08/10/2023 Open Government Commission Regular Agenda Packet August 10, 2023 6:00 PM Page 1 of 3 Open Government Commission Regular Meeting Agenda CITY OF GILROY OPEN GOVERNMENT COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 2023 | 6:00 PM CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 7351 ROSANNA STREET GILROY, CA 95020 Chair: Diana Bentz Vice Chair: Karen Enzensperger Commissioners: Jessica Irwin & Shayne Somavia Staff Liaison: Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator All Open Government Commission meeting materials are available online at http://gilroy.city/meetings COMMENTS BY THE PUBLIC WILL BE TAKEN ON AGENDA ITEMS BEFORE ACTION IS TAKEN BY THE OPEN GOVERNMENT COMMISSION. Public testimony is subject to reasonable regulations, including but not limited to time restrictions for each individual speaker. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City will make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. If you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk 72 hours prior to the meeting at (408) 846-0204. A sound enhancement system is also available for check out in the City Council Chambers. Materials related to an item on this agenda submitted to the Open Government Commission after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection with the agenda packet in the lobby of Administration at City Hall, 7351 Rosanna Street during normal business hours. These materials are also available with the agenda packet on the City website at www.cityofgilroy.org subject to Staff’s ability to publish the documents before the meeting. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THE GILROY OPEN GOVERNMENT ORDINANCE Government's duty is to serve the public, reaching its decisions in full view of the public. Commissions, task forces, councils and other agencies of the City exist to conduct the people's business. This ordinance assures that deliberations are conducted before the people and that City operations are open to the people's review. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THE OPEN GOVERNMENT ORDINANCE, TO RECEIVE A FREE COPY OF THE ORDINANCE OR TO REPORT A VIOLATION OF THE ORDINANCE, CONTACT THE OPEN GOVERNMENT COMMISSION STAFF AT (408) 846-0204 or by email at cityclerk@cityofgilroy.org. If you need assistance with translation and would like to speak during public comment, please contact the City Clerk a minimum of 72 hours prior to the meeting at 408-846- 0204 or e-mail the City Clerk’s Office at cityclerk@cityofgilroy.org. Si necesita un intérprete durante la junta y gustaría dar un comentario público, comuníquese con el Secretario de la Ciudad un mínimo de 72 horas antes de la junta al 408-846-0204 o envíe un correo electrónico a la Oficina del Secretario de la Ciudad a Open Government Commission Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 3 August 10, 2023 | 6:00 PM cityclerk@cityofgilroy.org. The AGENDA for this regular meeting is as follows: 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PRESENTATIONS TO THE OPEN GOVERNMENT COMMISSION 3.1. Public Comments by Members of the Public on Items not on the Agenda but within the Commission’s Subject Matter Jurisdiction 4. REPORTS FROM COMMISSIONERS 5. CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under the Consent Calendar are considered by the Commission to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a request is made by a member of the Commission or a member of the public. Any person desiring to speak on any item on the consent calendar should ask to have that item removed from the consent calendar prior to the time the Commission votes to approve. If removed, the item will be discussed in the order in which it appears. 5.1. Approval of the May 11, 2023 Special Meeting Minutes 5.2. Approval of the June 22, 2023 Special Meeting Minutes 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6.1. Hybrid Meetings 6.2. Open Government Ordinance Old Training Video 6.3. Open Government FAQs 6.4. OGO Workplan FY 24 and FY 25 6.5. OGO Training/Budget 1. Board/Commission Training 2. Brown Act 3. JEDI Training 7. NEW BUSINESS 7.1. Quarterly Review of Public Records Requests Per Gilroy Code Section 17A.35 (c) (Second Quarter, 2023) 1. Staff Report: Thai Nam Pham, City Clerk 2. Public Comment 3. Possible Action: Staff recommends that the Commission receive the report. 7.2. Discussion on Public Voting Records 8. FUTURE COMMISSION INITIATED AGENDA ITEMS Open Government Commission Regular Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 3 August 10, 2023 | 6:00 PM 9. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S UPDATE 10. ADJOURNMENT FUTURE MEETING DATES November 2, 2023 – 5:30 PM November 9, 2023 – 6:00 PM CANCELED Page 1 of 4 City of Gilroy Open Government Commission Special Meeting Minutes Thursday, May 11, 2023 | 5:30 PM 1.CALL TO ORDER The Meeting was called to order by Chair Bentz at 5:30 PM. 2.ROLL CALL Attendance Attendee Name Present Terence Fugazzi, Commissioner Jessica Irwin, Commissioner Shayne Somavia, Commissioner Karen Enzensperger, Vice-Chair Diana Bentz, Chair Absent None 3.PRESENTATIONS TO THE OPEN GOVERNMENT COMMISSION 3.1. Public Comments by Members of the Public on Items not on the Agenda but within the Commission’s Subject Matter Jurisdiction Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz closed Public Comment. 4.CONSENT CALENDAR Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz closed Public Comment. Motion: Adopt the Consent Calendar. RESULT: Pass MOVER: Shayne Somavia, Commissioner SECONDER: Terence Fugazzi, Commissioner AYES: Commissioner Fugazzi, Commissioner Irwin, Commissioner Somavia, Vice-Chair Enzensperger, Chair Bentz 4.1. Approval of the February 9, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes A motion was made to approve the minutes. 4.2. Approval of April 6, 2023 Special Meeting Minutes A motion was made to approve the minutes. 5.UNFINISHED BUSINESS 5.1. City Council Correspondence Samples City Administrator Forbis stated that the Assistant to the City Administrator will create an example for the Commission and provide it at the next commission meeting. DRAFT May 11, 2023 | 5:30 PM Page 2 of 4 Open Government Commission Special Meeting Minutes Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz closed Public Comment. The commission received the report. 5.2. Open Government Ordinance Old Training Video City Administrator Forbis and City Clerk Pham provided staff presentations and responded to Commissioner questions. City Clerk Pham suggested producing the video with staff during the summer with members of the commission. Commissioner Irwin expressed interest in leading the charge of producing the video with staff. Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz closed Public Comment. Motion: Assign Commissioner Irwin to work with staff on a new version of the Open Government Ordinance Training video. RESULT: Pass MOVER: Diana Bentz, Chair SECONDER: Karen Enzensperger, Vice-Chair AYES: Commissioner Fugazzi, Commissioner Irwin, Commissioner Somavia, Vice-Chair Enzensperger, Chair Bentz 5.3. Open Government FAQ City Administrator Forbis reminded the Commissioners that the commission expressed interest in creating a subcommittee about the five FAQs discussed at the last meeting: 1) What is the Open Government Ordinance? 2) How do you get the webpage in different languages? 3) What are the top categories requested for information? 4) How do I join a commission? 5) How did the Open Government Ordinance start? Commissioner Fugazzi and Somavia expressed interest in serving on the subcommittee. Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz closed Public Comment. Motion: Form an FAQ subcommittee presided by Commissioners Somavia and Fugazzi. RESULT: Pass MOVER: Diana Bentz, Chair SECONDER: Shayne Somavia, Commissioner AYES: Commissioner Fugazzi, Commissioner Irwin, Commissioner Somavia, Vice-Chair Enzensperger, Chair Bentz DRAFT May 11, 2023 | 5:30 PM Page 3 of 4 Open Government Commission Special Meeting Minutes 5.4. OGO Workplan FY 24 and FY 25 City Administrator Forbis reported that he will be releasing the budget to Council on May 12, 2023, and the public will receive it a week later. He further stated that once Council adopts the budget, the commission will work on hybrid meetings at the next regular meeting. Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz closed Public Comment. Commissioners Somavia and Irwin expressed interest in serving on the ad-hoc committee to look at how other cities are doing hybrid meetings. Motion: Create an ad-hoc committee with Commissioners Somavia and Irwin to assess how other cities handle hybrid meetings. RESULT: Pass MOVER: Diana Bentz, Chair SECONDER: Shayne Somavia, Commissioner AYES: Commissioner Fugazzi, Commissioner Irwin, Commissioner Somavia, Vice-Chair Enzensperger, Chair Bentz 5.5. OGO Training/Budget City Administrator Forbis provided staff presentation and responded to Commissioner questions. He also stated that the Brown Act Training is scheduled for the August 10th Regular Meeting, and the JEDI training is scheduled for November. Discussion ensued between the commissioners about comportment. Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz closed Public Comment. The commission received the report. 6. NEW BUSINESS 6.1. Quarterly Review of Public Records Requests Per Gilroy Code Section 17A.35 (c) (First Quarter, 2023) City Clerk Pham provided staff presentation and responded to Commissioner questions. Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz closed Public Comment. The commission received the report. 6.2. Discussion and Amending the 2023 Open Government Commission Meeting Schedule City Clerk Pham provided staff presentation and responded to Commissioner questions. Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz DRAFT May 11, 2023 | 5:30 PM Page 4 of 4 Open Government Commission Special Meeting Minutes closed Public Comment. Motion: Amend the 2023 Open Government Commission Meeting schedule to the following: • Add a special meeting on June 22, 2023, at 5:30 PM, located in the Administration Conference Room • Add a special meeting on November 2, 2023, at 5:30 PM, located in the Administration Conference Room • Cancel the Thursday, November 9, 2023 Regular Meeting RESULT: Pass MOVER: Shayne Somavia, Commissioner SECONDER: Karen Enzensperger, Vice-Chair AYES: Commissioner Fugazzi, Commissioner Irwin, Commissioner Somavia, Vice-Chair Enzensperger, Chair Bentz City Administrator Forbis provided an update about Police Department requesting to replace the body-worn cameras to the Council in the new budget. Commissioner Fugazzi requested an update on Council’s voting history report from the City Clerk. City Administrator Forbis recommended that the request should be from the commission to recommend to the City Council to provide a public voting record. Commissioner Fugazzi requested that this topic be agendized at the next meeting. The item received unanimous support. Commissioner Fugazzi would like to see all Brown Act meetings to be video recorded and uploaded onto the City’s website. City Administrator Forbis stated that he would investigate it and review it with the other boards and commission staff. 7. ADJOURNMENT Chair Bentz adjourned the meeting at 6:30 PM. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing minutes were duly and regularly adopted at a regular meeting of the Gilroy Open Government Commission of the City of Gilroy. /s/Thai Nam Pham, CMC, CPMC City Clerk DRAFT Page 1 of 2 City of Gilroy Open Government Commission Special Meeting Minutes Thursday, June 22, 2023 | 5:30 PM 1.CALL TO ORDER The Meeting was called to order by Chair Bentz at 5:30 PM. 2.ROLL CALL Attendance Attendee Name Present Jessica Irwin, Open Government Commissioner Shayne Somavia, Open Government Commissioner Karen Enzensperger, Vice Chair Diana Bentz, Chair Absent Terence Fugazzi, Open Government Commissioner Assistant to the City Administrator Atkins attended the meeting in lieu of City Administrator’s absence. 3.PRESENTATIONS TO THE OPEN GOVERNMENT COMMISSION 3.1. Public Comments by Members of the Public on Items not on the Agenda but within the Commission’s Subject Matter Jurisdiction Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz closed Public Comment. 4.UNFINISHED BUSINESS 4.1. City Council Correspondence Samples Assistant to City Administrator Atkins provided a brief report and responded to Commissioner’s questions. Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz closed Public Comment. The commission received the report. 4.2. Open Government Ordinance Old Training Video Commissioners workshopped on ways to make new Open Government Ordinance videos. The Commission came to a consensus to make videos on the following topics: •Overall view of the Brown Act •Email Correspondence •Social Media Engagement •Attending Events Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz closed Public Comment. DRAFT June 22, 2023 | 5:30 PM Page 2 of 2 Open Government Commission Speical Meeting Minutes The commission accepted the report. 4.3. Open Government FAQ Commissioner Somavia provided an update on the item and responded to Commissioner’s questions. City Clerk Pham provided clarification on how commissioners could submit items to the Commission relating to an agendized item. Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz closed Public Comment. The commission accepted the report. 5. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S UPDATE Assistant to the City Administrator Atkins provided a brief update to the Commission and responded to their questions. 6. ADJOURNMENT Chair Bentz adjourned the meeting at 6:00 PM. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing minutes were duly and regularly adopted at a regular meeting of the Gilroy Open Government Commission of the City of Gilroy. /s/Thai Nam Pham, CMC, CPMC City Clerk DRAFT Enabling Hybrid Public Meetings Subcommittee Page 1 of 15 August 10, 2023 Open Government Commission STAFF REPORT Agenda Item Title:Hybrid Meetings Meeting Date:August 10, 2023 From:Thai Nam Pham, City Clerk Department:City Clerk Submitted By:Thai Nam Pham, City Clerk Prepared By:Jessica Irwin, Open Government Commissioner Shayne Somavia, Open Government Commissioner Please find Commissioner Irwin and Somavia’s subcommittee report about Hybrid Meetings attached. Respectfully Submitted, Thai Nam Pham City Clerk Enabling Hybrid Public Meetings Subcommittee Page 2 of 15 August 10, 2023 Agenda Item Title:Enabling Hybrid Public Meetings (EHPM) Meeting Date:August 10, 2023 From:Enabling Hybrid Public Meetings Subcommittee •Jessica Irwin •Shayne Somavia Line of Effort: Gilroy City Code … Chapter 17A, Public Meetings and Public Records … … Article II, Public Access to Meetings RECOMMENDATIONS 1. The Commission accepts the subcommittee’s recommendations, which include seven (7) technological benchmarks and procedural best practices. 2. The full Committee propose Gilroy City Council adopt the commission’s recommendations (benchmarks/best practices) to enable hybrid public meetings and instruct staff to implement them. OBJECTIVE As part of the Open Government Commission’s FY24-25 Workplan, the commission identified the need to leverage existing technology and integrate capabilities to allow members of the public to participate and attend public meetings in person as well as online (hybrid). The Subcommittee studied, analyzed, and identified technological benchmarks and procedural best practices used by other municipalities to increase community participation and access to public meetings. Recommendations were identified across the public meeting cycle: Enabling Hybrid Public Meetings Subcommittee Page 3 of 15 August 10, 2023 ANALYSIS The subcommittee identified the municipalities within Santa Clara County and created a Capabilities Analysis Matrix (Attachment 1). Each municipality’s council meeting agenda and associated website were used to record the various capabilities offered to the public: 1. Comment before public meetings 2. Comment during public meetings (in person and online) 3. View public meetings live (in person and online) 4. View public meetings after they have concluded (online archive) Those capabilities deemed relevant and beneficial were flagged as potential recommendations for the EHPM effort. The subcommittee then audited six (6) council meetings to validate the capability and to translate the effects into viable solutions for Gilroy. RECOMMENDATIONS The subcommittee proposes the following tools, features, and guidance for the commission’s consideration. Recommendations can be employed singularly, as a group, or all together to bolster public engagement and participation through hybrid public meetings. Some of the proposed recommendations are accompanied by attachments to help commissioners visualize what a potential solution could look like; however, City Staff retains authority to implement a solution supporting the City Council’s direction resulting from this initiative. No.Phase Recommendation Example 1 Agenda Outline the ways and means members of the public can watch government proceedings in person, stream live or view after the fact online. Explain how members of the public can participate and make public comments in person as well as online or by telephone. Attachment 2 2 Communication Enable “Comment” feature within the City of Gilroy Agenda Portal. This feature can provide an additional method for members of the public to communicate with the City Council regarding items on the agenda as well as topics not on the agenda. Attachment 3 3 Communication Meeting Include public meeting viewing options on a title/intro slide of the hybrid public meeting. Attachment 4 4 Meeting Establish Rules of Civility and Decorum (Attachment 2) for members of the public to abide by when they participate in hybrid public meetings. Provides administration and staff with a baseline of norms to hold the public to as well as to justify and cite when ending specific comments or correspondence when the rules have been broken. Attachment 5 Enabling Hybrid Public Meetings Subcommittee Page 4 of 15 August 10, 2023 No.Phase Recommendation Example 5 Meeting Institute processes to allow members of the public to speak on items not on the agenda as well as on agenda items via in- person/online: •Email comments to allcouncilmembers@cityofgilroy.org | Append to the agenda packet •If Comment feature is incorporated (Recommendation 2), include these comments in the agenda packet as well as