05/28/2019 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 06/25/2019 MINUTES OF BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, May 28, 2019 1. CALL TO ORDER 6:02 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Zachary Hilton - Chairperson Sean Reedy - Vice Chairperson Patrick Flautt Lionel Gonzalez Chad Reeder ALSO PRESENT Gary Heap, City Engineer/Transportation Engineer Nirorn Than, Engineer I Sheila Castillo, Management Assistant 4. COMMISSION SECRETARY’S REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA The agenda for the Bicycle Pedestrian regular meeting was posted on Friday, May 24, 2019, at 8:08 a.m. in the City Hall announcement window near the Council Chambers and online in keeping with provisions of the California Brown Act. 5. CEREMONIAL ITEMS None 6. PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS TO COMMISSION A. PUBLIC COMMENT BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA BUT WITHIN THE SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION OF THE BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION • None B. Valley Transportation Authority Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (VTABPAC) Report: In addition to the written report received, Carolyn provided a statement regarding the Copenhagen Public Life Study Tour presentation. Carolyn stated the presentation was very interesting and bicycle heavy. Brent Pearse, the person giving the presentation is interested in presenting for other groups. 7. CONSENT CALENDAR The following items on the Consent Calendar were approved unanimously after Commissioner Chad Reeder motioned to correct Item A to show Sean Reedy as the Vice Chairperson. A. Minutes of the 04/26/2019 Meeting B. Professional Development Training Opportunities C. Bike Valley and Downtown Live Press Release 8. OLD BUSINESS A. General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) Update: • None B. Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Monthly Award Nomination: • Vice Chairperson Sean Reedy motions to nominate Ann Jasper of the Silicon Valley Bike Coalition for the Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Monthly Award for the Month of June, Commissioner Reeder seconds, and motion carries unanimously. C. Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Update: Vice Chairperson Sean Reedy reported: • Update from SRTS stakeholders meeting on April 24th, public health mentioned the reason why some of the scoring criteria points for the grant were lost. Lack of a vision zero plan and updating of the bike pedestrian plan, which are two separate plans. Alysa Campbell mentioned having a SRTS resolution would help with the grant also. • Everyone is encouraged to attend the SRTS meeting Friday, May 31st at Solorsano Middle School. School board members will be there also. • Community Service Day is June 13th at Gilroy Gardens, emphasizing student participation and suggested having students help develop bike rodeos and other opportunities that are available for upcoming events. • Public Health will have their Party in the Park at San Ysidro Park on June 21st, from 5:00pm to 9:30pm. • There will be a Turning Wheels event on June 22nd at the Gilroy Library from 11:00am to 2:00pm. Gilroy PD and other organizations will be present. D. Website Update: • Mr. Heap provided an update on the website regarding how the process will work for having an item published to the website. The Item(s) desired to be published shall first be agenized for a future BPC meeting, then discussed at the scheduled meeting, voted on and approved. Once approved the item can be added to the website by Mr. Than. • Mr. Than advised he received a usable webpage format from Commissioner Flautt. He also added there is now a BPC email address link, which will forward incoming emails to all commissioners. Emphasis was made on the fact that all discussions on this email address are open to the public as stated in the Brown Act. Additionally, there are now buttons to access specific documents on the webpage (i.e. agenda, minutes, strategic plan, etc.). Mr. Than presented the redesigned webpage with a short tutorial of how to navigate and access/create the different documents and/or items available. City sponsored events can also be added to the calendar. For efficiency, an email should be sent to Mr. Than advising there are items submitted for review on the calendar. E. CIP Budget Update Bike Related Projects: • Mr. Heap provided information for CIP items that were approved to go to City Council for a vote. (1) SRTS curb ramps was approved, (2) pedestrian safety improvement was approved, (3) City regulatory signs was approved, (4) City-wide sidewalk assessment was approved, all of which should be voted on at the next meeting. Items that did not get approved will need more research, information and more precise estimates before asking for review. F. Bike to Work Day Update: • Chairperson Hilton reported the event was a success. There were more than 40 participants who visited the energizer station. It was stated there was quite an increase from last year’s turn out. It was also suggested to have: other give-a-ways (t-shirts) for participants next year, more bags, a nicer popup canopy and a better way to gather participant’s contact information for future events. Mr. Heap advised the City had a raffle. Carolyn Schimandle commented she was not able to locate the energizer station very easily and suggested having signs placed on all sides. G. Luchessa Bridge Cleaning Service Request: • Commissioner Reeder stated the Commission worked with the former Traffic Engineer to widen the northern side of the bridge a couple of years ago. It was suggested how to make it work. The delineators that are present make it difficult to clean, as sand and dust builds up. It was stated there should be a quarterly cleaning of the bike lane on the bridge. The Commission inquired about implementing an adopt-a-road or bike lane program. The group discussed if the program can be returned, as the Commission is possibly interested in adopting the bike lane to help keep it clean. It was also stated that Glen Lom is responsible for doing some maintenance work out in that area. Mr. Heap also stated there are some spring