05/08/2013 Library Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 06/11/2014CITY OF GILROY
7:00 P.M.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
The regular meeting of the Library Commission was called to order by Vice -Chair Spencer at
7: 02 p.m. in the Gilroy Library Meeting Room, 350 W. 6th Street Gilroy, California.
Three commissioners were present. Commissioners Hugh and Carol Smith were excused.
Motion made by Commissioner Taylor to approve the minutes of April 10, 2013. Motion
was seconded by Commissioner Cooper.
Hearing no objections, it was so ordered.
Motion made by Commissioner Taylor to approve the amended agenda of May 8, 2013.
Motion was seconded by Commissioner Cooper.
Hearing no objections, it was so ordered.
Deputy County Librarian Carol Frost will give the County Librarian Report for Nancy Howe.
Parks and Recreation Commissioner Julie Garcia attended the meeting to gather information.
Also present were Friends of the Library members Sharon Tyler, Isabel Jewell and Jenny
A. Discussion of Donor Recognition for the New Library
This item will be tabled until more information is available.
B. Discussion of Gilroy Library Commission Work Plan
This item will be tabled until more information is available.
A. Special Library Tax Expires June 30, 2015
Morgan Hill Mayor and JPA Board member Steve Tate explained that taxpayer funding
for local libraries has been in place for the past twenty years and is due to expire.
Continuing this funding at existing rates will help to maintain and protect local library
services and programs, book collections and open hours. The planning process is still
ongoing, and the community continues to provide input, However, a mail ballot in
August 2013 to maintain and protect library services by continuing community funding
at existing rates with no increase in taxes is being requested. Although every library in
the Santa Clara County Library District benefits from taxpayer funding for libraries,
every dollar from these voter- approved revenues raised within a city is returned for the
benefit and operation of the local library in that city.
Deputy County Librarian, Carol Frost
Joint Powers Authority Board UPAI — The Board met on April 25th and unanimously passed a
Resolution of Intention to establish a Community Facilities District to authorize the levy of
special taxes. These are preliminary steps required in order to hold a special election in August
2013 to renew the existing special tax. Formation of a Community Facilities District and
calling a public hearing are the first actions needed to proceed with setting the tax rate, term and
method. There will be a special meeting of the JPA Board on Tuesday, May 28th at 1:30 p.m.
at Library Administration at which time the public hearing will be held.
An informational FAQ related to library funding has been distributed.
Saratoga Library's I Oth anniversary will be celebrated on Saturday, May 18th from 12:00 -4:00.
There will be a variety of activities and food trucks in the library parking lot at the corner of
Saratoga and Fruitvale Avenues.
The April e- newsletter on Travel is available on the Library's website at www.scol.org.
City Librarian, Lani Yoshirm ra
Gilroy staff member Elizabeth Munoz- Rosas, who is a bi- lingual Librarian in Adult Services,
will transfer to Children's Services. This leaves a Librarian vacancy in Adult Services which
will be filled after the new Librarian list is established. Utesh Chand has accepted a full -time
position at Valley Medical Center starting the week of May 26th, leaving a half -time page
position vacant. A half -time library clerk code is still vacant. A half -time page is currently on
leave for a medical condition.
At the end of April, there was a lot of activity to complete unfinished business before the new
library warranties expired. The commissioning agent continues to work on the process to
acquire LEED certification as a green building for the Gilroy Library.
4- COMPARATIVE STATISTICS: April 2012 to April 2013
Circulation was 661.6% higher in April 2013 than in April 2012. Of course, during
most of April 2012, the library closed for relocation. In FY12 Gilroy Library
circulated 534,104 items. By April 2013 with 2 months left before the end of FYI 3,
Gilroy circulated 535,276 items, exceeding what was checked out during the
previous fiscal year.
New library cards continue to be a priority, with nearly 500 new cards issued in
April 2013.
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Self -check machine use is holding steady at 63 %. In the old facility self -check was
approximately 20 %, and in the temporary it was in use a little over 30% of the time.
The new facility has attracted more users, created space for more programs and
given the library stability to reach out. In April 2013 there were 78 library programs
with 1,469 attending. In addition, 162 people attended 15 Outreach events,
including: Baby Lap -sit programs at Mt. Madonna Childcare Center, visits to
classrooms at Power School, the State Pre - schools, Rucker and Glenview
Elementary Schools, Headstart Pre - school, a parenting class at the Rebekah
Children's Center, and Teen Mentor Day with students from Mt. Madonna High
3 '
1'P tls 7'bg4s3 a,
42 1 4 47 8,652April
2012 553 ) 15) 8,084)
April 54 10 14 78 1,469
2013 577 ) 270) 622
Program Highlights
Teen librarian Kelly McKean continues to oversee a large group of teen volunteers from the
local high schools that help the librarians prepare for programs and other projects. The teens
work in 2 -month stints since so many need to earn community service credits for school. Kelly
arranges teen movies and teen gaining on Friday afternoons, and has had wonderful success
with food programs. The International Candy Tasting program introduced participants to a
wide variety of exotic sweets in April. Kelly is also developing a Teen Advisory Committee.
Children's Supervising Librarian Sharon Kelly anxiously awaits Elizabeth Munoz - Rosas'
arrival to the Children's program, Planning for Sumner Reading Club is well underway, and
Sharon has been working with Power School to arrange for class visits and library cards for
those of the 1,000 Power School students without them, She continues to conduct Baby Lap -Sit
sessions at Mount Madonna High School Child Care Center for teen mothers. She regularly
provides Storytimes and other programs, as well as tours of the library. Program -wise, the food
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and cooking sessions have been very popular with the children. Healthy soda - making has been
a repeat event. The bilingual Storytimes program has been steady thanks to Esmeralda Casas
and Sharon. Reading Buddies, with trained dogs and cats from Furry Friends, inspires children
who have issues with their reading skills to practice reading out loud to these adorable non-
judgmental listeners.
