Agreement - Law Office of Alan Seltzer - On-Call Administrative Hearing Officer - Signed 2022-04-15 (2)City of Gilroy Agreement/Contract Tracking Today’s Date: April 14, 2022 Your Name: Monica Sendejas Contract Type: Services over $5k - Consultant Phone Number: 408-846-0266 Contract Effective Date: (Date contract goes into effect) 4/15/2022 Contract Expiration Date: 4/15/2025 Contractor / Consultant Name: (if an individual’s name, format as last name, first name) Law Office of Alan Seltzer Contract Subject: (no more than 100 characters) On-Call Administrative Hearing Officer Contract Amount: (Total Amount of contract. If no amount, leave blank) $36,000 By submitting this form, I confirm this information is complete: ➢ Date of Contract ➢ Contractor/Consultant name and complete address ➢ Terms of the agreement (start date, completion date or “until project completion”, cap of compensation to be paid) ➢ Scope of Services, Terms of Payment, Milestone Schedule and exhibit(s) attached ➢ Taxpayer ID or Social Security # and Contractors License # if applicable ➢ Contractor/Consultant signer’s name and title ➢ City Administrator or Department Head Name, City Clerk (Attest), City Attorney (Approved as to Form) Routing Steps for Electronic Signature Risk Manager City Attorney Approval As to Form City Administrator or Department Head City Clerk Attestation DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 -1-4835-2267-0361v1 LAC\04706083 AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES (For contracts over $5,000 - CONSULTANT) This AGREEMENT made this 11 day of April, 2022, between: CITY: City of Gilroy, having a principal place of business at 7351 Rosanna Street, Gilroy, California and CONSULTANT: Law Office of Alan Seltzer, having a principal place of business at 737 Marco Place, Venice, CA 90291 with a post office box for business mail for the Law Office of Alan Seltzer at 1507 7th Street, #12, Santa Monica, CA 90401. ARTICLE 1. TERM OF AGREEMENT This Agreement will become effective on 4/15/2022 and will continue in effect through 4/15/2025, with one, one-year extension possible through a contract amendment, unless terminated in accordance with the provisions of Article 7 of this Agreement. Any lapse in insurance coverage as required by Article 5, Section D of this Agreement shall terminate this Agreement regardless of any other provision stated herein. ______ Initial ARTICLE 2. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR STATUS It is the express intention of the parties that CONSULTANT is an independent contractor and not an employee, agent, joint venturer or partner of CITY. Nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted or construed as creating or establishing the relationship of employer and employee between CITY and CONSULTANT or any employee or agent of CONSULTANT. Both parties acknowledge that CONSULTANT is not an employee for state or federal tax purposes. CONSULTANT shall not be entitled to any of the rights or benefits afforded to CITY’S employees, including, without limitation, disability or unemployment insurance, workers’ compensation, medical insurance, sick leave, retirement benefits or any other employment benefits. CONSULTANT shall retain the right to perform services for others during the term of this Agreement. ARTICLE 3. SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED BY CONSULTANT A.Specific Services CONSULTANT agrees to: Perform the services as outlined in Exhibit “A” (“Specific Provisions”) and Exhibit “B” (“Scope of Services”), within the time periods described in Exhibit “C” (“Milestone Schedule”). DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 -2- 4835-2267-0361v1 LAC\04706083 B. Method of Performing Services CONSULTANT shall determine the method, details and means of performing the above- described services. CITY shall have no right to, and shall not, control the manner or determine the method of accomplishing CONSULTANT’S services. C. Employment of Assistants CONSULTANT may, at the CONSULTANT’S own expense, employ such assistants as CONSULTANT deems necessary to perform the services required of CONSULTANT by this Agreement, subject to the prohibition against assignment and subcontracting contained in Article 5 below. CITY may not control, direct, or supervise CONSULTANT’S assistants in the performance of those services. CONSULTANT assumes full and sole responsibility for the payment of all compensation and expenses of these assistants and for all state and federal income tax, unemployment insurance, Social Security, disability insurance and other applicable withholding. D. Place of Work CONSULTANT shall perform the services required by this Agreement at any place or location and at such times as CONSULTANT shall determine is necessary to properly and timely perform CONSULTANT’S services. ARTICLE 4. COMPENSATION A. Consideration In consideration for the services to be performed by CONSULTANT, CITY agrees to pay CONSULTANT the amounts set forth in Exhibit “D” (“Payment Schedule”). In no event however shall the total compensation paid to CONSULTANT exceed $36,000. B. Invoices CONSULTANT shall submit invoices for all services rendered. C. Payment Payment shall be due according to the payment schedule set forth in Exhibit “D”. No payment will be made unless CONSULTANT has first provided City with a written receipt of invoice describing the work performed and any approved direct expenses (as provided for in Exhibit “A”, Section IV) incurred during the preceding period. If CITY objects to all or any portion of any invoice, CITY shall notify CONSULTANT of the objection within thirty (30) days from receipt of the invoice, give reasons for the objection, and pay that portion of the invoice not in dispute. It shall not constitute a default or breach of this Agreement for CITY not to pay any invoiced amounts to which it has objected until the objection has been resolved by mutual agreement of the parties. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 -3- 4835-2267-0361v1 LAC\04706083 D. Expenses CONSULTANT shall be responsible for all costs and expenses incident to the performance of services for CITY, including but not limited to, all costs of equipment used or provided by CONSULTANT, all fees, fines, licenses, bonds or taxes required of or imposed again st CONSULTANT and all other of CONSULTANT’S costs of doing business. CITY shall not be responsible for any expenses incurred by CONSULTANT in performing services for CITY, except for those expenses constituting “direct expenses” referenced on Exhibit “A.” ARTICLE 5. OBLIGATIONS OF CONSULTANT A. Tools and Instrumentalities CONSULTANT shall supply all tools and instrumentalities required to perform the services under this Agreement at its sole cost and expense. CONSULTANT is not required to purchase or rent any tools, equipment or services from CITY. B. Workers’ Compensation CONSULTANT agrees to provide workers’ compensation insurance for CONSULTANT’S employees and agents and agrees to hold harmless, defend with counsel acceptable to CITY and indemnify CITY, its officers, representatives, agents and employees from and against any and all claims, suits, damages, costs, fees, demands, causes of action, losses, liabilities and expenses, including without limitation reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising out of any injury, disabilit y, or death of any of CONSULTANT’S employees. C. Indemnification of Liability, Duty to Defend 1. As to professional liability, to the fullest extent permitted by law, CONSULTANT shall defend, through counsel approved by CITY (which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld), indemnify and hold harmless CITY, its officers, representatives, agents and employees against any and all suits, damages, costs, fees, claims, demands, causes of action, losses, liabilities and expenses, including without limitation attorneys’ fees, to the extent arising or resulting directly or indirectly from any willful or negligent acts, errors or omissions of CONSULTANT or CONSULTANT’S assistants, employees or agents, including all claims relating to the injury or death of any person or damage to any property. 2. As to other liability, to the fullest extent permitted by law, CONSULTANT shall defend, through counsel approved by CITY (which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld), indemnify and hold harmless CITY, its officers, representatives, agents and employees against any and all suits, damages, costs, fees, claims, demands, causes of action, losses, liabilities and expenses, including without limitation attorneys’ fees, arising or resulting directly or indirectly from any act or omission of CONSULTANT or CONSULTANT’S assistants, employees or agents, including all claims relating to the injury or death of any person or damage to any property. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 -4- 4835-2267-0361v1 LAC\04706083 D. Insurance In addition to any other obligations under this Agreement, CONSULTANT shall, at no cost to CITY, obtain and maintain throughout the term of this Agreement: (a) Commercial Liability Insurance on a per occurrence basis, including coverage for owned and non-owned automobiles, with a minimum combined single limit coverage of $1,000,000 per occurrence for all damages due to bodily injury, sickness or disease, or death to any person, and damage to property, including the loss of use thereof; and (b) Professional Liability Insurance (Errors & Omissions) with a minimum coverage of $1,000,000 per occurrence or claim, and $2,000,000 aggregate; provided however, Professional Liability Insurance written on a claims made basis must comply with the requirements set forth below. Professional Liability Insurance written on a claims made basis (including without limitation the initial policy obtained and all subsequent policies purchased as renewals or replacements) must show the retroactive date, and the retroactive date must be before the earlier of the effective date of the contract or the beginning of the contract work. Claims made Professional Liability Insurance must be maintained, and written evidence of insurance must be provided, for at least five (5) years after the completion of the contract work. If claims made coverage is canceled or non-renewed, and not replaced with another claims-made policy form with a retroactive date prior to the earlier of the effective date of the contract or the beginning of the contract work, CONSULTANT must purchase so called “extended reporting” or “tail” coverage for a minimum of five (5) years after completion of work, which must also show a retroactive date that is before the earlier of the effective date of the contract or the beginning of the contract work. As a condition precedent to CITY’S obligations under this Agreement, CONSULTANT shall furnish written evidence of such coverage (naming CITY, its officers and employees as additional insureds on the Comprehensive Liability insurance policy referred to in (a) immediately above via a specific end orsement) and requiring thirty (30) days written notice of policy lapse or cancellation, or of a material change in policy terms. E. Assignment Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, neither this Agreement nor any duties or obligations of CONSULTANT under this Agreement may be assigned or subcontracted by CONSULTANT without the prior written consent of CITY, which CITY may withhold in its sole and absolute discretion. F. State and Federal Taxes As CONSULTANT is not CITY’S employee, CONSULTANT shall be responsible for paying all required state and federal taxes. Without limiting the foregoing, CONSULTANT acknowledges and agrees that: • CITY will not withhold FICA (Social Security) from CONSULTANT’S payments; • CITY will not make state or federal unemployment insurance contributions on CONSULTANT’S behalf; DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 -5- 4835-2267-0361v1 LAC\04706083 • CITY will not withhold state or federal income tax from payment to CONSULTANT; • CITY will not make disability insurance contributions on behalf of CONSULTANT; • CITY will not obtain workers’ compensation insurance on behalf of CONSULTANT. ARTICLE 6. OBLIGATIONS OF CITY A. Cooperation of City CITY agrees to respond to all reasonable requests of CONSULTANT and provide access, at reasonable times following receipt by CITY of reasonable notice, to all documents reasonably necessary to the performance of CONSULTANT’S duties under this Agreement. B. Assignment CITY may assign this Agreement or any duties or obligations thereunder to a successor governmental entity without the consent of CONSULTANT. Such assignment shall not release CONSULTANT from any of CONSULTANT’S duties or obligations under this Agreement. ARTICLE 7. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT A. Sale of Consultant’s Business/ Death of Consultant. CONSULTANT shall notify CITY of the proposed sale of CONSULTANT’s business no later than thirty (30) days prior to any such sale. CITY shall have the option of terminating this Agreement within thirty (30) days after receiving such notice of sale. Any such CITY termination pursuant to this Article 7.A shall be in writing and sent to the address for notices to CONSULTANT set forth in Exhibit A, Subsection V.H., no later than thirty (30) days after CITY’ receipt of such notice of sale. If CONSULTANT is an individual, this Agreement shall be deemed automatically terminated upon death of CONSULTANT. B. Termination by City for Default of Consultant Should CONSULTANT default in the performance of this Agreement or materially breach any of its provisions, CITY, at CITY’S option, may terminate this Agreement by giving written notification to CONSULTANT. For the purposes of this section, material breach of this Agreement shall include, but not be limited to the following: 1. CONSULTANT’S failure to professionally and/or timely perform any of the services contemplated by this Agreement. 