03/03/2016 Planning Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 04/07/2016DRAFT Planning Commission Regular Meeting MARCH 03, 2016 I. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chair Rodriguez called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. II. REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA AND ROLL CALL Kelsey Heyd reported the agenda was posted on Friday, February 26, 2016 at 12:15 PM. Roll Call: Present: Commissioner Steve Ashford; Commissioner Tom Fischer; Vice Chair Paul Kloecker; Commissioner Kai Lai; Chair Sue Rodriguez Absent/Excused: Commissioner Rebeca Armendariz; Commissioner Richard Gullen Staff Present: Kelsey Heyd, Planning Technician; Rebecca Tolentino, Interim Planning Manager; Valerie Negrete, Planner I; Jolie Houston, Assistant City Attorney; Maria Angeles, Senior Civil Engineer III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: None IV. PRESENTATION BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: No comments or presentations were made. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. AS 14-46 (Architectural and Site Review) requests the development of a four story, 65,120 square foot, 100-room Hampton Inn & Suites (hotel) with an outdoor pool and an adjacent property (5955 Travel Park Circle) which contains a vacant restaurant. Parking for the new hotel will be shared between the two properties and will contain 128 spaces. The applicant will be required to execute a covenant of easement for ingress and egress of vehicles traversing between the two properties. The proposed project site is located east of U.S. Highway 101 and southeast of the Monterey Road/Travel Park Circle intersection in south Gilroy. The project site is accessible from Monterey Road and Travel Park Circle. A mitigated negative declaration (MND #2015-03) has been prepared and will be considered along with the proposed project. Application filed by Sharad Lal. DRAFT Planner Negrete presented the staff report. Commissioner Gullen joined the meeting at 6:32 P.M. Commissioners Gullen and Kai and Vice Chair Kloecker asked for clarification on the parking. Planner Negrete stated a parking management plan would be required prior to opening the restaurant to ensure sufficient parking for both the hotel and restaurant is provided. Commissioner Lai wanted to know if the environmental study was required as part of the application process. Planner Negrete clarified an update to the environmental report was needed to analyze the current proposal. Commissioner Gullen suggested modifications to conditions #41 and #43 as it related to the timing of the restaurant parking lot repairs and the restaurant opening. Commissioner Armendariz joined the meeting at 6:58 P.M. The applicant Sharad Lal briefly went over the history of the restaurant and parking. Chair Rodriguez opened the public hearing for public comments, and seeing no comments, closed the public hearing. Motion on item V.A.a. Motion: to recommend the City Council adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration Moved by Commissioner Richard Gullen, seconded by Commissioner Kai Lai. Vote: Motion carried 7-0. Yes: Commissioner Richard Gullen; Commissioner Kai Lai; Commissioner Rebeca Armendariz; Commissioner Steve Ashford; ; Commissioner Tom Fischer; Vice Chair Paul Kloecker; Chair Sue Rodriguez No: None Abstain: None Absent: None Motion on item V.A.b. Motion: to adopt a resolution recommending the City Council approve AS 14-46 with modifications to Conditions 41 and 43 as discussed, and include the mitigation measures from the mitigated negative declaration in the resolution Moved by Commissioner Richard Gullen, seconded by Commissioner Steve Ashford. Vote: Motion carried 7-0. Yes: Commissioner Richard Gullen; Commissioner Steve Ashford; Commissioner DRAFT Rebeca Armendariz; Commissioner Tom Fischer; Vice Chair Paul Kloecker; Commissioner Kai Lai; Chair Sue Rodriguez No: None Abstain: None Absent: None B. Z 15-05, TM 15-04, AS 15-20 (Zoning Planned Unit Development, Tentative Map, and Architectural and Site Review) requests approval for the construction of a 95-lot single-family development located in the West Cluster of the Hecker Pass Specific Plan on the lands of Hoey and Arias, commonly known as Heartland West. The residential development includes private internal streets, two common open space park areas and extensive perimeter landscaping along Grassland Way and the future extension of Third Street. Up to a two-foot reduction in the specific plan setback standards is requested for the front yards of 17 lots and the rear yard of one lot; all lots requesting reduced setbacks are