2024 AgreementCity of Gilroy Agreement/Contract Tracking Today’s Date: July 15, 2022 Your Name: Monica Sendejas Contract Type: Services over $5k - Consultant Phone Number: 408-846-0266 Contract Effective Date: (Date contract goes into effect) 7/20/2022 Contract Expiration Date: 7/20/2025 Contractor / Consultant Name: (if an individual’s name, format as last name, first name) CSG Consultants, Inc. Contract Subject: (no more than 100 characters) On-Call Environmental Review Services (2022) Contract Amount: (Total Amount of contract. If no amount, leave blank) $1,000,000 By submitting this form, I confirm this information is complete: ➢ Date of Contract ➢ Contractor/Consultant name and complete address ➢ Terms of the agreement (start date, completion date or “until project completion”, cap of compensation to be paid) ➢ Scope of Services, Terms of Payment, Milestone Schedule and exhibit(s) attached ➢ Taxpayer ID or Social Security # and Contractors License # if applicable ➢ Contractor/Consultant signer’s name and title ➢ City Administrator or Department Head Name, City Clerk (Attest), City Attorney (Approved as to Form) Routing Steps for Electronic Signature Risk Manager City Attorney Approval As to Form City Administrator or Department Head City Clerk Attestation DocuSign Envelope ID: A5138A34-4302-464D-A71C-1F702974F30E -1- 4835-2267-0361v1 LAC\04706083 AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES (For contracts over $5,000 - CONSULTANT) This AGREEMENT made this 20th day of July, 2022, between: CITY: City of Gilroy, having a principal place of business at 7351 Rosanna Street, Gilroy, California and CONSULTANT: CSG Consultants, Inc., having a principal place of business at 550 Pilgrim Drive, Foster City, CA 94404. ARTICLE 1. TERM OF AGREEMENT This Agreement will become effective on 7/20/2022 and will continue in effect through 7/20/2025 unless terminated in accordance with the provisions of Article 7 of this Agreement. Any lapse in insurance coverage as required by Article 5, Section D of this Agreement shall terminate this Agreement regardless of any other provision stated herein. ______ Initial ARTICLE 2. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR STATUS It is the express intention of the parties that CONSULTANT is an independent contractor and not an employee, agent, joint venturer or partner of CITY. Nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted or construed as creating or establishing the relationship of employer and employee between CITY and CONSULTANT or any employee or agent of CONSULTANT. Both parties acknowledge that CONSULTANT is not an employee for state or federal tax purposes. CONSULTANT shall not be entitled to any of the rights or benefits afforded to CITY’S employees, including, without limitation, disability or unemployment insurance, workers’ compensation, medical insurance, sick leave, retirement benefits or any other employment benefits. CONSULTANT shall retain the right to perform services for others during the term of this Agreement. ARTICLE 3. SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED BY CONSULTANT A. Specific Services CONSULTANT agrees to: Perform the services as outlined in Exhibit “A” (“Specific Provisions”) and Exhibit “B” (“Scope of Services”), within the time periods described in Exhibit “C” (“Milestone Schedule”). B. Method of Performing Services CONSULTANT shall determine the method, details and means of performing the above - described services. CITY shall have no right to, and shall not, control the manner or determine the method of accomplishing CONSULTANT’S services. DocuSign Envelope ID: A5138A34-4302-464D-A71C-1F702974F30E -2- 4835-2267-0361v1 LAC\04706083 C. Employment of Assistants CONSULTANT may, at the CONSULTANT’S own expense, employ such assistants as CONSULTANT deems necessary to perform the services required of CONSULTANT by this Agreement, subject to the prohibition against assignment and subcontracting contained in Article 5 below. CITY may not control, direct, or supervise CONSULTANT’S assistants in the performance of those services. CONSULTANT assumes full and sole responsibility for the payment of all compensation and expenses of these assistants and for all state and federal income tax, unemployment insurance, Social Security, disability insurance and other applicable withholding. D. Place of Work CONSULTANT shall perform the services required by this Agreement at any place or location and at such times as CONSULTANT shall determine is necessary to properly and timely perform CONSULTANT’S services. ARTICLE 4. COMPENSATION A. Consideration In consideration for the services to be performed by CONSULTANT, CITY agrees to pay CONSULTANT the amounts set forth in Exhibit “D” (“Payment Schedule”). In no event however shall the total compensation paid to CONSULTANT exceed $1,000,000.00. B. Invoices CONSULTANT shall submit invoices