04/10/2013 Library Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 05/08/2014 CITY OF GILROY MINUTES OF THE REGULAR LIBRARY COMMISSION MEETING 7:00 P.M. Wednesday, April 10, 2013 CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Library Commission was called to order by Chair Smith(Carol) at 7: 02 p.m. in the Gilroy Library Meeting Room, 350 W. 6th Street Gilroy, California. SECRETARY'S REPORT Five commissioners were present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion made by Commissioner Taylor to approve the minutes of March 13, 2013. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Cooper. Hearing no objections, it was so ordered. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Chair Smith announced that JPA Board member Steve Tate, who is on the agenda under Introductions, is ill and unable to attend the meeting. Motion made by Commissioner Spencer to approve the amended agenda of April 10, 2013. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor. Hearing no objections,it was so ordered. INTRODUCTIONS JPA Board member Steve Tate was ill and unable to attend the meeting. PRESENTATIONS None. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION None. OLD BUSINESS A. Discussion of Donor Recognition for the New Library Dan Johnson informed Lani that the bricks from the old library are being saved at the corporation yard. She will pass the information on to The Friends group. B. Discussion of Gilroy Library Commission Work Plan Commissioners will try to contact the Exchange Club President and the Superintendent of Schools. Commissioner Taylor contacted Sunset Gardens and Village Green in regards to the large print books that were donated for the Friends Book Sale. C. Discussion of Gilroy Library HVAC System Problems Lani had access to the building maintenance system in the past so she could open & close the windows and balance the air flow throughout the building. She hopes to regain access soon as there are still some areas that remain cold. NEW BUSINESS A. Library Report to City Council on June 17, 2013 Chair Smith volunteered to give the report to City Council. County Librarian,Nancy Howe Joint Powers Authority Board (JPA) — The next JPA meeting will be Thursday, April 25, at 1:30 p.m. at the District Office in Los Gatos. The agenda will include action on the recommendation of the Elections Committee to place on the August 27, 2013 mail ballot, renewal of the existing special tax rate (with no increase) and the formation of a new Community Facilities District. The tax has been in place for nearly twenty years and accounts for over 17% of total library revenue. It funds open hours and materials only. The proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2013-2014 will also be presented at the meeting. The JPA Finance Committee will meet on April 17 at 11:00 a.m. to review the proposed budget. The Santa Clara County Library District video has been edited to include footage from all locations and the bookmobile. It is less than 3 minutes, and is a wonderful way to share the library story with the City Council or at a group meeting. Copies of the video on a flash drive will be given to commissioners. City Librarian, Lani Yoshimura Library Facility — There are still some ongoing issues with lighting and the HVAC system. Hopefully these will be resolved in the near future. Comparative Statistics: March 2012 to March 2013 • In March 2012, the library was preparing to move from the temporary facility to the new one. Programs were cancelled and the library was only open for a short period • New library cards are in high demand, 437 new cards in March 2013. • Circulation is up 68% over previous March during the move out of the old building. • Self-check machines are being used 59% of the time. In the old facility it was under 20%. In the temporary it was 30%. �z IN March 19,850 11,371 31,221 72 11,601 31 2012 March 29,674 22,984 52,658 437 25,811 401 2013 lei ✓S J° ® za M1 yy.. i3 �2 � March 0 0 0 0 0 2012 March 55 12 24 91 1,231 2013 (425) (194) (482) Page 2 of 5 Program Highlights— TEEN PROGRAMS Kelly McKean has enlisted a large group of volunteers from the local high schools. They work in 2 month segments since there are so many students who want to volunteer to earn community service hours. Kelly is also developing a Teen Advisory Committee, and her programs are well- received by teens. •A CHILDREN'S PROGRAMS Sharon Kelly is getting ready for Summer Reading Club and starting to visit Power School classes before the end of the school year. She has been holding Baby Lap Sit sessions at Mount Madonna High School Child Care Center. Storytimes and other programs are regularly offered by Sharon. The bilingual Storytimes program is steady thanks to Esmeralda Casas and Sharon. 