06/12/2013 Library Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 07/10/2013CITY OF GILROY MINUTES OF THE REGULAR LIBRARY COMMISSION MEETING 7:00 P.M. Wednesday, June 12, 2013 CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Library Commission was called to order by Chair Smith at 7: 00 pan. in the Gilroy Library Meeting Room, 350 W. 6th Street Gilroy, California. SECRETARY'S REPORT All five commissioners were present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion made by Commissioner Spencer to approve the minutes of May 8, 2013. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Cooper. Dearing no objections, it was so ordered. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion made by Commissioner Spencer to approve the agenda of June 12, 2013. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Smith (Hugh). Hearing no objections, it was so ordered. INTRODUCTIONS Chair Smith introduced Mayor Don Gage, who was making his annual visit to the Commission. Mayor Gage thanked the Commissioners for serving and discussed a number of issues: City budget and City Council goals, future library parking, new businesses coming to Gilroy, a possible bond election for City improvements, and efforts to make Gilroy safer and more attractive. He also emphasized how important libraries are, and was amazed at the number of people who use the Gilroy Library. Mayor Gage then asked if anyone had any questions. PRESENTATIONS None. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION None. OLD BUSINESS A. Discussion of Donor Recognition for the New Library This item will be tabled until more information is available. B. Discussion of Gilroy Library Commission Work Plan This item will be tabled until more information is available. Deputy County Librarian, Derek Wolfgram On May 28, 2013, after a public hearing, the County Library Joint Powers Authority (IPA) Board, unanimously voted to proceed with an August 2013 mailed ballot to renew the existing special tax that provides 18% of total District revenue. The first information brochure has been mailed to District residents. In addition, updated FAQs and fact sheets are available to the public inside each of the SCCL libraries and also at the Bookmobile. The Registrar of Voters will mail ballots on July 29, 2013 which will be due by August 27, 2013. August 12, 2013 is the last day to register to vote for this election. All library locations have voter registration forms. The next JPA meeting will be June 6, 2013. Agenda items include final approval of the Fiscal Year 2013 -14 budget and acceptance of the independent auditor's report. Summer reading kicks off for all ages on June 1St. Studies show that reading can help eliminate the summer setback for students and keep learning enjoyable. Every library offers a FREE summer reading program for children up to age 13, with the theme "Dig Into Reading." Program participants can tarn a chance to win a Google tablet or an iPad mini. As part of the annual Teen Summer Reading Program, SCCLD announces "Read Across American for Teens." This new program will run from June 1 to August 15, 2013 at all Santa Clara County libraries. City Librarian, Lani Yoshimura PERSONNEL Elizabeth Munoz -Rosas transferred from Adult Services to Children's Services. Utesh Chand now has a full -time position at Valley Medical Center. A half -time page is still on leave. The library currently has openings for 2 half -time pages, 1 half -time clerk and a full -time librarian I /II. LIBRARY FACILITY In the Gilroy Library: Energy Use Assessment & Report, LEEDS Certified Commissioning Professional, Orry Nottingham describes the energy efficiency performance of the new library.0 Actual electricity during May 2012 through May 2013 was observed to be 566,160 KWH as reported in monthly PG &E Utility billing records during this period. This actual performance is 46,422 KWH better (or 14% less) than the predicted design performance, or 25% better than standard baseline consumption." So, despite several months of lights burning 24/7 and delays with the HVAC equipment, the efficiency of the systems in the new library appear to be excellent. The HVAC system now appears to be operating smoothly. The active use of fresh air is one of the nicer aspects of a green building. A whimsical barrier has been erected on the 2 n floor parapet to address the child safety concerns raised by the public and also witnessed by the staff. The design is evocative of other acrylic dividers featured behind public desks and in the window seats on the 2"d floor. COMPARATIVE STATISTICS: April 2012 to April 2013 In the first 10 months of FY 12 -13, Gilroy Library has already exceeded the total circulation for FY 11 -12. Comparing May 2012 to May 2013, circulation was down 14 %. However, people were anxious to visit the new library, so the gate count was higher in May 2012 than in May 2013. Page 2 of 6 The first full month (May 2012) in the new library brought nearly 41,000 visitors through the doors. This does not include opening Day on April 28, 2013, which attracted several thousand visitors. May 2012 was unusual