11/02/2023 Open Government Commission Special Agenda Packet Open Government Commission Special Meeting Agenda Packet Page 1 of 2 November 2, 2023 | 5:30 PM CITY OF GILROY OPEN GOVERNMENT COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2023 | 5:30 PM ADMINISTRATION CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL 7351 ROSANNA STREET GILROY, CA 95020 Chair: Diana Bentz Vice Chair: Karen Enzensperger Commissioners: Jessica Irwin, Shayne Somavia, & Akur Varadarajan Staff Liaison: Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator All Open Government Commission meeting materials can be found online at http://gilroy.city/meetings. Public comments on agenda items will be accepted before any action is taken by the Commission, with reasonable time limits per speaker. For accessibility needs under the Americans with Disabilities Act, please contact the City Clerk at (408) 846-0204 at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. A sound enhancement system is available in the City Council Chambers. Materials submitted after the agenda distribution can be viewed in the City Hall lobby during business hours or on the City website at www.cityofgilroy.org, subject to timely publication by staff. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THE GILROY OPEN GOVERNMENT ORDINANCE Government's duty is to serve the public, reaching its decisions in full view of the public. Commissions, task forces, councils and other agencies of the City exist to conduct the people's business. This ordinance assures that deliberations are conducted before the people and that City operations are open to the people's review. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THE OPEN GOVERNMENT ORDINANCE, TO RECEIVE A FREE COPY OF THE ORDINANCE OR TO REPORT A VIOLATION OF THE ORDINANCE, CONTACT THE OPEN GOVERNMENT COMMISSION STAFF AT (408) 846-0204 or by email at cityclerk@cityofgilroy.org. If you need assistance with translation and would like to speak during public comment, please contact the City Clerk a minimum of 72 hours prior to the meeting at 408-846- 0204 or e-mail the City Clerk’s Office at cityclerk@cityofgilroy.org. Si necesita un intérprete durante la junta y gustaría dar un comentario público, comuníquese con el Secretario de la Ciudad un mínimo de 72 horas antes de la junta al 408-846-0204 o envíe un correo electrónico a la Oficina del Secretario de la Ciudad a cityclerk@cityofgilroy.org. Open Government Commission Special Meeting Agenda Packet Page 2 of 2 November 2, 2023 | 5:30 PM The AGENDA for this special meeting is as follows: 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PRESENTATIONS TO THE OPEN GOVERNMENT COMMISSION 3.1. Public Comments by Members of the Public on Items not on the Agenda but within the Commission’s Subject Matter Jurisdiction This part of the meeting allows public address on non-agenda topics within the Commission’s jurisdiction. To speak, complete a Speaker's Card and give it to the City Clerk. Speaking time ranges from 3 minutes. Extended discussions or actions on non- agenda items are restricted by law. For Commission action, the topic may be listed on a future agenda. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Calendar items are routinely approved with one motion. For separate discussion, a member or public member must request its removal before the approval vote. If removed, it's discussed in its original order. 4.1. Approval of the August 10, 2023 Open Government Commission Regular Meeting 4.2. Approval of the 2024 Annual Calendar of Open Government Commission Meetings 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6. NEW BUSINESS 6.1. Quarterly Review of Public Records Requests Per Gilroy Code Section 17A.35 (c) (Third Quarter, 2023) 6.2. Review of the Open Government Commission By-Laws 6.3. Review of the Open Government Commission Annual Presentation to Council (Draft Presentation Will Be Provided at the Meeting) 6.4. Review of the Open Government Commission Presentation to the Council on Hybrid Meetings 7. FUTURE COMMISSION INITIATED AGENDA ITEMS 8. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S UPDATE 9. ADJOURNMENT Page 1 of 3 City of Gilroy Open Government Commission Regular Meeting Minutes Thursday, August 10, 2023 | 6:00 PM 1.CALL TO ORDER The Meeting was called to order by Chair Bentz at 6:00 PM. 2.ROLL CALL Attendance Attendee Name Present Shayne Somavia, Commissioner Karen Enzensperger, Vice-Chair Diana Bentz, Chair Absent Jessica Irwin, Commissioner 3.PRESENTATIONS TO THE OPEN GOVERNMENT COMMISSION 3.1. Public Comments by Members of the Public on Items not on the Agenda but within the Commission’s Subject Matter Jurisdiction Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no public speakers, Chair Bentz closed Public Comment. 4.REPORTS OF COMMISSIONERS Chair Bentz reported that she received two inquiries from folks who wanted to apply to the Open Government Commission. 5.CONSENT CALENDAR Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz closed Public Comment. Motion: Approve the Consent Calendar. RESULT: Pass MOVER: Shayne Somavia, Commissioner SECONDER: Diana Bentz, Chair AYES: Commissioner Somavia, Vice-Chair Enzensperger, Chair Bentz ABSENT: Commissioner Irwin 5.1. Approval of the May 11, 2023 Special Meeting Minutes Included in the approved Consent Calendar. 5.2. Approval of the June 22, 2023 Special Meeting Minutes Included in the approved Consent Calendar. 6.UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6.1. Hybrid Meetings Commissioner Somavia provided the item presentation and responded to Commissioner questions. DRAFT August 10, 2023 | 6:00 PM Page 2 of 3 Open Government Commission Regular Meeting Minutes Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz closed Public Comment. Motion: Accept the subcommittee recommendations and direct Commissioner Somavia to draft a Council Correspondence to the City Council about the Open Government Commission findings on Hybrid Meeting Implementation. RESULT: Pass MOVER: Diana Bentz, Chair SECONDER: Karen Enzensperger, Vice-Chair AYES: Commissioner Somavia, Vice-Chair Enzensperger, Chair Bentz ABSENT: Commissioner Irwin 6.2. Open Government Ordinance Old Training Video The item was continued to the November 2, 2023 Special Meeting. Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz closed Public Comment. 6.3. Open Government FAQ Commissioner Somavia provided the item presentation and responded to Commissioner questions. Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz closed Public Comment. City Administrator Forbis stated that the FAQs can be handled at the staff level and will direct staff to implement the FAQ on the City’s website. Motion: Accept the subcommittee recommendations. RESULT: Pass MOVER: Diana Bentz, Chair SECONDER: Shayne Somavia, Commissioner AYES: Commissioner Somavia, Vice-Chair Enzensperger, Chair Bentz ABSENT: Commissioner Irwin 6.4. OGO Workplan FY 24 and FY 25 City Administrator Forbis provided a brief presentation. City Clerk Pham added that this item will not be agendized in future meetings. Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz closed Public Comment. 6.5. OGO Training/Budget City Administrator Forbis provided brief presentation and responded to Commissioner questions. Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz closed Public Comment. DRAFT August 10, 2023 | 6:00 PM Page 3 of 3 Open Government Commission Regular Meeting Minutes The Commission received the report. 7.NEW BUSINESS 7.1. Quarterly Review of Public Records Requests Per Gilroy Code Section 17A.35 (c) (Second Quarter, 2023) City Clerk Pham provided staff presentation and responded to Commissioner questions. Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz closed Public Comment. The commission received the report. 7.2. Discussion on Public Voting Records City Administrator Forbis provided a brief presentation and responded to Commissioner questions. Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz closed Public Comment. 8.FUTURE COMMISSION INITIATED AGENDA ITEMS Commissioner Somavia requested the Commission to review the Commission’s bylaws. The item received unanimous approval. 9.CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S UPDATE There were none. 10.ADJOURNMENT Chair Bentz adjourned the meeting at 7:03 PM. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing minutes were duly and regularly adopted at a meeting of the Gilroy Open Government Commission of the City of Gilroy. /s/Thai Nam Pham, MMC, CPMC City Clerk DRAFT City of Gilroy Open Government Commission STAFF REPORT Agenda Item Title:Approval of the 2024 Annual Calendar of Open Government Commission Meetings Meeting Date:November 2, 2023 From:Thai Nam Pham, City Clerk RECOMMENDATION It is recommended to approve the 2024 Calendar of Regular Meetings for the Open Government Commission. BACKGROUND Staff has prepared the proposed 2024 Open Government Commission Regular Meeting Schedule for the upcoming calendar year, following the scheduling pattern approved by the Council in prior years. The Open Government Commission is being requested to review and provide approval for the attached 2024 Regular Meeting Schedule. Attachments: 1. Proposed 2024 Regular Meeting Calendar Open Government Commission 2024 Regular Meetings 2nd Thursday, Quarterly | 6:00 PM Gilroy City Council Chambers | 7351 Rosanna Street, Gilroy, CA February Thursday, February 8, 2024 May Thursday, May 9, 2024 August Thursday, August 8, 2024 November Thursday, November 14, 2024 City of Gilroy Open Government Commission STAFF REPORT Agenda Item Title:Quarterly Review of Public Records Requests Per Gilroy Code Section 17A.35 (c) (Third Quarter, 2023) Meeting Date:November 2, 2023 From:Thai Nam Pham, City Clerk RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Commission receive the report. BACKGROUND This report contains two logs of Public Records Request for the third quarter (July 1st through September 30th) of the 2023 calendar year: •General City Public Records Request log (Spreadsheet) •General City Public Records Request log (Word Format) •Police Department Public Records Requests and Denial Log Attachments: 1. General City Public Records Requests (Spreadsheet) 2. General City Public Records Requests (Word Format) 3. Police Department Public Records Requests and Denial Log Request ID#Request Date Description Category Department Source Status Resolution Days Notes PRA-2023-00217 7/3/2023 Hi, We are conducting research on solar activity in the U.S. and would like access to the following data: • Note that we do not need the original records nor need scanned copies – just the data that can be produced in excel or CSV format by the software used by your department to track permits and an email receipt is preferred. • Issued Residential and Commercial solar (photovoltaic - PV) permits from 6/1/2023 to 6/30/2023. If a separate Solar Permit category is not used in the permitting system, please provide data on all Building and Electrical Permits within the time frame specified. • Issued Residential and Commercial Energy Storage Systems permits from 6/1/2023 to 6/30/2023. If a separate Energy Storage category is not used in the permitting system, please provide data on all Building and Electrical Permits within the time frame specified. • The following data points: permit number, permit status, permit address, contractor, issue date, permit type, sub-type, valuation (if available), work description and if possible, please include Storage/Battery Manufacturer Name. • If possible, please provide the reports in CSV or excel format. • If available, we need Application date and final / completion date for the solar permits. It's okay if there is a delay in this request, given the current situation with COVID-19. Regards, and stay safe, Chris Community Development - Building: Building Permits Community Development - Building External Portal Completed 2 PRA-2023-00218 7/5/2023 Hello I would like to request a copy of the fire incident report. Thank you Fire: Incident Reports (Fire)Fire External Portal Completed 5 PRA-2023-00219 7/5/2023 To the Office of the City Clerk/ the person who handles the public records, City of Gilroy. Hi Thai, I would like to do a Public Records Request for the following files or lists: 1. Code Enforcement: a. I am looking for property owners that have been cited for violations relating to their Owner Occupied or Non-Owner Occupied properties. b. Any vacant or boarded-up properties. c. Any substandard or hazardous properties that have health or safety issues. d. Also looking for properties that have had a lien or assessment placed upon them by the city/county. e. Time frame would be January 2023 – present. f. Please signify which are Open and Closed cases if possible. 2. Utility shut off: a. I am looking for property owners or tenants that have had their utilities shut off for non-payment or stealing water on Owner Occupied or Non-Owner Occupied properties. b. Also looking for properties that have had a lien or assessment placed upon them by the city/county. c. Time frame would be January 2023 – present. d. Please indicate which are Open and Closed cases if possible. 3. Fire Damaged Properties: a. I am looking for property owners that have had structure fires to Owner Occupied or Non-Owner Occupied properties. b. Time frame would be January 2023 – present. c. Please signify which are Open and Closed cases if possible. Other Community Development - Code Enforcement Internal Portal Completed 0 PRA-2023-00220 7/6/2023 Hi, I am writing to request any and all info and documents relating to any applications to the Town of Gilroy relating to the property at 575 1st St, in Gilroy, CA. I am interested in any and all pending applications, as well as any applications filed, withdrawn or disposed of in the last two years (July 6, 2021 to present). I would like to receive any info and docs electronically via email. Thank you, Mark Millen Los Gatos, CA (408) 399-9707 Other Community Development - Building External Portal Completed 5 Request ID#Request Date Description Category Department Source Status Resolution Days Notes PRA-2023-00221 7/10/2023 Fire between two residential homes Fire: Incident Reports (Fire)Fire Internal Portal Completed 0 PRA-2023-00222 7/10/2023 I would like to request the floor plans for my residence. My residence address is 2360 Country Dr, Gilroy CA 95020 Community Development - Building: Building Permits Community Development - Building External Portal Completed 7 PRA-2023-00223 7/11/2023 Insured Camille McCormack Fire: Incident Reports (Fire)Fire External Portal Completed 0 PRA-2023-00224 7/11/2023 Teen raped and kidnapped Fire: Incident Reports (Other) Fire External Portal Completed 0 PRA-2023-00225 7/13/2023 Hello I need a copy of the floor plan or blue print of my house or tell me how I can get that my address is 7310 Hagen Court Gilroy 95020 THANK YOU.Other Community Development - Building External Portal Completed 4 PRA-2023-00226 7/13/2023 Hello, I am looking to obtain electronic copies of all building permits (current and historical) on file for the property located at: 7869, 7881, 7891 Eigleberry Street Gilroy, CA 95020 APN: 799-01-027 Thank you. Community Development - Building: Building Permits Community Development - Building External Portal Completed 8 PRA-2023-00227 7/13/2023 Hello, I am looking to obtain electronic copies of any/all records regarding fire inspections, hazardous materials, aboveground storage tanks, underground storage tanks, and spills on file for the property located at: 7869, 7881, 7891 Eigleberry Street Gilroy, CA 95020 APN: 799-01-027 Thank you. Community Development - Fire: Hazardous Material Community Development - Fire External Portal Completed 12 PRA-2023-00228 7/17/2023 Hello, I'm looking to obtain a list of CUPA facilities with location information as tracked by your CUPA agency as far back as possible. Thank you! Community Development - Fire: CUPA Records Community Development - Fire External Portal Completed 1 PRA-2023-00229 7/17/2023 Request for fire incident report fire damage to solely owned fence Insured Lionel G Howe Fire: Incident Reports (Fire)Fire External Portal Completed 3 PRA-2023-00230 7/17/2023 Request a copy of your building permit records since June 09, 2023, to present. Please include any fields that your permitting system tracks. This includes but is not limited to: -Permit Number -Applied/Issued Dates -Work Address -Permit Type -Permit Status -Description of the work being done -Contractor and Architect Details -Job Valuations The preferred file format is a searchable PDF. Community Development - Building: Building Permits Community Development - Building External Portal Completed 7 PRA-2023-00231 7/18/2023 Multiple Departments - Zoning Due Diligence Research 2280 Hecker Pass Road, Gilroy, CA 95020 Please accept the following public records request. Please notify me in advance if fees will exceed $50.00. Property – 2280 Hecker Pass Road, Gilroy, CA 95020 •Planning/Zoning/ Development: copies of any approved site plans, variances, special/ conditional use permits, planned developments, or zoning relief granted to the property, and notification of any outstanding zoning code violations •Building/ Construction: copies of the existing Certificates of Occupancy, and notification of any outstanding building code violations •Fire: notification of any outstanding fire code violations Other Community Development External Portal Completed 14 PRA-2023-00232 7/19/2023 House fire that extended into second home. Fire: Incident Reports (Other) Fire External Portal Completed 1 Request ID#Request Date Description Category Department Source Status Resolution Days Notes PRA-2023-00233 7/19/2023 Good Afternoon, I would like to request a copy of the City's list of Outstanding checks that are over 90 days old and greater than $500. Thanks, and I appreciate your help with this. Best Regards, Amy Spangler Unclaimed Property Analyst 1501 Highwoods Blvd, Ste 200 Greensboro, NC 27410-2047 O: +1-336-355-6645 www.apexanalytix.com Finance: Expense Reports Finance Internal Portal Completed 1 PRA-2023-00234 7/19/2023 I would like to obtain electronic copies of all historical and current building permits on file for the following addresses: 469 to 483 (odd #s only) Eigleberry Street 7875-7891 Eigleberry Street Community Development - Building: Building Permits Community Development - Building External Portal Completed 13 PRA-2023-00235 7/19/2023 I would like to obtain electronic copies of all historical and current Fire records (CUPA, AST/UST, CERS, hazmat, fire incidents etc) on file for: 469 to 483 (odd #s only) Eigleberry Street 7875-7897 (odd #s only) Eigleberry Street Community Development - Fire: CERS Records Community Development - Fire External Portal Completed 16 PRA-2023-00236 7/20/2023 Hi, I am owner/resident at 8852 Daffodil Place. A sprinkler pipe was broken by tree roots and it leaks now making the sprinklers ineffective. I am trying to fix this. It would be a lot easier if a map/blueprint of the sprinkler piping system in the front lawn is available. I am assuming that since the landscaping was done by the builder, a plan may have been submitted to the city. If you have any record, I would like to access it. Please advise. Thanks, Om Chand Community Development - Building: Building Permits Community Development - Building External Portal Completed 12 PRA-2023-00237 7/20/2023 Hello, We would like to get full details of our property that is recorded with city. We might like to build an ADU but architect would need as much information that are recorded with city/county. How can we go about getting these details? They had asked for Parcel Map, Parcel characteristics, Building details layout information and landscape details including trees/structures/topographical map. Can you advise? Veronica Serafio 8927 CHURCH ST GILROY, CA 95020 Thank you- Veronica Serafio Cell# 1-408-202-7293 Community Development - Building: Building Permits Community Development - Building Internal Portal Completed 12 PRA-2023-00238 7/20/2023 would like a link to the building plans or a site plan for the UNFI building, at 6351 Cameron Blvd, Gilroy, CA 95020.Other Community Development - Building External Portal Completed 12 PRA-2023-00239 7/20/2023 Vehicle accident on 6/28/2023 Leavesley Rd Fire: Incident Reports (Other) Fire External Portal Completed 7 PRA-2023-00240 7/20/2023 Fire Fire: Incident Reports (Fire)Fire Internal Portal Completed 0 PRA-2023-00241 7/24/2023 We would like all the details of the two "builders remedy" pre-applications that were submitted to the City of Gilroy. Including the descriptions of the project, how many affordable units are proposed, how many total units, and the location. Thank you. Community Development - Planning: Planned Projects Community Development - Planning External Portal Completed 1 Request ID#Request Date Description Category Department Source Status Resolution Days Notes PRA-2023-00242 7/24/2023 Sorry, I forgot to include the address. I'd like structural plans/blueprints for: 7241 Eagle Ridge Drive, Gilroy, CA 95020 Thanks! Khem CAUTION: This email originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or responding to this email. Hi, How can I request structural plans (blueprints) for my house in Gilroy? Thanks, Khem Other Community Development - Building Internal Portal Completed 11 PRA-2023-00243 7/25/2023 We are interested in a full report (Or list), containing the information of all the Building Permits issued in Gilroy, CA. All permits, both residential and commercial. Specifically, the following information (or as much of it that can be provided): Date, Number, Permit Type, Description, Project Cost, Address, Contractor’s information. For the months of January through June 2023, in electronic format. Community Development - Building: Building Permits Community Development - Building External Portal Completed 7 PRA-2023-00244 7/25/2023 Structure Fire Fire: Incident Reports (Fire)Fire Internal Portal Completed 0 PRA-2023-00245 7/26/2023 We would like a copy of any pre-application for residential and mixed-use development that was submitted to the City of Gilroy from May 1, 2023-July 26, 2023. Including the description of each project, how many affordable units are proposed, how many total units in the project, and the address of the project or assessor's parcel number. Thank you. Community Development - Planning: Planned Projects Community Development - Planning External Portal Completed 1 PRA-2023-00246 7/27/2023 Hello, I am writing to request copies of the City of Gilroy's uncashed or outstanding funds listing. Please email the listing of these outstanding amounts detailing the following information (where available). • Payee Name • Check or Warrant # • Check Date • Outstanding Amount • Payee Address • Any Agency Codes or Names I request that the records responsive to my request be copied and sent to me at the following email addresses: David.Dagley@crowe.com and UPData@Crowe.com Thank you. Finance: Expense Reports Finance Internal Portal Completed 18 PRA-2023-00247 7/31/2023 Hello Sir or Madam, I am looking to purchase a home in Gilroy and would like to check if there are any code violations or open or expired permits for any work being done on a home. Could you please help me ASAP as we have just made an offer. The property address is 1501 Welburn Ave, Gilroy CA 95020. I briefly spoke with Scott Barron on your team and he directed me to your department email. I must say Scott's customer service experience is outstanding ! He was most pleasant and courteous. I look forward to hopefully moving to Gilroy to raise our family. Thank you. Kamaljit Sihota (Kam) Email: kamsihota2003@yahoo.com M: 925-315-2567 Community Development - Code Enforcement: Code Enforcement Violations Community Development - Code Enforcement External Portal Completed 1 PRA-2023-00248 7/31/2023 Hello, I would like a copy of the Glen Loma Ranch Specific Plan Traffic Impact Report, Final Report. A pdf file would be fine. Thanks, Tim Gavin Other Public Works External Portal Completed 1 PRA-2023-00249 7/31/2023 I am looking for the permit history of 7235 Yorktown Drive as a