for all services rendered. C. Payment Payment shall be due according to the payment schedule set forth in Exhibit “D”. No payment will be made unless CONSULTANT has first provided City with a written receipt of invoice describing the work performed and any approved direct expenses (as provided for in Exhibit “A”, Section IV) incurred during the preceding period. If CITY objects to all or any portion of any invoice, CITY shall notify CONSULTANT of the objection within thirty (30) days from receipt of the invoice, give reasons for the objection, and pay that portion of the invoice not in dispute. It shall not constitute a default or breach of this Agreement for CITY not to pay any invoiced amounts to which it has objected until the objection has been resolved by mutual agreement of the parties. D. Expenses CONSULTANT shall be responsible for all costs and expenses incident to the performance of services for CITY, including but not limited to, all costs of equipment used or provided by CONSULTANT, all fees, fines, licenses, bonds or taxes required of or imposed against CONSULTANT and all other of CONSULTANT’S costs of doing business. CITY shall not be DocuSign Envelope ID: A5138A34-4302-464D-A71C-1F702974F30E -3- 4835-2267-0361v1 LAC\04706083 responsible for any expenses incurred by CONSULTANT in performing services for CITY, except for those expenses constituting “direct expenses” referenced on Exhibit “A.” ARTICLE 5. OBLIGATIONS OF CONSULTANT A. Tools and Instrumentalities CONSULTANT shall supply all tools and instrumentalities required to perform the services under this Agreement at its sole cost and expense. CONSULTANT is not required to purchase or rent any tools, equipment or services from CITY. B. Workers’ Compensation CONSULTANT agrees to provide workers’ compensation insurance for CONSULTANT’S employees and agents and agrees to hold harmless, defend with counsel acceptable to CITY and indemnify CITY, its officers, representatives, agents and employees from and against any and all claims, suits, damages, costs, fees, demands, causes of action, losses, liabilities and expenses, including without limitation reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising out of any injury, disability, or death of any of CONSULTANT’S employees. C. Indemnification of Liability, Duty to Defend 1. As to professional liability, to the fullest extent permitted by law, CONSULTANT shall defend, through counsel approved by CITY (which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld), indemnify and hold harmless CITY, its officers, representatives, agents and employees against any and all suits, damages, costs, fees, claims, demands, causes of action, losses, liabilities and expenses, including without limitation attorneys’ fees, to the extent arising or resulting directly or indirectly from any willful or negligent acts, errors or omissions of CONSULTANT or CONSULTANT’S assistants, employees or agents, including all claims relating to the injury or death of any person or damage to any property. 2. As to other liability, to the fullest extent permitted by law, CONSULTANT shall defend, through counsel approved by CITY (which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld), indemnify and hold harmless CITY, its officers, representatives, agents and employees against any and all suits, damages, costs, fees, claims, demands, causes of action, losses, liabilities and expenses, including without limitation attorneys’ fees, arising or resulting directly or indirectly from any act or omission of CONSULTANT or CONSULTANT’S assistants, employees or agents, including all claims relating to the injury or death of any person or damage to any property. D. Insurance In addition to any other obligations under this Agreement, CONSULTANT shall, at no cost to CITY, obtain and maintain throughout the term of this Agreement: (a) Commercial Liability Insurance on a per occurrence basis, including coverage for owned and non-owned automobiles, with a minimum combined single limit coverage of $1,000,000 per occurrence for all damages due to bodily injury, sickness or disease, or death to any person, and damage to property, DocuSign Envelope ID: A5138A34-4302-464D-A71C-1F702974F30E -4- 4835-2267-0361v1 LAC\04706083 including the loss of use thereof; and (b) Professional Liability Insurance (Errors & Omissions) with a minimum coverage of $1,000,000 per occurrence or claim, and $2,000,000 aggregate; provided however, Professional Liability Insurance written on a claims made basis must comply with the requirements set forth below. Professional Liability Insurance written on a claims made basis (including without limitation the initial policy obtained and all subsequent policies purchased as renewals or replacements) must show the retroactive date, and the retroactive date must be before the earlier of the effective date of the contract