Speaker Card - Agenda Item # 10.1 - Ana Mendoza. ��gTED MPRG�
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Please feel free to
share any additional
thoughts or suggestions
regarding parklets in
Gilroy In the space
If you are a provided below. Your
restaurant/bar insights are highly
business owner In valued.
downtown Gilroy Thank you for taking the
would you consider time to participate In our
constructing a parkletsurvey! Your feedback
Do you think having What potential What If any potential to expand your will contribute to
If yes, have you more parklets in benefit. do you see In drawbacks do you see How supportive ere outdoor If no, please specify If you are a property shaping the future of
How frequently do you experienced or used a Gilroy would enhance having more parklets In having more you of the city seating/dining options If yes, please specify the reasons why you owner, would you If yes, please specify If no, please specify public spaces In our
visit local businesses parklet In Gilroy or the overall community In downtown Gilroy? parklets In dowmown allowing parklets In for your your reasons for would not consider a consider constructing your reasons for reasons for not community.
In downtown Gilroy? elsewhere? experience? (Select all Ihat apply) Gilroy? Gilroy? establishment? considering a parklet perkiet? a parklet? considering a parklet. considering a parklet.
The city of Gilroy has
great weather, the
community enjoys
at least 3 to 4 ernes a omdoor parklets for
1/12202410:19:52 week Yes, In Gilroy Strongly Agree All of above No drawbacks Very Supportive Yes Does not apply to me Other (please specify) Yes NA Other (please specify) gatherings
Enhanced community
1/15/2024 17:57:03 Weekly Yes, in Gilroy Strongly Agree gathering spaces No drawbacks Very Supportive No
Increased outdoor
1/15202418:37:14 Monthly Yes, in Gilroy Neutral seating for dining Decreased parking Neutral No Cast No Cost
Enhanced community
1/15/2024 19:44:38 Monthly Yes, in Gilroy Agree gathering spaces No drawbacks Very Supportive
Boosted local business Increase vibrancy in the
1/18202417:52:40 Rarely Yes, in other locations Agree activities Decreased parking Very Supportive Yes ' area Yes All of the above
Increase outdoor Increase outdoor
Improved aesthetics of seating/dining for your seating/dining for your
1/182024 17:56:49 Doily Yes, in Gilroy Strongly Agree the city No drawbacks Very Supportive Yes establishment Yes existing tenant
_... Improve
Increase outdoor marketing/interest in
Increased outdoor seating/dining for your space for potential
1/16202418:02:57 Weekly Yes, In Gilroy Strongly Agree seating for dining No drawbacks Very Supportive Yes establishment Other (please specify) Yes tenants Omer (please specily)
1/16/2024 18:05:01 Weekly Yes, In Gilroy Strongly Agree All of the above No drawbacks Very Supporthe No
Enhanced community
1/16/2024 18:26:06 Weekly Yes, In Gilroy Strongly Agree gathering spaces No drawbacks Very Supportive
Boosted local business
1/16/202418:26:36 Weekly Yes, in Gilroy Strongly Agree activities No drawbacks Very Supportive
Improve aesthetic marketing0nlerest in
Enhanced community appearance/outdoor space for potential
1/16/202420:04:29 Weekly Yes, in Gilroy Strongly Agree gathering spaces No drawbacks Supportive Yes facade of your business Cost Yes tenants Cost
..... Improve
Improve aesthetic marketing/interest in
Increased outdoor appearence/ouldoor space for potential
1/16/2024 22:23:17 Weekly Yes, in Gilroy Strongly Agree sealing for dining No drawbacks Very Supportive Yes facade of your business Yes tenants
Increase outdoor Improved aesthetic Decrease Interest In
Enhanced community seating/dining for your appearance/outdoor space for potential
1/17/2024 6:14:45 Rarely Yes, In Gilroy Neutral gathering spaces No drawbacks Supportive Yes establishment Other (please specify) Yes facade of building tenants
Enhanced community Increase visibility of
1/17/2024 14:21:41 Daily Yes, In other locations Strongly Agree gathering spaces Decreased perking Very Supportive Maybe your business Cost Maybe All of the above Cost
Improved aesthetic Would detract from
Enhanced commumy Increase visibility of appearancefoutdoor vibrancy/appeal of the
