02/26/2019 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 03/26/2019 MINUTES OF BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2019 1. CALL TO ORDER 6:01 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Zachary Hilton - Chairperson Sean Reedy - Vice Chairperson Patrick Flautt Lionel Gonzalez Chad Reeder ALSO PRESENT Gary Heap, City Engineer/Transportation Engineer Sheila Castillo, Management Assistant Robert Carrera, City Administration Fellow 4. COMMISSION SECRETARY’S REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA The agenda for the Bicycle Pedestrian regular meeting was posted on Friday, February 22nd, 2019, at 11:43 a.m. in the City Hall announcement window near the Council Chambers and online in keeping with provisions of the California Brown Act. 5. CEREMONIAL ITEMS Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Monthly Award for the Month of February Acknowledging Christine Vasquez - Principal of Glen View Elementary School. 6. PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS TO COMMISSION A. PUBLIC COMMENT BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA BUT WITHIN THE SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION OF THE BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION • There were none. B. Valley Transportation Authority Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (VTABPAC) Report: • No oral report was given in addition to the written report. 7. CONSENT CALENDAR The following items on the Consent Calendar were approved unanimously. A. Minutes of the 01/22/2019 Meeting B. Updated Training Options for Commissioners Report C. Thank You Letter to Pacific Oaks Properties 8. OLD BUSINESS A. General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) Update: • Commissioner Reeder provided the Commission with schedule of next meeting. The committee will reconvene March 28th at Gilroy Library Community Room. Key topic will be: presentation of report prepared by the Economic and Planning System - Gilroy Place-Based Economic Development Strategy. Commissioner Reeder will attend and provide an update at the next BPC meeting in April. B. Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Monthly Award Nomination: • Principal Tami Espinosa from Luigi Aprea Elementary School was nominated by Commissioner Flautt. The Commission concurred, approving her as the recipient of the award at next month’s meeting. C. Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Update: • Vice Chairperson Reedy provided the Commission with an update on SRTS related activities. These updates included the SRTS Coordinator Workshop, which will be held at the Gilroy Community Center on March 7th, the Santa Clara County Public Health Department applying for an ATP grant to help events in Gilroy, and Special Foundation grant application process. The Commission received these updates and commented. D. Bicycle Friendly Community Sign Update: • Chairperson Hilton and Mr. Heap spoke and requested to reschedule this subject to next month’s meeting. The Commission agreed. E. First Street/State Hwy 152 Bicycle Pedestrian Improvements Update: • Chairperson Hilton and Mr. Heap spoke and requested to reschedule this subject to next month’s meeting. The Commission agreed. 9. NEW BUSINESS A. Strategic Plan and Goals for 2019 1. Discussion to create short term and long term list of goals. Short Term Goals • Safe Routes to School Growth and Sustainability, Form a Gilroy SRTS Task Force, Create a SRTS Action Plan, create a SRTS Coordinator Position, and support SRTS activities. • Outdoor BMX Track in Gilroy – Dirt Track Only • Vehicle Back-in Angle Parking Pilot – identify location for the pilot program. Long Term Goals • Advocate and pursue all means of alternative and active transportation for Gilroy, CA while taking a leadership role in Santa Clara County. With the City Council continued support of tourism in Gilroy, a bike share/car share program will enhance that goal. • Complete Streets policy added to General Plan 2040 during GPAC. • Bike to Work Day/ Bike to School Day continue to promote in May Annually, Energizer Station at Gilroy Train Station. • Update Gilroy trails Master Plan, Bicycle Pedestrian Transportation Plan, and Parks Master Plan. • Work with any organization or group that hosts a bicycle or pedestrian event in Gilroy. • Work closer with the Parks and Recreation Department. Promote more trails and trail running at Christmas Hill Park. Promote a trail building day. Outreach to people walking/biking to city parks and include material for Spanish speaking residents for outreach. • Incorporating bicycle parking at older commercial establishments. B. Addressing Trash Bins Placed in Bike Lanes 1. Chairperson Hilton discussed advising customers of the need to not place trash bins in the bike lanes and emphasize that it is illegal to do so. 2. Public Comment: Jack Howe commented on the options residents have for placing their trash bins out for pickup. He emphasized there are two choices of where the trash bins can be placed, either the bike lane or the travel lane and both are illegal. The better choice is the bike lane. He suggested campaigning for the removal of trash bins as soon as reasonably possible after trash bins have been emptied. 