or the beginning of the contract work. Claims made Professional Liability Insurance must be maintained, and written evidence of insurance must be provided, for at least five (5) years after the completion of the contract work. If claims made coverage is canceled or non-renewed, and not replaced with another claims-made policy form with a retroactive date prior to the earlier of the effective date of the contract or the beginning of the contract work, CONSULTANT must purchase so called “extended reporting” or “tail” coverage for a minimum of five (5) years after completion of work, which must also show a retroactive date that is before the earlier of the effective date of the contract or the beginning of the contract work. As a condition preceden t to CITY’S obligations under this Agreement, CONSULTANT shall furnish written evidence of such coverage (naming CITY, its officers and employees as additional insureds on the Comprehensive Liability insurance policy referred to in (a) immediately above via a specific endorsement) and requiring thirty (30) days written notice of policy lapse or cancellation, or of a material change in policy terms. E. Assignment Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, neither this Agreement nor any duties or obligations of CONSULTANT under this Agreement may be assigned or subcontracted by CONSULTANT without the prior written consent of CITY, which CITY may withhold in its sole and absolute discretion. F. State and Federal Taxes As CONSULTANT is not CITY’S employee, CONSULTANT shall be responsible for paying all required state and federal taxes. Without limiting the foregoing, CONSULTANT acknowledges and agrees that: • CITY will not withhold FICA (Social Security) from CONSULTANT’S payments; • CITY will not make state or federal unemployment insurance contributions on CONSULTANT’S behalf; • CITY will not withhold state or federal income tax from payment to CONSULTANT; • CITY will not make disability insurance contributions on behalf of CONSULTANT; • CITY will not obtain workers’ compensation insurance on behalf of CONSULTANT. DocuSign Envelope ID: A5138A34-4302-464D-A71C-1F702974F30E -5- 4835-2267-0361v1 LAC\04706083 ARTICLE 6. OBLIGATIONS OF CITY A. Cooperation of City CITY agrees to respond to all reasonable requests of CONSULTANT and provide access, at reasonable times following receipt by CITY of reasonable notice, to all documents reasonably necessary to the performance of CONSULTANT’S duties under this Agreement. B. Assignment CITY may assign this Agreement or any duties or obligations thereunder to a successor governmental entity without the consent of CONSULTANT. Such assignment shall not release CONSULTANT from any of CONSULTANT’S duties or obligations under this Agreement. ARTICLE 7. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT A. Sale of Consultant’s Business/ Death of Consultant. CONSULTANT shall notify CITY of the proposed sale of CONSULTANT’s business no later than thirty (30) days prior to any such sale. CITY shall have the option of terminating this Agreement within thirty (30) days after receiving such notice of sale. Any such CITY termination pursuant to this Article 7.A shall be in writing and sent to the address for notices to CONSULTANT set forth in Exhibit A, Subsection V.H., no later than thirty (30) days after CITY’ receipt of such notice of sale. If CONSULTANT is an individual, this Agreement shall be deemed autom atically terminated upon death of CONSULTANT. B. Termination by City for Default of Consultant Should CONSULTANT default in the performance of this Agreement or materially breach any of its provisions, CITY, at CITY’S option, may terminate this Agreement by giving written notification to CONSULTANT. For the purposes of this section, material breach of this Agreement shall include, but not be limited to the following: 1. CONSULTANT’S failure to professionally and/or timely perform any of the services contemplated by this Agreement. 2. CONSULTANT’S breach of any of its representations, warranties or covenants contained in this Agreement. CONSULTANT shall be entitled to payment only for work completed in accordance with the terms of this Agreement through the date of the termination notice, as reasonably determined by CITY, provided that such payment shall not exceed the amounts set forth in this Agreement for the tasks described on Exhibit C” which have been fully, competently and timely rendered by CONSULTANT. