02/08/2024 Open Government Commission Regular Agenda Packet February 8, 2024 6:00 PM Page 1 of 2 Open Government Commission Regular Meeting Agenda CITY OF GILROY OPEN GOVERNMENT COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2024 | 6:00 PM CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 7351 ROSANNA STREET GILROY, CA 95020 Chair: Vacant Vice Chair: Vacant Commissioners: Diana Bentz, Jessica Irwin, Shayne Somavia, & Akur Varadarajan Staff Liaison: Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator All Open Government Commission meeting materials are available online at http://gilroy.city/meetings COMMENTS BY THE PUBLIC WILL BE TAKEN ON AGENDA ITEMS BEFORE ACTION IS TAKEN BY THE OPEN GOVERNMENT COMMISSION. Public testimony is subject to reasonable regulations, including but not limited to time restrictions for each individual speaker. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City will make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. If you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk 72 hours prior to the meeting at (408) 846-0204. A sound enhancement system is also available for check out in the City Council Chambers. Materials related to an item on this agenda submitted to the Open Government Commission after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection with the agenda packet in the lobby of Administration at City Hall, 7351 Rosanna Street during normal business hours. These materials are also available with the agenda packet on the City website at www.cityofgilroy.org subject to Staff’s ability to publish the documents before the meeting. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THE GILROY OPEN GOVERNMENT ORDINANCE Government's duty is to serve the public, reaching its decisions in full view of the public. Commissions, task forces, councils and other agencies of the City exist to conduct the people's business. This ordinance assures that deliberations are conducted before the people and that City operations are open to the people's review. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THE OPEN GOVERNMENT ORDINANCE, TO RECEIVE A FREE COPY OF THE ORDINANCE OR TO REPORT A VIOLATION OF THE ORDINANCE, CONTACT THE OPEN GOVERNMENT COMMISSION STAFF AT (408) 846-0204 or by email at cityclerk@cityofgilroy.org. If you need assistance with translation and would like to speak during public comment, please contact the City Clerk a minimum of 72 hours prior to the meeting at 408-846- 0204 or e-mail the City Clerk’s Office at cityclerk@cityofgilroy.org. Si necesita un intérprete durante la junta y gustaría dar un comentario público, comuníquese con el Secretario de la Ciudad un mínimo de 72 horas antes de la junta al 408-846-0204 o envíe un correo electrónico a la Oficina del Secretario de la Ciudad a Open Government Commission Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 February 8, 2024 | 6:00 PM cityclerk@cityofgilroy.org. The AGENDA for this regular meeting is as follows: 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PRESENTATIONS TO THE OPEN GOVERNMENT COMMISSION 3.1. Mayor’s Presentation to the Open Government Commission 3.2. Public Comments by Members of the Public on Items not on the Agenda but within the Commission’s Subject Matter Jurisdiction 4. SELECTION OF THE 2024 CHAIRPERSON AND VICE-CHAIRPERSON 5. CONSENT CALENDAR This part of the meeting allows public address on non-agenda topics within the Commission’s jurisdiction. To speak, complete a Speaker's Card and give it to the City Clerk. Speaking time ranges up to 3 minutes. Extended discussions or actions on non-agenda items are restricted by law. For Commission action, the topic may be listed on a future agenda. 5.1. Approval of the November 2, 2023 Special Meeting Minutes 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6.1. Open Government Ordinance Training Video 7. NEW BUSINESS 7.1. Quarterly Review of Public Records Requests Per Gilroy Code Section 17A.35 (c) (Fourth Quarter, 2023) 1. Staff Report: Thai Nam Pham, City Clerk 2. Public Comment 3. Possible Action: Staff recommends that the Commission receive the report. 8. FUTURE COMMISSION INITIATED AGENDA ITEMS 9. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S UPDATE 10. ADJOURNMENT FUTURE MEETING DATES May 9, 2024 – 6:00 PM August 8, 2024 – 6:00 PM November 14, 2024 – 6:00 PM Page 1 of 3 City of Gilroy Open Government Commission Special Meeting Minutes Thursday, November 2, 2023 | 5:30 PM 1.CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair Bentz at 5:30 PM. 2.ROLL CALL Attendance Attendee Name Present Shayne Somavia, Commissioner Akur Varadarajan, Commissioner Karen Enzensperger, Vice-Chair (Arrived at 5:50 PM) Diana Bentz, Chair Absent Jessica Irwin, Commissioner 3.PRESENTATIONS TO THE OPEN GOVERNMENT COMMISSION 3.1. Public Comments by Members of the Public on Items not on the Agenda but within the Commission’s Subject Matter Jurisdiction Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz closed Public Comment. 4.CONSENT CALENDAR Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz closed Public Comment. RESULT: Pass MOVER: Shayne Somavia, Commissioner SECONDER: Akur Varadarajan, Commissioner AYES: Commissioner Somavia, Commissioner Varadarajan, Chair Bentz ABSENT: Commissioner Irwin, Vice Chair Enzensperger 4.1. Approval of the August 10, 2023 Open Government Commission Regular Meeting A motion was made to approve the minutes. 4.2. Approval of the 2024 Annual Calendar of Open Government Commission Meetings A motion was made to approve the 2024 Annual Calendar. 5.UNFINISHED BUSINESS There were none.DRAFT November 02, 2023 | 5:30 PM Page 2 of 3 Open Government Commission Speical Meeting Minutes 6. NEW BUSINESS 6.1. Quarterly Review of Public Records Requests Per Gilroy Code Section 17A.35 (c) (Third Quarter, 2023) City Clerk Pham provided staff presentation and responded to questions from the Commission. Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz closed Public Comment. The Commission received the report. 6.2. Review of the Open Government Commission By-Laws Chair Bentz asked the Commissioners if there were any updates to propose to the by-laws. There were none. Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz closed Public Comment. The Commission took no action on the item. 6.3. Review of the Open Government Commission Annual Presentation to Council (Draft Presentation Will Be Provided at the Meeting) The Commission reviewed the previous annual presentation and updated the presentation for the November 6th City Council Regular Meeting. Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz closed Public Comment. 6.4. Review of the Open Government Commission Presentation to the Council on Hybrid Meetings Commissioner Somavia presented a revised overview to the Commission on the topic of hybrid meetings, specifically addressing the recent updates on public comment procedures implemented by various cities in Santa Clara County following incidents of disruption on Zoom. Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz closed Public Comment. 7. FUTURE COMMISSION INITIATED AGENDA ITEMS There were none. 8. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S UPDATE There were none. 9. ADJOURNMENT Chair Bentz adjourned the meeting at 6:31 PM in honor of Vice-Chair Enzensperger. DRAFT November 02, 2023 | 5:30 PM Page 3 of 3 Open Government Commission Speical Meeting Minutes I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing minutes were duly and regularly adopted at a meeting of the Gilroy Open Government Commission of the City of Gilroy. /s/Thai Nam Pham, MMC, CPMC City Clerk DRAFT City of Gilroy Open Government Commission STAFF REPORT Agenda Item Title:Quarterly Review of Public Records Requests Per Gilroy Code Section 17A.35 (c) (Fourth Quarter, 2023) Meeting Date:February 8, 2024 From:Thai Nam Pham, City Clerk RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Commission receive the report. BACKGROUND This report contains two logs of Public Records Requests for the fourth quarter (October 1st through December 31st) of the 2024 calendar year: •General City Public Records Request log (Spreadsheet) •General City Public Records Request log (Word Format) •Police Department Public Records Request and Denial Log Attachments: 1. General City Public Records Request (Spreadsheet) 2. General City Public Records Request (Word Format) 3. Police Department Public Records Request and Denial Log Request ID#Request Date Description Status Department Source Resolution Days PRA-2023-00349 10/3/2023 Hello, We would like to request a list of properties that were issued a code enforcement violation if not a complaint from August 2023 up to present. Specifically we are looking for open & closed nuisance & property maintenance violations such as blight, trash, fire damage, debris, overgrown grass / weeds, trees,, abandoned property or houses, junk cars, rats, etc, Vacant and substandard building / neglected / unsecured properties, however we will take any code violations if it is easier. We need the property address, and if possible, the violation date, reason for violation / complaint. We would also like to request a list of properties that CURRENTLY have no water usage / zero water consumption. We need the property address. If this is not possible then we would like to request a list of properties that currently have the water shut off. Completed Community Development - Code Enforcement External Portal 10 PRA-2023-00348 10/3/2023 Property damaged from fire Completed Fire Internal Portal 14 PRA-2023-00347 10/3/2023 Requesting a digital copy of the approved Special Events Permit documents submitted by Nancy Solis (9225 El Caminito Gilroy) for the purpose of a July 4, 2023 Block Party on El Caminito.Completed Community Development - Planning External Portal 1 PRA-2023-00346 10/3/2023 I'm researching for a Phase I ESA and I'm looking for any hazardous materials, hazardous wastes, and/or storage tank records for 540 Cohansey Avenue in Gilroy, CA.Completed Community Development - Fire External Portal 2 PRA-2023-00350 10/9/2023 Hi, I'm looking for a copy of my parents (Belen & Joe Louie Garcia ) marriage certificate from December 4th or 5th, 1955. My mom's maiden name was Seanez, and they were married at St Mary's Church. If you could let me know if you have the certificate and how much it costs for two copies. Thanks in advance for your help. Joe Garciacano (415-990-0391) Completed City Clerk External Portal 4 PRA-2023-00353 10/11/2023 Aerial cable damaged by fire CMR Claim #: 1928465 Completed Fire External Portal 0 PRA-2023-00352 10/11/2023 Hello, This is in regard to Permit #07120047 for 7896 Monterey St, Gilroy, CA. The permit did not specify the total square feet the building would be with the addition of the separation wall. The total square footage should now reflect 6,408 sq ft. The Santa Clara County Assessor's office recently updated the information. I need documentation indicating that the building depth the permit was issued was on the basis of an additional square footage for a new total of 6,408. Or a Certificate of Occupancy reflecting 6,408 sq ft. This is for the purpose of refinancing the property and was requested by the underwriter. I have the Assessor's Office documentation I can email if needed. I am on a time limit on obtaining this information and would appreciate any help. I can be contacted at 209-617-0753 for any further questions. Completed Community Development - Building External Portal 13 PRA-2023-00351 10/11/2023 Roofing Permit for the property located at 7390 Orchard Drive in Gilroy Dated August 2002. I installed the new roof in august 2002. The house is a rental and we need this information for our insurance company.Completed Community Development - Building External Portal 13 PRA-2023-00357 10/12/2023 Any record of complaint regarding 7075 Yorktown Drive between the dates of 10/1/2018 to present. Results to be returned by 10/31/2023.Completed Community Development - Code Enforcement External Portal 12 PRA-2023-00356 10/12/2023 Hello, I am the homeowner for 8781 Arbor Street residence in Gilroy. I am doing some house renovations and like to get my architectural plans. Can you please help. Thanks Faisal Withdrawn Community Development - Building External Portal 46 PRA-2023-00355 10/12/2023 PRA-2023-00337 access did not work. Logging in as guest.Completed City Clerk External Portal 0 PRA-2023-00354 10/12/2023 Hello, I am looking for files related to the property 7900 Arroyo Circle in Gilroy. APN for the property: 841-69-037. Please provide all files related to any fuel and hazardous materials leaks, environmental permits, environmental violations, incidents and/or status of enforcement actions, environmental clean-ups or remediation, site investigations, land use covenants or restrictions, and environmental liens. Completed Community Development - Fire External Portal 4 PRA-2023-00359 10/16/2023 I am looking for a list or book of the roads and/or streets maintained or owned by the City of Gilroy. I was unable to find such a list on the website and hoped you could email it to me. Thank you. Completed Public Works Internal Portal 1 PRA-2023-00358 10/16/2023 We need the Building Floor Plans, MEP, Structural Documents for the current address 7900 Arroyo Circle, Gilroy, CA. We are looking into the building for our client and need a current set of drawing for the building.Withdrawn Community Development - Building External Portal 42 PRA-2023-00360 10/18/2023 We are requesting the entire building permit history for the following address: 7741 Church St. Gilroy, CA APN: 799-03-007 We would like to know the properties entire permit history including: any documents stating the permitted size and bedroom count of both of the houses on the property, any recorded drawings of the existing buildings, and any approved drawings of what is currently permitted for the two homes. Completed Community Development - Building External Portal 1 PRA-2023-00365 10/19/2023 7880 Monterey St, Gilroy, CA 95020-4520, Santa Clara County APN: 841-02-010 Completed Community Development - Planning External Portal 1 PRA-2023-00364 10/19/2023 7880 Monterey St, Gilroy, CA 95020-4520, Santa Clara County APN: 841-02-010 Completed Community Development - Code Enforcement External Portal 5 PRA-2023-00363 10/19/2023 7880 Monterey St, Gilroy, CA 95020-4520, Santa Clara County APN: 841-02-010 Red Tag Completed Community Development - Code Enforcement External Portal 4 Request ID#Request Date Description Status Department Source Resolution Days PRA-2023-00362 10/19/2023 Hello, We would like to request public records for the building located at 7787 Monterey St, Gilroy CA 95020. We are mainly looking for any permits pertaining to any updates to electric/wiring, heating, plumbing, and roofing. The building is owned by our insured but unfortunately she is dealing with both dementia related symptoms and is in hospice. Her daughter is trying to assist us but we don’t know where to start looking for paperwork. Updates are required for her upcoming renewal. If you have any questions or need anything from me, please feel free to contact me; I am available as well if you need to validate our relationship with the insured. Best regards Rebecca Parshall | Administrative Assistant 7600 Monterey St. Ste 140, Gilroy, CA 95020 Office (408) 847-1000 | Fax (408) 848-2314 | CA License # 4109816 www.pcb-insurance.com Review us on Google! CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication contains information intended for the use of the individuals to whom it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential or exempt from other disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, printing, copying, distribution or use of the contents is prohibited. If you have received this in error, please notify the sender immediately by telephone or by returning it by return mail and then permanently delete the communication from your system. Thank you. Completed Community Development - Building Internal Portal 8 PRA-2023-00361 10/19/2023 Shawna Freels, Pursuant to the California Public Records Act, Cal. Gov. Code §§ 6250 et seq., I write to request a copy of all full time employees’ first, middle (if available) and last names, including their job title/position, their campus/office location, date of hire and email address. Please provide this information in an electronic format such as Excel or .csv, pursuant to Cal. Gov. Code § 6253.9. We are compiling a population tally of all employees in the state separated by individual roles and responsibilities. This information is subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act. See, e.g., San Diego County Employees Retirement Assn. v. Superior Court, 196 Cal. App. 4th 1228, 1236-1237 (Cal. App. 4th Dist. 2011); Internet. Federation of Prof. & Technical Engineers, Local 21, AFL-CIO v. Superior Court, 128 Cal. App. 4th 586, 593 (Cal. App. 1st Dist. 2005). However, if you do not maintain these public records, please let me know which custodian does keep the information, including their address. If you choose to deny this request, please provide a written explanation for the denial including a reference to the specific statutory exemption upon which you rely. If you contend that any portion of the material is exempt from disclosure, redact the exempted portions and provide copies of the nonexempt information. I agree to pay all reasonable copying and postage fees. Please provide a receipt indicating the charges for each document. As provided in the Public Records Act, Sec. 6253(c), please send your response within ten business days, including up to fourteen days as provided by Government Code section 6253. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, Andrew Carlton andrew@notionize.org www.notionize.org Completed Human Resources Internal Portal 14 PRA-2023-00374 10/23/2023 I need to get information of who owned Hyundai of Gilroy in March of 2021. Completed Fire External Portal 8 PRA-2023-00373 10/23/2023 Hello, can I please get records of the property 411 LEWIS ST. Gilroy, CA 95020. Thank you.Canceled Community Development - Building External Portal N/A PRA-2023-00372 10/23/2023 hello, can I please get the records of property 411 LEWIS ST. Gilroy, CA 95020. Thank you. Completed Community Development - Building External Portal 7 PRA-2023-00371 10/23/2023 Request a copy of your building permit records from September 13, 2023 to the present. Please include any fields that your permitting system tracks. This includes, but is not limited to: -Permit Number -Applied/Issued Dates -Work Address -Permit Type -Permit Status -Description of the work being done -Contractor and Architect Details -Job Valuations The preferred file type is .xls/.csv or searchable pdf. Completed Community Development - Building External Portal 7 PRA-2023-00370 10/23/2023 7880 Monterey St, Gilroy, CA 95020-4520, Santa Clara County APN: 841-02-010 Completed Community Development - Planning External Portal 0 PRA-2023-00369 10/23/2023 7880 Monterey St, Gilroy, CA 95020-4520, Santa Clara County APN: 841-02-010 Completed Community Development - Code Enforcement External Portal 0 Request ID#Request Date Description Status Department Source Resolution Days PRA-2023-00368 10/23/2023 7880 Monterey St, Gilroy, CA 95020-4520, Santa Clara County APN: 841-02-010 Completed Community Development - Code Enforcement External Portal 0 PRA-2023-00367 10/23/2023 7880 Monterey St, Gilroy, CA 95020-4520, Santa Clara County APN: 841-02-010 Completed Community Development - Building External Portal 1 PRA-2023-00366 10/23/2023 7880 Monterey St, Gilroy, CA 95020-4520, Santa Clara County APN: 841-02-010 Completed Finance External Portal 0 PRA-2023-00378 10/24/2023 RE: 7880 MONTEREY ST GILROY, CA I am trying to confirm if there were any violations or red tags at Foster Freeze. Thanks! Completed Community Development - Code Enforcement External Portal 0 PRA-2023-00377 10/24/2023 10/24/23 City of Gilroy ATTN: City Clerk 7351 Rosanna St Gilroy, CA 95020 VIA EMAIL: cityclerk@cityofgilroy.org To Whom it May Concern, Pursuant to the California State Public Records Act, Government Code section 6250 et seq. and in the interest in public safety and services, I hereby request the following information. Any further questions can be directed to Andrea Hightower at anhightower@hotmail.com. Regarding the Gateway and Glenview Elementary School Improvement Project- For calendar years 2019-2023, please provide copies of all communications between the City of Gilroy, Santa Clara County Office of Education (COE), and all communications between City of Gilroy and Gilroy Unified School District, and/or any private entity / entities about the concerns mentioned below. This request includes, but is not limited to, the following: a.Emails b.Letters c.phone logs d.memos e.official and unofficial meetings minutes, notes and agendas f.safety planning and concerns g.The related Environmental Exemption Plan and related revisions h.Plans and revisions regarding the demolition, inspections, permits, and construction sent to or from the City of Gilroy a.All documentation of proper demolition, disposal and containment as stated in the Gateway Learning Center and Playground DSA #01-119657 Addendum #2 dated January 13, 2022 and any other past related reports b.All documentation regarding communications sent to impacted members/ stakeholders about this demolition Please provide such information within 10 calendar days pursuant to the Public Records Act. Completed City Clerk / Legal Internal Portal 43 PRA-2023-00376 10/24/2023 Please report the monthly or quarterly transient occupancy tax (TOT) revenue collected during the fiscal year 2022-2023 and the TOT rate imposed during that time.Completed Finance External Portal 14 PRA-2023-00375 10/24/2023 I am a designer and going to be working for a client at 1340 Longmeadow Dr. and hoping to get pdf's of exisitng plans of the residence. Thank you, Paul Carvalho Completed Community Development - Building External Portal 23 PRA-2023-00380 10/25/2023 FPPC Filings for 2020 election. Form 460's for all candidates. I attempted to find this on the FPPC Campaign portal. However, when searching on the City of Gilroy website, each time I selected a candidate, the portal message said, "No records found".Completed City Clerk External Portal 0 PRA-2023-00379 10/25/2023 Fire Department came for resident Hildegard Kramer as one daughter said she wanted to go to the hospital and other daughter said no and when fire department asked resident she said no. Licensing came in and daughter claimed we would not let her go to hospital so need verification resident said no and was deemed stable at time. Thank you, Kippie Completed Fire External Portal 0 PRA-2023-00383 10/30/2023 To Whom It May Concern, I request the HME Ahrens-Fox job number (also called "serial number" or "production number") for OES 2614, the Cal OES type 6 engine operated by Gilroy Fire Department. The job number will range from 23402 to 23480. The job number can be found on a sticker next to the brake release under the steering wheel of the vehicle. If the HME job number is found on this sticker, I would also like a copy of this sticker (a photo taken on a phone camera will suffice). If the job number is found elsewhere, I would like a copy of the document on which it was found. Thanks, Adam Tracy Completed Fire External Portal 1 PRA-2023-00382 10/30/2023 Residential blueprints, 960 Wildgrass Court Completed Community Development - Building External Portal 39 PRA-2023-00381 10/30/2023 I have a dispute to settle with pacific mobile estates 500 west 10th street I would the name or owner of this business Completed Finance External Portal 1 PRA-2023-00385 10/31/2023 I manage the property at 1058 Montebello Drive and I am requesting the report for the fire incident that occured at 1058 Montebello Drive, Gilroy. Thank you.Completed Fire External Portal 0 Request ID#Request Date Description Status Department Source Resolution Days PRA-2023-00384 10/31/2023 Property Damage from Fire Completed Fire Internal Portal 0 PRA-2023-00388 11/1/2023 Fire BehindThe Garlic Farm RV Park 10.28.23 time Approx. 930pm Homeless RV Explosion Completed Fire External Portal 15 PRA-2023-00387 11/1/2023 CAUTION: This email originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or responding to this email. Hello, I am reaching out on behalf of our client Barghausen Consulting Engineers. in regards to the renewal of their Business License. The details of the entity and license are listed below. Please provide a copy of the license via e-mail, or if not available electronically, please confirm the mailing address and the date of mailing. Barghausen Consulting Engineers •License Number: 15618 •Expiration Date: 06/30/2023 If need any additional information please reach out and we will be happy to provide. If possible please email the license copy to LicenseCopies@cscglobal.com Thank you for any assistance you are able to provide! Thank you! Completed Finance Internal Portal 0 PRA-2023-00386 11/1/2023 Hi, We are conducting research on solar activity in the U.S. and would like access to the following data for the date range (8/1/2023 to 10/31/2023): - Issued Residential and Commercial Solar (photovoltaic - PV) permits - Issued Residential and Commercial Energy Storage System permits The following are the important data points: • Permit number • Permit status • Permit address • Contractor • Issue date • Application date • Final / Completion date • Permit type • Sub-type • Valuation • Work description • Storage/Battery Manufacturer Name. If you do not have separate categories for solar or storage, please provide all building and electrical permits. Note that we do not need the original records nor need scanned copies – just the data that can be produced in excel or CSV format by the software used by your department to track permits and an email receipt is preferred. If possible, please provide the reports in CSV or excel format. Regards, and stay safe, Chris Completed Community Development - Building External Portal 5 PRA-2023-00389 11/2/2023 We would like a copy of any pre-application and application for residential and mixed-use development that was submitted to the City of Gilroy from August 23, 2023-November 2, 2023. Including the description of each project, how many affordable units are proposed, how many total units in the project, and the address of the project or assessor's parcel number. Thank you Completed Community Development - Planning External Portal 7 PRA-2023-00393 11/6/2023 Hi This is Nishi Gupta. We are considering purchasing property at 9741 Rancho Hills Dr, Gilroy. I would like to request property information, and Floor Plan for property at 9741 Rancho Hills Dr, Gilroy and any other information available about the property. Regards Nishi Completed Community Development - Building External Portal 32 Request ID#Request Date Description Status Department Source Resolution Days PRA-2023-00392 11/6/2023 Dear City Clerk: In accordance with the California Public Records Act , please research and provide to this office, the following for the incident that occurred at Railroad Ave & 6th St in the city of Gilroy on 10/16/2023 at approximately 10:44 AM, involving Carmelita Espiritu, who was operating a 2010 Mercedes Benz, and Aron Angel Velasquez, who was operating a 2020 Toyota Camry (hereinafter “Subject Incident”): 1.Any video or photo surveillance of this intersection recorded by cameras present at the subject intersection (please see attached photos for your reference) for the time period 10/16/2023 – 10/17/2023; 2.Any and all as-built plans for subject intersection for the time period of 10/16/2013 to the present time; 3.Any and all traffic volume counts of the subject intersection for the time period of 10/16/2013 to the present time; 4.Any and all safety analysis and safety studies of the subject intersection for the time period of 10/16/2013 to the present time; 5.Any crossroads documentation and studies for the time period of 10/16/2013 to the present time; 6.Records of any complaints relating to the subject intersection for the time period of 10/16/2013 to the present time; 7.Collision data for the subject intersection for the time period of 10/16/2013 to the present time; 8.And speed studies and gap studies for the time period of 10/16/2013 to the present time. Please make sure that the City of Gilroy puts a litigation hold on any of the above evidence relating to this location or incident (and that all emails are saved). Completed Fire External Portal 8 PRA-2023-00391 11/6/2023 I just purchased a home in Gilroy, Grey Eagle community. I would like to get a complete set of building plans and other associated documents for 7260 Pitlochry Drive, Gilroy, CA 95020.Completed Community Development - Building External Portal 32 PRA-2023-00390 11/6/2023 the address is 7641 Eigleberry Street Gilroy CA. I would like to get information on any existing permits for the property including the back one bedroom unit and if there are any violations on the property. Thank you! Completed Community Development - Building External Portal 9 PRA-2023-00395 11/7/2023 Hi, Can you please send me all documentation for 740 Dawn Way, Gilroy 95020 Thank you Suzanne Completed Community Development - Building External Portal 7 PRA-2023-00394 11/7/2023 Hello, Dodge Construction Network wants to ensure we have the most complete and accurate information regarding "Gourmet and Railroad Alley Improvements" that was bid on "11-01-2023 at 01.30 PM." DCN is requesting the: •Bid tabulation •Or, if no bid tabulation available, Requesting the 3 low bidders and their base bid amounts as ead aloud at the public bid opening Please send the information via email to projectdata@construction.com or via fax to 800-768-5594. If no low bid information is available at this time, when would be the best time to contact you for the information or the contract award? Thank you for your time and assistance. Bid Research Team +1 800 393 6343 T +1 800 768 5594 F projectdata@construction.com Dodge Number: 202300311136 Reporter ID: DEOP10 Dodge Construction Network is dedicated to delivering the most complete and accurate information on projects, people, firms, and products across the commercial construction industry. For more information, you can visit our website, www.construction.com Completed Finance Internal Portal 13 Request ID#Request Date Description Status Department Source Resolution Days PRA-2023-00396 11/13/2023 Sent by Electronic Mail Records Division GILROY POLICE DEPARTMENT pdrecordsrequests@cityofgilroy.org Re:Public Records Request – Police Databases, Education, & Transparency Attention Gilroy Police Department Records Division: I am writing to request records from the Gilroy Police Department (the “Department”) pursuant to the California Public Records Act (“CPRA”). (Gov. Code, Tit. 1, Div. 10 [§§ 7920.000-7931.000].) My request is not complex, and hopefully will not take much of your time. However, if you find any part of it to be unclear or unduly burdensome, please contact me so that we can discuss clarifying or narrowing the request. The CPRA directs public agencies to confer with records requesters, and take reasonable steps to assist in making “a focused and effective request that reasonably describes an identifiable record”. Consistent with this, before you consider denying part or all of this request, I am asking for your help in: (1) “identify[ing] records and information that are responsive to the request or to the purpose of the request”; (2) understanding “the information technology and physical location in which the records exist”; and (3) “[p]rovid[ing] suggestions for overcoming any practical basis for denying access to the records or information sought.” (Gov. Code, § 7922.600, subd. (a).) As part of this process, we might be able to agree on certain redactions, if there is information you need to keep private. However, some redactions might severely limit my ability to use the records, so it is important that we discuss any redactions before you make them. If you believe it is appropriate to withhold a record or redact part of a record, please provide a specific justification for the withholding or redaction. (Gov. Code, § 7922.000.) Please note that I am making this request in my capacity as a court-appointed attorney, researching police practices and the allocation of police resources. Any records provided will be used solely for the representation of indigent adult and juvenile accused, and all expenses William Safford, Sole Practitioner, California Bar No. 286948 associated with that representation must be covered by state allocated funds or donations Submitted Police Internal Portal PRA-2023-00397 11/14/2023 I'm doing my due diligence on a property I'm interested in at 241 Gurries Dr, GILROY, CA 95020. I'm requesting the permit history for this residence. Thank you in advance. Completed Community Development - Building External Portal 0 PRA-2023-00399 11/15/2023 1) Can you please send all permits requested from Jan 2022 to YTD 2023 for 7541 Monterey Street, Gilroy. 2) Please show who requested permits, date of the request and who approved or granted the permit. 3) Contact information of owner and developer of the property. 4) What will the property be used for upon completion? What is stated on the "use application"? 