2. CONSULTANT’S breach of any of its representations, warranties or covenants contained in this Agreement. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 -6- 4835-2267-0361v1 LAC\04706083 CONSULTANT shall be entitled to payment only for work completed in accordance with the terms of this Agreement through the date of the termination notice, as reasonably determined by CITY, provided that such payment shall not exceed the amounts set forth in this Agreement for the tasks described on Exhibit C” which have been fully, competently and timely rendered by CONSULTANT. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if CITY terminates this Agreement due to CONSULTANT’S default in the performance of this Agreement or material breach by CONSULTANT of any of its provisions, then in addition to any other rights and remedies CITY may have, CONSULTANT shall reimburse CITY, within ten (10) days after demand, for any and all costs and expenses incurred by CITY in order to complete the tasks constituting the scope of work as described in this Agreement, to the extent such costs and expenses exceed the amounts CITY would have been obligated to pay CONSULTANT for the performance of that task pursuant to this Agreement. C. Termination for Failure to Make Agreed-Upon Payments Should CITY fail to pay CONSULTANT all or any part of the compensation set forth in Article 4 of this Agreement on the date due, then if and only if such nonpayment constitutes a default under this Agreement, CONSULTANT, at the CONSULTANT’S option, may terminate this Agreement if such default is not remedied by CITY within thirty (30) days after demand for such payment is given by CONSULTANT to CITY. D. Transition after Termination Upon termination, CONSULTANT shall immediately stop work, unless cessation could potentially cause any damage or harm to person or property, in which case CONSULTANT shall cease such work as soon as it is safe to do so. CONSULTANT shall incur no further expenses in connection with this Agreement. CONSULTANT shall promptly deliver to CITY all work done toward completion of the services required hereunder, and shall act in such a manner as to facilitate any the assumption of CONSULTANT’s duties by any new consultant hired by the CITY to complete such services. ARTICLE 8. GENERAL PROVISIONS A. Amendment & Modification No amendments, modifications, alterations or changes to the terms of this Agreement shall be effective unless and until made in a writing signed by both parties hereto. B. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Throughout the term of this Agreement, the CONSULTANT shall comply fully with all applicable provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (“the Act”) in its current form and as it may be amended from time to time. CONSULTANT shall also require such compliance of all subcontractors performing work under this Agreement, subject to the prohibition against assignment and subcontracting contained in Article 5 above. The CONSULTANT shall defend with counsel acceptable to CITY, indemnify and hold harmless the CITY OF GILROY, its officers, employees, agents and representatives from and against all suits, claims, demands, damages, costs, causes of action, losses, liabilities, expenses and fees, DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 -7- 4835-2267-0361v1 LAC\04706083 including without limitation reasonable attorneys’ fees, that may arise out of any violations of the Act by the CONSULTANT, its subcontractors, or the officers, employees, agents or representatives of either. C. Attorneys’ Fees If any action at law or in equity, including an action for declaratory relief, is brought to enforce or interpret the provisions of this Agreement, the prevailing party will be entitled to reasonable attorneys’ fees, which may be set by the court in the same action or in a separate action brought for that purpose, in addition to any other relief to which that party may be entitled. D. Captions The captions and headings of the various sections, paragraphs and subparagraphs of the Agreement are for convenience only and shall not be considered nor referred to for resolving questions of interpretation. E. Compliance with Laws The CONSULTANT shall keep itself informed of all State and National laws and all municipal ordinances and regulations of the CITY which in any manner affect those engaged or employed in the work, or the materials used in the work, or which in any way affect the conduct of the work, and of all such orders and decrees of bodies or tribunals having any jurisdicti on or authority over the same. Without limiting the foregoing, CONSULTANT agrees to observe the provisions of the Municipal Code of the CITY OF GILROY, obligating every contractor or subcontractor under a contract or subcontract to the CITY OF GILROY for public works or for goods or services to refrain from discriminatory employment or subcontracting practices on the basis of the race, color, sex, religious creed, national origin, ancestry of any employee, applicant for employment, or any potential subcontractor. F. Conflict of Interest CONSULTANT certifies that to the best of its knowledge, no CITY employee or office of any public agency interested in this Agreement has any pecuniary interest in the business of CONSULTANT and that no person associated with CONSULTANT has any interest that would constitute a conflict of interest in any manner or degree as to the execution or performance of this Agreement. G. Entire Agreement This Agreement supersedes any and all prior agreements, whether oral or written, between the parties hereto with respect to the rendering of services by CONSULTANT for CITY and contains all the covenants and agreements between the parties with respect to the rendering of such services in any manner whatsoever. Each party to this Agreement acknowledges that no representations, inducements, promises or agreements, orally or otherwise, have been made by any party, or anyone acting on behalf of any party, which are not embodied herein, and that no other agreement, statement or promise not contained in this Agreement shall be valid or binding. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 -8- 4835-2267-0361v1 LAC\04706083 No other agreements or conversation with any officer, agent or employee of CITY prior to execution of this Agreement shall affect or modify any of the terms or obligations contained in any documents comprising this Agreement. Such other agreements or conversations shall be considered as unofficial information and in no way binding upon CITY. H. Governing Law and Venue This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California without regard to the conflict of laws provisions of any jurisdiction. The exclusive jurisdiction and venue with respect to any and all disputes arising hereunder shall be in state and federal courts located in Santa Clara County, California. I. Notices Any notice to be given hereunder by either party to the other may be effected either by personal delivery in writing or by mail, registered or certified, postage prepaid with return receipt requested. Mailed notices shall be addressed to the parties at the addresses appearing in Exhibit “A”, Section V.H. but each party may change the address by written notice in accordance with this paragraph. Notices delivered personally will be deemed delivered as of actual receipt; mailed notices will be deemed delivered as of three (3) days after mailing. J. Partial Invalidity If any provision in this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will nevertheless continue in full force without being impaired or invalidated in any way. K. Time of the Essence All dates and times referred to in this Agreement are of the essence. L. Waiver CONSULTANT agrees that waiver by CITY of any one or more of the conditions of performance under this Agreement shall not be construed as waiver(s) of any other condition of performance under this Agreement. Executed at Gilroy, California, on the date and year first above written. CONSULTANT: CITY: LAW OFFICE OF ALAN SELTZER CITY OF GILROY By: By: Name: Alan Selzer Name: Jon Biggs Title: Principal Title: Interim Community Development Director DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 -9- 4835-2267-0361v1 LAC\04706083 Social Security or Taxpayer Identification Number 157-36-6271 Approved as to Form ATTEST: City Attorney City Clerk DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 -1- 4835-2267-0361v1 LAC\04706083 EXHIBIT “A” SPECIFIC PROVISIONS I. PROJECT MANAGER CONSULTANT shall provide the services indicated on the attached Exhibit “B”, Scope of Services (“Services”). (All exhibits referenced are incorporated herein by reference.) To accomplish that end, CONSULTANT agrees to assign Alan Seltzer, who will act in the capacity of Project Manager, and who will personally direct such Services. Except as may be specified elsewhere in this Agreement, CONSULTANT shall furnish all technical and professional services including labor, material, equipment, transportation, supervision and expertise to perform all operations necessary and required to complete the Services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. II. NOTICE TO PROCEED/COMPLETION OF SERVICE A. NOTICE TO PROCEED CONSULTANT shall commence the Services upon delivery to CONSULTANT of a written “Notice to Proceed”, which Notice to Proceed shall be in the form of a written communication from designated City contact person(s). Notice to Proceed may be in the form of e-mail, fax or letter authorizing commencement of the Services. For purposes of this Agreement, Hipolito Olmos shall be the designated City contact person(s). Notice to Proceed shall be deemed to have been delivered upon actual receipt by CONSULTANT or if otherwise delivered as provided in the Section V.H. (“Notices”) of this Exhibit “A”. B. COMPLETION OF SERVICES When CITY determines that CONSULTANT has completed all of the Services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, CITY shall give CONSULTANT written Notice of Final Acceptance, and CONSULTANT shall not incur any further costs hereunder. CONSULTANT may request this determination of completion when, in its opinion, it has completed all of the Services as required by the terms of this Agreement and, if so requested, CITY shall make this determination within two (2) weeks of such request, or if CITY determines that CONSULTANT has not completed all of such Services as required by this Agreement, CITY shall so inform CONSULTANT within this two (2) week period. III. PROGRESS SCHEDULE The schedule for performance and completion of the Services will be as set forth in the attached Exhibit “C”. IV. PAYMENT OF FEES AND DIRECT EXPENSES Payments shall be made to CONSULTANT as provided for in Article 4 of this Agreement. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 -2- 4835-2267-0361v1 LAC\04706083 Direct expenses are charges and fees not included in Exhibit “B”. CITY shall be obligated to pay only for those direct expenses which have been previously approved in writing by CITY. CONSULTANT shall obtain written approval from CITY prior to incurring or billing of direct expenses. Copies of pertinent financial records, including invoices, will be included with the submission of billing(s) for all direct expenses. V. OTHER PROVISIONS A. STANDARD OF WORKMANSHIP CONSULTANT represents and warrants that it has the qualifications, skills and licenses necessary to perform the Services, and its duties and obligations, expressed and implied, contained herein, and CITY expressly relies upon CONSULTANT’S representations and warranties regarding its skills, qualifications and licenses. CONSULTANT shall perform such Services and duties in conformance to and consistent with the standards generally recognized as being employed by professionals in the same discipline in the State of California. Any plans, designs, specifications, estimates, calculations, reports and other documents furnished under this Agreement shall be of a quality acceptable to CITY. The minimum criteria for acceptance shall be a product of neat appearance, well-organized, technically and grammatically correct, checked and having the maker and checker identified. The minimum standard of appearance, organization and content of the drawings shall be that used by CITY for similar purposes. B. RESPONSIBILITY OF CONSULTANT CONSULTANT shall be responsible for the professional quality, technical accuracy, and the coordination of the Services furnished by it under this Agreement. CONSULTANT shall not be responsible for the accuracy of any project or technical information provided by the CITY. The CITY’S review, acceptance or payment for any of the Services shal l not be construed to operate as a waiver of any rights under this Agreement or of any cause of action arising out of the performance of this Agreement, and CONSULTANT shall be and remain liable to CITY in accordance with applicable law for all damages to CITY caused by CONSULTANT’S negligent performance of any of the services furnished under this Agreement. C. RIGHT OF CITY TO INSPECT RECORDS OF CONSULTANT CITY, through its authorized employees, representatives or agents, shall have the right, at any and all reasonable times, to audit the books and records (including, but not limited to, invoices, vouchers, canceled checks, time cards, etc.) of CONSULTANT for the purpose of verifying any and all charges made by CONSULTANT in connection with this Agreement. CONSULTANT shall maintain for a minimum period of three (3) years (from the date of final payment to CONSULTANT), or for any longer period required by law, sufficient books and records in accordance with standard California accounting practices to establish the correctness of all charges submitted to CITY by CONSULTANT, all of which shall be made available to CITY at the CITY’s offices within five (5) business days after CITY’s request. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 -3- 4835-2267-0361v1 LAC\04706083 D. CONFIDENTIALITY OF MATERIAL All ideas, memoranda, specifications, plans, manufacturing procedures, data (including, but not limited to, computer data and source code), drawings, descriptions, documents, discussions or other information developed or received by or for CONSULTANT and all other written and oral information developed or received by or for CONSULTANT and all other written and oral information submitted to CONSULTANT in connection with the performance of this Agreement shall be held confidential by CONSULTANT and shall not, without the prior written consent of CITY, be used for any purposes other than the performance of the Services, nor be disclosed to an entity not connected with the performance of the such Services. Nothing furnished to CONSULTANT which is otherwise known to CONSULTANT or is or becomes generally known to the related industry (other than that which becomes generally known as the result of CONSULTANT’S disclosure thereof) shall be deemed confidential. CONSULTANT shall not use CITY’S name or insignia, or distribute publicity pertaining to the services rendered under this Agreement in any magazine, trade paper, newspaper or other medium without the express written consent of CITY. E. NO PLEDGING OF CITY’S CREDIT. Under no circumstances shall CONSULTANT have the authority or power to pledge the credit of CITY or incur any obligation in the name of CITY. F. OWNERSHIP OF MATERIAL. All material including, but not limited to, computer information, data and source code, sketches, tracings, drawings, plans, diagrams, quantities, estimates, specifications, proposals, tests, maps, calculations, photographs, reports and other material developed, collected, prepared (or caused to be prepared) under this Agreement shall be the property of CITY, but CONSULTANT may retain and use copies thereof subject to Section V.D of this Exhibit “A”. CITY shall not be limited in any way in its use of said material at any time for any work, whether or not associated with the City project for which the Services are performed. However, CONSULTANT shall not be responsible for, and City shall indemnify CONSULTANT from, damages resulting from the use of said material for work other than PROJECT, including, but not limited to, the release of this material to third parties for work other than on PROJECT. G. NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARY. This Agreement shall not be construed or deemed to be an agreement for the benefit of any third party or parties, and no third party or parties shall have any claim or right of action hereunder for any cause whatsoever. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 -4- 4835-2267-0361v1 LAC\04706083 H. NOTICES. Notices are to be sent as follows: CITY: Hipolito Olmos City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 CONSULTANT: Alan Seltzer Law Office of Alan Seltzer 1507 7th Street, #12 Santa Monica, CA 90401 I. FEDERAL FUNDING REQUIREMENTS. If the box to the left of this sentence is checked, this Agreement involves federal funding and the requirements of this Section V.I. apply. If the box to the left of this sentence is checked, this Agreement does not involve federal funding and the requirements of this Section V.I. do not apply. 1. DBE Program CONSULTANT shall comply with the requirements of Title 49, Part 26, Code of Federal Regulations (49 CFR 26) and the City-adopted Disadvantaged Business Enterprise programs. 2. Cost Principles Federal Acquisition Regulations in Title 48, CFR 31, shall be used to determine the allowable cost for individual items. 3. Covenant against Contingent Fees The CONSULTANT warrants that he/she has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working for the CONSULTANT, to solicit or secure this Agreement, and that he/she has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee, any fee, commission, percentage, b rokerage fee, gift or any other consideration, contingent upon or resulting from the award or formation of this Agreement. For breach or violation of this warranty, the Local Agency shall have the right to annul this Agreement without liability or, at its discretion, to deduct from the agreement price or consideration, or otherwise recover, the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or contingent fee. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 -1- 4835-2267-0361v1 LAC\04706083 EXHIBIT “B” SCOPE OF SERVICES The on-call Administrative Hearing Officer is responsible for conducting the admistrative hearing and making a determination regarding violations of City Code across various City departments. The Administrative Hearing Officer will provide professional services, including all work necessary for the effective handling of the City's administrative hearings, including: - Parking - Nuisances - Weed Abatement - Building permits - Health and safety building codes - False alarms - Excessive noise - Storm drain pollution - Animal control violations - Park violations - Utility tax payments - and/or other related issues The Administrative Hearing Officer also imposes fines, awards enforcement costs, or issues corrective/abatement orders. The Administrative Hearing Officer may hold hearings in-person or remotely by telephone, Microsoft Teams, or Zoom. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 -1- 4835-2267-0361v1 LAC\04706083 EXHIBIT “C” MILESTONE SCHEDULE N/A DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 4835-2267-0361v1 LAC\04706083 EXHIBIT “D” PAYMENT SCHEDULE The compensation rate for services performed under the Scope of Work for this contract is $225 per hour. Compensable time includes pre- and post-hearing preparation and research, pre- and post-hearing motions, presiding over a hearing, and preparation of a written decision. - Hearings less than an hour shall not exceed $1,200.00. - Costs associated with traveling, lodging, or toll fare will not be compensated or reimbursed. - Costs associated with telephone, Internet, and/or software applications need to hold virtual meetings (telphone, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc.) will not be compensated or reimbursed. - Costs will accumulate on a time and material basis. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 05 LPLD0090 00 12 03 Page 1 of 1 ARCH INSURANCE COMPANY A Missouri Corporation ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE HOME OFFICE One Liberty Plaza 2345 Grand Blvd, Suite 900 53rd Floor Kansas City, MO 64108 New York, NY 10006 Tel: 800-817-3252 LAWYERS PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY THIS IS A CLAIMS-MADE AND REPORTED POLICY. PLEASE REVIEW YOUR POLICY CAREFULLY. THE POLICY IS LIMITED TO LIABILITY FOR ONLY THOSE CLAIMS THAT ARE FIRST MADE AGAINST THE INSURED AND REPORTED TO THE COMPANY DURING THE POLICY PERIOD UNLESS AND TO THE EXTENT THAT AN EXTENDED REPORTING PERIOD OPTION APPLIES. DECLARATIONS Policy Number: Renewal of: Item 1 Named Insured and Address Item 2. Producer Name Item 3. Policy Period From To 12:01 A.M. Standard Time at the address of the Named Insured as stated herein. Item 4. Limit Liability $ Each Claim $ Aggregate Item 5. Deductible $ Per Claim Item 6. Premium $ Amount No. of Lawyers Item 7. Forms Attached at Issue By acceptance of this policy the Insured agrees that the statements in the Declarations and the Application and any attachments hereto are the Insured's agreements and representations and that this policy embodies all the agreements existing between the Insured and the Company or any of its representatives relating to this insurance. Do Not Write In This Box Remarks Countersigned At Issue Date Authorized Representative Countersign Date Mercer Health & Benefits Insurance Services LLC PO BOX 850386 11LPL10608905 11LPL10608904 Law Office of Alan Seltzer 737 Marco Place Venice, CA 90291 1/1/2022 1/1/2023 1,000,000 3,000,000 a. Claims expenses are included within the Limit of Liability. 5,000 The deductible amount specified above applies to both damages and claim expenses. 4,975.00 1 05 ML 0002 00 1214 AIC Signature Page 05 LPL0002 05 04 17 Policy Form 00 LPL0175 00 04 17 Network Security Endorsement No Charge 00 LPL 00034 00 0506 Prior Acts 00 ML 0065 00 0607 OFAC MINNEAPOLIS 12/23/2021 12/23/2021 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55485-0386 DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 05 ML0002 00 12 14 Page 1 of 1 California Signature Page IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Arch Insurance Company has caused this policy to be executed and attested. John Mentz President Regan Shulman Secretary DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 05 LPL0002 05 04 17 Page 1 of 15 LAWYERS PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY NOTICE: THIS IS A CLAIMS-MADE AND REPORTED POLICY. PLEASE REVIEW THE POLICY CAREFULLY.THE POLICY IS LIMITED TO LIABILITY FOR ONLY THOSE CLAIMS THAT ARE FIRST MADE AGAINST THE INSURED AND REPORTED TO THE COMPANY DURING THE POLICY PERIOD UNLESS AND TO THE EXTENT THAT AN EXTENDED REPORTING PERIOD OPTION APPLIES. ARCH INSURANCE COMPANY (a stock insurance company, herein called the Company) agrees with all Insureds, in consideration of the payment of the premium, and in reliance upon the statements in the Declarations and subject to the limit of liability, exclusions, conditions and other terms of this policy, as follows: INSURING AGREEMENTS I. COVERAGE The Company will pay on behalf of the Insured all sums which the Insured shall become legally obligated to pay as Damages for Claims first made against the Insured and reported to the Company during the Policy Period or Extended Reporting Period, as applicable, arising out of any negligent act, error, omission or Personal Injury in the rendering of or failure to render Professional Services for others by an Insured covered under this policy. Provided always that such Professional Services or Personal Injury happen: A. during the Policy Period; or B. prior to the Policy Period provided that prior to the effective date of the first Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance Policy issued by this Company to the Named Insured or Predecessor in Business, and continuously renewed and maintained in effect to the inception of this policy period: 1. the Insured did not give notice to any prior insurer of any such act, error, omission or Personal Injury; and 2. the Named Insured, any partner, shareholder, employee, or where appropriate the Named Insured’s management committee or any member thereof, had no reasonable basis to believe that the Insured had breached a professional duty or to Reasonably Foresee that a Claim would be made against the Insured; and 3. there is no prior policy or policies which provide insurance (including any Automatic or Optional Extended Reporting Period or similar provision) of such policies for such Claim, unless the available limits of liability of such prior policy or policies are insufficient to pay any Claim, in which event this policy will be Specific Excess over any such prior coverage, subject to this policy's terms, limits of liability, exclusions and conditions. The Company shall have the right and duty to defend any suit against the Insured seeking Damages to which this insurance applies even if any of the allegations of the suit are groundless, false or fraudulent. The Company, at its option, shall select and assign defense counsel; however, the Insured may engage additional counsel, solely at their expense, to associate in their defense of any Claim covered hereunder. The Company shall also have the right to investigate any Claim and/or negotiate the settlement thereof, as it deems expedient, but the Company shall not commit the Insured to any settlement without their consent. If the Insured refuses to consent to any settlement recommended by the Company and elects to DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 05 LPL0002 05 04 17 Page 2 of 15 contest the Claim or continue any legal proceedings in connection with such Claim, then the liability of the Company for Damages and Claim Expenses shall not exceed the amount for which the Claim could have been settled, as well as the Claim Expenses incurred by the Company, or with the Company's consent, up to the date of such refusal. Furthermore, the Insured shall not assume any obligations, incur any costs, charges, or expenses or enter into any settlement without the Company's consent. In the event: A. Item 4.a. of the Declarations is applicable to this policy, Claim Expenses shall be part of, and not in addition to, the Limits of Liability specified in Item 4 of the Declarations; B. Item 4.b. of the Declarations is applicable to this policy, Claim Expenses shall be in addition to the Limits of Liability specified in Item 4 of the Declarations. In no event shall the Company be obligated to pay Damages or Claim Expenses or to defend, or continue to defend, any suit after the applicable limit of the Company's liability has been exhausted by payments of judgments, settlements, Damages or Claim Expenses, as applicable. II. PERSONS INSURED Each of the following is an Insured under this policy to the extent set forth below: A. The entity or person named in Item 1 of the Declarations as the Named Insured; B. Any Predecessor in Business or Successor in Business; C. Any past partners, officers, directors, stockholders or employees of any person or entity specified in item A. or B. above (except as provided in I. below), but only while acting within the scope of their duties on behalf of such person or entity; D. Any current partner, director, stockholder or employed lawyer of any person or entity specified in item A. or B. above; E Any current non-lawyer employee of any person or entity specified in item A. or B. above, but only while acting within