02/08/2012 Library Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 03/14/2012CITY OF GILROY
7:00 P.M.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
The regular meeting of the Library Commission was called to order by Chair Smith (Kathleen)
at 7: 05 pan. in the Senior Center Meeting Room, 7371 Hanna Street Gilroy, California.
All five commissioners were present.
Motion by Commissioner Smith (Carol) and seconded by Commissioner Smith (Hugh) to
approve the minutes of January 11, 2012.
Hearing no objections, it was so ordered.
Motion by Commissioner Taylor and seconded by Commissioner Smith (Hugh) to
approve the Agenda of February 8, 2012.
Hearing no objections, it was so ordered.
Chair Smith (Kathleen) welcomed Commissioner Taylor.
A. Discussion of New Library Plan Update
Below is a summary of the Gilroy Library PowerPoint Project Update Report that was
compiled by Public Information Officer Joe Kline.
Construction of New Library Building
Schedule -- The overall schedule is tracking for completion in spring 2012. The Grand
Opening is scheduled for April after the library staff has a chance to move. The building
will be substantially complete in early March.
Pasco — The construction fence will be moved on February 130' to extend the
constriction site. Demolition and grading will be done this month.
Roofing — All roofing is complete, with close -out paperwork being gathered.
PV — All panels and equipment have been installed. PG &E will turn on the system once
a Certificate of occupancy has been issued by the City.
Skin — Elastomeric paint is being applied this month, with work being scheduled around
the weather.
Windows -- All windows are installed and are being tested in conjunction with the
building management system to achieve coordinated controls.
Mechanical Systems — Functional testing on the heating and ventilation system will
occur through February. These systems are currently functioning as designed. Air
balancing and performance checks are ongoing.
Interior — Terrazzo is 60% complete. Work is still being done on the first floor entrance
and the reception area. Railings and egress signs are being completed in anticipation of
life safety sign -offs.
Architectural Details — Wood finishes on the shelving and ceilings are being installed.
The three -form mural will be installed in March.
Furnishings — The shelving is 80% complete. The loose furniture installation begins on
February 21, 2012.
Interface and Rosanna Street — Landscaping has begun and will continue this month.
Plaster patching, site lighting and punch lists are being completed this month
Fast Facts -; The project is 91% complete, tracking by hard construction cost. The pervious
concrete and the bulk of the permeable pavers have been installed. With recent rains, it appears
that very little storm water will end up in the backup drainage system. To attain two Regional
Materials Credits, 20% of all construction materials must be extracted, processed and
manufactured within 500 miles of the site. The project is currently tracking at 62 %. The
recycled content of building material based on cost is 17% to date. The goal is to achieve 20 %.
The percentage is expected to increase once the final submittals are in. 93% of the construction
waste has been diverted from the landfill to date. The goal is to achieve at least 75 %. This
rating may earn the project an exemplary performance point. The team continues to regularly
update the LEED scorecard and anticipates achieving a Gold rating. The team is striving to
exceed that rating, but the process will not be finalized until 2013.
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Earth Systems 548
Applied Materials 880
AT &T 79
Consolidated CM (Construction Management) 17,612
Berliner Cohen 198
Water Meter (City of Gilroy) 2,074
State Water Resources Control Board Fee 466
Verizon California 1,346
PG &E 8,199
TOTAL 31,402
Remaining Series A at 1/31/12
Series B Funds at 12/31/11 $ 15,149,924
January 2012 Expenditures (31,402)
Interest 17,422
Remaining Funds at 1/31/12 $ 15,135,945
Construction began July 2010, and is scheduled to continue through spring 2012.
B. Discussion of Donor Recognition for the New Library
Discussion will occur at a later date.
C. Discussion of Grand Opening Ceremony for New Library
Discussion will occur at a later date.
Deputy County Librarian, Derek Wolfpram
Silicon Valley Reads (SVR) events continue through April. See www.siliconvalleyreads.org
for information on over 100 programs to be offered this year.
Through December 31, 2011, there have been 4,298 non- resident library cards sold and 6,087
free strident limited cards issued.
Five new services, collections and policies include: (1) AWE Early Literacy Stations have been
purchased for every library; (2) `Playaway Views' have been added to children's collections,
3) The new `Smart Investing cr the Library' portal has been launched on the Library website at
http: / /www.scel.org/investing; (4) `OneClickDigital,' .a new e -audio book service, is now
available on the library's website; (5) Beginning February 1, library patrons may place holds on
all feature film DVD's.