5) Has this property been red-tagged? If yes, when? Thank you for your time and consideration of this request. Completed Community Development - Building External Portal 13 PRA-2023-00398 11/15/2023 Hi, I would like to request a list of all the people that have applied for a business license within the last 6 month. In the list I would like the names of the business owner, business address, phone number, and email. Thank you Completed Finance External Portal 7 PRA-2023-00401 11/20/2023 We will need the Blueprints of 937 Alta Oak Way, Gilroy CA 95020 Completed Community Development - Building External Portal 37 PRA-2023-00400 11/20/2023 Hello! - Please notify our office of any open building or fire code violations associated with the subject property(ies), along with any Certificates of Occupancy on file for: 850 Renz Lane, Gilroy, Santa Clara County, CA - APN: 841-18-072 Kindly forward to any necessary departments and respond with any pertinent information. Thank You! Completed Community Development - Code Enforcement External Portal 0 PRA-2023-00406 11/22/2023 Hi, We would like to request a list of properties that were issued a fire code enforcement violation if not a complaint from January 2023 to October 2023. Specifically we are looking for open & closed nuisance & property maintenance violations such as blight, trash, fire damage, debris, overgrown grass / weeds, trees,, abandoned property or houses, junk cars, rats, etc, Vacant and substandard building / neglected / unsecured properties, however we will take any code violations if it is easier.We need the property address, and if possible, the violation date, reason for violation / complaint. We would also like to request a list of properties that CURRENTLY have no water usage / zero water consumption. We need the property address. If this is not possible then we would like to request a list of properties that currently have the water shut off. Regards, Completed Community Development - Code Enforcement External Portal 69 PRA-2023-00405 11/22/2023 Vehicle Fire at Nissan Dealership. Request came via walk up from car owner.Completed Fire Internal Portal 0 PRA-2023-00404 11/22/2023 Any and all planned projects and related documents regarding real property commonly known as 7891 Westwood Drive, Gilroy, CA, from its development to the present.Completed Community Development - Planning External Portal 9 PRA-2023-00403 11/22/2023 Any and all building permits, inspection reports, approvals, and related documents regarding real property commonly known as 7891 Westwood Drive, Gilroy, CA, from its development to the present.Completed Community Development - Building External Portal 5 Request ID#Request Date Description Status Department Source Resolution Days PRA-2023-00402 11/22/2023 Any and all project site maps and related documents regarding real property commonly known as 7891 Westwood Drive, Gilroy, CA, from its development to the present Completed Community Development - Planning External Portal 9 PRA-2023-00410 11/27/2023 Hello, I would like to request all building permits active or closed and any site plans of my address: 7449 Alexander street, Gilroy Ca. 95020 Thank you! Sincerely, Alex Garcia Completed Community Development - Building External Portal 4 PRA-2023-00409 11/27/2023 Current Lease Agreement between City of Gilroy and Gilroy Arts Alliance Completed City Clerk Internal Portal 0 PRA-2023-00408 11/27/2023 Requesting all documents for the property located at 241 Gurries Drive Gilroy, CA 95020 Completed Community Development - Building External Portal 0 PRA-2023-00407 11/27/2023 November 27, 2023 City of Gilroy City Clerk's Office Jimmy Forbis 7351 Rosanna St, Gilroy, CA 95020 cityadmin@cityofgilroy.org cityclerk@cityofgilroy.org Subject: Request for Public Records under the California Public Records Act Dear Public Records Coordinator, I am writing to you as a resident of Santa Clara County to request access to all emails sent to Gilroy by the public over the past three years since January 2023, and on an ongoing basis, and as defined in this request. This request is made under the California Public Records Act (CPRA). By way of background, I am the inventor of the neighborhood social network. I was the CEO of a predecessor entity to Nextdoor called Fatdoor formed in 2006, which was sold to Google in 2011 after raising money from Stanford professors, the former CEO of PayPal/Intuit, and major Silicon Valley venture capitalists. The concept was reborn as Nextdoor in 2011, and the company continues to license its patents from me. Also, I created the Hiago company in 2019. Hiago is a software that has been used by cities across California to manage public comments and CPRA compliance through real time tagging, publishing, and organizing of emails sent to city governments by residents. For instance, the city of Menlo Park, California, employs Hiago to automate the publication of emails received by the city to adhere to CPRA regulations. They also have a real-time Hiago integration on their city website, which displays incoming emails from residents in real-time. This integration not only identifies offensive content but also utilizes Artificial Intelligence to categorize and compile emails for community engagement purposes. Under the California Public Records Act (CPRA), Government Code Sections 6250 et seq., I am requesting access to, or copies of, records from Gilroy for the period from January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2023. The specifics of my request are detailed below: Requested Records: I formally request all emails sent from a non @Gilroy.org email address to any of the following email addresses from January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023 : 1 publiccomments@cityofgilroy org Submitted City Clerk Internal Portal PRA-2023-00411 11/28/2023 Hi, We are conducting a research project and kindly request your assistance in providing the following permit data points for the specified date range (01/01/2021 - 10/31/2023): 1.Permit Number 2.Issued Date 3.Contractor Business Name 4.Work Location 5.Valuations 6.Detailed Description of the Project 7.Application Date 8.Final Date Please note that we need Residential and Commercial “Building, Electrical, Mechanical, Addition/Alterations, HVAC, Electric Vehicle Charging Stations, Service Upgrade/Panel upgrade /Repair/Replace ,Solar/PV permits” issued in that time frame. Ideally, it would be best if you could send all available permit types without filtering for the specific ones mentioned earlier. This allows us to handle the filtering on our end, reducing the effort needed from your staff to send this data. If specific data points are unavailable, please share whatever information you have for the permits. If possible, we would appreciate the data in an electronic format such as CSV or Excel. If electronic data is not available, please provide guidance on obtaining the data efficiently. If you have any questions or require us to fill specific forms for data request, please let us know. Thank you for considering our request. Sincerely, Chris Completed Community Development - Building External Portal 0 PRA-2023-00417 11/29/2023 Hello, I am looking for permits on a property my parents own in Gilroy. The property is Station 55. Need to provide all permits on the building after 1990 for insurance. Property address is 55 5th Street, Gilroy. Owners are Kurt and Judy Anslinger. Completed Community Development - Building External Portal 2 PRA-2023-00416 11/29/2023 Request for fire report house was on fire Insured Patricia L Birchmier Completed Fire External Portal 9 PRA-2023-00415 11/29/2023 Staff Report to City Council for Study Session in November 2019. Subject; Glen Loma-Santa Teresa Fire Station From Interim Fire Chief Jeff Clet.Completed City Clerk External Portal 1 Request ID#Request Date Description Status Department Source Resolution Days PRA-2023-00414 11/29/2023 SmartProcure is submitting a public records request to the City of Gilroy for any and all purchasing records from 9/8/2023 to current. The request is limited to readily available records without physically copying, scanning, or printing paper documents. Any editable electronic document is acceptable. The specific information requested from your record-keeping system is: 1. Purchase order number. If purchase orders are not used a comparable substitute is acceptable, i.e., invoice, encumbrance, or check number 2. Purchase date 3. Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase) 4. Line item quantity 5. Line item price 6. Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address Completed Finance External Portal 8 PRA-2023-00413 11/29/2023 I would like to know if there was a permit issued for a roof for 7335 Orchard Drive in the last 20 years. Unfortunately we are not able to locate any previous records for our home at this address. This is needed for insurance purposes. Thank you.Completed Community Development - Building External Portal 2 PRA-2023-00412 11/29/2023 To Whom It May Concern: Pursuant to the California Public Records Act (CPRA)(Government Code § 6250 et seq.) and the California Constitution, as amended by passage of Proposition 59 on November 3, 2004, I am writing to request copies of the following records: •A list of all agencies/organizations that share data with the Gilroy Police Department via Flock (aka Flock Safety) which can be found in the Flock portal under “Networks Shared With Me" •A list of all agencies/organizations with whom the Gilroy Police Department shares data via Flock If you determine that any or all or the information is exempt from disclosure, I request that: (1) you exercise your discretion to disclose some or all of the records notwithstanding the exemption; and (2) that, with respect to records containing both exempt and non-exempt content, you redact the exempt content and disclose the rest. Finally, should part or all of this request be denied, please provide a written response describing the legal authority or authorities on which the denial is based, as required by the CPRA. Please also address the question whether Proposition 59 requires disclosure even though authorities predating Proposition 59 may appear to support your exemption claim. If I can provide any clarification that will help expedite your attention to this request, please contact me by phone at (510) 207-7165 or by email at mkatz@mikesbytes.com. I agree to pay copying costs of up to $50. Sincerely, Mike Katz-Lacabe mkatz@mikesbytes.com Completed Police Internal Portal 20 PRA-2023-00419 12/4/2023 There was a house fire Completed Fire External Portal 1 PRA-2023-00418 12/4/2023 Hi, We are conducting research on solar activity in the U.S. and would like access to the following data for the date range (11/1/2023 to 11/30/2023): - Issued Residential and Commercial Solar (photovoltaic - PV) permits - Issued Residential and Commercial Energy Storage System permits The following are the important data points: • Permit number • Permit status • Permit address • Contractor • Issue date • Application date • Final / Completion date • Permit type • Sub-type • Valuation • Work description • Storage/Battery Manufacturer Name. If you do not have separate categories for solar or storage, please provide all building and electrical permits. Note that we do not need the original records nor need scanned copies – just the data that can be produced in excel or CSV format by the software used by your department to track permits and an email receipt is preferred. If possible, please provide the reports in CSV or excel format. Regards, and stay safe, Chris Completed Community Development - Building External Portal 0 Request ID#Request Date Description Status Department Source Resolution Days PRA-2023-00421 12/6/2023 1.All documents related to easements to/from/affecting property known as APN- 841-66-028 also known as 400 Stutz Way, Gilroy also known as 400 Automall Drive, Gilroy, including but not limited Public Utility Easements 2.All documents related to easements to/from/affecting property known as APN- 841-66-019 also known as 400 Stutz Way, Gilroy also known as 400 Automall Drive, Gilroy, Gilroy, including but not limited Public Utility Easements. 3.All Grand Deeds related to property known as APN- 841-66-028 also known as 400 Stutz Way, Gilroy also known as 400 Automall Drive, Gilroy. 4.All Grant Deeds related to property known as APN- 841-66-019 also known as 400 Stutz Way, Gilroy also known as 400 Automall Drive, Gilroy. 5.Copy of easement shown on parcel map in Book of Maps 604, Page 45. 6.Copy of easement shown on parcel map in Book of Maps 561, Page 46. 7.Copy of easement shown on parcel map in Book of Maps 649, Page 17. 8.All property recordings related to APN- 841-66-028. 9.All property recordings related to APN- 841-66-019. 10. All documents related to the management of storm water on or around the property known as 400 Stutz Way, Gilroy also known as 400 Automall Drive, Gilroy 11. All documents related to any and all public utilities located on and/or servicing Stutz Way also known as Automall Drive in Gilroy. 12. All documents related to any and all public utilities located on and/or servicing Stutz Way also known as Automall Drive in Gilroy. 13. All documents stored on microfiche in digitized form related to property known as 400 Stutz Way, Gilroy also known as 400 Automall Drive, Gilroy. 14. A digitized copy of microfiche drawing sheet page C-3 that relates to permit # 9301062; 15. All documents related to permit applications and permits approved related to property known as 400 Stutz Way, Gilroy also known as 400 Automall Drive, Gilroy. 16. All documents related to inspections conducted at the property known as 400 Stutz Way, Gilroy also known as 400 Automall Drive, Gilroy. Completed Public Works External Portal 41 PRA-2023-00420 12/6/2023 I would like to request a listing of new businesses that filed in your jurisdiction for the time period of 09/01/2023 – 11/30/2023. The information should include at a minimum the BUSINESS NAME and BUSINESS ADDRESS, but other details such as the date that the business was filed, contact name, and business phone number (All contact info you’re able to provide) would be helpful. It is preferred that any files sent are in the csv or xlsx format, but txt and pdf files are also acceptable. Thank you. Completed Finance External Portal 5 PRA-2023-00422 12/7/2023 1) Storm water BMP operation and maintenance agreement for 400 Stutz Way also known as 400 Automall Drive, Gilroy. 2) Documents showing that Storm water BMP operation and maintenance agreement was not required for 400 Stutz Way also known as 400 Automall Drive, Gilroy. 3) Records of storm water facility inspections, maintenance and repair for 400 Stutz Way also known as 400 Automall Drive, Gilroy. Completed City Clerk External Portal 12 PRA-2023-00430 12/11/2023 "Hello, please provide any documentation or information regarding the property located at 5900-B Obata Way, Gilroy, CA"Completed Community Development - Fire External Portal 3 PRA-2023-00429 12/11/2023 "Hello, please provide any documentation or information regarding the property located at 5900-B Obata Way, Gilroy, CA"Completed Community Development - Fire External Portal 3 PRA-2023-00428 12/11/2023 "Hello, please provide any documentation or information regarding the property located at 5900-B Obata Way, Gilroy, CA"Completed Community Development - Fire External Portal 3 PRA-2023-00427 12/11/2023 "Hello, please provide any documentation or information regarding the property located at 5900-B Obata Way, Gilroy, CA"Completed Community Development - Fire External Portal 3 PRA-2023-00426 12/11/2023 "Hello, please provide any documentation or information regarding the property located at 5900-B Obata Way, Gilroy, CA"Completed Community Development - Fire External Portal 3 PRA-2023-00425 12/11/2023 Hello, please provide any documentation or information regarding the property located at 5900-B Obata Way, Gilroy, CA Completed Community Development - Fire External Portal 3 PRA-2023-00424 12/11/2023 Hello, please provide any documentation or information regarding ASTs located at 5900-B Obata Way, Gilroy, CA Completed Community Development - Fire External Portal 3 PRA-2023-00423 12/11/2023 Hello, I am requested building records and permits for the property located at 5900-B Obata Way, Gilroy, CA. Additionally, please provide any documentation regarding septic tanks, wells, violations, or inspections. Thank you! Completed Community Development - Building External Portal 0 PRA-2023-00434 12/12/2023 I'm requesting public records for Solar permitting that has been approved in the past 60 days. I'm also seeking records that would show what permitting requests have been made that have yet to be approved in the past 60 days. Please include relevant information such as the address, status and description of each record. Thank you for the help! Best, Sam Smith.Completed Community Development - Building External Portal 0 PRA-2023-00433 12/12/2023 I would like a PDF copy of any and all site plans, build plans, improvement plans, detail drawing etc. for my home located at 7230 Eagle Ridge Drive, Gilroy, CA 95020. This request is mainly focused on the original construction of the home. This is an expansion of PRA 2023-00431 which did not include any original construction documentation. It only provided permit and inspections for improvements. Documents are needed to assess load bearing walls in the home and how they were constructed. We are considering possible improvements to the home. Completed Community Development - Building External Portal 31 PRA-2023-00432 12/12/2023 Property Address - 150 to 190 Leavesley Road History of All building permits - open or closed, occupancy permits, etc.Completed Community Development - Building External Portal 0 PRA-2023-00431 12/12/2023 I would like all permit information for my home @ 7230 Eagle Ridge Drive, Gilroy, CA 95020 Completed Community Development - Building External Portal 0 PRA-2023-00435 12/14/2023 REQUEST FOR FIRE REPORT INSURED JULIO SANTOS CAMPOS Withdrawn Fire External Portal 47 PRA-2023-00438 12/18/2023 Copy of the finalized report investigation surrounding the events at Councilwoman Armendariz's home. Completed Administration Internal Portal 1 Request ID#Request Date Description Status Department Source Resolution Days PRA-2023-00437 12/18/2023 Request a copy of your building permit records since January 01, 2023, to present. Please include any fields that your permitting system tracks. This includes but is not limited to: -Permit Number -Applied/Issued Dates -Work Address -Permit Type -Permit Status -Description of the work being done -Contractor and Architect Details -Job Valuations Please note: The preferred file format is CSV format, same format as what you have provided in our previous request. Completed Community Development - Building External Portal 0 PRA-2023-00436 12/18/2023 Please provide the following for the 457 deferred compensation plans; at the plan level only. -total assets -any fee reports -assets broken down by funds at plan level only -fixed account crediting rate -Total number of participants within Plans Completed Human Resources External Portal 1 PRA-2023-00439 12/20/2023 Requesting all records for my property 7500 Chestnut St Gilroy.Completed Community Development - Building External Portal 0 PRA-2023-00440 12/21/2023 Request Code: 13058205 Date: 12/21/23 On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request updated plan-holder, bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS AVAILABLE on the following solicitation. Please correct any errors/deficiencies and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-1925. Solicitation Name: Annual CDBG Sidewalk Curb Ramp Solicitation Number: solicitation number 24-PW-285, Bid Date: 12/20/23 This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and in the interest of a fair and transparent bidding process. North America Procurement Council, Inc. PBC TEL 302-450-1923 FAX 302-450-1925 www.NAPC.pro bids@napc.me Completed Finance Internal Portal 8 PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00349 Date Received:10/3/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:10 Department:Community Development - Code Enforcement Request: Hello, We would like to request a list of properties that were issued a code enforcement violation if not a complaint from August 2023 up to present. Specifically we are looking for open & closed nuisance & property maintenance violations such as blight, trash, fire damage, debris, overgrown grass / weeds, trees,, abandoned property or houses, junk cars, rats, etc, Vacant and substandard building / neglected / unsecured properties, however we will take any code violations if it is easier. We need the property address, and if possible, the violation date, reason for violation / complaint. We would also like to request a list of properties that CURRENTLY have no water usage / zero water consumption. We need the property address. If this is not possible then we would like to request a list of properties that currently have the water shut off. