01/21/2015 Historic Heritage Committee Regular Meeting Adopted 04/15/2015 Historic Heritage Committee Meeting January 21, 2015 at 4:30 P.M. I. OPEN MEETING Chair Nicole Robinson called the meeting to order at 4:34 p.m. II. REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA AND ROLL CALL Planning Technician Kelsey Heyd reported that the agenda for the Regular Historic Heritage Committee meeting of January 21, 2015 was posted on Friday January 16, 2015 at 2:46 p.m. Roll Call: Present: Committee Member Edith Edde, Chair Nicole Robinson, Committee Member Paul Kloecker, Alternate Committee Member Mayor Don Gage Absent: Committee Member Peter Leroe-Muñoz, Committee Member Toby Echelberry Staff Present: Planning Division Manager Sue Martin, Planning Technician Kelsey Heyd III. APPROVAL OF ACTION MINUTES: September 17, 2014 Motion on Item III Motion: to approve the minutes of September 17, 2014 as written Moved by Committee Member Paul Kloecker, seconded by Chair Nicole Robinson Vote: Motion carried 4-0-0-1 Yes: Committee Member Edith Edde, Chair Nicole Robinson, Committee Member Paul Kloecker, Alternate Committee Member Mayor Don Gage No: None Abstain: None Absent: Committee Member Toby Echelberry IV. PRESENTATION BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: No presentations were made by members of the public V. OLD BUSINESS: None VI. NEW BUSINESS: Motion on Item VI A. Elect new Historic Heritage Committee Chairperson and Vice Chairperson for 2015 a. Elect Historic Heritage Committee Chairperson Motion: to re-elect Nicole Robinson as Historic Heritage Chairperson for 2015 Moved by Committee Member Paul Kloecker, seconded by Committee Member Edith Edde Vote: Motion carried 4-0-0-1 Yes: Committee Member Edith Edde, Chair Nicole Robinson, Committee Member Paul Kloecker, Alternate Committee Member Mayor Don Gage No: None Abstain: None Absent: Committee Member Toby Echelberry b. Elect Historic Heritage Committee Vice Chairperson Motion: to re-elect Edith Edde as Historic Heritage Vice Chairperson for 2015 Moved by Chair Nicole Robinson, seconded by Committee Member Paul Kloecker Vote: Motion carried 4-0-0-1 Yes: Committee Member Edith Edde, Chair Nicole Robinson, Committee Member Paul Kloecker, Alternate Committee Member Mayor Don Gage No: None Abstain: None Absent: Committee Member Toby Echelberry VII. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: A. 2015 Historic Heritage Committee Meeting Schedule The Committee discussed and determined that regardless of whether there were any official items on the agenda, the pre-determined meeting dates for the year would be May 20 and September 16. VIII. ORAL REPORTS BY MEMBERS OF THE HISTORIC HERITAGE COMMITTEE: Miscellaneous information and updates (no action) Committee Member Edith Edde indicated the Red Barn Committee is working on information related to that structure, and also reminded the Committee about the Gilroy Hall of Fame and the process for nominating candidates IX. PLANNING DIVISION MANAGER REPORT: Miscellaneous information and updates (no action) Mayor Gage added that he usually does an annual presentation and/or discussion with each committee and that he was available to answer any questions the Committee might have. Mayor Gage spoke to the new roundabouts added within Gilroy and the process of adding them as opposed to traffic lights. Committee Member Paul Kloecker asked about the street light program. Mayor Gage spoke to the timeline of the program and the overall success and positive feedback received from the community. Chair Nicole Robinson mentioned her concerns with the traffic impact of new developments. Mayor Gage responded with the requirement for new major projects to conduct traffic studies and mitigate their impact as necessary. Mayor Gage spoke to the importance and difficulty of finding volunteers for the various committees and commissions in the City. He encouraged the committee to direct any neighbors or friends interested in serving the City to volunteer on committees if possible as they are an important aspect of the City. Mayor Gage mentioned that a new school would be required within the next 5 years as well as the necessity for diverse housing projects within Gilroy. Chair Nicole Robinson brought up the entertainment opportunities for the community, particularly for kids. Mayor Gage mentioned that youth is a primary focus and that the City is making strides to create more opportunities and recreational options for them. ADJOURNMENT at 5:04 p.m. to the Next Regular Meeting of February 18, 2015 at 4:30 p.m. _____________________________ Kelsey Heyd, Planning Technician