06/06/2013 City Council Regular Meeting Adopted 07/18/20131 Planning Commission Regular Meeting JUNE 06, 2013 I. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chair Sanford called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. II. REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA AND ROLL CALL Deputy City Clerk Knerr reported the agenda for the regular Planning Commission meeting of June 6, 2013 had been posted on May 31, 2013 at 4:30 p.m. Roll Call: Present: Commissioner Brad Bannister; Vice Chair Tom Fischer; Commissioner Christi Garcia; Commissioner Richard Gullen; Commissioner Paul Kloecker; Commissioner Kai Lai; Chair Elizabeth Sanford Staff Present: Kristi Abrams, Community Development Director/Building Official; Melissa Durkin, Planner II; Jolie Houston, Assistant City Attorney; Jennifer Knerr, Deputy City Clerk; Teresa Mack, Senior Civil Engineer (Development) III. MAYOR’S ANNUAL PRESENTATION TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION Mayor Gage spoke about City Council's goals and issues such as the General Plan, homelessness in Gilroy, recent community meetings, URM buildings in the downtown, Gilroy Garden improvements, sports fields at the schools, auto mall improvements, and the bond that he will propose to the citizens of Gilroy to help fund future improvements. Commissioner Gullen asked about incentives for businesses to re-locate to the downtown. Mayor Gage explained fees have been reduced and if the bond measure passes low interest loans would be available. Commissioner Bannister asked about the bond that the Mayor was proposing and the fact that one poll was showing a negative reaction. Mayor Gage explained that the citizens would need to be educated about the bond and what projects the money would be used for. Chair Sanford asked about the bond measure and how the funding would be spent in 2 the downtown area. Mayor Gage explained that there would be a partnership with the property owner to fix the building and then resale the property to recover the money. Funding would also be used for parking and parking lots in the downtown, repairs of streets, signals and lighting. He stated that everything would be laid out to the public for the bond money. Commissioner Lai asked about plans to solve the homeless issue. Mayor Gage stated that Chief Turner is working on the issue and will look to the Council for assistance. He stated that permanent housing is needed to help with the homeless and then services to help them stay in the housing. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. May 2, 2013 Motion on Item IV.A. Motion: to approve the minutes of May 2, 2013 as written. Moved by Vice Chair Tom Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Richard Gullen. Vote: Motion carried 6-0-0-1 Yes: Commissioner Brad Bannister; Vice Chair Tom Fischer; Commissioner Christi Garcia; Commissioner Richard Gullen; Commissioner Paul Kloecker; Chair Elizabeth Sanford No: None Abstain: Commissioner Kai Lai Absent: None V. PRESENTATION BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC None VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. AS 13-11, Architectural and Site Review to allow the construction of 8-single family homes on property zoned R1 (Single Family Residential), located on the Northeast side of Mesa Road, opposite Dawn Way. K Hovnanian Homes Inc., c/o Jeff Inabnit, applicant. (APN: 810-62-014 thru 021). 3 Planner II Durkin presented the staff report. Commissioner Fischer stated that he attended a community outreach meeting and commented that neighbors have concerns regarding the width of the street and traffic control. Planner Durkin stated she spoke with the City’s Transportation Engineer and “no parking signs” will probably be placed on both sides of the street and the stop sign will need a stop sign warrant analysis before consideration to install. Commissioner Fischer wanted clarification regarding parking between Wildflower and Thomas Roads. Planner Durkin clarified that no parking will be allowed on either sides of the street at this time and staff will study the stop sign. Commissioner Gullen asked about the financing mechanisms for the maintenance program. Planner Durkin explained a Community Facilities District (CFD) would be placed on the property and the home owners would be assessed a fee on their property taxes. Senior Civil Engineer Mack explained that either a Home Owners Association (HOA) is needed or annex the property into the citywide Community Facilities District (CFD). She explained when annexed a maximum special tax is established and each year an amount is set up to that maximum. Chair Sanford opened the public hearing. Jeff Inabnit, applicant, thanked the staff for all their work on the project. He stated that he objected to conditions 3-6 regarding landscape stating that the conditions had been met by the previous developer and the improvements accepted by the City. He stated that there is an existing landscape agreement in place with the previous developer. He also stated that this is an undue burden. Chair Sanford closed the public hearing. Chair Sanford stated the Commission had received letters on the project and asked Planner II Durkin to address conditions 3-6. Planner Durkin explained that the previous developer does have an existing maintenance agreement with the County. She stated that the quality of landscaping and maintenance does not meet the standards of other parts of Santa Teresa and therefore these are the reasons the conditions were placed on the applicant. Commissioner Lai asked about the home owner’s responsibility for maintenance of the 4 soundwall and landscaping and whose responsibility is it. Planner Durkin stated the home owner owns the property to the wall and it’s the home owner’s responsibility to maintain the wall; the County owns the landscape property and the City will maintain the landscape area. She stated the City is asking the property owners to pay for the landscaping maintenance. Director Abrams explained that the City is asking the home owner