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00348 Date Received:10/3/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:14 Department:Fire Request: Property damaged from fire Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00347 Date Received:10/3/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:1 Department:Community Development - Planning Request: Requesting a digital copy of the approved Special Events Permit documents submitted by Nancy Solis (9225 El Caminito Gilroy) for the purpose of a July 4, 2023 Block Party on El Caminito. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00346 Date Received:10/3/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:2 Department:Community Development - Fire Request: I'm researching for a Phase I ESA and I'm looking for any hazardous materials, hazardous wastes, and/or storage tank records for 540 Cohansey Avenue in Gilroy, CA. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00350 Date Received:10/9/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:4 Department:City Clerk Request: Hi, I'm looking for a copy of my parents (Belen & Joe Louie Garcia ) marriage certificate from December 4th or 5th, 1955. My mom's maiden name was Seanez, and they were married at St Mary's Church. If you could let me know if you have the certificate and how much it costs for two copies. Thanks in advance for your help. Joe Garciacano (415-990-0391) Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00353 Date Received:10/11/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Fire Request: Aerial cable damaged by fire CMR Claim #: 1928465 Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00352 Date Received:10/11/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:13 Department:Community Development - Building Request: Hello, This is in regard to Permit #07120047 for 7896 Monterey St, Gilroy, CA. The permit did not specify the total square feet the building would be with the addition of the separation wall. The total square footage should now reflect 6,408 sq ft. The Santa Clara County Assessor's office recently updated the information. I need documentation indicating that the building depth the permit was issued was on the basis of an additional square footage for a new total of 6,408. Or a Certificate of Occupancy reflecting 6,408 sq ft. This is for the purpose of refinancing the property and was requested by the underwriter. I have the Assessor's Office documentation I can email if needed. I am on a time limit on obtaining this information and would appreciate any help. I can be contacted at 209-617-0753 for any further questions. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00351 Date Received:10/11/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:13 Department:Community Development - Building Request: Roofing Permit for the property located at 7390 Orchard Drive in Gilroy Dated August 2002. I installed the new roof in august 2002. The house is a rental and we need this information for our insurance company. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00357 Date Received:10/12/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:12 Department:Community Development - Code Enforcement Request: Any record of complaint regarding 7075 Yorktown Drive between the dates of 10/1/2018 to present. Results to be returned by 10/31/2023. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00356 Date Received:10/12/2023 Status:Withdrawn Resolution Days:46 Department:Community Development - Building Request: Hello, I am the homeowner for 8781 Arbor Street residence in Gilroy. I am doing some house renovations and like to get my architectural plans. Can you please help. Thanks Faisal Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00355 Date Received:10/12/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:City Clerk Request: PRA-2023-00337 access did not work. Logging in as guest. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00354 Date Received:10/12/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:4 Department:Community Development - Fire Request: Hello, I am looking for files related to the property 7900 Arroyo Circle in Gilroy. APN for the property: 841-69-037. Please provide all files related to any fuel and hazardous materials leaks, environmental permits, environmental violations, incidents and/or status of enforcement actions, environmental clean-ups or remediation, site investigations, land use covenants or restrictions, and environmental liens. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00359 Date Received:10/16/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:1 Department:Public Works Request: I am looking for a list or book of the roads and/or streets maintained or owned by the City of Gilroy. I was unable to find such a list on the website and hoped you could email it to me. Thank you. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00358 Date Received:10/16/2023 Status:Withdrawn Resolution Days:42 Department:Community Development - Building Request: We need the Building Floor Plans, MEP, Structural Documents for the current address 7900 Arroyo Circle, Gilroy, CA. We are looking into the building for our client and need a current set of drawing for the building. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00360 Date Received:10/18/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:1 Department:Community Development - Building Request: We are requesting the entire building permit history for the following address: 7741 Church St. Gilroy, CA APN: 799-03-007 We would like to know the properties entire permit history including: any documents stating the permitted size and bedroom count of both of the houses on the property, any recorded drawings of the existing buildings, and any approved drawings of what is currently permitted for the two homes. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00365 Date Received:10/19/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:1 Department:Community Development - Planning Request: 7880 Monterey St, Gilroy, CA 95020-4520, Santa Clara County APN: 841-02-010 Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00364 Date Received:10/19/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:5 Department:Community Development - Code Enforcement Request: 7880 Monterey St, Gilroy, CA 95020-4520, Santa Clara County APN: 841-02-010 Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00363 Date Received:10/19/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:4 Department:Community Development - Code Enforcement Request: 7880 Monterey St, Gilroy, CA 95020-4520, Santa Clara County APN: 841-02-010 Red Tag Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00362 Date Received:10/19/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:8 Department:Community Development - Building Request: Hello, We would like to request public records for the building located at 7787 Monterey St, Gilroy CA 95020. We are mainly looking for any permits pertaining to any updates to electric/wiring, heating, plumbing, and roofing. The building is owned by our insured but unfortunately she is dealing with both dementia related symptoms and is in hospice. Her daughter is trying to assist us but we don’t know where to start looking for paperwork. Updates are required for her upcoming renewal. If you have any questions or need anything from me, please feel free to contact me; I am available as well if you need to validate our relationship with the insured. Best regards Rebecca Parshall | Administrative Assistant 7600 Monterey St. Ste 140, Gilroy, CA 95020 Office (408) 847-1000 | Fax (408) 848-2314 | CA License # 4109816 www.pcb-insurance.com Review us on Google! CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication contains information intended for the use of the individuals to whom it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential or exempt from other disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, printing, copying, distribution or use of the contents is prohibited. If you have received this in error, please notify the sender immediately by telephone or by returning it by return mail and then permanently delete the communication from your system. Thank you. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00361 Date Received:10/19/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:14 Department:Human Resources Request: Shawna Freels, Pursuant to the California Public Records Act, Cal. Gov. Code §§ 6250 et seq., I write to request a copy of all full time employees’ first, middle (if available) and last names, including their job title/position, their campus/office location, date of hire and email address. Please provide this information in an electronic format such as Excel or .csv, pursuant to Cal. Gov. Code § 6253.9. We are compiling a population tally of all employees in the state separated by individual roles and responsibilities. This information is subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act. See, e.g., San Diego County Employees Retirement Assn. v. Superior Court, 196 Cal. App. 4th 1228, 1236-1237 (Cal. App. 4th Dist. 2011); Internet. Federation of Prof. & Technical Engineers, Local 21, AFL-CIO v. Superior Court, 128 Cal. App. 4th 586, 593 (Cal. App. 1st Dist. 2005). However, if you do not maintain these public records, please let me know which custodian does keep the information, including their address. If you choose to deny this request, please provide a written explanation for the denial including a reference to the specific statutory exemption upon which you rely. If you contend that any portion of the material is exempt from disclosure, redact the exempted portions and provide copies of the nonexempt information. I agree to pay all reasonable copying and postage fees. Please provide a receipt indicating the charges for each document. As provided in the Public Records Act, Sec. 6253(c), please send your response within ten business days, including up to fourteen days as provided by Government Code section 6253. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, Andrew Carlton andrew@notionize.org www.notionize.org Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00374 Date Received:10/23/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:8 Department:Fire Request: I need to get information of who owned Hyundai of Gilroy in March of 2021. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00373 Date Received:10/23/2023 Status:Canceled Resolution Days:0 Department:Community Development - Building Request: Hello, can I please get records of the property 411 LEWIS ST. Gilroy, CA 95020. Thank you. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00372 Date Received:10/23/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:7 Department:Community Development - Building Request: hello, can I please get the records of property 411 LEWIS ST. Gilroy, CA 95020. Thank you. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00371 Date Received:10/23/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:7 Department:Community Development - Building Request: Request a copy of your building permit records from September 13, 2023 to the present. Please include any fields that your permitting system tracks. This includes, but is not limited to: -Permit Number -Applied/Issued Dates -Work Address -Permit Type -Permit Status -Description of the work being done -Contractor and Architect Details -Job Valuations The preferred file type is .xls/.csv or searchable pdf. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00370 Date Received:10/23/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Community Development - Planning Request: 7880 Monterey St, Gilroy, CA 95020-4520, Santa Clara County APN: 841-02-010 Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00369 Date Received:10/23/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Community Development - Code Enforcement Request: 7880 Monterey St, Gilroy, CA 95020-4520, Santa Clara County APN: 841-02-010 Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00368 Date Received:10/23/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Community Development - Code Enforcement Request: 7880 Monterey St, Gilroy, CA 95020-4520, Santa Clara County APN: 841-02-010 Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00367 Date Received:10/23/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:1 Department:Community Development - Building Request: 7880 Monterey St, Gilroy, CA 95020-4520, Santa Clara County APN: 841-02-010 Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00366 Date Received:10/23/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Finance Request: 7880 Monterey St, Gilroy, CA 95020-4520, Santa Clara County APN: 841-02-010 Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00378 Date Received:10/24/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Community Development - Code Enforcement Request: RE: 7880 MONTEREY ST GILROY, CA I am trying to confirm if there were any violations or red tags at Foster Freeze. Thanks! Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00377 Date Received:10/24/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:43 Department:City Clerk / Legal Request: 10/24/23 City of Gilroy ATTN: City Clerk 7351 Rosanna St Gilroy, CA 95020 VIA EMAIL: cityclerk@cityofgilroy.org To Whom it May Concern, Pursuant to the California State Public Records Act, Government Code section 6250 et seq. and in the interest in public safety and services, I hereby request the following information. Any further questions can be directed to Andrea Hightower at anhightower@hotmail.com. Regarding the Gateway and Glenview Elementary School Improvement Project- For calendar years 2019-2023, please provide copies of all communications between the City of Gilroy, Santa Clara County Office of Education (COE), and all communications between City of Gilroy and Gilroy Unified School District, and/or any private entity / entities about the concerns mentioned below. This request includes, but is not limited to, the following: a.Emails b.Letters c.phone logs d.memos e.official and unofficial meetings minutes, notes and agendas f.safety planning and concerns g.The related Environmental Exemption Plan and related revisions h.Plans and revisions regarding the demolition, inspections, permits, and construction sent to or from the City of Gilroy a.All documentation of proper demolition, disposal and containment as stated in the Gateway Learning Center and Playground DSA #01-119657 Addendum #2 dated January 13, 2022 and any other past related reports b.All documentation regarding communications sent to impacted members/ stakeholders about this demolition Please provide such information within 10 calendar days pursuant to the Public Records Act. Sincerely, Andrea Hightower (408) 603-3396 Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00376 Date Received:10/24/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:14 Department:Finance Request: Please report the monthly or quarterly transient occupancy tax (TOT) revenue collected during the fiscal year 2022-2023 and the TOT rate imposed during that time. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00375 Date Received:10/24/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:23 Department:Community Development - Building Request: I am a designer and going to be working for a client at 1340 Longmeadow Dr. and hoping to get pdf's of exisitng plans of the residence. Thank you, Paul Carvalho Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00380 Date Received:10/25/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:City Clerk Request: FPPC Filings for 2020 election. Form 460's for all candidates. I attempted to find this on the FPPC Campaign portal. However, when searching on the City of Gilroy website, each time I selected a candidate, the portal message said, "No records found". Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00379 Date Received:10/25/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Fire Request: Fire Department came for resident Hildegard Kramer as one daughter said she wanted to go to the hospital and other daughter said no and when fire department asked resident she said no. Licensing came in and daughter claimed we would not let her go to hospital so need verification resident said no and was deemed stable at time. Thank you, Kippie Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00383 Date Received:10/30/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:1 Department:Fire Request: To Whom It May Concern, I request the HME Ahrens-Fox job number (also called "serial number" or "production number") for OES 2614, the Cal OES type 6 engine operated by Gilroy Fire Department. The job number will range from 23402 to 23480. The job number can be found on a sticker next to the brake release under the steering wheel of the vehicle. If the HME job number is found on this sticker, I would also like a copy of this sticker (a photo taken on a phone camera will suffice). If the job number is found elsewhere, I would like a copy of the document on which it was found. Thanks, Adam Tracy Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00382 Date Received:10/30/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:39 Department:Community Development - Building Request: Residential blueprints, 960 Wildgrass Court Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00381 Date Received:10/30/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:1 Department:Finance Request: I have a dispute to settle with pacific mobile estates 500 west 10th street I would the name or owner of this business Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00385 Date Received:10/31/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Fire Request: I manage the property at 1058 Montebello Drive and I am requesting the report for the fire incident that occured at 1058 Montebello Drive, Gilroy. Thank you. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00384 Date Received:10/31/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Fire Request: Property Damage from Fire Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00388 Date Received:11/1/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:15 Department:Fire Request: Fire BehindThe Garlic Farm RV Park 10.28.23 time Approx. 930pm Homeless RV Explosion Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00387 Date Received:11/1/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Finance Request: CAUTION: This email originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or responding to this email. Hello, I am reaching out on behalf of our client Barghausen Consulting Engineers. in regards to the renewal of their Business License. The details of the entity and license are listed below. Please provide a copy of the license via e-mail, or if not available electronically, please confirm the mailing address and the date of mailing. Barghausen Consulting Engineers •License Number: 15618 •Expiration Date: 06/30/2023 If need any additional information please reach out and we will be happy to provide. If possible please email the license copy to LicenseCopies@cscglobal.com Thank you for any assistance you are able to provide! Thank you! Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00386 Date Received:11/1/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:5 Department:Community Development - Building Request: Hi, We are conducting research on solar activity in the U.S. and would like access to the following data for the date range (8/1/2023 to 10/31/2023): - Issued Residential and Commercial Solar (photovoltaic - PV) permits - Issued Residential and Commercial Energy Storage System permits The following are the important data points: • Permit number • Permit status • Permit address • Contractor • Issue date • Application date • Final / Completion date • Permit type • Sub-type • Valuation • Work description • Storage/Battery Manufacturer Name. If you do not have separate categories for solar or storage, please provide all building and electrical permits. Note that we do not need the original records nor need scanned copies – just the data that can be produced in excel or CSV format by the software used by your department to track permits and an email receipt is preferred. If possible, please provide the reports in CSV or excel format. Regards, and stay safe, Chris Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00389 Date Received:11/2/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:7 Department:Community Development - Planning Request: We would like a copy of any pre-application and application for residential and mixed-use development that was submitted to the City of Gilroy from August 23, 2023-November 2, 2023. Including the description of each project, how many affordable units are proposed, how many total units in the project, and the address of the project or assessor's parcel number. Thank you Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00393 Date Received:11/6/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:32 Department:Community Development - Building Request: Hi This is Nishi Gupta. We are considering purchasing property at 9741 Rancho Hills Dr, Gilroy. I would like to request property information, and Floor Plan for property at 9741 Rancho Hills Dr, Gilroy and any other information available about the property. Regards Nishi Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00392 Date Received:11/6/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:8 Department:Fire Request: Dear City Clerk: In accordance with the California Public Records Act , please research and provide to this office, the following for the incident that occurred at Railroad Ave & 6th St in the city of Gilroy on 10/16/2023 at approximately 10:44 AM, involving Carmelita Espiritu, who was operating a 2010 Mercedes Benz, and Aron Angel Velasquez, who was operating a 2020 Toyota Camry (hereinafter “Subject Incident”): 1.Any video or photo surveillance of this intersection recorded by cameras present at the subject intersection (please see attached photos for your reference) for the time period 10/16/2023 – 10/17/2023; 2.Any and all as-built plans for subject intersection for the time period of 10/16/2013 to the present time; 3.Any and all traffic volume counts of the subject intersection for the time period of 10/16/2013 to the present time; 4.Any and all safety analysis and safety studies of the subject intersection for the time period of 10/16/2013 to the present time; 5.Any crossroads documentation and studies for the time period of 10/16/2013 to the present time; 6.Records of any complaints relating to the subject intersection for the time period of 10/16/2013 to the present time; 7.Collision data for the subject intersection for the time period of 10/16/2013 to the present time; 8.And speed studies and gap studies for the time period of 10/16/2013 to the present time. Please make sure that the City of Gilroy puts a litigation hold on any of the above evidence relating to this location or incident (and that all emails are saved). Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00391 Date Received:11/6/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:32 Department:Community Development - Building Request: I just purchased a home in Gilroy, Grey Eagle community. I would like to get a complete set of building plans and other associated documents for 7260 Pitlochry Drive, Gilroy, CA 95020. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00390 Date Received:11/6/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:9 Department:Community Development - Building Request: the address is 7641 Eigleberry Street Gilroy CA. I would like to get information on any existing permits for the property including the back one bedroom unit and if there are any violations on the property. Thank you! Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00395 Date Received:11/7/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:7 Department:Community Development - Building Request: Hi, Can you please send me all documentation for 740 Dawn Way, Gilroy 95020 Thank you Suzanne Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00394 Date Received:11/7/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:13 Department:Finance Request: Hello, Dodge Construction Network wants to ensure we have the most complete and accurate information regarding "Gourmet and Railroad Alley Improvements" that was bid on "11-01-2023 at 01.30 PM." DCN is requesting the: •Bid tabulation •Or, if no bid tabulation available, Requesting the 3 low bidders and their base bid amounts as ead aloud at the public bid opening Please send the information via email to projectdata@construction.com or via fax to 800-768-5594. If no low bid information is available at this time, when would be the best time to contact you for the information or the contract award? Thank you for your time and assistance. Bid Research Team +1 800 393 6343 T +1 800 768 5594 F projectdata@construction.com Dodge Number: 202300311136 Reporter ID: DEOP10 Dodge Construction Network is dedicated to delivering the most complete and accurate information on projects, people, firms, and products across the commercial construction industry. For more information, you can visit our website, www.construction.com Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00396 Date Received:11/13/2023 Status:Submitted Resolution Days: Department:Police Request: Sent by Electronic Mail Records Division GILROY POLICE DEPARTMENT pdrecordsrequests@cityofgilroy.org Re:Public Records Request – Police Databases, Education, & Transparency Attention Gilroy Police Department Records Division: I am writing to request records from the Gilroy Police Department (the “Department”) pursuant to the California Public Records Act (“CPRA”). (Gov. Code, Tit. 1, Div. 10 [§§ 7920.000-7931.000].) My request is not complex, and hopefully will not take much of your time. However, if you find any part of it to be unclear or unduly burdensome, please contact me so that we can discuss clarifying or narrowing the request. The CPRA directs public agencies to confer with records requesters, and take reasonable steps to assist in making “a focused and effective request that reasonably describes an identifiable record”. Consistent with this, before you consider denying part or all of this request, I am asking for your help in: (1) “identify[ing] records and information that are responsive to the request or to the purpose of the request”; (2) understanding “the information technology and physical location in which the records exist”; and (3) “[p]rovid[ing] suggestions for overcoming any practical basis for denying access to the records or information sought.” (Gov. Code, § 7922.600, subd. (a).) As part of this process, we might be able to agree on certain redactions, if there is information you need to keep private. However, some redactions might severely limit my ability to use the records, so it is important that we discuss any redactions before you make them. If you believe it is appropriate to withhold a record or redact part of a record, please provide a specific justification for the withholding or redaction. (Gov. Code, § 7922.000.) Please note that I am making this request in my capacity as a court-appointed attorney, researching police practices and the allocation of police resources. Any records provided will be used solely for the representation of indigent adult and juvenile accused, and all expenses William Safford, Sole Practitioner, California Bar No. 286948 associated with that representation must be covered by state-allocated funds or donations. Accordingly, I am asking you to please waive any fees and costs. A full response to this request may include both records created by your office and records submitted to your office by outside parties. I understand that you are not required to create records in response to my request. However, if a record exists already, it should be disclosed, regardless of its source. And, if a record has already been disclosed to anyone outside the agency, that disclosure generally operates as a waiver of any objections to subsequent disclosure. (Gov. Code, § 7921.505, subd. (b).) Please note that my strong preference is to receive this information electronically. As a general rule, you are required to provide records in an electronic format if they already exist in that format. (Gov. Code, § 7922.570, subd. (a).) Thus, please provide a digital or electronic of the requested material unless it is not possible for you to do so. Records can be sent to me by email at saffordlegal@gmail.com, or I am happy to set up a ‘cloud’ folder for easy digital transfer. In brief, I am seeking records in three broad categories: (1) criminal investigation units; (2) crime scene investigation resources; (3) data management and access; (4) education on changes in criminal law; and (5) handling of public record requests. Below is a detailed recitation of my request. As you prepare your response, please consider the following definitions and notes: •Unless otherwise stated, when I ask you for records on a particular topic, I am asking for the most current version of each document and all other versions of that document generated in the past 10 years. For example, if the most recent version of a document is from 1994, you would provide only that version. However, if you have versions from 2018 and 2021, you would provide both versions. •Please interpret the term “document” as broadly referring to and synonymous with “record”, as used in Government Code section 7920.530, subdivision (a), which includes “any writing containing information relating to the conduct of the public’s business prepared, owned, used, or retained by any state or local agency regardless of physical form or characteristics.” •Please interpret the term “writing” as it is used in Government Code section 7920.545, to include “any handwriting, typewriting, printing, photostating, photographing, photocopying, transmitting by electronic mail or facsimile, and every other means of recording upon any tangible thing any form of communication or representation, including letters, words, pictures, sounds, or symbols, or combinations thereof, and any record thereby created, regardless of the manner in which the record has been stored.” •Please interpret any request for a “policy” as broadly referring to all formal and informal policies, including all directives and suggestions sent or posted by supervising personnel in such a way that they might be seen by subordinate personnel. For example, if a ranking employee sends an email or posts a social media message giving advice on how to respond to a situation, this would constitute an informal policy. •Please interpret the term “database” as broadly referring to any file which contains data accumulated by or for the use of agency employees, regardless of whether the file is housed in an agency device or maintained by a vendor who enables agency access to the device. A “database” is any file or software which contains multiple entries of similar data, meant to store the data or permit users to query, share, analyze, or otherwise use the data, such as lists of arrests, arrestees, incidents, et cetera. The definition of “database” includes any “enterprise system”. (Gov. Code, § 7922.700, subd. (a).) Please note that a “database” is a writing, within the definition above. However, in this request, I am not seeking copies of databases. Instead, I will be asking you for information about your databases, such as policies governing their use. •I understand some records responsive to my request may be included in your policy manual or other publicly-accessible documents, some of which may already be available online. However, such records can be quite large, difficult to locate, and likely only partially responsive to requests. If you would like to respond to a particular item in part by referring to an online document, please indicate section(s), page number(s), and url(s). •As far as I know, nothing in this request calls for individual records which are subject to any privileges or privacy protections. If you disagree, please contact me so we can discuss the proper way to narrow the request. With all the foregoing in mind, within 10 days of the date of this letter please provide an electronic copy of each of the following, or prompt notice of your inability or unwillingness to do so (Gov. Code, § 7922.535, subd. (a)): Data Management & Access 1.All records detailing databases used or maintained by the Department (both currently and at any time in the past 10 years), including any record which describes the purchase, installation, and maintenance of a database, where and how the database is stored, policies governing the use of and access to a database, policies for the retention and destruction of data, rules governing the confidentiality of part or all of any database, or the proper handling of data (please note that this type of information on agency databases is designated as public by statute, pursuant to Government Code section 7922.700, subdivision (a)); 2.All records detailing guidance for Department employees on the use of and access to databases, including any record which contains training material created by the Department or any outside vendor or