11/13/2013 Library Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 01/08/2014CITY OF GILROY MINUTES OF THE REGULAR LIBRARY COMMISSION MEETING 7:00 P.M. Wednesday, November 13, 2013 CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Library Commission was called to order by Chair Smith (Carol) at 7: 02 p.m. in the Gilroy Library Meeting Room, 350 W. 6th Street Gilroy, California. SECRETARY'S REPORT Four commissioners were present. Commissioner Hugh Smith was excused. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion made by Commissioner Cooper to approve the minutes of October 9, 2013. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor. Hearing no objections, it was so ordered. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion made by Commissioner Taylor to approve the agenda of November 13, 2013. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Spencer: Hearing no objections, it was so ordered. INTRODUCTIONS None. PRESENTATIONS None. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION None, OLD BUSINESS A. Discussion of Donor Recognition for the New Library This item will be discussed in greater detail when more information is available. B. Discussion of Gilroy Library Commission Work Plan This item will be tabled until more information is available from Lani Yoshimura. Deputy County Librarian, Carol Frost The Library District's administrative offices will be moving to their new Services and Support Center at 1370 Dell Avenue in Campbell on Friday, November 8. The Library District will host an open house for Library Commissioners and other stakeholders on Friday, December 6 from 3 to 5 pm. The 2014 Friends, Commissioners, Foundation and Endowment members Forum will be held on Saturday, February 1 from 9:00am to 12:00pm. The Forum, which brings together library volunteers from across the District, will be held at the new Services and Support Center in Campbell. There will be 2 speakers who will discuss both the past and the fixture of libraries in Santa Clara County: Susan Fuller, County Librarian froml985 -2002 and Dr. Sandra Hirsh, Director of the School of Library and Information Science at San Jose State University. At the most recent Santa Clara County Library District Joint Powers Authority (JPA) meeting on Thursday, October 24, the JPA Board took several actions. They adopted a resolution to declare the official results of the Measure A election (approved in August with an 81.72% yes vote), as well as adopting an ordinance levying the tax beginning in fiscal year 2014 -15. The Board also received a year -end financial report for fiscal year 2012 -13, and adopted a ten -year Capital Maintenance Plan to care for library buildings. The Board also heard a report on the recent Return on Investment study (funded by Cupertino Library Foundation and conducted by BERK), which demonstrated that taxpayers receive as much as a 400% return on investment on library funding. The full study is available online at http: / /www.sccl.org/about/roi. The Board elected Campbell City Council member Jason Baker Chair of the JPA Board for 2014. Saratoga Vice -Mayor Emily Lo was elected Vice - Chair. Gilroy Community Library October 2013 Facility Status Report: PENDING: User Experience — Way finding: Martinelli Environmental Graphics (the signage contractor) has completed all punch list work. Quote was received for additional remaining modifications. Production and installation is being scheduled. Li htin : Lani has provided a list of lighting fixtures not working. Library Administration is obtaining list of bulb types needed for purchase and installation. To improve illumination at the Circulation Desk and adjacent areas, the Library has funded $5,000 for a consultant and 10,000 for illumination. The scope of work is being developed. The contractor is searching for missing trellis lights to complete installation. Teen Furniture: Vandalized furniture was removed. Installation of shelving and purchase of replacement furniture is being scheduled. Windows /Doors: A locksmith contractor was hired to add hardware to patio doors so they can stay unlocked during regular business hours. BMS contractor was contacted to address inoperable upper windows in library extension ( "Ell "). AN: Library IT will contact contractor next week to assist with Community Room AN repairs. The Library is still checking with Nova Partners on the status of the Smart Board for the Training Room. Pigeon Miti agtion: The City of Gilroy paid for mitigation of pigeon droppings and installation of bird -proof netting on the Library roof. The contractor has come out twice for re- inspection and minor corrections, and is being contacted again for more bird -proof installations above plaza entrance and on roof -top outside of existing netting. Electrical: Contractor is scheduled to address inoperable outlets in desks and floor. Restrooms: A mechanic will be out within a week to address failing bracing in first floor women's restroom stall. Page 2 of 3 Restrooms: A mechanic will be out within a week to address failing bracing in first floor women's restroom stall. COMPLETED: Elevator: The State finished the annual inspection and maintenance was completed. HVAC: Everything is working. The warranty is extended through April 15, 2014. BMS Training: Staff was trained on BMS. The Library signed the quarterly BMS maintenance contract with Automated Control Engineers. Wi -Fi: The Wi -Fi was upgraded. City Librarian, Lani Yoshimura Lani distributed a report and calendar of events to the Commissioners. See attached report. She also passed around laminated map samples of each floor of the library that staff will carry with them. COMMISSION COMMENTS Commissioner Cooper suggested that the Library Commission meetings be put on the library calendar of events. STAFF COMMENTS None. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Items A & B will remain on the agenda. ADJOURNMENT Chair Smith adjourned the meeting at 7:40 p.m. FUTURE MEETINGS The next regular meeting of the Gilroy Library Commission will be held on Wednesday, December 11, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Gilroy Library Meeting Room, 350 W. 6th Street, Gilroy, CA. L e Conrotto, Recording Secretary Page 3 of 3