Agenda Item # 11.2 - Alec Carlino | Received 12/01/2023CAUTION: This email originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or responding to this email. From:Alexander Carlino To:Public Comments Subject:EXTERNAL - Item 11.2: review of cog muni code ch16a, article II - mobile vending permits and enforcement Date:Friday, December 1, 2023 7:02:44 PM Alex carlino 12/1/23 I am writing to express my strong support for the continued presence of mobile food vendors within our wonderful city of Gilroy. The diverse offerings from these vendors not only contribute to the vibrancy of our community but also provide invaluable opportunities for small business owners and enhance the overall experience for residents and visitors alike. Having reviewed the recent staff report on the City Code, Chapter 16A, Article II concerning Mobile Vending Permits, I appreciate the city's commitment to ensuring safety, health, and compliance standards. However, I believe there is an opportunity to streamline the application process, making it more accessible for both aspiring and existing mobile vendors. To that end, I would like to suggest the following improvements: 1. **Application Procedure Simplification:** Consider simplifying the application procedure by reducing unnecessary paperwork and bureaucratic hurdles. This could include digitizing the application process for greater efficiency. 2. **Clear Communication:** Ensure clear and concise communication of permit requirements to applicants. Providing detailed guidance on the application process, required documents, and potential challenges will help applicants navigate the system more smoothly. 3. **Collaboration with Public Health Departments:** Explore ways to enhance collaboration with the Santa Clara County Department of Public Health to create a more streamlined process for obtaining necessary health permits. This collaboration could also contribute to a more unified approach to fees and inspections. 4. **Flexible Location Policies:** Review and update location policies to accommodate the evolving city landscape. Consider revising zoning restrictions to align with current urban development plans and avoid outdated prohibitions. I believe that Retaining and supporting mobile food vendors aligns with our city's commitment to fostering a diverse and thriving local economy. I believe that with a more streamlined application process, we can encourage entrepreneurship, cultural diversity, and a vibrant street food scene that enhances the overall appeal of Gilroy. Thank you for your time and consideration. I trust that the City Council will continue to work towards a balanced and supportive framework for mobile food vendors. Sincerely, Alec Carlino