04/23/2019 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 05/28/2019 MINUTES OF BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, April 23, 2019 1. CALL TO ORDER 6:02 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Zachary Hilton - Chairperson Chad Reeder - Vice Chairperson Patrick Flautt Lionel Gonzalez - absent Sean Reedy ALSO PRESENT Gary Heap, City Engineer/Transportation Engineer Nirorn Than, Engineer I Sheila Castillo, Management Assistant 4. COMMISSION SECRETARY’S REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA The agenda for the Bicycle Pedestrian regular meeting was posted on Friday, April 19, 2019, at 1:27 p.m. in the City Hall announcement window near the Council Chambers and online in keeping with provisions of the California Brown Act. 5. CEREMONIAL ITEMS Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Monthly Award for the Month of April Acknowledging Luigi Aprea Elementary School Principal Tami Espinosa. 6. PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS TO COMMISSION A. Presentation of the City of Gilroy Board, Commission & Committee Member Handbook by City Clerk Freels. • Ms. Freels presented each member of the Commission with their personalized handbook and provided an overview of each section of the handbook. B. PUBLIC COMMENT BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA BUT WITHIN THE SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION OF THE BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION • None C. Valley Transportation Authority Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (VTABPAC) Report: In addition to the written report received, Carolyn provided information regarding the meeting on • Guidelines for Measure B for Capital Projects o It was stated that the Measure B bike grant has scoring criteria that adversely affects the City. This particular scoring method lists proximity of project to transit, with a potential score of 30 points. City of Morgan Hill is attempting to address the issue with this item/scoring criteria. It was stated the Commission should support Morgan Hill in their effort. • Expressway Plan – bicycle element of the plan • Information regarding the Final Draft of 2019 Service Plan 7. CONSENT CALENDAR The following items on the Consent Calendar were approved unanimously. A. Minutes of the 03/26/2019 Meeting B. New Training Document for Commissioners Report C. Public Bike Fund Balance Sheet 8. OLD BUSINESS A. General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) Update: • Commissioner Reeder advised he attended the meeting on March 28th, at which time there were discussions and recommendations to explore ways to get additional revenue. Some of the ideas discussed are: o Attract new companies that specialize in certain goods o Small market fundamentals o Find Silicon Valley based businesses looking to relocate at a lower rental rate o City is well positioned to house high cost and export industries o Have housing and retail on the eastside o More functional and commercial land supply o New policies for housing developments Ideas that make people want to come here: o City wide effort to improve transportation options to lessen traffic impacts; buses, express buses, caltrain, and other methods of travel o High speed rail o Work with UP and make sure our plans are in alignment with theirs o Update hotel and entertainment offerings to help keep visitors interested to stay longer o Gilroy premium outlets, how to build an area that attracts people here to generate tax revenue o How to lessen the development restrictions and make the Gilroy area more appealing • No additional meeting is scheduled at this time. B. Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Update: • Vice Chairperson Sean Reedy advised Public Health was able to extend their ATP grant. The extension is strictly for two purposes; to provide bicycle/pedestrian education during summer school and to finish their work with Gilroy High School on a student project. He advised there is a meeting scheduled for the morning of April 24th from 10:00am to 11:30am. • Bike to School day is May 8th. There will be a lot of promoting for participation from the BPC. • Asked whether there will be a budget item on safe routes to school, specifically regarding a Coordinator position. The response was there is not a recommended Coordinator position in the budget request at this time. • BPC is working with Chamber of Commerce to have access to student volunteers who will receive volunteer hours. The BPC will give training to about 40 students and utilize the students for safe routes to school, bike rodeos, etc., which is in addition to parental participation. Training will be June 13th from 9am to 11am. • Public Health will have their Party in the Park at San Ysidro Park on June 21st, from 5:00 to 9:30.They would like to get people to park their vehicles and walk to the park event. For those who sign-up, helmets may be given out at this event. 9. NEW BUSINESS A. Nomination of National Bike Month Proclamation – Person of the Year • Anthony Fuccella was nominated. B. Website Update • Commission discussed having approved documents added to the BPC webpage on the City’s website. • Motion to continue item to the next meeting – Commissioner Flautt C. CIP Budget Update Bike Related Projects: • Mr. Heap provided information to the Commission regarding the CIP budget, which will be presented to City Council in May. He advised the budget periods are two year periods that alternate the City’s focus on either the operating budget or the Capital Improvement Project needs. The operating budget is where we look to see if we have enough money to take care of PW and our other operation sections. During this operating budget period we were also looking at limited CIP items that are needed. Three or four months ago fifty new projects and forty to forty-five new programs were identified. We will be creating charters for each item, which will show the estimated cost of each project/program. These charters will go in front of City Council for recommendations/approval. Items that will be recommended for the later period with bicycle-pedestrian facilities are: o Annual City-wide curb ramps o ADA accessible items needed o City-wide sidewalk management/data collection project (PCI type ratings) o High-visibility lights for crosswalks o Adding more crosswalks D. Bike to Work Day: On May 9th (5:30 to 8:30), the BPC has 30 bags to give out and will be posted at the Caltrain BTA station (next to the kiosk) as the SVBC energizer station. We’ve had quite a bit of activity in the past couple of years. There will be a total of 150 energizer stations in the bay area. We are looking at reaching out to a local vendor for pastries, bagels or snack of some sort to hand out to