agency, or guidelines for inputting or accessing data; 3.All records detailing the nature and parameters of data stored by the Department, including all information on fields, variables, and forms within the database, such as names, descriptions, requirements, and data type rules or validations; 4.A blank copy of each data entry interface used by the Department, including a blank copy of any paper or electronic form used for the input of data, and a screen capture of any user interface through which Department employees input data; 5.All records detailing contracts with the providers of any database or related software, regardless of whether such contracts are entered into by the Department or by some other entity for the Department’s benefit; 6.All records detailing contracts with any person or company retained for the purpose of analyzing data collected, stored, or accessed by the Department; 7.All records describing the actual or proposed sharing of data with any agency, organization, company, vendor, or other person or entity, including records describing formal agreements, informal agreements, protocols for sharing data, and limits on what data will be shared; 8.All records containing evaluation or analysis of data collected, stored, or accessed by the Department, including any reports describing the quality, scope, use, and problems with such data, generated by the Department or any other entity, regardless of whether the reports were produced at the Department’s request, for the Department’s benefit, or for any other purpose, such as internal review, budgeting, reporting to other city, county, state, or federal agencies, or compliance with any regulation, statute, or policy; Education on Changes in Criminal Law 9.All records of materials provided or available to Department personnel containing information on changes in the law governing murder, attempted murder, and manslaughter, as a result of Senate Bill No. 1437 (effective 1/1/2019), Senate Bill No. 775 (effective 1/1/2022), or any other significant development in statutes or case law in this area in the past 10 years, including training materials, internal memoranda, law summaries, District Attorney or Attorney General communications, and any other records conveying such information; 10.All records of materials provided or available to Department personnel containing information on changes in the law governing criminal street gang charges and allegations, as a result of Assembly Bill No. 333 (effective 1/1/2022) or any other significant development in statutes or case law in this area in the past 10 years, including training materials, internal memoranda, law summaries, District Attorney or Attorney General communications, and any other records conveying such information; 11.All records of materials provided or available to Department personnel containing information on the California Racial Justice Act, enacted in Assembly Bill No. 2542 (effective 1/1/2021) and modified by Assembly Bill No. 256 (effective 1/1/2023), including training materials, internal memoranda, law summaries, District Attorney or Attorney General communications, and any other records conveying such information; Handling of Public Record Requests 12.All records describing the Department’s policies for evaluating and responding to public records requests; 13.All logs of public records requests received by the Department within calendar years 2018 through 2023, including all information logged as to the Department’s response to such requests; and, 14.All records describing how officers can or should respond to subpoenas or other orders or requests to appear as witnesses, including any record which indicates when an officer is required to appear, encouraged to appear, permitted to refuse to appear, or prohibited from appearing in response to a request by a prosecutor, a defense attorney, or some other party, and any record which indicates whether and when an officer is required or encouraged to notify a supervisor or other Department employee that the officer has been subpoenaed, ordered, or requested to appear. Thank you in advance for your assistance. As the CPRA notes, “access to information concerning the conduct of the people’s business is a fundamental and necessary right”. (Gov. Code, § 7921.000.) This is true regardless of “the purpose for which the record is being requested”. (Gov. § 7921.300.) Your help with this request is appreciated. As soon as possible, please confirm receipt of this request, and if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Again, if any aspect of this request seems confusing or problematic, please contact me so we can discuss the problem. I may be able to clarify or simplify a request, or otherwise make it easier for you to comply. Thank you, William Safford, CA Bar No. 286948 P.O. Box 3486 Barrington, Illinois 60011 saffordlegal@gmail.com Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00397 Date Received:11/14/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Community Development - Building Request: I'm doing my due diligence on a property I'm interested in at 241 Gurries Dr, GILROY, CA 95020. I'm requesting the permit history for this residence. Thank you in advance. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00399 Date Received:11/15/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:13 Department:Community Development - Building Request: 1) Can you please send all permits requested from Jan 2022 to YTD 2023 for 7541 Monterey Street, Gilroy. 2) Please show who requested permits, date of the request and who approved or granted the permit. 3) Contact information of owner and developer of the property. 4) What will the property be used for upon completion? What is stated on the "use application"? 5) Has this property been red-tagged? If yes, when? Thank you for your time and consideration of this request. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00398 Date Received:11/15/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:7 Department:Finance Request: Hi, I would like to request a list of all the people that have applied for a business license within the last 6 month. In the list I would like the names of the business owner, business address, phone number, and email. Thank you Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00401 Date Received:11/20/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:37 Department:Community Development - Building Request: We will need the Blueprints of 937 Alta Oak Way, Gilroy CA 95020 Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00400 Date Received:11/20/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Community Development - Code Enforcement Request: Hello! - Please notify our office of any open building or fire code violations associated with the subject property(ies), along with any Certificates of Occupancy on file for: 850 Renz Lane, Gilroy, Santa Clara County, CA - APN: 841-18-072 Kindly forward to any necessary departments and respond with any pertinent information. Thank You! Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00406 Date Received:11/22/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:69 Department:Community Development - Code Enforcement Request: Hi, We would like to request a list of properties that were issued a fire code enforcement violation if not a complaint from January 2023 to October 2023. Specifically we are looking for open & closed nuisance & property maintenance violations such as blight, trash, fire damage, debris, overgrown grass / weeds, trees,, abandoned property or houses, junk cars, rats, etc, Vacant and substandard building / neglected / unsecured properties, however we will take any code violations if it is easier.We need the property address, and if possible, the violation date, reason for violation / complaint. We would also like to request a list of properties that CURRENTLY have no water usage / zero water consumption. We need the property address. If this is not possible then we would like to request a list of properties that currently have the water shut off. Regards, Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00405 Date Received:11/22/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Fire Request: Vehicle Fire at Nissan Dealership. Request came via walk up from car owner. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00404 Date Received:11/22/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:9 Department:Community Development - Planning Request: Any and all planned projects and related documents regarding real property commonly known as 7891 Westwood Drive, Gilroy, CA, from its development to the present. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00403 Date Received:11/22/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:5 Department:Community Development - Building Request: Any and all building permits, inspection reports, approvals, and related documents regarding real property commonly known as 7891 Westwood Drive, Gilroy, CA, from its development to the present. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00402 Date Received:11/22/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:9 Department:Community Development - Planning Request: Any and all project site maps and related documents regarding real property commonly known as 7891 Westwood Drive, Gilroy, CA, from its development to the present Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00410 Date Received:11/27/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:4 Department:Community Development - Building Request: Hello, I would like to request all building permits active or closed and any site plans of my address: 7449 Alexander street, Gilroy Ca. 95020 Thank you! Sincerely, Alex Garcia Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00409 Date Received:11/27/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:City Clerk Request: Current Lease Agreement between City of Gilroy and Gilroy Arts Alliance Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00408 Date Received:11/27/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Community Development - Building Request: Requesting all documents for the property located at 241 Gurries Drive Gilroy, CA 95020 Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00407 Date Received:11/27/2023 Status:Submitted Resolution Days: Department:City Clerk Request: November 27, 2023 City of Gilroy City Clerk's Office Jimmy Forbis 7351 Rosanna St, Gilroy, CA 95020 cityadmin@cityofgilroy.org cityclerk@cityofgilroy.org Subject: Request for Public Records under the California Public Records Act Dear Public Records Coordinator, I am writing to you as a resident of Santa Clara County to request access to all emails sent to Gilroy by the public over the past three years since January 2023, and on an ongoing basis, and as defined in this request. This request is made under the California Public Records Act (CPRA). By way of background, I am the inventor of the neighborhood social network. I was the CEO of a predecessor entity to Nextdoor called Fatdoor formed in 2006, which was sold to Google in 2011 after raising money from Stanford professors, the former CEO of PayPal/Intuit, and major Silicon Valley venture capitalists. The concept was reborn as Nextdoor in 2011, and the company continues to license its patents from me. Also, I created the Hiago company in 2019. Hiago is a software that has been used by cities across California to manage public comments and CPRA compliance through real time tagging, publishing, and organizing of emails sent to city governments by residents. For instance, the city of Menlo Park, California, employs Hiago to automate the publication of emails received by the city to adhere to CPRA regulations. They also have a real-time Hiago integration on their city website, which displays incoming emails from residents in real- time. This integration not only identifies offensive content but also utilizes Artificial Intelligence to categorize and compile emails for community engagement purposes. Under the California Public Records Act (CPRA), Government Code Sections 6250 et seq., I am requesting access to, or copies of, records from Gilroy for the period from January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2023. The specifics of my request are detailed below: Requested Records: I formally request all emails sent from a non @Gilroy.org email address to any of the following email addresses from January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023 : 1.publiccomments@cityofgilroy.org 2.cityadmin@cityofgilroy.org 3.cityclerk@cityofgilroy.org 4.allcouncilmembers@cityofgilroy.org 5.marie.blankley@cityofgilroy.org 6.rebeca.armendariz@cityofgilroy.org 7.dion.bracco@cityofgilroy.org 8.tom.cline@cityofgilroy.org 9.zachary.hilton@cityofgilroy.org 10.carol.marques@cityofgilroy.org 11.fred.tovar@cityofgilroy.org 12.police@ci.gilroy.ca.us 13.planningdivision@cityofgilroy.org Ideally, I request production in bulk, electronically stored information (ESI) format, in the form of a .PST file. If this format is unavailable, I am willing to gain receipt of the production in any format that is available. Arguments for the Need under CPRA: A.Transparency and Public Interest: These records are crucial for understanding the concerns and priorities of the residents of Gilroy. Access to this information is in the public interest as it promotes transparency and accountability in local governance. B.Enhancing Community Engagement: By analyzing these records, we can gain insights into the level of community engagement and public sentiment towards various municipal issues. This is essential for fostering a responsive and inclusive government. C.Informing Policy Decisions: The information gathered will be invaluable in informing policy decisions and resource allocation, ensuring they align with the community’s needs and interests. D.Research and Development: The data will significantly contribute to research and development in public administration, potentially leading to improved municipal services and operations. The purpose of this request is to gather data to train a Large Language Model (LLM) AI, (similar to ChatGPT) which aims to enhance legislative decision- making processes and promote public policy analysis starting in Santa Clara County and San Mateo Counties, and from there expanding across the state of California. This innovative project holds significant potential for advancing public administration and governance in the following ways: A.Data-Driven Policy Making: These records are crucial for understanding the concerns and priorities of the residents of Gilroy, Santa Clara County as a whole, and neighboring counties. Access to this information is in the public interest as it promotes transparency and accountability in local governance. The LLM AI will analyze communication patterns and content, providing nuanced insights into public concerns and sentiments. This will enable more informed and effective policy-making, ensuring that legislative decisions reflect community needs. B.Promoting Transparency and Accountability: Through comprehensive analysis of municipal communications, the AI will aid in identifying areas for improvement in governance, promoting transparency and public trust. C.Enhancing Public Engagement: By analyzing these records using the artificial intelligence based LLM model that I am building, the public can gain insights into the level of community engagement and public sentiment towards various municipal issues. This is essential for fostering a responsive and inclusive government. By analyzing a broad spectrum of public communications, the AI will ensure that diverse voices and opinions within the community are considered in policy formulation. D.Informing Policy Decisions: The artificial intelligence based LLM model that I am building using information produced in response to this request will be invaluable in informing policy decisions and resource allocation, ensuring they align with the community’s needs and interests. E.Research and Development: The LLM model will significantly contribute to research and development in public administration, potentially leading to improved municipal services and operations in Gilroy. F.Streamlining Administrative Processes: The AI's capabilities will be instrumental in efficiently managing and responding to public records requests in the future, reducing the administrative burden on Gilroy. Potential Benefits to Gilroy: 1. Enhancing Public Comment Analysis: My background provides credibility that I could develop sophisticated tools for a more nuanced analysis of public comments, providing Gilroy with deeper insights into the concerns and priorities of its residents. 2.Improving Gilroy's FOIA Process: Providing access to this data will lead to significant improvements in Gilroy's FOIA process, making it more efficient and user-friendly, and saving time and resources. 3.Boosting Public Trust and Engagement: Gilroy can enhance its image as a forward-thinking, transparent entity, potentially increasing public trust and engagement. Broader Implications: 1.Innovation in Municipal Governance: My interest in this data signals a move towards innovative approaches in municipal governance, setting a precedent for other cities and regions. 2.Economic and Technological Development: This collaboration could position Gilroy as a hub for technological and economic development, attracting similar innovative projects and investments. Ethical and Legal Considerations: 1.Commitment to Privacy Standards: My experience ensures that any utilization of this data will adhere to the highest privacy and ethical standards, protecting residents' information. 