06/16/2020 Parks and Recreation Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 08/18/2020 CITY OF GILROY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JUNE 16, 2020 6:00 p.m. City Council Chambers 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 MINUTES Page 1 of 3 I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Michelle Wexler, Vice Chair Theresa Graham (arrived at 6:14 pm), Commissioner Angela Reinert, Commissioner Patricia Bentson, Commissioner Robert Miller, and Commissioner Ermelindo Puente. III. FLAG SALUTE Commissioner Patricia Bentson led the pledge of allegiance IV. SECRETARY'S REPORT The agenda was posted on the City's website on Friday June 6, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion was made to approve the May 19, 2020 meeting minutes by Commissioner Miller; seconded by Commissioner Puente and carried with a vote of 6-0-0. VI. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion to approve the agenda was made Commissioner Miller; seconded by Commissioner Reinert and carried with a vote of 6-0-0. VII. INTRODUCTIONS None VIII. AWARDS/RECOGNITIONS None IX. PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA None X. NEW BUSINESS Recreation Manager Adam Henig provided a budget and programming update, referring to commissioners packet pages 9 -10. A lengthy discussion Page 2 of 3 amongst the commissioners occurred as to what community resources can be leveraged. The following areas were identified: working with non-profits, increased volunteerism, grants, establishing foundations (e.g., friends of Henry Coe), sponsorships, collaboration with YMCA, and looking into forming a special district with Morgan Hill. Each commissioner will look potential options and provide an update at the next meeting. XI. OLD BUSINESS Henig referred commissioners the annual work plan on packet pages 13-14. The commissioners agreed to move Arbor Day to the fall season, in hopes of hosting it in-person before the end of the calendar year. In regards to the Project 'add mile markers to levee', Miller suggested to add verbiage to include "both directions on levee." Henig informed the commission that the City will not be able to provide staffing-due to downsizing of staff -to execute the anti-tobacco grant. Henig also said he would follow up with city staff about the proposed updates to the park map XII. DEPARTMENT UPDATES A. Recreation Department Updates In lieu of a Recreation report, Henig added "Bringing Back Recreation Programs" under new Business item A. B. Status of City Parks Parks Supervisor, Bill Headley referred commissioners to packet pages 17 - 28. He mentioned that the Forest Street parcel acquisition was not included in the CIP plan that the city’s engineer presented at the last meeting. Commission requested an update about how it could be. Henig/Headley would follow up. XIII. COMMISSIONER PARK REPORTS & COMMENTS Park Assignments Pat Bentson: Cydney Casper, and Del Rey Park, and Los Arroyos Park: Nothing to report. Headley stated the two ADA ramps were repaired at Los Arroyos Park. Theresa Graham: Hecker Pass Park: Nothing to report Miller Park: Noticed dead branches on the trees; concerned with confrontational individuals at the park Rainbow Park: concerned with patches of brown lawn; Headley stated the pressure pump has been fixed and hopefully within the next three weeks, Page 3 of 3 the grass should look nice. Ermelindo Puente: Butcher Park: Noticed it was dirty. Forest Street Park, Renz Park, and SanYsidro Park: Nothing to report. Michelle Wexler: Carriage Hills Park, and Sunrise Park: Noticed the caution tape around the playground is not being abided by. . Robert Miller: Uvas Creek/Gilroy Sports Park: Noticed brown grass on lawns. El Roble Park: Noticed garbage cans are full, graffiti on picnic tables, playground caution tape had been taken down. Las Animas Veterans Park: Noticed excess water, tall weeds next to Wren, graffiti at the Oaks picnic area. Angela Reinert: Christmas Hill Park: Noticed the hand dryer in the women’s restroom is broken; graffiti between the bathroom and playground. Christmas Hill Park Ranch Site, and Christmas Hill Levee Trail: Nothing to report. XIV. STAFF COMMENTS Henig reminded Graham and Miller to fill out their 700 forms. XV. NEXT MONTH AGENDA ITEMS Commissioners would like No Smoking in Parks to be added to the next agenda. XVI. FUTURE MEETINGS August 18, 2020 at 6:00 P.M. The month of July is dark; The next meeting is scheduled for August 18, 2020. XVII. ADJOURNMENT Chair Wexler adjourned the meeting at 8:32 pm. Zinnia Navarro Recording Secretary Recreation Department