1/17202419:36:02 Weekly Yes, in other locations Agree gathering spaces No drawbacks Very Supportive Yes your business No facade of building
Increase outdoor Increase outdoor Decrease Interest In
Increased outdoor seating/dining for your seating/dining for your space for potential
1/17/2024 21:03:32 Daily Yes, In Gilroy Strongly Agree sealing for dining No drawbacks Very Supportive Ves establishment Other (please specify) Yes existing tenant tenants
Increased outdoor
1/17202422:52:52 Weekly Yes, In Gilroy Agree seating for dining No drawbacks Very Supportive
Increased outdoor
1/18202413:16:43 Daily Yes, in Gilroy Agree seating for dining No drawbacks Supportive
1/18/2024 13:34:37 Rarely
Increased outdoor Decrease in local
Yes, In other locations Neutral sealing for dining business activity Neutral
Par/dets are nice to
have, especiatiy when
the weather is nice to
dine outdoors and when
there's not enough
space inside
Restaurants or
businesses should
consider uhlRing their
building roof for
potential dining or
community event
spaces. The roof will
need to be sound &
structurally safe to hold
the number of folks
attending any event. It
s nice to sae
something like this on
one filmy visits to
Mexico. This may
reduce the battle of
limited downtown
parking, closure of
sheets, etc.
Please feel free to
share any additional
thoughts or suggestions
regarding parldete In
Gilroy in the space
I/ you are a provided below. Your
restaurant/bar Insights are highly
buslnass owner In valued.
downtown Gilroy Thank you far faking the
would you consider lime to participate In our
constructing a parklet survey' Your feedback
Do you think having What potential What If any potential to expand your will contribute to
If yes, have you more parklets In benefits do you see In drawbacks do you see How supportive are outdoor If no, please speclfy If you area property shaping the future of
How frequently do you experienced or used a Gilroy would enhance having more parklets In having more you of the city seating/dining options 8 yes, please specify the reasons why you owner, would you Byes, please specify If no, please specify public spaces In our
visit local businesses parklet In Gilroy or the overall community In downtown Gilroy? parklets In downtown allowing parklets in for your your reasons for would not consider a consider conetrucling your reasons far reasons for not community.
In downtown Gilroy? elsewhere? experience? (Select all that apply) Gilroy? Gilroy? establishment? considering a parklet parklet? a parklet? considering a parklet. considering a parkleL
marketing/nlerest in Decrease In aesthetic MERCHANTS. AND
Inceased outdoor Decrease in local Increase revenues of Decrease In revenues space for potential appearance/outdoor BUSINESS OWBERS.
1/18/2024 13:46:52 Daily Yes, in Gilroy Strongly Agree seating fordining business activity Very Supportive Yes your business for your business Yes tenants facade of building JAVIER LEON
marketing/Interest in
Enhanced community Increase visibility of space for potential
1/18/2024 13:57:49 Weekly Yes, In Gilroy Strongly Agree gathering spaces Na drawbacks Supportive Yes your business Cost Yes tenants Cost
Boosted local business Increase visibility of
1/18/202414:09:30 Rarely Yes, In Gilroy Strongly Agree activities No drawbacks Very Supportive Yes your business Yes
Increase outdoor Decrease the aesthetic Increase outdoor Decrease In aesthetic
Enhanced community seating/dining for your appearance/outdoor seating/dining for your appearance/outdoor
1/18/202414:10:22 Monthly Yes, In Gilroy Agree gathering spaces Decreased parking Supportive Yes establishment facade of the business Yea existing tenant facade of building Abraham L
Increased outdoor Increase visibility of
1/18/2024 15:18:18 Daily Yes, In other locations Agree seating for dining No drawbacks Very Supportive Yes your business
Decrease Interest In
Enhanced community Increase noisa/nuisance space for potential
1/18/2024 18.01:01 Weekly Yes, in Gilroy Neutral gathering spaces In downtown Not Supportive No Cost No tenants
Boosted local business
1/18/202417:2251 Monthly Yes. In Gilroy Strongly Agree activities No drawbacks Very Supportive
... ...