zipper-style single- family units. Residential lots within the subdivision range from 3,375 sf to 9,936 sf, with homes ranging in size from 1,181 sf to 3,430 sf. The proposed project is consistent with the environmental impact report certified for the Hecker Pass Specific Plan. The project would not result in new significant land use effects, and no new information has been identified that indicates the project would require additional environmental review. Per Section 15162(b) of the CEQA Guidelines, no further environmental review is required. Application filed by Meritage Homes: Scott Kramer. Interim Planning Manager Tolentino presented the staff report. Commissioner Gullen and Commissioner Ashford had questions regarding the proposed zipper lots as they pertain to property lines and fencing, and inquired if zipper lots currently exist in the city. Interim Planning Manager Tolentino provided an illustration of the zipper lot layout and indicated they are currently built in the Hecker Pass Specific Plan East Cluster. Commissioner Fischer and Vice Chair Kloecker asked who is responsible for building the roundabout on Hecker Pass and when it will be built. Interim Planning Manager Tolentino stated it is triggered by a number of building permits within the overall Hecker Pass Specific Plan and will be constructed by Meritage Homes. Commissioner Lai asked if there are plans to build to the north of Hecker Pass. Interim Planning Manager Tolentino stated there are no plans as of yet. Skip Spiering, representing the applicant, spoke on the previous tentative map approved on a portion of the project site (lands of Hoey), and indicated zipper lots are becoming favorable to buyers due to its long driveways and lower price. DRAFT Chair Rodriguez opened the public hearing for public comments, and seeing no comments, closed the public hearing. Motion on item V.B.a. Motion: to adopt a resolution recommending the City Council approve TM 15-04 Moved by Commissioner Tom Fischer, seconded by Vice Chair Paul Kloecker. Vote: Motion carried 7-0. Yes: Commissioner Tom Fischer; Vice Chair Paul Kloecker; Commissioner Rebeca Armendariz; Commissioner Steve Ashford; Commissioner Richard Gullen; Commissioner Kai Lai; Chair Sue Rodriguez No: None Abstain: None Absent: None Motion on item V.B.b. Motion: to adopt a resolution recommending the City Council approve AS 15-20 Moved by Commissioner Tom Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Steve Ashford. Vote: Motion carried 7-0. Yes: Commissioner Tom Fischer; Commissioner Steve Ashford; Commissioner Rebeca Armendariz; Commissioner Richard Gullen; Vice Chair Paul Kloecker; Commissioner Kai Lai; Chair Sue Rodriguez No: None Abstain: None Absent: None VI. OLD BUSINESS: None. VII. NEW BUSINESS: A. Discuss upcoming Planning Commission Retreat Interim Planning Manager Tolentino gave an oral report and asked the Commissioners to identify a date for the next Planning Commission retreat and suggestions for discussion items. The Commissioners identified June 11, 2016 for the Planning Commission Retreat and provided a list of possible discussion items. VIII. CORRESPONDENCE: None. IX. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: A. Current Planning Projects DRAFT B. Planning Staff Approvals X. PRESENTATIONS BY MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION: Chair Rodriguez provided a presentation on the upcoming Rock ā€˜nā€™ Shoot Event XI. ORAL REPORTS BY COMMISSION MEMBERS: A. City Council Meetings of February 22, 2016: Commissioner Lai stated he attended the meeting and gave a brief summary of the meeting. B. Housing Advisory Committee: Commissioner Gullen stated that there was no meeting. C. Historic Heritage Committee: Commissioner Ashford stated he attended the meeting and gave a brief summary of the meeting. D. Arts & Culture Commission: Vice Chair Kloecker stated he was unable to attend the meeting. E. South County Joint Planning Advisory Committee: Commissioner Kloecker Vice Chair Kloecker stated that there was no meeting. F. Street Naming Committee: Commissioner Lai stated that there was no meeting. G. Development Standards Task Force: Commissioner Fischer stated that there was no meeting. H. General Plan Advisory Committee: Commissioner Fischer stated that there was no meeting. I. High Speed Rail Advisory Committee: Commissioner Fischer stated that there was no meeting. DRAFT XII. PLANNING DIVISION MANAGER REPORT: None. XIII. ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY REPORT: None. XIV. PLANNING COMMISSION CHAIR REPORT: None. XV. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 7:56 P.M. Christina Villarreal, Office Assistant