01/15/2014 Historic Heritage Committee Regular Meeting Adopted 05/21/2014 Historic Heritage Committee Meeting January 15, 2014 at 4:30 P.M. I. OPEN MEETING Committee Member Garcia called the meeting to order at 4:34 p.m. II. REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA AND ROLL CALL Office Assistant Jill Peterson reported that the agenda for the regular Historic Heritage Committee meeting of January 15, 2014 was posted on January 10, 2014 at 4:30 p.m. Roll Call: Present: Committee Member Christi Garcia, Committee Member Nicole Robinson, Committee Member Edith Edde, Alternate Committee Member Terri Aulman Absent: Committee Member Peter Leroe-Muñoz, Public Member Steve Ashford Staff Present: Planning Division Manager Sue Martin, Office Assistant Jill Peterson III. APPROVAL OF ACTION MINUTES: June 19, 2013 Motion on Item III Motion: to approve the minutes of June 19, 2013 as written Moved by Committee Member Christi Garcia, seconded by Committee Member Nicole Robinson Vote: Motion carried 4-0-0-1 Yes: Committee Member Christi Garcia, Committee Member Nicole Robinson, Committee Member Terri Aulman, Committee Member Edith Edde No: None Abstain: None Absent: Committee Member Steve Ashford IV. PRESENTATION BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: Ms. Carol DeSantis encouraged the committee to be firm in sending actions to the Planning Commission and City Council, advocating for the Historic Heritage Committee. She also expressed concern in very little ordinance supporting historic preservation, suggesting the committee look at the Secretary of the Interior, and Ohio’s program for historic preservation. V. OLD BUSINESS: None VI. NEW BUSINESS: Motion on Item VI A. Motion: to elect Historic Heritage Committee Chairperson for 2014 Moved by Committee Member Nicole Robinson to elect Christi Garcia as Chairperson, seconded by Committee Member Edith Edde Vote: Motion 4-0-0-1 Yes: Committee Member Christi Garcia, Committee Member Nicole Robinson, Committee Member Terri Aulman, Committee Member Edith Edde No: None Abstain: None Absent: Committee Member Steve Ashford Motion: To elect Historic Heritage Committee Vice Chairperson for 2014 Moved by Committee Terri Aulman to elect Nicole Robinson as Vice Chairperson, seconded by Chair Christi Garcia Vote: Motion 4-0-0-1 Yes: Chair Christi Garcia, Vice Chair Nicole Robinson, Committee Member Terri Aulman, Committee Member Edith Edde No: None Abstain: None Absent: Committee Member Steve Ashford B. Review of Historic Heritage Committee Responsibilities and Resources – Sue Martin, Planning Division Manager Planning Division Manager Sue Martin shared the Historic Heritage Committee Responsibilities and Resources, including the Committee’s mission. She explained that historic preservation responsibilities begin at a national level with a preservation act, which has developed into the Secretary of Interior Standards that states, counties, and cities utilize. The California Office of Historic Preservation sets such standards for the state. She also provided the committee with Zoning Ordinance Section 30.27.51 & 52 on the guidelines regarding demolition of historic structures, and Section 30.50.40 on remodeling of historic structures and structures located in historic neighborhoods. Additional resources provided to the Committee include the City’s General Plan (Chapter 4 Section 5), and the Gilroy City Code (Sections 27 and 49). VII. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: A. 2014 Historic Heritage Committee Meeting Schedule Chair Garcia notes that in the past the committee met at minimum twice a year, regardless if there were any items on the agenda. She suggests that the committee meets a minimum of three times for this year, and the committee agreed. The predetermined 2014 meetings are set at: January 15, May 21, and September 17. ADJOURNMENT at 4:59 p.m. to the Next Regular Meeting of February 19, 2014. _____________________________ Kelsey Heyd, Planning Technician