participants also. There will be a signup sheet for count of participants, the count will be reported to the SVBC and ultimately to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission who is the main funder of this event. The City will also have an energizer station at City Hall. A suggestion was made to consider t- shirts giveaways for next year’s event. E. 2019 Paving Projects and Bike Facilities: Nirorn Than provided a power-point presentation of several locations in the City-Wide Pavement Program, which also are part of the Complete Streets Plan approved by City Council. The locations are: • Santa Theresa • Sunrise Drive • Mantelli • Westwood Drive • Church Street • Monterey Road Pavement program improvement or repair methods at select segments of the above listed locations will be one or more of the following: micro-surfacing, grind and overlay, traffic calming and/or removing striping and re-striping. For more details please contact Nirorn Than. Chairperson Hilton asked about updates of bike maps and distribution of the current bike maps. Mr. Heap emphasized to distribute the current inventory of maps. F. Bay Area Air Quality Management • Mr. Than provided information regarding a grant received. A cost estimate was created in the amount of $38k. Total project cost would be $60k-$70K. The estimated was created for three bike lanes and twenty-three bike rack locations in the downtown area. • 3 - Class II bike lanes, hoping to have these facilities installed by the end of this calendar year; o Church Street, from First Street to o Kern Avenue, from First Street to North Park city limit o Princevalle Street, from 10th Street to Luchessa • One grant requirement is to provide a count of bicycles before construction and a second count after construction. • Various online sites for count data were provided by the Commission. 10. CORRESPONDENCE Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition Bike to School Day (English/Spanish) Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition Bike to Work Day (English/Spanish) We Choose Campaign We Choose Safe Tip Sheet Viva Calle Open Streets 11. COMMISSIONER’S REPORTS A. Chairperson Zachary Hilton: • City Recreation activity guide for the summer the bronze award symbol the BPC received. • Planning Commission approved Sumano Bakery downtown, learned about green building code and bicycle racks. • El Roble is having a family fun bike night on May 17th, public is welcome. • Plan review process has been working out smoothly. B. Vice Chairperson Sean Reedy: • Stated there is planning for participation in the Turning Wheels event. C. Commissioner Patrick Flautt: • Commissioner Flautt stated he has been involved in SRTS and has been attending events with Vice Chairperson Reedy. The group is collecting data for suggesting more curbs and crosswalks. They would like to gather data and do have a document on how to collect data. We may want to consider establishing a subcommittee (with no more than three members) and using the data collection methods. I would like to bring this up as an item at a future meeting and have a motion. D. Commissioner Chad Reeder: • Commissioner Reeder stated there is a Ride for Focus grant, part of the grant is for storage facilities for bicycles. The Parent Club has provided funds (approximately $3,500), and may be looking at requesting funding in return for their cause, which would be fair. A former Commissioner donated some of the funds. There is another school still in the running for the grant. It was suggested to start a fundraiser now to prepare with helping the Parent Club. Commissioner Flautt commented the BPC can learn how to market a fundraising campaign through social media and other outlets. 12. STAFF COMMENTS • Mr. Heap stated there was a conversation regarding the Commission providing their annual presentation to City Council meeting during the second half of the year. Potential dates were given for the Commissioners’ to consider for their presentation. One of the tentative dates will be scheduled by the City Clerk’s office and given to the BPC at an upcoming meeting. Potential dates are: o Monday, November 4th ,2019 (1st choice) o Monday, December 2nd, 2019 (2nd choice) o Monday, October 21st ,2019 (3rd choice) • The Commission is interested in having Lauren Ledbetter attend a BPC meeting as a guest presenter/speaker. • Inviting outside presenters shall be requested through the Staff liaison, who will contact the requested guest for a future meeting. Mr. Heap will contact Ms. Ledbetter for scheduling. • Various VTA subcommittee meetings are attended by City staff and subject matter will be discussed and brought to future BPC meetings. • BEP program project status update on list of three projects from last month’s meeting: o Lions Creek Trail - Santa Clara water service district road trail west of Kern between Kern and Day – is 95%to PSE (Plans, Specifications and Engineering estimate) 2-3 years away o Lions Creek Trail – west of Santa Theresa Boulevard/Day Road east, between Tapestry and Day, east is 65% to P, S and E, still a couple years away from construction. o North Uvas Creek Trail – Santa Clara Water District Road/Gilroy Garden Extension, it is believed this was constructed/completed as part of the Hecker Pass Project. o A fourth project - Lions Creek Trail – Lower Channel Project, which is currently in construction is being managed by Nirorn Than. • It was suggested the former consultant should come to a future meeting to provide updates or information regarding the projects. Mr. Heap advised the Commission the former consultant is no longer under contract with the City. • Future agenda process/posting; agenda items will be provided at review meeting, agenda will be posted, the link to online agenda will be sent to all Commissioners and a .pdf copy will be sent to Staff liaison. • Access to Water Policy, Santa Clara County Public Health has a document forum for public access, which needs a signed copy of the City’s Access to Water policy document. Provide a reference to the signed “Access to Water Policy” to the Santa Clara County Public Health. 13. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING • Subcommittee for Citizens for Safe Crosswalks • Subcommittee to work with Recology to address not placing trash bins in the bike lanes • Ellen Talbo of County Roads and Airports, regarding roads that are surrounding the network, she would like to have feedback on the plan and would like to speak at a future meeting. • Eigleberry back end parking. • White paper on e-bikes and e-scooters that will be presented to City Council, we are working on two white papers; one on paving and the other on bikes and scooters. We are looking at presenting in May or June. ADJOURN: 8:17 p.m. to the May 28, 2019 meeting at 6pm.