potential buyer of that property. I’m aware of two roofing permits, one in 2020 and one in 2016, but I am specifically interested to find out if there are any permits associated with a detached workshop and/or a sunroom, both completed prior to 2018. Thank you! Community Development - Building: Building Permits Community Development - Building External Portal Completed 1 Request ID#Request Date Description Category Department Source Status Resolution Days Notes PRA-2023-00250 8/1/2023 Hi, We are conducting research on solar activity in the U.S. and would like access to the following data: • Note that we do not need the original records nor need scanned copies – just the data that can be produced in excel or CSV format by the software used by your department to track permits and an email receipt is preferred. • Issued Residential and Commercial solar (photovoltaic - PV) permits from 6/1/2023 to 7/31/2023. If a separate Solar Permit category is not used in the permitting system, please provide data on all Building and Electrical Permits within the time frame specified. • Issued Residential and Commercial Energy Storage Systems permits from 6/1/2023 to 7/31/2023. If a separate Energy Storage category is not used in the permitting system, please provide data on all Building and Electrical Permits within the time frame specified. • The following data points: permit number, permit status, permit address, contractor, issue date, permit type, sub-type, valuation (if available), work description and if possible, please include Storage/Battery Manufacturer Name. • If possible, please provide the reports in CSV or excel format. • If available, we need Application date and final / completion date for the solar permits. It's okay if there is a delay in this request, given the current situation with COVID-19. Regards, and stay safe, Chris Community Development - Building: Building Permits Community Development - Building External Portal Completed 0 PRA-2023-00251 8/1/2023 Owner/Agent requesting incident report for an insurance claim Fire: Incident Reports (Other) Fire External Portal Completed 3 PRA-2023-00252 8/2/2023 Hello, This is Michael A. Ayele sending this message though I now go by W. You may call me W. I am writing this letter for the purpose of filing a request for records with your office.i The bases for this records request are [1] the May 18th 2023 decision of the University of California to hire “students who lack legal status and work permits;”ii [2] the May 16th 2023 statements made by Jessica Alba on the subject of systemic racism and sexism.iii I)Records Requested What I am requesting for prompt disclosure are records in your possession detailing your discussions about [1] the formal/informal ties that exist between your office, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the University of California; [2] the University of California (UC) as a post-secondary academic institution, which has (i) on September 07th 2022 published through its Los Angeles (UCLA) campus a proposal in favor of hiring “undocumented students for positions within UC even if they lack employment authorization under federal immigration law;” (ii) provided persuasive arguments that they should not be bound by the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), in particular 8 U.S.C Section 1324a because they are not specifically mentioned;iv (iii) on May 18th 2023 agreed to find a pathway to hire students who lack legal status and work permits; [3] the decision of Congress not to explicitly mention your local/state government at the time they enacted the 1986 IRCA with the blessing and approval of the Ronald Reagan / George Bush White House Administration; [4] the applications of employment submitted (to your local/state government) by qualified American immigrants who were never issued a Department of State (DOS) visa and/or a DHS Employment Authorization Document (EAD) after your Human Resources (HR) department announced the opening of a vacant job position; [5] Jessica Alba as a woman, who (i) was born April 28th 1981 in Pomona, California;v (ii) believes that she has had a tough childhood in part because of the systemic racism that her ancestors of Mexican national origin have gone through; (iii) believes that there’s systemic sexism embedded throughout U.S society; (iv) says that she’s previously been called “delusional;” (v) believes that the U.S government has not provided “enough oversight to make sure that people has a robust safety standard, which didn’t poison them;” [6] Michael Ayele (a.k.a) W as a Black man, who (i) came to the U.S.A on an F-1 visa in December 2009 for the purpose of obtaining a Bachelor of Arts (B.A) Degree from Westminster College (Fulton, Missouri); (ii) was previously issued by the DHS an EAD; (iii) has in Calendar Year 2014 initiated contact with the DHS on the subject of his employment history with the Missouri Department of Mental Health (MODMH) Fulton State Hospital (FSH) after they had issued him an EAD; (iv) has in good-faith informed the DHS in July 2016 that he would be leaving the territory of the U.S.A; (v) has in good-faith informed the DHS in Calendar Year 2017 that he had MICHAEL A. AYELE (A.K.A) W - ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF CIVIL LIBERTIES (AACL) obtained a B.A Degree from Westminster College; (vi) has in the past had his FOIA request with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Other Human Resources Internal Portal Completed 0 PRA-2023-00253 8/2/2023 Hello, I represent Blue Streak Consulting. We are contracted by Tractor Supply located at 6881 Cameron Blvd and we are inquiring if you have a copy the original structural drawings of the building for potential renovations. If you do, we are requesting a copy be forwarded to us. Other Community Development - Building External Portal Returned for More Information N/A PRA-2023-00254 8/2/2023 Chain leak fence alley way behind house was burned. Would like report for insurance. Fire: Incident Reports (Fire)Fire External Portal Completed 13 PRA-2023-00255 8/3/2023 2280 Hecker Pass Road, Gilroy, CA 95020 Please provide notification of any open or outstanding fire code violations and copy of latest fire inspections report. Community Development - Fire: Fire Inspection Community Development - Fire External Portal Completed 1 PRA-2023-00256 8/3/2023 2280 Hecker Pass Road, Gilroy, CA 95020 Please provide notification of any open or outstanding fire code violations and copy of latest fire inspections report.Fire: Incident Reports (Fire)Fire External Portal Completed 1 PRA-2023-00257 8/7/2023 Parked vehicle caught fire behind our parked vehicle. Fire dispersed onto the rear end of our vehicle, totaling it. Fire: Incident Reports (Fire)Fire External Portal Completed 8 PRA-2023-00258 8/7/2023 BMW caught on Fire Fire: Incident Reports (Fire)Fire Internal Portal Completed 10 PRA-2023-00259 8/8/2023 Service call check for 1612 Valley Oaks Dr from 2013 until 2017 Other Fire External Portal Completed 16 Request ID#Request Date Description Category Department Source Status Resolution Days Notes PRA-2023-00260 8/8/2023 Hello, I would like to submit a request for any publicly available information regarding a property located in Gilroy, CA. Specifically, I would like information regarding any environmental issues, environmental health concerns, code violations, land use restrictions, material storage, underground and above-ground storage tanks, fire information, historic wells or planning and zoning documents identified for the Property. The Property is located northwest of Las Animas Ave and Murray Ave at 315 Las Animas Ave, Gilroy CA 95020. The Property is represented by APN 835-05-006. Community Development - Code Enforcement: Code Enforcement Violations Community Development - Code Enforcement External Portal Canceled N/A Duplicate PRA of PRA- 2023- 00262 PRA-2023-00261 8/8/2023 Hello, I would like to submit a request for any publicly available information regarding a property located in Gilroy, CA. Specifically, I would like information regarding any environmental issues, environmental health concerns, code violations, land use restrictions, material storage, underground and above-ground storage tanks, fire information, historic wells or planning and zoning documents identified for the Property. The Property is located northwest of Las Animas Ave and Murray Ave at 315 Las Animas Ave, Gilroy CA 95020. The Property is represented by APN 835-05-006. Community Development - Fire: Abated Properties Community Development - Fire External Portal Canceled N/A Duplicate PRA of PRA- 2023- 00262 PRA-2023-00262 8/8/2023 Hello, I would like to submit a request for any publicly available information regarding a property located in Gilroy, CA. Specifically, I would like information regarding any environmental issues, environmental health concerns, code violations, land use restrictions, material storage, underground and above-ground storage tanks, fire information, historic wells or planning and zoning documents identified for the Property. The Property is located northwest of Las Animas Ave and Murray Ave at 315 Las Animas Ave, Gilroy CA 95020. The Property is represented by APN 835-05-006. Community Development - Fire: Above Ground Storage (AST) Community Development - Fire External Portal Completed 8 PRA-2023-00263 8/8/2023 Hello, I would like to submit a request for any publicly available information regarding a property located in Gilroy, CA. Specifically, I would like information regarding any environmental issues, environmental health concerns, code violations, land use restrictions, material storage, underground and above-ground storage tanks, fire information, historic wells or planning and zoning documents identified for the Property. The Property is located northwest of Las Animas Ave and Murray Ave at 315 Las Animas Ave, Gilroy CA 95020. The Property is represented by APN 835-05-006. Community Development - Fire: CERS Records Community Development - Fire External Portal Canceled N/A Duplicate PRA of PRA- 2023- 00262 PRA-2023-00264 8/8/2023 Hello, I would like to submit a request for any publicly available information regarding a property located in Gilroy, CA. Specifically, I would like information regarding any environmental issues, environmental health concerns, code violations, land use restrictions, material storage, underground and above-ground storage tanks, fire information, historic wells or planning and zoning documents identified for the Property. The Property is located northwest of Las Animas Ave and Murray Ave at 315 Las Animas Ave, Gilroy CA 95020. The Property is represented by APN 835-05-006. Community Development - Fire: CUPA Records Community Development - Fire External Portal Canceled N/A Duplicate PRA of PRA- 2023- 00262 PRA-2023-00265 8/8/2023 Hello, I would like to submit a request for any publicly available information regarding a property located in Gilroy, CA. Specifically, I would like information regarding any environmental issues, environmental health concerns, code violations, land use restrictions, material storage, underground and above-ground storage tanks, fire information, historic wells or planning and zoning documents identified for the Property. The Property is located northwest of Las Animas Ave and Murray Ave at 315 Las Animas Ave, Gilroy CA 95020. The Property is represented by APN 835-05-006. Community Development - Fire: Files Regarding Environmenta l Conditions of a Property Community Development - Fire External Portal Canceled N/A Duplicate PRA of PRA- 2023- 00262 PRA-2023-00266 8/8/2023 Hello, I would like to submit a request for any publicly available information regarding a property located in Gilroy, CA. Specifically, I would like information regarding any environmental issues, environmental health concerns, code violations, land use restrictions, material storage, underground and above-ground storage tanks, fire information, historic wells or planning and zoning documents identified for the Property. The Property is located northwest of Las Animas Ave and Murray Ave at 315 Las Animas Ave, Gilroy CA 95020. The Property is represented by APN 835-05-006. Community Development - Fire: Hazardous Material Community Development - Fire External Portal Canceled N/A Duplicate PRA of PRA- 2023- 00262 PRA-2023-00267 8/8/2023 Hello, I would like to submit a request for any publicly available information regarding a property located in Gilroy, CA. Specifically, I would like information regarding any environmental issues, environmental health concerns, code violations, land use restrictions, material storage, underground and above-ground storage tanks, fire information, historic wells or planning and zoning documents identified for the Property. The Property is located northwest of Las Animas Ave and Murray Ave at 315 Las Animas Ave, Gilroy CA 95020. The Property is represented by APN 835-05-006. Community Development - Fire: Underground Storage Tank (UST) Community Development - Fire External Portal Canceled N/A Duplicate PRA of PRA- 2023- 00262 PRA-2023-00268 8/8/2023 Hello, I would like to submit a request for any publicly available information regarding a property located in Gilroy, CA. Specifically, I would like information regarding any environmental issues, environmental health concerns, code violations, land use restrictions, material storage, underground and above-ground storage tanks, fire information, historic wells or planning and zoning documents identified for the Property. The Property is located northwest of Las Animas Ave and Murray Ave at 315 Las Animas Ave, Gilroy CA 95020. The Property is represented by APN 835-05-006. Community Development - Fire: Underground Storage Tank (UST) Community Development - Fire External Portal Canceled N/A Duplicate PRA of PRA- 2023- 00262 PRA-2023-00269 8/8/2023 Hello, I would like to submit a request for any publicly available information regarding a property located in Gilroy, CA. Specifically, I would like information regarding any environmental issues, environmental health concerns, code violations, land use restrictions, material storage, underground and above-ground storage tanks, fire information, historic wells or planning and zoning documents identified for the Property. The Property is located northwest of Las Animas Ave and Murray Ave at 315 Las Animas Ave, Gilroy CA 95020. The Property is represented by APN 835-05-006. Fire: List of Addresses of properties damaged by fire Fire External Portal Canceled N/A Duplicate PRA of PRA- 2023- 00262 PRA-2023-00270 8/10/2023 Residential home endured a fire back in 2017. If possible, please expedite this request as it is urgent. Thank you! Fire: Incident Reports (Fire)Fire External Portal Completed 5 Request ID#Request Date Description Category Department Source Status Resolution Days Notes PRA-2023-00271 8/10/2023 Would need a report asap for upcoming civil court purposes.Fire: Incident Reports (Fire)Fire External Portal Completed 5 PRA-2023-00272 8/15/2023 Current Annual Salary for each Department Head and member of the City's Executive Team. Current Car Allowance for each Department Head and member of the City's Executive Team. This request covers each department head and member of the executive team listed on the organizational chart and any member of the City Manager's Office holding the title of Assistant/Deputy City Manager and/or Chief of Staff. Please note, I am requesting each position's annual pay and annual car allowance, not the salary schedule for each position. Human Resources: Latest Compensatio n List Human Resources External Portal Completed 14 PRA-2023-00273 8/15/2023 Good morning, I’m conducting a Phase I ESA for a property located at 6455 Automall Parkway/6455 Chestnut Street in Gilroy. I would like to obtain any available current and historical building permits and code violations issued for these addresses. Thank you. Community Development - Building: Building Permits Community Development - Building External Portal Completed 0 PRA-2023-00274 8/15/2023 Good morning, I’m conducting a Phase I ESA for a property located at 6455 Automall Parkway/6455 Chestnut Street in Gilroy, Santa Clara County, CA. I would like to check if the agency has any environmentally significant records of historical or current underground storage tanks, investigations, of hazardous materials for these addresses. Thank you. Community Development - Fire: CUPA Records Community Development - Fire External Portal Completed 0 PRA-2023-00275 8/15/2023 LEGAL PURPOSE: Shea & Shea represents Steve Salazar for injuries sustained from medical malpractice on 5/3/2019. Steve was taken to Saint Louise Regional Hospital ER on 5/3/2019 and 5/4/2019 by EMS. Please provide us the EMS reports for these incidents. We do not know where Steve was picked up, but he was taken to Saint Louise Regional Hospital, 9400 No Name Uno, Gilroy, CA 95020 on May 03, 2019 at/around 01:08 and May 04, 2019 at/around 10:32. Steve's home address is provided as the "Incident Location/Address." **Please note, the Saint Louise Hospital medical records list our client's name as Steven Salazar, with an "n." DOB 12/27/1968** Please feel free to contact me at our office number (408-292-2434) if you have any questions or need additional information on this matter. Thank you, Claire Volkmann Administrative Assistant cvolkmann@shea-shea.com Fire: Incident Reports (Medical) Fire External Portal Completed 10 PRA-2023-00276 8/15/2023 August 14, 2023 Public Records Representative Gilroy Police Department 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 To whom it may concern, Under the Brown Act: Gov’t Code §54950-54960.5 and as a member of the Media acting in the best interest of the general public, please provide all records which discuss or describe: NAME: Santino William Legan (19) CRIME: Murders of Stephen Romero (6), Keyla Salazar (13), and Trevor Deon Irby (25); attempted murder of at least 17 others DATE: July 28, 2019 LOCATION: Gilroy, California REQUESTING AND/OR: Interrogation footage of Santino William Legan in video format, confession footage of Santino William Legan in video format, crime scene photos, crime scene videos, evidence photos, evidence videos, all 911 calls recorded in relation to the case in audio format, all body cam recorded in relation to the case in video format, body cam footage of the arrest of Santino William Legan in video format, police reports, dash cam footage filmed in relation to the case in video format, CCTV/surveillance footage related to the case in video format. Sincerely, Hailey Armstrong FOIA Assistant EWU Media LLC Other Police Internal Portal Completed 2 PRA-2023-00277 8/17/2023 My name is Olivia Esquivel, Property Manager at Glen Loma Ranch Apartments. I am reaching out to see if we are able to obtain all the records of when the Fire Dept have been out to our property located at 1319 W. Luchessa Ave. We have a resident in unit #135 who has constantly called Fire Dept and we need the reports to resolve the issue. Fire: Incident Reports (Other) Fire External Portal Completed 4 PRA-2023-00278 8/21/2023 I am requesting record access from the previous solicitation/bid opportunity labeled: ON-CALL TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DATA COLLECTION SERVICES No. 18-RFP-PW-412 Open date: Apr. 6, 2018 The information that we are requesting includes: A copy of all submitted proposals, a copy of all submitted price sheets, the name of the firm that won the bid, the finalized pricing from the firm that won the bid. Finance: Request for Proposal (RFP) Information Finance External Portal Completed 7 Request ID#Request Date Description Category Department Source Status Resolution Days Notes PRA-2023-00279 8/21/2023 I would like to obtain electronic copies of all records on file with the Fire Department pertaining to CUPA, ASTs/USTs, hazmat/hazwaste, release case/site remediation, and fire incidents for 7240 Holsclaw Road in Gilroy Community Development - Fire: Hazardous Material Community Development - Fire External Portal Completed 0 PRA-2023-00280 8/21/2023 I would like to obtain electronic copies of all historical (microfiche) and current building permits on file for 7240 Holsclaw Road in Gilroy Community Development - Building: Building Permits Community Development - Building External Portal Completed 7 PRA-2023-00281 8/21/2023 We would like to review all records (current and historical) containing building permits, mechanical permits, and certificates of occupancy associated with the following address, if available: 7155-7175 Chestnut Street and 371-381 East 9th Street in Gilroy, Santa Clara County, California Assessor Parcel Number (APN) 841-12-049 Community Development - Building: Building Permits Community Development - Building External Portal Completed 8 PRA-2023-00283 8/21/2023 Good morning, We would like to review all records (current and historical) relating to hazardous materials, underground storage tanks (USTs), violations, and soil/groundwater investigation reports associated with the following address, if available: 7155-7175 Chestnut Street and 371-381 East 9th Street in Gilroy, Santa Clara County, California Assessor Parcel Number (APN) 841-12-049 In addition, please review the PRR as soon as possible, it would be greatly appreciated. Community Development - Fire: Underground Storage Tank (UST) Community Development - Fire External Portal Completed 7 PRA-2023-00284 8/21/2023 I’m searching for any preliminary or formal housing/mixed-use development applications submitted to the city in 2023 that reference the “builder’s remedy” from state law. Thank you. Community Development - Planning: Planned Projects Community Development - Planning External Portal Completed 3 PRA-2023-00285 8/22/2023 We would like a copy of any pre-application for residential and mixed-use development that was submitted to the City of Gilroy from July 26, 2023-August 22, 2023. Including the description of each project, how many affordable units are proposed, how many total units in the project, and the address of the project or assessor's parcel number. Thank you. Community Development - Planning: Planned Projects Community Development - Planning External Portal Completed 1 PRA-2023-00286 8/23/2023 Pursuant to my rights under the California Public Records Act (Government Code 6250 et seq.), I ask for a copy of (belief resides with Gilroy Fire Department): Utstein cardiac arrest outcome data for years 2021 and 2022 If I can provide any clarification that will help expedite your attention to my request, please contact me. Thank you in advance. Other Fire External Portal Completed 14 PRA-2023-00287 8/24/2023 Good morning, My name is Olivia Esquivel, Community Manager at Glen Loma Ranch located at 1335 W. Luchessa Ave. One of our residents, Delois Turner, has called Gilroy PD, Fire Dept., Code Enforcement, and the Admin Dept for the city almost on a daily basis. I am wondering if Admin Dept. have any reports regarding Mrs. Turners phone calls? If so, how can I obtain them? I was provided a link by the Assistant to the City Administrator for any report request but error message keeps appearing. Please feel free to contact me at 408-770-5245 or via email if you have any questions. Thank you in advance, Other Administration Internal Portal Completed 13 PRA-2023-00288 8/24/2023 Resolutions from 8/21/2023 City Council Regular Meeting (Testing the System).City Clerk: Resolutions City Clerk External Portal Completed 0 Request ID#Request Date Description Category Department Source Status Resolution Days Notes PRA-2023-00289 8/28/2023 Dear Mr. Pham: Pursuant to the California Public Records Act, I am writing to request a copy of records pertaining to the property located at 200 East 10th Street, Gilroy, CA 95020. Please provide copies of the following records: 1.All documents related to code enforcement complaints, inspections, warnings, citations, or violations issued against the property. 2.All documents related to red tagging the property. 3.All documents related to unsafe living conditions at the property. 