Agenda Item # 14.1 - Jared Connell | Received 01/22/2024CAUTION: This email originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or responding to this email. From:Jared Connell To:Public Comments Subject:EXTERNAL - Public Comment Item #14.3 Property: City-Owned 536 Acres at Hecker Pass (Including Gilroy Gardens Theme Park) Date:Monday, January 22, 2024 3:24:53 PM Gilroy City Council, I am writing in support of the proposed Adventure Park in Gilroy. The addition of the park will be a huge benefit to the surrounding communities and attract more tourism to the Gilroy area. I have a family of four and live in San Jose, CA. I visit the Gilroy area maybe 2 or 3 times are year for shopping or children's sporting events. This adventure park would have me visiting very regularly if it includes lift accessed downhill mountain bike riding. There is a massive cycling community in the Bay Area, and the park would be a tremendous draw to a large population of riders. The nearest bike parks are in the Sierra, so hours away from the Bay Area, and only open with seasonal operations. The park would be a great resource for not just mountain bikers, but also hikers, and anyone that enjoys outdoor recreation. Please support the Adventure Park. Sincerely, Jared Connell San Jose, CA