01/28/2020 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 02/25/2020 MINUTES OF BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, January 28, 2020 1. CALL TO ORDER 6:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Zachary Hilton - Chairperson Sean Reedy - Vice Chairperson Patrick Flautt Lionel Gonzalez Chad Reeder ALSO PRESENT Gary Heap, City Engineer/Transportation Engineer 4. COMMISSION SECRETARY’S REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA The agenda for the Bicycle Pedestrian regular meeting was posted on Friday, January 24, 2020, at 3:11 p.m. in the City Hall announcement window near the Council Chambers and online in keeping with provisions of the California Brown Act. 5. CEREMONIAL ITEMS Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Monthly Award for the Month of January Acknowledging Scott Otteson. 6. PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS TO COMMISSION A. PUBLIC COMMENT BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA BUT WITHIN THE SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION OF THE BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION • There were none. B. Valley Transportation Authority Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (VTABPAC) Report: • A written report was provided. 7. CONSENT CALENDAR Item I was pulled from the Consent Calendar at the request of Chairperson Hilton. The following items on the Consent Calendar were then approved unanimously. A. Minutes of the 11/15/2019 Special Meeting and 11/26/2019 Regular Meeting B. Professional Development Training Opportunities C. Gilroy BPAC Recommendations to Council regarding the 10th St Bridge D. Letter to Karen Garner Gilroy Community Development Director E. Letter of Support for Caltrain Transit Oriented Development Policy F. Letter for Gilroy Sport Park Master Plan Phase III Amendments G. Public Bike Fund Balance Sheet H. Approve Bike Rack Decal Application Skylake Tree Service & Receive $350 to Public Bike Fund I. 150th Anniversary Committee Request for Assistance for Family Fun Day Celebration on March 14, 2020 (PULLED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR) 8. OLD BUSINESS A. Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Update: • Commissioner Reedy stated there is the need for volunteers to help guide “walking groups” or students walking/bicycling to Eliot Elementary School from Alexander Station. Antonio Del Bueno School is closing, possibly impacting student routes to Luigi Aprea School. Kids Rock n’ Roll day is coming up on March 4th, 2020. The Commission received these updates and commented. B. General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) Update: • Commissioner Reeder advised there was no GPAC meeting in December 12, 2019. Meeting occurred on January 23, 2020 meeting was the last meeting. Equity and Engagement Workshop advising of the state minimum requirements for mitigating concerns. Make translations on literature from English to Spanish. Find ways for officials to communicate with the public effectively. The Commission received these updates and commented. C. Measure B Education & Encouragement: • Mr. Heap spoke on the draft Measure B work plan. Items will need the commission’s review and recommendations. The Commission would like to review the work plan and comments prior to making a recommendation. Discussion will be continued to next month’s meeting. D. Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Monthly Award Nomination: • Gary Heap and Nirorn Than employees of City of Gilroy were nominated by Commissioner Flautt. Commissioner Flautt motioned to approve G. Heap and N. Than as the next Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Monthly Award recipients, seconded by Commissioner Reedy. The motion passes unanimously. 9. NEW BUSINESS A. City of Gilroy Draft Bike Parking Ordinance: • Gilroy Building Official Hipolito Olmos spoke on the current bicycle parking codes for long term and short term parking. Commissioner Hilton spoke on the draft bike parking ordinance. Commissioner’s Reedy, Reeder and Flautt expressed support of the proposed draft bike parking ordinance. Mr. Heap spoke on the draft ordinance and the customary process of ordinance development. Commissioner Reeder motioned to approve recommending the draft bike parking ordinance, seconded by Commissioner Reedy. The motion passes unanimously. B. Select Chair for 2020: • Commissioner Flautt nominates Zachary Hilton for the Chair. Commissioner Flautt motioned to approve Zachary Hilton as Chairperson, seconded by Commissioner Reeder. The motion passes unanimously. C. Select Vice-Chair for 