4.All documents related to violations of building regulations at the property, including but not limited to violations involving structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and health and safety deficiencies. The Public Records Act allows the public to request records by describing their content rather than asking for specific documents by name. An agency receiving such a request must “search for records based on criteria set forth in the search request.” Cal. First Amendment Coalition v. Superior Court (1998) 67 Cal.App.4th 159, 165-66. This request applies to all records in your agency’s possession, including documents created by a member of another government agency or member of the public. See California State University, Fresno Assn., Inc. v. Superior Court (2001) 90 Cal.App.4th 810, 824-25. If specific portions of any documents are exempt from disclosure, please provide the nonexempt portions. Gov. Code, § 6253, subd. (a). Please provide entire documents, even if only parts of them are responsive to this request. If you maintain records or data in electronic format, please provide them in that same format to avoid copying costs. Gov. Code, § 6253.9. Locked versions are acceptable. If you are unable to reproduce electronic records in electronic form, please provide a reason. I request you waive copying fees because we are a nonprofit organization, the information requested will be used in the public interest to provide legal representation to low-income tenants living in Gilroy, CA, and none of the information will be sold nor distributed for profit. If you are unable to waive the copying fees and you anticipate that these costs will exceed $25 or that the time needed to copy the records will delay their release, please contact me so I can arrange to inspect the documents or decide which documents I need to have copied. Otherwise, please copy and send all requested documents as soon as possible. Please respond to this request within 10 days as required by law (Gov. Code, § 6253, subd. (c)), either by providing all the requested documents and stating when the documents will be made available or by providing a written response setting forth the legal authority for withholding or redacting any information. Gov. Code, §§ 6253, subd. (c), 6255. If you require any clarification in identifying the responsive documents or focusing this request (Gov. Code, § 6253.1), please contact me at margarita.maiz@lawfoundation.org or (408) 350-7226. Please send electronic documents to margarita.maiz@lawfoundation.org and Community Development - Code Enforcement: Code Enforcement Violations Community Development - Code Enforcement External Portal Completed 11 PRA-2023-00290 8/28/2023 Good afternoon, I wanted to inquire if there were any available site diagrams/maps for underground storage tanks (USTs) for the following addresses: 351 East 9th Street and 7170 Forest Street in Gilroy, California Your timely response would be most appreciated for this request, thank you. Community Development - Fire: Underground Storage Tank (UST) Community Development - Fire External Portal Completed 9 PRA-2023-00291 8/29/2023 I am requesting copies of building permits for 575 1st Street in Gilroy Community Development - Building: Building Permits Community Development - Building External Portal Completed 15 PRA-2023-00292 8/29/2023 I am requesting CUPA, CERS, hazardous material and underground storage tank records for 575 1st Street in Gilroy Community Development - Fire: Files Regarding Environmenta l Conditions of a Property Community Development - Fire External Portal Completed 1 PRA-2023-00293 8/29/2023 Hello, We would like to request a list of properties that were issued a code enforcement violation if not a complaint from APRIL 2023 up to present. Specifically we are looking for open & closed nuisance & property maintenance violations such as blight, trash, fire damage, debris, overgrown grass / weeds, trees,, abandoned property or houses, junk cars, rats, etc, Vacant and substandard building / neglected / unsecured properties, however we will take any code violations if it is easier. We need the property address, and if possible, the violation date, reason for violation / complaint. We would also like to request a list of properties that CURRENTLY have no water usage / zero water consumption. We need the property address. If this is not possible then we would like to request a list of properties that currently have the water shut off. Please email lists to: pbatol.equityconsultantpros@gmail.com Community Development - Code Enforcement: Code Enforcement Violations Community Development - Code Enforcement External Portal Completed 13 PRA-2023-00294 8/29/2023 I am requesting any records/information pertaining to the City of Gilroy's decision to close the Las Animas Park Wayland parking lot. This includes, but is not limited to, calls for police response to disturbances, suspected criminal activity, or other calls for service in and around the parking lot. Also requested is any correspondence, notes, emails, reports, studies, petitions or other records and documents kept or prepared by staff or submitted to the city by residents regarding the parking lot, and any analysis or studies by the city on the effects of the closure and any alternatives that were considered. Other Administration External Portal Completed 22 Request ID#Request Date Description Category Department Source Status Resolution Days Notes PRA-2023-00295 8/29/2023 Hello, our office represents former tenants, Jose Espinoza and Katrina Alexis Vallejo Espinoza, at the apartment building located at 7225 East Street, #1, Gilroy, CA 95020. Please note that this building consists of several units, and we are also requesting records for 7225 East Street, Gilroy, CA 95020. Pursuant to the California Public Records Act, we are requesting the following documents from the City of Gilroy’s Fire Chief and Code Enforcement Department: The City of Gilroy’s Fire Chief Department and Code Enforcement Department’s complete file for 7225 East Street, #1, Gilroy, CA 95020, including but not limited to code enforcement violations; inspection reports/notes; any and all tenant complaints; all communications regarding permits for 7225 East Street, #1, Gilroy, CA 95020; all communications between the City of Gilroy’s Fire Chief Department and/or Code Enforcement Department and the property owners, property managers or agents; all photos taken 7225 East Street, #1, Gilroy, CA 95020 by any employee of the City of Gilroy’s Fire Chief Department and/or Code Enforcement Department; and any and all communications with the City of Gilroy’s Fire Chief Department and/or Code Enforcement Department regarding 7225 East Street, #1, Gilroy, CA 95020. The City of Gilroy’s Fire Chief Department and Code Enforcement Department’s complete file for 7225 East Street, Gilroy, CA 95020, including but not limited to code enforcement violations; inspection reports/notes; all tenant complaints; all communications regarding permits for 7225 East Street, Gilroy, CA 95020; all communications between the City of Gilroy’s Fire Chief Department and/or Code Enforcement Department and the property owners, property managers or agents; all photos taken 7225 East Street, Gilroy, CA 95020 by any employee of the City of Gilroy’s Fire Chief Department and/or Code Enforcement Department; and any and all communications with the City of Gilroy’s Fire Chief Department and/or Code Enforcement Department regarding 7225 East Street, Gilroy, CA 95020. Thank you and please do not hesitate to reach out to us should you have any questions or concerns. Fire: Incident Reports (Fire)Fire External Portal Completed 48 PRA-2023-00296 8/31/2023 SmartProcure is submitting a public records request to the City of Gilroy for any and all purchasing records from 6/14/2023 to current. The request is limited to readily available records without physically copying, scanning, or printing paper documents. Any editable electronic document is acceptable. The specific information requested from your record-keeping system is: 1. Purchase order number. If purchase orders are not used a comparable substitute is acceptable, i.e., invoice, encumbrance, or check number 2. Purchase date 3. Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase) 4. Line item quantity 5. Line item price 6. Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address If you would like to let me know what type of financial software you use, I may have report samples that help to determine how, or if, you are able to respond. As an added security and privacy measure, there will be a unique upload link for any new requests moving forward, including this one. We appreciate your assistance towards this request. You may also attach the information to this email. https://upload.smartprocure.com/?id=c2RqPWEyYjZRMDAwMDA0TWQ5cVFBQyZzdD1DQSZvcmc9Q2l0eU9mR2lscm95 Other Finance External Portal Completed 12 PRA-2023-00297 8/31/2023 Building Fire Fire: Incident Reports (Fire)Fire Internal Portal Completed 0 PRA-2023-00298 8/31/2023 Good Afternoon, We are reaching out to you to see if you can guide us in the right direction. We are looking to obtain a list of all of the properties residentials only in Gilroy that have received code violations in the past 3 months, from May 1st to the current date. Do you know how we go about this? Thank you! Respectfully, Anna Marie Alvarenga General Assistant. Best Home Solutions The Best Way to Sell Your House! 661-459-4797 | www.bhshomeoffers.com Community Development - Code Enforcement: Boarded up, vacant or inhabitable properties with code enforcement violations Community Development - Code Enforcement External Portal Completed 8 PRA-2023-00299 9/5/2023 Hi, We are conducting research on solar activity in the U.S. and would like access to the following data: • Note that we do not need the original records nor need scanned copies – just the data that can be produced in excel or CSV format by the software used by your department to track permits and an email receipt is preferred. • Issued Residential and Commercial solar (photovoltaic - PV) permits from 8/1/2023 to 8/31/2023. If a separate Solar Permit category is not used in the permitting system, please provide data on all Building and Electrical Permits within the time frame specified. • Issued Residential and Commercial Energy Storage Systems permits from 8/1/2023 to 8/31/2023. If a separate Energy Storage category is not used in the permitting system, please provide data on all Building and Electrical Permits within the time frame specified. • The following data points: permit number, permit status, permit address, contractor, issue date, permit type, sub-type, valuation (if available), work description and if possible, please include Storage/Battery Manufacturer Name. • If possible, please provide the reports in CSV or excel format. • If available, we need Application date and final / completion date for the solar permits. It's okay if there is a delay in this request, given the current situation with COVID-19. Regards, and stay safe, Chris Community Development - Building: Building Permits Community Development - Building External Portal Completed 9 Request ID#Request Date Description Category Department Source Status Resolution Days Notes PRA-2023-00300 9/5/2023 Request a copy of your building permit records since July 20, 2023, to present. Please include any fields that your permitting system tracks. This includes but is not limited to: -Permit Number -Applied/Issued Dates -Work Address -Permit Type -Permit Status -Description of the work being done -Contractor and Architect Details -Job Valuations The preferred file format is a searchable PDF. Community Development - Building: Building Permits Community Development - Building External Portal Completed 10 PRA-2023-00301 9/5/2023 J5 Infrastructure Partners is requesting substructure research on behalf of AT&T. AT&T currently has a pending construction project located in the City of Gilroy on Santa Teresa Blvd., 3rd St., & Rosette Way1520 at Hecker Pass Hwy. To create our permit drawings, we require the following records: 1. As-builts 2. Street improvement plans 3. Substructure records showing all existing utilities (sewer, storm drain, water, gas, electric, CATV, etc.) Any information you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if you need anything else to process this request. Thank you. Other Public Works External Portal Completed 10 PRA-2023-00302 9/5/2023 Re: Building at 6808 Church St., Gilroy CA 95020 APN #799-33-041 In need of any Building plans, permits etc. for this property. Any information on this property will be very much appreciated. Thank you, Maria Community Development - Building: Building Permits Community Development - Building External Portal Completed 10 PRA-2023-00303 9/5/2023 I would like to obtain detailed plans for my house 752 Vinca Ct. Gilroy. I am planning to build and ADU and my architect want to see my existing house plans. Community Development - Building: Building Permits Community Development - Building External Portal Completed 10 PRA-2023-00304 9/5/2023 Any plans for 920 Casciano Circle, Gilroy Community Development - Building: Building Permits Community Development - Building External Portal Completed 10 PRA-2023-00305 9/5/2023 I wanted to request records regarding any (current and historical) permits relating to wastewater, sewers, clarifiers, and grease waste/trap for the following address below, 7155-7175 Chestnut Street and 371-381 East 9th Street in Gilroy, Santa Clara County, California Assessor Parcel Number (APN) 841-12-049 If possible, a response today would be most appreciated. Thank you. Other Public Works External Portal Completed 10 PRA-2023-00306 9/6/2023 Hello, my name is Collin and I work with Accutrend Data and I would like to request a listing of new businesses that filed in your city/county/town/village, for the time period of 06/01/2023 – 08/31/2023. The Information should include: BUSINESS NAME, BUSINESS ADDRESS, CONTACT NAME, BUSINESS PHONE NUMBER, AND DATE THAT THE BUSINESS WAS FILED, however, if you can not provide all, BUSINESS NAME, BUSINESS ADDRESS AND THE START DATE TOO. If you can NOT provide ALL of the requested information, PLEASE do not send a file. Please just send an email stating that 0 new records for said month. Are you able to provide that information? If so, is there a cost? I appreciate your help and hope you have a nice day. Finance: Business Licenses Finance External Portal Completed 7 PRA-2023-00307 9/11/2023 Structure Fire Fire: Incident Reports (Fire)Fire Internal Portal Completed 0 PRA-2023-00308 9/11/2023 To whom it may concern, We are requesting the plans of the property 411 Lewis St. Gilroy, CA 95020. We Just purchased the home and we would like to have a copy of the plans of the home. Also we would like a history of the permits that the city has approved or denied based on the history of the home, fi posible. I would appreciate if I get a call back in regarding this matters. Thank you. Community Development - Building: Building Permits Community Development - Building External Portal Completed 4 Request ID#Request Date Description Category Department Source Status Resolution Days Notes PRA-2023-00309 9/11/2023 September 11, 2022 VIA MAIL AND ELECTRONIC MAIL City of Gilroy – City Clerk Attn: Thai Pham, City Clerk 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 E-mail: cityclerk@cityofgilroy.org Re:California Public Records Request Dear Sir: This office herewith makes the following request for public records pursuant to the California Public Records Act (Gov. Code, § 7920.530, et seq.), article 1, section 3(b) of the California Constitution, the presumptive common law right of access, and any other applicable Open Government law. This request seeks responsive public records held by the City of Gilroy and Gilroy Fire Department as well as their agents, employees, and other representatives. DEFINITIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS 1.GILROY FIRE DEPARTMENT: The term “GILROY FIRE DEPARTMENT” shall mean the Fire Department of the City of Gilroy. 2.WRITING and WRITINGS: The term “WRITING” and “WRITINGS” shall have the meaning set forth in California Government Code section 7920.545. These terms shall also mean and include “Writing” as defined in California Evidence Code section 250. A request for a “WRITING” or “WRITINGS” shall mean and include all responsive WRITINGS, however created, stored, or transmitted, and specifically shall mean and include WRITINGS created, stored, or transmitted using personal equipment such as personal email accounts or personal electronic devices, regardless of whether or not a copy of the WRITING exists on City servers or property. (See City of San Jose v. Superior Court (Smith) (2017) 2 Cal.5th 608, 614.) 3.COMMUNICATION and COMMUNICATIONS: The terms “COMMUNICATION” and “COMMUNICATIONS” shall mean every manner or method of disclosure or Fire: Incident Reports (Fire)Fire External Portal Completed 10 PRA-2023-00310 9/11/2023 All fire sprinkler plans for 7241 Eagle Ridge Dr Other Community Development - Fire External Portal Completed 2 PRA-2023-00311 9/11/2023 All fire sprinkler plans for 7261 Eagle Ridge Dr Other Community Development - Fire External Portal Completed 2 PRA-2023-00312 9/12/2023 I'm looking for the original blue prints of my property located at 5430 Nicole Way Gilroy, CA 95020 and any other drawings submitter this that may pertain to remodels that may have been done. Other Community Development - Building External Portal Submitted Waiting response from Requestor PRA-2023-00313 9/12/2023 Dear California Public Employee, Under the California Public Records Act (Government Code Section 6250 et seq.), the Labor Market Information Division of the Employment Development Department is requesting a copy of public records that include job titles and wages (hourly or annual) for employees of City of Gilroy listed on the Quarterly Contribution report for the payroll that included May 12, 2023. We are collecting data for All City Staff, to allow completion of the Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics (OEWS) report, which has been sent during several mailings since May 2023. Based on the Quarterly Contribution report, this list should have approximately 282 employees. We are not requesting names, Social Security numbers, or any other personal information. The data collected for the OEWS report is published on our website at the Metropolitan Statistical Area level; therefore, your specific information remains completely confidential. We have attached a link to the Bureau of Labor Statistics' website which provides further information about the report, www.bls.gov/respondents/oes/. We request that electronic records be emailed in Microsoft Excel format (see reverse for example) to the OEWS Program of California at TomStassi@states.bIs.gov. An acknowledgment of the requested data is needed within ten working days, as required by the California Public Records Act (Government Code Section 6250 et seq.). Please feel free to contact the lead analyst below should you have any questions or need assistance. Tom Stassi (916) 651-5680 TomStassi@states.bls.gov Thank you for responding to this request. Sincerely, Trisha Wong Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics Manager Finance: Expense Reports Finance Internal Portal Completed 13 PRA-2023-00314 9/13/2023 Request for fire report Party involve Laura gray Insured Twin Palms Church LP Fire: Incident Reports (Fire)Fire External Portal Completed 0 PRA-2023-00315 9/13/2023 All fire sprinkler plans for 7211 Eagle Ridge Dr Other Community Development - Fire External Portal Completed 0 Request ID#Request Date Description Category Department Source Status Resolution Days Notes PRA-2023-00316 9/13/2023 All fire sprinkler plans for 6981 Eagle Ridge Dr Other Community Development - Fire External Portal Completed 41 No response from Requestor PRA-2023-00317 9/18/2023 We would like to review all records (current and historical) containing building permits, mechanical permits, and certificates of occupancy associated with the following parcel, if available: APN 84170014 in Gilroy, Santa Clara County, California Community Development - Building: Building Permits Community Development - Building External Portal Completed 0 PRA-2023-00318 9/18/2023 We would like to review all records (current and historical) relating to hazardous materials, underground storage tanks (USTs), violations, and soil/groundwater investigation reports associated with the following parcel, if available: Southeast Corner of Pacheco Pass Highway and Camino Arroyo APN 84170014 in Gilroy, Santa Clara County, California Community Development - Fire: Underground Storage Tank (UST) Community Development - Fire External Portal Completed 9 PRA-2023-00320 9/19/2023 Hello, I would like to request environmental records for the properties at APNs 799-44-093, 799-44-094, 799-44-095, 799-44-096, 799-44-097, 799-44-098, 799-44-109, 799-44- 110, and 799-44-101 on Royal Way in Gilroy. These are things like underground storage tanks, leaks and spills, hazardous materials, etc. Please forward this to other divisions if possible and relevant. Thank you! Community Development - Fire: Files Regarding Environmenta l Conditions of a Property Community Development - Fire External Portal Completed 8 PRA-2023-00321 9/19/2023 Hello, I am requesting environmental and code violation records for the properties at APNs 799-44-093, 799-44-094, 799-44-095, 799-44-096, 799-44-097, 799-44-098, 799- 44-109, 799-44-110, and 799-44-101 on Royal Way in Gilroy. Thank you! Community Development - Code Enforcement: Code Enforcement Violations Community Development - Code Enforcement External Portal Completed 7 PRA-2023-00322 9/19/2023 Hello, I would like to request building and permit records for the properties at APNs 799-44-093, 799-44-094, 799-44-095, 799-44-096, 799-44-097, 799-44-098, 799-44-109, 799-44-110, and 799-44-101 on Royal Way, Gilroy. I am also looking for any environmental records. Thanks! Community Development - Building: Building Permits Community Development - Building External Portal Completed 2 PRA-2023-00323 9/19/2023 7423 Monterey St., Gilroy, CA I am looking for the Structural as builts for the building or any structural drawings. Community Development - Building: Building Permits Community Development - Building External Portal Completed 2 PRA-2023-00324 9/19/2023 I am conducting a Phase I ESA on the following properties. I need any information you have on file regarding the age of the buildings, UST permits, well permits, etc. The address is: Hoey Property, 2480 and 2740 Hecker Pass Road, Gilroy, California 95020 with Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APNs) 810-20-033, 810-20-036, and 810-20-037. Thank you! Rob Community Development - Building: Building Permits Community Development - Building External Portal Submitted Waiting for Fire Prevention PRA-2023-00325 9/20/2023 My car was vandalized and set on fire on September 18, 2023, around 6:00 pm on the 200 block of Alexander in Gilroy, could I please get the report on this incident. My car is a green Pontiac Sunfire. Thank you, Annette Rafferty Community Development - Fire: Abated Properties Community Development - Fire External Portal Completed 6 PRA-2023-00326 9/20/2023 Our Insurance is asking for the Fire Department Report to see what happened when they came in and removed the sauna wood from the building. Can you please send the report of their findings that early morning on 5/31/2023 for Valley Fitness? Thanks, Lea Leonardo (209) 321-5081 Fire: Incident Reports (Fire)Fire External Portal Completed 1 PRA-2023-00327 9/21/2023 Hello, I am requesting any information/documentation with the Fire Department regarding the property located at 8565 Murray Avenue, Gilroy. Of particular interest are the following items: •Records of fire inspections at the subject property; •Records regarding petroleum product and/or hazardous substance usage/storage at the subject property (i.e., permits, inspections, hazardous materials business plans, SPCC plans, maps, site plans, chemical inventories); •Records regarding aboveground storage tank (AST) and/or underground storage tank (UST) systems at the