provide review/access feature to council members and the public •Fill out a speaker card to address the council in person •Raise hand feature (Zoom) to address the council virtually •Press * 9 (Zoom) to address the council telephonically Attachment 6 6 Archive Provide a transcription file of the recorded audio/video. Having the transcript posted as a link-to-file option next to the recorded video link on the City’s Agenda and Minutes webpage gives members of the public the ability to view or download the transcript. The transcript can then be translated to another language using the website’s Google Translate feature. Attachment 7 7 Archive Create a Recorded Public Meetings Smart Sheet. Outline how transcripts of recorded meetings can be obtained (YouTube). This can include specific features such as autogenerate translated transcripts in other languages (Subtitles/Closed Caption & Transcripts). Attachment 8 NOTE: Attached examples serve as prototypes of practical solutions to proposed recommendations. The examples illustrate the art of the possible. ATTACHMENTS (8) 1. Capabilities Analysis Matrix 2. Public Meeting Agenda 3. Online Comment Feature 4. Meeting Introductory Slide 5. Rules of Civility and Decorum 6. Public Comment Meeting Matrix 7. Public Meeting Transcript 8. Recorded Public Meetings Smart Sheet Enabling Hybrid Public Meetings Subcommittee Page 5 of 15 August 10, 2023 Attachment 1 Capabilities Analysis Matrix Enabling Hybrid Public Meetings Subcommittee Page 6 of 15 August 10, 2023 Attachment 2 Public Meeting Agenda Enabling Hybrid Public Meetings Subcommittee Page 7 of 15 August 10, 2023 Enabling Hybrid Public Meetings Subcommittee Page 8 of 15 August 10, 2023 Enabling Hybrid Public Meetings Subcommittee Page 9 of 15 August 10, 2023 Attachment 3 Online Comment Feature Enabling Hybrid Public Meetings Subcommittee Page 10 of 15 August 10, 2023 Attachment 4 Meeting Introductory Slide Enabling Hybrid Public Meetings Subcommittee Page 11 of 15 August 10, 2023 Attachment 5 Rules of Civility and Decorum Enabling Hybrid Public Meetings Subcommittee Page 12 of 15 August 10, 2023 Attachment 6 Public Comment Meeting Matrix Enabling Hybrid Public Meetings Subcommittee Page 13 of 15 August 10, 2023 Attachment 7 Public Meeting Transcript Enabling Hybrid Public Meetings Subcommittee Page 14 of 15 August 10, 2023 Attachment 8 Recorded Public Meetings Smart Sheet Enabling Hybrid Public Meetings Subcommittee Page 15 of 15 August 10, 2023 Frequently Asked Ques�ons Subcommitee Page 1 of 7 August 10, 2023 Open Government Commission STAFF REPORT Agenda Item Title: Open Government FAQs Meeting Date: August 10, 2023 From: Thai Nam Pham, City Clerk Department: City Clerk Submitted By: Thai Nam Pham, City Clerk Prepared By: Shayne Somavia, Open Government Commissioner Attached, please find Commissioner Somavia’s subcommittee report about Open Government FAQs. Respectfully Submitted, Thai Nam Pham City Clerk Frequently Asked Ques�ons Subcommitee Page 2 of 7 August 10, 2023 Line of Effort: Gilroy City Code … Chapter 17A, Public Meetings and Public Records … … Ar�cle III, Public Information and Public Records … … Ar�cle IV, Open Government Commission RECOMMENDATION The commission accepts the subcommitee’s recommenda�on, which includes eight (8) Frequently Asked Ques�ons (FAQs) for the public’s informa�on and awareness. OBJECTIVE As part of the Open Government Commission’s FY24-25 Workplan, the commission iden�fied the need to create publicly available content in the form of FAQs to inform and educate the public on topics within the Open Government arena. The Subcommitee researched the Gilroy City Code, public records archives, the City of Gilroy website, and news ar�cles from the Gilroy Dispatch to formulate answers to the general topic FAQs. ANALYSIS The subcommitee cra�ed answers to each of the proposed iden�fied FAQs . The answers include links and images to assist the public in learning more or providing further detail regarding the specific FAQ. An addi�onal FAQ was added over what the Open Government Commission brainstormed since it is associated with a key pillar of the Open Government Ordinance and can acquaint the public with ini�a�ng a public records request. • How can I make a Public Records Request? ATTACHMENTS (2) 1. Open Government Frequently Asked Ques�ons (FAQs) 2. Public Records Request Smart Sheet Conceptual & Predecisional – Not for Implementation Frequently Asked Ques�ons Subcommitee Page 3 of 7 August 10, 2023 ATTACHMENT 1 Open Government Frequently Asked Ques�ons PURPOSE: To provide the public with readily accessible informa�on regarding the Open Government Ordinance (Gilroy City Code, Chapter 17A). Highlight the important services and products the ordinance and the City of Gilroy support, and the Open Government Commission’s goal to promote the highest principles of transparency so that everyone can par�cipate in city government. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ s) Q1: What is the Gilroy Open Government Ordnance (OGO)? The ordinance established regulatory guidance in Gilroy City Code, Chapter 17A, Public Meetings and Public Records. The regula�on, also described as a Sunshine Law, provides for the following: Q2: Why and how did the Open Government Ordinance begin? The Gilroy Open Government Ordinance (Ordinance 2008-11) was adopted on November 17, 2008, by unanimous vote of the City Council. It was first introduced by then candidate for city council Perry Woodward, who advocated for broader transparency from city government. While state laws such as the Brown Act and the Public Records Act provide ci�zens with some level of access and informa�on, it could require legal ac�on to argue for access and accountability. A local Sunshine Law was proposed in the form of a city-council approved ordinance to promote greater transparency, to ease the public’s access to government informa�on, and to designate specific government record types as available for public inspec�on and access. The passage of the ordinance led to the crea�on of the Open Government Commission, which serves as an advisory body to the City Council and reports any prac�cal or policy problems regarding administering the ordinance to the Council for ac�on. Q3: What are some of the Open Government Ordinance’s features? The Open Government Ordinance includes three (3) key features, which are used to provide the public with greater access to informa�on and records: o Public Access to Mee�ngs  Describes how mee�ngs will be open and public, following specific agenda announcements and access requirements to include �melines.  Allows members of the public to make statements or provide comments to the policy body regarding agenda items. Conceptual & Predecisional – Not for Implementation Frequently Asked Ques�ons Subcommitee Page 4 of 7 August 10, 2023  Iden�fies how agenda items categorized as closed session items (not open to the public) are recorded on the agenda. Includes the general reason for the closed session and the required public disclosures. o Public Informa�on and Public Records  Requires department heads and their employees to assist and make public informa�on available to individuals wishing to inspect, examine, and receive a copy of records withing specified �melines.  Outlines an appellate process for a record request that has gone unfilled, is incomplete, or the records custodian refuses to release the requested records.  Iden�fies the categories of records with enhanced public access rights notwithstanding each department’s legal discre�on to withhold certain informa�on under the California Public Records Act.  Prescribes how the city will provide writen jus�fica�on to the requestor for withholding informa�on. o Establishes the Open Government Commission who:  Advises the City Council and provide informa�on to other city departments on appropriate ways in which to implement and enforce Gilroy City Code, Chapter 17A, Public Meetings and Public Records.  Develops appropriate goals to ensure prac�cal and �mely implementa�on of the chapter, propose to the City Council amendments and report on any prac�cal or policy problems encountered in its administra�on.  Receives and reviews regular quarterly reports on requests for public informa�on.  Hears appeals of any denied request for public records pe��oned to the Commission.  Possess such powers as the City Council may confer upon it by ordinance or as the people of Gilroy shall confer upon it by ini�a�ve. Q4: How can I read the City’s webpages in another language? The City’s website u�lizes the Google Translate feature to give users the ability to select their choice of language and toggle transla�on services on or off. Users can translate a city webpage by looking for the prominent Google Translate logo and making their language selec�on. Once a language selec�on has been made, the language transla�on will persist across the City’s website un�l the feature is canceled, closed or a different language selec�on is made by the user. Conceptual & Predecisional – Not for Implementation Frequently Asked Ques�ons Subcommitee Page 5 of 7 August 10, 2023 Q5: How can I make a public records request? Public records can be accessed using the City’s Public Records Request Center. Members of the public can search for records using the self-help links provided on the website for the category of record they seek: City Council & Authori�es, Gilroy Police Records, City Documents, and Elec�ons and Miscellaneous. If a specific, detailed request for public informa�on is needed, individuals can submit a direct request using the Public Records Request Smart Sheet. The Smart Sheet provides a step-by-step guide for filling out the records request form and submi�ng it to the city for processing and ac�on. Q6: What are the top categories for Public Records Requests? On average, the city fulfills 32 public record requests each month. These requests span all categories of government records matching the City of Gilroy’s Public Records Index. Public Record Requests are fulfilled and recorded in the Public Records Portal. Since this system's incep�on (May 2022), the following are the top eight (8) categories of records requested by the public. Records Category Number Community Development – Building: Building Permits 149 Fire: Incident Reports (Fire) 34 Community Development - Code Enforcement Viola�ons 30 Community Development - Fire: CUPA Records 24 Community Development - Fire: Hazardous Material 19 Finance: Bid 16 Finance: Expense Reports 13 Finance: Request for Proposal (RFP) Informa�on 11 Q7: How do I join a Board, Commission, or Commitee? Members of the public interested in joining a board, commission, or commitee can access the vacancies lis�ng located at Boards, Commissions, & Commitees | Gilroy, CA - Official Website (civicplus.com). Individuals are encouraged to review eligibility criteria, terms of service, and complete an online applica�on. Those who wish to learn more about what each board, commission, or commitee does can acquaint themselves with the Board, Commission, and Commitee Member Handbook. Finally, interested members can reach out to current members who are serving to gain perspec�ve and understanding for what the posi�on entails. Contact informa�on is located under the Members tab. Select the respec�ve board, commission, or commitee �tle to bring up a dropdown menu. The selec�on will bring up the profile, members, vacancies and documents tabs of the selected board, commission, or commitee. Conceptual & Predecisional – Not for Implementation Frequently Asked Ques�ons Subcommitee Page 6 of 7 August 10, 2023 Q8: How do I know when a public mee�ng is scheduled? The public mee�ngs schedule can be viewed from the Gilroy Civic Engagement Calendar. The calendar displays the current month and includes the public mee�ngs associated with the City Council, Boards, Commissions or Commitees. Previous and future mee�ngs can also be reviewed by using the calendar naviga�on controls. From this page, users can also sign up for no�fica�ons of future mee�ngs using the No�fy Me® buton, inpu�ng their email address and selec�ng which no�fica�ons they wish to receive. When members of the public wish to review mee�ng agendas for City Council, Boards, Commissions or Commitees, they can use the City of Gilroy’s Agenda Portal to view or download the agenda and other documents associated with the public mee�ng. Conceptual & Predecisional – Not for Implementation Frequently Asked Ques�ons Subcommitee Page 7 of 7 August 10, 2023 Public Records Request Smart Sheet Purpose: Provide a quick reference guide for individuals seeking informa�on using a self-service search or through a public records request using the online records tool Streamline. 1. Self Service Searches can be accomplished using Streamline | htps://gilroy.streamlinegov.us/ a. Select the type of record being sought using the associated weblinks. Navigate to the applicable record using the folder, file tools provided with the records management tool. i. City Documents: Agreements & Contracts & Permanent Records ii. City Council & Authori�es: Minutes, Ordinances, Resolu�ons, Public No�ces & Agendas iii. Gilroy Police Records: Police Reports & Other Police Records iv. Elec�ons & Miscellaneous: Elec�on Records and FPPC Filings 2. Request Methods: Online via Streamline Telephone htps://gilroy.streamlinegov.us/ Call the City Clerk at (408) 846-0204 3. Public Records Request using the Streamline a. Email and Confirmed Email fields are required to allow a status response and to aid in the delivery of the records. b. Select the applicable category of records being requested: c. Select the applicable Requested purpose: Commercial, Media or Personal/non-commercial d. Provide a brief explana�on of the record(s) being sought: Include the record type, name of document, associated city project, �me frame and or any specific informa�on to describe the records. a d b c City of Gilroy Open Government Commission STAFF REPORT Agenda Item Title:Quarterly Review of Public Records Requests Per Gilroy Code Section 17A.35 (c) (Second Quarter, 2023) Meeting Date:August 10, 2023 From:Thai Nam Pham, City Clerk RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Commission receive the report. BACKGROUND This staff report contains two logs of Public Record Requests for the second quarter (April 1st through June 30th) of the 2023 calendar year: •General City Public Records Request log (Spreadsheet) •General City Public Records Request log (Word Format) •Police Department Public Records Requests and Denial Log Attachments: 1. General City Public Records Requests (Spreadsheet) 2. General City Public Records Requests (Word Format) 3. Police Department Public Records Requests and Denial Log Request ID#Request Date Description Department Type Source Resolution Days Status PRA-2023-00121 4/3/2023 Please report the quarterly breakdown of the transient occupancy tax revenue accrued during FY 2019-2020, FY 2020- 2021, and FY 2021-2022. This is a follow up request to PRA-2022-00202 which provided the FY total. Finance Finance: Expense Reports External Portal 14 Completed PRA-2023-00122 4/3/2023 7041 Monterey St has some vilolation back in 2007 I do not know about it. Community Development - Code Enforcement Community Development - Code Enforcement: Boarded up, vacant or inhabitable properties with code enforcement violations External Portal 9 Completed PRA-2023-00123 4/4/2023 Request Code: 12459151 Date: 04/04/23 On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request updated plan-holder, bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS AVAILABLE on the following solicitation. Please correct any errors/deficiencies and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-1925. Solicitation Name: FY23 Citywide Pavement Rehabilitation Project Solicitation Number: solicitation number 23-PW-278, Bid Date: 04/03/23 This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and in the interest of a fair and transparent bidding process. Finance Finance: Bid Internal Portal 6 Completed PRA-2023-00124 4/5/2023 As part of the City of Gilroy's public review process, the City references in the Public Review Period section of the memorandum to seek public input in accordance with the "Citizen Participation Plan." (Ref: NOTICE OF 30-DAY PUBLIC REVIEW PERIOD AND PUBLIC HEARING OF THE GILROY CITY COUNCIL FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023-2024 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM, 24 Mar 2023). I have attempted to locate the Citizen Participation Plan, but have been unsuccessful to date. Any assistance you can provide is greatly appreciated. Other External Portal 12 Completed PRA-2023-00126 4/5/2023 Open or Expired permits Open code violation Demolition Orders Special Assessments (Not Included in Tax Bill) Open Liens Address: 6590 Eagle Ridge Ct Gilroy CA 95020 Community Development - Building Community Development - Building: Building Permits External Portal 6 Completed General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA-2023-00127 4/5/2023 Dear City Clerk, I hope this email finds you well. As a Realtor, I am writing to request a list of addresses of homes and commercial buildings that have been red tagged, deemed inhabitable or condemned. The purpose of this list is to reach out to the owners of these properties and offer to help facilitate the sale of these properties to new owners who are willing to purchase, renovate and put these unused properties back in use. I understand that many of these property owners may be facing financial hardship and may not have the means to cure the violations, which often result in the deterioration of the properties and surrounding neighborhoods. By helping these property owners sell their unused properties, I can not only put real money back into their pockets but also improve the neighborhoods by renovating dilapidated homes and buildings. I believe this initiative will be beneficial not just for the owners but also for the community as it will help in enhancing the city's aesthetic appeal and making it a more desirable place to live and work. An excellent example of this is the El Amigo restaurant building at 8800 San Ysidro Rd, which has been recently sold and is currently undergoing renovations. I kindly request your assistance in providing me with the necessary information to pursue this initiative. If you require more information regarding this, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I appreciate your help and look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Navjit "Jeet" Sangha, Realtor Lic# 02014485 408.840.3112 Community Development - Code Enforcement Community Development - Code Enforcement: Boarded up, vacant or inhabitable properties with code enforcement violations External Portal 6 Completed PRA-2023-00128 4/5/2023 BBQ fire fire occurred between 9/9/22 and 9/12/22 I have conflicting statements. Fire Fire: Incident Reports (Fire)External Portal 5 Completed PRA-2023-00129 4/6/2023 We are conducting research on solar activity in the U.S. and would like access to the following data: • Note that we do not need the original records nor need scanned copies – just the data that can be produced in excel or CSV format by the software used by your department to track permits and an email receipt is preferred. • Issued Residential and Commercial solar (photovoltaic - PV) permits from 03/01/2023 to 03/31/2023. If a separate Solar Permit category is not used in the permitting system, please provide data on all Building and Electrical Permits within the time frame specified AND • Issued Residential and Commercial Energy Storage Systems permits from 03/01/2023 to 03/31/2023. If a separate Energy Storage category is not used in the permitting system, please provide data on all Building and Electrical Permits within the time frame specified. • The following data points: permit number, permit status, permit address, contractor, issue date, permit type, sub-type, valuation (if available), work description and if possible, please include Storage/Battery Manufacturer Name. • If possible, please provide the reports in CSV or excel format. • If available, we need Application date and final / completion date for the solar permits. It's okay if there is a delay in this request, given the current situation with COVID-19. Community Development - Building Community Development - Building: Building Permits External Portal 5 Completed PRA-2023-00130 4/6/2023 This is an incident involving a Joseph Cornaggia and a barbeque grill. Please provide all the public records of reports, statements, and photographs with regard to this incident.Fire Fire: Incident Reports (Fire)External Portal 4 Completed PRA-2023-00131 4/6/2023 Environmental records related to 8400 Church Street, Gilroy specifically any records related to dry cleaning operation at the property.Community Development - Fire Community Development - Fire: Files Regarding Environmental Conditions of a Property External Portal 5 Completed PRA-2023-00132 4/10/2023 8881 MURAOKA DR Structural plans for commercial building to facilitate potential tenant improvements Community Development - Building Community Development - Building: Building Permits External Portal 9 Completed PRA-2023-00133 4/10/2023 #PRA-2023-00115 Community Development - Building Community Development - Building: Building Permits External Portal 7 Completed PRA-2023-00134 4/10/2023 Please send us copies of all active leases/licenses for cell towers, rooftop antennas, or other wireless installations on property owned or managed by the City of Gilroy, California along with 24 months of associated payment histories. City Clerk City Clerk: Contracts External Portal 1 Completed PRA-2023-00135 4/10/2023 building permit summary for 370 Kishimura Drive. Community Development - Building Community Development - Building: Building Permits External Portal 7 Completed PRA-2023-00136 4/11/2023 The tenant no longer lives at the property. I work with a non-profit legal aid agency, and we are working with the tenant in determining if they were at fault and how that would impact them or not. Fire Fire: Incident Reports (Fire)External Portal 1 Completed PRA-2023-00137 4/13/2023 I'd like to request records pertaining to historical and current use of hazardous materials, aboveground/underground storage tanks, spills/releases/cleanups, and violations for the properties at 401, 411 Automall Parkway and 450 East 9th Street, Gilroy, CA 95020 (APN: 841-66-010, 841-66-014, 841-66-015).Community Development - Fire Community Development - Fire: CUPA Records External Portal 1 Completed PRA-2023-00138 4/13/2023 I'd like to request building permit history, including original construction permits, demolition permits, permits for improvements such as underground storage tanks (including septic), wells, tenant improvements, etc., for the properties at 401, 411 Automall Parkway and 450 East 9th Street, Gilroy, CA 95020 (APN: 841-66-010, 841-66-014, 841- 66-015). Community Development - Building Community Development - Building: Building Permits External Portal 1 Completed PRA-2023-00139 4/17/2023 Looking for the fire incident and investigation for a fire at the above address. Fire Fire: Incident Reports (Fire)External Portal 7 Completed PRA-2023-00140 4/17/2023 To Whom it may concern: Our frim has been tasked to perform a Property Condition Assessment (PCA) on the properties located at: 6600 Automall Parkway and 6700 Automall Parkway The Buick/GMC and Hyundai auto dealerships located there. As part of the our due diligence, we look into the date of the last building department inspections, whether there are any open building code violations, and if there are building permits or certificate of occupancy available. If this information is available and could be provided via PDF and sent to my email that would be most appreciated. Community Development - Building Community Development - Building: Building Permits External Portal 11 Completed PRA-2023-00141 4/17/2023 To Whom it may concern: Our frim has been tasked to perform a Property Condition Assessment (PCA) on the properties located at: 6600 Automall Parkway and 6700 Automall Parkway The Buick/GMC and Hyundai auto dealerships located there. As part of the our due diligence, we look into the date of the last fire department inspections, whether there are any open fire code violations. If this information is available and could be provided via PDF and sent to my email that would be most appreciated. Fire Fire: Incident Reports (Other)External Portal 11 Completed PRA-2023-00142 4/19/2023 I would like to make a Public Records Request for the following files or lists: 1. Code Enforcement: a. I am looking for property owners cited for violations relating to their Owner Occupied or Non-Owner Occupied properties. b. Any vacant or boarded-up properties. c. Any substandard or hazardous properties that have health or safety issues. d. Also looking for properties that have had a lien or assessment placed upon them by the city/county. e. Time frame would be January 2023 – present. f. Please signify which are Open and Closed cases if possible. 2. Utility shut off: a. I am looking for property owners or tenants that have had their utilities shut off for non-payment or stealing water on Owner Occupied or Non-Owner Occupied properties. b. Also looking for properties that have had a lien or assessment placed upon them by the city/county. c. Time frame would be January 2023 – present. d. Please indicate which are Open and Closed cases if possible. 3. Fire Damaged Properties: a. I am looking for property owners with structure fires to Owner Occupied or Non-Owner Occupied properties. b. Time frame would be January 2023 – present. c. Please signify which are Open and Closed cases if possible. Community Development - Code Enforcement Community Development - Code Enforcement: Code Enforcement Violations Internal Portal 62 Completed PRA-2023-00143 4/20/2023 Loris Romero is "not licensed", and "does not pay workerman's comp." City of Gilroy must investigate business license of Ms. Loris Romero. Ms. Loris Romero Rom's Auto Service 7225 Monterey Street Gilroy, CA 95020 Ph: 408-847-7359 Finance Finance: Business Licenses Internal Portal 4 Completed PRA-2023-00144 4/24/2023 Hello, Can you please provide the Notice of Completion for the Eigleberry and Seventh Parking Lot Project (DIR #415111)? If the project/contract has been completed but no Notice of Completion was filed, please provide documentation showing the final payment and/or the date of which work was accepted as completed. This is being requested pursuant to the California Public Records Act, Government Code §7920 et. seq. Community Development - Planning Community Development - Planning: Planned Projects Internal Portal 0 Completed PRA-2023-00145 4/25/2023 I would like to request a copy of blue prints on this property 7230 Dowdy Street Gilroy ca 95020 Community Development - Building Community Development - Building: Building Permits External Portal 13 Completed PRA-2023-00146 4/26/2023 We have been contracted to complete a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) for a communications site being constructed at 295 Day Road, in Gilroy, CA 95020. As a part of this ESA report, we are contacting you to determine if your office has any records of hazardous material spills or any other environmental concerns for the property. Please inform me of any fees prior to beginning the search. Thank you for your assistance Community Development - Fire Community Development - Fire: Hazardous Material External Portal 12 Completed PRA-2023-00147 4/27/2023 Good morning, Assessor staff was unable to locate the following building plans in our system. Please locate and transfer when possible. If the electronic copies are not available, then myself or another staff member could come in to take photos. If not plans were required/received, then please confirm. APNPermit NumberSitus 783-42-061210601392202 Columbine Ct 783-44-012220901919090 Ridgeway Dr Please let me know. Thank you for your help. Community Development - Building Community Development - Building: Building Permits External Portal 11 Completed PRA-2023-00148 4/27/2023 House fire, started in garage and spread to the main home. This request is made on behalf of the insurance provider for the property owner.Fire Fire: Incident Reports (Fire)External Portal 13 Completed PRA-2023-00149 4/27/2023 Looking to review current/historic CUPA/Hazmat, underground storage tank, aboveground storage tank or any hazmat inspection files related to 6205 Engle Way, Gilroy, CA 95020. Thank you!Community Development - Fire Community Development - Fire: CUPA Records External Portal 7 Completed PRA-2023-00150 4/27/2023 Looking to review current/historic building and occupancy permits related to 6205 Engle Way, Gilroy, CA 95020. Thank you! Community Development - Building Community Development - Building: Building Permits External Portal 12 Completed PRA-2023-00151 4/27/2023 Looking to review current/historic cupa/hazmat, underground storage tank, above ground storage tank and hazmat inspections related to 6200 Engle Way, Gilroy, CA 95020. Community Development - Fire Community Development - Fire: CUPA Records External Portal 6 Completed PRA-2023-00152 4/27/2023 Looking to review current/historic building and occupancy permits related to 6200 Engle Way, Gilroy, CA 95020.Community Development - Building Community Development - Building: Building Permits External Portal 12 Completed PRA-2023-00153 5/1/2023 This house was a subsidized unit of the Santa Clara County Housing Authority. An incident report is needed to deem the unit uninhabitable and provide a transfer voucher to the family.Fire Fire: Incident Reports (Fire)External Portal 9 Completed PRA-2023-00154 5/3/2023 Hello, I work for Teri Fortino, a relator in South County, and she has a listing on 7551 Church street. The owner and her asked me to send this message regarding the public records and permits that are in the records for this property. The APN of this property is 799-06-006. Is it possible if you can email me these records and permits that are linked to this APN? Thank you for your time.Community Development - Building Community Development - Building: Building Permits External Portal 6 Completed PRA-2023-00155 5/3/2023 Hello, I work for Teri Fortino, a relator in South County, and she has a listing on 493 E 6th street. The owner and her asked me to send this message regarding the public records and permits that are in the records for this property. The APN of this property is 841-07-041. Is it possible if you can email me these records and permits that are linked to this APN? Thank you for your time. Community Development - Building Community Development - Building: Building Permits External Portal 6 Completed PRA-2023-00156 5/3/2023 Hi, We are conducting research on solar activity in the U.S. and would like access to the following data: • Note that we do not need the original records nor need scanned copies – just the data that can be produced in excel or CSV format by the software used by your department to track permits and an email receipt is preferred. • Issued Residential and Commercial solar (photovoltaic - PV) permits from 04/01/2023 to 04/30/2023. If a separate Solar Permit category is not used in the permitting system, please provide data on all Building and Electrical Permits within the time frame specified AND • Issued Residential and Commercial Energy Storage Systems permits from 04/01/2023 to 04/30/2023. If a separate Energy Storage category is not used in the permitting system, please provide data on all Building and Electrical Permits within the time frame specified. • The following data points: permit number, permit status, permit address, contractor, issue date, permit type, sub- type, valuation (if available), work description and if possible, please include Storage/Battery Manufacturer Name. • If possible, please provide the reports in CSV or excel format. • If available, we need Application date and final / completion date for the solar permits. It's okay if there is a delay in this request, given the current situation with COVID-19. Regards, and stay safe, Community Development - Building Community Development - Building: Building Permits External Portal 6 Completed PRA-2023-00157 5/3/2023 My company is currently contracted by Walmart Stores. Walmart is currently in the process of converting all landscape islands within their parking lots of their stores from mulch to a decorative PERVIOUS stone/rock. Walmart does not have a specific stone in mind at this time, so if your City requests a specific rock, please let me know. No trees/shrubs/plantings will be removed and neither will the islands themselves. Before Walmart proceeds with this, they tasked my company to reach out to the specific city/township for each store in order to make sure this is feasible per City Code/ordinances. NO PLANS ARE IN THE WORKS AT THIS TIME. Please let me know if your city/town has any specific code/ordinance requirements in regards to landscape island bed coverage. Finally, some of these sites might already contain rock instead of mulch. If this is the case, then no work will be done. I apologize in advance if I emailed the wrong person, so if this is the case, would you be able to forward this to the appropriate individual? Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks Community Development - Planning Community Development - Planning: Planned Projects Internal Portal 1 Completed PRA-2023-00158 5/3/2023 Records about my great grandfather Charles H. Pierce serving on the city council in 1924 and 1928. Also see if he served in another capacity.Other External Portal 33 Withdrawn PRA-2023-00159 5/4/2023 Vehicle fire need incident report for auto insurance claim.Fire Fire: Incident Reports (Fire)External Portal 1 Completed PRA-2023-00160 5/8/2023 Hello, I am requesting any information/documentation with the Building Department regarding the property located at 5955 Travel Park Circle, Gilroy. Of particular interest are the following items: • Building permits from construction to present. • Construction date (current building, previous buildings if applicable) • Permits of environmental concern (petroleum storage tanks, septic systems, oil/water separators) • Record violations or complaints registered against the subject property The time frame for this request is 1940-2023. Thank you.Community Development - Building Community Development - Building: Building Permits External Portal 7 Completed PRA-2023-00161 5/8/2023 Hello, I am requesting any information/documentation with the Fire Department regarding the property located at 5955 Travel Park Circle, Gilroy. Of particular interest are the following items: • Records regarding hazardous materials usage/storage/incidents or known environmental concerns/contamination which may have affected the property, • Records regarding aboveground or underground storage tank (UST) systems, which are currently or historically located at the property. • Records of fire inspections at the subject property. The time frame for this request is 1940-2023. Thank you.Community Development - Fire Community Development - Fire: CUPA Records External Portal 1 Completed PRA-2023-00162 5/8/2023 Hello, I am requesting any information/documentation with the Planning Department regarding the property located at 5955 Travel Park Circle, Gilroy. Of particular interest are any activity use limitations, land use restrictions, or deed restrictions currently in place on the property that limits the use of, access to, or future development of the site. Thank you. Community Development - Planning Community Development - Planning: Project Site Maps External Portal 0 Completed PRA-2023-00163 5/8/2023 Please send me all permitted records for my home at 9241 Tea Tree Court, Gilroy, CA 95020. I had my tandem garage converted into an office which is now considered livable space and I would like to see if the additional square footage is reported and on record. Community Development - Building Community Development - Building: Building Permits External Portal 7 Completed PRA-2023-00164 5/10/2023 On 4-29-2023 at approximately 4:19pm our insureds 1989 Chevrolet Silverado caught fire. The loss occurred on Mantelli Dr in Gilroy, CA Fire Fire: Incident Reports (Other)External Portal 0 Completed PRA-2023-00165 5/11/2023 Request Tenant Improvement drawings of Permit # 07060100 TI - King Eggroll Restaurant. Raymond SITU C-64647 Community Development - Building Community Development - Building: Building Permits External Portal 4 Completed PRA-2023-00166 5/15/2023 Administrative Investigation Report of Rebeca Armendariz Other Internal Portal 0 Completed PRA-2023-00167 5/15/2023 Testing the system for City Clerk's Office.City Clerk City Clerk: Resolutions Internal Portal 0 Completed PRA-2023-00168 5/18/2023 As a tenant of commercial building located at 6205 Engle Way, Gilroy, CA 95020, I am requesting all records submitted to the city of Gilroy to permit a couple projects performed over the years. Owner of building is Engle