05/26/2020 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 06/23/2020 MINUTES OF BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, May 26, 2020 1. CALL TO ORDER 6:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Zachary Hilton - Chairperson Patrick Flautt - Vice Chairperson Lionel Gonzalez - absent Chad Reeder Sean Reedy ALSO PRESENT Girum Awoke, Public Works Director Gary Heap, Traffic Engineer Nirorn Than, Engineer Sue O’Strander, Community Development Deputy Director Sheila Castillo, Recording Secretary 4. COMMISSION SECRETARY’S REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA The agenda for the Bicycle Pedestrian regular meeting was posted on Friday, May 22, 2020, at 12:50 p.m. in the City Hall announcement window near the Council Chambers and online in keeping with provisions of the California Brown Act. 5. CEREMONIAL ITEMS None 6. PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS TO COMMISSION A. PUBLIC COMMENT BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA BUT WITHIN THE SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION OF THE BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION • None B. Valley Transportation Authority Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (VTABPAC) Report: • Carolyn Schimandle provided a written and verbal report. Zachary Hilton, Chairperson – No comment Patrick Flautt, Vice Chairperson – Thank you for the report, no other comment. Chad Reeder – No comment Sean Reedy – Thank you for the report, no other comment. There were no public comments. 7. CONSENT CALENDAR Item H was pulled from the Consent Calendar at the request of Chairperson Hilton. The following items on the Consent Calendar were then approved unanimously. (4/4) A. Minutes of the 1/28/2028 Regular Meeting B. Professional Development Training Opportunities C. Commission’s Strategic Plan 2020 D. Commission’s Work Plan 2020 E. CIP FY21-25 Letter of Support F. Letter of Support for Bitter Taphouse CUP 19-01 #19110033 G. 2016 Measure B Grant Lions Creek Trail Letter of Support H. Public Bike Fund Balance Sheet (PULLED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR) Item H, Public Bike Fund Balance Sheet was pulled from the consent calendar. Commissioner Hilton provided information of a deposit made by Sky Lake Tree Services ($350) that is not reflected on the account balance sheet. There were no public comments. Commissioner Flautt motioned to approve the Consent Calendar, seconded by Commissioner Hilton. Roll call vote: Zachary Hilton, Chairperson - yes Patrick Flautt, Vice Chairperson - yes Chad Reeder - yes Sean Reedy - yes The motion passes unanimously. (4/4) 8. OLD BUSINESS A. Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Update: • Commissioner Reedy provided a verbal report. He advised the COVID-19 situation has suspended the program. There is a meeting scheduled to visit what programs will be available when school comes back in session. There were no public comments. Zachary Hilton, Chairperson – no comment Patrick Flautt, Vice Chairperson – no comment Chad Reeder – no comment Sean Reedy – no comment B. Measure B Education & Encouragement: • Commissioner Hilton provided information that the budget amendment will be coming back on June 15th. • Mr. Heap provided a brief update and stated the subject will be address at next month’s meeting. There were no public comments. Zachary Hilton, Chairperson – no additional comment Patrick Flautt, Vice Chairperson – no comment Chad Reeder – no comment Sean Reedy – no comment C. Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Monthly Award Nomination: • None There were no public comments. Zachary Hilton, Chairperson – no comment Patrick Flautt, Vice Chairperson – no comment Chad Reeder – no comment Sean Reedy – no comment 9. NEW BUSINESS A. Establish Sub-Committee for Transportation Demand Management Ordinance Draft: • Commissioner Hilton gave a brief overview of the agenda topic. • Andrew Ridley (Gilroy Resident) introduced himself and spoke about the need for an updated TDM ordinance. He would like to help develop an update for the ordinance. • Mr. Heap stated this item and Item 9B are inter-related with the General Plan, we anticipate having a plan in place by July 1st and will have an update in the near future. Public Comment: Carolyn Schimandle asked if she can be a member of the sub-committee. Commissioner Flautt motioned to approve a Sub-Committee for Transportation Demand Management, seconded by Commissioner Reeder. Roll call vote: Zachary Hilton, Chairperson - yes Patrick Flautt, Vice Chairperson - yes Chad Reeder – yes Sean Reedy – yes The motion passes unanimously. (4/4) B. SB743 Level of Service (LOS) to Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT): • Commissioner Hilton spoke and stated there is no report. He would like to make this a topic for future discussion. There were no public comments. Zachary Hilton, Chairperson – no additional comment Patrick Flautt, Vice Chairperson – no comment Chad Reeder – no comment Sean Reedy - no comment C. Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan: • Sue O’Strander presented an overview of and update on the plan to the Commission. Public Comment: Rebecca Armendariz, Thank you for prioritizing the NRSA. Our seniors and other neighborhood resident need safe adequate areas to recreate. Zachary Hilton, Chairperson – Thanked staff for the report Patrick Flautt, Vice Chairperson – no comment Chad Reeder - Uvas Creek focus needed Sean Reedy - Cycle 5 grant may be part of this plan 10. CORRESPONDENCE Bike Match South County Bike/Walk Safety Tips 11. COMMISSIONER’S REPORTS A. Chairperson Zachary Hilton: • Reported he has not heard about the e-bike giveaways from the Air Quality Board. • Caltrans has completed all limb work on south side of Hecker Pass /Hwy 152 and it looks great. • Bike parking ordinance will be in front of Planning Commission in July. • Garlic City BMX, MOU was extended another year. • The E-bike and E-Scooter RFP has been delayed. • There is a huge bike boom and we have a great bike network. • Would like to see some of the E&E Measure B monies reach community biking areas and trails. B. Vice Chairperson Patrick Flautt: • Commended Commissioner Hilton for the bike match program. It is a good program. • Cal train program is looking to obtain government funding. Also, may mitigate some of the budget shortfall by way of sales tax increase. C. Commissioner Lionel Gonzalez: • No report given. D. Commissioner Chad Reeder: • Thanked Commissioner Hilton for helping the community to find bikes for cycling. There a lot of people who walk and run with traffic with headphones on. Pedestrians should walk or run against traffic for their own safety. E. Commissioner Sean Reedy: • No report given. 12. STAFF COMMENTS Mr. Heap and Nirorn Than provided an update and presentations on: • CIP Process • Paving and Striping Program Public Comments: Andrew Ridley, what percentage of repaving funding is used for the curb updating? And whether there is any appeal process to have highly walked or cycled roadways at a higher priority level. Mr. Than, the ADA compliance requirements and whether or not they are present at each location can drive up the cost of repaving respectively. Currently the City is focusing on collector and arterial streets. Next year, program recommendations are to focus on residential streets where there is more pedestrian activity. Zachary Hilton, Chairperson – Were any of the pedestrian crosswalk timer able to be upgraded during the program planning? Mr. Than stated staff is working on a plan to present to City Council specifically for upgrading timers. He will bring the striping plan to the Commission when it is complete. Patrick Flautt, Vice Chairperson – if the funding is pulled, is there any emergency funding for paving? Mr. Heap responded we do have funding sources for emergency situations. Chad Reeder – no comment Sean Reedy - no comment 13. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING Measure B Education and Encouragement Pump Head Repairs -library and downtown bike stations ADJOURN: 7:20 p.m. to the June 23rd, 2020 meeting at 6pm.