3. Public Comment: Carolyn Schimandle commented that she is in support of Jack Howe’s recommendation as she has placed her trash bins against the curb and others have moved her bins to the bike lane in order to park their vehicles. She also stated she has been injured previously trying to swerve around trash cans and understands the need to keep the bike lanes clear. She likes the idea of emphasizing that residents bring the trash bins back-in as soon as possible. 4. Commissioner Gonzalez commented that residents in different areas have default methods of placing their trash bins out. 5. Consensus reached is the public would be better served by encouraging residents to remove trash bins from bike lanes as soon as reasonably possible once their trash bins have been emptied. Note: Publish trash pickup routes for detour purposes. 10. CORRESPONDENCE Run for Fitness Poppy Jasper Fun Festival Safe Route to School (SRTS) Parent Workshop Gilroy 2018 Healthy Report Card Bicycle Friendly State Report Card California 11. COMMISSIONER’S REPORTS A. Chairperson Zachary Hilton: • Hecker Pass between Watsonville Road and Santa Teresa - shoulder erosion reducing width of shoulder, numerous service requests have been submitted. Scheduled for March. • Shared Mobility Playbook – escooters and programs. • Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition - Bike Summit Planning Meeting, currently taking proposals. • Bike to Work Day is May 9th – next month discussion for staffing. • VTA – finalizing public comment period, Gilroy cuts expected in express bus service. • Council Meeting – Downtown parking comments, adding parallel parking on Eigleberry between 6th and 5th now a class II striped bike lane, prefer back-in angle parking as a solution rather than parallel parking. • Public hearings, Planning Committee Meetings (and plans); and Commissions position on advocating for bike facilities in new development. B. Vice Chairperson Sean Reedy: • There was no report. C. Commissioner Patrick Flautt: • Commissioner Flautt discussed Safe Routes to Schools Program creating pamphlets on effective ways to get to school and predetermined safe route expansions and the need to compile data from the community to support the need to keep the program going. • Commissioner Flautt proposed taking on the role of creating a Safer Crosswalks for Gilroy Program, which would be comprised of a three person subcommittee focused on pedestrian aspect, which would empower citizens to gather data based on city guidelines to help identify where crosswalks will be most beneficial. Information collected would be used to request a budget. D. Commissioner Lionel Gonzalez: • There was no report. E. Commissioner Chad Reeder: • Commissioner Reeder thanked the public for attending tonight’s meeting. • Commissioner Reeder discussed there was a significant amount of attendees at the Solorsano School assembly for grant program. • Commissioner Reeder discussed his interest in assisting with grant applications for weekly field trips. To help bring PE class field trips to schools such as Brownell and South Valley middle schools, encouraging students to get out in the community to ride their bikes. 12. STAFF COMMENTS • TAC process, asked if the Commission would be interested in reviewing the plans for upcoming bakery project. • Requested a list of standard metrics to assist with efficiency of performing plan checks. • Update of items on budget list: o 10th Street Bridge o Paving o Annual Citywide Ramp Program o Citywide regulatory sign replacement o Sidewalk review program o Downtown Parking o SRTS – curbs, ramps and crosswalks o Traffic Calming o Traffic Circulation Master Plan o Biking Pedestrian Master Plan • Projects completing permitting process o Round-about at Hecker Pass o Permit to construct trail along Hwy 152 (north side) o Trailhead Park at corner of Santa Teresa and Hwy 152 o (Currently in design) - will link the terminus point, east bound direction and terminate. Will have roadway connection to corner. Design has improvements back to curb, bike facility will be continuous then transition back to curb to access corner park area. Project will be done towards the end of the trail project, but in conjunction with the trail project. o Projects should start by April 15th 13. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING • Confirm access to data ADJOURN: 8:01 p.m. to the March 26th, 2019 meeting at 6pm.