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if CITY terminates this Agreement due to CONSULTANT’S default in the performance of this Agreement or material breach by CONSULTANT of any of its provisions, then in addition to any other rights and remedies CITY DocuSign Envelope ID: A5138A34-4302-464D-A71C-1F702974F30E -6- 4835-2267-0361v1 LAC\04706083 may have, CONSULTANT shall reimburse CITY, within ten (10) days after demand, for any and all costs and expenses incurred by CITY in order to complete the tasks constituting the scope of work as described in this Agreement, to the extent such costs and expenses exceed the amounts CITY would have been obligated to pay CONSULTANT for the performance of that task pursuant to this Agreement. C. Termination for Failure to Make Agreed-Upon Payments Should CITY fail to pay CONSULTANT all or any part of the compensation set forth in Article 4 of this Agreement on the date due, then if and only if such nonpayment constitutes a default under this Agreement, CONSULTANT, at the CONSULTANT’S option, may terminate this Agreement if such default is not remedied by CITY within thirty (30) days after demand for such payment is given by CONSULTANT to CITY. D. Transition after Termination Upon termination, CONSULTANT shall immediately stop work, unless cessation could potentially cause any damage or harm to person or property, in which case CONSULTANT shall cease such work as soon as it is safe to do so. CONSULTANT shall incur no further expenses in connection with this Agreement. CONSULTANT shall promptly deliver to CITY all work done toward completion of the services required hereunder, and shall act in such a manner as to facilitate any the assumption of CONSULTANT’s duties by any new consultant hired by the CITY to complete such services. ARTICLE 8. GENERAL PROVISIONS A. Amendment & Modification No amendments, modifications, alterations or changes to the terms of this Agreement shall be effective unless and until made in a writing signed by both parties hereto. B. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Throughout the term of this Agreement, the CONSULTANT shall comply fully with all applicable provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (“the Act”) in its current form and as it may be amended from time to time. CONSULTANT shall also require such compliance of all subcontractors performing work under this Agreement, subject to the prohibition against assignment and subcontracting contained in Article 5 above. The CONSULTANT shall defend with counsel acceptable to CITY, indemnify and hold harmless the CITY OF GILROY, its officers, employees, agents and representatives from and against all suits, claims, demands, damages, costs, causes of action, losses, liabilities, expenses and fees, including without limitation reasonable attorneys’ fees, that may arise out of any violations of the Act by the CONSULTANT, its subcontractors, or the officers, employees, agents or representatives of either. DocuSign Envelope ID: A5138A34-4302-464D-A71C-1F702974F30E -7- 4835-2267-0361v1 LAC\04706083 C. Attorneys’ Fees If any action at law or in equity, including an action for declaratory relief, is brought to enforce or interpret the provisions of this Agreement, the prevailing party will be entitled to reasonable attorneys’ fees, which may be set by the court in the same action or in a separate action brought for that purpose, in addition to any other relief to which that party may be entitled. D. Captions The captions and headings of the various sections, paragraphs and subparagraphs of the Agreement are for convenience only and shall not be considered nor referred to for resolving questions of interpretation. E. Compliance with Laws The CONSULTANT shall keep itself informed of all State and National laws and all municip al ordinances and regulations of the CITY which in any manner affect those engaged or employed in the work, or the materials used in the work, or which in any way affect the conduct of the work, and of all such orders and decrees of bodies or tribunals having any jurisdiction or authority over the same. Without limiting the foregoing, CONSULTANT agrees to observe the provisions of the Municipal Code of the CITY OF GILROY, obligating every contractor or subcontractor under a contract or subcontract to the CITY OF GILROY for public works or for goods or services to refrain from discriminatory employment or subcontracting practices on the basis of the race, color, sex, religious creed, national origin, ancestry of any employee, applicant for employment, or any potential subcontractor. F. Conflict of Interest CONSULTANT certifies that to the best of its knowledge, no CITY employee or office of any public agency interested in this Agreement has any pecuniary interest in the business of CONSULTANT and that no person associated with CONSULTANT has any interest that would constitute a conflict of interest in any manner or degree as to the execution or performance of this Agreement. G. Entire Agreement This Agreement supersedes any and all prior agreements, whether oral or written, between the parties hereto with respect to the rendering of services by CONSULTANT for CITY and contains all the covenants and agreements between the parties with respect to the rendering of such services in