Associates LLC. Permit #15040110, Type: BALTCOM/IN, Purpose: Installation of storage racks, total of 1400 Permit #15100261, Type: BALTCOM/IN, Purpose: Installation of storage racks, total of 4400 linear Permit #16040073, Type: BALTCOM/IN, Purpose: Install new concrete pad 2 x 5.5 on top of (E)Community Development - Building Community Development - Building: Building Permits External Portal 8 Completed PRA-2023-00169 5/22/2023 Looking for permit summary for new development at: 8805 Forest Street Gilroy, CA 95020 Community Development - Building Community Development - Building: Building Permits External Portal 4 Completed PRA-2023-00170 5/22/2023 Hi, I would like to request a list of the contact information of everyone that has applied for a business license in the last 3 months. I would like their phone number, business address, owners name and email address. Thank you Finance Finance: Business Licenses External Portal 1 Completed PRA-2023-00171 5/22/2023 Requesting the building permit history for 765 Nicole Court in Gilroy Community Development - Building Community Development - Building: Building Permits External Portal 4 Completed PRA-2023-00172 5/22/2023 Hi. I would like to request a copy of my adu permit for my record. Community Development - Building Community Development - Building: Building Permits External Portal Returned for More Information PRA-2023-00173 5/22/2023 On behalf of Silicon Valley Residents for Responsible Development, we submit the attached public records request for the Bolsa Road Industrial Project. Please respond to Janet Laurain – jlaurain@adamsbroadwell.com Community Development - Planning Community Development - Planning: Planned Projects Internal Portal 29 Completed PRA-2023-00174 5/22/2023 History of building permits, for residential home at 1106 Sprig Way, Gilroy Ca. 95020 Any history of replacement or modifications or additions to this home. HVAC, Electrical, Plumbing,Utilities, Solar etc.Community Development - Building Community Development - Building: Building Permits External Portal 17 Completed PRA-2023-00175 5/24/2023 Report of gas smell in residence Fire Fire: Incident Reports (Other)Internal Portal 0 Completed PRA-2023-00176 5/24/2023 Requesting Blueprints for 791 Lawrence Drive. Community Development - Building Community Development - Building: Building Permits Internal Portal 2 Completed PRA-2023-00177 5/30/2023 I am looking for a house schematic showing pluming at 8960 Church St in Gilroy CA. We have an underground leak and are trying to locate the leak. Other External Portal 2 Completed PRA-2023-00178 5/31/2023 SmartProcure is submitting a public records request to the City of Gilroy for any and all purchasing records from 2/9/2023 to current. The request is limited to readily available records without physically copying, scanning, or printing paper documents. Any editable electronic document is acceptable. The specific information requested from your record-keeping system is: 1. Purchase order number. If purchase orders are not used a comparable substitute is acceptable, i.e., invoice, encumbrance, or check number 2. Purchase date 3. Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase) 4. Line item quantity 5. Line item price 6. Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address If you would like to let me know what type of financial software you use, I may have report samples that help to determine how, or if, you are able to respond. As an added security and privacy measure, there will be a unique upload link for any new requests moving forward, including this one. We appreciate your assistance towards this request. You may also attach the information to this email. https://upload.smartprocure.com/?id=c2RqPWEyYjZRMDAwMDAzclRRblFBTSZzdD1DQSZvcmc9Q2l0eU9mR2lscm95 Finance Finance: Expense Reports External Portal 16 Completed PRA-2023-00179 5/31/2023 Hello- I’d like to obtain copies of any available hazardous materials-related files (i.e., Certified Unified Program Agency [CUPA] program files) at the Building, Life and Environmental Safety (BLES) Division associated with the site outlined in red on the attached site plan. All documents regarding hazardous materials spills or impacts to soil or groundwater at the site also would be of interest. Please let me know if any of the above records are available. Thank you for your assistance!Community Development - Fire Community Development - Fire: Hazardous Material Internal Portal 6 Completed PRA-2023-00180 6/1/2023 Hi, We are conducting research on solar activity in the U.S. and would like access to the following data: • Note that we do not need the original records nor need scanned copies – just the data that can be produced in excel or CSV format by the software used by your department to track permits and an email receipt is preferred. • Issued Residential and Commercial solar (photovoltaic - PV) permits from 5/1/2023 to 5/31/2023. If a separate Solar Permit category is not used in the permitting system, please provide data on all Building and Electrical Permits within the time frame specified. • Issued Residential and Commercial Energy Storage Systems permits from 5/1/2023 to 5/31/2023. If a separate Energy Storage category is not used in the permitting system, please provide data on all Building and Electrical Permits within the time frame specified. • The following data points: permit number, permit status, permit address, contractor, issue date, permit type, sub- type, valuation (if available), work description and if possible, please include Storage/Battery Manufacturer Name. • If possible, please provide the reports in CSV or excel format. • If available, we need Application date and final / completion date for the solar permits. It's okay if there is a delay in this request, given the current situation with COVID-19. Regards, and stay safe, Community Development - Building Community Development - Building: Building Permits External Portal 7 Completed PRA-2023-00181 6/1/2023 Please provide the Assessor Office with the building plan for APNPermitSitus Address 783-62-022220501162354 Banyan St Thank you for your help.Community Development - Building Community Development - Building: Building Permits External Portal 4 Completed PRA-2023-00182 6/5/2023 On behalf of Silicon Valley Residents for Responsible Development, we submit the attached request for access to public records for the Holloway Road Industrial Project. If you have any questions, please contact Tara Rengifo. Thank you,Community Development - Planning Community Development - Planning: Planned Projects Internal Portal 17 Completed PRA-2023-00183 6/5/2023 Request Code: 12657692 Date: 06/05/23 On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request updated plan-holder, bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS AVAILABLE on the following solicitation. Please correct any errors/deficiencies and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-1925. Solicitation Name: FORD F650 Cab and Chassis with Crane and Air Compressor Solicitation Number: solicitation number 23-PW-283, Bid Date: 06/13/23 This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and in the interest of a fair and transparent bidding process. Finance Finance: Bid Internal Portal 11 Completed PRA-2023-00184 6/5/2023 Request Code: 12657964 Date: 06/05/23 On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request updated plan-holder, bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS AVAILABLE on the following solicitation. Please correct any errors/deficiencies and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-1925. Solicitation Name: F650 Cab with Scelzi Dump Body Truck Solicitation Number: solicitation number 23-PW-282, Bid Date: 06/13/23 This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and in the interest of a fair and transparent bidding process. Finance Finance: Bid Internal Portal 11 Completed PRA-2023-00185 6/5/2023 Request Code: 12666558 Date: 06/05/23 On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request updated plan-holder, bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS AVAILABLE on the following solicitation. Please correct any errors/deficiencies and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-1925. Solicitation Name: IFB - Ford F750 Cab with 1,500 Gal. Stainless Steel Potable Water Tank Solicitation Number: solicitation number 23-PW-284, Bid Date: 06/13/23 This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and in the interest of a fair and transparent bidding process. Finance Finance: Bid Internal Portal 11 Completed PRA-2023-00186 6/5/2023 Pursuant to the state statutes regarding public information, I am inquiring to whether you can provide the following information: 1. A copy of any existing records showing information regarding depositor names, amounts and dates for unrefunded cash escrows, cash deposits, performance or construction bonds which have been deposited with your municipality that are currently available for release. 2. A copy of any records showing the (i) payee or vendor names, (ii) check issue dates, (iii) check number, (iv) FEIN and (v) dollar amounts of any uncashed /stale-dated vendor checks that have aged more than six months from the date of this letter in an amount equal to or greater than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). 3. Financial spreadsheet, ledger, or any other accounting record of property tax overpayments, or claimed/unredeemed tax lien certificates which have been refundable for more than six months from the date of this letter showing the (i) payee names (ii) check issue dates, (iii) check numbers, (iv) FEIN and (v) dollar amounts over $1,000.00. 4. For the above three requests please include all the necessary claim forms, affidavits and instructions required for the reissuance of the deposits/outstanding/stale dated checks or refunds. 5. At what frequency are these records updated? Monthly, quarterly, semiannually, annually or upon request? Please confirm, if uncashed checks are remitted to state unclaimed property bureau. If so, after what aging period? Thank you in advance for your assistance with this request. Finance Finance: Expense Reports External Portal 3 Completed PRA-2023-00187 6/5/2023 Dear Sir or Madam: Our office represents Jacob Rodriguez Garcia, we are requesting a copy of the certified court docket for the charges made against him in the year 2010. Please see below for more information. If you do not believe you have the information could you forward this email to Gilroy Municipal Court's Clerk. First Name Used: Jacob Last Name(s): Rodriguez DOB: 10/01/1990 Charge 1: 001 - counts of Petty Theft Date of Offense: 11/26/2010 Arresting Agency: Sheriff's Office San Jose Court: Municipal Court Gilroy Document Requested: Certified Court Docket Document Requested: Regular Copy Judgment and Sentence Document Requested: Regular Copy of Plea Statement Or any documents you can provide. If there are no records available, we would like to request a certified letter stating that. Should you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at Other External Portal 0 Completed PRA-2023-00188 6/6/2023 Re:Public Records Act (Freedom of Information Act) Request: Monte Massolo To Whom It May Concern: This correspondence is a request for information pursuant to the California Public Records Act (Government Code Section 6250 to 6276.48.) and the parallel federal statute. the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. §552). My firm represents the interests of Monte Massolo in this matter. The reason for this request is for our investigative purposes. This request pertains to a motorcycle crash that occurred on US-IOI S/B to Masten On Ramp. 935 feet south of Masten Avenue in an unincorporated area of Santa Clara County, California. (hereafter "THE ROADWAY") on April 1, 2023 at around 14:05 p.m. (hereafter "THE CRASH""). For additional information. please see The Preliminary Report by the California Highway Patrol attached as Exhibit A. At the time of THE CRASH, there was a considerable damage and depressions in the surface of THE ROADWAY including removal of the surface material causing grooves. damage, defects in the asphalt. and a significant pothole. It is not presently known how long these depressions and potholes were located at the THE ROADWAY, or what their origins were. Hereafter this above-described grooves, damage, defects in the asphalt and the significant pothole shall be referred to as "THE DEPRESSIONS". The origin of THE DEPRESSIONS are presently unknown. Hereafter, the unknown original of this Debris shall be referred to as "THE ORIGIN OF THE DEPRESSIONS''. It is presently unknown if someone reported THE DEPRESSIONS or THE ORJGIN OF THE DEPRESSIONS or THE CRASH. This includes. but is not limited to: telephone calls. letters. emails, faxes. text messages reports, CB radio calls. internet submissions or any other communications to: 91 I 51L 1-800-TELL-CHP Caltrans California Highway Patrol municipal Other Internal Portal 2 Completed PRA-2023-00189 6/6/2023 1. How far back of curb does the private road access easement extend in "Gilroy Country Oaks Estates" ? 2. Who owns the street lights in Gilroy Country Oaks Estates (HOA) and what is the process for being able to put Cameras and solar panels on the street light poles? 3. Need copies of underground AS Builts for utilities in Gilroy Country Oaks Estates in the areas of Banyon Ct near Banyon Av. and Tea Tree Way near Hill Crest.Community Development - Planning Community Development - Planning: Planned Projects External Portal 0 Completed PRA-2023-00190 6/6/2023 Request a copy of your building permit records from March 08, 2023, to present. Please include any fields that your permitting system tracks. This includes but is not limited to: -Permit Number -Applied/Issued Dates -Work Address -Permit Type -Permit Status -Description of the work being done -Contractor and Architect Details -Job Valuations The preferred file format is a searchable PDF.Community Development - Building Community Development - Building: Building Permits External Portal 3 Completed PRA-2023-00191 6/6/2023 I am looking for blueprint copies of my home. The home was part of a development by the name of "North Point Court of Gilroy", develop in 2008. Community Development - Planning Community Development - Planning: Project Site Maps External Portal 0 Completed PRA-2023-00192 6/7/2023 Please provide all building permit records for the property listed below. Thank you! 7600 Santa Paula Dr, Gilroy, CA 95020. APN# 808-07-022 Community Development - Building Community Development - Building: Building Permits External Portal 5 Completed PRA-2023-00193 6/8/2023 We are thinking to do some house remodeling and would like to have the Blue print and permits issued to our house at 1246 VALBUSA DR., Gilroy, CA 95020 Thank you, Community Development - Building Community Development - Building: Building Permits External Portal 4 Completed PRA-2023-00194 6/8/2023 We are thinking to do some remodeling and mainly removing a wall and would like to see the blue print of our house if available. Our address is 1246 VALBUSA DR, Gilroy, CA 95020 Thank You Community Development - Building Community Development - Building: Building Permits External Portal 4 Completed PRA-2023-00195 6/12/2023 On behalf of the Freedom Foundation and pursuant to the California Public Records Act, I hereby request the following public records within the possession and control of Gilroy. I am requesting electronic copies, preferably in an excel or spreadsheet file for ALL employees working within ALL Departments in the city of Gilroy. 1. First name 2. Middle name 3. Last name 4. Gender 5. Public office address 6. Zip Code of Public office address 7. Job title 8. Hire date 9. Agency/Department 10. Work email address, and naming convention and domain 11. Work telephone number 12. Respective bargaining unit 13. Bargaining unit Local number Please provide electronic copies of these records to me at: foiarequestff@gmail.com If there are any fees or costs associated with procuring these records, please inform me of the cost. However, I request you waive any costs, given that I am seeking this information in the public interest. If you have any questions, please feel free to let me know. Human Resources Human Resources: Personnel Files Internal Portal 2 Completed PRA-2023-00196 6/13/2023 Hello, I work with Accutrend Data and I would like to request a listing of new businesses that filed in your city/county/town/village, for the time period of 05/01/2023 – 05/31/2023. The Information should include: BUSINESS NAME, BUSINESS ADDRESS, CONTACT NAME, BUSINESS PHONE NUMBER, AND DATE THAT THE BUSINESS WAS FILED, however, if you can not provide all, BUSINESS NAME, BUSINESS ADDRESS AND THE START DATE TOO. If you can NOT provide ALL of the requested information, PLEASE do not send a file. Please just send an email stating that 0 new records for said month. Are you able to provide that information? If so, is there a cost? I appreciate your help and hope you have a nice day.City Clerk City Clerk: Contracts External Portal 6 Completed PRA-2023-00197 6/14/2023 Request Code: 12666558 Date: 06/14/23 On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request updated plan-holder, bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS AVAILABLE on the following solicitation. Please correct any errors/deficiencies and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-1925. Solicitation Name: IFB - Ford F750 Cab with 1,500 Gal. Stainless Steel Potable Water Tank Solicitation Number: solicitation number 23-PW-284, Bid Date: 06/13/23 This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and in the interest of a fair and transparent bidding process. Finance Finance: Bid Internal Portal 2 Completed PRA-2023-00198 6/14/2023 Request Code: 12657964 Date: 06/14/23 On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request updated plan-holder, bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS AVAILABLE on the following solicitation. Please correct any errors/deficiencies and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-1925. Solicitation Name: F650 Cab with Scelzi Dump Body Truck Solicitation Number: solicitation number 23-PW-282, Bid Date: 06/13/23 This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and in the interest of a fair and transparent bidding process. Finance Finance: Bid Internal Portal 2 Completed PRA-2023-00199 6/14/2023 Request Code: 12657692 Date: 06/14/23 On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request updated plan-holder, bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS AVAILABLE on the following solicitation. Please correct any errors/deficiencies and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-1925. Solicitation Name: FORD F650 Cab and Chassis with Crane and Air Compressor Solicitation Number: solicitation number 23-PW-283, Bid Date: 06/13/23 This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and in the interest of a fair and transparent bidding process. Finance Finance: Bid Internal Portal 2 Completed PRA-2023-00200 6/14/2023 Hello, I am requesting a list of properties that were issued a code enforcement violation, if not, a complaint from March 2023 to present. Specifically I’m looking for open and closed nuisance and property maintenance violations such as blight, trash, fire damage, debris, overgrown grass / weeds, trees, abandoned property or houses, junk cars, rats etc, vacant and substandard building / neglected / unsecured properties. However I will take any code violations if it is easier. I need the property address, and if possible the violation date, reason for violation/complaint. I am also requesting a list of properties that CURRENTLY have no water usage / zero water consumption. I need the property address. If this is not possible, I’m requesting a list of properties that currently have the water shut off. Thank you. Other External Portal 8 Completed PRA-2023-00201 6/14/2023 Hi, I'm conducting a Phase I on the Villa Esperanza apartment complex located at 752 Saint Clar Avenue in Gilroy. I'd like to receive copies of all CUPA records for the property. Thank you!Community Development - Fire Community Development - Fire: CUPA Records External Portal 9 Completed PRA-2023-00202 6/15/2023 Hi, I would like to receive copies of building permits, current and historical, for the property located at 752 Saint Clar Ave in Gilroy. It currently is the Villa Esperanza apartments. Thank you! Community Development - Building Community Development - Building: Building Permits External Portal 5 Completed PRA-2023-00203 6/19/2023 Pursuant to a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, for the property located on the southern portion of Parcel #: 841- 66-015 (450 East 9th Street, Gilroy), I would like available building records for the construction or razing of structures, building additions, and certificates of occupancies. Also, please confirm the current zoning. I do not need electrical, plumbing, or HVAC permits. Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions. Thank you. Site Zoning is Commercial Planned Development C3/HC-PUD Community Development - Building Community Development - Building: Building Permits External Portal 4 Completed PRA-2023-00204 6/19/2023 Pursuant to a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, for the property located on the southern portion of Parcel #: 841- 66-015 (450 East 9th Street, Gilroy), I would like to review Fire/CUPA records (e.g. HAZMAT and/or wastes, the installation or removal of ASTs, USTs, LUSTs, and septic systems, potable wells, inspections, violations, complaints, incidents and/or cleanup reports) that may be available for Commercial Property. Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions. Thank you. Community Development - Fire Community Development - Fire: CUPA Records External Portal 3 Completed PRA-2023-00205 6/21/2023 Inventory of all City of Gilroy owned real property including buildings, parking lots, storage facilities, empty lots, streets, walkways, alleys, parklands, open space, and any other property considered public-right-of-way. Other External Portal 16 Completed PRA-2023-00206 6/22/2023 Building permit for the address: 391 Windsong Way Community Development - Building Community Development - Building: Building Permits External Portal 1 Completed PRA-2023-00207 6/26/2023 Property record for 7650 Church St, APN 799-04-035. Requesting the information for a drive-by appraisal. I need information regarding all know permits for the subject property.Other External Portal 0 Completed PRA-2023-00208 6/26/2023 1. Any and all records related to the City of Gilroy sewer system that runs adjacent to the property located at 400 Stutz Way, Gilroy also known as 400 Automall Drive, Gilroy, including but not limited to the following: a. all records of inspections, maintenance and repair of the sewer system; b. all records of inspections, maintenance and repair of the force main and lift system; c. all records related to the control, treatment, and mitigation of hydrogen sulfide gas release from the City of Gilroy sewer system that runs adjacent to the property located at 400 Stutz Way, Gilroy and/or 400 Automall Drive; d. all records related to the control, treatment, and mitigation of corrosion to any portion of the City of Gilroy sewer system that runs adjacent to the property located at 400 Stutz Way, Gilroy and/or 400 Automall Drive; e. maps of the City of Gilroy sewer system that runs adjacent to the property located at 400 Stutz Way, Gilroy and/or 400 Automall Drive, including all lateral tie-ins from any source, connections, and other related fixtures and installations; f. all records of complaints, reports, and calls for service that relate to the sewer system that runs adjacent to the property located at 400 Stutz Way, Gilroy and/or 400 Automall Drive and any of its tie-ins or connections; g. all records related to applications, permits, requests submitted to alter or modify the sewer system that runs adjacent to the property located at 400 Stutz Way, Gilroy and/or 400 Automall Drive and any of its tie-ins or connections, including new construction. 2. Any and all records including but not limited to records that relate to the repair, maintenance, inspection and construction of the lateral sewer system and force mains, sewer pumps, tie-ins, connections, and any other fixtures or installations, at the property located at 400 Stutz Way, Gilroy and/or 400 Automall Drive; 3. Any and all records including but not limited to records that relate to the repair, maintenance, inspection and construction of the lateral sewer system and force mains, sewer pumps, tie-ins, connections, and any other fixtures or installations, at the property located at 6600 Automall Parkway, Gilroy; 4. Records related to the existence of any and all public utility easements at 400 Stutz Way, Gilroy and/or 400 Automall Drive; Other External Portal Submitted PRA-2023-00209 6/26/2023 Please get me copies of any/all permits relating to the APN: 841-14-028. The address may be 5560, 5580 or 5590 Monterey Road Gilroy. Thank you! Community Development - Building Community Development - Building: Building Permits External Portal 3 Completed PRA-2023-00210 6/26/2023 LEGAL PURPOSE Please send copies of the accident report, photographs/videos, and any other statements or supplemental reports related to the vehicle accident on 04/17/2023 at 11:54 a.m. Fire Fire: Incident Reports (Medical)External Portal 0 Completed PRA-2023-00211 6/27/2023 An electronic copy of all payment transactions for fiscal year 2021/2022. This could be considered one of the following reports: Vendor Payment Checkbook Report, Checkbook Register, Expenditure Data, Transactional Detail Payments, Online Checkbook, or Disbursements. Finance Finance: Expense Reports External Portal 0 Completed PRA-2023-00212 6/28/2023 Fire occurred on las animas avenue Property does not have address but it’s between 770 las animas and 820 las animas. Occurred around 7 am that day. Fire Fire: Incident Reports (Fire)External Portal 5 Completed PRA-2023-00213 6/29/2023 Request for environmental records including but not limited to hazardous materials/waste, pipelines and underground storage tanks for the property located at 18275 Serene Drive, Morgan Hill, CA 95037. Community Development - Fire Community Development - Fire: Files Regarding Environmental Conditions of a Property External Portal 7 Completed PRA-2023-00214 6/29/2023 Hi, Can we please get any and all permits for- 7531 Miller Ave, Gilroy 7680 Church St, Gilroy 7661Eigleberry St, Gilroy 7641 Eigleberry St., Gilroy 241 Gurries Drive, Gilroy Thanks!Community Development - Building Community Development - Building: Building Permits External Portal 8 Completed PRA-2023-00215 6/29/2023 Hi, Can we get permits for- 731 5th St, Gilroy Thanks Community Development - Building Community Development - Building: Building Permits External Portal 8 Completed General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00121 Date Received:4/3/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:14 Department:Finance: Expense Reports Request: Please report the quarterly breakdown of the transient occupancy tax revenue accrued during FY 2019-2020, FY 2020-2021, and FY 2021-2022. This is a follow up request to PRA-2022-00202 which provided the FY total. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00122 Date Received:4/3/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:9 Department:Community Development - Code Enforcement Request: 7041 Monterey St has some vilolation back in 2007 I do not know about it. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00123 Date Received:4/4/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:6 Department:Finance: Bid Request: Request Code: 12459151 Date: 04/04/23 On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request updated plan-holder, bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS AVAILABLE on the following solicitation. Please correct any errors/deficiencies and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-1925. Solicitation Name: FY23 Citywide Pavement Rehabilitation Project Solicitation Number: solicitation number 23-PW-278, Bid Date: 04/03/23 This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and in the interest of a fair and transparent bidding process. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00124 Date Received:4/5/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:12 Department:Other Request: As part of the City of Gilroy's public review process, the City references in the Public Review Period section of the memorandum to seek public input in accordance with the "Citizen Participation Plan." (Ref: NOTICE OF 30-DAY PUBLIC REVIEW PERIOD AND PUBLIC HEARING OF THE GILROY CITY COUNCIL FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023-2024 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM, 24 Mar 2023). I have attempted to locate the Citizen Participation Plan, but have been unsuccessful to date. Any assistance you can provide is greatly appreciated. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00126 Date Received:4/5/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:6 Department:Community Development - Building: Building Permits Request: Open or Expired permits Open code violation Demolition Orders Special Assessments (Not Included in Tax Bill) Open Liens Address: 6590 Eagle Ridge Ct Gilroy CA 95020 General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00127 Date Received:4/5/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:6 Department:Community Development - Code Enforcement Request: Dear City Clerk, I hope this email finds you well. As a Realtor, I am writing to request a list of addresses of homes and commercial buildings that have been red tagged, deemed inhabitable or condemned. The purpose of this list is to reach out to the owners of these properties and offer to help facilitate the sale of these properties to new owners who are willing to purchase, renovate and put these unused properties back in use. I understand that many of these property owners may be facing financial hardship and may not have the means to cure the violations, which often result in the deterioration of the properties and surrounding neighborhoods. By helping these property owners sell their unused properties, I can not only put real money back into their pockets but also improve the neighborhoods by renovating dilapidated homes and buildings. I believe this initiative will be beneficial not just for the owners but also for the community as it will help in enhancing the city's aesthetic appeal and making it a more desirable place to live and work. An excellent example of this is the El Amigo restaurant building at 8800 San Ysidro Rd, which has been recently sold and is currently undergoing renovations. I kindly request your assistance in providing me with the necessary information to pursue this initiative. If you require more information regarding this, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I appreciate your help and look forward to hearing from you soon. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00128 Date Received:4/5/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:5 Department:Fire: Incident Reports (Fire) Request: BBQ fire fire occurred between 9/9/22 and 9/12/22 I have conflicting statements. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00129 Date Received:4/6/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:5 Department:Community Development - Building: Building Permits Request: We are conducting research on solar activity in the U.S. and would like access to the following data: • Note that we do not need the original records nor need scanned copies – just the data that can be produced in excel or CSV format by the software used by your department to track permits and an email receipt is preferred. • Issued Residential and Commercial solar (photovoltaic - PV) permits from 03/01/2023 to 03/31/2023. If a separate Solar Permit category is not used in the permitting system, please provide data on all Building and Electrical Permits within the time frame specified AND • Issued Residential and Commercial Energy Storage Systems permits from 03/01/2023 to 03/31/2023. If a separate Energy Storage category is not used in the permitting system, please provide data on all Building and Electrical Permits within the time frame specified. • The following data points: permit number, permit status, permit address, contractor, issue date, permit type, sub-type, valuation (if available), work description and if possible, please include Storage/Battery Manufacturer Name. • If possible, please provide the reports in CSV or excel format. • If available, we need Application date and final / completion date for the solar permits. It's okay if there is a delay in this request, given the current situation with COVID-19. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00130 Date Received:4/6/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:4 Department:Fire: Incident Reports (Fire) Request: This is an incident involving a Joseph Cornaggia and a barbeque grill. Please provide all the public records of reports, statements, and photographs with regard to this incident. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00131 Date Received:4/6/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:5 Department:Community Development - Fire: Files Regarding Environmental Conditions of a Property Request: Environmental records related to 8400 Church Street, Gilroy specifically any records related to dry cleaning operation at the property. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00132 Date Received:4/10/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:9 Department:Community Development - Building: Building Permits Request: 8881 MURAOKA DR Structural plans for commercial building to facilitate potential tenant improvements General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00133 Date Received:4/10/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:7 Department:Community Development - Building: Building Permits Request: #PRA-2023-00115 General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00134 Date Received:4/10/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:1 Department:City Clerk: Contracts Request: Please send us copies of all active leases/licenses for cell towers, rooftop antennas, or other wireless installations on property owned or managed by the City of Gilroy, California along with 24 months of associated payment histories. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00135 Date Received:4/10/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:7 Department:Community Development - Building: Building Permits Request: building permit summary for 370 Kishimura Drive. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00136 Date Received:4/11/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:1 Department:Fire: Incident Reports (Fire) Request: The tenant no longer lives at the property. I work with a non-profit legal aid agency, and we are working with the tenant in determining if they were at fault and how that would impact them or not. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00137 Date Received:4/13/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:1 Department:Community Development - Building: Building Permits Request: I'd like to request records pertaining to historical and current use of hazardous materials, aboveground/underground storage tanks, spills/releases/cleanups, and violations for the properties at 401, 411 Automall Parkway and 450 East 9th Street, Gilroy, CA 95020 (APN: 841-66-010, 841-66-014, 841-66-015). General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00138 Date Received:4/13/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:1 Department:Community Development - Building: Building Permits Request: I'd like to request building permit history, including original construction permits, demolition permits, permits for improvements such as underground storage tanks (including septic), wells, tenant improvements, etc., for the properties at 401, 411 Automall Parkway and 450 East 9th Street, Gilroy, CA 95020 (APN: 841-66-010, 841-66-014, 841-66-015). General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00139 Date Received:4/17/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:7 Department:Fire: Incident Reports (Fire) Request: Looking for the fire incident and investigation for a fire at the above address. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00140 Date Received:4/17/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:11 Department:Community Development - Building: Building Permits Request: To Whom it may concern: Our frim has been tasked to perform a Property Condition Assessment (PCA) on the properties located at: 6600 Automall Parkway and 6700 Automall Parkway The Buick/GMC and Hyundai auto dealerships located there. As part of the our due diligence, we look into the date of the last building department inspections, whether there are any open building code violations, and if there are building permits or certificate of occupancy available. If this information is available and could be provided via PDF and sent to my email that would be most appreciated. