Agenda Item #11.1 James Bangerter Received 02 26 2024.pdfCAUTION: This email originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or responding to this email. From:James Bangerter To:All Council Members Cc:City Clerk Subject:EXTERNAL - Resolution for Ceasefire Now! Date:Monday, February 26, 2024 11:58:15 AM To my council members, I have watched with horror not only over the last months but over most of my adult life as Palestinians have been forcibly removed from their homes, fenced into their cities, killed, and fled once their world had been bombed. However, this current violence against innocents is unheard of in any modern warfare. What is happening in the Gaza strip is the end of a horrific genocide. When I was 17 years old, I walked through the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC to stand witness to the atrocities of the past. I keep a tile from it above my desk to this day. It reads: ONLY GUARD YOURSELF AND GUARD YOUR SOUL CAREFULLY, LEST YOU FORGET THE THINGS YOUR EYES SAW, AND LEST THESE THINGS DEPART YOUR HEART ALL THE DAYS OF YOUR LIFE. AND YOU SHALL MAKE THEM KNOWN TO YOUR CHILDREN, AND TO YOUR CHILDREN'S CHILDREN. - DEUTERONOMY 4:9 I shall never forget. The horrors we have all witnessed in Palestine are not hidden behind walls. Each new sanctuary Israel instructs Palestinians to flee to has become a death camp all the same, as they bomb all places they declared safe and starve Palestinian women and children to death. By resolving to join in the call for a ceasefire now, the council will add to the chorus of voices that can end this violence. Ceasefire Now! James Barnson-Bangerter AGENDA ITEM #11.1 02/26/2024 REGULAR MEETING