any manner whatsoever. Each party to this Agreement acknowledges that no representations, inducements, promises or agreements, orally or otherwise, have been made by any party, or anyone acting on behalf of any party, which are not embodied herein, and that no other agreement, statement or promise not contained in this Agreement shall be valid or binding. No other agreements or conversation with any officer, agent or employee of CITY prior to execution of this Agreement shall affect or modify any of the terms or obligations contained in any documents comprising this Agreement. Such other agreements or conversations shall be considered as unofficial information and in no way binding upon CITY. DocuSign Envelope ID: A5138A34-4302-464D-A71C-1F702974F30E -8- 4835-2267-0361v1 LAC\04706083 H. Governing Law and Venue This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California without regard to the conflict of laws provisions of any jurisdiction. The exclusive jurisdiction and venue with respect to any and all disputes arising hereunder shall be in state and federal courts located in Santa Clara County, California. I. Notices Any notice to be given hereunder by either party to the other may be effected either by personal delivery in writing or by mail, registered or certified, postage prepaid with return receipt requested. Mailed notices shall be addressed to the parties at the addresses appearing in Exhibit “A”, Section V.H. but each party may change the address by written notice in accordance with this paragraph. Notices delivered personally will be deemed delivered as of actual receipt; mailed notices will be deemed delivered as of three (3) days after mailing. J. Partial Invalidity If any provision in this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will nevertheless continue in full force without being impaired or invalidated in any way. K. Time of the Essence All dates and times referred to in this Agreement are of the essence. L. Waiver CONSULTANT agrees that waiver by CITY of any one or more of the conditions of performance under this Agreement shall not be construed as waiver(s) of any other condition of performance under this Agreement. Executed at Gilroy, California, on the date and year first above written. CONSULTANT: CITY: CSG CONSULTANTS, INC. CITY OF GILROY By: By: Name: Cyrus Kianpour, PE Name: Jimmy Forbis Title: President Title: City Administrator Social Security or Taxpayer Identification Number 91-2053749 DocuSign Envelope ID: A5138A34-4302-464D-A71C-1F702974F30E -9- 4835-2267-0361v1 LAC\04706083 Approved as to Form ATTEST: City Attorney City Clerk DocuSign Envelope ID: A5138A34-4302-464D-A71C-1F702974F30E -1- 4835-2267-0361v1 LAC\04706083 EXHIBIT “A” SPECIFIC PROVISIONS I. PROJECT MANAGER CONSULTANT shall provide the services indicated on the attached Exhibit “B”, Scope of Services (“Services”). (All exhibits referenced are incorporated herein by reference.) To accomplish that end, CONSULTANT agrees to assign Ethan Edwards, who will act in the capacity of Project Manager, and who will personally direct such Services. Except as may be specified elsewhere in this Agreement, CONSULTANT shall furnish all technical and professional services including labor, material, equipment, transportation, supervision and expertise to perform all operations necessary and required to complete the Services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. II. NOTICE TO PROCEED/COMPLETION OF SERVICE A. NOTICE TO PROCEED CONSULTANT shall commence the Services upon delivery to CONSULTANT of a written “Notice to Proceed”, which Notice to Proceed shall be in the form of a written communication from designated City contact person(s). Notice to Proceed may be in the form of e-mail, fax or letter authorizing commencement of the Services. For purposes of this Agreement, Kraig Tambornini shall be the designated City contact person(s). Notice to Proceed shall be deemed to have been delivered upon actual receipt by CONSULTANT or if otherwise delivered as provided in the Section V.H. (“Notices”) of this Exhibit “A”. B. COMPLETION OF SERVICES When CITY determines that CONSULTANT has completed all of the Services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, CITY shall give CONSULTANT written Notice of Final Acceptance, and CONSULTANT shall not incur any further costs hereunder. CONSULTANT may request this determination of completion when, in its opinion, it has completed all of the Services as required by the terms of this Agreement and, if so requested, CITY shall make this determination within two (2) weeks of such request, or if CITY determines that CONSULTANT has not completed all of such Services as required by this Agreement, CITY shall so inform CONSULTANT within this two (2) week period. III. PROGRESS SCHEDULE The schedule for performance and completion of the Services will be as set forth in the attached