05/21/2014 Historic Heritage Committee Regular Meeting Adopted 06/18/2014 Historic Heritage Committee Meeting May 21, 2014 at 4:30 P.M. I. OPEN MEETING Committee Member Nicole Robinson called the meeting to order at 4:31 p.m. II. REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA AND ROLL CALL Planning Technician Kelsey Heyd reported that the agenda for the regular Historic Heritage Committee meeting of May 21, 2014 was posted on Friday, May 16, 2014 at 3:42 p.m. Roll Call: Present: Committee Member Steve Ashford, Committee Member Nicole Robinson, Committee Member Edith Edde, Committee Member Peter Leroe-Muñoz, Committee Member Paul Kloecker Absent: None Staff Present: Planning Division Manager Sue Martin, Planning Technician Kelsey Heyd, Engineering Director Rick Smelser III. APPROVAL OF ACTION MINUTES: January 15, 2014 Motion on Item III Motion: to approve the minutes of January 15, 2014 as written Moved by Committee Member Edith Edde, seconded by Committee Member Nicole Robinson Vote: Motion carried 3-0-2-0 Yes: Committee Member Nicole Robinson, Committee Member Steve Ashford, Committee Member Edith Edde No: None Abstain: Committee Member Paul Kloecker, Committee Member Peter Leroe-Muñoz Absent: None IV. PRESENTATION BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: None V. OLD BUSINESS: None VI. NEW BUSINESS: Motion on Item VI.A A. Motion: to elect Historic Heritage Committee Chairperson for 2014 Moved by Committee Member Peter Leroe-Muñoz to elect Nicole Robinson as Chairperson, seconded by Committee Member Edith Edde Vote: Motion 5-0-0-0 Yes: Committee Member Peter Leroe-Muñoz, Committee Member Steve Ashford, Committee Member Nicole Robinson, Committee Member Edith Edde, Committee Member Paul Kloecker No: None Abstain: None Absent: None B. Discussion pertaining to reinstituting the Gilroy Hall of Fame Committee Member Edith Edde provided a verbal presentation regarding the Gilroy Hall of Fame and its history in the community. She explained that no members of the community have been elected to the Hall of Fame since 1994 and the goal is to revise that and she’s looking for support from the Committee and others as they prepare a presentation for Council. The Hall of Fame was previously ran by the Chamber of Commerce and she explained they would lead the Hall of Fame Committee again if they so choose. Committee Member Edith Edde went on to explain the process of electing community members to the Gilroy Hall of Fame and where proclamations were kept of those members who had been inducted. Committee Member Nicole Robinson asked what the criteria were to induct members into the Hall of Fame. Committee Member Edith Edde addressed various criteria including how long a person has been in the community and went on to express her interests in the Hall of Fame and encouraged the public and Committee Members to submit any names they felt worthy of the recognition, as a Hall of Fame Committee is being formed. Committee Members Nicole Robinson and Steve Ashford expressed they thought it was a great idea. Chair Robinson opened the item for public comment. Connie Rogers, president of the Gilroy Historical Society, spoke to the Hall of Fame and expressed that the Historical Society voted to sponsor the Hall of Fame process. She went on to say she thought it was a good idea to recognize citizens of Gilroy. Committee Member Paul Kloecker added that he thought the Hall of Fame was a good idea. C. Review of possible historic significance of buildings located at 7400 Railroad Street for demolition purposes; Request by City of Gilroy, Public Works Department Planning Manager Sue Martin gave a brief presentation as to the state of the buildings located at 7400 Railroad and the City’s intent to demolish them. She went on to explain why this item was being presented to the Historic Heritage Committee as the buildings were more than 50 years of age and per the City Code, the Committee has the opportunity to weigh in on the proposed demolition. Engineering Director Rick Smelser informed the Committee that this project was a Council Action item. He went on to clarify that one of the buildings is an Unreinforced Masonry (URM) Building and therefore potentially unsafe. He expressed the intention was to at least demolish the larger of the two buildings, the URM building, given it is not considered historic after investigation from the Committee. The smaller of the two buildings, located directly at the corner of 6th and Railroad, has potential to remain given the condition of the building is deemed safe per a site analysis. He continued on to state that both buildings should be looked at for historical significance, in case the analysis of the site proved