2.Mutual Benefits: In this partnership, Gilroy gains more than it gives; it gains access to improved tools and processes that can greatly benefit its operations and the community at large. Public Benefits: In submitting this request under the California Public Records Act, my foremost objective is to advance the public good in several significant and interrelated ways. Access to the requested records is not merely a procedural exercise; it represents a critical step towards enhancing Gilroy’s civic landscape. Here are some of the reasons why : A.Promoting Informed Public Participation: Access to these records is fundamental in enabling a more informed public participation in civic matters in Gilroy. Understanding past and present concerns of residents is crucial for fostering a proactive civic environment where public input is not only solicited but also valued and utilized effectively. B.Advancing Government Accountability and Transparency: Providing these records aligns with the principles of transparency and accountability in governance. By allowing scrutiny and analysis of public communications and council meetings, it demonstrates Gilroy’s commitment to open governance. C.Facilitating Data-Driven Policy Making: The data will serve as a valuable resource for policy makers, offering empirical insights into community needs and preferences. This facilitates data-driven decision-making, ensuring that policies and initiatives are rooted in the actual needs and sentiments of the community. D.Enhancing Public Service Delivery: Understanding resident concerns and historical trends will enable Gilroy to tailor its services more effectively, leading to improved public service delivery. This can result in better resource allocation, more responsive services, and a higher level of resident satisfaction. E.Strengthening Community Engagement and Cohesion: By analyzing residents’ interests in community activities and clubs, the artificial intelligence based LLM model will be able to identify opportunities to strengthen community engagement and cohesion. This data can help in designing community programs that are more aligned with resident interests, fostering a stronger sense of community. F.Economic and Social Research Contribution: The artificial intelligence based LLM model will be able to identify opportunities to strengthen community engagement and cohesion. This metadata will significantly contribute to economic and social research, offering insights into urban planning, community development, and local governance. This can inform broader public policy and academic discourse, extending benefits beyond the immediate city of Gilroy. By enabling more informed public participation, fostering government accountability and transparency, and facilitating data-driven policymaking, this request aims to elevate the standard of public service delivery. Moreover, it seeks to strengthen community engagement and cohesion, while contributing valuable data for economic and social research. Each of these aspects is integral to cultivating a proactive and responsive civic environment, where public input is not just heard but actively shapes the evolution of our community. By considering this request, Gilroy has an opportunity to demonstrate its commitment to these ideals, reinforcing its role as a progressive and open government entity. Feasibility & Privacy: I understand that a request of this scope may raise concerns regarding feasibility and privacy: I am aware that processing a request for all emails over a three-year period and on an ongoing basis is substantial. However, I believe that the municipal electronic communication systems can manage such a request effectively, particularly given the public interest served by this project. A.Privacy Concerns: I am committed to ensuring that all privacy laws and confidentiality requirements are strictly adhered to. The AI system will be designed to redact any personal or sensitive information, in compliance with CPRA exemptions. If the City of Gilroy licenses the software I will build or wants to partner in a deeper way, we could explore making a custom LLM using this data available only to government agencies. B.Administrative Burden: I propose that this project could be conducted in phases to mitigate the administrative load. An initial set of data from a specified period can be provided first, followed by subsequent tranches. C.Public Interest: The overarching goal of this request aligns with the principles of public interest, transparency, and the advancement of public administration. The benefits derived from this project will extend beyond individual interests and serve the broader community. Overview of my new initiative that this Records Request will enable: This initiative aims to revolutionize how cities and counties manage compliance with the Open Records Act. More importantly, it introduces a ChatGPT-like AI interface, enabling efficient data retrieval and comprehensive report generation based on historical public comment correspondence. Imagine a platform where the city of Gilroy could effortlessly: ?Identify all residents in the downtown area concerned with specific issues like stop signs or housing development matters. ?Gain insights into the predominant concerns of residents in selected neighborhoods, year by year, or by neighborhood. ?Compile targeted email lists of residents with shared interests, such as the Rotary Club or dog-friendly park initiatives across neighboring cities. ?Access organized records of public participation in City Council or Planning meetings, including speech summaries and attendee concerns, structured in an easy-to-navigate format. Access to these records since January 1, 2023 is particularly important because an AI that I want to build can be help Gilroy and Santa Clara County make decisions based on sentiment from ongoing key issues, such as : ?Housing Challenges in Gilroy: Gilroy has been grappling with the challenge of meeting state-mandated housing goals. The artificial intelligence based LLM model will be able to develop actional approaches with specificity, helping to alleviate concerns about Gilroy's ability to meet these housing requirements. The to meet the state's deadline could result in penalties, including the loss of control over local land use decisions ?Homelessness Crisis: Homelessness has been a critical issue in Santa Clara County, with a significant increase in the number of homeless individuals. The artificial intelligence based LLM model will be able to suggest locations for and support for locations of temporary housing and help in the analysis of patterns to reduce homelessness. ?COVID-19 Recovery Efforts: Our region has been working on recovering from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The artificial intelligence based LLM model will be able to determine whether allocation and use of federal funds have had an impact on supporting an economic recovery, and where and why that recovery has been uneven. ?Development Projects and Downtown Revitalization: Major development projects are set to transform the downtown area over the coming years. These projects are expected to include housing, community centers, parks, and other amenities, aiming to revitalize previously neglected areas. The artificial intelligence based LLM model will be able to determine areas and causes of community protests and aid in termining how best to distribute the benefits from these developments. ?Criminal Justice and Mental Health Services: Santa Clara County has been considering replacing Main Jail South with a mental health facility. This decision follows years of opposition to building a new jail and the need for improved mental health services. The artificial intelligence based LLM model will be able to determine how Gilroy can play a role by identifying specific problem areas and potential strategies that might help improve the wellbeing and mental health of residents in Gilroy and constituents within Santa Clara County as a whole. ?Housing Legislation: New housing legislation, like Senate Bill 9, has been introduced to address the housing shortage. This law allows the construction of more homes on single-family lots, aiming to increase housing availability. While this legislation has been met with both support and opposition, the artificial intelligence based LLM model will be able to identify specific areas of concern, areas of support, and foster new ideas for tackling the housing crisis in the region. This AI system that I hope to build through training a LLM with training data including the information requested through this request and each city in Santa Clara County and San Mateo County isn't just a concept; it's the beginning of a statewide movement to enhance city-resident engagement and decision-making processes. This AI system will revolutionize how Gilroy interacts with its extensive email log, offering dynamic and intelligent data retrieval and report generation capabilities. Key features of this AI solution include: ?Advanced Search and Query Handling: Quickly find out what residents in different neighborhoods of Gilroy are concerned about. The LLM will be able to swiftly process queries about resident interests, demographics, and concerns, drawing from historical email interactions. ?Insightful Data Analysis: Look back at what issues were important to residents in past years. The LLM will enable a deeper understanding of the key issues that have resonated with residents in specific neighborhoods and time periods. ?Efficient Contact Management: Create lists of residents interested in specific topics, like community clubs or parks. The LLM will be able to develop focus groups and generate draft surveys based on natural language queries. ?Meeting Participation Insights: Summarize what public comments were received that are relevant to Agenda Items at City Council meetings, and provide a historical context of an evolving debate based on public comment sentiments providing invaluable insights for decision-makers. This initiative goes beyond providing analytics and insight from resident-city interaction; it's a robust tool to ensure seamless compliance with the Open Records Act. By efficiently managing and analyzing the city's email logs, we can ensure transparency and accessibility while streamlining administrative processes to provide responses based on a query alone, without manual searching and time consuming compilation. Why It’s Important for Gilroy and Region 1.Efficient Service Delivery: The LLM will help Gilroy city staff quickly find information, answer public queries, and automate routine tasks. This makes city services more efficient and responsive. 2.Data Analysis and Decision Making: The LLM will use generative AI to help Gilroy analyze large sets of city data to identify trends, forecast needs, and provide insights for better decision-making. For example, it can help understand traffic patterns or predict where to allocate resources more effectively. 3.Enhancing Public Engagement: The LLM will help Gilroy engage with residents in new ways, like creating personalized responses to their inquiries or summarizing public opinions collected through various channels. 4.Innovation and Economic Growth: The LLM will help Gilroy and the county position itself as a forward-thinking and innovative region for government tech. This can attract new businesses, tech-savvy professionals, and educational opportunities, contributing to economic growth. 5.Education and Awareness: The LLM will help Gilroy city operations: the staff and residents become more aware of and educated about historical contexts to decision making that inform the future so that mistakes in the past are less repeated, and opportunities from learning from the past are presented again. In short, the LLM I hope to build aims to help make Gilroy city operations more efficient, informed, and innovative, which ultimately benefits everyone in the region. Commitment to Cover Costs: I understand that gathering and providing these records may require dedicated city resources. I am committed to covering the reasonable costs associated with fulfilling this request. I believe the investment in obtaining this information is justified by the substantial public interest and potential benefits outlined above. In my experience as both a software developer and a California licensed attorney, I understand that obtaining the requested records may not be as difficult of a task as it may initially seem. Often, city IT departments efficiently maintain such records, typically in Microsoft Outlook .PST files on Microsoft Enterprise servers. To facilitate the production of these records in a manner that is both efficient and secure, I am willing to enter into a limited scope services and confidentiality agreement with the city. As a licensed attorney, I am acutely aware of and committed to upholding the privacy and confidentiality standards set forth by the city and the legal profession. This commitment, coupled with my technical expertise, ensures a responsible handling of the records in accordance with all applicable regulations and city policies. Request for Meeting: I believe this tool could really help Gilroy, and I’d like to hear what you think. Can we set up a time to talk about this? I am keen to discuss how this idea could benefit Gilroy.. I’m available for an in-person meeting at City Hall to go over this concept in more detail. If it’s helpful, I can also attend a City Council meeting to present and explain this proposal directly. My goal is to have a thorough and interactive discussion about how this tool can meet the city's needs. Please let me know a convenient time for you or the best way to approach this, and I'll make arrangements to meet and discuss this exciting opportunity. Thank you for considering this innovative approach to city management. Request for Detailed Position Statement: In the event that any part of this request is denied, I respectfully request that Gilroy provide a detailed position statement. This statement should clearly outline the reasons for the denial, including specific references to the statutes or exemptions under the California Public Records Act upon which the denial is based. Such clarity will be invaluable for ensuring judicial efficiency and economy, should an appeal to the Superior Court become necessary, after all administrative remedies are exhausted. I am hopeful that an appeal will not be required and that we can resolve this matter cooperatively. My aim is to work collaboratively with the city to enhance public engagement and governance through this request. However, understanding the city's position in detail is essential for navigating any potential legal pathways forward. I appreciate your attention to this request and look forward to a productive resolution. Conclusion: In closing, I respectfully request your cooperation in fulfilling this request. I am open to discussing this further and finding a mutually agreeable way to proceed. Your assistance in this innovative endeavor will not only benefit our community but also set a precedent for the use of technology in enhancing municipal governance. Thank you for considering this request. I look forward to your response and am available for any further discussions or clarifications needed. Contact and Response: Please let me know the estimated cost of fulfilling this request in advance. If certain records are exempt from disclosure, I request that you provide a written explanation and release all segregable portions of otherwise exempt material. I look forward to your prompt response within the 10-day window as stipulated by the CPRA. Should you need any clarification regarding my request, please contact me at 408-398-3126 or raj@legalforcelaw.com. Sincerely, Raj Abhyanker, Esq. Notes: 1/16/2024: Assistant City Attorney provided formal response on behalf of City. 1/29/2024: Provided first batch of responsive records. Next batch of responsive records will be on February 8, 2024. PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00411 Date Received:11/28/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Community Development - Building Request: Hi, We are conducting a research project and kindly request your assistance in providing the following permit data points for the specified date range (01/01/2021 - 10/31/2023): 1.Permit Number 2.Issued Date 3.Contractor Business Name 4.Work Location 5.Valuations 6.Detailed Description of the Project 7.Application Date 8.Final Date Please note that we need Residential and Commercial “Building, Electrical, Mechanical, Addition/Alterations, HVAC, Electric Vehicle Charging Stations, Service Upgrade/Panel upgrade /Repair/Replace ,Solar/PV permits” issued in that time frame. Ideally, it would be best if you could send all available permit types without filtering for the specific ones mentioned earlier. This allows us to handle the filtering on our end, reducing the effort needed from your staff to send this data. If specific data points are unavailable, please share whatever information you have for the permits. If possible, we would appreciate the data in an electronic format such as CSV or Excel. If electronic data is not available, please provide guidance on obtaining the data efficiently. If you have any questions or require us to fill specific forms for data request, please let us know. Thank you for considering our request. Sincerely, Chris Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00417 Date Received:11/29/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:2 Department:Community Development - Building Request: Hello, I am looking for permits on a property my parents own in Gilroy. The property is Station 55. Need to provide all permits on the building after 1990 for insurance. Property address is 55 5th Street, Gilroy. Owners are Kurt and Judy Anslinger. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00416 Date Received:11/29/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:9 Department:Fire Request: Request for fire report house was on fire Insured Patricia L Birchmier Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00415 Date Received:11/29/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:1 Department:City Clerk Request: Staff Report to City Council for Study Session in November 2019. Subject; Glen Loma-Santa Teresa Fire Station From Interim Fire Chief Jeff Clet. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00414 Date Received:11/29/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:8 Department:Finance Request: SmartProcure is submitting a public records request to the City of Gilroy for any and all purchasing records from 9/8/2023 to current. The request is limited to readily available records without physically copying, scanning, or printing paper documents. Any editable electronic document is acceptable. The specific information requested from your record-keeping system is: 1. Purchase order number. If purchase orders are not used a comparable substitute is acceptable, i.e., invoice, encumbrance, or check number 2. Purchase date 3. Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase) 4. Line item quantity 5. Line item price 6. Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00413 Date Received:11/29/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:2 Department:Community Development - Building Request: I would like to know if there was a permit issued for a roof for 7335 Orchard Drive in the last 20 years. Unfortunately we are not able to locate any previous records for our home at this address. This is needed for insurance purposes. Thank you. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00412 Date Received:11/29/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:20 Department:Police Request: To Whom It May Concern: Pursuant to the California Public Records Act (CPRA)(Government Code § 6250 et seq.) and the California Constitution, as amended by passage of Proposition 59 on November 3, 2004, I am writing to request copies of the following records: •A list of all agencies/organizations that share data with the Gilroy Police Department via Flock (aka Flock Safety) which can be found in the Flock portal under “Networks Shared With Me" •A list of all agencies/organizations with whom the Gilroy Police Department shares data via Flock If you determine that any or all or the information is exempt from disclosure, I request that: (1) you exercise your discretion to disclose some or all of the records notwithstanding the exemption; and (2) that, with respect to records containing both exempt and non-exempt content, you redact the exempt content and disclose the rest. Finally, should part or all of this request be denied, please provide a written response describing the legal authority or authorities on which the denial is based, as required by the CPRA. Please also address the question whether Proposition 59 requires disclosure even though authorities predating Proposition 59 may appear to support your exemption claim. If I can provide any clarification that will help expedite your attention to this request, please contact me by phone at (510) 207-7165 or by email at mkatz@mikesbytes.com. I agree to pay copying costs of up to $50. Sincerely, Mike Katz-Lacabe mkatz@mikesbytes.com Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00419 Date Received:12/4/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:1 Department:Fire Request: There was a house fire Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00418 Date Received:12/4/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Community Development - Building Request: Hi, We are conducting research on solar activity in the U.S. and would like access to the following data for the date range (11/1/2023 to 11/30/2023): - Issued Residential and Commercial Solar (photovoltaic - PV) permits - Issued Residential and Commercial Energy Storage System permits The following are the important data points: • Permit number • Permit status • Permit address • Contractor • Issue date • Application date • Final / Completion date • Permit type • Sub-type • Valuation • Work description • Storage/Battery Manufacturer Name. If you do not have separate categories for solar or storage, please provide all building and electrical permits. Note that we do not need the original records nor need scanned copies – just the data that can be produced in excel or CSV format by the software used by your department to track permits and an email receipt is preferred. If possible, please provide the reports in CSV or excel format. Regards, and stay safe, Chris Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00421 Date Received:12/6/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:48 Department:Public Works Request: 1.All documents related to easements to/from/affecting property known as APN- 841-66-028 also known as 400 Stutz Way, Gilroy also known as 400 Automall Drive, Gilroy, including but not limited Public Utility Easements 2.All documents related to easements to/from/affecting property known as APN- 841-66-019 also known as 400 Stutz Way, Gilroy also known as 400 Automall Drive, Gilroy, Gilroy, including but not limited Public Utility Easements. 3.All Grand Deeds related to property known as APN- 841-66-028 also known as 400 Stutz Way, Gilroy also known as 400 Automall Drive, Gilroy. 4.All Grant Deeds related to property known as APN- 841-66-019 also known as 400 Stutz Way, Gilroy also known as 400 Automall Drive, Gilroy. 5.Copy of easement shown on parcel map in Book of Maps 604, Page 45. 6.Copy of easement shown on parcel map in Book of Maps 561, Page 46. 7.Copy of easement shown on parcel map in Book of Maps 649, Page 17. 8.All property recordings related to APN- 841-66-028. 9.All property recordings related to APN- 841-66-019. 10. All documents related to the management of storm water on or around the property known as 400 Stutz Way, Gilroy also known as 400 Automall Drive, Gilroy 11. All documents related to any and all public utilities located on and/or servicing Stutz Way also known as Automall Drive in Gilroy. 12. All documents related to any and all public utilities located on and/or servicing Stutz Way also known as Automall Drive in Gilroy. 13. All documents stored on microfiche in digitized form related to property known as 400 Stutz Way, Gilroy also known as 400 Automall Drive, Gilroy. 14. A digitized copy of microfiche drawing sheet page C-3 that relates to permit # 9301062; 15. All documents related to permit applications and permits approved related to property known as 400 Stutz Way, Gilroy also known as 400 Automall Drive, Gilroy. 16. All documents related to inspections conducted at the property known as 400 Stutz Way, Gilroy also known as 400 Automall Drive, Gilroy. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00420 Date Received:12/6/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:5 Department:Finance Request: I would like to request a listing of new businesses that filed in your jurisdiction for the time period of 09/01/2023 – 11/30/2023. The information should include at a minimum the BUSINESS NAME and BUSINESS ADDRESS, but other details such as the date that the business was filed, contact name, and business phone number (All contact info you’re able to provide) would be helpful. It is preferred that any files sent are in the csv or xlsx format, but txt and pdf files are also acceptable. Thank you. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00422 Date Received:12/7/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:12 Department:City Clerk Request: 1) Storm water BMP operation and maintenance agreement for 400 Stutz Way also known as 400 Automall Drive, Gilroy. 2) Documents showing that Storm water BMP operation and maintenance agreement was not required for 400 Stutz Way also known as 400 Automall Drive, Gilroy. 3) Records of storm water facility inspections, maintenance and repair for 400 Stutz Way also known as 400 Automall Drive, Gilroy. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00430 Date Received:12/11/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:3 Department:Community Development - Fire Request: "Hello, please provide any documentation or information regarding the property located at 5900-B Obata Way, Gilroy, CA" Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00429 Date Received:12/11/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:3 Department:Community Development - Fire Request: "Hello, please provide any documentation or information regarding the property located at 5900-B Obata Way, Gilroy, CA" Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00428 Date Received:12/11/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:3 Department:Community Development - Fire Request: "Hello, please provide any documentation or information regarding the property located at 5900-B Obata Way, Gilroy, CA" Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00427 Date Received:12/11/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:3 Department:Community Development - Fire Request: "Hello, please provide any documentation or information regarding the property located at 5900-B Obata Way, Gilroy, CA" Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00426 Date Received:12/11/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:3 Department:Community Development - Fire Request: "Hello, please provide any documentation or information regarding the property located at 5900-B Obata Way, Gilroy, CA" Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00425 Date Received:12/11/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:3 Department:Community Development - Fire Request: Hello, please provide any documentation or information regarding the property located at 5900-B Obata Way, Gilroy, CA Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00424 Date Received:12/11/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:3 Department:Community Development - Fire Request: Hello, please provide any documentation or information regarding ASTs located at 5900-B Obata Way, Gilroy, CA Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00423 Date Received:12/11/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Community Development - Building Request: Hello, I am requested building records and permits for the property located at 5900-B Obata Way, Gilroy, CA. Additionally, please provide any documentation regarding septic tanks, wells, violations, or inspections. Thank you! Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00434 Date Received:12/12/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Community Development - Building Request: I'm requesting public records for Solar permitting that has been approved in the past 60 days. I'm also seeking records that would show what permitting requests have been made that have yet to be approved in the past 60 days. Please include relevant information such as the address, status and description of each record. Thank you for the help! Best, Sam Smith. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00433 Date Received:12/12/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:31 Department:Community Development - Building Request: I would like a PDF copy of any and all site plans, build plans, improvement plans, detail drawing etc. for my home located at 7230 Eagle Ridge Drive, Gilroy, CA 95020. This request is mainly focused on the original construction of the home. This is an expansion of PRA 2023-00431 which did not include any original construction documentation. It only provided permit and inspections for improvements. Documents are needed to assess load bearing walls in the home and how they were constructed. We are considering possible improvements to the home. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00432 Date Received:12/12/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Community Development - Building Request: Property Address - 150 to 190 Leavesley Road History of All building permits - open or closed, occupancy permits, etc. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00431 Date Received:12/12/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Community Development - Building Request: I would like all permit information for my home @ 7230 Eagle Ridge Drive, Gilroy, CA 95020 Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00435 Date Received:12/14/2023 Status:Withdrawn Resolution Days:47 Department:Fire Request: REQUEST FOR FIRE REPORT INSURED JULIO SANTOS CAMPOS Notes: 1/30/2024 – No response received from requestor. Withdrawn due to no response. PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00438 Date Received:12/18/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:1 Department:Administration Request: Copy of the finalized report investigation surrounding the events at Councilwoman Armendariz's home. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00437 Date Received:12/18/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Community Development - Building Request: Request a copy of your building permit records since January 01, 2023, to present. Please include any fields that your permitting system tracks. This includes but is not limited to: -Permit Number -Applied/Issued Dates -Work Address -Permit Type -Permit Status -Description of the work being done -Contractor and Architect Details -Job Valuations Please note: The preferred file format is CSV format, same format as what you have provided in our previous request. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00436 Date Received:12/18/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:1 Department:Human Resources Request: Please provide the following for the 457 deferred compensation plans; at the plan level only. -total assets -any fee reports -assets broken down by funds at plan level only -fixed account crediting rate -Total number of participants within Plans Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00439 Date Received:12/20/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:0 Department:Community Development - Building Request: Requesting all records for my property 7500 Chestnut St Gilroy. Notes: PRA Reference#:PRA-2023-00440 Date Received:12/21/2023 Status:Completed Resolution Days:8 Department:Finance Request: Request Code: 13058205 Date: 12/21/23 On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request updated plan-holder, bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS AVAILABLE on the following solicitation. Please correct any errors/deficiencies and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-1925. Solicitation Name: Annual CDBG Sidewalk Curb Ramp Solicitation Number: solicitation number 24-PW-285, Bid Date: 12/20/23 This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and in the interest of a fair and transparent bidding process. North America Procurement Council, Inc. PBC TEL 302-450-1923 FAX 302-450-1925 www.NAPC.pro bids@napc.me Notes: Report Request Citizen Request January 41 February 71 March April May June July August 145 September 70 October 88 November December 74 29 63 50 87 1 20 0 70 24 76 0 23 0 33 28 92 1 19 0 53 29 122 0 20 0 83 52 80 1 42 Insurance Requests Background Checks Clearance Letters Arrest Log Subpoena Duces Tecum Other CPRA Requests 35 84 3 18 0 49 68 3 17 1 91 135 1 19 0 57 48 0 21 3 60 94 2 19 0 55 89 0 133 0 20 4 2 22 1 20 0 5 1 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 1 2 Total of CPRA requests 186 210 262 221 193 176 224 393 199 263 240 208 Agency Requests (Not CPRA) Victim Witness Requests (Not CPRA) Total of ALL requests 69 10 265 43 17 270 99 43 404 93 33 347 71 14 278 109 32 317 62 18 304 158 16 567 85 26 310 117 25 405 77 51 368 75 44 327 REPORTS NOT LISTED IN TOTAL CPRA: Agency Requests: Requests made by a criminal justice agency for a police report that is precluded from public release under one of many statutes, but authorized by statute to be released to assist the agency in the administration of justice. Victim Witness Requests: These are requests made by a Victim Witness organization for a police report that is precluded from public release under one of many statutes, but allowed by statute t be released for assistance to a victim for various services. REPORT TYPES:Citizen Request: Requests pertaining to a call for service or case number. Insurance Request: Request from insurance companies. Background Checks: Request from agencies in which a signed authorization is obtained from the individual for whom records are sought. Clearance Letters: Direct request from an individual for their background check within the agency's jurisdiction. Arrest Log: Any request for the arrest log. Subpoena Duces Tecum: Subpoena for Records. Other CPRA Requests: Any other request for agency records that does not pertain to a case number or incident. *The line item "Press Log" was removed from report since the implementation of Citizen Rims where the Press/Public can get information on calls for service via website: https://gilroy.crimegraphics.com/