Exhibit “C”. IV. PAYMENT OF FEES AND DIRECT EXPENSES Payments shall be made to CONSULTANT as provided for in Article 4 of this Agreement. DocuSign Envelope ID: A5138A34-4302-464D-A71C-1F702974F30E -2- 4835-2267-0361v1 LAC\04706083 Direct expenses are charges and fees not included in Exhibit “B”. CITY shall be obligated to pay only for those direct expenses which have been previously approved in writing by CITY. CONSULTANT shall obtain written approval from CITY prior to incurring or billing of direct expenses. Copies of pertinent financial records, including invoices, will be included with the submission of billing(s) for all direct expenses. V. OTHER PROVISIONS A. STANDARD OF WORKMANSHIP CONSULTANT represents and warrants that it has the qualifications, skills and licenses necessary to perform the Services, and its duties and obligations, expressed and implied, contained herein, and CITY expressly relies upon CONSULTANT’S representations and warranties regarding its skills, qualifications and licenses. CONSULTANT shall perform such Services and duties in conformance to and consistent with the standards generally recognized as being employed by professionals in the same discipline in the State of California. Any plans, designs, specifications, estimates, calculations, reports and other documents furnished under this Agreement shall be of a quality acceptable to CITY. The minimum criteria for acceptance shall be a product of neat appearance, well-organized, technically and grammatically correct, checked and having the maker and checker identified. The minimum standard of appearance, organization and content of the drawings shall be that used by CITY for similar purposes. B. RESPONSIBILITY OF CONSULTANT CONSULTANT shall be responsible for the professional quality, technical accuracy, and the coordination of the Services furnished by it under this Agreement. CONSULTANT shall not be responsible for the accuracy of any project or technical information provided by the CITY. The CITY’S review, acceptance or payment for any of the Services shall not be construed to operate as a waiver of any rights under this Agreement or of any cause of action arising out of the performance of this Agreement, and CONSULTANT shall be and remain liable to CITY in accordance with applicable law for all damages to CITY caused by CONSULTANT’S negligent performance of any of the services furnished under this Agreement. C. RIGHT OF CITY TO INSPECT RECORDS OF CONSULTANT CITY, through its authorized employees, representatives or agents, shall have the right, at any and all reasonable times, to audit the books and records (including, but not limited to, invoices, vouchers, canceled checks, time cards, etc.) of CONSULTANT for the purpose of verifying any and all charges made by CONSULTANT in connection with this Agreement. CONSULTANT shall maintain for a minimum period of three (3) years (from the date of final payment to CONSULTANT), or for any longer period required by law, sufficient books and records in accordance with standard California accounting practices to establish the correctness of all charges submitted to CITY by CONSULTANT, all of which shall be made available to CITY at the CITY’s offices within five (5) business days after CITY’s request. DocuSign Envelope ID: A5138A34-4302-464D-A71C-1F702974F30E -3- 4835-2267-0361v1 LAC\04706083 D. CONFIDENTIALITY OF MATERIAL All ideas, memoranda, specifications, plans, manufacturing procedures, data (including, but not limited to, computer data and source code), drawings, descriptions, documents, discussions or other information developed or received by or for CONSULTANT and all other written and oral information developed or received by or for CONSULTANT and all other written and oral information submitted to CONSULTANT in connection with the performance of this Agreement shall be held confidential by CONSULTANT and shall not, without the prior written consent of CITY, be used for any purposes other than the performance of the Services, nor be di sclosed to an entity not connected with the performance of the such Services. Nothing furnished to CONSULTANT which is otherwise known to CONSULTANT or is or becomes generally known to the related industry (other than that which becomes generally known as the result of CONSULTANT’S disclosure thereof) shall be deemed confidential. CONSULTANT shall not use CITY’S name or insignia, or distribute publicity pertaining to the services rendered under this Agreement in any magazine, trade paper, newspaper or other medium without the express written consent of CITY. E. NO PLEDGING OF CITY’S CREDIT. Under no circumstances shall CONSULTANT have the authority or power to pledge the credit of CITY or incur any obligation in the name of CITY. F. OWNERSHIP OF MATERIAL. All material including, but not limited to, computer information, data and source