49 FOOD & GARDENING PROGRAMS Food programs presented in both English and Spanish, and also for different age groups, have been well-received. Mouth-watering aromas have wafted through the building, and attendance has been good (people have been turned away in some instances). The programs by the Master Gardeners have also had a positive interest. d• ESL and COMPUTER CLASSES and PROGRAMS The ESL conversation club is breaking during April. The Library wishes to thank Gunther Barth for helping Elizabeth Munoz-Rosas with the program. Computer classes are conducted in English and also in Spanish thanks to Elizabeth. Also planned at the end of April is Dia del Nino (Day of the Child). BOOK CLUBS Kelly Young continues to steer the helm of the book clubs. Poetry and writing groups support local writers. ❖ OTHER PROGRAMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST Financial programs were provided in both English and also in Spanish. The attendance was small,but the interest of those who attended was genuine. The crochet &Knitting Circle run by a volunteer has grown quickly. A local quilting group, the Rippers,provided demonstrations on National Quilt Day, which was March 16t". PARTNERSHIPS As part of Silicon Valley Reads, the Library held the Wartime Memories program, where people share their stories of service or memories of wartime on the home front. One of the interesting participants was a 95-year-old veteran who served during World War II. He encouraged others to speak, including a veteran from the Korean Conflict. Gilroy Gardens and the Gilroy Library are developing a joint program to increase the number of Gilroy Library card holders and visitors to Gilroy Gardens. More information will follow. Gilroy Library will partner with GUSD'S Power School during the summer thanks to a grant from the California Library Association. The partnership has been underway for 3 years, and the Library plans to get library cards to any of the 850 students already registered in the summer program. Page 3 of 5 Ongoing Events at the Gilroy Library in April 2013 Wednesdays (5pm) ESL Conversation Club Thursdays (10:30am) Storytime: Books,rhymes, songs flannel boards (Ages 3 —5) Thursdays (1-4 pm) Knitting and Crochet Circle: Drop-in and receive help with projects Fridays (lpm) Tai Chi: Balance &harmony for body,mind and spirit Fridays (4pm) Teen Gaming: Teens can join in and play video games Saturdays (10:30am) Bilingual Storytime (Cientos, Canciones y Mas) for the entire family Activities for April 2013 April 3 (1:30 & 3:30pm) Family Movie: Wreck-It Ralph April 4 (7pm) Sustainable Gardening and Farming: Presented by Yummy Tummy Farms April 5 (10:15am) Book Club: On Chesil Beach by Ian McEwan April 6 (2pm) Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide Film screening and discussion by the AAUW. April 9 (7pm) Backyard Beer Brewing: Learn how to brew your own beer April 9 (7pm) Soda Making for Kids: Mix and taste new soda creations April 10 (3:30pm) Teen Movie: The Cold Light of Day April 11 (6pm) Taller: Buying below market housing (in Spanish) April 13 (2 pm) Teen International Candy Tasting April 13 (3:30pm) Open Poetry Readings with the Garlicky Group of Poets April 16 (6:30pm) Foster Parenting: Interested in being a foster parent? Find out more April 17 (3:30 pm) Family Movie: Rise of the Guardians April 18 (7 pm) Meditation Workshop: Reduce stress and improve health April 20 (10:30 pm) Disaster Preparedness class taught by City of Gilroy April 20 (2pm)Anti-Anxiety Food Solution: Learn how the foods you eat can help you calm your anxious mind, improve your mood and end cravings from author Trudy Scott April 24 (3:30pm) Teen Movie: Skyfall April 24 (7pm) Growing Citrus: with Master Gardener Joan Cloutier April 25 (3-4:30 pm) Reading Buddies: Children in grades K-5 can read to a furry friend April 27 (10:30pm) Juan Bautista de Anza Trail Event: Historical information presented by a Park Ranger and film screening of a reenactment April 27 (11:30am) Dia de los Niiio's: Families join in for crafts and make their own books. April 27 (2pm) Clase de Cocina: Latin cooking class presented in English and Spanish. Samples provided while they last April 30 (7pm) Book Club: The Bonesetter's Daughter by Amy Tan COMMISSION COMMENTS None. STAFF COMMENTS None. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Items A &B will remain on the agenda. ADJOURNMENT Chair Smith(Carol) adjourned the meeting at 8:05 p.m. Page 4 of 5 FUTURE MEETINGS The next regular meeting of the Gilroy Library Commission will be held on Wednesday, May 8, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Gilroy Library Meeting Room, 350 W. 6th Street, Gilroy, CA. Line Conrotto, Recording Secretary Page 5 of 5