11/24/2020 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 01/26/2021 MINUTES OF BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, November 24, 2020 1. CALL TO ORDER 6:02 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Zachary Hilton - Chairperson Patrick Flautt - Vice Chairperson Chad Reeder– not present Sean Reedy ALSO PRESENT Gary Heap, Traffic Engineer Karl Bjarke, Interim Public Works Director Sheila Castillo, Recording Secretary 4. COMMISSION SECRETARY’S REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA The agenda for the Bicycle Pedestrian regular meeting was posted on Friday, November 20, 2020, at 2:08 p.m. in the City Hall announcement window near the Council Chambers and online in keeping with provisions of the California Brown Act. 5. CEREMONIAL ITEMS None 6. PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS TO COMMISSION A. PUBLIC COMMENT BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA BUT WITHIN THE SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION OF THE BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION • None B. Valley Transportation Authority Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (VTABPAC) Report: • Carolyn Schimandle provided a written report. There were no public comments. 7. CONSENT CALENDAR The following items on the Consent Calendar were approved unanimously. A. Minutes of the 10/27/2020 Regular Meeting B. Public Bike Fund Balance Sheet There were no public comments. Commissioner Hilton motioned to approve the Consent Calendar, seconded by Commissioner Flautt. Roll call vote to approve the Consent Calendar: Zachary Hilton, Chairperson - yes Patrick Flautt, Vice Chairperson – yes Sean Reedy – yes The motion passes unanimously. (3/0) 8. OLD BUSINESS A. Measure B Funded Education & Encouragement Update: • Commissioner Hilton provided an update on the item. • Commissioner Flautt stated he is looking into a pilot program to provide masks to the public. Mr. Heap stated the purchase of reusable masks with a walk/bike message could qualify as an eligible purchase. There were no public comments. Zachary Hilton, Chairperson – no additional comment. Patrick Flautt, Vice Chairperson – no comment. Sean Reedy – no comment. 9. NEW BUSINESS A. Dero-Fix It Station Parts Purchase: • Commissioner Hilton provided information regarding the repairs needed at the Gilroy Library Station and the cost of parts for a total of $45.88. There were no public comments. Commissioner Hilton motioned to approve the expenditure of $45.88 from the Public Bike Fund, seconded by Commissioner Flautt. Roll call vote to approve the expenditures of $45.88 from the Public Bike Fund: Zachary Hilton, Chairperson - yes Patrick Flautt, Vice Chairperson – yes Sean Reedy – yes The motion passes unanimously. (3/0) B. Cancellation of December Regular Meeting: • Commissioner Flautt spoke on the item. • Commissioner Hilton stated if there is any urgency for the Commission to convene prior to the next meeting scheduled for January 25, 2021, a meeting can be called with 72 hour advance notice and with a quorum. There were no public comments. Commissioner Hilton motioned to approve the cancellation of the December regular meeting, seconded by Commissioner Flautt. Roll call vote to approve Cancellation of the December Regular Meeting: Zachary Hilton, Chairperson - yes Patrick Flautt, Vice Chairperson – yes Sean Reedy – yes The motion passes unanimously. (3/0) C. Interview of Valley Transportation Agency Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee Candidates for Gilroy: • The Commission interviewed Carolyn Schimandle. There were no public comments. Commissioner Flautt motioned to approve recommendation of Carolyn Schimandle to Gilroy City Council on the appointment to Valley Transportation Agency Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee, seconded by Commissioner Hilton. Roll call vote to approve the recommendation of Carolyn Schimandle for the Valley Transportation Agency Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee Appointment: Zachary Hilton, Chairperson - yes Patrick Flautt, Vice Chairperson – yes Sean Reedy – yes The motion passes unanimously. (3/0) D. Correspondence: • Commissioner Hilton advised there are three seats available on the Bicycle Pedestrian Commission. There were no public comments. Zachary Hilton, Chairperson – no additional comment. Patrick Flautt, Vice Chairperson – no comment. Sean Reedy – no comment. 10. COMMISSIONER’S REPORTS A. Chairperson Zachary Hilton: • He is disappointed his term is ending during this COVID pandemic. • He is proud of the progress the Commission has made. • As a Councilmember he still plans to engage with the Bicycle Pedestrian Commission, as well as the other Commissions. B. Vice Chairperson Patrick Flautt: • The Cal Train Citizen Advisory Committee celebrated the passing of the Measure RR, which gives a dedicated source of funding to Cal Train. However, the funding will not post to their account until the middle of 2021. C. Commissioner Sean Reedy: • Congratulated Commissioner Hilton on his appointment to Gilroy City Council. 11. STAFF COMMENTS Mr. Heap provided updates on the Adoption of Fiscal Year 2021-2025 Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) and the Removal of First Street Parking. Mr. Heap congratulated Commissioner Hilton on his appointment to Gilroy City Council. There were no public comments. 12. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING No items were given. ADJOURN: 6:31 p.m. to the January 25th, 2021 meeting at 6pm.