Agenda Item # 3.2 - Maria Aguilar | Received 11/06/2023CAUTION: This email originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening
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From:Maria Aguilar
To:All Council Members
Cc:City Clerk
Subject:EXTERNAL - Hybrid meetings
Date:Monday, November 6, 2023 11:50:15 AM
This message is to outline and support the positives that hybrid city council meetings bring to our
community. We need to embrace the principals of Progressions of avoid the simplicity of retreating to
Regression whenever we are faced with challenges. The challenges presented to us by members of the
public sabotaging our hybrid meetings can be solved with simple remedies. We also need to consider the
amazing positives hybrid meetings brings to members of our community.
Technologic Advancement
- We have already spent several hundred thousand of our tax dollars to improve and renovate our
systems to match today's high tech capabilities, we cannot simply throw this away
- Our residents are able to join meetings from the comfort of their home regardless of mobility and
health impairments
- The time flexibility that hybrid meetings brings to our community, families can participate while still
supporting their children in home
- Business owners can split their time more efficiently without having to waste time on transportation to
and from meetings
Subject to Unwanted Callers
- Hybrid meetings have the capability to remove unwanted members with no physical force or police
presence, a moderator can simply remove them from the meeting via a computer click. This is a much
more peaceful approach than having to physically remove an unruly person attending a meeting in
- Password protection can be implemented
We are leveraging the fears brought about by today's technology without understanding the simple fixes
available and using that to simply remove a technology that is intended to help our community. We need
to update our Protocols and implement simple fixes that are available to us instead of hindering our
community and limited the capability that we can all enjoy.
Maria Aguilar