03/12/2014 Library Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 04/10/2014CITY OF GILROY MINUTES OF THE REGULAR LIBRARY COMMISSION MEETING 7:00 P.M. Wednesday, March 12, 2014 CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Library Commission was called to order by Chair Spencer at 7: 05 p.m. in the Gilroy Library Meeting Room, 350 W. 6th Street Gilroy, California. SECRETARY'S REPORT All five commissioners were present.. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion .made by Commissioner Taylor to approve the minutes of February 12, 2014. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Cooper. Hearing no objections, it was so ordered. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion made by Commissioner Smith (Carol) to approve the agenda of March 12, 2014. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor. Hearing no objections, it was so ordered. INTRODUCTIONS None. PRESENTATIONS None. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION None. OLD BUSINESS A. Discussion of Donor Recognition for the New Library The Commission decided to remove this item from the agenda until more information is available. B. Discussion of Gilroy Library Commission Work Plan The Commission decided to remove this item from the agenda until more information is available from Lani Yoshimura. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion of 2014 Library Commission Meeting Schedule Chair Spencer proposed that the Library Commission go dark in December and also for one meeting in the summer. There was a brief discussion. Motion made by Commissioner Smith (Carol) to cancel the meetings on July 9 and December 10, 2014. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Cooper. Bearing no objections, it was so ordered. County Librarian, Nancy Howe New Community Librarians for Los Altos and Saratoga — Following a national search, Santa Clara County Library District has selected new Community Librarians for the Los Altos Library/Woodland Branch and the Saratoga Library. Judith Gregg will begin serving as the Los Altos Community Librarian on March 17. Judith comes from San Jose Public Library, where she has managed a variety of branch locations over the last seven years. Her most recent position was managing the Reference and Resources Department of the Martin. Luther King Library. Judith has a history of deep community involvement, and she has developed several innovative programs that dovetail with SCCLD's current areas of focus, including early literacy and English as a Second Language. Prior to her tenure with San Jose Public Library, Judith worked for seven years as a Branch Manager for the San Diego County Library,'where among other responsibilities she managed a joint -use branch library with a local middle school. Judith was selected as one of the 2004 winners of the New York Times Librarian of the Year award for her work with the Solano Beach branch library. Allison Parham has served as the Acting Community Librarian at the Saratoga Library since October, and the "Acting" will soon be dropped from her title with her permanent appointment to the position. Prior to her work at Saratoga, Allison served for three years as the Supervising Librarian for Adult and Teen Services at Campbell Library, where she was responsible for a District -side effort to develop Topic Teams to create online content, programs, and services in numerous subject areas to appeal to adults ages 25 -55 in the communities that are served by SCOLD. Allison also worked for three years as the District's first Electronic Resources Librarian, and was responsible for the initial rollout of many initiatives including, but not limited to, website improvements, social media, text - messaging reference service, and a mobile application. She also worked at the Santa Clara City Library for eight years, working her way up from Library Page to Librarian before coming to work for Santa Clara County Library District. New E -Books Brochure — A newly designed brochure for the public, Getting Started I -Books and Downloads is now available. Copies will be distributed at all commission meetings. Highlight on Accessible Services — Santa Clara County Library District provides many accessibility services for patrons. Borrowers with visual or other disabilities may be eligible to borrow, at no cost, recorded and Braille books and devices from the Braille and Talking Book Library, which is a branch of the California State Library as well as from the National Library Services for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. Locally, Books Aloud, Inc. is a non -profit organization which records books on cassette tape and has a free loaning program to the blind and disabled, where recordings can be mailed directly to the home of eligible readers, or can be sent to one of SCCLD libraries. SCCLD has a small collection of books in Braille, and a large collection of audiobooks. Other services offered by SCCLD include the Bookmobile, which makes 35 stops throughout the county, as well as home library services for homebound people residing in the service area. Each of the libraries has adaptive technologies on their public computers, including ZoomText, which offers screen magnification and screen reading. More Page 2 of 3 information can be found on the Library website at http://www.secl.org/services/accessible- services/programs. Early Voting — In partnership with the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters, the Library will provide sites for early voting for the June primary elections at four libraries: Campbell Library ( Supervisorial District 4), Gilroy Library ( Supervisorial District 1), Los Altos Library Supervisorial District 5), and Milpitas Library ( Supervisorial District 3). Santa Clara County Library District does not have any facilities in Supervisorial District 2. Early voting will be available for any Santa Clara County resident from noon to 5 pm on four dates: Saturday, May 24; Sunday, May 25; Saturday, May 31; Sunday, June 1. As an experiment, the Campbell and Gilroy Libraries, which are normally closed on Sundays, will be open for business from noon to 5 pm on these two Sundays. City Librarian, Lani Yoshimura Lan' distributed reports and calendar of events to the Commissioners. See attached reports. COMMISSI.ON COMMENTS None. STAFF COMMENTS None. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Items A & B will be taken off the agenda. Chair Spencer requested that the Library Commission Report to Council be discussed at the next meeting. ADJOURNMENT Chair Spencer adjourned the meeting at 7:56 p.m. FUTURE MEETINGS The next regular meeting of the Gilroy Library Commission will be held on Wednesday, April 9, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the Gilroy Library Meeting Room, 350 W. 6th Street, Gilroy, CA. L Conrotto, Recording Secretary Page 3 of 3