02/13/2023 Youth Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 03/13/2023
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City of Gilroy
Youth Commission Regular Meeting Minutes
Monday, February 13, 2023 | 6:00 PM
The regular meeting of the Youth Commission was called to order by Chair L. Hwang at
6:01 p.m.
Flag salute was led by chair L. Hwang.
Attendance Attendee Name
Present James Dinh, Commissioner
Aiden Francis, Commissioner
Sophie Gong, Commissioner
Isaac Hwang, Commissioner
Alfred James, Commissioner
Ezequiel Lopez, Commissioner
Jaimee Nguyen, Commissioner
Melanie Reynolds, Commissioner
Winston James, Vice Chair
Lavender Hwang, Chair
Absent Alexis Miller, Commissioner
4.1. Monday, January 9, 2023
RESULT: Pass 10-0-0
MOVER: Aiden Francis, Commissioner
SECONDER Winston James, Vice Chair
AYES: Commissioner Dinh, Commissioner Francis, Commissioner Gong, Commissioner
Hwang, Commissioner James, Commissioner Lopez, Commissioner Nguyen,
Commissioner Reynolds, Vice Chair James, Chair Hwang
The Youth Commission meeting packet and agenda was posted online and at the City
Hall kiosk on Friday, February 10, 2023.
6.1. The Youth Commission welcomed LeeAnn McPhillips to the Youth Commission
board. Mrs. McPhillips has 24 years of experience with the City of Gilroy.
LeeAnn is well educated and knowledgeable in risk management, recruitment,
employee benefits and compensation, labor relations, employee safety, and a
wide range of fields. LeeAnn takes pride in her duties and is excited to join the
Youth Commission as the Executive Sponsor.
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Regular Meeting Minutes
No public comment.
8.1. Review the Youth Commission Bylaws
Staff provided the Commissioners with the Youth Commission Bylaws that were
adopted in 2010. The bylaws were reviewed, and the following sections were
discussed and proposed for revision:
• Memberships: Section 2a. The Parks and Recreation Commission is not
involved in the selection process for Youth Commissioners. Selections are
made by the City Council. Requested to eliminate.
• Officers: Section 3,1. Elect a Treasurer. Treasurer can have access to
the budget.
• Meetings
o Section 4,1. Commission requested to add the months of August-
September to the Youth Commission calendar year. This will allow
time for the Commission to prepare for the year.
o Section 4,6. Requested to eliminate.
o Section 4,7. Requested to eliminate.
• Attendance: Section 7, 2. Agreed to move forward to adopt City Council
Resolution No. 2022-58, Attendance Policy for City Boards, Commissions,
and Committees.
The proposed revisions to the bylaws were approved to bring back to the next
regular meeting of the Youth Commission for final review and approval, which
passed 10-0-0.
MOVER: Isaac Hwang, Commissioner
SECONDER Alfred James, Commissioner
AYES: Commissioner Dinh, Commissioner Francis, Commissioner Gong,
Commissioner Hwang, Commissioner James, Commissioner Lopez,
Commissioner Nguyen, Commissioner Reynolds, Vice Chair James, Chair Hwang
8.2. Brainstorm Social Issues Affecting Youth and Teens in Gilroy
The Youth Commission was asked to develop a list of issues affecting youth and
teens in Gilroy. The Commission proposed the following items:
• Substance Abuse (Commissioner Aiden)
• Financial literacy for Teens (Chair Lavender)
• Lack of STEM exposure (Commissioner James)
• Youth Center (Vice Chair Winston)
• Fentanyl (Commissioner Ezequiel)
• Youth access to recreation services (Commissioner Alfred)
• Gang violence prevention (Commissioner Alfred)
• Mental health services (Commissioner Melanie)
• Lack of youth access of recreation services (teen center/hangout) (Chair
• Focus on teens (Chair Lavender)
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Regular Meeting Minutes
The Commission expressed interest in supporting a potential Youth/Teen Center
as part of an overall Community Center. They were informed by staff there’s
another group that will be presenting its vision for a youth center at an upcoming
City Council meeting, but that the Youth Commission should have its own vision
should this be a topic the Youth Commission would like to communicate to City
Council. Before their next meeting, the Commission will research different
elements that can be incorporated into the facility and potential locations within
the city. The Commission agreed that a youth and teen center would be a great
facility and outlet for their peers.
9.1. Review of 2022-2023 Youth Commission Work Plan
The Commission discussed the following items from their current work plan:
• Kids Discovery Art: Saturday, April 29, 2023 from 1-4 pm at San Ysidro
Park. They will meet at 11 am for set up.
• Royal Red Carpet: The Commission decided to change the date of this
event to Saturday, May 13. The team will report at 7:45 am for set up.
• OpportuniTEEN Fair: The Commission agreed to postpone the
OpportuniTEEN Fair until Fall 2023. Logistics and details will be
discussed at a later meeting.
The changes to the work plan were voted upon by the Commission and passed
MOVER: Aiden Francis, Commissioner
SECONDER James Dinh, Commissioner
AYES: Commissioner Dinh, Commissioner Francis, Commissioner Gong,
Commissioner Hwang, Commissioner James, Commissioner Lopez,
Commissioner Nguyen, Commissioner Reynolds, Vice Chair James, Chair Hwang
10. COMMITTEE REPORTS – There were none.
11. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING – The following items will be added to the next
regular meeting agenda:
1. Adopt the revised Youth Commission Bylaws
2. Vision for a Youth and Teen Center
12. STAFF/COMMISSIONER COMMENTS – Staff liaison Henig informed the Commission
about letting the commission and staff know about training opportunities that are relevant to
the Youth Commission. He also informed the Commission that the City Clerk’s Office is
working on updating the City Board and Commission Manual. McPhillips explained the
budget request opportunity, citing the attached letter in the meeting packet. She also
informed the Commission about Council Correspondence and how the Commission can
submit formal communication to the Council.
13. ADJOURNMENT - Chair L. Hwang adjourned the meeting at 8:10 p.m.
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Regular Meeting Minutes