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The JPA Board approved the following actions at the JPA Board meeting on January 26, 2012:
1) Requesting the Santa Clara County /Cities Manager's Association to review the JPA Funding
Formula; (2) Creating free wireless access that does not require authentication with a library
card in all libraries (anticipated to go live in March); (3) Establishing a $4 fee for non -
cardholders to use the Library's networked computers for a two -hour session (anticipated to go
live in March); (4) Annually issuing free library cards to library volunteers who have
contributed 60 or more hours of volunteer service in the prior fiscal year.
The next meeting of the Joint Powers Authority Board is March 1, 2012 at 1:30pm at the
Library Administration Offices in Los Gatos. JPA agendas and minutes will be posted on the
Library website the Friday before each meeting: ' www.secl.org.
City Librarian, Lani Yoshimura
Staff — Children's Supervising Librarian Linda Glawatz and Library Page Denise Leverton
remain on medical leave. Diana Lara continues as acting Children's Supervising Librarian.
The vacant Librarian I /II Adult position should be filled before the opening of the new library.
Safety/Security — Prior to the move to the new library, staff is making a concerted effort to deal
with some of the more aggressive patrons that regularly misbehave in the library. Several
disruptive preteens and teens have been asked to leave, and Lani is requiring a meeting with
their parent or guardian before being allowed back in the building. Since the crack -down, the
atmosphere, graffiti and severe hygiene issues have improved greatly.
New Library — Staff and library patrons are anxious about the move. The library will be closed
for 6 weeks sometime during March and/or April to make the transition. A temporary date for
the grand opening of the new library is late April, but is not confirmed.
Teens — Teen librarian Kelly McKean has recruited 8 new teen volunteers, for a total of 30
hours, during the month of January.
Silicon Valley Reads — Programs to be held during the month of April include: (1) A panel
discussion "Getting to Know American Muslims and Their Faith" on April 18`x'
at 7 p.m. at the
Senior Center; (2) The film "Allah Make Me Funny" on April 26t" and 7 p.m. at the Senior
Center; (3) The Teen ProFam: "Graphic Novels and Comics" with Willow Wilson at the
Gilroy Library on April 28' at 2 p.m.
Circulation — The December 2011 circulation at Gilroy Library increased 4.2% over December
2010. The Gate count in December 2011 was 21,362, an 11.5% increase over December 2010.
Pro rte— The Library held 17 Adult, Teen, and Children's programs with a total attendance
of 257 people in January.
January Calendar of Events --- Children's Storytime is held on Tuesday evenings (Families are
welcome and children may come in their pajamas) and Wednesday mornings (Ages 2 -5).
Create crafts at the Valentine's Day Craft Party for Children, where all supplies are provided
Feb. 11). The last day to enter the Candy in the Jar Contest is Feb. 15. Six movies will be
shown including the Family Movie; Puss in Boots (Feb. 25) and 5 Teen Movies including:
Pirates of the Caribbean: on Stranger Tides (Feb. 18) Courageous (Feb. 21), Real Steel (Feb.
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22), Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 2 (Feb. 23) and Rise of the Planet of the Apes (Feb.
24). Holds can now be placed on all movies, including new ones. Learn how to reduce stress
and improve health at the Meditation Workshop (Feb. 16). See artofliving.org for more
information. Join the Garlicky Group of Poets for Open Poetry Readings (Feb. 11). The Book
Club will discuss Cold Sassy Tree by Olive Ann Burns (Feb. 28). See www.scel.org for more
Free Library eBooks and Downloadable Audio Books --- View a quick video tutorial, get
step -by -step instructions, or find out what devices are compatible on the library website at
ww.secl.org/electronic_ library /ereaders.
Commissioner Smith (Hugh) brought in a library pamphlet that was published by the local
newspaper when the Los Gatos Library was completed. The article was given to him at the
Library Oversight Committee meeting earlier in the day by Jay Baksa, who suggested the
possibility of additional advertising of the new Gilroy Library.
Recording Secretary Lynne Conrotto asked Lani Yoshimura to choose a date for the Library
Commission Report to City Council as soon as possible.
Future Agenda items include Library Commission involvement in the Library Grand Opening
and Future City Directional Signs to the new Library.
Chair Smith (Kathleen) adjourned the meeting at 8:07 p.m.
The next regular meeting of the Gilroy Library Commission will be held on Wednesday,
March 14, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. in the Senior Center Meeting Room, 7371 Hanna Street
Gilroy, CA.
Ly e Conrotto, Recording Secretary
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