subject property; •Records of hazardous substance and/or petroleum product releases, contamination or other known environmental concerns which may have affected the subject property; and/or •Records of significant fires that may have used AFFF/Class B firefighting foams at the subject property. The time frame for this request is 1940-2023. Community Development - Fire: Hazardous Material Community Development - Fire External Portal Submitted Waiting for Fire Prevention Request ID#Request Date Description Category Department Source Status Resolution Days Notes PRA-2023-00328 9/21/2023 Hello, I am requesting any information/documentation with the Building and Planning Departments regarding the property located at 8565 Murray Avenue, Gilroy. Of particular interest are the following items: •Available permits, licenses, and certificates of occupancy (including oldest historical records) OR permit summary (date, type of permit, applicant/tenant) •Construction date(s) [current building(s), and previous building(s) if applicable] •Permits of environmental concern (e.g., petroleum storage tanks, septic systems, oil/water separators) •Oldest and most recent maps and site layout plan of the subject property (if available) •Records of any major environmental violations or significant complaints registered against the subject property The time frame for this request is 1940-2023. Thank you. Community Development - Building: Building Permits Community Development - Building External Portal Submitted Waiting for Fire Prevention PRA-2023-00329 9/21/2023 Hello, I am requesting any information/documentation with the Fire Department (CUPA Records) for the properties located at 201, 221, and 241 Yamane Drive, Gilroy. Of particular interest are the following items: •Records of fire inspections at the subject property; •Records regarding petroleum product and/or hazardous substance usage/storage at the subject property (i.e., permits, inspections, hazardous materials business plans, SPCC plans, maps, site plans, chemical inventories); •Records regarding aboveground storage tank (AST) and/or underground storage tank (UST) systems at the subject property; •Records of hazardous substance and/or petroleum product releases, contamination or other known environmental concerns which may have affected the subject property; and/or •Records of significant fires that may have used AFFF/Class B firefighting foams at the subject property. The time frame for this request is 1940-2023. Thank you. Community Development - Fire: CUPA Records Community Development - Fire External Portal Submitted Waiting for Fire Prevention PRA-2023-00330 9/21/2023 Hello, I am requesting any information/documentation with the Building and Planning Departments for the properties located at 201, 221, and 241 Yamane Drive, Gilroy. Of particular interest are the following items: •Available permits, licenses, and certificates of occupancy (including oldest historical records) OR permit summary (date, type of permit, applicant/tenant) •Construction date(s) [current building(s), and previous building(s) if applicable] •Permits of environmental concern (e.g., petroleum storage tanks, septic systems, oil/water separators) •Oldest and most recent maps and site layout plan of the subject property (if available) •Records of any major environmental violations or significant complaints registered against the subject property The time frame for this request is 1940-2023. Thank you. Community Development - Building: Building Permits Community Development - Building External Portal Submitted Waiting for Fire Prevention PRA-2023-00331 9/25/2023 September 22nd, 2023 We are requesting a copy of Gilroy's Employee Compensation Report for the 2022 calendar year under the provisions of California Gov. Code § 7920, the California Public Records Act. The purpose of this request is to obtain records which provide a complete and comprehensive account of Gilroy's total costs associated with employee full names and compensation. Specifically, this request seeks an accounting, by full name and job title, of total gross wages paid to each employee and the total cost incurred separately by the employer for providing retirement and health benefits. Note that the State Controller’s “Government Compensation in California” report does not contain the names of employees and therefore does not satisfy this request. If your response is to send us a copy of that report, that will simply delay the process and take more of your time as we will reject it as insufficient to satisfy this request in full. As a reminder, per Gov. Code § 7922.585(a) “Nothing Human Resources: Latest Compensatio n List Human Resources Internal Portal Completed 4 Request ID#Request Date Description Category Department Source Status Resolution Days Notes PRA-2023-00332 9/26/2023 September 20, 2023 VIA FACSIMILE AND ELECTRONIC MAIL Fax:408-852-2651, cityclerk@cityofgilroy.org, vien.myles@cityofgilroy.org Attn: Custodian of Records Police Department Animal Control 7301 Hanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 Attn: City Clerk City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 Re:Maria Kinyon - 1208 Viognier Way, Gilroy Ca California Public Records Act Request - Dear Custodian of Records and City Clerk: I am requesting access to records in possession or control of the Police Department Animal Control for the purposes of inspection and copying pursuant to the California Public Records Act, California Government Code § 6250 et seq. (“CPRA”), and Article I, § 3(b) of the California Constitution. The specific records I seek to inspect and copy are listed below. As used herein, “Record” includes “Public Records” and “Writings” as those terms are defined at Government Code § 6252(e) & (g). I request access to inspect/copies of documents for the animal involved in Warning of Violation Code GMC 4.23.16 at the above referenced property, including, but not limited to the following: 1)Copies of all email and written communications regarding the above animal, particularly those made between Police Department Animal Control and the complainants and not subject to attorney-client privileged communication. 2)Copies of all complaints/reports made to Police Department Animal Control by any parties or members of the public prior to [08/18/2023], including but not limited to telephone logs, electronic communications and written communications. If you contend that any portion of the records requested is exempt from disclosure by express provisions of law, Government Code § 6253(a) requires Other Police Internal Portal Completed 5 PRA-2023-00333 9/26/2023 Our office represents Christine Schurman who was a pedestrian hit by a car on Welburn Ave. in Gilroy. We would appreciate obtaining the Fire Department Incident/Patient Care Report. Fire: Incident Reports (Medical) Fire External Portal Submitted 7 PRA-2023-00334 9/27/2023 Respectfully request copies of all building permits filed between 1990 and 2023 by the contractor listed below, and those permits which may have been filed by someone other than the contractor listed below, but contain name, or business name, or state contractor’s license number. If available, the following is also being requested: --The address where the work was performed --Any information indicating what type of work was being performed --What materials may have been used on the job site --The names and contact details of the general contractor in charge of the project or building owner Contractor Information Joe Eduardo Silva Central Bay Construction State License Number 678521 Other Community Development - Building External Portal Completed 8 PRA-2023-00335 9/27/2023 Hello, We are requesting a Fire Incident Report @ location 550A Broadway, (rear building) Gilroy, CA 95020 on August 31, 2023 Please reach out with any questions or concerns. Thank you, serina 23-333773 Fire: Incident Reports (Fire)Fire External Portal Completed 8 PRA-2023-00336 9/28/2023 I am requesting all record drawings including the house and swimming pool for my house at 2270 Stonecress Street, Gilroy CA 95020. Community Development - Building: Building Permits Community Development - Building External Portal Completed 7 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00217 Date Received:7/3/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:2 Department:Community Development - Building Request: Hi, We are conducting research on solar activity in the U.S. and would like access to the following data: • Note that we do not need the original records nor need scanned copies – just the data that can be produced in excel or CSV format by the software used by your department to track permits and an email receipt is preferred. • Issued Residential and Commercial solar (photovoltaic - PV) permits from 6/1/2023 to 6/30/2023. If a separate Solar Permit category is not used in the permitting system, please provide data on all Building and Electrical Permits within the time frame specified. • Issued Residential and Commercial Energy Storage Systems permits from 6/1/2023 to 6/30/2023. If a separate Energy Storage category is not used in the permitting system, please provide data on all Building and Electrical Permits within the time frame specified. • The following data points: permit number, permit status, permit address, contractor, issue date, permit type, sub-type, valuation (if available), work description and if possible, please include Storage/Battery Manufacturer Name. • If possible, please provide the reports in CSV or excel format. • If available, we need Application date and final / completion date for the solar permits. It's okay if there is a delay in this request, given the current situation with COVID-19. Regards, and stay safe, Chris Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00218 Date Received:7/5/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:5 Department:Fire Request: Hello I would like to request a copy of the fire incident report. Thank you Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00219 Date Received:7/5/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Community Development - Code Enforcement Request: To the Office of the City Clerk/ the person who handles the public records, City of Gilroy. Hi Thai, I would like to do a Public Records Request for the following files or lists: 1. Code Enforcement: a. I am looking for property owners that have been cited for violations relating to their Owner Occupied or Non-Owner Occupied properties. b. Any vacant or boarded-up properties. c. Any substandard or hazardous properties that have health or safety issues. d. Also looking for properties that have had a lien or assessment placed upon them by the city/county. e. Time frame would be January 2023 – present. f. Please signify which are Open and Closed cases if possible. 2. Utility shut off: a. I am looking for property owners or tenants that have had their utilities shut off for non-payment or stealing water on Owner Occupied or Non-Owner Occupied properties. b. Also looking for properties that have had a lien or assessment placed upon them by the city/county. c. Time frame would be January 2023 – present. d. Please indicate which are Open and Closed cases if possible. 3. Fire Damaged Properties: a. I am looking for property owners that have had structure fires to Owner Occupied or Non-Owner Occupied properties. b. Time frame would be January 2023 – present. c. Please signify which are Open and Closed cases if possible. I appreciate your help. Please contact me if you have any questions. Regards, Pauline Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00220 Date Received:7/6/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:5 Department:Community Development - Building Request: Hi, I am writing to request any and all info and documents relating to any applications to the Town of Gilroy relating to the property at 575 1st St, in Gilroy, CA. I am interested in any and all pending applications, as well as any applications filed, withdrawn or disposed of in the last two years (July 6, 2021 to present). I would like to receive any info and docs electronically via email. Thank you, Mark Millen Los Gatos, CA (408) 399-9707 Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00221 Date Received:7/10/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Fire Request: Fire between two residential homes Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00222 Date Received:7/10/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:7 Department:Community Development - Building Request: I would like to request the floor plans for my residence. My residence address is 2360 Country Dr, Gilroy CA 95020 Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00223 Date Received:7/11/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Fire Request: Insured Camille McCormack Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00224 Date Received:7/11/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Fire Request: Teen raped and kidnapped Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00225 Date Received:7/13/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:4 Department:Community Development - Building Request: Hello I need a copy of the floor plan or blue print of my house or tell me how I can get that my address is 7310 Hagen Court Gilroy 95020 THANK YOU. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00226 Date Received:7/13/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:8 Department:Community Development - Building Request: Hello, I am looking to obtain electronic copies of all building permits (current and historical) on file for the property located at: 7869, 7881, 7891 Eigleberry Street Gilroy, CA 95020 APN: 799-01-027 Thank you. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00227 Date Received:7/13/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:12 Department:Community Development - Fire Request: Hello, I am looking to obtain electronic copies of any/all records regarding fire inspections, hazardous materials, aboveground storage tanks, underground storage tanks, and spills on file for the property located at: 7869, 7881, 7891 Eigleberry Street Gilroy, CA 95020 APN: 799-01-027 Thank you. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00228 Date Received:7/17/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:1 Department:Community Development - Fire Request: Hello, I'm looking to obtain a list of CUPA facilities with location information as tracked by your CUPA agency as far back as possible. Thank you! Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00229 Date Received:7/17/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:3 Department:Fire Request: Request for fire incident report fire damage to solely owned fence Insured Lionel G Howe Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00230 Date Received:7/17/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:7 Department:Community Development - Building Request: Request a copy of your building permit records since June 09, 2023, to present. Please include any fields that your permitting system tracks. This includes but is not limited to: -Permit Number -Applied/Issued Dates -Work Address -Permit Type -Permit Status -Description of the work being done -Contractor and Architect Details -Job Valuations The preferred file format is a searchable PDF. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00231 Date Received:7/18/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:14 Department:Community Development Request: Multiple Departments - Zoning Due Diligence Research 2280 Hecker Pass Road, Gilroy, CA 95020 Please accept the following public records request. Please notify me in advance if fees will exceed $50.00. Property – 2280 Hecker Pass Road, Gilroy, CA 95020 •Planning/Zoning/ Development: copies of any approved site plans, variances, special/ conditional use permits, planned developments, or zoning relief granted to the property, and notification of any outstanding zoning code violations •Building/ Construction: copies of the existing Certificates of Occupancy, and notification of any outstanding building code violations •Fire: notification of any outstanding fire code violations Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00232 Date Received:7/19/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:1 Department:Fire Request: House fire that extended into second home. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00233 Date Received:7/19/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:1 Department:Finance Request: Good Afternoon, I would like to request a copy of the City's list of Outstanding checks that are over 90 days old and greater than $500. Thanks, and I appreciate your help with this. Best Regards, Amy Spangler Unclaimed Property Analyst 1501 Highwoods Blvd, Ste 200 Greensboro, NC 27410-2047 O: +1-336-355-6645 www.apexanalytix.com Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00234 Date Received:7/19/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:13 Department:Community Development - Building Request: I would like to obtain electronic copies of all historical and current building permits on file for the following addresses: 469 to 483 (odd #s only) Eigleberry Street 7875-7891 Eigleberry Street Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00235 Date Received:7/19/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:16 Department:Community Development - Fire Request: I would like to obtain electronic copies of all historical and current Fire records (CUPA, AST/UST, CERS, hazmat, fire incidents etc) on file for: 469 to 483 (odd #s only) Eigleberry Street 7875-7897 (odd #s only) Eigleberry Street Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00236 Date Received:7/20/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:12 Department:Community Development - Building Request: Hi, I am owner/resident at 8852 Daffodil Place. A sprinkler pipe was broken by tree roots and it leaks now making the sprinklers ineffective. I am trying to fix this. It would be a lot easier if a map/blueprint of the sprinkler piping system in the front lawn is available. I am assuming that since the landscaping was done by the builder, a plan may have been submitted to the city. If you have any record, I would like to access it. Please advise. Thanks, Om Chand Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00237 Date Received:7/20/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:12 Department:Community Development - Building Request: Hello, We would like to get full details of our property that is recorded with city. We might like to build an ADU but architect would need as much information that are recorded with city/county. How can we go about getting these details? They had asked for Parcel Map, Parcel characteristics, Building details layout information and landscape details including trees/structures/topographical map. Can you advise? Veronica Serafio 8927 CHURCH ST GILROY, CA 95020 Thank you- Veronica Serafio Cell# 1-408-202-7293 Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00238 Date Received:7/20/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:12 Department:Community Development - Building Request: would like a link to the building plans or a site plan for the UNFI building, at 6351 Cameron Blvd, Gilroy, CA 95020. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00239 Date Received:7/20/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:7 Department:Fire Request: Vehicle accident on 6/28/2023 Leavesley Rd Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00240 Date Received:7/20/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Fire Request: Fire Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00241 Date Received:7/24/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:1 Department:Community Development - Planning Request: We would like all the details of the two "builders remedy" pre-applications that were submitted to the City of Gilroy. Including the descriptions of the project, how many affordable units are proposed, how many total units, and the location. Thank you. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00242 Date Received:7/24/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:11 Department:Community Development - Building Request: Sorry, I forgot to include the address. I'd like structural plans/blueprints for: 7241 Eagle Ridge Drive, Gilroy, CA 95020 Thanks! Khem CAUTION: This email originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or responding to this email. Hi, How can I request structural plans (blueprints) for my house in Gilroy? Thanks, Khem Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00243 Date Received:7/25/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:7 Department:Community Development - Building Request: We are interested in a full report (Or list), containing the information of all the Building Permits issued in Gilroy, CA. All permits, both residential and commercial. Specifically, the following information (or as much of it that can be provided): Date, Number, Permit Type, Description, Project Cost, Address, Contractor’s information. For the months of January through June 2023, in electronic format. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00244 Date Received:7/25/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Fire Request: Structure Fire Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00245 Date Received:7/26/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:1 Department:Community Development - Planning Request: We would like a copy of any pre-application for residential and mixed-use development that was submitted to the City of Gilroy from May 1, 2023-July 26, 2023. Including the description of each project, how many affordable units are proposed, how many total units in the project, and the address of the project or assessor's parcel number. Thank you. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00246 Date Received:7/27/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:18 Department:Finance Request: Hello, I am writing to request copies of the City of Gilroy's uncashed or outstanding funds listing. Please email the listing of these outstanding amounts detailing the following information (where available). • Payee Name • Check or Warrant # • Check Date • Outstanding Amount • Payee Address • Any Agency Codes or Names I request that the records responsive to my request be copied and sent to me at the following email addresses: David.Dagley@crowe.com and UPData@Crowe.com Thank you. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00247 Date Received:7/31/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:1 Department:Community Development - Code Enforcement Request: Hello Sir or Madam, I am looking to purchase a home in Gilroy and would like to check if there are any code violations or open or expired permits for any work being done on a home. Could you please help me ASAP as we have just made an offer. The property address is 1501 Welburn Ave, Gilroy CA 95020. I briefly spoke with Scott Barron on your team and he directed me to your department email. I must say Scott's customer service experience is outstanding ! He was most pleasant and courteous. I look forward to hopefully moving to Gilroy to raise our family. Thank you. Kamaljit Sihota (Kam) Email: kamsihota2003@yahoo.com M: 925-315-2567 Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00248 Date Received:7/31/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:1 Department:Public Works Request: Hello, I would like a copy of the Glen Loma Ranch Specific Plan Traffic Impact Report, Final Report. A pdf file would be fine. Thanks, Tim Gavin Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00249 Date Received:7/31/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:1 Department:Community Development - Building Request: I am looking for the permit history of 7235 Yorktown Drive as a potential buyer of that property. I’m aware of two roofing permits, one in 2020 and one in 2016, but I am specifically interested to find out if there are any permits associated with a detached workshop and/or a sunroom, both completed prior to 2018. Thank you! Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00250 Date Received:8/1/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Community Development - Building Request: Hi, We are conducting research on solar activity in the U.S. and would like access to the following data: • Note that we do not need the original records nor need scanned copies – just the data that can be produced in excel or CSV format by the software used by your department to track permits and an email receipt is preferred. • Issued Residential and Commercial solar (photovoltaic - PV) permits from 6/1/2023 to 7/31/2023. If a separate Solar Permit category is not used in the permitting system, please provide data on all Building and Electrical Permits within the time frame specified. • Issued Residential and Commercial Energy Storage Systems permits from 6/1/2023 to 7/31/2023. If a separate Energy Storage category is not used in the permitting system, please provide data on all Building and Electrical Permits within the time frame specified. • The following data points: permit number, permit status, permit address, contractor, issue date, permit type, sub-type, valuation (if available), work description and if possible, please include Storage/Battery Manufacturer Name. • If possible, please provide the reports in CSV or excel format. • If available, we need Application date and final / completion date for the solar permits. It's okay if there is a delay in this request, given the current situation with COVID-19. Regards, and stay safe, Chris Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00251 Date Received:8/1/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:3 Department:Fire Request: Owner/Agent requesting incident report for an insurance claim Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00252 Date Received:8/2/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Human Resources Request: Hello, This is Michael A. Ayele sending this message though I now go by W. You may call me W. I am writing this letter for the purpose of filing a request for records with your office.i The bases for this records request are [1] the May 18th 2023 decision of the University of California to hire “students who lack legal status and work permits;”ii [2] the May 16th 2023 statements made by Jessica Alba on the subject of systemic racism and sexism.iii I)Records Requested What I am requesting for prompt disclosure are records in your possession detailing your discussions about [1] the formal/informal ties that exist between your office, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the University of California; [2] the University of California (UC) as a post-secondary academic institution, which has (i) on September 07th 2022 published through its Los Angeles (UCLA) campus a proposal in favor of hiring “undocumented students for positions within UC even if they lack employment authorization under federal immigration law;” (ii) provided persuasive arguments that they should not be bound by the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), in particular 8 U.S.C Section 1324a because they are not specifically mentioned;iv (iii) on May 18th 2023 agreed to find a pathway to hire students who lack legal status and work permits; [3] the decision of Congress not to explicitly mention your local/state government at the time they enacted the 1986 IRCA with the blessing and approval of the Ronald Reagan / George Bush White House Administration; [4] the applications of employment submitted (to your local/state government) by qualified American immigrants who were never issued a Department of State (DOS) visa and/or a DHS Employment Authorization Document (EAD) after your Human Resources (HR) department announced the opening of a vacant job position; [5] Jessica Alba as a woman, who (i) was born April 28th 1981 in Pomona, California;v (ii) believes that she has had a tough childhood in part because of the systemic racism that her ancestors of Mexican national origin have gone through; (iii) believes that there’s systemic sexism embedded throughout U.S society; (iv) says that she’s previously been called “delusional;” (v) believes that the U.S government has not provided “enough oversight to make sure that people has a robust safety standard, which didn’t poison them;” [6] Michael Ayele (a.k.a) W as a Black man, who (i) came to the U.S.A on an F-1 visa in December 2009 for the purpose of obtaining a Bachelor of Arts (B.A) Degree from Westminster College (Fulton, Missouri); (ii) was previously issued by the DHS an EAD; (iii) has in Calendar Year 2014 initiated contact with the DHS on the subject of his employment history with the Missouri Department of Mental Health (MODMH) Fulton State Hospital (FSH) after they had issued him an EAD; (iv) has in good-faith informed the DHS in July 2016 that he would be leaving the territory of the U.S.A; (v) has in good- faith informed the DHS in Calendar Year 2017 that he had MICHAEL A. AYELE (A.K.A) W - ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF CIVIL LIBERTIES (AACL) obtained a B.A Degree from Westminster College; (vi) has in the past had his FOIA request with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) processed in the “simple” track when it pertained to DHS matters; (vii) expects the EEOC to break the precedent they have set for themselves (in FOIA Request Case No.: 280 – 2020 – 000469) by assigning his future FOIA requests on DHS related matters to the “complex” track and afterwards labelling them “unreasonable;” (viii) has previously visited the National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI); [7] the NMAI as a diverse and multifaceted cultural and educational enterprise, which (i) defines the term “treaty” as a “solemn agreement between sovereign nations;” (ii) has on its website and their museums displayed the treaties that the U.S government signed with the Indian Nations only to afterwards break them; (iii) has on its website and their museums displayed the treaties the Indian Nations were coerced to sign with the U.S government.vi II)Request for a Fee Waiver and Expedited Processing The requested records do/will demonstrate that [1] Jessica Alba is a woman, who (i) was born April 28th 1981 in Pomona, California;vii (ii) believes that she has had a tough childhood (in part) because of the systemic racism that her ancestors of Mexican national origin have gone through; (iii) believes that there’s systemic sexism embedded throughout U.S society; (iv) says that she’s previously been called “delusional;” (v) believes that the U.S government has not provided “enough oversight to make sure that people had a robust safety standard, which didn’t poison them;” [2] Michael Ayele (a.k.a) W is a Black man, who (i) came to the U.S.A on an F-1 visa in December 2009 for the purpose of obtaining a Bachelor of Arts (B.A) Degree from Westminster College (Fulton, Missouri); (ii) was previously issued by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) an Employment Authorization Document (EAD); (iii) has in Calendar Year 2014 initiated contact with the DHS on the subject of his employment history with the Missouri Department of Mental Health (MODMH) Fulton State Hospital (FSH) after they had issued him an EAD; (iv) has in good-faith informed the DHS in July 2016 that he would be leaving the territory of the U.S.A; (v) has in good-faith informed the DHS in Calendar Year 2017 that he had obtained a B.A Degree from Westminster College; (vi) has in the past had his FOIA request with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) processed in the “simple” track when it pertained to DHS matters; (vii) expects the EEOC to break the precedent they have set for themselves (in FOIA Request Case No.: 280 – 2020 – 000469) by assigning his future FOIA requests on DHS related matters to the “complex” track and afterwards labelling them “unreasonable;” (viii) has decided not to engage with the EEOC if they ever in the future process FOIA requests related to DHS matters in the “complex track;” (ix) was persuaded by the arguments made by the University of California (UC) on September 07th 2022 in part because of statements made by U.S Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett in the month of June 2023; [3] U.S Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett is a Caucasian woman, who was recently subject of extensive media coverage (in part) for saying that: “Substantive canons are rules of construction that advance values external to a statute. (…) Some substantive canons, like the rule of lenity, play the modest role of breaking a tie between equally plausible interpretations of a statute. (…) Others are more aggressive – think of them as strong form of substantive canons. Unlike a tie breaking rule, a strong form canon counsels a court to strain statutory text to MICHAEL A. AYELE (A.K.A) W - ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF CIVIL LIBERTIES (AACL) advance a particular value. (…) There are many such canons on the books, including constitutional avoidance, the clear-statements federalism rules, and the presumption against retroactivity. Such rules effectively impose a ‘clarity tax’ on Congress by demanding that it speak unequivocally if it wants to accomplish certain ends;” viii [4] Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W is a Black man, who (i) agreed with the legal arguments made by the UC on September 07th 2022 because Congress has not spoken clearly when enacting the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), in particular 8 U.S.C Section 1324a; (ii) believes that the UC should not be bound by the IRCA, in particular 8 U.S.C Section 1324a because they are not specifically mentioned; (iii) would strongly advise members of Congress not to enact in the future a retroactive law that specifically mentions the UC and/or other colleges/universities and/or other local/state governments in the U.S.A for the purpose of prohibiting undocumented students employment on campus and/or elsewhere in local/state government. In my judgment the facts presented in my request for a fee waiver and expedited processing are not the sort to bolster public confidence in the activities/the engagements/the priorities of the U.S government overall, but more particularly in those of the EEOC, a federal agency of the U.S government that has recently grown very fond with processing Michael Ayele (a.k.a) W FOIA requests in the “complex” track and afterwards labelling them as “unreasonable” even though it didn’t do so before. Indeed, I regret to inform you that the EEOC have in the last couple of years expressed a strong desire to engage with Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W in telephonic/email conversations on various issues, where they have had their mind made up before inviting him to engage with them. For obvious reasons, Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W has declined to engage the EEOC in conversations, where they have had their minds made up (in part) because he has seen this behavior pattern and this attitude of theirs during the processing of the Charge of Employment Discrimination that had been assigned Case No.: 28E – 2014 – 00485C (and he had made the mistake of actually engaging with them in good-faith). The Association for the Advancement of Civil Liberties (AACL) does find it to be extremely odd that the EEOC have still not addressed in writing the reasons for their decision to issue a press release, which specifically (and by the looks of it, intentionally) omitted the United States Women National Soccer Team (USWNT) involvement in the establishment of the White House Gender Policy Council. It is the judgment of the AACL that the EEOC have on countless past occasions displayed recklessly irresponsible decision-making abilities when processing charges of discriminations as well as FOIA requests. The AACL is very much vexed by the persistent efforts of the EEOC to waste Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W time on lost causes (particularly after their processing of the Charge of Employment Discrimination that had been assigned Case No.: 28E – 2014 – 00485C). As a Black man with a U.S college degree, who has previously filed a charge of discrimination pursuant to the provisions of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, I would like to take this opportunity to [1] condemn discrimination on the bases of gender, racial background, sexual orientation, national origin, religious affiliation and disability status; [2] condemn the racism and sexism Jessica Alba has had to bear witness to and/or experience in person; [3] condemn the MICHAEL A. AYELE (A.K.A) W - ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF CIVIL LIBERTIES (AACL) EEOC processing of the charge of discrimination they had previously assigned Case No.: 28E – 2014 – 00485C; [4] condemn the EEOC coordinated efforts to avoid accountability by shifting responsibility and blame onto Michael Ayele (a.k.a) W. The core issues presented in this records request are as follows. 1) Have you had conversations about the UC interpretation of the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA)? If yes, will you promptly disclose those records? 2) Has your local/state/federal government ever held discussions on the subject of the 1986 IRCA without making explicit mention of the September 07th 2022 report published by the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)? If yes, will you promptly disclose those records? 3) Has your local/state government ever had conversations about the UC as an integral part of California’s state government? If yes, will you promptly disclose those records? 4) Were applications of employment ever submitted to your local/state government by qualified immigrants who were never issued a DOS visa and/or a DHS Employment Authorization Document (EAD) after your Human Resource (H.R) Department announced the opening of a vacant job position? If yes, will you promptly disclose those records? 5) Have you had conversations about the racism and sexism Jessica Alba has had to bear witness to and/or experience in person? If yes, will you disclose those records? 6) Have you had conversations about the decision of Jessica Alba to criticize the U.S government for failing to provide responsible oversight for the purpose of protecting human health? If yes, will you disclose those records? 7) Does your local/state/federal government have a definition in use for what constitutes a “precedent?” If yes, will you promptly disclose those records? 8) Have you ever had conversations about any of the many hundreds of treaties concluded between the Indian Nations and the U.S government? If yes, will you disclose those records? 9) Has your local/state/federal government ever made a public commitment not to be in breach of a binding written contractual agreement? If yes, will you promptly disclose those records? This records request should be expedited because it puts into question the government’s integrity about the way that people are treated in the U.S.A on account of their gender, their racial backgrounds, their national origins and their disability status. My request for a fee waiver should be granted because [1] I have identified operations and activities of the federal government in concert with U.S local/state government; [2] the issues presented are meaningfully informative about government operations or activities in order to be ‘likely to contribute’ to and increase public understanding of those operations or activities; [3] this records request is being filed for non- commercial purposes and any records you disclose to me could be made available to the general public at no financial expense to them. Under penalty of perjury, I hereby declare all the statements I have made to be true and accurate. Be well. Take care. Keep yourselves at arms distance. W (AACL) Michael A. Ayele Anti-Racist Human Rights Activist Audio-Visual Media Analyst MICHAEL A. AYELE (A.K.A) W - ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF CIVIL LIBERTIES (AACL) Anti-Propaganda Journalist Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00253 Date Received:8/2/2023 Status:Returned for More Information Resolution Days:0 Department:Community Development - Building Request: Hello, I represent Blue Streak Consulting. We are contracted by Tractor Supply located at 6881 Cameron Blvd and we are inquiring if you have a copy the original structural drawings of the building for potential renovations. If you do, we are requesting a copy be forwarded to us. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00254 Date Received:8/2/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:13 Department:Fire Request: Chain leak fence alley way behind house was burned. Would like report for insurance. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00255 Date Received:8/3/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:1 Department:Community Development - Fire Request: 2280 Hecker Pass Road, Gilroy, CA 95020 Please provide notification of any open or outstanding fire code violations and copy of latest fire inspections report. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00256 Date Received:8/3/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:1 Department:Fire Request: 2280 Hecker Pass Road, Gilroy, CA 95020 Please provide notification of any open or outstanding fire code violations and copy of latest fire inspections report. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00257 Date Received:8/7/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:8 Department:Fire Request: Parked vehicle caught fire behind our parked vehicle. Fire dispersed onto the rear end of our vehicle, totaling it. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00258 Date Received:8/7/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:10 Department:Fire Request: BMW caught on Fire Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00259 Date Received:8/8/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:16 Department:Fire Request: Service call check for 1612 Valley Oaks Dr from 2013 until 2017 Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00260 Date Received:8/8/2023 Status:Canceled Resolution Days:0 Department:Community Development - Code Enforcement Request: Hello, I would like to submit a request for any publicly available information regarding a property located in Gilroy, CA. Specifically, I would like information regarding any environmental issues, environmental health concerns, code violations, land use restrictions, material storage, underground and above-ground storage tanks, fire information, historic wells or planning and zoning documents identified for the Property. The Property is located northwest of Las Animas Ave and Murray Ave at 315 Las Animas Ave, Gilroy CA 95020. The Property is represented by APN 835-05- 006. Notes: Duplicate PRA of PRA-2023-00262 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00261 Date Received:8/8/2023 Status:Canceled Resolution Days:0 Department:Community Development - Fire Request: Hello, I would like to submit a request for any publicly available information regarding a property located in Gilroy, CA. Specifically, I would like information regarding any environmental issues, environmental health concerns, code violations, land use restrictions, material storage, underground and above-ground storage tanks, fire information, historic wells or planning and zoning documents identified for the Property. The Property is located northwest of Las Animas Ave and Murray Ave at 315 Las Animas Ave, Gilroy CA 95020. The Property is represented by APN 835-05- 006. Notes: Duplicate PRA of PRA-2023-00262 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00262 Date Received:8/8/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:8 Department:Community Development - Fire Request: Hello, I would like to submit a request for any publicly available information regarding a property located in Gilroy, CA. Specifically, I would like information regarding any environmental issues, environmental health concerns, code violations, land use restrictions, material storage, underground and above-ground storage tanks, fire information, historic wells or planning and zoning documents identified for the Property. The Property is located northwest of Las Animas Ave and Murray Ave at 315 Las Animas Ave, Gilroy CA 95020. The Property is represented by APN 835-05- 006. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00263 Date Received:8/8/2023 Status:Canceled Resolution Days:0 Department:Community Development - Fire Request: Hello, I would like to submit a request for any publicly available information regarding a property located in Gilroy, CA. Specifically, I would like information regarding any environmental issues, environmental health concerns, code violations, land use restrictions, material storage, underground and above-ground storage tanks, fire information, historic wells or planning and zoning documents identified for the Property. The Property is located northwest of Las Animas Ave and Murray Ave at 315 Las Animas Ave, Gilroy CA 95020. The Property is represented by APN 835-05- 006. Notes: Duplicate PRA of PRA-2023-00262 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00264 Date Received:8/8/2023 Status:Canceled Resolution Days:0 Department:Community Development - Fire Request: Hello, I would like to submit a request for any publicly available information regarding a property located in Gilroy, CA. Specifically, I would like information regarding any environmental issues, environmental health concerns, code violations, land use restrictions, material storage, underground and above-ground storage tanks, fire information, historic wells or planning and zoning documents identified for the Property. The Property is located northwest of Las Animas Ave and Murray Ave at 315 Las Animas Ave, Gilroy CA 95020. The Property is represented by APN 835-05- 006. Notes: Duplicate PRA of PRA-2023-00262 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00265 Date Received:8/8/2023 Status:Canceled Resolution Days:0 Department:Community Development - Fire Request: Hello, I would like to submit a request for any publicly available information regarding a property located in Gilroy, CA. Specifically, I would like information regarding any environmental issues, environmental health concerns, code violations, land use restrictions, material storage, underground and above-ground storage tanks, fire information, historic wells or planning and zoning documents identified for the Property. The Property is located northwest of Las Animas Ave and Murray Ave at 315 Las Animas Ave, Gilroy CA 95020. The Property is represented by APN 835-05- 006. Notes: Duplicate PRA of PRA-2023-00262 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00266 Date Received:8/8/2023 Status:Canceled Resolution Days:0 Department:Community Development - Fire Request: Hello, I would like to submit a request for any publicly available information regarding a property located in Gilroy, CA. Specifically, I would like information regarding any environmental issues, environmental health concerns, code violations, land use restrictions, material storage, underground and above-ground storage tanks, fire information, historic wells or planning and zoning documents identified for the Property. The Property is located northwest of Las Animas Ave and Murray Ave at 315 Las Animas Ave, Gilroy CA 95020. The Property is represented by APN 835-05- 006. Notes: Duplicate PRA of PRA-2023-00262 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00267 Date Received:8/8/2023 Status:Canceled Resolution Days:0 Department:Community Development - Fire Request: Hello, I would like to submit a request for any publicly available information regarding a property located in Gilroy, CA. Specifically, I would like information regarding any environmental issues, environmental health concerns, code violations, land use restrictions, material storage, underground and above-ground storage tanks, fire information, historic wells or planning and zoning documents identified for the Property. The Property is located northwest of Las Animas Ave and Murray Ave at 315 Las Animas Ave, Gilroy CA 95020. The Property is represented by APN 835-05- 006. Notes: Duplicate PRA of PRA-2023-00262 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00268 Date Received:8/8/2023 Status:Canceled Resolution Days:0 Department:Community Development - Fire Request: Hello, I would like to submit a request for any publicly available information regarding a property located in Gilroy, CA. Specifically, I would like information regarding any environmental issues, environmental health concerns, code violations, land use restrictions, material storage, underground and above-ground storage tanks, fire information, historic wells or planning and zoning documents identified for the Property. The Property is located northwest of Las Animas Ave and Murray Ave at 315 Las Animas Ave, Gilroy CA 95020. The Property is represented by APN 835-05- 006. Notes: Duplicate PRA of PRA-2023-00262 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00269 Date Received:8/8/2023 Status:Canceled Resolution Days:0 Department:Fire Request: Hello, I would like to submit a request for any publicly available information regarding a property located in Gilroy, CA. Specifically, I would like information regarding any environmental issues, environmental health concerns, code violations, land use restrictions, material storage, underground and above-ground storage tanks, fire information, historic wells or planning and zoning documents identified for the Property. The Property is located northwest of Las Animas Ave and Murray Ave at 315 Las Animas Ave, Gilroy CA 95020. The Property is represented by APN 835-05- 006. Notes: Duplicate PRA of PRA-2023-00262 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00270 Date Received:8/10/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:5 Department:Fire Request: Residential home endured a fire back in 2017. If possible, please expedite this request as it is urgent. Thank you! Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00271 Date Received:8/10/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:5 Department:Fire Request: Would need a report asap for upcoming civil court purposes. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00272 Date Received:8/15/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:14 Department:Human Resources Request: Current Annual Salary for each Department Head and member of the City's Executive Team. Current Car Allowance for each Department Head and member of the City's Executive Team. This request covers each department head and member of the executive team listed on the organizational chart and any member of the City Manager's Office holding the title of Assistant/Deputy City Manager and/or Chief of Staff. Please note, I am requesting each position's annual pay and annual car allowance, not the salary schedule for each position. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00273 Date Received:8/15/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Community Development - Building Request: Good morning, I’m conducting a Phase I ESA for a property located at 6455 Automall Parkway/6455 Chestnut Street in Gilroy. I would like to obtain any available current and historical building permits and code violations issued for these addresses. Thank you. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00274 Date Received:8/15/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Community Development - Fire Request: Good morning, I’m conducting a Phase I ESA for a property located at 6455 Automall Parkway/6455 Chestnut Street in Gilroy, Santa Clara County, CA. I would like to check if the agency has any environmentally significant records of historical or current underground storage tanks, investigations, of hazardous materials for these addresses. Thank you. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00275 Date Received:8/15/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:10 Department:Fire Request: LEGAL PURPOSE: Shea & Shea represents Steve Salazar for injuries sustained from medical malpractice on 5/3/2019. Steve was taken to Saint Louise Regional Hospital ER on 5/3/2019 and 5/4/2019 by EMS. Please provide us the EMS reports for these incidents. We do not know where Steve was picked up, but he was taken to Saint Louise Regional Hospital, 9400 No Name Uno, Gilroy, CA 95020 on May 03, 2019 at/around 01:08 and May 04, 2019 at/around 10:32. Steve's home address is provided as the "Incident Location/Address." **Please note, the Saint Louise Hospital medical records list our client's name as Steven Salazar, with an "n." DOB 12/27/1968** Please feel free to contact me at our office number (408-292-2434) if you have any questions or need additional information on this matter. Thank you, Claire Volkmann Administrative Assistant cvolkmann@shea-shea.com Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00276 Date Received:8/15/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:2 Department:Police Request: August 14, 2023 Public Records Representative Gilroy Police Department 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 To whom it may concern, Under the Brown Act: Gov’t Code §54950-54960.5 and as a member of the Media acting in the best interest of the general public, please provide all records which discuss or describe: NAME: Santino William Legan (19) CRIME: Murders of Stephen Romero (6), Keyla Salazar (13), and Trevor Deon Irby (25); attempted murder of at least 17 others DATE: July 28, 2019 LOCATION: Gilroy, California REQUESTING AND/OR: Interrogation footage of Santino William Legan in video format, confession footage of Santino William Legan in video format, crime scene photos, crime scene videos, evidence photos, evidence videos, all 911 calls recorded in relation to the case in audio format, all body cam recorded in relation to the case in video format, body cam footage of the arrest of Santino William Legan in video format, police reports, dash cam footage filmed in relation to the case in video format, CCTV/surveillance footage related to the case in video format. Sincerely, Hailey Armstrong FOIA Assistant EWU Media LLC Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00277 Date Received:8/17/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:4 Department:Fire Request: My name is Olivia Esquivel, Property Manager at Glen Loma Ranch Apartments. I am reaching out to see if we are able to obtain all the records of when the Fire Dept have been out to our property located at 1319 W. Luchessa Ave. We have a resident in unit #135 who has constantly called Fire Dept and we need the reports to resolve the issue. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00278 Date Received:8/21/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:7 Department:Finance Request: I am requesting record access from the previous solicitation/bid opportunity labeled: ON-CALL TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DATA COLLECTION SERVICES No. 18-RFP- PW-412 Open date: Apr. 6, 2018 The information that we are requesting includes: A copy of all submitted proposals, a copy of all submitted price sheets, the name of the firm that won the bid, the finalized pricing from the firm that won the bid. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00279 Date Received:8/21/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Community Development - Fire Request: I would like to obtain electronic copies of all records on file with the Fire Department pertaining to CUPA, ASTs/USTs, hazmat/hazwaste, release case/site remediation, and fire incidents for 7240 Holsclaw Road in Gilroy Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00280 Date Received:8/21/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:7 Department:Community Development - Building Request: I would like to obtain electronic copies of all historical (microfiche) and current building permits on file for 7240 Holsclaw Road in Gilroy Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00281 Date Received:8/21/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:8 Department:Community Development - Building Request: We would like to review all records (current and historical) containing building permits, mechanical permits, and certificates of occupancy associated with the following address, if available: 7155-7175 Chestnut Street and 371-381 East 9th Street in Gilroy, Santa Clara County, California Assessor Parcel Number (APN) 841-12-049 Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00283 Date Received:8/21/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:7 Department:Community Development - Fire Request: Good morning, We would like to review all records (current and historical) relating to hazardous materials, underground storage tanks (USTs), violations, and soil/groundwater investigation reports associated with the following address, if available: 7155-7175 Chestnut Street and 371-381 East 9th Street in Gilroy, Santa Clara County, California Assessor Parcel Number (APN) 841-12-049 In addition, please review the PRR as soon as possible, it would be greatly appreciated. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00284 Date Received:8/21/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:3 Department:Community Development - Planning Request: I’m searching for any preliminary or formal housing/mixed-use development applications submitted to the city in 2023 that reference the “builder’s remedy” from state law. Thank you. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00285 Date Received:8/22/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:1 Department:Community Development - Planning Request: We would like a copy of any pre-application for residential and mixed-use development that was submitted to the City of Gilroy from July 26, 2023-August 22, 2023. Including the description of each project, how many affordable units are proposed, how many total units in the project, and the address of the project or assessor's parcel number. Thank you. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00286 Date Received:8/23/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:14 Department:Fire Request: Pursuant to my rights under the California Public Records Act (Government Code 6250 et seq.), I ask for a copy of (belief resides with Gilroy Fire Department): Utstein cardiac arrest outcome data for years 2021 and 2022 If I can provide any clarification that will help expedite your attention to my request, please contact me. Thank you in advance. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00287 Date Received:8/24/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:13 Department:Administration Request: Good morning, My name is Olivia Esquivel, Community Manager at Glen Loma Ranch located at 1335 W. Luchessa Ave. One of our residents, Delois Turner, has called Gilroy PD, Fire Dept., Code Enforcement, and the Admin Dept for the city almost on a daily basis. I am wondering if Admin Dept. have any reports regarding Mrs. Turners phone calls? If so, how can I obtain them? I was provided a link by the Assistant to the City Administrator for any report request but error message keeps appearing. Please feel free to contact me at 408-770-5245 or via email if you have any questions. Thank you in advance, Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00288 Date Received:8/24/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:City Clerk Request: Resolutions from 8/21/2023 City Council Regular Meeting (Testing the System). Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00289 Date Received:8/28/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:11 Department:Community Development - Code Enforcement Request: Dear Mr. Pham: Pursuant to the California Public Records Act, I am writing to request a copy of records pertaining to the property located at 200 East 10th Street, Gilroy, CA 95020. Please provide copies of the following records: 1.All documents related to code enforcement complaints, inspections, warnings, citations, or violations issued against the property. 2.All documents related to red tagging the property. 3.All documents related to unsafe living conditions at the property. 4.All documents related to violations of building regulations at the property, including but not limited to violations involving structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and health and safety deficiencies. The Public Records Act allows the public to request records by describing their content rather than asking for specific documents by name. An agency receiving such a request must “search for records based on criteria set forth in the search request.” Cal. First Amendment Coalition v. Superior Court (1998) 67 Cal.App.4th 159, 165-66. This request applies to all records in your agency’s possession, including documents created by a member of another government agency or member of the public. See California State University, Fresno Assn., Inc. v. Superior Court (2001) 90 Cal.App.4th 810, 824-25. If specific portions of any documents are exempt from disclosure, please provide the nonexempt portions. Gov. Code, § 6253, subd. (a). Please provide entire documents, even if only parts of them are responsive to this request. If you maintain records or data in electronic format, please provide them in that same format to avoid copying costs. Gov. Code, § 6253.9. Locked versions are acceptable. If you are unable to reproduce electronic records in electronic form, please provide a reason. I request you waive copying fees because we are a nonprofit organization, the information requested will be used in the public interest to provide legal representation to low-income tenants living in Gilroy, CA, and none of the information will be sold nor distributed for profit. If you are unable to waive the copying fees and you anticipate that these costs will exceed $25 or that the time needed to copy the records will delay their release, please contact me so I can arrange to inspect the documents or decide which documents I need to have copied. Otherwise, please copy and send all requested documents as soon as possible. Please respond to this request within 10 days as required by law (Gov. Code, § 6253, subd. (c)), either by providing all the requested documents and stating when the documents will be made available or by providing a written response setting forth the legal authority for withholding or redacting any information. Gov. Code, §§ 6253, subd. (c), 6255. If you require any clarification in identifying the responsive documents or focusing this request (Gov. Code, § 6253.1), please contact me at margarita.maiz@lawfoundation.org or (408) 350-7226. Please send electronic documents to margarita.maiz@lawfoundation.org and physical copies to Margarita Maiz, Law Foundation of Silicon Valley, 4 North Second Street, Suite 1300, San Jose, CA 95113. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. Sincerely, Margarita Maiz Paralegal Law Foundation of Silicon Valley Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00290 Date Received:8/28/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:9 Department:Community Development - Fire Request: Good afternoon, I wanted to inquire if there were any available site diagrams/maps for underground storage tanks (USTs) for the following addresses: 351 East 9th Street and 7170 Forest Street in Gilroy, California Your timely response would be most appreciated for this request, thank you. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00291 Date Received:8/29/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:15 Department:Community Development - Building Request: I am requesting copies of building permits for 575 1st Street in Gilroy Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00292 Date Received:8/29/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:1 Department:Community Development - Fire Request: I am requesting CUPA, CERS, hazardous material and underground storage tank records for 575 1st Street in Gilroy Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00293 Date Received:8/29/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:13 Department:Community Development - Code Enforcement Request: Hello, We would like to request a list of properties that were issued a code enforcement violation if not a complaint from APRIL 2023 up to present. Specifically we are looking for open & closed nuisance & property maintenance violations such as blight, trash, fire damage, debris, overgrown grass / weeds, trees,, abandoned property or houses, junk cars, rats, etc, Vacant and substandard building / neglected / unsecured properties, however we will take any code violations if it is easier. We need the property address, and if possible, the violation date, reason for violation / complaint. We would also like to request a list of properties that CURRENTLY have no water usage / zero water consumption. We need the property address. If this is not possible then we would like to request a list of properties that currently have the water shut off. Please email lists to: pbatol.equityconsultantpros@gmail.com Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00294 Date Received:8/29/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:22 Department:Administration Request: I am requesting any records/information pertaining to the City of Gilroy's decision to close the Las Animas Park Wayland parking lot. This includes, but is not limited to, calls for police response to disturbances, suspected criminal activity, or other calls for service in and around the parking lot. Also requested is any correspondence, notes, emails, reports, studies, petitions or other records and documents kept or prepared by staff or submitted to the city by residents regarding the parking lot, and any analysis or studies by the city on the effects of the closure and any alternatives that were considered. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00295 Date Received:8/29/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:48 Department:Fire Request: Hello, our office represents former tenants, Jose Espinoza and Katrina Alexis Vallejo Espinoza, at the apartment building located at 7225 East Street, #1, Gilroy, CA 95020. Please note that this building consists of several units, and we are also requesting records for 7225 East Street, Gilroy, CA 95020. Pursuant to the California Public Records Act, we are requesting the following documents from the City of Gilroy’s Fire Chief and Code Enforcement Department: The City of Gilroy’s Fire Chief Department and Code Enforcement Department’s complete file for 7225 East Street, #1, Gilroy, CA 95020, including but not limited to code enforcement violations; inspection reports/notes; any and all tenant complaints; all communications regarding permits for 7225 East Street, #1, Gilroy, CA 95020; all communications between the City of Gilroy’s Fire Chief Department and/or Code Enforcement Department and the property owners, property managers or agents; all photos taken 7225 East Street, #1, Gilroy, CA 95020 by any employee of the City of Gilroy’s Fire Chief Department and/or Code Enforcement Department; and any and all communications with the City of Gilroy’s Fire Chief Department and/or Code Enforcement Department regarding 7225 East Street, #1, Gilroy, CA 95020. The City of Gilroy’s Fire Chief Department and Code Enforcement Department’s complete file for 7225 East Street, Gilroy, CA 95020, including but not limited to code enforcement violations; inspection reports/notes; all tenant complaints; all communications regarding permits for 7225 East Street, Gilroy, CA 95020; all communications between the City of Gilroy’s Fire Chief Department and/or Code Enforcement Department and the property owners, property managers or agents; all photos taken 7225 East Street, Gilroy, CA 95020 by any employee of the City of Gilroy’s Fire Chief Department and/or Code Enforcement Department; and any and all communications with the City of Gilroy’s Fire Chief Department and/or Code Enforcement Department regarding 7225 East Street, Gilroy, CA 95020. Thank you and please do not hesitate to reach out to us should you have any questions or concerns. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00296 Date Received:8/31/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:12 Department:Finance Request: SmartProcure is submitting a public records request to the City of Gilroy for any and all purchasing records from 6/14/2023 to current. The request is limited to readily available records without physically copying, scanning, or printing paper documents. Any editable electronic document is acceptable. The specific information requested from your record-keeping system is: 1. Purchase order number. If purchase orders are not used a comparable substitute is acceptable, i.e., invoice, encumbrance, or check number 2. Purchase date 3. Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase) 4. Line item quantity 5. Line item price 6. Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address If you would like to let me know what type of financial software you use, I may have report samples that help to determine how, or if, you are able to respond. As an added security and privacy measure, there will be a unique upload link for any new requests moving forward, including this one. We appreciate your assistance towards this request. You may also attach the information to this email. https://upload.smartprocure.com/?id=c2RqPWEyYjZRMDAwMDA0TWQ5cVFBQ yZzdD1DQSZvcmc9Q2l0eU9mR2lscm95 Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00297 Date Received:8/31/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Fire Request: Building Fire Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00298 Date Received:8/31/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:8 Department:Community Development - Code Enforcement Request: Good Afternoon, We are reaching out to you to see if you can guide us in the right direction. We are looking to obtain a list of all of the properties residentials only in Gilroy that have received code violations in the past 3 months, from May 1st to the current date. Do you know how we go about this? Thank you! Respectfully, Anna Marie Alvarenga General Assistant. Best Home Solutions The Best Way to Sell Your House! 661-459-4797 | www.bhshomeoffers.com Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00299 Date Received:9/5/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:9 Department:Community Development - Building Request: Hi, We are conducting research on solar activity in the U.S. and would like access to the following data: • Note that we do not need the original records nor need scanned copies – just the data that can be produced in excel or CSV format by the software used by your department to track permits and an email receipt is preferred. • Issued Residential and Commercial solar (photovoltaic - PV) permits from 8/1/2023 to 8/31/2023. If a separate Solar Permit category is not used in the permitting system, please provide data on all Building and Electrical Permits within the time frame specified. • Issued Residential and Commercial Energy Storage Systems permits from 8/1/2023 to 8/31/2023. If a separate Energy Storage category is not used in the permitting system, please provide data on all Building and Electrical Permits within the time frame specified. • The following data points: permit number, permit status, permit address, contractor, issue date, permit type, sub-type, valuation (if available), work description and if possible, please include Storage/Battery Manufacturer Name. • If possible, please provide the reports in CSV or excel format. • If available, we need Application date and final / completion date for the solar permits. It's okay if there is a delay in this request, given the current situation with COVID-19. Regards, and stay safe, Chris Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00300 Date Received:9/5/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:10 Department:Community Development - Building Request: Request a copy of your building permit records since July 20, 2023, to present. Please include any fields that your permitting system tracks. This includes but is not limited to: -Permit Number -Applied/Issued Dates -Work Address -Permit Type -Permit Status -Description of the work being done -Contractor and Architect Details -Job Valuations The preferred file format is a searchable PDF. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00301 Date Received:9/5/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:10 Department:Public Works Request: J5 Infrastructure Partners is requesting substructure research on behalf of AT&T. AT&T currently has a pending construction project located in the City of Gilroy on Santa Teresa Blvd., 3rd St., & Rosette Way1520 at Hecker Pass Hwy. To create our permit drawings, we require the following records: 1. As-builts 2. Street improvement plans 3. Substructure records showing all existing utilities (sewer, storm drain, water, gas, electric, CATV, etc.) Any information you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if you need anything else to process this request. Thank you. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00302 Date Received:9/5/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:10 Department:Community Development - Building Request: Re: Building at 6808 Church St., Gilroy CA 95020 APN #799-33-041 In need of any Building plans, permits etc. for this property. Any information on this property will be very much appreciated. Thank you, Maria Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00303 Date Received:9/5/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:10 Department:Community Development - Building Request: I would like to obtain detailed plans for my house 752 Vinca Ct. Gilroy. I am planning to build and ADU and my architect want to see my existing house plans. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00304 Date Received:9/5/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:10 Department:Community Development - Building Request: Any plans for 920 Casciano Circle, Gilroy Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00305 Date Received:9/5/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:10 Department:Public Works Request: I wanted to request records regarding any (current and historical) permits relating to wastewater, sewers, clarifiers, and grease waste/trap for the following address below, 7155-7175 Chestnut Street and 371-381 East 9th Street in Gilroy, Santa Clara County, California Assessor Parcel Number (APN) 841-12-049 If possible, a response today would be most appreciated. Thank you. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00306 Date Received:9/6/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:7 Department:Finance Request: Hello, my name is Collin and I work with Accutrend Data and I would like to request a listing of new businesses that filed in your city/county/town/village, for the time period of 06/01/2023 – 08/31/2023. The Information should include: BUSINESS NAME, BUSINESS ADDRESS, CONTACT NAME, BUSINESS PHONE NUMBER, AND DATE THAT THE BUSINESS WAS FILED, however, if you can not provide all, BUSINESS NAME, BUSINESS ADDRESS AND THE START DATE TOO. If you can NOT provide ALL of the requested information, PLEASE do not send a file. Please just send an email stating that 0 new records for said month. Are you able to provide that information? If so, is there a cost? I appreciate your help and hope you have a nice day. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00307 Date Received:9/11/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Fire Request: Structure Fire Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00308 Date Received:9/11/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:4 Department:Community Development - Building Request: To whom it may concern, We are requesting the plans of the property 411 Lewis St. Gilroy, CA 95020. We Just purchased the home and we would like to have a copy of the plans of the home. Also we would like a history of the permits that the city has approved or denied based on the history of the home, fi posible. I would appreciate if I get a call back in regarding this matters. Thank you. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00309 Date Received:9/11/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:10 Department:Fire Request: September 11, 2022 VIA MAIL AND ELECTRONIC MAIL City of Gilroy – City Clerk Attn: Thai Pham, City Clerk 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 E-mail: cityclerk@cityofgilroy.org Re:California Public Records Request Dear Sir: This office herewith makes the following request for public records pursuant to the California Public Records Act (Gov. Code, § 7920.530, et seq.), article 1, section 3(b) of the California Constitution, the presumptive common law right of access, and any other applicable Open Government law. This request seeks responsive public records held by the City of Gilroy and Gilroy Fire Department as well as their agents, employees, and other representatives. DEFINITIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS 1.GILROY FIRE DEPARTMENT: The term “GILROY FIRE DEPARTMENT” shall mean the Fire Department of the City of Gilroy. 2.WRITING and WRITINGS: The term “WRITING” and “WRITINGS” shall have the meaning set forth in California Government Code section 7920.545. These terms shall also mean and include “Writing” as defined in California Evidence Code section 250. A request for a “WRITING” or “WRITINGS” shall mean and include all responsive WRITINGS, however created, stored, or transmitted, and specifically shall mean and include WRITINGS created, stored, or transmitted using personal equipment such as personal email accounts or personal electronic devices, regardless of whether or not a copy of the WRITING exists on City servers or property. (See City of San Jose v. Superior Court (Smith) (2017) 2 Cal.5th 608, 614.) 3.COMMUNICATION and COMMUNICATIONS: The terms “COMMUNICATION” and “COMMUNICATIONS” shall mean every manner or method of disclosure or transfer or exchange of information, whether orally or by document, and whether face to face, by telephone, mail, e-mail, facsimile, text message, instant message, video, personal delivery or otherwise. 4.RELATING TO: The term “RELATING TO” and all iterations of these words shall mean and include “constitute, refer, reflect, discuss, show, demonstrate, evidence, or be in any way logically or factually connected with the matter discussed or identified.” 5.Responsive materials should include all associated metadata, including, without limitation and as applicable: the date on which a COMMUNICATION was sent; the date on which a document or COMMUNICATION was obtained, created, modified, accessed, deleted, copied, moved, or saved; the author of a COMMUNICATION (“from” field); the primary recipient(s) of a COMMUNICATION (“to” field); other recipients of a COMMUNICATION (“cc” and “bcc” fields); the subject line of a COMMUNICATION (if applicable); the title of a document; the author(s) of a document; the file name and file path of a document; the file type; and all other embedded or associated data RELATING TO the document or COMMUNICATION. COMMUNICATIONS should be produced along with any attachments to those COMMUNICATIONS. 6.The responding parties are reminded that Government Code section 7921.005 prohibits state and local agencies from “allow[ing] another party to control the disclosure of information that is otherwise subject to disclosure pursuant to [the CPRA].” 7.If the responding parties find this request insufficiently specific, please provide the assistance required by Section 7922.600 in identifying records and information that are responsive to the request or purpose of the request. 8.If the responding parties believe any portion of the records requested is exempt from disclosure by express provision of law, section 7922.6525(b) of the Government Code additionally requires segregation or deletion of the material and the release of the remainder of the information. With regard to all records, please provide information as to (1) the existence of such records; (2) whether you intend to make such records available; and (3) whether you claim any exemption or privilege to any record or portion of a record. REQUESTS 1.All GILROY FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Incident Reports (fire) RELATING TO the address 7240 Dowdy St., Gilroy, CA 95020 between January 1, 2023 to present date. If you have questions, please call (408) 279-8700. If there are fees for copying these records, please let us know the amount. I may also be reached at the address below, or by email at inieblas@mcmanislaw.com. Thank you. Very truly yours, McMANIS FAULKNER ISAAC NIEBLAS IN:ed Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00310 Date Received:9/11/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:2 Department:Community Development - Fire Request: All fire sprinkler plans for 7241 Eagle Ridge Dr Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00311 Date Received:9/11/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:2 Department:Community Development - Fire Request: All fire sprinkler plans for 7261 Eagle Ridge Dr Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00312 Date Received:9/12/2023 Status:Submitted Resolution Days: Department:Community Development - Building Request: I'm looking for the original blue prints of my property located at 5430 Nicole Way Gilroy, CA 95020 and any other drawings submitter this that may pertain to remodels that may have been done. Notes: Waiting response from Requestor PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00313 Date Received:9/12/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:13 Department:Finance Request: Dear California Public Employee, Under the California Public Records Act (Government Code Section 6250 et seq.), the Labor Market Information Division of the Employment Development Department is requesting a copy of public records that include job titles and wages (hourly or annual) for employees of City of Gilroy listed on the Quarterly Contribution report for the payroll that included May 12, 2023. We are collecting data for All City Staff, to allow completion of the Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics (OEWS) report, which has been sent during several mailings since May 2023. Based on the Quarterly Contribution report, this list should have approximately 282 employees. We are not requesting names, Social Security numbers, or any other personal information. The data collected for the OEWS report is published on our website at the Metropolitan Statistical Area level; therefore, your specific information remains completely confidential. We have attached a link to the Bureau of Labor Statistics' website which provides further information about the report, www.bls.gov/respondents/oes/. We request that electronic records be emailed in Microsoft Excel format (see reverse for example) to the OEWS Program of California at TomStassi@states.bIs.gov. An acknowledgment of the requested data is needed within ten working days, as required by the California Public Records Act (Government Code Section 6250 et seq.). Please feel free to contact the lead analyst below should you have any questions or need assistance. Tom Stassi (916) 651-5680 TomStassi@states.bls.gov Thank you for responding to this request. Sincerely, Trisha Wong Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics Manager California Employment Development Department Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00314 Date Received:9/13/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Fire Request: Request for fire report Party involve Laura gray Insured Twin Palms Church LP Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00315 Date Received:9/13/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Community Development - Fire Request: All fire sprinkler plans for 7211 Eagle Ridge Dr Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00316 Date Received:9/13/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:41 Department:Community Development - Fire Request: All fire sprinkler plans for 6981 Eagle Ridge Dr Notes: No response from Requestor PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00317 Date Received:9/18/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Community Development - Building Request: We would like to review all records (current and historical) containing building permits, mechanical permits, and certificates of occupancy associated with the following parcel, if available: APN 84170014 in Gilroy, Santa Clara County, California Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00318 Date Received:9/18/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:9 Department:Community Development - Fire Request: We would like to review all records (current and historical) relating to hazardous materials, underground storage tanks (USTs), violations, and soil/groundwater investigation reports associated with the following parcel, if available: Southeast Corner of Pacheco Pass Highway and Camino Arroyo APN 84170014 in Gilroy, Santa Clara County, California Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00320 Date Received:9/19/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:8 Department:Community Development - Fire Request: Hello, I would like to request environmental records for the properties at APNs 799-44- 093, 799-44-094, 799-44-095, 799-44-096, 799-44-097, 799-44-098, 799-44-109, 799-44-110, and 799-44-101 on Royal Way in Gilroy. These are things like underground storage tanks, leaks and spills, hazardous materials, etc. Please forward this to other divisions if possible and relevant. Thank you! Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00321 Date Received:9/19/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:7 Department:Community Development - Code Enforcement Request: Hello, I am requesting environmental and code violation records for the properties at APNs 799-44-093, 799-44-094, 799-44-095, 799-44-096, 799-44-097, 799-44-098, 799-44-109, 799-44-110, and 799-44-101 on Royal Way in Gilroy. Thank you! Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00322 Date Received:9/19/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:2 Department:Community Development - Building Request: Hello, I would like to request building and permit records for the properties at APNs 799-44-093, 799-44-094, 799-44-095, 799-44-096, 799-44-097, 799-44-098, 799-44- 109, 799-44-110, and 799-44-101 on Royal Way, Gilroy. I am also looking for any environmental records. Thanks! Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00323 Date Received:9/19/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:2 Department:Community Development - Building Request: 7423 Monterey St., Gilroy, CA I am looking for the Structural as builts for the building or any structural drawings. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00324 Date Received:9/19/2023 Status:Submitted Resolution Days: Department:Community Development - Building Request: I am conducting a Phase I ESA on the following properties. I need any information you have on file regarding the age of the buildings, UST permits, well permits, etc. The address is: Hoey Property, 2480 and 2740 Hecker Pass Road, Gilroy, California 95020 with Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APNs) 810-20- 033, 810-20-036, and 810-20-037. Thank you! Rob Notes: Waiting for Fire Prevention PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00325 Date Received:9/20/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:6 Department:Community Development - Fire Request: My car was vandalized and set on fire on September 18, 2023, around 6:00 pm on the 200 block of Alexander in Gilroy, could I please get the report on this incident. My car is a green Pontiac Sunfire. Thank you, Annette Rafferty Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00326 Date Received:9/20/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:1 Department:Fire Request: Our Insurance is asking for the Fire Department Report to see what happened when they came in and removed the sauna wood from the building. Can you please send the report of their findings that early morning on 5/31/2023 for Valley Fitness? Thanks, Lea Leonardo (209) 321-5081 Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00327 Date Received:9/21/2023 Status:Submitted Resolution Days: Department:Community Development - Fire Request: Hello, I am requesting any information/documentation with the Fire Department regarding the property located at 8565 Murray Avenue, Gilroy. Of particular interest are the following items: •Records of fire inspections at the subject property; •Records regarding petroleum product and/or hazardous substance usage/storage at the subject property (i.e., permits, inspections, hazardous materials business plans, SPCC plans, maps, site plans, chemical inventories); •Records regarding aboveground storage tank (AST) and/or underground storage tank (UST) systems at the subject property; •Records of hazardous substance and/or petroleum product releases, contamination or other known environmental concerns which may have affected the subject property; and/or •Records of significant fires that may have used AFFF/Class B firefighting foams at the subject property. The time frame for this request is 1940-2023. Notes: Waiting for Fire Prevention PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00328 Date Received:9/21/2023 Status:Submitted Resolution Days: Department:Community Development - Building Request: Hello, I am requesting any information/documentation with the Building and Planning Departments regarding the property located at 8565 Murray Avenue, Gilroy. Of particular interest are the following items: •Available permits, licenses, and certificates of occupancy (including oldest historical records) OR permit summary (date, type of permit, applicant/tenant) •Construction date(s) [current building(s), and previous building(s) if applicable] •Permits of environmental concern (e.g., petroleum storage tanks, septic systems, oil/water separators) •Oldest and most recent maps and site layout plan of the subject property (if available) •Records of any major environmental violations or significant complaints registered against the subject property The time frame for this request is 1940-2023. Thank you. Notes: Waiting for Fire Prevention PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00329 Date Received:9/21/2023 Status:Submitted Resolution Days: Department:Community Development - Fire Request: Hello, I am requesting any information/documentation with the Fire Department (CUPA Records) for the properties located at 201, 221, and 241 Yamane Drive, Gilroy. Of particular interest are the following items: •Records of fire inspections at the subject property; •Records regarding petroleum product and/or hazardous substance usage/storage at the subject property (i.e., permits, inspections, hazardous materials business plans, SPCC plans, maps, site plans, chemical inventories); •Records regarding aboveground storage tank (AST) and/or underground storage tank (UST) systems at the subject property; •Records of hazardous substance and/or petroleum product releases, contamination or other known environmental concerns which may have affected the subject property; and/or •Records of significant fires that may have used AFFF/Class B firefighting foams at the subject property. The time frame for this request is 1940-2023. Thank you. Notes: Waiting for Fire Prevention PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00330 Date Received:9/21/2023 Status:Submitted Resolution Days: Department:Community Development - Building Request: Hello, I am requesting any information/documentation with the Building and Planning Departments for the properties located at 201, 221, and 241 Yamane Drive, Gilroy. Of particular interest are the following items: •Available permits, licenses, and certificates of occupancy (including oldest historical records) OR permit summary (date, type of permit, applicant/tenant) •Construction date(s) [current building(s), and previous building(s) if applicable] •Permits of environmental concern (e.g., petroleum storage tanks, septic systems, oil/water separators) •Oldest and most recent maps and site layout plan of the subject property (if available) •Records of any major environmental violations or significant complaints registered against the subject property The time frame for this request is 1940-2023. Thank you. Notes: Waiting for Fire Prevention PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00331 Date Received:9/25/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:4 Department:Human Resources Request: September 22nd, 2023 We are requesting a copy of Gilroy's Employee Compensation Report for the 2022 calendar year under the provisions of California Gov. Code § 7920, the California Public Records Act. The purpose of this request is to obtain records which provide a complete and comprehensive account of Gilroy's total costs associated with employee full names and compensation. Specifically, this request seeks an accounting, by full name and job title, of total gross wages paid to each employee and the total cost incurred separately by the employer for providing retirement and health benefits. Note that the State Controller’s “Government Compensation in California” report does not contain the names of employees and therefore does not satisfy this request. If your response is to send us a copy of that report, that will simply delay the process and take more of your time as we will reject it as insufficient to satisfy this request in full. As a reminder, per Gov. Code § 7922.585(a) “Nothing in this section is intended to affect the public record status of information merely because it is stored in a computer. Public records stored in a computer shall be disclosed as required by this chapter.” In an effort to standardize how this information is reported, please include the following categories in your response: Employee Name (full name, including first and last) Position/Job Title (“City Manager”, “Police Officer”, etc.) Annual Salary Minimum & Maximum Total Regular Pay Overtime Pay Other Pay (any additional forms of pay that are not reported in Regular Pay) Retirement Contribution Costs - All forms of employer-paid retirement contributions, deferred compensation, etc., including Unaccrued Actuarial Liability if applicable. Please split out per the standard State Controller’s Office categories. Healthcare Contribution Costs - All forms of employer-paid health and welfare benefits, such as health, dental and vision insurance benefits. In the event Gilroy is not in possession of a record of this nature, we request copies of any other record or records that contain information, even if only in part, that is responsive to the purpose of this request — employee name in conjunction with their compensation data for the period requested. Please provide the requested materials or, per Gov. Code § 7922.535, a timeline along which they will be made available by, no later than ten days from the date of this request. Per Gov. Code § 7922.570(a), we ask that you provide the records in an Excel spreadsheet format. You may provide this data to us by replying to this email and attaching your data file. There is no need to password-protect your responsive data, that data will be posted to a publicly-available website when we’ve completed our review process. Note that saving your original spreadsheet in the form of a PDF and sending that to us is not sufficient. Doing this will simply result in a need for you to take more time to respond, given that a PDF copy is not the original data, which is what we are requesting As a reminder, Gov. Code § 7922.600(a) instructs public agencies to "assist requester in finding records and information that are responsive to the request or to the purpose of the request." It is not necessary to prepare a boilerplate PDF response document sent to us as an attachment to email in order to respond with your ETA. We are well aware of the legal provisions of the CPRA, do not need them reiterated, and are happy to accept a simple response giving us the estimated date you will be able to provide the data requested. Please feel free to contact us with any questions that you might have. Thank you. Researcher, Transparent California muni@transparentcalifornia.com Rev 9/12/23 Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00332 Date Received:9/26/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:5 Department:Police Request: September 20, 2023 VIA FACSIMILE AND ELECTRONIC MAIL Fax:408-852-2651, cityclerk@cityofgilroy.org, vien.myles@cityofgilroy.org Attn: Custodian of Records Police Department Animal Control 7301 Hanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 Attn: City Clerk City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 Re:Maria Kinyon - 1208 Viognier Way, Gilroy Ca California Public Records Act Request - Dear Custodian of Records and City Clerk: I am requesting access to records in possession or control of the Police Department Animal Control for the purposes of inspection and copying pursuant to the California Public Records Act, California Government Code § 6250 et seq. (“CPRA”), and Article I, § 3(b) of the California Constitution. The specific records I seek to inspect and copy are listed below. As used herein, “Record” includes “Public Records” and “Writings” as those terms are defined at Government Code § 6252(e) & (g). I request access to inspect/copies of documents for the animal involved in Warning of Violation Code GMC 4.23.16 at the above referenced property, including, but not limited to the following: 1)Copies of all email and written communications regarding the above animal, particularly those made between Police Department Animal Control and the complainants and not subject to attorney-client privileged communication. 