12/08/2016 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 01/24/2017
6:04 p.m.
Leonardo Gonzalez Vice-Chair, Tony Marandos, Thomas Muniz, Sean Reedy
Donna Taft, Office Assistant
The agenda for tonight’s Bicycle Pedestrian regular meeting was posted on Monday, December 5, 2016, at
4:50 p.m. in the City Hall announcement window near the Council Chambers and online in keeping with
provisions of the California Brown Act.
Approved: Minutes were moved for approval by Commissioner Muniz; it was seconded by
Commissioner Gonzalez.
A. BPC Chair Resignation: Chair Eldon Chappell resigned from the Bicycle Pedestrian Commission on Monday,
October 17, 2016.
B. BPC Members Terms and Open Seats: There are currently two open seats on the Bicycle Pedestrian
Commission. Both Chair Eldon Chappell and Commissioner Thomas Muniz’s terms end December 31, 2016.
To date there are five applicants for the BPC. The City Council will interview applicants the evening of
Monday, January 9, 2016. We thank Commissioner Chappell and Commissioner Muniz for their hard work,
dedication and years of service!
C. Report of Open Items: Commissioner Reedy will continue attending the City Advisory Committee/High
Speed Rail meetings.
A. Station Area Planning Project: Staff Member David Bischoff, Special Projects, Planning Division presented a
draft Preferred Bicycle Plan for High-Speed Rail Station Area Plan to review with the Commission. The City
of Gilroy received a grant from the High Speed Rail Authority to plan for a high speed rail station and to
study what should be done to prepare for a station in Downtown Gilroy should they decided to construct
there. Mr. Bischoff discussed the scope of work for the Station Area Plan which includes: 1) Developing an
opportunities and constraints report, 2) Developing an alternatives analysis report, 3) Identification of a
preferred land use and circulation plan, 4) Development of Downtown Specific Plan amendments and
amendments to other documents needed to implement the plan, and 5) The preparation of an
environmental impact report for the proposed plan amendments so as to allow its adoption. During the
discussion that followed his presentation, the BPC made the following revision suggestions:
1. Bicycle/Pedestrian access to remain level at the depressed street crossing locations.
2. Bike lane on 8th St. between Alexander and Old Gilroy Street to change from a Class 3 to a Class 2.
3. Bike lane for new street proposed along the Princevalle Drainage to change from Class 2 to Class 1.
4. Proper lighting is to be incorporated in the design throughout the project area.
5. Lewis Street to become a Class 2 lane from Chestnut to San Ysidro Park.
6. Tenth Street between Monterey and Highway 101 to become a Class 2 lane.
7. The multi-use path under the aerial alignment is to incorporate street crossings and to extend through
the station area.
8. Keep pedestrian accessibility across the railroad tracks near Casey Lane.
9. There should be complete sidewalks around the station area and other areas where there are gaps.
10. Eigleberry Street between 1st and 7th Street should be shown as Class 3 northbound and Class 2
southbound. Between 7th Street and 10th Street it should be shown as Class 2.
A motion was passed to endorse the Circulation Plan for bicycle and pedestrians with the Commissioners
recommendations. The motion passed.
A study session will go to City Council in January.
B. Tenth Street Bridge Project Introduction: Staff Member David Stubchaer, Ops Manager/Senior Civil
Engineer made a presentation to introduce a new project referred to as the 10th Street Bridge Project.
Currently 10th Street ends on the east side of Uvas Creek at the intersection of Uvas Parkway nea r the
Gilroy High School. As part of the Glen Loma Ranch development, the developer has agreed to construct a
bridge to extend 10th Street westward, across Uvas Creek, to provide additional access to their
development. This bridge is to be completed before 1,001 homes are completed. The preliminary design
includes two roundabouts – one at Uvas Parkway and one at Orchard Drive and two student drop-off areas.
The bridge will end up on the current levee trail. To provide for a continuous Class I trail as currently exists,
the levee trail will be diverted east through a breezeway and then reconnects to the existing levee trail on
the other side of the bridge. During the presentation there was a general question and answer discussion
that covered various topics including the proposed traffic flow especially as it related to the student drop-
off areas, the width of the streets and trails, access to the trails from various points, ADA compliance
related to slope, surface material composition, rail systems for stairs, CEQA issues, lighting and other design
issues. There was also a general discussion regarding the timing of the project and the developer
involvement. Because of the informative nature of the presentation, the BPC did not make any formal
revisions or endorsements. Staff has also reviewed these preliminary plans with the GUSD and the City
C. Upcoming Projects: There were no projects to report.
D. Goals for the Year: At the recommendation of Vice Chair Gonzalez, Goals for the Year will be tabled to the
January 24, 2016 regular meeting. All Commissioners were in favor.
A. Vice-Chair Gonzalez: Editorial posted on Friday, December 2, 2016 in the Gilroy Dispatch from the City
Council meeting/BPC Annual Presentation; Attending a Safe Routes to School meeting.
B. Commissioner Muniz: None
C. Commissioner Reedy: None
D. Commissioner Marandos: Absent
Goals for 2017
Vacant Commission Seats
City Traffic Engineer
Safe Routes to School
ADJOURN: 8:20 p.m. to the January 24, 2016 meeting at 6pm.