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00141 Date Received:4/17/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:11 Department:Fire: Incident Reports (Fire) Request: To Whom it may concern: Our frim has been tasked to perform a Property Condition Assessment (PCA) on the properties located at: 6600 Automall Parkway and 6700 Automall Parkway The Buick/GMC and Hyundai auto dealerships located there. As part of the our due diligence, we look into the date of the last fire department inspections, whether there are any open fire code violations. If this information is available and could be provided via PDF and sent to my email that would be most appreciated. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00142 Date Received:4/19/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:62 Department:Community Development - Code Enforcement Request: I would like to make a Public Records Request for the following files or lists: 1. Code Enforcement: a. I am looking for property owners cited for violations relating to their Owner Occupied or Non-Owner Occupied properties. b. Any vacant or boarded-up properties. c. Any substandard or hazardous properties that have health or safety issues. d. Also looking for properties that have had a lien or assessment placed upon them by the city/county. e. Time frame would be January 2023 – present. f. Please signify which are Open and Closed cases if possible. 2. Utility shut off: a. I am looking for property owners or tenants that have had their utilities shut off for non-payment or stealing water on Owner Occupied or Non-Owner Occupied properties. b. Also looking for properties that have had a lien or assessment placed upon them by the city/county. c. Time frame would be January 2023 – present. d. Please indicate which are Open and Closed cases if possible. 3. Fire Damaged Properties: a. I am looking for property owners with structure fires to Owner Occupied or Non-Owner Occupied properties. b. Time frame would be January 2023 – present. c. Please signify which are Open and Closed cases if possible. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00143 Date Received:4/20/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:4 Department:Finance: Business Licenses Request: Loris Romero is "not licensed", and "does not pay workerman's comp." City of Gilroy must investigate business license of Ms. Loris Romero. Ms. Loris Romero Rom's Auto Service 7225 Monterey Street Gilroy, CA 95020 Ph: 408-847-7359 General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00144 Date Received:4/24/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Community Development - Planning: Planned Projects Request: Hello, Can you please provide the Notice of Completion for the Eigleberry and Seventh Parking Lot Project (DIR #415111)? If the project/contract has been completed but no Notice of Completion was filed, please provide documentation showing the final payment and/or the date of which work was accepted as completed. This is being requested pursuant to the California Public Records Act, Government Code §7920 et. seq. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00145 Date Received:4/25/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:13 Department:Community Development - Building: Building Permits Request: I would like to request a copy of blue prints on this property 7230 Dowdy Street Gilroy ca 95020 General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00146 Date Received:4/25/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:12 Department:Community Development - Fire: Hazardous Material Request: We have been contracted to complete a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) for a communications site being constructed at 295 Day Road, in Gilroy, CA 95020. As a part of this ESA report, we are contacting you to determine if your office has any records of hazardous material spills or any other environmental concerns for the property. Please inform me of any fees prior to beginning the search. Thank you for your assistance General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00147 Date Received:4/27/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:11 Department:Community Development - Building: Building Permits Request: Good morning, Assessor staff was unable to locate the following building plans in our system. Please locate and transfer when possible. If the electronic copies are not available, then myself or another staff member could come in to take photos. If not plans were required/received, then please confirm. APNPermit NumberSitus 783-42-061210601392202 Columbine Ct 783-44-012220901919090 Ridgeway Dr Please let me know. Thank you for your help. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00148 Date Received:4/27/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:13 Department:Fire: Incident Reports (Fire) Request: House fire, started in garage and spread to the main home. This request is made on behalf of the insurance provider for the property owner. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00149 Date Received:4/27/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:7 Department:Community Development - Fire: CUPA Records Request: Looking to review current/historic CUPA/Hazmat, underground storage tank, aboveground storage tank or any hazmat inspection files related to 6205 Engle Way, Gilroy, CA 95020. Thank you! General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00150 Date Received:4/27/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:12 Department:Community Development - Building: Building Permits Request: Looking to review current/historic building and occupancy permits related to 6205 Engle Way, Gilroy, CA 95020. Thank you! General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00151 Date Received:4/27/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:6 Department:Community Development - Fire: CUPA Records Request: Looking to review current/historic building and occupancy permits related to 6205 Engle Way, Gilroy, CA 95020. Thank you! General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00152 Date Received:4/27/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:12 Department:Community Development - Building: Building Permits Request: Looking to review current/historic building and occupancy permits related to 6200 Engle Way, Gilroy, CA 95020. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00153 Date Received:5/1/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:9 Department:Fire: Incident Reports (Fire) Request: This house was a subsidized unit of the Santa Clara County Housing Authority. An incident report is needed to deem the unit uninhabitable and provide a transfer voucher to the family. Thank you. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00154 Date Received:5/3/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:6 Department:Community Development - Building: Building Permits Request: Hello, I work for Teri Fortino, a relator in South County, and she has a listing on 7551 Church street. The owner and her asked me to send this message regarding the public records and permits that are in the records for this property. The APN of this property is 799-06-006. Is it possible if you can email me these records and permits that are linked to this APN? Thank you for your time. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00155 Date Received:5/3/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:6 Department:Community Development - Building: Building Permits Request: Hello, I work for Teri Fortino, a relator in South County, and she has a listing on 493 E 6th street. The owner and her asked me to send this message regarding the public records and permits that are in the records for this property. The APN of this property is 841-07-041. Is it possible if you can email me these records and permits that are linked to this APN? Thank you for your time. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00156 Date Received:5/3/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:6 Department:Community Development - Building: Building Permits Request: Hi, We are conducting research on solar activity in the U.S. and would like access to the following data: • Note that we do not need the original records nor need scanned copies – just the data that can be produced in excel or CSV format by the software used by your department to track permits and an email receipt is preferred. • Issued Residential and Commercial solar (photovoltaic - PV) permits from 04/01/2023 to 04/30/2023. If a separate Solar Permit category is not used in the permitting system, please provide data on all Building and Electrical Permits within the time frame specified AND • Issued Residential and Commercial Energy Storage Systems permits from 04/01/2023 to 04/30/2023. If a separate Energy Storage category is not used in the permitting system, please provide data on all Building and Electrical Permits within the time frame specified. • The following data points: permit number, permit status, permit address, contractor, issue date, permit type, sub-type, valuation (if available), work description and if possible, please include Storage/Battery Manufacturer Name. • If possible, please provide the reports in CSV or excel format. • If available, we need Application date and final / completion date for the solar permits. It's okay if there is a delay in this request, given the current situation with COVID-19. Regards, and stay safe, General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00157 Date Received:5/3/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:1 Department:Community Development - Planning: Planned Projects Request: My company is currently contracted by Walmart Stores. Walmart is currently in the process of converting all landscape islands within their parking lots of their stores from mulch to a decorative PERVIOUS stone/rock. Walmart does not have a specific stone in mind at this time, so if your City requests a specific rock, please let me know. No trees/shrubs/plantings will be removed and neither will the islands themselves. Before Walmart proceeds with this, they tasked my company to reach out to the specific city/township for each store in order to make sure this is feasible per City Code/ordinances. NO PLANS ARE IN THE WORKS AT THIS TIME. Please let me know if your city/town has any specific code/ordinance requirements in regards to landscape island bed coverage. Finally, some of these sites might already contain rock instead of mulch. If this is the case, then no work will be done. I apologize in advance if I emailed the wrong person, so if this is the case, would you be able to forward this to the appropriate individual? Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00158 Date Received:5/3/2023 Status:Withdrawn Resolution Days:33 Department:Other Request: Records about my great grandfather Charles H. Pierce serving on the city council in 1924 and 1928. Also see if he served in another capacity. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00159 Date Received:5/4/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:1 Department:Fire: Incident Reports (Fire) Request: Vehicle fire need incident report for auto insurance claim. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00160 Date Received:5/8/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:7 Department:Community Development - Building: Building Permits Request: Hello, I am requesting any information/documentation with the Building Department regarding the property located at 5955 Travel Park Circle, Gilroy. Of particular interest are the following items: • Building permits from construction to present. • Construction date (current building, previous buildings if applicable) • Permits of environmental concern (petroleum storage tanks, septic systems, oil/water separators) • Record violations or complaints registered against the subject property The time frame for this request is 1940-2023. Thank you. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00161 Date Received:5/8/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:1 Department:Community Development - Fire: CUPA Records Request: Hello, I am requesting any information/documentation with the Fire Department regarding the property located at 5955 Travel Park Circle, Gilroy. Of particular interest are the following items: • Records regarding hazardous materials usage/storage/incidents or known environmental concerns/contamination which may have affected the property, • Records regarding aboveground or underground storage tank (UST) systems, which are currently or historically located at the property. • Records of fire inspections at the subject property. The time frame for this request is 1940-2023. Thank you. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00162 Date Received:5/8/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Community Development - Planning: Project Site Maps Request: Hello, I am requesting any information/documentation with the Planning Department regarding the property located at 5955 Travel Park Circle, Gilroy. Of particular interest are any activity use limitations, land use restrictions, or deed restrictions currently in place on the property that limits the use of, access to, or future development of the site. Thank you.The time frame for this request is 1940-2023. Thank you. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00163 Date Received:5/8/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:7 Department:Community Development - Building: Building Permits Request: Please send me all permitted records for my home at 9241 Tea Tree Court, Gilroy, CA 95020. I had my tandem garage converted into an office which is now considered livable space and I would like to see if the additional square footage is reported and on record. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00164 Date Received:5/10/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Fire: Incident Reports (Other) Request: On 4-29-2023 at approximately 4:19pm our insureds 1989 Chevrolet Silverado caught fire. The loss occurred on Mantelli Dr in Gilroy, CA General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00165 Date Received:5/11/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:4 Department:Community Development - Building: Building Permits Request: Request Tenant Improvement drawings of Permit # 07060100 TI - King Eggroll Restaurant. Raymond SITU C-64647 General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00166 Date Received:5/15/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Other Request: Administrative Investigation Report of Rebeca Armendariz General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00167 Date Received:5/15/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:City Clerk: Resolutions Request: Testing the system for City Clerk's Office. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00168 Date Received:5/18/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:8 Department:Community Development - Building: Building Permits Request: As a tenant of commercial building located at 6205 Engle Way, Gilroy, CA 95020, I am requesting all records submitted to the city of Gilroy to permit a couple projects performed over the years. Owner of building is Engle Associates LLC. Permit #15040110, Type: BALTCOM/IN, Purpose: Installation of storage racks, total of 1400 Permit #15100261, Type: BALTCOM/IN, Purpose: Installation of storage racks, total of 4400 linear Permit #16040073, Type: BALTCOM/IN, Purpose: Install new concrete pad 2 x 5.5 on top of (E) General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00169 Date Received:5/22/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:4 Department:Community Development - Building: Building Permits Request: Looking for permit summary for new development at: 8805 Forest Street Gilroy, CA 95020 General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00170 Date Received:5/22/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:1 Department:Finance: Business Licenses Request: Hi, I would like to request a list of the contact information of everyone that has applied for a business license in the last 3 months. I would like their phone number, business address, owners name and email address. Thank you General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00171 Date Received:5/22/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:4 Department:Community Development - Building: Building Permits Request: Requesting the building permit history for 765 Nicole Court in Gilroy General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00172 Date Received:5/22/2023 Status:Returned for More Information Resolution Days: Department:Community Development - Building: Building Permits Request: Hi. I would like to request a copy of my adu permit for my record. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00173 Date Received:5/22/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:29 Department:Community Development - Planning: Planned Projects Request: On behalf of Silicon Valley Residents for Responsible Development, we submit the attached public records request for the Bolsa Road Industrial Project. Please respond to Janet Laurain – jlaurain@adamsbroadwell.com General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00174 Date Received:5/22/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:17 Department:Community Development - Building: Building Permits Request: History of building permits, for residential home at 1106 Sprig Way, Gilroy Ca. 95020 Any history of replacement or modifications or additions to this home. HVAC, Electrical, Plumbing,Utilities, Solar etc. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00175 Date Received:5/24/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Fire: Incident Reports (Other) Request: Report of gas smell in residence General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00176 Date Received:5/24/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:2 Department:Community Development - Building: Building Permits Request: Requesting Blueprints for 791 Lawrence Drive. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00177 Date Received:5/30/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:2 Department:Other Request: I am looking for a house schematic showing pluming at 8960 Church St in Gilroy CA. We have an underground leak and are trying to locate the leak. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00178 Date Received:5/31/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:16 Department:Finance: Expense Reports Request: SmartProcure is submitting a public records request to the City of Gilroy for any and all purchasing records from 2/9/2023 to current. The request is limited to readily available records without physically copying, scanning, or printing paper documents. Any editable electronic document is acceptable. The specific information requested from your record-keeping system is: 1. Purchase order number. If purchase orders are not used a comparable substitute is acceptable, i.e., invoice, encumbrance, or check number 2. Purchase date 3. Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase) 4. Line item quantity 5. Line item price 6. Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address If you would like to let me know what type of financial software you use, I may have report samples that help to determine how, or if, you are able to respond. As an added security and privacy measure, there will be a unique upload link for any new requests moving forward, including this one. We appreciate your assistance towards this request. You may also attach the information to this email. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00179 Date Received:5/31/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:6 Department:Community Development - Fire: Hazardous Material Request: Hello- I’d like to obtain copies of any available hazardous materials-related files (i.e., Certified Unified Program Agency [CUPA] program files) at the Building, Life and Environmental Safety (BLES) Division associated with the site outlined in red on the attached site plan. All documents regarding hazardous materials spills or impacts to soil or groundwater at the site also would be of interest. Please let me know if any of the above records are available. Thank you for your assistance! General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00180 Date Received:6/1/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:7 Department:Community Development - Building: Building Permits Request: Hi, We are conducting research on solar activity in the U.S. and would like access to the following data: • Note that we do not need the original records nor need scanned copies – just the data that can be produced in excel or CSV format by the software used by your department to track permits and an email receipt is preferred. • Issued Residential and Commercial solar (photovoltaic - PV) permits from 5/1/2023 to 5/31/2023. If a separate Solar Permit category is not used in the permitting system, please provide data on all Building and Electrical Permits within the time frame specified. • Issued Residential and Commercial Energy Storage Systems permits from 5/1/2023 to 5/31/2023. If a separate Energy Storage category is not used in the permitting system, please provide data on all Building and Electrical Permits within the time frame specified. • The following data points: permit number, permit status, permit address, contractor, issue date, permit type, sub-type, valuation (if available), work description and if possible, please include Storage/Battery Manufacturer Name. • If possible, please provide the reports in CSV or excel format. • If available, we need Application date and final / completion date for the solar permits. It's okay if there is a delay in this request, given the current situation with COVID-19. Regards, and stay safe General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00181 Date Received:6/1/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:4 Department:Community Development - Building: Building Permits Request: Please provide the Assessor Office with the building plan for APNPermitSitus Address 783-62-022220501162354 Banyan St Thank you for your help. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00182 Date Received:6/5/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:17 Department:Community Development - Planning: Planned Projects Request: On behalf of Silicon Valley Residents for Responsible Development, we submit the attached request for access to public records for the Holloway Road Industrial Project. If you have any questions, please contact Tara Rengifo. Thank you, General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00183 Date Received:6/5/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:11 Department:Finance: Bid Request: Request Code: 12657692 Date: 06/05/23 On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request updated plan-holder, bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS AVAILABLE on the following solicitation. Please correct any errors/deficiencies and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-1925. Solicitation Name: FORD F650 Cab and Chassis with Crane and Air Compressor Solicitation Number: solicitation number 23-PW-283, Bid Date: 06/13/23 This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and in the interest of a fair and transparent bidding process. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00184 Date Received:6/5/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:11 Department:Finance: Bid Request: Request Code: 12657964 Date: 06/05/23 On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request updated plan-holder, bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS AVAILABLE on the following solicitation. Please correct any errors/deficiencies and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-1925. Solicitation Name: F650 Cab with Scelzi Dump Body Truck Solicitation Number: solicitation number 23-PW-282, Bid Date: 06/13/23 This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and in the interest of a fair and transparent bidding process. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00185 Date Received:6/5/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:11 Department:Finance: Bid Request: Request Code: 12666558 Date: 06/05/23 On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request updated plan-holder, bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS AVAILABLE on the following solicitation. Please correct any errors/deficiencies and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-1925. Solicitation Name: IFB - Ford F750 Cab with 1,500 Gal. Stainless Steel Potable Water Tank Solicitation Number: solicitation number 23-PW-284, Bid Date: 06/13/23 This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and in the interest of a fair and transparent bidding process. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00186 Date Received:6/5/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:3 Department:Finance: Expense Reports Request: Pursuant to the state statutes regarding public information, I am inquiring to whether you can provide the following information: 1. A copy of any existing records showing information regarding depositor names, amounts and dates for unrefunded cash escrows, cash deposits, performance or construction bonds which have been deposited with your municipality that are currently available for release. 2. A copy of any records showing the (i) payee or vendor names, (ii) check issue dates, (iii) check number, (iv) FEIN and (v) dollar amounts of any uncashed /stale-dated vendor checks that have aged more than six months from the date of this letter in an amount equal to or greater than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). 3. Financial spreadsheet, ledger, or any other accounting record of property tax overpayments, or claimed/unredeemed tax lien certificates which have been refundable for more than six months from the date of this letter showing the (i) payee names (ii) check issue dates, (iii) check numbers, (iv) FEIN and (v) dollar amounts over $1,000.00. 4. For the above three requests please include all the necessary claim forms, affidavits and instructions required for the reissuance of the deposits/outstanding/stale dated checks or refunds. 5. At what frequency are these records updated? Monthly, quarterly, semiannually, annually or upon request? Please confirm, if uncashed checks are remitted to state unclaimed property bureau. If so, after what aging period? Thank you in advance for your assistance with this request. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00187 Date Received:6/5/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Other Request: Dear Sir or Madam: Our office represents Jacob Rodriguez Garcia, we are requesting a copy of the certified court docket for the charges made against him in the year 2010. Please see below for more information. If you do not believe you have the information could you forward this email to Gilroy Municipal Court's Clerk. First Name Used: Jacob Last Name(s): Rodriguez DOB: 10/01/1990 Charge 1: 001 - counts of Petty Theft Date of Offense: 11/26/2010 Arresting Agency: Sheriff's Office San Jose Court: Municipal Court Gilroy Document Requested: Certified Court Docket Document Requested: Regular Copy Judgment and Sentence Document Requested: Regular Copy of Plea Statement Or any documents you can provide. If there are no records available, we would like to request a certified letter stating that. Should you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00188 Date Received:6/6/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:2 Department:Other Request: Re:Public Records Act (Freedom of Information Act) Request: Monte Massolo To Whom It May Concern: This correspondence is a request for information pursuant to the California Public Records Act (Government Code Section 6250 to 6276.48.) and the parallel federal statute. the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. §552). My firm represents the interests of Monte Massolo in this matter. The reason for this request is for our investigative purposes. This request pertains to a motorcycle crash that occurred on US-IOI S/B to Masten On Ramp. 935 feet south of Masten Avenue in an unincorporated area of Santa Clara County, California. (hereafter "THE ROADWAY") on April 1, 2023 at around 14:05 p.m. (hereafter "THE CRASH""). For additional information. please see The Preliminary Report by the California Highway Patrol attached as Exhibit A. At the time of THE CRASH, there was a considerable damage and depressions in the surface of THE ROADWAY including removal of the surface material causing grooves. damage, defects in the asphalt. and a significant pothole. It is not presently known how long these depressions and potholes were located at the THE ROADWAY, or what their origins were. Hereafter this above-described grooves, damage, defects in the asphalt and the significant pothole shall be referred to as "THE DEPRESSIONS". The origin of THE DEPRESSIONS are presently unknown. Hereafter, the unknown original of this Debris shall be referred to as "THE ORIGIN OF THE DEPRESSIONS''. It is presently unknown if someone reported THE DEPRESSIONS or THE ORJGIN OF THE DEPRESSIONS or THE CRASH. This includes. but is not limited to: telephone calls. letters. emails, faxes. text messages reports, CB radio calls. internet submissions or any other communications to: 91 I. 51L 1- 800-TELL-CHP, Caltrans, California Highway Patrol, municipal police department, county sheriff’s department. or any other public service department or entity. Hereafter, this above- described communication(s) shall be referred to as "REPORT(S)" or "REPORTED." Neither Mr. Massolo, nor my office, have any additional information at this time, therefore we ask you to interpret our request for information pertaining to THE General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 ROADWAY, THE CRASH, THE DEPRESSIONS, THE ORIGIN OF THE DEPRESSIONS, or any REPORT(S) as broadly as possible. This request also pertains to complaints. feedback. reports, comments, opinions. input, requests. or any and all other communications about THE ROADWAY and or its condition, including but not limited to THE CRASH. THE DEPRESSIONS. THE ORIGIN OF THE DEPRESSIONS. (hereafter "COMMENT(S)"'). made by any and all persons, including members of the public. government employees or government agents (hereafter "PERSON(S)"). This request also pertains to any documents, which evince or reference said COMMENTS, which include the original or copy of handwriting. typewriting, printing, photosharing, photographing, and every other means of recording upon any tangible thing, any form of communication or representation, including letters, words. pictures. sounds. and symbols. or combinations of them (Evidence Code Section 250), as well as data stored on electronic media. whether or not ever displayed, and all other tangible things (hereafter "DOCUMENT(S)"). Please provide my office with copies of the following DOCUMENTS. Please note that for pictures and videos. we ask that we be provided copies of the original uncompressed digital files (such as .jpg or .mpg) in addition to printed/paper copies. Please contact my office if we need to arrange to obtain the digital fi1es. Requested Documents Generally speaking, the following requests ask for DOCUMENTS, and PERSON(S), who commented and or complained and or memorialized information with regard to THE ROADWAY, THE CRASH, THE DEPRESSIONS, THE ORIGIN OF THE DEPRESSIONS, and/or its condition, including but not limited to: 1. All reports, logs or other documentation of PERSONS making COMMENTS about THE ROADWAY and or its condition, THE CRASH, THE DEPRESSIONS, THE ORIGIN OF THE DEPRESSIONS. including but not limited to any damage or potholes. including the identity (name, address, telephone number) of said PERSON(S): 2.The identity (name, address, telephone number) of any PERSON(S) who made COMMENT(S) about the condition of THE ROADWAY, including but not limited to THE CRASH, THE DEPRESSIONS, THE ORIGIN OF THE DEPRESSIONS: 3.Any DOCUMENTS that evince any COMMENTS about the condition. including but not limited to any DEPRESSIONS, THE ORIGIN OF THE DEPRESSIONS, of or on THE ROADWAY; General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 4.Any DOCUMENTS that evince any COMMENTS about the condition, including but not limited to any DEPRESSIONS. THE ORIGIN OF THE DEPRESSIONS. of or on THE ROADWAY being dangerous or hazardous: 5.Any DOCUMENTS that evince any COMMENTS about the condition, including but not limited to DEPRESSIONS, THE ORIGIN OF THE DEPRESSIONS within 500 feet in all directions of THE ROADWAY; 6.Any DOCUMENTS that evince any factual diagrams about the condition, including but not limited to any DEPRESSIONS, of or on THE ROADWAY: 7.Any DOCUMENTS regarding any recommendation that the condition of the roadway, including but not limited to any DEPRESSION that was in need of repair at or near the location of THE ROAD\VAY: 8.Any DOCUMENTS that evince that any repairs had been made or attempted, including but not limited to repairs to any DEPRESSIONS, on or at THE ROADWAY; 9.All REPORTS of THE CRASH; 10.All documents that refer to THE CRASH. 11.All pictures and/or video of THE ROADWAY on April l. 2023 (the date of THE CRASH). 12.All pictures and/or video of Mr. Monte Massolo and/or his motorcycle on April 1. 2023 (the date of THE CRASH). 13.All communications (emails. letters. faxes. reports. text messages. etc.) and documentation of communications (call logs, CAD logs, 91 l tapes, notes of telephone calls, notes, etc.) that refer to THE CRASH: Generally speaking, the following requests ask for the entities/person(s) and documentation that could identify THE ORIGIN OF THE DEPRESSIONS: 14.The identity (name, address, and telephone number) of any person(s) who REPORTED THE DEPRESSIONS on THE ROADWAY between March 1, 2023 and April 1, 2023 (the date of THE CRASH). inclusive 15.The identity (name, address, and telephone number) of any person(s) who REPORTED any DEPRESSIONS on THE ROADWAY between March 1, 2023 and April 1, 2023 (the date of THE CRASH), inclusive: General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 16.The identity (name, address. and telephone number) of any person(s) who REPORTED that a vehicle had caused the DEPRESSIONS onto THE ROADWAY between March 1, 2023 and April 1, 2023 (the date of THE CRASH), inclusive; 17.The identity (name, address, and telephone number) of any person(s) who REPORTED that anyone had caused THE DEPRESSIONS onto THE ROADWAY between March 1, 2023 and April 1, 2023 (the date of THE CRASH), inclusive; 18.Any documentation of REPORTS of THE DEPRESSIONS on THE ROADWAY between March 1, 2023 and April 1, 2023 (the date of THE CRASH), inclusive; 19.Any documentation of REPORTS of the DEPRESSIONS on THE ROADWAY between March 1, 2023 and April 1, 2023 (the date of THE CRASH), inclusive: 20.Documentation (including but not limited to construction permits, photographs. inspection reports) of any roadway work projects that were performed on THE ROADWAY or within 1 mile of THE ROADWAY: 21.Documentation (including but not limited to construction permits. photographs, inspection reports) of any roadway work projects that were performed on any po11ion of the ROADWAY between 3 miles north of THE ROADWAY and 3 miles south of THE ROADWAY between March 1, 2023, and April 1, 2023 (the date of THE CRASH), inclusive: 22.Documentation (including but not limited to construction permits, photographs. inspection reports) of any landscaping projects (including, but not limited to fence building. retaining wall work. drainage work) that were performed within 3s mile of THE ROAD\VA Y between March 1, 2023 and April 1, 2023 (the date of THE CRASH), inclusive: Generally speaking, the following requests ask for comments, complaints or REPORTS about THE ROADWAY before THE CRASH: 23.All REPORTS, reports. logs or other documentation of complaints, comments or other input from the public or anyone else about the condition of THE ROADWAY, including the identity (name, address, telephone number) of the complainants between March 1, 2023 and April 1 2023 (the date of THE CRASH), inclusive; 24.Any REPORTS. reports, logs or other documentation of claims for personal injury and/or property damage that occurred on THE ROADWAY between March 1, 2023 and the date of THE CRASH, inclusive, including the identity (name. address, telephone number) of the Claimants; 25.Any documentation of inspections of the condition of THE ROADWAY, between March 1,2023 and April 1, 2023 (the date of THE CRASH). inclusive. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 Please allow this letter to also serve as notice that the requested documentation must be preserved. and must not be altered, tampered with, erased, destroyed. shredded. or otherwise disposed of. If you have any intention of altering, tampering with, erasing, destroying, shredding, or otherwise disposing of this crucial evidence, please advise us before taking any such action. Please call if you have any questions, or if you will be unable to provide these documents to me by June 30, 2023. Thank you. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00189 Date Received:6/6/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Community Development - Planning: Planned Projects Request: 1. How far back of curb does the private road access easement extend in "Gilroy Country Oaks Estates" ? 2. Who owns the street lights in Gilroy Country Oaks Estates (HOA) and what is the process for being able to put Cameras and solar panels on the street light poles? 3. Need copies of underground AS Builts for utilities in Gilroy Country Oaks Estates in the areas of Banyon Ct near Banyon Av. and Tea Tree Way near Hill Crest. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00190 Date Received:6/6/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:3 Department:Community Development - Building: Building Permits Request: Request a copy of your building permit records from March 08, 2023, to present. Please include any fields that your permitting system tracks. This includes but is not limited to: -Permit Number -Applied/Issued Dates -Work Address -Permit Type -Permit Status -Description of the work being done -Contractor and Architect Details -Job Valuations The preferred file format is a searchable PDF. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00191 Date Received:6/6/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Community Development - Planning: Project Site Maps Request: I am looking for blueprint copies of my home. The home was part of a development by the name of "North Point Court of Gilroy", develop in 2008. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00191 Date Received:6/6/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Community Development - Planning: Project Site Maps Request: I am looking for blueprint copies of my home. The home was part of a development by the name of "North Point Court of Gilroy", develop in 2008. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00192 Date Received:6/7/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:5 Department:Community Development - Building: Building Permits Request: Please provide all building permit records for the property listed below. Thank you! 7600 Santa Paula Dr, Gilroy, CA 95020. APN# 808-07-022 General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00193 Date Received:6/8/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:4 Department:Community Development - Building: Building Permits Request: We are thinking to do some house remodeling and would like to have the Blue print and permits issued to our house at 1246 VALBUSA DR., Gilroy, CA 95020 Thank you, General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00194 Date Received:6/8/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:4 Department:Community Development - Building: Building Permits Request: We are thinking to do some remodeling and mainly removing a wall and would like to see the blue print of our house if available. Our address is 1246 VALBUSA DR, Gilroy, CA 95020 Thank You General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00195 Date Received:6/12/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:2 Department:Human Resources: Personnel Files Request: On behalf of the Freedom Foundation and pursuant to the California Public Records Act, I hereby request the following public records within the possession and control of Gilroy. I am requesting electronic copies, preferably in an excel or spreadsheet file for ALL employees working within ALL Departments in the city of Gilroy. 1. First name 2. Middle name 3. Last name 4. Gender 5. Public office address 6. Zip Code of Public office address 7. Job title 8. Hire date 9. Agency/Department 10. Work email address, and naming convention and domain 11. Work telephone number 12. Respective bargaining unit 13. Bargaining unit Local number Please provide electronic copies of these records to me at: foiarequestff@gmail.com If there are any fees or costs associated with procuring these records, please inform me of the cost. However, I request you waive any costs, given that I am seeking this information in the public interest. If you have any questions, please feel free to let me know. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00196 Date Received:6/13/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:6 Department:City Clerk: Contracts Request: Hello, I work with Accutrend Data and I would like to request a listing of new businesses that filed in your city/county/town/village, for the time period of 05/01/2023 – 05/31/2023. The Information should include: BUSINESS NAME, BUSINESS ADDRESS, CONTACT NAME, BUSINESS PHONE NUMBER, AND DATE THAT THE BUSINESS WAS FILED, however, if you can not provide all, BUSINESS NAME, BUSINESS ADDRESS AND THE START DATE TOO. If you can NOT provide ALL of the requested information, PLEASE do not send a file. Please just send an email stating that 0 new records for said month. Are you able to provide that information? If so, is there a cost? I appreciate your help and hope you have a nice day. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00197 Date Received:6/14/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:2 Department:Finance: Bid Request: Request Code: 12666558 Date: 06/14/23 On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request updated plan-holder, bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS AVAILABLE on the following solicitation. Please correct any errors/deficiencies and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-1925. Solicitation Name: IFB - Ford F750 Cab with 1,500 Gal. Stainless Steel Potable Water Tank Solicitation Number: solicitation number 23-PW-284, Bid Date: 06/13/23 This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and in the interest of a fair and transparent bidding process. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00198 Date Received:6/14/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:2 Department:Finance: Bid Request: Request Code: 12657964 Date: 06/14/23 On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request updated plan-holder, bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS AVAILABLE on the following solicitation. Please correct any errors/deficiencies and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-1925. Solicitation Name: F650 Cab with Scelzi Dump Body Truck Solicitation Number: solicitation number 23-PW-282, Bid Date: 06/13/23 This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and in the interest of a fair and transparent bidding process. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00199 Date Received:6/14/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:2 Department:Finance: Bid Request: Request Code: 12657692 Date: 06/14/23 On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request updated plan-holder, bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS AVAILABLE on the following solicitation. Please correct any errors/deficiencies and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-1925. Solicitation Name: FORD F650 Cab and Chassis with Crane and Air Compressor Solicitation Number: solicitation number 23-PW-283, Bid Date: 06/13/23 This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and in the interest of a fair and transparent bidding process. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00200 Date Received:6/14/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:8 Department:Other Request: Hello, I am requesting a list of properties that were issued a code enforcement violation, if not, a complaint from March 2023 to present. Specifically I’m looking for open and closed nuisance and property maintenance violations such as blight, trash, fire damage, debris, overgrown grass / weeds, trees, abandoned property or houses, junk cars, rats etc, vacant and substandard building / neglected / unsecured properties. However I will take any code violations if it is easier. I need the property address, and if possible the violation date, reason for violation/complaint. I am also requesting a list of properties that CURRENTLY have no water usage / zero water consumption. I need the property address. If this is not possible, I’m requesting a list of properties that currently have the water shut off. Thank you. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00201 Date Received:6/14/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:9 Department:Community Development - Fire: CUPA Records Request: Hi, I'm conducting a Phase I on the Villa Esperanza apartment complex located at 752 Saint Clar Avenue in Gilroy. I'd like to receive copies of all CUPA records for the property. Thank you! General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00202 Date Received:6/15/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:5 Department:Community Development - Building: Building Permits Request: Hi, I would like to receive copies of building permits, current and historical, for the property located at 752 Saint Clar Ave in Gilroy. It currently is the Villa Esperanza apartments. Thank you! General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00203 Date Received:6/19/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:4 Department:Community Development - Building: Building Permits Request: Pursuant to a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, for the property located on the southern portion of Parcel #: 841-66-015 (450 East 9th Street, Gilroy), I would like available building records for the construction or razing of structures, building additions, and certificates of occupancies. Also, please confirm the current zoning. I do not need electrical, plumbing, or HVAC permits. Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions. Thank you. Site Zoning is Commercial Planned Development C3/HC-PUD General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00204 Date Received:6/19/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:3 Department:Community Development - Fire: CUPA Records Request: Pursuant to a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, for the property located on the southern portion of Parcel #: 841-66-015 (450 East 9th Street, Gilroy), I would like to review Fire/CUPA records (e.g. HAZMAT and/or wastes, the installation or removal of ASTs, USTs, LUSTs, and septic systems, potable wells, inspections, violations, complaints, incidents and/or cleanup reports) that may be available for Commercial Property. Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions. Thank you. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00205 Date Received:6/21/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:16 Department:Other Request: Inventory of all City of Gilroy owned real property including buildings, parking lots, storage facilities, empty lots, streets, walkways, alleys, parklands, open space, and any other property considered public-right-of-way. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00206 Date Received:6/22/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:1 Department:Community Development - Building: Building Permits Request: Building permit for the address: 391 Windsong Way General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00207 Date Received:6/26/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Other Request: Property record for 7650 Church St, APN 799-04-035. Requesting the information for a drive-by appraisal. I need information regarding all know permits for the subject property. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00208 Date Received:6/26/2023 Status:Submitted Resolution Days: Department:Other Request: 1. Any and all records related to the City of Gilroy sewer system that runs adjacent to the property located at 400 Stutz Way, Gilroy also known as 400 Automall Drive, Gilroy, including but not limited to the following: a. all records of inspections, maintenance and repair of the sewer system; b. all records of inspections, maintenance and repair of the force main and lift system; c. all records related to the control, treatment, and mitigation of hydrogen sulfide gas release from the City of Gilroy sewer system that runs adjacent to the property located at 400 Stutz Way, Gilroy and/or 400 Automall Drive; d. all records related to the control, treatment, and mitigation of corrosion to any portion of the City of Gilroy sewer system that runs adjacent to the property located at 400 Stutz Way, Gilroy and/or 400 Automall Drive; e. maps of the City of Gilroy sewer system that runs adjacent to the property located at 400 Stutz Way, Gilroy and/or 400 Automall Drive, including all lateral tie-ins from any source, connections, and other related fixtures and installations; f. all records of complaints, reports, and calls for service that relate to the sewer system that runs adjacent to the property located at 400 Stutz Way, Gilroy and/or 400 Automall Drive and any of its tie-ins or connections; g. all records related to applications, permits, requests submitted to alter or modify the sewer system that runs adjacent to the property located at 400 Stutz Way, Gilroy and/or 400 Automall Drive and any of its tie-ins or connections, including new construction. 2. Any and all records including but not limited to records that relate to the repair, maintenance, inspection and construction of the lateral sewer system and force mains, sewer pumps, tie-ins, connections, and any other fixtures or installations, at the property located at 400 Stutz Way, Gilroy and/or 400 Automall Drive; 3. Any and all records including but not limited to records that relate to the repair, maintenance, inspection and construction of the lateral sewer system and force mains, sewer pumps, tie-ins, connections, and any other fixtures or installations, at the property located at 6600 Automall Parkway, Gilroy; 4. Records related to the existence of any and all public utility easements at 400 Stutz Way, Gilroy and/or 400 Automall Drive; 5. Records related to the existence of any and all public utility easements at 6600 Automall Parkway, Gilroy. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00209 Date Received:6/26/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:3 Department:Community Development - Building: Building Permits Request: Please get me copies of any/all permits relating to the APN: 841-14-028. The address may be 5560, 5580 or 5590 Monterey Road Gilroy. Thank you! General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00210 Date Received:6/26/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Fire: Incident Reports (Medical) Request: LEGAL PURPOSE Please send copies of the accident report, photographs/videos, and any other statements or supplemental reports related to the vehicle accident on 04/17/2023 at 11:54 a.m. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00211 Date Received:6/27/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Finance: Expense Reports Request: An electronic copy of all payment transactions for fiscal year 2021/2022. This could be considered one of the following reports: Vendor Payment Checkbook Report, Checkbook Register, Expenditure Data, Transactional Detail Payments, Online Checkbook, or Disbursements. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00212 Date Received:6/28/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:5 Department:Fire: Incident Reports (Fire) Request: Fire occurred on las animas avenue Property does not have address but it’s between 770 las animas and 820 las animas. Occurred around 7 am that day. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00213 Date Received:6/29/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:7 Department:Community Development - Fire: Files Regarding Environmental Conditions of a Property Request: Request for environmental records including but not limited to hazardous materials/waste, pipelines and underground storage tanks for the property located at 18275 Serene Drive, Morgan Hill, CA 95037. General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00214 Date Received:6/29/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:8 Department:Community Development - Building: Building Permits Request: Hi, Can we please get any and all permits for- 7531 Miller Ave, Gilroy 7680 Church St, Gilroy 7661Eigleberry St, Gilroy 7641 Eigleberry St., Gilroy 241 Gurries Drive, Gilroy Thanks! General City Public Records Requests - Second Quarter, April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00215 Date Received:6/29/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:8 Department:Community Development - Building: Building Permits Request: Hi, Can we get permits for- 731 5th St, Gilroy Thanks REPORTS NOT LISTED IN TOTAL CPRA: Agency Requests: Requests made by a criminal justice agency for a police report that is precluded from public release under one of many statutes, but authorized by statute to be released to assist the agency in the administration of justice. Victim Witness Requests: These are requests made by a Victim Witness organization for a police report that is precluded from public release under one of many statutes, but allowed by statute to be released for assistance to a victim for various services. REPORT TYPES: Citizen Request: Requests pertaining to a call for service or case number. Insurance Request: Request from insurance companies. Background Checks: Request from agencies in which a signed authorization is obtained from the individual for whom records are sought. Clearance Letters: Direct request from an individual for their background check within the agency's jurisdiction. Arrest Log: Any request for the arrest log. Subpoena Duces Tecum: Subpoena for Records. Other CPRA Requests: Any other request for agency records that does not pertain to a case number or incident. *The line item "Press Log" was removed from report since the implementation of Citizen Rims where the Press/Public can get information on calls for service via website: https://gilroy.crimegraphics.com/