the smaller building should be demolished as well. Committee Member Nicole Robinson clarified that the Committee’s purpose in the matter was to determine the historical purpose or significance of the buildings. Engineering Director Rick Smelser confirmed that was correct. Committee Member Steve Ashford asked what the criteria were to deem a building historic. Planning Manager Sue Martin referred to the staff report and clarified that even though the property has not been deemed a historic site or part of a historic district, it’s before the committee due to it being over 50 years in age, per the City Code. Engineering Director Rick Smelser stated that due to the URM status of one of the buildings, it is potentially unsafe and that though retrofitting could be an option, demolishing the buildings would actually add value to the property as the current condition of the property has a negative value the way it stands. Committee Member Paul Kloecker clarified that the “L shape” building was the URM building and primary building proposed for removal. Engineering Director Rick Smelser confirmed that the “L shape” building—the larger building—was the one proposed for demolition at this time and the smaller building may need to be demolished if further analysis proved it to be unsafe. He stated again that t he intent is to have the Committee evaluate the historical significance of both buildings so as to provide that information to the City Council. He discussed some of the various options proposed for the site given demolition, including a potential parking lot or basketball court. The final use has yet to be determined and will require further direction from City Council. Committee Member Steve Ashford asked if the architect of the building was significant. Connie Rogers stated she did some research on the property at the Museum and determined the building located on the corner was built sometime between 1906 and 1926. She went on to state that the Museum has very good historic materials and given more time, more information regarding the buildings could potentially be uncovered. She went on to say that when the structure was previously used as a Youth Center, Mayor Gage put in a lot of effort into making it successful and that it would be nice to see it active in that manner again. Committee Member Peter Leroe-Muñoz asked when this item would go before City Council. Engineering Director Rick Smelser stated it would go to Council in early August. Committee Member Peter Leroe-Muñoz expressed that due to the potential for historical value and significance, it would be beneficial to table the discussion until the next regular Historical Heritage Meeting so more research could be done by the Committee and the Historical Society. Committee Member Steve Ashford stated he knew of a report prepared by Biggs Car dosa that investigated the URM status of the building and the cost to potentially retrofit it. He stated that based on the report, he believed the cost of retrofitting would not be excessive. He went on to say that he would look for and provide copies of the report so that it could be included in the next Regular Meeting packet for Committee Members and the public. Connie Rogers expressed that she had looked into the CEQA guidelines relating to a building having historical significance and asked that that be investigated further as well. Committee Member Peter Leroe-Muñoz stated that for the next Regular meeting, two things needed to be looked into: the historical significance of the buildings and the potential interior or stabilization work that would need to be done if the buildings were not demolished. Engineering Director Rick Smelser offered to provide a site tour and asked that if they would like to set a tour that they do so today. The Committee determined May 29, 2014 at 3:30 p.m. would work best for most of the members to be there. It was determined they would meet at 7400 Railroad street. Committee Member Peter Leroe-Muñoz stated he knew he would be unavailable that day, but he would contact Engineering Director Rick Smelser to set up a private tour. Committee Member Nicole Robinson clarified that there were no further public comments and closed the item. VII. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: None Committee Member Paul Kloecker requested he be mailed a copy of the packets as opposed to email, as did Committee Member Steve Ashford. Committee Member Peter Leroe-Muñoz made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Committee Member Edith Edde ADJOURNMENT at 5:19 p.m. to the Next Special Meeting on May 29, 2014 at 3:30 p.m. at 7400 Railroad Street _____________________________ Kelsey Heyd, Planning Technician