Increased outdoor Increase revenues of
1/19/202418:22:28 Weakly Yes, In Gilroy Strongly Agree seating for dining No drawbacks Very Supportive Yes your business Yes All of the above
Increased outdoor Increase revenues of
1/19202418:22:53 Weakly Yes, In Gilroy Strongly Agree seating for dining No drawbacks Vary Supportive Yes your business Yes All of the above
Increase outdoor
Enhanced community sealing/dining for your Create vibrancy/appeal
1/19202420:55:08 Weekly Yea. In Gilroy Strongly Agree gathering spaces No drawbacks Very Supportive Yes establishment Vas of the area
Enhanced community Increase revenues of
1/182024 20:55:45 Weekly yes, In Gilroy Strongly Agree gathering spaces No drawbacks Very Supportive your business
Increase outdoor
Increased outdoor seating/dining for your
1/19/2024 20:59:51 Weekly Yes, in Gilroy Agree seating for dining Very Supportive Yes establishment Ves All of the above
1/192024 21:26:58 Daily Yes, In Gilroy
120/202410:21:55 Weekly
1202024 10:39:45. Daily
1/20/2024 10:43:48 Daily
120202411:35:12 Weekly
1/20/202411:39:52 Weeky
Increase outdoor
Increased outdoor aea0ng/dining for your
Strongly Agree seating for dining No drawbacks Very Supportive Yes establishment
Improve aesthetic
Boosted lore' business appearance/outdoor
Yes, in Gilroy Strongly Agree activities No drawbacks Very Supportive Yes facade of your business
Increased outdoor Increase revenues of
Yes, in Gilroy Strongly Agree seating for dining No drawbacks Very Supportive Maybe your business
Enhanced community
Yes, in Gilroy Strongly Agree gathering spaces Decreased packing Very Supportive
No, Never
Yes, In Gilroy
120202413:03:12 Weekly yes, In Gilroy
121202414:07:33 Daily
121202414:11:18 Weekly
1/21202414:1128 Weekly
Yes, In Gilroy
Yes. In Gilroy
Yes, In Gilroy
Increase outdoor
Increased outdoor sealing/dining for your
Strongly Agree seating for dining Decreased parking Supportive Yes establishment
Boosted local business Increase revenues of
Strongly Agree active'. No drawbacks Very Supportive Yes your business
Other (please specify) No
Parklets offer could free
options. Dog friendly
Improve options. Beaultiul
marketing/Interest in weather options.
space for potential Marketing for my
tenants business options.
m rketinginterest In
space for potential
markelingfnterest in Would detract from
space for potential vibrancy/appeal of the
tenants area
All of the above
We need to be fair with
all businesses
We need a parking
It Is a proven method to
increase vibrancy and
Improved aesthetics of Increase vibrancy in the Create vlbrency/appeal attracting people to the
Strongly Agree the city No drawbacks Very Supportive Yes area Yes of the area area.
Improve aesthetic
Enhanced community - appearance/outdoor
Strongly Agree gathering spaces No drawbacks Very Supportive Yes facade of your business
Increased outdoor
Strongly Agree sealing for dining No drawbacks Very Supportive
Boosted local business
Strongly Agree activities No drawbacks Very Supportive
Improved aesthetic
facade of building
If the city's actual goal
Is to promote and grow
downtown, giving
opportunities to local
Enhanced community businesses is crucial to
1212024 17:19:51 Daily Yes, in Gilroy Strongly Agree gathering spaces No drawbacks Very Supportive achieving that
Enhanced community
1/2220247:43:28 Daily Von.In Gilroy Agree gathering spaces No drawbacks Supportive
• 7lmestamp
Please feel free to
share any additional
Thoughts or suggestions
regarding parklets In
Gilroy In the space
If you are a provided below. Your
restaurant/bar insights are highly
business owner In valued.
downtown Gilroy Thank you for faking the
would you consider time to pan/dpele In our
constructing a parklet survey) Your feedback
Do you think having What potential What if any potential to expand your will contribute to
If yes, have you more parklets In benefits do you see In drawbacks do you sea How supportive are outdoor If no, please specify If you are a property - shaping the future of
How frequently do you experienced or used a Gilroy would enhance having more perklets In having more you of the city seating/dining options If yes, pleasa specify the reasons why you owner, would you H yes, please specify 1/ no, please specify pubic spaces In our
visit local businesses parklet In Gilroy or the overall community In downtown Gilroy? parklete In downtown allowing parklets In for your your reasons for would not considera consider constructing your reasons for reasons for not community.
