05/11/2023 Open Government Commission Special Meeting Adopted 08/10/2023
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City of Gilroy
Open Government Commission Special Meeting Minutes
Thursday, May 11, 2023 | 5:30 PM
The Meeting was called to order by Chair Bentz at 5:30 PM.
Attendance Attendee Name
Present Terence Fugazzi, Commissioner
Jessica Irwin, Commissioner
Shayne Somavia, Commissioner
Karen Enzensperger, Vice-Chair
Diana Bentz, Chair
Absent None
3.1. Public Comments by Members of the Public on Items not on the Agenda
but within the Commission’s Subject Matter Jurisdiction
Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz
closed Public Comment.
Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz closed Public
Motion: Adopt the Consent Calendar.
MOVER: Shayne Somavia, Commissioner
SECONDER: Terence Fugazzi, Commissioner
AYES: Commissioner Fugazzi, Commissioner Irwin, Commissioner Somavia,
Vice-Chair Enzensperger, Chair Bentz
4.1. Approval of the February 9, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes
A motion was made to approve the minutes.
4.2. Approval of April 6, 2023 Special Meeting Minutes
A motion was made to approve the minutes.
5.1. City Council Correspondence Samples
City Administrator Forbis stated that the Assistant to the City Administrator will
create an example for the Commission and provide it at the next commission
May 11, 2023 | 5:30 PM Page 2 of 4 Open Government Commission
Special Meeting Minutes
Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz
closed Public Comment.
The commission received the report.
5.2. Open Government Ordinance Old Training Video
City Administrator Forbis and City Clerk Pham provided staff presentations and
responded to Commissioner questions. City Clerk Pham suggested producing
the video with staff during the summer with members of the commission.
Commissioner Irwin expressed interest in leading the charge of producing the
video with staff.
Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz
closed Public Comment.
Motion: Assign Commissioner Irwin to work with staff on a new version of the
Open Government Ordinance Training video.
MOVER: Diana Bentz, Chair
SECONDER: Karen Enzensperger, Vice-Chair
AYES: Commissioner Fugazzi, Commissioner Irwin, Commissioner
Somavia, Vice-Chair Enzensperger, Chair Bentz
5.3. Open Government FAQ
City Administrator Forbis reminded the Commissioners that the commission
expressed interest in creating a subcommittee about the five FAQs discussed at
the last meeting:
1) What is the Open Government Ordinance?
2) How do you get the webpage in different languages?
3) What are the top categories requested for information?
4) How do I join a commission?
5) How did the Open Government Ordinance start?
Commissioner Fugazzi and Somavia expressed interest in serving on the
Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz
closed Public Comment.
Motion: Form an FAQ subcommittee presided by Commissioners Somavia and
MOVER: Diana Bentz, Chair
SECONDER: Shayne Somavia, Commissioner
AYES: Commissioner Fugazzi, Commissioner Irwin, Commissioner
Somavia, Vice-Chair Enzensperger, Chair Bentz
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Special Meeting Minutes
5.4. OGO Workplan FY 24 and FY 25
City Administrator Forbis reported that he will be releasing the budget to Council
on May 12, 2023, and the public will receive it a week later. He further stated
that once Council adopts the budget, the commission will work on hybrid
meetings at the next regular meeting.
Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz
closed Public Comment.
Commissioners Somavia and Irwin expressed interest in serving on the ad-hoc
committee to look at how other cities are doing hybrid meetings.
Motion: Create an ad-hoc committee with Commissioners Somavia and Irwin to
assess how other cities handle hybrid meetings.
MOVER: Diana Bentz, Chair
SECONDER: Shayne Somavia, Commissioner
AYES: Commissioner Fugazzi, Commissioner Irwin, Commissioner
Somavia, Vice-Chair Enzensperger, Chair Bentz
5.5. OGO Training/Budget
City Administrator Forbis provided staff presentation and responded to
Commissioner questions. He also stated that the Brown Act Training is
scheduled for the August 10th Regular Meeting, and the JEDI training is
scheduled for November.
Discussion ensued between the commissioners about comportment.
Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz
closed Public Comment.
The commission received the report.
6.1. Quarterly Review of Public Records Requests Per Gilroy Code Section
17A.35 (c) (First Quarter, 2023)
City Clerk Pham provided staff presentation and responded to Commissioner
Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz
closed Public Comment.
The commission received the report.
6.2. Discussion and Amending the 2023 Open Government Commission
Meeting Schedule
City Clerk Pham provided staff presentation and responded to Commissioner
Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz
May 11, 2023 | 5:30 PM Page 4 of 4 Open Government Commission
Special Meeting Minutes
closed Public Comment.
Motion: Amend the 2023 Open Government Commission Meeting schedule to
the following:
• Add a special meeting on June 22, 2023, at 5:30 PM, located in the
Administration Conference Room
• Add a special meeting on November 2, 2023, at 5:30 PM, located in the
Administration Conference Room
• Cancel the Thursday, November 9, 2023 Regular Meeting
MOVER: Shayne Somavia, Commissioner
SECONDER: Karen Enzensperger, Vice-Chair
AYES: Commissioner Fugazzi, Commissioner Irwin, Commissioner
Somavia, Vice-Chair Enzensperger, Chair Bentz
City Administrator Forbis provided an update about Police Department requesting to replace the
body-worn cameras to the Council in the new budget.
Commissioner Fugazzi requested an update on Council’s voting history report from the City Clerk.
City Administrator Forbis recommended that the request should be from the commission to
recommend to the City Council to provide a public voting record. Commissioner Fugazzi requested
that this topic be agendized at the next meeting. The item received unanimous support.
Commissioner Fugazzi would like to see all Brown Act meetings to be video recorded and uploaded
onto the City’s website. City Administrator Forbis stated that he would investigate it and review it with
the other boards and commission staff.
Chair Bentz adjourned the meeting at 6:30 PM.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing minutes were duly and regularly adopted at a regular
meeting of the Gilroy Open Government Commission of the City of Gilroy on August 10, 2023.
Thai Nam Pham, MMC, CPMC
City Clerk