the scope of their duties on behalf of any such person or entity; F. Any non-affiliated legal firm, including their partners, officers, directors, or employees, but solely for Professional Services performed within the scope of their contract with, and on behalf of, the Named Insured, Predecessor in Business or Successor in Business; G. Any legal representative, if the Insured becomes incompetent, insolvent, bankrupt or dies; H. Any lawyer acting as “of Counsel” or on a contracted basis but only while performing Professional Services on behalf of any person or entity specified in sections A., B., C. or D. above. I. Any past partner, officer, director, stockholder, or employed lawyer of any person or entity specified in Item A. or B. above who retires from the private practice of law, while employed by the Named Insured, but only for Professional Services rendered prior to the date of retirement. III. LIMIT OF LIABILITY Regardless of the number of Insureds under this insurance or the number of Claims made, the Company's liability is limited as follows: DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 05 LPL0002 05 04 17 Page 3 of 15 A. In the event Claim Expenses are included within the limit of liability as specified in Item 4.a. of the Declarations, the limit of liability stated in the Declarations as applicable to “each Claim” is the limit of the company's liability for all Damages and Claims Expenses because of each Claim covered hereby. Notwithstanding the forgoing, an additional aggregate limit of $50,000 shall be provided solely for payment of Claims Expenses. All Claims arising from the same or related negligent act, error or omission or Personal Injury shall be considered a single Claim for the purpose of this insurance and shall be subject to the same limit of liability. The limit of liability stated in the Declarations as “aggregate” is, subject to the above provision respecting “each Claim”, the total limit of the Company's liability under this policy for all Damages and Claims Expenses. B. In the event Claim Expenses are in addition to the limit of liability as specified in Item 4.b. of the Declarations, the limit of liability stated in the Declarations as applicable to “each Claim” is the limit of the Company's liability for Damages resulting from each Claim covered hereby. There shall be a separate limit of liability equal to one-half (1/2) of the limit of liability for Damages applicable to Claim Expenses for any such Claim. Such limit for Claim Expenses shall not exceed $1,000,000 regardless of the limit of liability purchased for Damages. All Claims arising from the same or related negligent act, error or omission or Personal Injury shall be considered a single Claim for the purpose of this insurance and shall be subject to the same limit of liability. In the event that the Claim Expenses limit of liability is exhausted, all subsequently incurred Claim Expenses will apply to and erode the policy's limit of liability. The limit of liability stated in the Declarations as “aggregate” is, subject to the above provision respecting “each Claim”, the total limit of the Company's liability under this policy for all Damages. A separate “aggregate” limit of liability shall apply to all Claims Expenses incurred in the defense of Claims covered by this Policy, subject to the above provision respecting the Company's liability for Claim Expenses for “each Claim”. C. The Company’s liability for Damages and/or Claim Expenses, as applicable, resulting from “each Claim” is in excess of the deductible amount stated in the Declarations. The deductible amount stated in the Declarations shall upon written demand by the Company, be paid by the Named Insured within 30 days of demand. D. The application of any Extended Reporting Period option shall not increase the limit of liability stated in the Declarations. E. In the event the Insured participated in an Alternative Dispute Resolution to settle a Claim brought by a client of the firm, the Company will waive 50% of the Insured’s deductible obligation. The maximum amount of this waiver shall not exceed $25,000 per Claim. If the Alternative Dispute Resolution fails to resolve the Claim, and the Claim proceeds to litigation, the deductible will apply to any Damages and/or Claim Expenses paid by the Company after the litigation has commenced. F. If this policy and any other policy issued by Arch Insurance Company including any extended reporting period coverage afforded by such policy or policies, provides coverage to the same Claim against the Insured, the maximum limit of liability under all the policies shall not exceed the highest remaining Each Claim limit of liability under any one policy. IV. POLICY TERRITORY This insurance is provided worldwide. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 05 LPL0002 05 04 17 Page 4 of 15 V. This insurance is provided worldwide. WHEN A CLAIM IS DEEMED AS FIRST MADE A Claim shall be deemed as being first made at the earlier of the following times: A. When the Company first receives written notice from the Insured or its representative that a Claim has been made; or B. When the Company first receives written notice from the Insured or its representative of specific circumstances or a Potential Claim involving a particular person or entity which may result in a Claim. All Claims arising out of the same or related negligent act, error, omission or Personal Injury shall be considered as having been made at the time the first such Claim is made, and shall be subject to the same limit of liability and deductible. VI. SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS The Company will pay, in addition to the applicable limit of liability: A. Up to $500 for loss of earnings to each Insured for each day or part of a day of such Insured’s attendance, at the Company's request, at a trial, deposition, hearing, mediation or arbitration proceeding involving a civil suit against such Insured for covered Damages, but the amount so payable for any one or series of trials, depositions, hearings or arbitration proceedings arising out of the same or related negligent act, error, omission or Personal Injury shall in no event exceed $10,000; and B. Up to $25,000 per Policy Period for each lawyer included within sub-sections A., B., C., D. and I. of Persons Insured for attorney fees and other costs, expenses or fees resulting from the investigation or defense of a proceeding before a state licensing board, peer review committee or governmental regulatory body incurred as the result of a notice of a proceeding first received by the Insured and reported to the Company during the Policy Period, arising out of any negligent act, error, omission or Personal Injury in the rendering of or failure to render Professional Services by an Insured covered under this policy. VII. EXCLUSIONS This insurance does not apply to Claims: A. Based on or arising out of the Insured’s services and/or capacity as an employee, owner, partner, stockholder, director, officer or trustee of any sole proprietorship, partnership or corporation or other business enterprise which is not defined as Named Insured, Predecessor in Business or Successor in Business unless such Claim arises out of a lawyer-client relationship; B. Arising out of any dishonest, fraudulent, criminal or malicious act or omission, or deliberate misrepresentation (including but not limited to, actual or alleged violations of state or federal antitrust, price-fixing, restraint of trade, copyright or deceptive trade practice laws, rules or regulations) committed by, at the direction of, or with the knowledge of any Insured; however, we will provide a defense of such actions until such time as the act is ruled either by trial verdict, court ruling, regulatory ruling or legal admission as dishonest, fraudulent, criminal or malicious. C. Based on or arising out of any obligations for which any Insured or any carrier acting as the insurer may be liable under any workers' compensation, unemployment compensation, disability or pension benefits law, or any similar laws, including but not limited to, the DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 05 LPL0002 05 04 17 Page 5 of 15 Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 and any amendments thereof; this exclusion does not apply to the usual and customary legal services performed in connection with such capacities or laws on behalf of any person or entity not defined as an Insured; D. Arising out of the Insured’s services and/or capacity as: 1. an officer, director, partner, trustee, or employee of: (a) a charitable organization; (b) a pension, welfare, profit sharing or mutual fund; (c) an investment fund or investment trust; 2. a public official, or an employee of a governmental body, subdivision, or agency; or 3. a fiduciary under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 and its amendments or any regulation or order issued pursuant thereto, except if an Insured is deemed to be a fiduciary solely by reason of legal advice rendered with respect to an employee benefit plan; 4. a trustee, administrator, conservator, executor, guardian, receiver or similar fiduciary capacity when any Insured is a beneficiary or distributee of any trust or estate serviced and the fee accruing from such work inures to the benefit of any Insured. E. For bodily injury, sickness, disease or death of any person, or injury to or destruction of any tangible property or loss of use resulting therefrom; F. Arising out of notarized certification or acknowledgment of a signature without the physical appearance before such notary public of the person who is or Claims to be the person signing said instrument; G. Arising out of any negligent act, error, omission or Personal Injury in the rendering of or failure to render Professional Services performed for any organization, corporation, company, partnership, or operation (other than the Named Insured, Predecessor in Business or Successor in Business) while any Insured or their spouse has more than 10% equity position in such entity; H. Made by an Insured under this policy against any other Insured under this policy, unless such Claim arises solely out of Professional Services performed for that party in a lawyer- client capacity; I. Solely as respects Personal Injury: 1. the willful violation of a penal statute or ordinance committed by or with the knowledge or consent of the Insured; 2. libel or slander or the publication or utterance of defamatory or disparaging material concerning any person or organization or goods, products or services, or in violation of an individual's right of privacy, made by or at the direction of the Insured with the Insured’s knowledge of the falsity thereof; 3. failure of performance of contract, but this exclusion does not apply to the unauthorized appropriation of ideas based upon alleged breach of implied contract; DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 05 LPL0002 05 04 17 Page 6 of 15 4. infringement of trademark, service mark or trade name, other than titles or slogans, by use thereof on or in connection with goods, products or services sold, offered for sale or advertised; or 5. knowingly incorrect description or mistake in advertised price of goods, products or services sold, offered for sale or advertised. VIII. DEFINITIONS When used in this policy (including endorsements forming a part hereto): “Alternative Dispute Resolution” means the use of arbitration or mediation. “Claim” means a demand for money or services, or the filing of suit or institution of arbitration proceedings or Alternative Dispute Resolution naming an Insured and alleging a negligent act, error, omission or Personal Injury resulting from the rendering of or failure to render Professional Services. Claim does not include proceedings seeking injunctive or other non-pecuniary relief. “Claim Expenses” means: (a) Fees charged by an attorney(s), arbitrator(s) or mediator(s) designated by the Company and all other fees, costs, and expenses resulting from the investigation, adjustment, defense and appeal of a Claim, suit or proceeding arising in connection therewith, if incurred by the Company, or by the Insured with written consent of the Company, but does not include salary charges or expenses of regular employees or officials of the Company, or fees and expenses of independent adjusters; (b) All costs taxed against the Insured in suits or proceedings and all interest on the entire amount of any judgment therein which accrues after entry of the judgment and before the Company has paid or tendered or deposited, whether in court or otherwise, but only as respects that part of the judgment which does not exceed the limit of the Company's liability thereof. Prejudgment interest if/where payable under this policy will be in addition to the Limits of Liability stated in the Declarations. (c) Premiums on appeal bonds and premiums on bonds to release attachments in such suits, but not for bond amounts in excess of the applicable limit of liability of this policy. The Company shall have no obligation to pay for or furnish any bond. “Damages” means compensatory judgments, settlements or awards but does not include punitive or exemplary Damages, sanctions, fines or penalties assessed directly against any Insured, the return of fees or other consideration paid to the Insured, or that portion of any award or judgment caused by the trebling or multiplication of actual Damages under federal or state law. “Insured” means any person or organization qualifying as an Insured in the “Persons Insured” provision of this policy. The insurance afforded applies separately to each Insured against whom Claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the Company's limits of liability. “Named Insured” means the person or organization named in Item I of the Declarations of this policy. “Personal Injury” means: (a) false