to help maintain the landscaping between their property and the right-of-way. Commissioner Bannister asked about the landscaping maintenance at various points along Santa Teresa Boulevard. Senior Civil Engineer Mack stated that DeNova Homes helped create the Community Facilities District to maintain the landscaping. This was in place of a Home Owner’s Association. Commissioner Kloecker stated he would like clarification on ownership and responsibility for the maintenance of the soundwall. Planner Durkin stated that the walls are on the individual lots and the owner of the lot is responsible for the wall. Commissioner Garcia asked about the options for financing the landscaping maintenance and who designs the landscaping irrigations plans . Planner Durkin stated that the project can be annexed into the CFD and the property owners are then responsible for paying for the maintenance. She stated that the applicant is responsible for the design of the landscape and irrigation plans. Commissioner Gullen asked about the existing maintenance agreement between the owner of lot 12 and the County and was that agreement recorde d. He also asked if lots 1-8 were included in that agreement. Planner Durkin stated that the agreement was recorded and the other lots are not subject to that agreement. Motion on Item VI.A. Motion: to approve AS 13-11 with all conditions listed but with removal of the timing of conditions 3 and 4 as described. Moved by Commissioner Paul Kloecker, seconded by Commissioner Brad Bannister. Vote: Motion carried 7-0-0-0 5 Yes: Commissioner Brad Bannister; Vice Chair Tom Fischer; Commissioner Christi Garcia; Commissioner Richard Gullen; Commissioner Paul Kloecker; Commissioner Kai Lai; Chair Elizabeth Sanford No: None Abstain: None Absent: None B. Z 13-05 Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. Minor amendments to various sections of the Zoning Ordinance to correct inconsistencies; make minor changes to standards for development; and to maintain consistency with the General Plan. Planner Durkin presented the staff report. Chair Sanford asked Assistant City Attorney Houston to speak on a letter received regarding Section 35.17. Assistant City Attorney Houston explained that the letter commented on the 5 year to 10 year mandate for the permitting process and that the letter stated there was no such federal law requirement. She stated that it is not federal law; it’s state law for wireless telecommunication. Chair Sanford asked Assistant City Attorney Houston to speak on Section 52.40 Assistant City Attorney Houston explained that the Commission does not have to make findings or state a reason for the denial. Therefore, she recommended removal of the language requiring findings for a denial of a zoning amendment. Chair Sanford opened the public hearing. Seeing no public comment Chair Sanford closed the public hearing. Motion on Item VI.B. Motion: to recommend City Council approve Z 13-05 with the amendment to Section 52.40 as described. Moved by Commissioner Richard Gullen, seconded by Commissioner Christi Garcia. Vote: Motion carried 7-0-0-0 Yes: Commissioner Brad Bannister; Vice Chair Tom Fischer; Commissioner Christi Garcia; Commissioner Richard Gullen; Commissioner Paul Kloecker; Commissioner Kai Lai; Chair Elizabeth Sanford 6 No: None Abstain: None Absent: None VII. OLD BUSINESS None. VIII. NEW BUSINESS None. IX. CORRESPONDENCE None. X. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. Current Planning Projects B. Planning Staff Approvals Director Abrams stated that the Current Planning Projects and Planning Staff Approvals are in the Commissioners binders. XI. PRESENTATIONS BY MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION None. XII. ORAL REPORTS BY COMMISSION MEMBERS A. City Council Meetings of May 6 & 20, 2013 and June 3 & 17, 2013 meetings. Commissioner Gullen gave a brief summary of the May 6 and 20, 2013 meetings. Commission Kloecker gave a brief summary of the June 3, 2013 meeting. B. Housing Advisory Committee Chair Sanford stated that there was no meeting. C. Historic Heritage Committee 7 Commissioner Garcia stated that there was no meeting. D. Arts & Culture Commission Commissioner Bannister gave a brief summary of the meeting. E. South County Joint Planning Advisory Committee Commissioner Kloecker stated that there was no meeting. F. Street Naming Committee Commissioner Lai stated that there was no meeting. G. Development Standards Task Force Commissioner Fischer stated that there was no meeting. H. Sign Ordinance Review Task Force Chair Sanford stated that there will be a wrap up meeting on June 11, 2013. They will decide at that time a date for a community outreach meeting, then to the Planning Commission and City Council for approval. XIII. PLANNING DIVISION MANAGER REPORT Commissioner Fischer spoke about the American Planning Association Planning Commissioners Workshop that he attended. He stated it was the final two meetings of the workshops. He stated that the workshops where very informational and informative and would recommend the series of four workshops to any Commissioner. XIII. PLANNING DIVISION MANAGER REPORT Director Abrams noted that at the July 18th meeting the Commission will need to appoint 2 Planning Commissioners to the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC). She noted that the Commissioners are responsible for completion of their OGO training for this year and return the certificates to the City Clerk’s office. She also stated the parking garage would be at the corner of 7th and Church Streets and if the Quality of Life Bond is approved the garage would be 3 stories instead of 2 stories. XIV. ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY REPORT None. XV. PLANNING COMMISSION CHAIR REPORT 8 Chair Sanford stated that she gave the City Council the annual Planning Commission report and Mayor Gage and Council Member Peter Leroe-Muñoz thanked the Commissioners for all their work. XVI. ADJOURNMENT at 8:12 pm _________________________________ /s/ Susan Johnson, Deputy City Clerk