08/28/2018 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 09/25/2018 MINUTES OF BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2018 1. CALL TO ORDER 6:02 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Present: Zachary Hilton - Chairperson, Chad Reeder - Vice Chairperson, Leonardo Gonzalez, Sean Reedy Excused Absence: Lionel Gonzalez ALSO PRESENT Gary Heap, City/Transportation Engineer Robert Carrera, Acting Management Analyst Trainee Melissa Durkin, Planner II 4. COMMISSION SECRETARY’S REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA The agenda for the Bicycle Pedestrian regular meeting was posted on Friday, August 24, 2018, at 2:23 p.m. in the City Hall announcement window near the Council Chambers and online in keeping with provisions of the California Brown Act. 5. CEREMONIAL ITEMS Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Monthly Award for the Month of June Acknowledging Rod Kelley Elementary School Principal Maritza Salcido. 6. PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS TO COMMISSION A. PUBLIC COMMENT BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA BUT WITHIN THE SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION OF THE BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION There were none. B. Valley Transportation Authority Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (VTABPAC) Report: • In addition to the written report provided in the agenda packet, VTABPAC Member Carolyn Schminandle asked the commission that if there is anything the commission wishes to bring to the VTABPAC and its subcommittees, let her know. C. Overview of Bicycle and Pedestrian Opportunities within the Glen Loma Ranch Specific Plan Area (Emphasis on the Malvasia, Nebbiolo, and Glen Loma Neighborhoods): • Chris Patton from Ruggeri-Jensen-Azar (RJA) gave a presentation to the Commission on the bicycle and pedestrian planned amenities for the Glen Loma Specific Plan area. These planned amenities include a Class 1 trail along Santa Teresa Blvd., Class 2 bicycle lanes within the Glen Loma neighborhoods, and the overall Bicycle and Pedestrian circulation within the Glen Loma Ranch Specific Plan area. After the presentation, Commissioners asked questions and provided comments to RJA staff and City staff on the proposed amenities and circulation plan for the Glen Loma Ranch Specific Plan area. D. Monterey Road Rehabilitation Project: • City/Transportation Engineer Heap gave a presentation on the proposed work for the Monterey Road Rehabilitation Project ranging from the 1st Street Intersection to the 8th Street Intersection. Following the presentation, Mr. Heap answered questions and received comments from the Commissioners pertaining to the proposed work. E. Hecker Pass Highway & Santa Teresa Boulevard Bike Staging Area: • Rob Oneto from RJA provided an overview of the bicycle staging area at the intersection of Hecker Pass Highway and Santa Teresa Boulevard. Rachel Brinkerhoff from vanderToolen Associates Inc. also presented on the landscaping and amenities that will be part of this project. Following the presentation, both presenters fielded questions and received comments from the Commission. 7. CONSENT CALENDAR The following items on the Consent Calendar were approved unanimously. A. Minutes of the 6/26/2018 Meeting B. 2018 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Strategic Plan with Update in Grants Section C. Updated Training Options for Commissioners Report 8. OLD BUSINESS A. General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) Update: • There was no update. B. Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Monthly Award Nomination: • Vice-Chairperson Reeder nominated Ascencion Solorsano PE teacher Anthony Fuccella for the month of September award. The Commission concurred. C. Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Update: • Commissioner Reedy provided the Commission an update. SRTS partners have been busy lately so we were not able to hold a meeting recently. Coordination is in progress regarding when would be a good time for stakeholders to hold SRTS meetings and distinguishing leadership roles among stakeholders. Commissioners provided additional comments to the update. 9. NEW BUSINESS A. Review of Three (3) Submitted Applications for the Bicycle Rack Decals: • Chairperson Hilton presented three applications for Bicycle Rack Decals in Downtown Gilroy; Pinnacle Bank, Gilroy Sunrise Rotary Club, and the Mt. Madonna YMCA. The motion to approve all three applications was made by Vice-Chairperson Reeder and seconded by Commissioner Leonardo Gonzalez. The motion carried unanimously. 10. CORRESPONDENCE Let’s all go to the Park 2018! Bonanza Day Parade Kids Bike Entry (English & Spanish) 11. COMMISSIONER’S REPORTS A. Chairperson Zachary Hilton: • Submitted application to League of American Bicyclists for “bike-friendly community”. Should know back by November. We should place the League’s survey that is part of the “bike-friendly community” application process on the Bicycle Pedestrian Commission webpage. • A concert series starts this Friday at Christmas Hill Park that is open to the public. Encourage walking and biking to the event. There is no bike parking at Christmas Hill Park. Could not find any. Should look into further in the future. • Thank you to Public Works for cleaning 6th Street bridge. B. Vice Chairperson Chad Reeder: • Continued concerns with the Miller Ave. levee trail crossing • Plants at west side of Luchessa roundabout are really tall and create blind spots at the crossing. Suggested replacing them with smaller plants. Mr. Heap emailed staff regarding this concern. • Thank you to Public Works for cleaning Luchessa bridge. • Silicon Valley Bike Coalition Summit was great and well attended by Commissioners and staff. Learned at the summit that the Silicon Valley Leadership Group (SVLG) matched funds for the Specialized Foundation Grant. Suggested sending out a thank you note to SVLG for the matching funds. C. Commissioner Leonardo Gonzalez: • Gilroy Police Department in November may be holding a training on grant writing/funding. Will follow up with the Commission when he gets more information. D. Commissioner Lionel Gonzalez: • There was no report. E. Commissioner Sean Reedy: • There was no report. 12. STAFF COMMENTS There were none. 13. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING A. Thank You Letter to Public Works for Installing Decorative Bike Racks B. Thank You Letter to City Council for Approving Training Budget C. Discuss Water Access Policy D. Discuss Parking Policies E. Discuss an Ordinance Pertaining to Bikes on Sidewalks ADJOURN: 8:00 p.m. to the September 25, 2018 meeting at 6pm.