04/11/2012 Library Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 05/09/2012CITY OF GILROY
7:00 P.M.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
The regular meeting of the Library Commission was called to order by Vice -Chair Smith
Carol) at 7: l 1pm. in the Senior Center Meeting Room, 7371 Hanna Street Gilroy, California.
Vice -Chair Smith (Carol) asked for the Commission Comments item to be moved to the
beginning of the meeting so that the Commissioners were able to address the sudden death of
Commissioner Kathleen Smith, and discuss the impact she had on the Library Commission and
the City of Gilroy. She will truly be missed. The Commission decided unanimously to hold all
future meetings at the new library.
All four commissioners were present.
Motion by Commissioner Taylor and seconded by Commissioner Armenta to approve the
minutes of March 14, 2012.
Hearing no objections, it was so ordered.
Motion by Commissioner Smith (Hugh) and seconded by Commissioner Taylor to
approve the Agenda of April 11, 2012.
Hearing no objections, it was so ordered.
A. Discussion of New Library Plan Update
Below is a summary of the Gilroy Library PowerPoint Project Update Report that was
compiled by Public Information Officer Joe Kline.
Construction of New Library Building
Schedule — The grand opening is scheduled for April 28, 2012, after which the library
will be fully operational and open to the public.
Pasco — The paseo will be completed by the Grand Opening. Pavers and site furnishing
will be the last items completed. The fence will be removed prior to opening.
Mechanical Systems — The heating and ventilation systems are all functioning. The
commissioning, measurement and verification will continue for another year to ensure
the systems are operating as efficiently as possible.
Interior — With few remaining items on the punch list, the team is focused on cleaning
and final details.
Architectural Details — The three -form motif at the west wall is in. The trees and other
elements are being finished.
Furnishings — All furniture has arrived. The final shelving components will be in by the
Grand Opening.
Fast Facts — The project is currently 99% complete, tracking by hard construction cost, not
including the Pasco. Even though the Pasco doesn't factor into the LEED rating, 8,000 square
feet of permeable pavers are being used. To attain two Regional Materials Credits, 20% of all
construction materials must be extracted, processed and manufactured within 500 miles of the
site. The project is currently tracking at 57 %. The recycled content of building material based
on cost is 18% to date. The goal is to achieve 20 %. The percentage is expected to increase
once the final submittals are in. 91% of the construction waste has ' been diverted from the
landfill to date. The goal is to achieve at least 75 %. This rating may earn the project an
exemplary performance point. The team continues to regularly update the LEED scorecard and
anticipates achieving a Gold rating. The team is striving to exceed that rating, but the process
will not be finalized until 2013.
AT &T 164
ARC 257
Berliner Cohen 7,506
Harley Ellis Devereaux 35,700
Consolidated CM (Constniction Management) 14,245
Devcon 1,983,234
PG &E 6,702
Verizon California 343
Miller - appraisal 700
Smith Emery 666
Earth Systems 585
City of Gilroy -water 30
First Trust Alarm 63
TOTAL 2,050,195
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Remaining Series A at 2/29/12 $ 0
Series B Funds at 2/29/12 13,662,275
Adj. to Net Bond Proceeds 33,811
March 2012 Expenditures 2,050,195)
Remaining Funds at3 /31/12 11,645,890
Construction began July 2010. The Grand Opening will be April 28, 2012.
B. Discussion of Donor Recognition for the New Library
Discussion will occur at a later date.
C. Discussion of Grand Opening Ceremony for New Library
The event will begin at 10 :00am with speeches, Ribbon Cutting at 11:30am, and
entertainment from 11:35am to 3:06pm. There will also be demonstrations and tours
going on inside the library.
Deputy County Librarian, Derek Wolfpram
The grand opening of the new 53,000 square foot Gilroy Library will be held on April 28 at the
new library, 350 W.