2)Copies of all complaints/reports made to Police Department Animal Control by any parties or members of the public prior to [08/18/2023], including but not limited to telephone logs, electronic communications and written communications. If you contend that any portion of the records requested is exempt from disclosure by express provisions of law, Government Code § 6253(a) requires segregation and redaction of that material in order that the remainder of the records may be released. If you contend that any express provision of law exists to exempt from disclosure all or a portion of the records I have requested, Government Code § 6253(c) requires that you notify me of the reasons for the determination not later than 10 days from your receipt of this request. Government Code §§ 6253(d) & 6255(b) require that any response to this request that includes a determination that the request is denied, in whole or in part, must be in writing and include the name and title of the person(s) responsible for the County’s response. Government Code § 6253(d) prohibits the use of the 10-day period, or any provisions of the CPRA or any other law, “to delay access for purposes of inspecting public records.” In responding to this request, please keep in mind that Article 1, § 3(b)(2) of the California Constitution expressly requires you to broadly construe all provisions that further the public’s right of access, and to apply any limitations on access as narrowly as possible. If I can provide any clarification that will help expedite your attention to my request, please contact me at (669) 225-9982 or maria.kinyon@gmail.com, pursuant to Government Code § 6253.1. I ask that you notify me of any duplication costs exceeding $100 before you duplicate the records so that I may decide which records I want copied. Best Regards, Maria Kinyon Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00333 Date Received:9/26/2023 Status:Submitted Resolution Days:7 Department:Fire Request: Our office represents Christine Schurman who was a pedestrian hit by a car on Welburn Ave. in Gilroy. We would appreciate obtaining the Fire Department Incident/Patient Care Report. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00334 Date Received:9/27/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:8 Department:Community Development - Building Request: Respectfully request copies of all building permits filed between 1990 and 2023 by the contractor listed below, and those permits which may have been filed by someone other than the contractor listed below, but contain name, or business name, or state contractor’s license number. If available, the following is also being requested: --The address where the work was performed --Any information indicating what type of work was being performed --What materials may have been used on the job site --The names and contact details of the general contractor in charge of the project or building owner Contractor Information Joe Eduardo Silva Central Bay Construction State License Number 678521 Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00335 Date Received:9/27/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:8 Department:Fire Request: Hello, We are requesting a Fire Incident Report @ location 550A Broadway, (rear building) Gilroy, CA 95020 on August 31, 2023 Please reach out with any questions or concerns. Thank you, serina 23-333773 Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00336 Date Received:9/28/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:7 Department:Community Development - Building Request: I am requesting all record drawings including the house and swimming pool for my house at 2270 Stonecress Street, Gilroy CA 95020. Notes: Report Request January February March April May June July August September October November December Citizen Request 41 71 74 63 70 33 53 145 70 Insurance Requests 35 49 29 50 24 28 29 91 57 Background Checks 84 68 133 87 76 92 122 135 48 Clearance Letters 3 3 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Arrest Log 18 17 20 20 23 19 20 19 21 Subpoena Duces Tecum 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 3 Other CPRA Requests 5 1 2 0 0 3 0 2 0 Total of CPRA requests 186 210 262 221 193 176 224 393 199 Agency Requests (Not CPRA)69 43 99 93 71 109 62 158 85 Victim Witness Requests (Not CPRA)10 17 43 33 14 32 18 16 26 Total of ALL requests 265 270 404 347 278 317 304 567 310 REPORTS NOT LISTED IN TOTAL CPRA: Agency Requests: Requests made by a criminal justice agency for a police report that is precluded from public release under one of many statutes,but authorized by statute to be released to assist the agency in the administration of justice. Victim Witness Requests:These are requests made by a Victim Witness organization for a police report that is precluded from public release under one of many statutes,but allowed by statute t be released for assistance to a victim for various services. REPORT TYPES: Citizen Request:Requests pertaining to a call for service or case number. Insurance Request:Request from insurance companies. Background Checks:Request from agencies in which a signed authorization is obtained from the individual for whom records are sought. Clearance Letters:Direct request from an individual for their background check within the agency's jurisdiction. Arrest Log:Any request for the arrest log. Subpoena Duces Tecum:Subpoena for Records. Other CPRA Requests:Any other request for agency records that does not pertain to a case number or incident. *The line item "Press Log"was removed from report since the implementation of Citizen Rims where the Press/Public can get information on calls for service via website: https://gilroy.crimegraphics.com/ City of Gilroy Open Government Commission STAFF REPORT Agenda Item Title:Review of the Open Government Commission By-Laws Meeting Date:November 2, 2023 From:Thai Nam Pham, City Clerk RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Commission undertake a comprehensive review of the Open Government Commission by-laws to ensure they remain current, effective, and in alignment with the Commission's objectives. BACKGROUND During the Open Government Commission Regular Meeting on August 10, 2023, Commissioner Somavia proposed a review of the Commission's by-laws. The proposal received unanimous support. ANALYSIS While a detailed analysis is yet to be conducted, reviewing by-laws periodically is a best practice to: •Ensure they remain compliant with any changes in the state or local laws. •Reflect the evolving needs and objectives of the Commission. •Address any ambiguities or outdated provisions that may have emerged over time. Attachments: 1. Current Open Government Commission By-Laws Adopted September 4, 2014 Updated February 9, 2023 Page 1 of 4 Open Government Commission ByLaws CITY OF GILROY OPEN GOVERNMENT COMMISSION BYLAWS SECTION 1.Powers and Duties. Pursuant to Chapter 17A of the City Code of the City of Gilroy, the Open Government Commission shall have the following Powers and Duties: 1. Advise the City Council and provide information to other city departments on appropriate ways in which to implement and enforcement chapter 17A of the Gilroy City Code “Gilroy Open Government Ordinance”. 2. Develop appropriate goals to ensure practical and timely implementation of the chapter, propose to the City Council amendments and report on any practical or policy problems encountered in its administration. 3. Receive and review regular quarterly reports on requests for public information 4. Hear appeals of any denied request for public records petitioned to the Commission. 5. In addition to the powers specified above, the Commission shall possess such powers as the City Council may confer upon it by ordinance or as the people of Gilroy shall confer upon it by initiative. SECTION 2.Membership. 1. Membership on the Open Government Commission shall be representative of the entire community insofar as that is possible, and members of the Commission shall be willing to serve as a civic responsibility. 2. There will be five (5) members of the Open Government Commission. All members shall be appointed by the City Council. 3. In order to be eligible for appointment to the commission, a person shall be a qualified registered elector of the City. 4. No member of the Commission shall hold any paid office or employment in the City government. 5. Terms of appointments to the Open Government Commission shall commence in January and shall be for four (4) years. A commissioner shall not serve more than two full consecutive terms. Adopted September 4, 2014 Updated February 9, 2023 Page 2 of 4 Open Government Commission ByLaws 6. Vacancies on the Commission during the year shall be filled through appointment by the City Council. Upon a vacancy occurring leaving an unexpired portion of a term, any appointment to fill such vacancy shall be for the unexpired portion of the term. SECTION 3.Officers. 1. Annually, the Commission shall appoint from its membership a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson. 2. The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the Commission, shall make an annual presentation to the City Council, and shall support the efficient and accountable operation of the Commission. 3. The Vice Chairperson shall serve in the capacity of the Chairperson in his or her absence, and shall assist the Chairperson in fulfilling his or her duties as requested. SECTION 4.Meetings. 1. The Commission shall meet quarterly unless the meeting is cancelled by the Chairperson. The Vice Chairperson may authorize the cancellation of a meeting if the Chairperson is unavailable. 2. Each Commission meeting shall be open to the public and is subject to the Brown Act, California Government Code Section 54950 et. seq., and Gilroy City Code Section 17A. 3. The Commission shall keep written minutes of all meetings and minutes shall be published on the City website in accordance with Gilroy City Code Section 17A. 4. Special Meetings may be called by the Commission in accordance with the Brown Act and Gilroy City Code Section 17A. 5. The latest edition of Roberts Rules of Order shall be followed unless otherwise provided for in these bylaws or based upon a rule, policy, or procedure adopted by the City Council. 6. Any member of the Commission who has a conflict of interest on any matter to be heard by the Commission shall announce on the public record the nature of the conflict, vacate his/her seat, Adopted September 4, 2014 Updated February 9, 2023 Page 3 of 4 Open Government Commission ByLaws and recuse themself from discussing and voting on said item. The member may participate as a member of the public following recusal from deliberations. 7. Members of the public wishing to speak on any item on the Commission’s agenda are limited to three (3) minutes per agenda item. At the Chairs discretion, or the discretion of a majority of the Commission members present, the speaker time may be extended. Speakers are not allowed to delegate their time to another speaker. 8. The petitioner of an appeal of a denied public records request may make a presentation and the Commission may ask questions. Petitioners shall be given a total of ten (10) minutes to present and up to five (5) minutes of rebuttal time after public comments. SECTION 5.Quorum. 1. A quorum is necessary at a Commission meeting for any action to be taken. A majority of the Commission members shall constitute a quorum. 2. In the event that there is no quorum, any discussions which are held by those assembled shall be regarded as informal. No formal action may be taken. SECTION 6.Attendance. 1. Commission members are expected to attend all meetings of the Commission and abide by the City of Gilroy Policy Governing Board, Commission and Committee Attendance. SECTION 7.Compensation. 1. Members of the Commission shall serve without compensation for their services as such but shall receive reimbursement for necessary traveling and other expenses incurred on official duty when such expenditures have been authorized by the City Council. Adopted September 4, 2014 Updated February 9, 2023 Page 4 of 4 Open Government Commission ByLaws SECTION 8.Amendments. 1. Amendments to these bylaws may be initiated at any Commission meeting, to be voted upon not sooner than the next regularly scheduled meeting. Bylaws shall not conflict with the City code, Charter or other Council approved policy, rule, or regulation. 2. Recommendation of any amendment shall require a majority vote of Commission members and shall take effect immediately. City of Gilroy Open Government Commission STAFF REPORT Agenda Item Title:Review of the Open Government Commission Annual Presentation to Council Meeting Date:November 2, 2023 From:Thai Nam Pham, City Clerk RECOMMENDATION The Commission is recommended to review the forthcoming Annual Presentation to ensure that it aligns with the objectives, achievements, and challenges faced by the Open Government Commission during the year 2023. BACKGROUND Each year, the Open Government Commission presents its annual activities and achievements to the City Council. This presentation is a comprehensive update to the Council and allows for transparency, feedback, and guidance for the forthcoming year. ANALYSIS The presentation set to be showcased has been structured to: 1. Provide a recap of the major activities undertaken by the Commission in 2023. 2. Highlight significant achievements and milestones reached. 3. Offer an outlook for 2024, including proposed initiatives and goals. City of Gilroy Open Government Commission STAFF REPORT Agenda Item Title:Review of the Open Government Commission Presentation to the Council on Hybrid Meetings Meeting Date:November 2, 2023 From:Thai Nam Pham, City Clerk RECOMMENDATION The Commission is recommended to review the forthcoming presentation to the Council on Hybrid Meetings BACKGROUND During the regular meeting of the Open Government Commission on August 10, 2023, Commissioner Somavia showcased his subcommittee’s presentation regarding hybrid meetings. The commission unanimously approved Commissioner Somavia to draft a letter to the City Council encapsulating the Commission’s insights on hybrid meetings. This letter was presented to the Council as Council Correspondence during the regular meeting on September 11, 2023. Subsequently, at the September 18, 2023 City Council Regular Meeting, the Council invited the Open Government Commission to share their findings in a future meeting. The Commission is now tasked with reviewing and updating the presentation, as necessary, before its scheduled delivery on November 6, 2023. It's pertinent to mention that recently, numerous cities across the state have experienced “Zoom bombing” incidents, wherein anonymous individuals infiltrate Zoom meetings and disseminate offensive remarks. It is advisable for the Commission to address this concern in the forthcoming presentation. OUTLINE •Scope & Objectives •Capabilities Analysis •Findings & Recommendations •Commissioner Q & A | Discussion SCOPE & OBJECTIVES Scope: 1.Analyze the capabilities used by cities in Santa Clara County to enhance public participation and access to local government meetings. 2.Bridge the public’s in-person experience and participation with one that includes the virtual environment. Objectives: 1.Study, analyze and identify technological benchmarks and procedural best practices used by other municipalities to increase community participation and access to public meetings. 2.Recommend options to the Open Government Commission for its consideration and recommendation to City Council for adoption. CAPABILITIES ANALYSIS FINDINGS & RECOMMENDATIONS Meeting Announcement to Archive Cycle 1.Recognize the phases within the cycle and identify the touchpoints created with increased access and participation presented with a hybrid public meeting 2.Link Findings and Recommendations to the cycle Public Communication with Governing Body Agenda Meeting Archive FINDINGS 1 - 2 Phase Description Importance (A, B or C) Agenda 1 Outline the ways and means members of the public can watch public meetings in person, stream live or view them after the fact online. A Agenda 2 Explain how members of the public can participate and make public comments in person as well as online. Summarize the ways members of the public can participate in the meeting to provide public comment (before and during the meeting). A RECOMMENDATION Agenda example identifies 1.How members of the public can participate (view/watch) 2.How members of the public can provide public comment (written/verbal) FINDING 3 Phase Description Importance (A, B or C) Communication 3 Create an email distribution list to allow members of the public to send questions or concerns to all City Council members. N/A NOTE: The City of Gilroy has established the allcouncilmembers@cityofgilroy.org email address and included it on the City Council website for public use. HIGHLIGHT •When selected, a new draft email is started within the user’s default email application •Email distribution: •7 x City Council members •City Manager •City Clerk FINDING 4 Phase Description Importance (A, B or C) Communication 4 Enable “Comment” feature within the City’s Agenda & Minutes website application. This feature can provide an additional method for members of the public to communicate with the City Council regarding items on the agenda as well as topics not on the agenda. C RECOMMENDATION Information Technology Feature •Enable an electronic commenting feature, which would allow members of the public to provide written comments •Associated with the City of Gilroy Agenda Portal •Commenting enabled at the time the agenda is posted •Feature activated for each specific public meeting •Include items on and not on the agenda •Depending on the feature’s configuration, comments could be visible to the public and council as soon as they are submitted by members of the public Conceptual & Predecisional – Not for Implementation RECOMMENDATION City of Gilroy Meeting: City Council Special Meeting Meeting Time: July 10, 2023 at 6:00 PM Disclaimer: Tell the City Council what is on your mind. Your comments will become part of the official public record. If you do not want your personal information included in the official record, do not Sign In. AGENDA ITEM 9.1. Introduction and First Reading of an Ordinance Adding Chapter 16B, Sidewalk Vending, to the Gilroy City Code Select a Position: Oppose Neutral Support Comment 500 of 500 characters remaining Conceptual & Predecisional – Not for Implementation FINDING 5 Phase Description Importance (A, B or C) Communication Meeting 5 Include public meeting viewing options on a title/intro slide of public meetings. Examples: In Person, City website, YouTube, Zoom/Dial In B RECOMMENDATION ZOOM https://us.02web.zoom.us/# Web ID: 123 4567 8901 CALL IN Dial: 1-408-638-0968 or 1-669-900-6833 Web ID: 123 4567 8901 CITY WEBSITE www.cityofgilroy/watch CITY YOUTUBE CHANNEL www.youtube.com/channel/UPO_88updEJP9 gZOdQJ54PwConceptual & Predecisional – Not for Implementation FINDING 6 Phase Description Importance (A, B or C) Meeting 6 Establish Rules of Civility and Decorum for members of the public to abide by when participating in a public meeting. This incorporates in-person, audio and written correspondence/comments sent to or presented in front of the council, boards, committees, and commissions. Provides administration and staff with a baseline of norms to hold the public to as well as to justify and cite when ending (cut off) specific comments or correspondence. B RECOMMENDATION •Rules of Civility and Decorum provide the public with guidelines for participating in a public meeting. •Outlines acceptable and unacceptable behavior when interacting with local government. •Identifies the protocols in place when addressing officials at public meetings. •Outlines actions the presiding officer can take to enforce the rules if they are not adhered to. FINDING 7 Phase Description Importance (A, B or C) Meeting 7 Members of the public speaking on items not on the agenda as well as on agenda items: •Email to publiccomments@cityofgilroy.org •If Comment feature is incorporated include these comments to the agenda •Fill out a speaker card to address the council in person •Raise hand feature (Zoom) to address the council virtually •Press * 9 (Zoom) to address the council telephonically A RECOMMENDATION Conceptual & Predecisional – Not for Implementation •Linked to Findings 1, 2 and 4. •Illustrates the stages for public comment and opportunities where public comment is received during a public meeting. •Serves as a tool to reconcile existing processes with recommended or implemented solutions. FINDING 8 Phase Description Importance (A, B or C) Archive 8 Provide a “Captions File” to include a transcription of the recorded audio/video. Having the file posted as a file option next to the recorded video link on the City’s Agenda and Minutes webpage gives members of the public the ability to download the transcript. The transcript (html) can then be translated to another language using the Google Translate feature. C RECOMMENDATION Transcript Transcript Conceptual & Predecisional – Not for Implementation FINDING 9 Phase Description Importance (A, B or C) Archive 9 Create a Recorded Media Smart Sheet. Outline how transcripts of recorded meetings can be obtained (YouTube). This can include specific features such as autogenerate translated transcripts in other languages (Subtitles/Closed Caption & Transcripts). NOTE: Establish a template or standard when rendering meetings to YouTube. Ensures Subtitles/Closed Caption capability is enabled prior to rendering. B RECOMMENDATION Smartsheet Reference | Access •When requests arise during public meetings regarding where members of the public can access and download recordings of the proceedings, the Recorded Public Meeting Smart Sheet can be used as a reference and guide. •Acquaints the public with an easy, responsive, and accountable process (even educates the public) •Incorporates how to enable closed caption, auto translate, transcription and more. •Includes a QR Code reference at the information desk in the Council Chambers to give members of the public the resource at their fingertips CONCLUSION Commissioner Questions & Answers