01/09/2013 Library Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 02/13/2013CITY OF GILROY
7:00 P.M.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
The regular meeting of the Library Commission was called to order by Chair Smith (Carol) at
7: 07 p.m. in the Gilroy Library Meeting Room, 350 W. 6th Street Gilroy, California.
Three commissioners were present. Commissioner Hugh Smith was excused. Newly appointed
Commissioner Cooper was absent.
Motion by Commissioner Taylor and seconded by Commissioner Spencer to approve the
minutes of December 12, 2012.
Hearing no objections, it was so ordered.
Motion by Commissioner Spencer and seconded by Commissioner Taylor to approve the
Agenda of January 9, 2013.
Hearing no objections, it was so ordered.
Chuck Griffen, the new Financial and Administrative Services Manager for the Santa Clara
County Library, attended the meeting.
A. Discussion of Donor Recognition for the New Library
Discussion will occur at a later date when more information is available from the City.
B. Discussion of Work Plan at Los Altos Library
The Commission will discuss a work plan at a later date.
C. Discussion of Gilroy Library HVAC System Problems
Lani Yoshimura stated that the sensors had been dismantled from the new equipment
when it was discovered that they were not working properly, so the HVAC system was
turned off. The building is still cold, even though the equipment was turned back on
today. More results should be available tomorrow. Chuck Griffen stated that they will
continue to work with Nova Partners and Devon Construction until the building is
working at maximum efficiency.
Deputy County Librarian, Derek Wolfgram
New Deputy County Librarian — Carol Frost is the new Deputy County Librarian, Information
Technology and Collection. Carol has worked at the San Jose Public Library as a Division
Manager and Senior Librarian where she was responsible for technical services, information
technology, web and digital services, and co- management of the King Library units with San
Jose State University. In addition, Carol had oversight for multiple branches, adult literacy,
youth services, early literacy and circulation services. Prior to joining the San Jose Public
Library, Carol was the Technology Program Manager and Computer Operations Coordinator
for the Peninsula Library System, and Technical Services and Support Librarian at San Bruno
Public Library.
Friends and Commissioners Forum — All Commissioners are invited to the 10a' Annual Friends
and Commissioners Forum on Saturday, February 9th from 8:45 to noon. The keynote speaker
will be Deborah Doyle, President of the California Public Library Advocates (formerly
CALTAC), past chair of the. Friends and Foundation of the San Francisco Public Library, and
President -elect of the California Library Association. Deborah is a well- known, passionate and
eloquent advocate for public libraries. In addition, there will be the premiere of a Santa Clara
County Library District video that can be used by commissioners and staff when making
presentations about the Library in the community. Small group discussion options include new
digital resources, library fiinding, tips on telling the library story in the community, and a visit
from one of the Silicon Valley Reads authors. Invitations will be mailed and emailed.
Silicon Valley Reads — Silicon Valley Reads 2013, "Invisible Wounds of War" kicks off on
January 30th at 7:30 pm at the Campbell Heritage Theatre. The program will include over 100
free events from January to April throughout Santa Clara County. All of the libraries have
copies of the selected books and patrons are encouraged to come to several of the events.
Joint Powers Authority Board (JPA) — The JPA will meet on Thursday, January 201 at 1 :30 pin
at Library headquarters in Los Gatos. The Finance Committee will not meet this month.
City Librarian, Lani Yoshimura .
Personnel — Library Clerk Yolanda Provencio will retire at the end of December after working
for the Gilroy Library for more than 35 years. She is beloved by the community and her
bilingual skills and warm personality make her a favorite at the Circulation Desk.
Children's Services Librarian Denise Fromm will retire in January. She worked as an on -call
librarian from 1996 -2001 and then took a permanent position with the County Library on
January 22, 2001. Ms. Fromin initiated the Baby Lap -sit program at the Gilroy Library.
Both retirees will be honored by the Gilroy City Council on Monday, January 7, 2013.
FRIENDS of the Gilroy Library — The Friends group held its first members -only book sale in
early December. The Friends open the Friends Book Sale Store on Tuesdays and Fridays. The
next book sale is January 12, 2013 from 10 am to 1 pm.
Library Facility — The library roof HVAC units have been replaced. It continues to be very cold
in the Lobby and in the Reading Room.
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Programs in November and December — There were 31 Children's Programs with an attendance
of 712. - The 15 Teen programs had 490 people, and 454 patrons attended the 74 Adult
programs. There were also 2 Outreach programs with a total attendance of 67.
Children's Program — Sharon Kelly has been at the Gilroy Library for one month. She has
already been active with Gilroy children's programs and is currently serving on system -side
committees. Sharon will do a series of baby lap -sit sessions at Mt. Madonna High School with
the teen mothers. The Library is also planning to host the Reading Buddies Programs.
Volunteers — The Library recorded 617 volunteer hours in November and December.
January Calendar of Events — Preschool Storytime (Ages 3 -5) is held on Thursdays and
Bilingual Family Storytime on Saturdays. Both are at 10:30 a.m. ESL Conversation Club meets
every Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. Drop -in and receive help with your projects at the Knitting and
Crochet Circle every Thursday from 1 -4 p.m. Share with your peers at the Creative Writers
Club (Jan. 10 & 24). Learn how to prepare for a disaster in the Disaster Preparedness Class
presented by the City of Gilroy (Janl2). Learn how to download library eBooks onto your
computer or mobile device at the eBook Workshop (Jan. 12). Join the Garlicky Group of Poets
for Open Poetry Readings (Jan. 12). Four movies will be shown in January including the Teen
Movies: Batman: The Dark Knight Rises (Jan. 2), The Bourne Legacy (Jan. 16), Total Recall
Jan. 30) and Family Movies: Ice Age: Continental Drift (Jan. 9) and Diary of a Wimpy Kid:
Dog Days (Jan. 23). Learn how to reduce stress and improve health at the Meditation
Workshop (Jan. 17). Learn about current health issues at the AAUW Healthcare Film and
Discussion (Jan. 19). The Book Club will discuss The Long Walk by Silicon Valley Reads
author Brian Castner (Jan. 29). See www.secl.org for more information.
CALTAC memberships for the Commissioners will be renewed in 2013. The name of the
organization has been changed to CPLA (California Public Library Advocates).
Election of 2013 Officers will be conducted at the next meeting on February 13 due to the brief
time between appointment of new Commissioners and the January meeting, and also to the
absence of two Commissioners. The current items will also remain on the Agenda.
Chair Smith (Carol) adjourned the meeting at 7:55 p.m.
The next regular meeting of the Gilroy Library Commission will be held on Wednesday,
February 13, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Gilroy Library Meeting Room, 350 W. 6th Street,
Gilroy, CA.
Lyntikonrotto, Recording Secretary
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