COI - Leadership Gilroy - Expires 2024-08-01UNITED STATES LIABILITY INSURANCE COMPANY 1190 DEVON PARK DRIVE P.O. BOX 6700 WAYNE PA 19087-2191 REINSTATEMENT NOTICE Named Insured & Mailing Address: Producer: 5576 LEADERSHIP GILROY TAPCO- KL (5576) 7471 MONTEREY STREET PO BOX 286 GILROY CA 95020 BURLINGTON NC 27216 Policy No.: NPP 1608868A Type of Policy: NON PROFIT PROFESSIONAL PACKAGE JUL 31 2023 GILROY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE You recently received a notice advising this policy was being cancelled effective 08/01/2023 . This notice is to advise that the policy is being reinstated without lapse in coverage. Additional Insured CITY OF GILROY, ITS OFFICERS, 7351 ROSANNA ST GILROY CA 95020 Date Maile 14th of J ly, 2023 FATIN AL M CACT19 FORM# CT969897CA51995 07132023SNNY ODEN Copy for Additional Insured Page 1 of 1 UNITED STATES LIABILITY INSURANCE COMPANY 1190 DEVON PARK DRIVE P.O. BOX 6700 WAYNE PA 19087-2191 NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF INSURANCE Named Insured 8 Mailing Address: LEADERSHIP GILROY 7471 MONTEREY STREET GILROY CA 95020 Producer: 5576 TAPCO- KL (5576) PO BOX 286 BURLINGTON NC 27216 MC�DOMCSD JUL 31 2023 GILROY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Policy No.: NPP 1608868A Type of Policy: NON PROFIT PROFESSIONAL PACKAGE Date of Cancellation: 08/01/2023; 12:01 A.M. Local Time at the mailing address of the Named Insured. We are cancelling this policy. Your insurance will cease on the Date of Cancellation shown above. The reason for cancellation is Nonpayment. The amount of premium overdue is $557.60 This policy provides basic property insurance on your property. You should contact your agent concerning coverage through another insurer, or your eligibility for coverage through the California Fair Plan, P.O. Box 76924, Los Angeles, CA 90076, Phone: (800) 339-4099 or www.cfpnet.com. Your interest in this policy as an "insured" or other party of interest is being cancelled effective 08/01/2023; 12:01 A.M. Local Time at the mailing address of the named insured. Additional Insured CITY OF GILROY, ITS OFFICERS, 7351 ROSANNA ST GILROY CA 95020 Date Maile 6th d f Ju y, 2023 FATIN AL M CACC19NONPMNT FORM# CC969701CA102020 07062023MYNY ODEN Copy for Additional Insured Page 1 of 1