11/15/2019 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 01/28/2020 MINUTES OF BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, November 15, 2019 1. CALL TO ORDER 11:02 a.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Present: Zachary Hilton - Chairperson Sean Reedy - Vice Chairperson Patrick Flautt ALSO PRESENT Gary Heap, City Engineer/Transportation Engineer Faranak Mahdavi, Engineer Sheila Castillo, Management Assistant 4. COMMISSION SECRETARY’S REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA The agenda for the Bicycle Pedestrian regular meeting was posted on Tuesday, November 12, 2019, at 11:00 a.m. in the City Hall announcement window near the Council Chambers and online in keeping with provisions of the California Brown Act. 5. PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS TO COMMISSION A. PUBLIC COMMENT BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA BUT WITHIN THE SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION OF THE BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION • There were none. 6. NEW BUSINESS A. 10th Street Bridge Scope Modification Presentation: F. Mahdavi provided a power-point presentation of six scope modification options recommended by staff to reduce the cost of the 10th Street Bridge Project. Public Comment Alvaro Meza – Gilroy Union School District, commented. Tom Fischer – Planning Commission, commented. Enrique Diaz – Gilroy Union School District Board, commented. Scope Modification Options : 1. Option 1 – Reduce Bridge Width Staff recommendation: Staff recommends the construction of the 64 foot wide 2-lane bridge, which will result in significant cost reduction with minimal loss of benefit. • BPC Recommendation: To Reduce the Width of Bridge 2. Option 2 – Removal of the Breezeway Bridge Staff recommendation: For safety reasons, and to maintain the continuity of the trail along the levee, staff recommends maintaining the Breezeway Bridge within the project scope. • BPC Recommendation: To Keep the Breezeway Bridge for Uvas Bike/Ped Trail 3. Option 3 – Replace Uvas Park Drive Roundabout with a Stop-Controlled Intersection Staff recommendation: Staff recommends removing the roundabout from the project scope and constructing the 10th Street/Uvas Park Drive intersection as a stop-controlled intersection. • BPC Recommendation: To Keep the Roundabout at Uvas Park Drive 4. Option 4 – Removal of the Gilroy High School Student Drop-off Zone from Uvas Park Drive to Orchard Drive Staff recommendation: Staff is neutral on this option. • BPC Recommendation: To Remove the Gilroy High School Drop-off Zone West 5. Option 5 - Remove Gilroy High School Student Drop-off Zone from Orchard Drive to Princevalle Street Staff recommendation: Staff is neutral on this option. • BPC Recommendation: To Keep the Gilroy High School Drop-off Zone East 6. Option 6 – Replace Orchard Drive Roundabout with a HAWK Staff recommendation: Staff recommends installing a traffic signal if it is warranted. If it is not warranted consider installing a HAWK pedestrian signal if the RRFB does not prove to be safe. Staff reminded the BPC and public that a funded CIP safety project was currently in design to install an RRFB and high visibility crosswalk at the intersection early next spring. • BPC Recommendation: To Remove Orchard Drive Roundabout and install HAWK signal if necessary (Currently planned and budgeted for 2020 is a rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon RRFB that will be installed at this location) ADJOURN: 11:55 a.m. to the November 26th, 2019 meeting at 6pm.