arrest, detention or imprisonment, wrongful entry or eviction, other invasion of private occupancy, or malicious prosecution; (b) the publication or utterance of libel, slander or other defamatory or disparaging material, or a publication or an utterance in DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 05 LPL0002 05 04 17 Page 7 of 15 violation of an individual's right of privacy; or (c) injury arising out of an offense occurring in the course of the Named Insured’s advertising activities, including but not limited to infringement of copyright, title slogan, patent trademark, trade dress, trade names, service mark or service number. “Policy Period” means, whenever used in this policy, the period from the inception date of this policy to the policy expiration date as set forth in the Declarations or its earlier termination date, if any. “Potential Claim” means knowledge of any circumstances involving an individual person or entity that could result in a Claim. “Predecessor in Business” means any legal firm which has undergone a material change as follows: (a) some or all of such firm's principals, owners, officers or partners have joined the Named Insured, provided such persons were responsible for producing in excess of 50% of the prior firm's annual gross billings and such billings have been assigned or transferred to the Named Insured; or (b) at least 50% of the principals, owners, partners or officers of the prior firm have joined the Named Insured; or (c) at least 50% of the prior firm's financial assets/liabilities have been assumed by the Named Insured. “Professional Services” means: (a) services performed or advice given by the Insured in the Named Insured’s practice as a law firm or legal professional; (b) services as a notary public, title agent, title insurance agent, arbitrator or mediator; (c) services as a trustee, administrator, conservator, executor, guardian, receiver or similar fiduciary capacity; (d) activities of the Insured as a member of a formal accreditation, ethics, peer review, licensing board, standards review or similar professional board or committee; (e) the publication or presentation of research papers or similar materials, but only if direct pecuniary compensation per publication or presentation is less than $3,000; (f) services performed by the Insured in a lawyer-client relationship on behalf of one or more clients shall be deemed for the purpose of this section to be the performance of Professional Services for others in the Insured’s capacity as a lawyer, although such services could be performed wholly or in part by non-lawyers. Reasonably Foresee(n) means: 1. Claims or incidents reported to any prior insurer; 2. unreported Claims or suits of which any Insured had received notice prior to the effective date of the first policy with the Company; 3. incidents or circumstances that involve a particular person or entity which an Insured knew might result in a Claim or suit prior to the effective date of the first policy issued by the Company to the Named Insured, and which was not disclosed to the Company. “Specific Excess” as used in this policy and in accordance with said policy's terms and limits shall cover liability and defense if and only if all other applicable insurance has been exhausted. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 05 LPL0002 05 04 17 Page 8 of 15 Specific Excess shall also apply in the event that any term or provision included in this policy offers broader coverage than any other form of insurance simultaneously held by policyholder. This interpretation shall apply to, but not be limited to, issues concerning any Extended Reporting Period, Optional Reporting Period, Automatic Extended Reporting Period, or similar periods in any prior policy or policies. “Successor in Business” means, after material change of the Named Insured, any law firm in which either: (a) some or all of the principals, owners, officers and/or partners of the Named Insured have joined an existing, or formed a new, law firm provided such persons were responsible for producing in excess of 50% of the Named Insured’s annual gross billings at the time of material change and such billings have been assigned or transferred to the successor law firm; or (b) at least 50% of the principals, owners, partners or officers of the Named Insured have joined an existing, or formed a new law firm; or (c) at least 50% of the Named Insured’s financial assets/liabilities have been assumed by the successor law firm; provided this policy does not apply to Professional Services or Personal Injury if the Successor in Business is also an Insured under any similar liability or indemnity policy, or would be an Insured under any such policy but for exhaustion of its limits of liability. This coverage shall terminate at the earlier of policy termination or 90 days from the date of material change of the Named Insured unless written notice is given to the Company, together with such information as the Company may request, and the Successor in Business shall pay any additional premium required in the event the Company agrees to continue the policy. IX. CONDITIONS A. Premium: All premiums for this policy shall be computed in accordance with the Company’s rules, rates, rating plans, premiums and minimum premiums applicable to the insurance afforded herein. The Named Insured shall maintain records of the information necessary for premium computation and shall send copies of such records to the Company at such times as the Company may direct. B. Assistance and Cooperation of Insured in the Event of Claim or Suit: Upon the Insured becoming aware of any negligent act, error, omission or Personal Injury in the rendering of or failure to render Professional Services which could reasonably be expected to be the basis of a Claim covered hereby, written notice shall be given by the Insured, or its representative to the Company together with the fullest information obtainable as soon as practicable. If Claim is made or suit is brought against the Insured, the Insured or its representative shall immediately forward to the Company every demand, notice, summons or other process received by the Insured or the Insured’s representative. The Insured shall cooperate with the Company and, upon the Company's request, assist in making statements, in the conduct of suits and in enforcing any right of contribution or indemnity against any person or organization who may be liable to the Insured because of Damages with respect to which this insurance applies. The Insured shall attend hearings and trials and assist in securing and giving evidence and obtaining the attendance of witnesses. The Insured shall not, except at the Insured’s own cost, voluntarily make any payments, admit liability, assume any obligation or incur any expense. The Insured may provide for Alternate Dispute Resolution with a client under an engagement letter or any other written contract, as long as such agreement is executed in writing prior to any Claim being made. C. Waiver of Exclusion and Breach of Conditions: Whenever coverage under any provision of this policy would be excluded, suspended or lost: 1. because of EXCLUSION B. relating to any judgment or final adjudication based upon or arising out of any dishonest, deliberately fraudulent, criminal, malicious or deliberately wrongful acts or omissions by any Insured; or DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 05 LPL0002 05 04 17 Page 9 of 15 2. because of noncompliance with Section B, CONDITIONS relating to the giving of notice to the Company with respect to which any other Insured shall be in default solely because of the default or concealment of such default by one or more partners or employees responsible for the loss or damage otherwise insured hereunder, the Company agrees that such insurance as would otherwise be afforded under this policy shall apply with respect to each and every Insured who did not personally commit or personally participate in committing one or more of the acts, errors, or omissions described in any such exclusion or condition; provided that if the condition be one with which such Insured can comply, after receiving knowledge thereof, the Insured entitled to the benefit of the Waiver of Exclusions and Breach of Conditions shall comply with such conditions promptly after obtaining knowledge of the failure of any other Insured or employee to comply therewith. With respect to provision C.1. above, the Company's obligation to pay in the event of such waiver shall be in excess of the deductible and in the excess of the full extent of any assets in the firm of any Insured who is not a beneficiary to the waiver. D. Assignment: The interest of the Named Insured is not assignable. If any Insured shall die or be adjudged incompetent, this insurance shall thereupon terminate for such person but shall cover the Insured’s legal representative as the Insured with respect to liability previously incurred and covered by this insurance. Pro rata return premium will be computed from the date of termination. E. Legal Action Against the Company: A person or organization may bring a suit against the Company including, but not limited to, a suit to recover on an agreed settlement or on a final judgment against an Insured; but the Company will not be liable for Damages that are not payable under the terms of this policy or that are in excess of the applicable limit of insurance. An agreed settlement means a settlement and release of liability signed by the Company, the Insured and the claimant or the claimant's legal representative. However, no action by an Insured shall lie against the Company unless there has been full compliance with all of the terms of this policy. F. Conformity to Statute: Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, in the event that any terms or conditions of this contract conflict with any law applicable to the coverage afforded hereunder, the terms of this contract shall by this statement be amended to conform to such law or laws. G. Other Insurance: if there is other valid insurance (whether primary, excess, contingent or self-insurance), against a Claim covered by this policy the insurance provided hereunder shall be deemed excess insurance over and above the applicable limit of all other insurance or self-insurance. This policy is written as Specific Excess of coverage available under any Extended Reporting Period, Optional Extended Reporting Period and Automatic Extended Reporting Period or similar period in any prior policy or policies. When this insurance is excess, the Company shall have no duty under this policy to defend any Claim or suit that any other insurer or self-insurer has a duty to defend. If such other insurer or self-insurer refuses to defend such Claim or suit, the Company shall be entitled to the Insured’s rights against all such other insurers or self-insurers for any Claim Expenses incurred by the Company. When both this insurance and other insurance or self-insurance apply to the Claim on the same basis, whether primary, excess or contingent, the Company shall not be liable under this policy for a greater proportion of the Damages or Claim Expenses than the applicable DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 05 LPL0002 05 04 17 Page 10 of 15 limit of liability under this policy for such Claim bears to the total applicable limit of liability of all valid and collectible insurance against such Claim. Subject to the foregoing, if a loss occurs involving two or more policies, each of which provides that its insurance shall be excess, each will contribute pro rata. H. Subrogation: In the event of any payment under this policy, the Company shall be subrogated to all the Insured’s rights of recovery therefore against any person, organization or entity and the Insured shall execute and deliver instruments and papers and do whatever else is necessary to secure such rights. The Insured shall do nothing after any loss to prejudice such rights. I. Changes: The terms of this policy shall not be waived or changed except by endorsement issued to form a part of this policy. J. Bankruptcy or Insolvency of Insured: Bankruptcy or insolvency of the Insured or of the Insured’s estate shall not relieve the Company of any of its obligations hereunder. K. Cancellation: This insurance may be canceled by the Named Insured at any time by written notice or by surrender of this insurance to the Company or its authorized representative and the Company shall refund the paid premium less the earned portion thereof within thirty (30) days of the latter of the effective date of the cancellation or the date of delivery of the Insured’s notice of intent to cancel subject to the retention by the Company of any minimum premium stipulated herein (or proportion thereof previously agreed upon). The earned portion of the premium shall be computed on the customary short-rate basis unless any state law or regulation of the state shown in the mailing address of the Named Insured on the Declarations Page requires that return premium be computed on a pro-rata basis, even in the event of cancellation by the Named Insured. This insurance may also be canceled, with or without the return or tender of the unearned premium, by the Company, or by its authorized representative on its behalf, by sending to all Named Insureds, by first class, registered or certified mail, at the Named Insured(s) address last known to the Company or its authorized agent, not less than ninety (90) days written notice stating the specific reason for such cancellation and when the cancellation shall be effective. In such case the Company shall refund the paid premium less the earned portion thereof within ten (10) business days after the effective date of cancellation, subject to the retention by the Company of any minimum premium stipulated herein (or proportion thereof previously agreed upon). In the event of cancellation by the Company, minimum premium shall not apply to the return of unearned premium. In case of non-payment of premium only thirty (30) days written notice of cancellation must be given by the Company. Proof of mailing will be sufficient proof of notice. Cancellation by the Company shall only be effective if based on one or more of the following reasons: 1. Nonpayment of premium; 2. The policy was obtained through a material misrepresentation that was relied on by the Company, and such policy would not have been issued by the Company under the same terms and conditions if correct information had been disclosed; 3. Material failure to comply with policy terms, conditions or contractual duties; 4. The risk originally accepted has measurably increased; 5. Loss by the Company of reinsurance which provided coverage for all or a substantial part of the risk insured. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 05 LPL0002 05 04 17 Page 11 of 15 L. Nonrenewal: The Company will renew this policy unless written notice of the Company's intent not to renew, stating the specific reasons for nonrenewal, is mailed to the Named Insured not less than ninety (90) days before the policy expires. Any notice of nonrenewal will be mailed by first class registered or certified mail to the Named Insured at the last mailing address known to the Company. Proof of mailing will be sufficient proof of notice. M. Renewal Rate Increase or Change in Policy Terms: If the Company increases the rate, changes the deductible, reduces the limit or substantially reduces coverage at renewal, the Company will mail to the Named Insured, at least sixty (60) days prior to the effective date of that increase or change: 1. Written notice of any change in coverage terms; 2. The amount of our rate increase. A rate increase is defined as any increase in premium except increase due to change in exposure (including claims-made step factors) and/or rating plans based solely on the Insured’s developed experience. Any notice of renewal rate increase or change in policy terms will be mailed by first class registered or certified mail to all Named Insureds at the last mailing address known to the Company. Proof of mailing will be sufficient proof of notice. N. Declarations and Applications: By acceptance of this policy, the Insured agrees that the statements in the Declarations and application are his agreements and representations, and that this policy is issued in reliance upon the truth of such representations and that this policy embodies all agreements existing between himself and the Company or any of its agents relating to this insurance. O. Extended Reporting Period Option: 1. Cancellation/Nonrenewal: In the case of: (a) cancellation or nonrenewal of this policy by the Named Insured or the Company for any reason other than flat cancellation at policy inception for non- payment of premium; or (b) advancing a retroactive or prior acts date from or previously applied by the Company the Named Insured shall have the right, subject to the other terms and conditions of this policy, or an endorsement attached thereto, to have an endorsement issued extending the time during which Claims can be reported for an additional premium of: (i) 100% of the full annual premium for this policy, to a period of twelve (12) months; (ii) 150% of the full annual premium for this policy, to a period of twenty-four (24) months; (iii) 185% of the full annual premium for this policy, to a period of thirty-six (36) months; or DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 05 LPL0002 05 04 17 Page 12 of 15 (iv) 225% of the full annual premium for this policy, for an unlimited period. following the effective date of such cancellation or nonrenewal in which to give written notice to the Company of Claims first made against the Insured during this Extended Reporting Period for any act, error, omission or Personal Injury arising from the rendering of or failure to render Professional Services occurring prior to the termination of the final Policy Period, subject to its terms, limitations, exclusions and conditions. This right shall terminate sixty (60) days after the effective date of such action as is indicated in subparagraphs (a) or (b) above unless written notice of such election, together with the additional premium, is received by the Company or its authorized agent from the Named Insured within that sixty (60) day period. Subject to the foregoing, in the event that the Named Insured is a partnership or a corporation, and the policy is terminated, the premium calculation stated in i. through iv. above shall not include a charge for any individual legal professional who qualifies for a free Extended Reporting Period under section 2., 3. or 4. following, provided always that the notice is given to the Company as required and the other provisions of these sections are fully satisfied. 2. Retiree Provision: Notwithstanding CONDITION O.1. above, the Named Insured shall also have the right to have an endorsement issued extending the reporting period for this policy to an unlimited period following the effective date of such cancellation or non-renewal upon his or her retirement from the private practice of law and the payment of additional premium for this option will be waived if: (a) the Named Insured (i) ceases the private practice of law during the Policy Period; (ii) has been continuously insured by the Company for at least three (3) consecutive years; (iii) ceases the performance of all legal services covered by this policy; and (iv) is fifty-five (55) years of age or older; then such Insured has the right, for no extra charge, to elect an Unlimited Non- practicing Extended Claims Reporting Period, to report Claims first made against an Insured for any actual or alleged negligent act, error or omission occurring prior to the termination of the Policy Period and otherwise covered by this policy. Such Unlimited Non-practicing Extended Claims Reporting Period must be elected within sixty (60) days of the Insured’s retirement or ceasing of the private practice of law. (b) written notice of this election is given to the Company within sixty (60) days after termination of this policy; and (c) all premiums and deductibles due the Company have been paid in full. 3. Death or Disability of Insured: Notwithstanding CONDITION O.1. of this policy, if the Named Insured designated in the Declaration is an individual and shall cancel or nonrenew this policy, the Named Insured shall have the right, at no cost, to have an endorsement issued extending the reporting period for this policy to an unlimited period following the effective date of such cancellation or nonrenewal provided that: DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 05 LPL0002 05 04 17 Page 13 of 15 (a) such cancellation or nonrenewal results from the death or disability of the Named Insured during the Policy Period; (b) in the event of disability, the Named Insured is totally and continuously disabled from the practice of law a minimum of six (6) months prior to the election of this option; (c) satisfactory written evidence of death or disability is provided to the Company within one (1) year of such death or disability; and (d) all premiums and deductibles due the Company have been paid in full. This right shall terminate, however, unless written notice of election is received by the Company or its authorized agent from the Named Insured or legal representative of Named Insured within sixty (60) days after the effective date of such cancellation or nonrenewal. 4. At the commencement of any Extended Reporting Period option, the entire premium therefore shall be deemed earned and the Company shall not be liable to return to the Named Insured any portion of the premium for the Extended Reporting Period. The cost of any Extended Reporting Period option is based on the rates and rules in effect at the time the policy was issued or last renewed. The fact that the period during which a Claim must be first made against the Named Insured under this policy is extended by virtue of any Extended Reporting Period option shall not in any way increase the limit of this policy. The limit of liability under any Extended Reporting Period option shall be part of, and not in addition to, the limit of liability available under the last policy or renewal certificate issued to the Named Insured. 5. An automatic sixty (60) day Extended Reporting Period Option, effective at the termination of the policy period, will be provided by the Company at no additional cost unless this insurance is replaced with the same or similar insurance issued by the Company, whether or not the limits or deductibles are identical to those provided under this policy. This extended reporting period option shall only apply to Claims made during the policy period and reported to the Company within sixty (60) days of the policy termination. The limits available under this extension shall be part of, and not in addition to, the limits available under the expiring policy period. Coverage provided by this automatic extended reporting period shall be Specific Excess over any replacement policy providing the same or similar coverage. This Extended Reporting Period option shall not be available if the policy is cancelled for non- payment of premium effective at policy inception. Any provision in the policy which conflicts with this extension is amended accordingly. P. Reimbursement: While the Company has no duty to do so, if the Company pays Damages or Claims Expenses: 1. Within the amount of the applicable deductible; or 2. In excess of the applicable limit of liability all Insureds shall be jointly and severally liable to the Company for such amounts. Upon written demand, the Insured shall repay such amounts to the Company with thirty (30) days thereof. Failure to pay any amount indicated may lead to policy cancellation. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 05 LPL0002 05 04 17 Page 14 of 15 Q. Liberalization Clause: If the Company adopts any revision that would broaden the coverage under the policy without additional premium at any time during the Policy Period, the broadened coverage will immediately apply to this policy. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 05 LPL0002 05 04 17 Page 15 of 15 STATE BAR OF CALIFORNIA LAWYERS PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY INSURANCE PROGRAM Claims Handling Procedures An important value of your Lawyers Professional Liability insurance coverage is the ability of the insurance company to respond when you have a claim. The State Bar of California Lawyers Professional Liability policy not only provides an exact description of what is covered and what is not covered, it also sets out your obligations as an Insured and, where appropriate, the obligations of others involved with you. The Arch Insurance Company is committed to providing insureds and clients with responsive claim service. You, as a policyholder, trigger this service when you report a claim quickly and accurately. In the event of an incident which may result in a claim, an actual claim, or your r eceipt of suit papers arising out of your services as a lawyer, please follow the procedures outlined below: Notices of each incident, claim or suit must be sent immediately to: ARCH INSURANCE COMPANY Attorney's Professional Liability Claims 1299 Farnam Street, Suite 500 Omaha, NE 68102 P.O. Box 542033 Omaha, NE 68154 Phone 877 688- ARCH (2724) FAX 866 266-3630 Email Claims@Archinsurance.com Your claim notice should include the following:  Your name, address and phone number;  A copy of your Policy Declarations – this will include important information regarding your coverage;  The date or period of duration (start date/finish date) of the professional service in question and the date you first became aware of the problem or potential problem;  A brief description of the problem;  Copies of any letters of demand and any legal papers (i.e.: summons and complaints, notices of arbitration, etc.) which you have received.  It is advisable to send a photocopy of your cover letter to your insurance agent. Do not discuss the claim with any adverse party or their representative. Do not admit any liability or pay any portion of alleged Damages. Do not attempt to handle the matter yourself. Any one of these actions may void your insurance coverage. (If you waive your fee, or any part of it, in conjunction with a dissatisfied customer and do not admit any liability, the terms of your coverage may not be compromised. Send us a notice of any such incident immediately.) You will be contacted by a representative of Arch Insurance Company's Claim Department. This representative, who specializes in the handling and adjusting of lawyers professional liability / errors and omissions claims, will confirm receipt of the loss notice directly to you, provide a company claim number for all future correspondence, refer to legal counsel if necessary and discuss further handling of the matter with you. