of streets for cars and trucks, as well as provide an
adequate supply of vehicle parking
Goods Movement:
Goal M6: To provide an efficient system for goods movement that adequately serves the industrial and
commercial areas of the City while protecting residents from potentially adverse impacts.
Regional Cooperation
Goal M7: Maintain and increase cooperation between Gilroy and neighboring jurisdictions, regional
organizations, and relevant State agencies.
The draft text will be considered by the General Plan Advisory Committee on 08/12/15 and/or 08/26/15 for
continuing refinement.
Upon the presentation, Staff person Lee Butler asked the Bicycle Pedestrian Committee for input.
Staff person Henry Servin stated that out of the 13 implementation measures, over 7 have been highly influenced by the
Bicycle Pedestrian Commission in the past year.
In response to Figures M-1 and M-2, Commissioner Muniz suggested defining a Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan
based on past suggestions and recommendations for the General Plan. Commissioner Muniz suggested that the new
General Plan reference the VTA bicycle and pedestrian standards in order to capture the new practices, and he
suggested that the plan should emphasize the distinction between the trail, bicycle and pedestrian (including sidewalk)
networks. Commissioner Muniz suggested that an inter-city transit policy may be needed, likely under Goal 7.
Commissioner Muniz suggested that Figure M-5 (the Pedestrian Network) should include the full trail network as
Commissioner Lai asked if Lee Butler was working with the police department in regards to the laws and city as it
pertains to pedestrian and bicycles. She alluded to a need for enforcement of laws, and asked if a policy should be
added. Staff member Servin noted that the general plan is a high level document.
Lee Butler responded that he is coordinating with the police on various general plan text sections, though not on this
specific issue at this point. He will look at the policies to see if amendments should be made to address bicycle usage,
locations, and applicable laws, e.g., a new policy could read along the lines of “Design facilities and signage to encourage
all forms of transportation, including bicyclist, pedestrians, skateboarders, Segways, and other transportation modes, to
conform to applicable laws and safety regulations.
Commissioner Muniz stated there was little reference to lighting in the handout and asked if there would be a
consideration on elaborating for the purpose of visibility, mobility and prevention of accidents, especially as it relates to
people who are disabled.
Staff Person, Lee Butler reviewed the diagram called Figure M-2 (Planned Bicycle Network), stating it is a future network
(long-term) pointing out some existing and some proposed bikeways with emphasis on east/west and north/south
connections. This will help to prioritize future development of these connections ensuring the future network is
developed accommodating most users. Private development projects may offer opportunities to supplement future
capital investments in bicycle and pedestrian improvements through community benefit provisions.
Figure M-5 (Planned Pedestrian Network) shows an emphasis with east/west and north/south connections showing a
variety bike network and pedestrian network with a number of additional crossings accommodating, pedestrian,
bicyclists and motorists. In the future, pedestrian overpasses are planned on Las Animas Avenue, IOOF and Old Gilroy
Since this is in work in progress and subject to change, comments and suggestions are welcome and encouraged
by the BPC commission.
Motion to Accept the Mobility and Diagrams reports with future inputs from the BPC Commissioners was moved by
Commissioner Muniz, second by Commissioner Chappell.
B) Bike Share Pilot Study: Commissioner Lai looked up websites related to bike sharing. Since there isn’t a
large number of programs, Gilroy may not be ready at this time.
A.Chair Madam Lai: None
B.Vice-Chair Chappell: None
C.Commissioner Muniz: None
D.Commissioner Gonzalez: None
E.Commissioner Marandos: None
STAFF COMMENTS- Henry Servin, City Transportation Engineer:
A.Wine Trail Map and Rental Bike Incentives
B.VTA Business Plan- Gail Collins, VTA Planner
C.Park ‘N Ride Discussion for Monterey and Howson Street
ADJOURN – 7:48 p.m. to the August 25, 2015 meeting at 6pm.