In downtown Gilroy? elsewhere? experience? (Select all that apply) Gilroy? Gilroy? establishment? conslderng a parklet parkiet? a parklet? considering a parklet. considering a perklet.
1/22/2024 9:20:22 Monthty
1/22/20241119:07 Daily
1/2220241415:31 Weekly
Increase outdoor
Enhanced community seating/dining for your
Yes, in other locations Strongly Agree gathering spaces Very Supportive Yes establishment
Increased outdoor
Yes, In Gilroy Strongly Agree seating for dining Decreased parking Very Supportive
Increase outdoor
Increased outdoor seating/dining for your
Yes. in Glroy Strongly Agree seating for dining No drawbacks Very Supportive Yes establishment
Increase outdoor
seating/dining for your
existing tenant
City of Gilroy have to be
fair for all the bossiness
if you give a permit to
one business you need
to give to others when
they apply nor It es a
humans we need to be
treated equal
Parklels are the wave of
the future for
downtowns across the
stale. Gilroy should take
advantage of bend to
increase vibrancy
Community Survey on Parklet Interest in
Downtown Gilroy.
Hello community members!
Thank you for participating in our community survey! We are seeking your valuable input to
understand the community's interest in allowing parklets in downtown Gilroy.
Parklets are public seating areas that are created by converting curbside parking spaces
into vibrant community spaces which may be used for outdoor seating and/or dining.
A business that desires outdoor seating or dining downtown has limited options. Due to
the narrow width of many of the sidewalks, a business may not be permitted to place
seating in that area without obstructing the right of way. As a result, constructing a parklet
may be the only option available to a business wanting to provide outdoor seating/dining
for their establishment.
Your responses will help us gauge the community's perspective on this initiative. Thank
Gilroy Council -members: Fred M. Tovar, M.Ed., and Rebeca Armendariz
Switch account
El Not shared
Please provide your name and or email address.
Your answer
How frequently do you visit local businesses in downtown Gilroy?
If yes, have you experienced or used a parklet in Gilroy or elsewhere?
• Yes, in Gilroy
O Yes, in other locations
O No, Never
Do you think having more parklets in Gilroy would enhance the overall community
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
What potential benefits do you see in having more parklets in downtown Gilroy?
(Select all that apply)
Increased outdoor seating for dining
Enhanced community gathering spaces
Improved aesthetics of the city
Boosted local business activities
Other (please specify)
What if any potential drawbacks do you see in having more parklets in downtown
No drawbacks
Decreased parking
Decreased aesthetics to the city
Decrease in local business activity
Increase noise/nuisance in downtown
How supportive are you of the city allowing parklets in Gilroy?
Very Supportive
Not Supportive
Not at all Supportive
If you are a restaurant/bar business owner in downtown Gilroy would you consider
constructing a parklet to expand your outdoor seating/dining options for your
O Yes
• No
• Maybe
If yes, please specify your reasons for considering a parklet
Increase outdoor seating/dining for your establishment
Increase visibility of your business
Improve aesthetic appearance/outdoor facade of your business
Increase revenues of your business
Increase vibrancy in the area
If no, please specify the reasons why you would not consider a parklet?
Decrease in number of customers
Decrease in revenues for your business
Decrease the aesthetic appearance/outdoor facade of the business
Decrease vibrancy/appeal for the area
Other (please specify)
If you are a property owner, would you consider constructing a parklet?
If yes, please specify your reasons for considering a parklet.
(__ Improve marketing/interest in space for potential tenants
Improved aesthetic appearance/outdoor facade of building
Increased property values
Increase outdoor seating/dining for your existing tenant
Create vibrancy/appeal of the area
0 All of the above
If no, please specify reasons for not considering a parklet.
( }J Decrease interest in space for potential tenants
f7) Decrease in aesthetic appearance/outdoor facade of building
U Decrease in property values
C �� Would detract from vibrancy/appeal of the area
0 Cost
^) Other (please specify)
Please feel free to share any additional thoughts or suggestions regarding parklets
in Gilroy in the space provided below. Your insights are highly valued.
Thank you for taking the time to participate in our survey! Your feedback will
contribute to shaping the future of public spaces in our community.
Your answer
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