because of the new facility. There is a 31% increase in the number of visitors when comparing May 2011 to May 2013. When the gate count of May 2011 is compared to that of May 2013. More than 992 patrons registered for library cards the first full month (May 2012) including nearly 600 local and District residents. The number of new library cards issued during May 2013 was 473, which is still high given that the new library has been open for more than a year. The number of library programs offered has increased 45% over May 2012, and the attendance at on-site and outreach events has grown nearly 75%. The additional spaces in the new library have allowed both the public and the staff to use the facility wisely. Program Highlights SUMMER READING CLUBS FOR ALL AGES KICK-OFF The Adult, Teen and Children librarians have planned a fun and exciting suininer of activities for all ages. More than 140 children, adults and teens signed up at the Library during the low-key kick-off for the Summer Reading Clubs on Saturday, June 1. TEEN PROGRAMS Teen librarian Kelly McKean oversees 27 teen volunteers from the local high schools that work 207 hours providing support for library programs. The teens work in 2-month stints to earn community service credits for school. Kelly arranges teen movies on Wednesdays and teen gaining on Friday afternoons, Comic Book Day was a big hit with 262 items given to local Page 3 of 6 40 May 40,87033,620 27,279 60,899 992 35.5 2012 1 33) 1 May 29,614 23,213 52,827T 473 28,055 330 2013 458) 480) 813) 178) Program Highlights SUMMER READING CLUBS FOR ALL AGES KICK-OFF The Adult, Teen and Children librarians have planned a fun and exciting suininer of activities for all ages. More than 140 children, adults and teens signed up at the Library during the low-key kick-off for the Summer Reading Clubs on Saturday, June 1. TEEN PROGRAMS Teen librarian Kelly McKean oversees 27 teen volunteers from the local high schools that work 207 hours providing support for library programs. The teens work in 2-month stints to earn community service credits for school. Kelly arranges teen movies on Wednesdays and teen gaining on Friday afternoons, Comic Book Day was a big hit with 262 items given to local Page 3 of 6 40 May 40 3 7 Wa 50 468 2012 208) 33) 227) May 56 13 22 6 90 1,640 2013 458) 480) 813) 178) Program Highlights SUMMER READING CLUBS FOR ALL AGES KICK-OFF The Adult, Teen and Children librarians have planned a fun and exciting suininer of activities for all ages. More than 140 children, adults and teens signed up at the Library during the low-key kick-off for the Summer Reading Clubs on Saturday, June 1. TEEN PROGRAMS Teen librarian Kelly McKean oversees 27 teen volunteers from the local high schools that work 207 hours providing support for library programs. The teens work in 2-month stints to earn community service credits for school. Kelly arranges teen movies on Wednesdays and teen gaining on Friday afternoons, Comic Book Day was a big hit with 262 items given to local Page 3 of 6 teens and some adults. Kelly is also developing a Teen Advisory Committee, which will resume meeting in the fall. She accompanied Sharon Kelly at the Brownell Middle School Career Faire. A Poetry Contest for teens was also held at the beginning of the month. CHILDREN'S PROGRAMS . Supervising Librarian Sharon Kelly and new Children's Librarian Elizabeth Munoz - Rosas are preparing for Summer Reading Club and Power School. Sharon has been delivering library cards to students already enrolled in Power School and has been working with the Power School staff to arrange class visits and other activities. She has also been reaching out to preschools before they close for the summer. She continues the Baby Lap -Sit sessions at Mount Madonna High School Child Care Center for teen mothers and their babies. She regularly conducts Storytimes, tours and other programs. Elizabeth has taken over bilingual Storytime, and has already developed rapport with the many Spanish - speaking families that frequent the library. Reading Buddies, with trained dogs and cats from Furry Friends, helps children build confidence while reading out loud to these furry nonjudgmental listeners. FOOD & GARDENING & HEALTH PROGRAMS Food programs presented in both English and Spanish have been well- received. Olive oil tasting was one of the unique offerings in May. Beekeeping was another program of interest to gardeners and environmentalists. A series of informational programs on Diabetes will run May through June (in Spanish) ESL and COMPUTER CLASSES and PROGRAMS Volunteer instructors will be handling the ESL conversation club and the computer classes, which are conducted in English and also in Spanish. The Library thanks Elizabeth Munoz - Rosas for developing these programs and for finding volunteers to sustain them. BOOK CLUBS and WRITERS The Library Book Clubs read and discussed the following books in May: Bonesetter's Daughter by Amy Tan and Molokai by Allen Brennert. Kelly Young continues to lead the discussions. The Garlicky Poets offer a monthly Open Mike event. OTHER PROGRAMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST The crochet & Knitting Circle run by a volunteer has become very popular. The meditation group has a small but devoted group of participants. The City of Gilroy is holding a Disaster Preparedness program. Cal -Fresh has a weekly table in the Lobby to provide information to the community about their program and what it has to offer. The Gilroy Library currently delivers books and other materials to 4 individuals who are homebound. d• EXHIBITS An exhibit on the Juan Bautista de Anza Historic Trail is on display at the Library through the end of July 2013. The exhibit is in both English and Spanish. The Anza party moved along a trail from 1775 -76 that ran from Nogales, Arizona to the San Francisco Bay Area. This historic Page 4 of 6 event marked the settlement of San Francisco. The trail touches the outskirts of Gilroy and runs through San Benito County. A small exhibit of copies of Gilroy photographs will be displayed in the Children's Room. The materials were borrowed from the Gilroy Historical Museum. PARTNERSHIPS Gilroy Gardens and the Gilroy Library, under the auspices of Gilroy Reads, have developed a joint program to encourage more people to visit the Gilroy Gardens and inspire those in the community without library cards to apply for one. Gilroy Gardens is offering free admission to the Gilroy residents who get a library card and checkout library materials on 5 different occasions. The individual must present proof of Gilroy residence, a Gilroy library card and 5 checkout receipts from 5 different days. The program will begin on June 1, 2013. Gilroy Library will partner once again with GUSD'S Power School during the summer, thanks to a grant from the California Library Association. The Summer Matters program is built on the premise that children who continue to read through the summer generally have a half -grade level start over those that do not. The partnership has been underway for 3 years, and the goal of the Library is to make sure that all of the nearly 1,000 children enrolled in Power School have a Santa Clara County Library District library card. Gilroy Farmer's Market is now open on Saturdays from l0am -2pm in the Civic Center. The proximity of the Library and the Farmer's Market will be mutually beneficial. The Friends of the Library are planning to open the Friends' Book Store every Saturday morning to take advantage of the foot traffic expected at the Fanner's Market. The Friend's Book Store is also open on Tuesdays from 1 -5pm and Fridays from 1 Oam -lpm. REGULAR WEEKLY PROGRAMS AT THE GILROY LIBRARY IN JUNE 2013 Wednesdays (5pm) ESL Conversation Club Thursdays (10 :30am) Storytime: Books, rhymes, songs, flannel boards (Ages 3 — 5) Thursdays (1 -4 pm) Knitting and Crochet Circle: Drop -in and receive help with projects Fridays (lpm) Tal Chi: Balance & harmony for body, mind and spirit Fridays (4pm) Teen Gaming: Teens can join in and play video games Saturdays (10:30am) Bilingual Storytime (Cuentos, Caneiones y Mas) for the entire family OTHER EVENTS AT THE GILROY LIBRARY IN MAY June 1 (1 oam- 5:30pm) First Day to Sign up for the Summer Reading Club for Children, Teens and Adults: Take a silly photo and get a free prize June 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 (10:30am) Taller: Tomando Control De Su Diabetes: Workshops to Control Diabetes (in Spanish) June 1 Gilroy Residents Earn Free Admission to Gilroy Gardens: Ask staff for details June 5 (3:30pm) Teen Movie: Guilt Trip June 7 (10:15am) Book Club: Mololca 7 by Alan Brennert June 8 (loam -Ipm) Book Sale: Support the Friends of the Library June 8 (3:30pm) Open Poetry Readings with the Garlicky Group of Poets June 11 (6:30pin) Foster Parenting: Find out about becoming a foster parent Page 5 of 6 June 12 (3:30pm) Family Movie: Escape from Planet Earth June 12 (7pm) Growing Citrus: With Master Gardener Joan Cloutier June 15 Legal Services Fair: More information to follow June 15 (10:30 pm) Disaster Preparedness class taught by City of Gilroy June 18 (7pm) The Shroud of Turin: Fact or Fiction? Learn how artifacts are aged and the official" age of the shroud might be in question June 19 (3pm) Children's Summer Reading Club Event: Juggler Doug Nolan June 20 (lpm) Teen CSI Forensics Workshop: Investigate a crime scene June 20 (7 pm) Meditation Workshop: Reduce stress and improve health June 25 (7pm) CSI Forensics Workshop: Hands -on activities for adults June 25 (7pm) Book Club: The Tower, the Zoo, and the Tortoise by Julia Stuart June 26 (3pm) Children's Summer Reading Club Event June 27 (2pm) Teen Movie: Beautiful Creatures June 27 (3 -4:30 pm) Reading Buddies: Children in grades K -5 can read to a furry friend COMMISSION COMMENTS None. STAFF COMMENTS None. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Items A & B will remain on the agenda. ADJOURNMENT Chair Smith adjourned the meeting at 8:48 p.m. FUTURE MEETINGS The next regular meeting of the Gilroy Library Commission will be held on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Gilroy Library Meeting Room, 350 W. 6th Street, Gilroy, CA. e Co tto, Recording Secretary Page 6of6