Agenda Item #11.1 Elizabeth Mulford Received 02 26 2024.pdfFrom:Elizabeth Mulford To:Public Comments; All Council Members Subject:EXTERNAL - Support of Resolution 2 Date:Sunday, February 25, 2024 8:28:57 PM CAUTION: This email originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or responding to this email. I write as one who has been back and forth frequently to the land of the Holy One since 1961—and has been to Gaza three times. About 18 years ago, I became an active member of Jewish Voice for Peace and believe that Never Again means Never Again for Anyone. What is happening now in Gaza is nothing less than genocide! The destruction of schools, UN shelters, every university, churches, mosques, libraries—all to destroy the cultural life of a people along with the people themselves…..It took the Syrian Civil War 11 Years to kill 12,000 children yet Israel has done it in less than four MONTHS! The UN has said that is No other conflict have so many of its employees, along with reporters and medical personnel been killed. And now Israel is starving the survivors and depriving them of food and medicine. Of the 1,000 trucks a day that brought goods into Gaza before the war, three days ago only 4 were allowed—despite literally hundreds of trucks filled with humanitarian aid and personnel ready to deliver it. Only an immediate and permanent ceasefire will stop this horror!! Resolution #2 is a humanitarian statement that demonstrates care for all people in Israel and Gaza. It calls for the release of all hostages, and an immediate and permanent ceasefire so that massive humanitarian aid can be supplied. It supports all parties complying with international law. To avoid dividing the community of Gilroy, I ask that you support Resolution 2 which values the lives and dignity of all people. Anything else would be divisive. Thank you for your concern and consideration. Liz Mulford AGENDA ITEM # 11.1 02/26/2024 REGULAR MEETING