07/26/2016 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 08/23/2016
TUESDAY, JULY 26, 2016
6:00 p.m.
Eldon Chappell Chair, Leonardo Gonzalez Vice-Chair – arrived at 6:34, Tony Marandos,
Thomas Muniz – arrived at 6:19, Sean Reedy
Henry Servin, City Traffic Engineer
Rebecca Tolentino, Senior Planner
Zinnia Navarro, Office Assistant
The agenda for tonight’s Bicycle Pedestrian regular meeting was posted on Thursday, July 21 2016, at 8:45
a.m. in the City Hall announcement window near the Council Chambers and online in keeping with
provisions of the California Brown Act.
A. Monterey Apartments Development: A representative from Hochhauser-Blatter Architecture and Planning
of Santa Barbara, CA provided a packet of representative drawings with the project statistics for the 78
affordable apartment units. The project will provide 112 bike storage spaces.
A motion to approve the project with a list of Conditions was made by Commissioner Marandos and
seconded by Commissioner Muniz. The Conditions include use of Bike Route signage from the rear
pedestrian exit of the project area onto Weaver Court, then onto Woodworth Way, towards Church Street
and a recommendation of a bike lane along with related improvements on the project’s Monterey Street
frontage and a donation or pledge toward future bike lane improvements on Monterey Street when the
road surface gets repaved by City. Motion was approved with these conditions and will be recommended
to move forward to Planning Commission and City Council.
The applicant requested an endorsement amendment from BPC favoring access from the west end of the
complex onto Weaver Court, Woodworth Way to the Church Street bike lanes. A motion for the additional
endorsement was made by Commissioner Reedy and seconded by Commissioner Marandos. The motion
Approved: Minutes were moved for approval by Commissioner Marandos and seconded by
Commissioner Reedy.
A. Annual Report to Council: Staff Member Henry Servin provided documents for discussion and approval
from last year’s presentation from Commissioner Libby Lai for background, along with another collection of
additional information provided to date. The Annual Presentation to City Council will be on Monday,
November 14, 2016. The Clerk should have the BPC’s report by November 5, 2016. Recommendation for
the agenda could include a list of the BPC Commissioners and staff report, BPC Bylaws - Powers and Duties,
2015 Accomplishments, 2015 Retrospective and 2016 Objectives. There was open discussion on the recent
version to highlight areas that are to be explored further. New statistics and photos will eventually be
added to update the document.
B. Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan: Staff Member Henry Servin provided two 11x17 documents for group
discussion for the BPC’s future study which are in the proposed, preferred General Plan Update. The M-2
diagram is the Planned Bicycle Network and the M-5 is the Planned Pedestrian Network. There are still
opportunities to revisit, recommend changes or recommend deletions.
C. Almaden Cycle Touring Club (ACTC) Plans: Staff Member Henry Servin contacted the ACTC and they have a
speaker that can attend the BPC September meeting. They can discuss several topics such as bicycle safety,
clubs and how they outreach, events such as Terra Bella, etc. They are available to speak for 10 – 30
A. Monterey Apartments Development: See previous Presentations To Commission above.
B. OTS Grant Application: OTS grantees develop programs to increase awareness of traffic rules, rights, and
responsibilities among various age groups. Staff Member Henry Servin provided a four page handout
presenting the California Office of Traffic Safety’s 2015 Program Highlights as well as the Pedestrian and
Bicycle Safety Program Area Goals. The next deadline is in October, 2016 and again in April, 2017.
C. First Street Pavement Issues: Staff Member Henry Servin provided an update. While we are waiting for
Caltrans to give us permission to start the water line replacement project, paving will take place at the
corner of First and Church prior to the start of the Garlic Festival.
Staff Member Henry Servin reported that the Garlic Festival Association extended the offer to the BPC
Commissioners and staff to volunteer for venues at the Garlic Festival. Established organizations will be
given a donation for your service.
A. Chair Chappell: None
B. Vice-Chair Gonzalez: None
C. Commissioner Muniz: None
D. Commissioner Reedy: None
E. Commissioner Marandos: Reported that Bike To Work Day in May was a success with 30 participants.
The High Speed Rail will have another Citizens Advisory Committee meeting on August 11, 2016. They will
also be holding the Alignment Meeting (a separate venue) on August 19, 2016 in Morgan Hill.
VTA is seeking a BPAC Member to participate in Gilroy’s BPC. There have been no applicants to date. Any
person interested in being an acting interim should notify Staff Member Henry Servin.
Mayor Woodward requested that a visit by the Mayor to the BPC meeting occur after the election.
Bike Taxis and Sidewalk Safety will be an ongoing reporting item. Staff Member Henry Servin provided a
four page, double sided handout from MUTCD describing the use of green bike lanes in Gilroy. We received
a grant to allow us to test it with swatches on Santa Teresa Blvd.
Due to the recent phenomenon called Pokemon Go, people are walking around town playing the game on
their phones and crossing the streets downtown with their heads down. Staff Member Henry Servin
provided a stencil handout and proposed using the stencil on the ground at the beginning of a crosswalk as
a trial to bring attention to individuals for the need to look first before crossing.
HSR in August and/or September
Almaden Cycle Touring Club Presentation in August or September
Annual presentation to City Council in November
ADJOURN: 7:30 p.m. to the August 23, 2016 meeting at 6pm.