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 00 LPL0175 00 04 17 Page 1 of 9 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. NETWORK SECURITY AND PRIVACY LIABILITY EXTENSION ENDORSEMENT This Endorsement modifies insurance provided under the Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance Policy. It is agreed that in consideration of a premium of $0; 1. The Insuring Agreements designated with an X below will be added to the policy: Insuring Agreements Sub-Limit of Liability Deductible Prior Acts Exclusion Date C. Data Incident Response Expense $25k each Network Security Breach or Privacy Violation $ each Network Security Breach or Privacy Violation Per Policy D. Network Security and Privacy Liability Coverage $ each Claim $ each Claim 2. The language for the Insuring Agreement[s] designated with an X above is set forth below and is added to Section I. COVERAGE: C. DATA INCIDENT RESPONSE EXPENSE The Company will pay Data Incident Response Expense, in excess of the deductible, incurred by the Insured, directly resulting from a Network Security Breach or Privacy Violation: a. occurring on or after the Prior Acts Exclusion Date; b. discovered during the Policy Period; and c. reported to the Company immediately pursuant to the terms of Section 8 of this Endorsement.. D. NETWORK SECURITY AND PRIVACY LIABILITY The Company will pay on behalf of an Insured all amounts, in excess of the deductible, that an Insured becomes legally obligated to pay as Damages and Claim Expenses, because of a Claim that is: a. first made against an Insured during the Policy Period or Extended Claims Reporting Period, if applicable; b. for a Network Security Breach or Privacy Violation occurring on or after the Prior Acts Exclusion Date and prior to the end of the Policy Period; and reported to the Company immediately pursuant to the terms of Section 8 of this endorsement. 3. Solely with respect to the coverage provided under Insuring Agreement C. of this Endorsement, the following policy provisions of the Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance Policy are deleted and will not apply: 5,000 DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 00 LPL0175 00 04 17 Page 2 of 9 A. The paragraph of Section I. COVERAGE that begins, “The Company shall have the right and duty to defend any suit against the Insured seeking Damages”. B. Paragraph O. EXTENDED REPORTING PERIOD OPTION 4. Solely with respect to the coverage provided under this Endorsement, Paragraphs A., B. and C. of Section III. LIMIT OF LIABILITY of the Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance Policyare amended as follows: A. In the event Claim Expenses and Data Incident Response Expenses are included within the limit of liability as specified in Item 4.a. of the Declarations, the limit of liability stated in the Declarations as applicable to “each Claim” is the limit of the company's liability for all Damages, Claims Expenses and Data Incident Response Expenses because of each Claim covered hereby. Notwithstanding the forgoing, an additional aggregate limit of $50,000 shall be provided solely for payment of Claims Expenses and Data Incident Response Expenses. All Claims arising from the same or related negligent act, error or omission Personal Injury or Network Security Breach or Privacy Violation shall be considered a single Claim for the purpose of this insurance and shall be subject to the same limit of liability. The limit of liability stated in the Declarations as “aggregate” is, subject to the above provision respecting “each Claim”, the total limit of the Company's liability under this policy for all Damages, Claims Expenses and Data Incident Response Expenses. B. In the event Claim Expenses and Data Incident Response Expenses are in addition to the limit of liability as specified in Item 4.b. of the Declarations, the limit of liability stated in the Declarations as applicable to “each Claim” is the limit of the Company's liability for Damages resulting from each Claim covered hereby. There shall be a separate limit of liability equal to one-half (1/2) of the limit of liability for Damages applicable to Claim Expenses and Data Incident Response Expenses for any such Claim. Such limit for Claim Expenses and Data Incident Response Expenses shall not exceed $1,000,000 regardless of the limit of liability purchased for Damages. All Claims arising from the same or related negligent act, error or omission Personal Injury or Network Security Breach or Privacy Violation shall be considered a single Claim for the purpose of this insurance and shall be subject to the same limit of liability. In the event that the Claim Expenses and Data Incident Response Expenses limit of liability is exhausted, all subsequently incurred Claim Expenses and Incident Response Expenses will apply to and erode the policy's limit of liability. The limit of liability stated in the Declarations as “aggregate” is, subject to the above provision respecting “each Claim”, the total limit of the Company's liability under this policy for all Damages. A separate “aggregate” limit of liability shall apply to all Claims Expenses and Data Incident Response Expenses incurred in the defense of Claims covered by this Policy, subject to the above provision respecting the Company's liability for Claim Expenses and Data Incident Response Expenses for “each Claim”. C. The Company’s liability for Damages and/or Claim Expenses and Data Incident Response Expenses, as applicable, resulting from “each Claim” is in excess of the deductible amount stated in the Declarations. The deductible amount stated in the Declarations shall upon written demand by the Company, be paid by the Named Insured within 30 days of demand. 1. As a condition precedent to the Company’s liability under this Endorsement, the applicable deductible specified in Paragraph 1 of this Endorsement will be paid by the DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 00 LPL0175 00 04 17 Page 3 of 9 Insured, be applicable to each Network Security Breach or Privacy Violation under Insuring Agreement C. or each Claim under Insuring Agreement D. 2. The deductible specified in Paragraph 1 of this Endorsement will apply to all Data Incident Response Expense under Insuring Agreement C. and all Damages and Claim Expenses under Insuring Agreement D. 3. In the event more than one Insuring Agreement is triggered by a Network Security Breach, Privacy Violation or Claim, only the single highest deductible specified in Paragraph 1 of this Endorsement will apply. 4. The total deductible for all Claims, Network Security Breaches, Privacy Violations, or series of Claims, Network Security Breaches, or Privacy Violations that have a common nexus of facts, circumstances, situations, events, transactions, causes or series of causally connected facts, circumstances, situations, events, transactions or causes. will not exceed the single highest deductible specified in Paragraph 1 of this Endorsement. 5. The deductible will be applied first to Claim Expenses and Data Incident Response Expense with any remainder applied to Damages. The Named Insured will pay the deductible within thirty (30) days of demand by the Company. 5. Solely with respect to the coverage provided under this Endorsement, the following is added to Section III. LIMIT OF LIABILITY of the Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance Policy: G. The Company’s Sub-Limit of Liability for Data Incident Response Expense each Network Security Breach or Privacy Violation, is specified in Paragraph 1.C. of this Endorsement. The Company will not be obligated to pay any Data Incident Response Expense after the Sub-Limit of Liability specified in Paragraph 1.C. of this Endorsement has been exhausted by payment of Data Incident Response Expense. Such Sub-Limit of Liability will be part of, and not in addition to, the Limit of Liability Each Claim specified in Item 4.A. of the Declarations, regardless of whether a Claim has been made. The Company does not assume any duty to defend under this Insuring Agreement. H. The Company’s Sub-Limit of Liability for Damages and Claim Expenses each Network Security Breach or Privacy Violation Claim is specified in Paragraph 1.D. of this Endorsement, if purchased. Such Sub-Limit of Liability will be part of, and not in addition to, the Limit of Liability Each Claim specified in Item 4.a. of the Declarations. I. With regard to Insuring Agreement D, if the Sub-Limit of Liability specified in Paragraph 1.D. of this Endorsement is exhausted prior to settlement or judgment of any pending Claim, the Company’s obligations under this policy will be cancelled and the Company will have the right to withdraw from the further investigation or defense of any pending Claim by tendering control of such investigation or defense to the Named Insured, and the Named Insured agrees, as a condition to the issuance of this policy, to accept such tender. J. With regard to Insuring Agreement D., the inclusion of more than one Insured in any Claim, or the making of Claims by more than one person or entity will not increase the Company’s Sub-Limit of Liability Each Claim, Aggregate Sub-Limit of Liability Per Policy Period or the deductible. Two or more Claims arising out of a single Network Security Breach or Privacy Violation will be treated as a single Claim. All such Claims, whenever made, will be considered first made during the Policy Period in which the earliest Claim was first reported. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 00 LPL0175 00 04 17 Page 4 of 9 6. Solely with respect to the coverage provided under this Endorsement, Paragraph F of Section III. LIMIT OF LIABILITY of the Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance Policy is deleted and replaced by the following: F. If this policy and any other policy issued by the Company including any extended claims reporting period coverage afforded by such policy or policies, provides coverage to the same Network Security Breach or Privacy Violation or Claim, the maximum limit of liability under all the policies will not exceed the highest remaining limit of liability under any one policy. 7. Section VII. EXCLUSIONS of the Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance Policy will apply to all coverage provided under this Endorsement and solely with respect to the coverage provided under this Endorsement, the following Exclusion is added: J. This policy will not pay any Data Incident Response Expense or Claim based upon or arising out of, in whole or in part: 1. any demand, suit or proceeding pending or order, decree or judgment made or initiated against the Insured on or prior to the inception date of this policy or any Network Security Breach or Privacy Violation specified in such prior demand, suit or proceeding which has a common nexus, fact, circumstance, situation, event, transaction, cause or series of causally connected facts, circumstances, situations, events, transactions or causes underlying or alleged therein; 2. any fact, circumstance or situation that, before the inception date of this policy, that was the subject of any notice given under any policy of which this policy is a renewal or replacement; 3. any actual or alleged unauthorized or illegal collection or intentional sharing of Personal Information, including but not limited to the collection of Personal Information using cookies, spyware, or other malicious code, or the failure to provide adequate notice that Personal Information is being collected or shared; 4. any bodily injury, sickness, disease, emotional distress, mental anguish or death of any person, or damage to or destruction of any tangible property, including loss of use thereof; 5. any actual or alleged misappropriation, theft, plagiarism, infringement or violation of any patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret, trade dress, trade name, service mark, service name, title or slogan; however this exclusion will not apply to a Network Security Breach; 6. any actual or alleged unsolicited electronic faxes, emails, telephone calls or unsolicited communications, including without limitation, Claims arising out of unsolicited electronic messages, chat room postings, bulletin board postings, newsgroup postings, “pop-up” or “pop-under” Internet advertising or fax-blasting, direct mailing or telemarketing, or Claims involving actual or alleged violations of any foreign, federal, state or local statute, regulation or ordinance that addresses, limits or prohibits the printing, dissemination, disposal, collecting, recording, sending, transmitting, communicating or distribution of material or information; however this exclusion will not apply to a Network Security Breach; 7. any actual or alleged discrimination, harassment, wrongful termination, unpaid wages (including overtime pay), workers’ compensation benefits, unemployment compensation, disability benefits, improper payroll deductions, improper employee DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 00 LPL0175 00 04 17 Page 5 of 9 classification, failure to maintain accurate time records, failure to grant meal and rest periods, or social security benefits, or any other employment practices wrongful act.; 8. any actual or alleged discrimination, humiliation or harassment in any form or manner, including, but not limited to, race, creed, color, religion, ethnic background, national origin, age, handicap, disability, gender, sex, sexual orientation or preference, pregnancy, marital status, retaliation, or any other protected class under any federal, state, local or other law; 9. any actual or alleged price fixing, restraint of trade, monopolization, unfair trade practices or any violation of the Federal Trade Commission Act or consumer protection laws, Sherman Anti-Trust Act, the Clayton Act, or any similar law regulating anti-trust, monopoly, price fixing, price discrimination, predatory pricing or restraint of trade activities; 10. any war, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities or warlike operations (whether war is declared or not), strike, lockout, riot, civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, civil commotion assuming the proportions of or amounting to an uprising, military or usurped power, however, this exclusion will not apply to Cyberterrorism; 11. any Insured’s service at any time as a director, officer, trustee, regent, governor, independent contractor or equivalent executive, or as an employee, of any entity other than an Insured even if such service is with the knowledge and consent, or at the request, of an Insured; 12. any inaccurate, inadequate or incomplete description of the price of goods, products or services, the authenticity of any goods, products or services, or the failure of any goods or services to conform with any represented quality or performance; 8. Solely with respect to the coverage provided under this Endorsement, Paragraph 3 of Section VIII. DEFINITIONS of the Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance Policy is deleted and replaced by the following: “Claim” means any: 1. written demand or notice for civil monetary damages or other civil non monetary relief commenced by the Insured’s receipt of such demand or notice; 2. civil proceeding, including but not limited to any arbitration proceeding or other alternative dispute resolution (ADR) proceeding, commenced by the service upon the Insured of a complaint, demand for arbitration, or similar pleading; 3. written request to an Insured to toll or waive the statute of limitations regarding a potential Claim as described in 1. and 2. above commenced by the Insured’s receipt of such request; 4. a Regulatory Action. 