loaded delineators, but he would have to look into whether there is a Luchessa Bridge maintenance fund. 9. NEW BUSINESS A. Bicycle Fix It Locations • Chairperson Hilton introduced the subject and explained the map in the agenda packet. Vice Chairperson Reedy stated Alysa Campbell of Public Health has offered to give the BPC a fixit station. The stations cost about $1,200 to $1,500. There are three listed locations on the attached map. However, none are on the eastern side of town. One location idea was to have a station at San Ysidro Park. Mr. Heap asked if any schools have a high rate of student bike riders. Vice Chair Reedy agreed San Ysidro is a centralized location. Christmas Hill Park, Solorsano or the levy trail are good locations. Commissioner Flautt suggested using the calendar on the website to ask the public for input. It was suggested not having the locations too far northwest, there will already be one in the Hecker Pass area. Chairperson Hilton stated there should be a top ten locations list, and recommended bringing the item back after speaking with members of the public. B. Use of Public Bike Fund Request • Chairperson Hilton explained the Public Bike Fund and the method of donation through the decal program. He previously requested that Mr. Heap obtain information of what types of items the funds can be used for. The desired types of uses: flyers, storage containers for bikes, t-shirts, etc. Mr. Heap stated he has inquired to Finance and will provide the response at the next meeting. C. Bike Lane Flyer: • Chairperson Hilton provided information on a flyer format that was created for review and approval. There are several ways the company identifies and refers to the trash bins in the flyer. It was asked if the flyer can be sent out in utility billing as a way to widely distribute to residents. It was stated the flyer will be for encouragement only to keep the bins out of the bike lanes and will not be enforced. Commissioner Flautt asked if the flyer is sent out, can it be sent out twice a year. Mr. Heap responded he will discuss with the Community Engagement Coordinator, Rachelle Bedell. D. Citizens for Safe Crosswalks Subcommittee: Commissioner Flautt advised the name of the committee will be Pedestrian Safety Subcommittee. The committee will provide data points and identify baselines to help advocate for pedestrian bicycle infrastructure for pedestrians, bicycles and vehicles alike. Data points will consist of bicycle plans, establish report cards that evaluate safety. Mr. Than advised there are specific criteria of how counts must be provided and stated he would provide the information. Commissioner Reeder made a motion to create a Pedestrian Safety Subcommittee. The motion was approved unanimously. E. Bike Lane Usage Subcommittee (Ad Hoc): • Chairperson Hilton stated the subcommittee will be working with BPC staff and Recology for a short while on issues specifically related to trash bins in the bike lane. The Don’t Trash the Bike Lane Subcommittee (Ad Hoc), was approved unanimously. 10. CORRESPONDENCE Party in the Park Bike Event at Gilroy Library 11. COMMISSIONER’S REPORTS A. Chairperson Zachary Hilton stated: • The Safe Communities event, where they spoke about micro-mobility. Santa Clara County received kudos for their efforts and accomplishments for the County roads and airports. • There is a portion of bike lane missing near the Third Street roundabout; there is enough room to stretch the bike lane to the intersection. • BMX style pump track, it has been difficult to get it into Gilroy. There is a signed MOU to build. We have gold medal winners of BMX racing locally. There is a desire to have a national bike track. There will probably be more information in August of when the funding will be available. • A grant for parks to create this type of a track (BMX) has been identified. B. Vice Chairperson Sean Reedy stated: • He would like to have a canopy or banner at the next Bike to Work Day event that looks more professional and shows who the BPC is. He also asked if the public bike fund can be used for such items. C. Commissioner Patrick Flautt: • Commissioner Flautt thanked Mr. Heap for his work as staff liaison and Nirorn Than for his presentations. • Suggested making use of the City calendar to assist with distribution of information. D. Commissioner Lionel Gonzalez: • Commissioner Gonzalez thanked Commissioner Patrick Flautt for his work. E. Commissioner Chad Reeder: • Commissioner Reeder thanked Commissioner Flautt for taking the initiative to have a vision and to follow through. • Asked Mr. Heap about the roundabout at Miller and Santa Theresa, as there is only half of a pedestrian walkway-crossing. Will there be more on the other side of the roundabout to connect Santa Theresa between Thomas and Miller roads? Mr. Heap advised the Commission there has been some difficulty in obtaining a schedule of phases for roadways from the developer. He also provided information that the County performs weed abatement for roadside clearance of the class I bike lane Thomas to Santa Theresa. 12. STAFF COMMENTS • Group photo needed for update on City’s website. • E-scooter Whitepaper Update – the City had an intern working on the whitepaper who finalized the project and we are hoping to present it to City Council next month. • Eigleberry Back-in Angle Parking Update – we have one intern now and hope to have another on board next week. We are probably going to explore the concept of back-in angle parking to get the public’s thoughts on the idea and bring the information back to the BPC. There was a suggestion of having a public event to promote the idea, possibly receive help from the BPC to get the information out and to get some feedback from the public. • Lauren Ledbetter will attend the June 25th BPC meeting as a guest presenter/speaker. • The City’s Access to Water policy document has now been signed and is available. 13. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING • Discussion regarding canceling the July BPC meeting. • Commissioner Flautt will provide more information on Subcommittee • Presentation by Lauren Ledbetter • Public Fix It Station – top list of locations ADJOURN: 8:07 p.m. to the June 25th, 2019 meeting at 6pm.