Agenda Item #11.1 Raaena Lari Received 12 22 2024.pdf1 Beth Minor From:Raeena Lari <raeena.lari@gmail.com> Sent:Thursday, February 22, 2024 11:29 AM To:Public Comments; All Council Members Subject:EXTERNAL - Support item#11.1 Resolution calling for a Permanent Ceasefire (February 26) Attachments:01292024_RESOLUTION_Recognizing Sustained Peace and Safety for All Children.pdf; Attachment-244201.pdf Dear Council Members, I am writing to you in my personal capacity. As a trustee of the area, Gilroy is very close to my heart. I would like to urge the Gilroy City Council to urgently pass a ceasefire resolution to end the humanitarian crisis in Gaza which is disproportionately impacting women and children. We need a ceasefire to stop the tragic loss of life and to release hostages on both sides. Gilroy needs to be on the right side of history and add our voice to the following: Santa Clara County Democratic Central Committee Resolution https://sccdp.org/wp- content/uploads/2024/01/A-Call-for-Immediate-Cease-fire-in-Gaza-and-Provision-of-Humanitarian-Aid.pdf Resolution passed by Santa Clara County Board of Education (attached) Human Rights Commission Santa Clara County Statement on the War on Gaza (attached) Statement by Congressman Ro Khanna https://x.com/reprokhanna/status/1728792989978288434?s=42&t=dTAhxKRjaryXG3OZprnQTQ Statement by Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren https://lofgren.house.gov/media/press-releases/rep-lofgren-urges- israel-hamas-all-involved-parties-continue-pursuing-terms Statement by Senator Dave Cortese: "A Message of Peace and Humanity "In the face of ongoing and unspeakable violence, let us please acknowledge the profound loss of lives, and recognize the humanity of both the Palestinian and Israeli people. The United States must reassert its leadership role as a negotiator in the pursuit of a lasting peace. This means addressing the root causes of this violence and working to bring about an end to this prolonged period of tragedies in which innocent people and children are bearing the brunt of the suffering. I join many other elected leaders, locally and globally, as well as countries, organizations, and voices for peace in calling for an urgent and immediate ceasefire. I believe that this is an attainable reality" Dave Cortese California State Senator, District 15" Looking forward to your support in this movement to make our world safer for all our children, Warmly, Raeena CAUTION: This email originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or responding to this email. AGENDA ITEM #11.102/26/2024 Regular Meeting 2 RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING SUSTAINED PEACE AND SAFETY FOR ALL CHILDREN SANTA CLARA COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION RESOLUTION No. 2432-1 WHEREAS, the Santa Clara County Board of Education (SCCBOE) is committed to promoting inclusive and just conditions where all our students, staff members, and families feel a sense of belonging; and WHEREAS, the SCCBOE acknowledges the suffering of the peoples of the Middle East, including Palestinian and Israeli children, and affirms our shared humanity; and WHEREAS, the SCCBOE previously adopted resolutions “Denouncing Anti-Semitism” and “Denouncing Islamophobia'' and reaffirms our denunciation of Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia; and WHEREAS, we cherish our cultural richness and strive to ensure all communities feel respected and heard, including our Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Israeli-American, Arab-American, Palestinian-American, and other Middle Eastern-American communities; and WHEREAS, the SCCBOE recognizes the history of conflicts in the Middle East; and WHEREAS, the SCCBOE values peaceful conflict resolutions in the world and in our schools and classrooms; now THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the SCCBOE strives to lead by example in demonstrating to students how people with disparate perspectives can support students’ emotional and mental health needs by uniting in our advocacy for peaceful and respectful dialogue and resolution among all parties involved in the Middle East; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the SCCBOE urges our community to develop and participate in activities that foster respect, empathy, education, and understanding of people of all backgrounds and religious faiths; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the SCCBOE looks forward to a future where all can live with dignity and security in peace; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the SCCBOE believes together as concerned leaders we must foster hate-free communities, classrooms, and schools in which hate speech, bullying, and violence are addressed; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the SCCBOE calls for a ceasefire for sustainable peace and the release of all hostages in the Middle East, including Palestine and Israel, which demonstrates to Santa Clara County students that leaders can advocate for peaceful conflict resolution for the good of humanity and for the sake of children; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the SCCBOE affirms the American Academy of Pediatrics’ following policy statement: • Children should never be harmed because of the religious, cultural, and other beliefs and values of the child and/or their family; • Harm to children should never be used as a tool or tactic of war or conflict; • Children should be protected from the direct effects of armed conflicts and their food, housing, health, and other basic needs safeguarded; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Santa Clara County Board of Education strives to ensure each and every Santa Clara County student feels safe and valued, and that hate speech, Islamophobia, Anti- Semitism, Anti-Palestinian racism, and Anti-Israeli racism must be condemned and eliminated in all learning environments. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the County Board of Education at a meeting held on January 29, 2024, by the following vote: AYES: President Berta and Trustees Chon, Di Salvo, Lari, and Mah NOES: none ABSTAIN: Vice President Rocha and Trustee Sreekrishnan ABSENT: none Maimona Afzal Berta, President Santa Clara County Board of Education