05/18/2016 Historic Heritage Committee Regular Meeting Adopted 02/15/2017Preliminary Minutes Historic Heritage Committee Meeting May 18, 2016 at 5:30 P.M. I. OPEN MEETING Chair Toby Echelberry called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. II. REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA AND ROLL CALL Office Assistant Zinnia Navarro reported that the agenda for the Regular Historic Heritage Committee meeting of May 19,2016 was posted on Thursday,May 12,2016 at 9:46 a.m. Roll Call: Present:Chair Toby Echelberr,Committee Member Terri Aulman,Committee Member Steve Ashford, Committee Member Steve Seebart Absent: Committee Member Edith Edde Staff Present:Interim Planning Manager Rebecca Tolentino,Interim Development S e r v i c e s M a n a g e r Sue O’Strander, and Office Assistant Zinnia Navarro III. APPROVAL OF ACTION MINUTES Motion on Item III Motion: to approve the minutes of March 16, 2016 as written Moved by Committee Member Terri Aulman,Seconded by Committee Member Steve Ashford Vote: Motion carried 3-0-0-2 Yes:Chair Toby Echelberry,Vice Chair Edith Edde,Committee Member Steve Seebart No: None Abstain: None IV. PRESENTATION BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC Preliminary Minutes None V. OLD BUSINESS None VI. NEW BUSINESS A.Introduction of new Committee member Commissioner Steve Seebart was introduced to the Historic Heritage committee by Chair Toby Echelberry. Commissioner Steve Seebart has lived in the City of Gilroy for the past year and has lived in the county of Santa Clara for the past 10 years and is pleased to serve the Committee. B.Presentation on window replacement for historic buildings Stacey De Shazo,historical consultant of Evans &De Shazo,provided an overview of the state’s requirements related to the treatment of windows on historic buildings. Motion to receive presentation from Stacey De Shazo Moved by Committee Member Terri Aulman,all present committee members agreed. VII. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: VIII. ORAL REPORTS BY MEMBERS OF THE HISTORIC HERITAGE COMMITTEE Committee Member Steve Ashford noted 80 tons of debris has been removed from the Red Barn IX. PLANNING DIVISION MANAGER REPORT None ADJOURNMENT at 6:52 p.m.to the Next Regular Meeting of June 15,2016 at 5:30 p.m. _____________________________ Zinnia Navarro, Office Assistant