Street in Gilroy. Grand Opening Dedication ceremonies will be held
from 10:00 — 11:30 am, with an Open House and festivities from 11:30am — 3:00pm.
Silicon Valley Reads (SVR) event attendance had already topped 6,200 people before the end
of March, far surpassing the record of 4,900 set in 2010. Events still continue through April,
including programs with each of the two main authors. See the Silicon Valley Reads 2012
booklet or www.siliconvalleyreads.org for information on over 100 programs to be offered this
County Librarian Melinda Cervantes has accepted a position as the Director of the Pima County
Public Library serving Tucson, Arizona and the surrounding communities. Her last day with
Santa Clara County Library will be April 28, which is the Grand Opening of the Gilroy Library.
The Santa Clara County Library District Joint Powers Authority Board approved an additional
budget transfer of $2.8 million from undesignated fund balance for remodeling costs and site
improvements for the Library Administration Service Center and Warehouse Operations facility
on Dell Avenue in Campbell at the March 15 meeting, The next JPA Board meeting will be
held on April 26, 2012 at 1:30pm. at the Library Administration Offices, 14600 Winchester
Blvd. in Los Gatos. JPA agendas and minutes will be posted on the Library website the Friday
before each meeting: www.sccl.org.
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City Librarian, Lani Yoshimura
Staff — Elizabeth Munoz -Rosas will begin working as the bilingual Adult Services Librarian
next week. Library Page Tom Hewitt has accepted a part-time coded library page position at
Morgan Hill Library. Linda Glawatz, Children's Supervising Librarian (CSL) and Library
pages Denise Leverton and Stephanie Gove remain on medical leave.
New Library — The temporary building closed to the public on March 17, 2012. There will be a
soft opening of the new library on April 24 and the Grand Opening on April 28. The Grand
Opening of the new library will feature a nearly two -hour ceremony starting at 10am and ending
with a ribbon - cutting at 11 :30am. At the request of the City, the library will not open until the
ceremony ends. The City will host activities on the Civic Center grounds from l0am to 3pm
and the library will provide more programs inside. Two Silicon Valley Reads programs
featuring G. Willow Wilson will occur that day at 2pm and 4prn.
Teen Volunteers — Eight teen volunteers worked 34 hours in March thanks to Teen librarian
Kelly McKean.
Silicon Valley Reads — Programs to be held during the month of April include: (1) A panel
discussion "Getting to Know American Muslims and Their Faith" on April 18 at 7pin. at the
Senior Center; (2) The film "Allah Made Me Funny" on April 26 at 7pm. at the Senior Center;
3) The Teen Program; "Graphic Novels and Comics" with Willow Wilson at the Gilroy Library
on April 28 at 2prn.
Gilroy Reads -- A partnership has formed in Gilroy among the City, the Gilroy Unified School
District, a local business association and the library to start "Gilroy Reads." The kick -off for
the partnership is the Grand Opening of the Gilroy Library. The City is taking the lead on the
endeavor by sending invitations to VIPs, arranging for press coverage and distributing fliers
bearing the Gilroy Reads logo.
Circulation — Although the Gate count in February 2012 was down 2.09% from February 2012,
circulation increased 1.4%
Programs — The Library held 13 Adult, Teen, and Children's programs with a total attendance
of 177 people in March 2012.
City Council will open and close the meeting on April 16, 2010 in honor of Kathleen Smith.
Jacqui Carrasco requests that Commissioners be at the Grand Opening by 9;15am for pictures.
The Agenda for May 9 will include Re- Election of Chair /Vice -Chair and.Appointment of a
Representative to give the Library Report to Council on June 4, 2012.
Vice -Chair Smith (Carol) adjourned the meeting at 8 :05pm.
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The next regular meeting of the Gilroy Library Commission will be held on Wednesday, May 9,
2012 at 7:00pm. in the Gilroy Public Library Meeting Room, 350 W. 6th Street, Gilroy, CA.
Lym Conrotto, Recording Secretary
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