The Gilroy Library celebrated its first anniversary on April 27th with a number of different
events. The Library celebrated Dia de los Ninos in conjunction with Bi- lingual Storytime and
an ongoing crafts program in which the children created their own hand -made books. The well -
attended bi- lingual Latin cooking class enjoyed the tasty samples.
Also on that day, in conjunction with the Gilroy Historical Society, the Library hosted a talk by
park ranger Hale Sargent and a film reenactment of the 1,200 -mile expedition in 1775 -1776.
The group moved along a trail that ran from Nogales, Arizona to the San Francisco Bay Area,
A traveling display on the Anza expedition will be at the Gilroy Library this summer.
Food programs presented in both English and Spanish have been well- received, and the Library
hopes to offer more in the future.
Yummy Tummy Farms presented a program on Sustainable Gardening,
Volunteer instructors will be handling the ESL conversation club and the computer classes,
which are conducted in English and also in Spanish.
Kelly Young continues to steer the helm of the book clubs. The Garlicky Poets offer a monthly
Open Mike event, and a library writer's group supports local writers.
Financial programs were provided in both English and Spanish. The attendance has been small,
but the interest of those who attended was genuine.
The crochet & Knitting Circle run by a volunteer has become very popular.
Gilroy Gardens and the Gilroy Library, under the auspices of Gilroy Reads, have developed a
joint program to encourage more people to visit the Gilroy Gardens and inspire those in the
community without library cards to apply for one. Gilroy Gardens is offering a free ticket to the
Gilroy residents who get a library card and checkout library materials on 5 different occasions.
The individual must present proof of Gilroy residence, a Gilroy library card and 5 checkout
receipts from 5 different days. The program will begin on June 1, 2013.
Gilroy Library will partner once again with GUSD'S Power School during the summer, thanks
to a grant from the California Library Association and the Packard Foundation. The program is
often referred to as Summer Matters, which is built around the idea that children who continue
to read through the summer are generally half a grade above children that do not. The
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partnership has been underway for 3 years, and the Library plans to get library cards into the
hands of any one of the 1,000 children enrolled in Power School who do not have one.
Gilroy Farmer's Market is moving to the Civic Center on Saturdays beginning June 1st. While
this not a formal partnership, the proximity of the Library and the Farmer's Market will be
mutually beneficial.
June 1st will be a busy day. It will be the kick -off for the Gilroy Library Summer Reading
Clubs for all ages, the opening of the Farmer's Market and the launching of the Gilroy Reads
project collaboration of Gilroy Gardens and Gilroy Library,
Wednesdays (5pm) ESL Conversation Club
Thursdays (10:30am) Storytime: Books, rhymes, songs flannel boards (Ages 3 — 5)
Thursdays (1 -4 pm) Knitting and Crochet Circle: Drop -in and receive help with projects
Fridays (lpm) Tai Chi: Balance & harmony for body, mind and spirit
Fridays (4pm) Teen Gaming: Teens can join in and play video games
Saturdays (10:30am) Bilingual Storytime (Cientos, Canciones y Mas) for the entire family
May 1 (3:30pm) Family Movie: Parental Guidance
May I (6:30pm) Olive Tasting: Presented by author Carol Firenze
May 1 Teen Poetry Contest: Last day to enter for a chance to win a gift card
May 3 (10:15am) Book Club: The Bonesetter's Daughter by Amy Tan
May 4 (11:30am) Cinco de Mayo Craft for Kids
May 4 (2pm) Cinco de Mayo Bilingual Puppet Show for Kids
May 4 (1 Oam -6pm) Free Comic Boole Day. One per person while supplies last
May 7 (6:30pm) Beekeeping Workshop: Presented by expert Wayne Pitts
May 8 (3:30pm) Teen Movie: Red Dawn
May 11 (loam -lpm) Boole Sale: Support the Friends of the Library
May 11 (1 lam) Cooking Class for Kids: Sign up at the Children's Information Desk
May 11 (lam) Cooking Class for Adults: Sign up at the Adult Information Desk
May 11 (3:30pm) Open Poetry Readings with the Garlicky Group of Poets
May 14 (6:30pm) Foster Parenting: Find out about becoming a foster parent
May 15 (3:30 pm) Family Movie: Chasing Mavericks
May 16 (7 pm) Meditation Workshop: Reduce stress and improve health
May 18 (10:30 pm) Disaster Preparedness class taught by City of Gilroy
May 22 (3:30pm) Teen Movie: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
May 23 (3 -4:30 pin) Reading Buddies: Children in grades K -5 can read to a furry friend
May 25 (10:30am) Tomando Control De Su Diabetes: Control Diabetes (in Spanish)
May 25 (11 am) Cooking Class for Kids: Sign up at the Children's Information Desk
May 25 (1 am) Cooking Class for Adults: Sign up at the Adult Information Desk
May 28 (7pm) Book Club: Moloka'i by Allen Brennert
May 29 (3:30pm) Family Movie: A Monster in Paris
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Mayor Gage will visit the Library Commission meeting on June 12, 2013.
Items A & B will remain on the agenda.
Vice -Chair Spencer adjourned the meeting at 7:45 p.m.
The next regular meeting of the Gilroy Library Commission will be held on Wednesday,
June 12, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Gilroy Library Meeting Room, 350 W. 6th Street,
Gilroy, CA.
ne Conrotto, Recording Secretary
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