2020: • Commissioner Reedy nominates Patrick Flautt for the Vice-Chair. Commissioner Reedy motioned to approve Patrick Flautt as Vice-Chairperson, seconded by Commissioner Gonzalez. The motion passes unanimously. D. Website Updates: • Commissioner Flautt spoke on recommended updates for the Bicycle Pedestrian Commission website. Commissioner Gonzalez requested the monthly award photo to be highlighted on the Commission’s face-book page. Commissioner Hilton motioned to approve the recommended updates, seconded by Commissioner Reeder. The motion passes unanimously. E. Bike Rack Decal Flyer: • Commissioner Flautt spoke on the proposed Bike Rack Decal flyer. Commissioner Reeder motioned to approve the new flyer and $63.00 expense from Public Bike Fund, seconded by Commissioner Flautt. The motion passes unanimously. F. Letter of Support for SB50 with Bike Parking Minimums: • Commissioner Hilton spoke on the proposed letter of support for SB50. • Public Comment: J. Howe stated he noticed on the consent calendar for the last City Council meeting there was a letter of opposition for SB50. Commissioner Flautt motioned to approve the letter of support, seconded by Commissioner Hilton. The motion passes unanimously. G. Letter of Support for Notice of 30-Day Public Comment Period: • Commissioner Hilton spoke on a letter of support for funding of the 2020 Sidewalk Gap Closure and Curb Ramp Improvement Project for a total of $544,229 from Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding. Commissioner Flautt motioned to approve a letter of support recommending CDBG funding for the 2020 Sidewalk Gap Closure and Curb Ramp Improvement Project, seconded by Commissioner Hilton. The motion passes unanimously. 10. CORRESPONDENCE Caltrans D4 Pedestrian Plan Flyer Safe Routes Partnership Plan Bay Area 2050 Letter to MTC Gilroy Historical Society Walking Tours 2020 CalBike 2020 Initiatives Healthy Cities Dashboard Gilroy 2019 Healthy Cities All Cities Grid 2019 11. COMMISSIONER’S REPORTS A. Chairperson Zachary Hilton: • Dirt Pump Track seeking ways to mitigate potential environmental issues, dust from moving dirt around and water runoff to not disrupting the natural water flow on the land. • Hecker Pass/State Route 152 the trees have been cut back and it looks great, the crew will be back at the end of February to continue trimming. • Bay Air Quality does not have the vouchers for e-bikes from Assembly Bill 400 as of yet. • Solorsano Middle School student was sponsored and received donation of a BMX bike, repairs for the bike and a lock. • Teaming with R. Rivas’ office seeking making bike parking a law. • Older intersection pedestrian signals work best by pressing the pedestrian activator. • Public meeting on February 18th between City Council and Gilroy Gardens regarding the Adventure Park. B. Vice Chairperson Sean Reedy: • Santa Clara County will be expanding bicycle education and providing training to adults in February 2020. C. Commissioner Patrick Flautt: • Provided an update on business of the Commission, the Gilroy Library bike fix it event on January 18, community engagement was very high. Thank you to Ann Shan for her efforts in coordinating with the commission and library staff for assisting with making the event successful. On February 26 2020 at 7pm, there will be a SRTS event at Luigi Aprea. Items will be given out at this meeting in support of SRTS. • During a Caltrain Citizens Advisory Committee meeting he advocated for Caltrain Bicycle Advisory Committee to present to the Citizens Advisory Committee on a quarterly basis a joint powers award. A vote will occur at a future meeting. D. Commissioner Lionel Gonzalez: • No report given. E. Commissioner Chad Reeder: • Thanked Commissioner Flautt for his work. • Requesting updates on the bike friendly signs to be erected around Gilroy. 12. STAFF COMMENTS • City-wide traffic signal upgrades are in the works. • Staff is in the process of identifying CIP projects for FY 21-26. The information and budgets for bicycle and pedestrian related projects will be provided to the Commission for review at next month’s meeting. • Process and procedure for approval of support letter templates. 13. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING • Review of Commission’s work plan • Update from Elisa from Santa Clara County Public Health on high school projects • Staff will make presentation on CIP • Back-In Angle Parking for a later date • Template for support letter • Remove GPAC from old business • Commissioner updates for specific programs to be provided in writing ADJOURN: 7:27 p.m. to the February 25th, 2020 meeting at 6pm.