9. Solely with respect to the coverage provided under this Endorsement, the following definitions are added to SECTION VIII. DEFINITIONS of the Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance Policy: “Computer System” means any computer hardware, electronic mobile device, software or firmware, and components thereof including data stored thereon, that is owned or leased by a Named Insured, and is under the direct operational control of the Named Insured or any mobile DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 00 LPL0175 00 04 17 Page 6 of 9 device owned and under the direct operational control of an employee of a Named Insured if such mobile device is used for the benefit of the Named Insured. Computer System also includes cloud computing and other hosted resources operated by a third party for the purpose of providing hosted computer resources to the Named Insured as provided in a written contract between the Named Insured and such third party. “Cyberterrorism” means the premeditated use of disruptive activities against any Computer System by an individual or group of individuals, or the explicit threat by an individual or group of individuals to use such activities, with the intention to cause harm, further social, idealogical, religious, political or similar objectives, or to intimidate any person(s) in furtherance of such objectives. Cyberterrorism does not include any such activities which are part of or in support of any military action, war or warlike operation. “Data Incident Response Expense” means reasonable and necessary fees and expenses incurred by an Insured, with the Company’s prior written consent, for: 1. legal services by an attorney selected by the Company regarding any Network Security Breach or Privacy Violation; 2. computer forensic investigatory services by a third party information security professional selected by the Company to determine the cause of the Network Security Breach and identities of those who may have been victims of any Privacy Violation; 3. notifying individuals who may have been victims of any Privacy Violation; 4. public relations firm, crisis management firm or law firm services to mitigate reputational damage resulting from any Network Security Breach or Privacy Violation; 5. credit monitoring services and identity theft education; 6. costs for identity theft call center services; and 7. costs to restore or recreate electronic data; Data Incident Response Expense will exclude any: (i) compensation or overhead of any Insured; (ii) payments made as compensation for any injury or damages resulting from any Network Security Breach or Privacy Violation; or (iii) costs associated with replacing, repairing or improving any network, computer hardware or software. “Denial of Service Attack” means a malicious attack intended by the perpetrator to overwhelm the capacity of the Computer System by sending an excessive volume of electronic data to such Computer System in order to prevent authorized access to such Computer System. “Network Security Breach” means any: 1. unauthorized access to, or unauthorized use of, a Computer System; 2. transmission of Malicious Code into or from a Computer System; or 3. Denial of Service Attack. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 00 LPL0175 00 04 17 Page 7 of 9 “Malicious Code” means any virus, Trojan, worm or other similar malicious software program, code or script designed to infect, harm, harm data on, or steal data from, a Computer System. “Personal Information” means any: 1. information for which an individual may be uniquely and reliably identified or contacted including without limitation the individual’s: a. name; b. address; c. telephone number; d. social security number; e. drivers license number or any other state identification number; f. medical or healthcare data, including protected health information; or g. account numbers. 2. non-public personal information as defined in any Privacy Law. “Privacy Law” means those parts of the following statutes or regulations regulating the use and protection of non-public personal information (as defined in such statutes or regulation): 1. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA); 2. Gramm-Leach Bliley Act of 1999 (GLBA); 3. consumer protection and unfair and deceptive trade practice laws enforced by state Attorneys General or the Federal Trade Commission, including but not limited to Section 5(a) of the Federal Trade Commission Act, 15. U.S.C § 45 (a), as amended; 4. security breach notification laws that require notice to individuals of the actual or potential theft of their non-public personal information, including but not limited to the California Security Breach Notification Act of 2003 (CA SB1386); or 5. other state, federal or foreign privacy laws for non-public personal information, or a privacy policy limiting the sale, disclosure or sharing of non-public personal information or providing individuals with the right to access or correct non-public personal information. “Privacy Violation” means any: 1. failure to protect Private Information while in the care, custody or control of an Insured; 2. violation of a Privacy Law by an Insured; or DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 00 LPL0175 00 04 17 Page 8 of 9 3. violation of an Insured’s privacy policy with respect to provisions prohibiting any Insured from disclosing Private Information. “Private Information” means any of the following information that exists in any format and that is in the care, custody and control of any Insured, or in the care, custody and control of a third party on any Insured’s behalf: 1. Personal Information; or 2. confidential or proprietary business information that is not available to the general public. “Regulatory Action” means a civil administrative or regulatory proceeding commenced by service of a complaint or pleading, civil investigative demand or civil request for information brought or made by a governmental agency or authority that alleges a Privacy Violation. A Regulatory Action will not mean or include any criminal demands, requests or proceedings. 10. Solely with respect to the coverage provided under Insuring Agreement C, Paragraphs B. and C. of Section IX. CONDITIONS of the Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance Policy are deleted and replaced by the following: A. Notice to the Company Notices of each Network Security Breach or Privacy Violation must be sent immediately to: ARCH INSURANCE COMPANY Attorney's Professional Liability Claims 1299 Farnam Street, Suite 500 Omaha, NE 68102 P.O. Box 542033 Omaha, NE 68154 Phone 877 688-ARCH (2724) FAX 866 266-3630 Email Claims@Archinsurance.com Your notice of Network Security Breach or Privacy Violation should include the following: Your name, address and phone number; A copy of your Policy Declarations – this will include important information regarding your coverage; The date or period of duration of the Network Security Breach or Privacy Violation and the date you first became aware of the problem or potential problem; A brief description of the problem; and Copies of any relevant documents. It is advisable to send a copy of your notice of Network Security Breach or Privacy Violation to your insurance agent. B. ASSISTANCE AND COOPERATION OF THE INSURED DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 00 LPL0175 00 04 17 Page 9 of 9 All Insureds will cooperate with the Company, including providing all information requested by the Company regarding any Network Security Breach or Privacy Violation, and cooperating fully with the Company. Upon the Company’s request, all Insureds will submit to examination by a representative of the Company, under oath if required. The Insured shall not, except at the Insured’s own cost, voluntarily make any payments, admit liability, assume any obligation or incur any expense. All other terms and conditions of this Policy remain unchanged. Endorsement Number: Policy Number: Named Insured: This endorsement is effective on the inception date of this Policy unless otherwise stated herein: Endorsement Effective Date: 3 1/1/2022 11LPL10608905 Law Office of Alan Seltzer DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 Endorsement # PRIOR ACTS EXCLUSION ENDORSEMENT Policy No. Eff. Date of Pol. Exp. Date of Pol. Eff. Date of End. Add’l Prem. Return Prem. The premium for this endorsement is included in the premium shown on the declarations unless a specific amount is shown here. Named Insured and Mailing Address: Producer: THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. In consideration of the premium charged, this policy specifically excludes loss resulting from Claims made against any Insured arising from any negligent act, error, omission, or Personal Injury occurring or alleged to have occurred prior to This endorsement forms part of this policy and any subsequent renewals thereof. ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE POLICY REMAIN UNCHANGED. Date Issued: Authorized Representative: 00 LPL 00034 00 05 06 Page 1 of 1 11LPL10608905 1/1/2022 1/1/2023 1/1/2022 Law Office of Alan Seltzer 737 Marco Place Venice, CA 90291 Mercer Health & Benefits Insurance Services LLC PO BOX 850386 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55485-0386 01/01/2016 12/23/2021 DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 00 ML0065 00 06 07 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc. with its permission. Page 1 of 1 U.S. TREASURY DEPARTMENT’S OFFICE OF FOREIGN ASSETS CONTROL (“OFAC”) ADVISORY NOTICE TO POLICYHOLDERS No coverage is provided by this Policyholder Notice nor can it be construed to replace any provisions of your policy. You should read your policy and review your Declarations page for complete information on the coverages you are provided. This Notice provides information concerning possible impact on your insurance coverage due to directives issued by OFAC. Please read this Notice carefully. The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) administers and enforces sanctions policy, based on Presidential declarations of “national emergency”. OFAC has identified and listed numerous: ● Foreign agents; ● Front organizations; ● Terrorists; ● Terrorist organizations; and ● Narcotics traffickers; as “Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons”. This list can be located on the United States Treasury’s web site – http://www.treas.gov/ofac. In accordance with OFAC regulations, if it is determined that you or any other insured, or any person or entity claiming the benefits of this insurance has violated U.S. sanctions law or is a Specially Designated National and Blocked Person, as identified by OFAC, this insurance will be considered a blocked or frozen contract and all provisions of this insurance are immediately subject to OFAC. When an insurance policy is considered to be such a blocked or frozen contract, no payments nor premium refunds may be made without authorization from OFAC. Other limitations on the premiums and payments also apply. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79 CONTINUING EDUCATION VOUCHER Policy Number Effective Date a Named Insured a Insured Attorney a IMPORTANT Insured Attorney’s State Bar Membership Number ________________ (YOU MUST FILL THIS IN BEFORE SUBMITTING TO THE STATE BAR) I certify that I am the active member of The State Bar of California named above, that I have provided my correct State Bar membership number above, and that I am currently an insured under the Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance Policy issued by Arch Insurance Company described above. I hereby request that The State Bar provide me with the Minimum Continuing Legal Education benefits currently provided to members who have professional liability insurance with Arch Insurance Company through the State Bar sponsored program administered by Mercer. Date: _______ Signature ____________________ E Mail Address ________________ INSTRUCTIONS FOR REDEEMING THIS VOUCHER 1. Review the information at the top of this form to be sure it is correct. BE SURE TO ACCURATELY AND LEGIBLY FILL IN YOUR STATE BAR NUMBER. If you find any errors, please contact the administrator, Mercer, at (800) 339-9122 for assistance. 2. Date and sign the voucher in the spaces provided above, and make a copy for your records. 3.Send the completed and signed voucher to The California Lawyers Association (CLA), by: 1)By Email: cle@calawyers.org or 2) By mail or private courier service: The California Lawyers Association Attention: CLE Vouchers 400 Capitol Mall, Suite 650 Sacramento, CA 95814 4.You will receive your CLE access credentials directly from CLA. Please allow 10 days for delivery. 5. Information about MCLE rules and your compliance obligations is available on The State Bar website at www.calbar.ca.gov. 11LPL10608905 1/1/2022 Law Office of Alan Seltzer Alan Seltzer DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1BBCB1-7939-43B3-BB42-81AAA0D28A79