code, sketches, tracings, drawings, plans, diagrams, quantities, estimates, specifications, proposals, tests, maps, calculations, photographs, reports and other material developed, collected, prepared (or caused to be prepared) under this Agreement shall be the property of CITY, but CONSULTANT may retain and use copies thereof subject to Section V.D of this Exhibit “A”. CITY shall not be limited in any way in its use of said material at any time for any work, whether or not associated with the City project for which the Services are performed. However, CONSULTANT shall not be responsible for, and City shall indemnify CONSULTANT from, damages resulting from the use of said material for work other than PROJECT, including, but not limited to, the release of this material to third parties for work other than on PROJECT. G. NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARY. This Agreement shall not be construed or deemed to be an agreement for the benefit of any third party or parties, and no third party or parties shall have any claim or right of action hereunder for any cause whatsoever. DocuSign Envelope ID: A5138A34-4302-464D-A71C-1F702974F30E -4- 4835-2267-0361v1 LAC\04706083 H. NOTICES. Notices are to be sent as follows: CITY: Kraig Tambornini, Senior Planner City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 CONSULTANT: Ethan Edwards, VP of Planning Services CSG Consultants, Inc. 550 Pilgrim Dr. Foster City, CA 94404 I. FEDERAL FUNDING REQUIREMENTS. If the box to the left of this sentence is checked, this Agreement involves federal funding and the requirements of this Section V.I. apply. If the box to the left of this sentence is checked, this Agreement does not involve federal funding and the requirements of this Section V.I. do not apply. 1. DBE Program CONSULTANT shall comply with the requirements of Title 49, Part 26, Code of Federal Regulations (49 CFR 26) and the City-adopted Disadvantaged Business Enterprise programs. 2. Cost Principles Federal Acquisition Regulations in Title 48, CFR 31, shall be used to determine the allowable cost for individual items. 3. Covenant against Contingent Fees The CONSULTANT warrants that he/she has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working for the CONSULTANT, to solicit or secure this Agreement, and that he/she has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or any other consideration, contingent upon or resulting from the award or formation of this Agreement. For breach or violation of this warranty, the Local Agency shall have the right to annul this Agreement without liability or, at its discretion, to deduct from the agreement price or consideration, or otherwise recover, the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or contingent fee. DocuSign Envelope ID: A5138A34-4302-464D-A71C-1F702974F30E -1- 4835-2267-0361v1 LAC\04706083 EXHIBIT “B” SCOPE OF SERVICES Environmental Reviews In general, the Consultant will be expected to provide comprehensive environmental services in accordance with CEQA. The Consultant’s ability to complete the environmental review in a timely manner is essential. The environmental firm must have staffing resources available (either in-house or assembled team) to complete multiple environmental reviews in an expeditious manner. The services that the on-call Consultant would provide include, but are not limited to the following: 1. Write accurate, clear, concise and legally defensible environmental documents; 2. Work with a consultant staff planner if applicable; 3. Attend Planning Commission and/or City Council meetings and give presentations when necessary; 4. Complete all tasks associated with preparation of environmental documents in compliance with CEQA including to prepare, circulate and file/record environmental documents and notices in accordance with CEQA and within timelines specified by CEQA and the City (shorter timelines may be required for certain projects); 5. Peer review studies or CEQA documents prepared by others; 6. Prepare separate environmental reports as needed; 7. Conduct site visits; 8. Maintain concise and accurate administrative record for the assigned project. A copy of the administrative record shall be maintained at the City and the consultant’s original copy of the project administrative record shall be provided to the City upon request, or at project completion; 9. Be available during regular business hours to answer questions from city staff, outside agencies, and the public; and 10. Provide brief weekly updates to Gilroy Planning staff on the status of the application processing as requested. Prior to assigning a specific project, the City will provide an introductory overview of the project and the scope of services to be provided. All available drawings and other applicable technical and property information will be available to the Consultant. DocuSign Envelope ID: A5138A34-4302-464D-A71C-1F702974F30E -1- 4835-2267-0361v1 LAC\04706083 EXHIBIT “C” MILESTONE SCHEDULE N/A DocuSign Envelope ID: A5138A34-4302-464D-A71C-1F702974F30E 4835-2267-0361v1 LAC\04706083 EXHIBIT “D” PAYMENT SCHEDULE See attached. DocuSign Envelope ID: A5138A34-4302-464D-A71C-1F702974F30E PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF GILROY ON-CALL PLANNING SERVICES -#21-RFQ-CDD-330 17 Billing Structure CSG’s fee schedule is provided in the table below. CSG will mail an invoice at the beginning of every month for services rendered during the previousmonth. All hourly rates include overhead costs including, but not limited to, salaries, benefits, Workers Compensation Insurance, travel and office expenses. Overtime work will be billed at 1.5x the hourly rates indicated in the table below. The partner planner approach will not incur additional billing. On each anniversary of the contract start date, CSG will initiate a rate increase based on change in CPI for the applicable region. REVIEW TYPE / ROLE HOURLYRATE Assistant Planner $125 Associate Planner $140 Senior Planner $155 Principal Planner $170 Planning Manager $185 Planning Director $200 AMBIENT HOURLYRATE Kurt Legleiter, Principal Air Quality & Noise Specialist $150/hour Air Quality & Noise Analyst $65/hour Mileage 57.5 cents/mile (or current per diem Endemic HOURLYRATE Principal Biologist/QA & QC $220 Project Manager/Senior Biologist $175 Senior Biologist $125 Biologist/Monitoring Technician $100 Biologist/Monitoring Technician $100 GIS/Visual Presentation $100 Outreach Coordinator/Video Technician $85 Field Survey Technician $75 Administrative Assistant $50 ASM HOURLYRATE Principal $153.62 Project Manager II $147.47 Project Manager I $125.56 Senior Architectural Historian $129.37 Senior Archaeologist II $122.89 Senior Archaeologist I $96.01 Architectural Historian $106.79 Associate Archaeologist $92.17 Assistant Archaeologist $67.59 8SECTION DocuSign Envelope ID: A5138A34-4302-464D-A71C-1F702974F30E PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF GILROY ON-CALL PLANNING SERVICES - #21-RFQ-CDD-330 18 Graphics Coordinator $82.71 Travel Costs (4) $.575/mile Records Search At Cost Title Search At Cost BSK HOURLY RATE Analyst/ Technician II $95 Analyst/ Technician I $85 Administrative Support $70 Direct Expense Mark-up 10% Principal Geologist $236 Senior Geologist $210 Senior Geologist $210 Project Environmental Planner $194 Staff Geologist $131 KOA HOURLY RATE President $295 Principal II $278.25 Principal I $236.25 Senior Engineer II $225.75 Senior Engineer I $189 Senior Associate Engineer II $147 Senior Associate Engineer I $131.25 Associate Engineer II $120.75 Associate Engineer I $105 Senior Designer II $136.5 Senior Designer I $120.75 Associate Designer II $105 Associate Designer I $78.75 Senior Planner II $225.75 Senior Planner I $189 Senior Associate Planner II $147 Senior Associate Planner I $131.25 ETG HOURLY RATE Travel Demand Modeler $181 Traffic Engineer $181 Traffic Engineer $111 DocuSign Envelope ID: A5138A34-4302-464D-A71C-1F702974F30E ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? INSR ADDL SUBR LTR INSD WVD PRODUCER CONTACT NAME: FAXPHONE (A/C, No):(A/C, No, Ext): E-MAIL ADDRESS: INSURER A : INSURED INSURER B : INSURER C : INSURER D : INSURER E : INSURER F : POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF POLICY EXPTYPE OF INSURANCE LIMITS(MM/DD/YYYY)(MM/DD/YYYY) AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY UMBRELLA LIAB EXCESS LIAB WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE EACH OCCURRENCE $ DAMAGE TO RENTEDCLAIMS-MADE OCCUR $PREMISES (Ea occurrence) MED EXP (Any one person)$ PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER:GENERAL AGGREGATE $ PRO-POLICY LOC PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGGJECT OTHER:$ COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $(Ea accident) ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY (Per person)$ OWNED SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY (Per accident)$AUTOS ONLY AUTOS HIRED NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE $AUTOS ONLY AUTOS ONLY (Per accident) $ OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE $ DED RETENTION $ PER OTH- STATUTE ER E.L. EACH ACCIDENT E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ If yes, describe under E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMITDESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY Y / N N / A (Mandatory in NH) SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:REVISION NUMBER: CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION © 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved.ACORD 25 (2016/03) CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE (MM/DD/YYYY) $ $ $ $ $ The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD 12/7/2021 25674 CSG Consultants, Inc. 550 Pilgrim Drive Foster City, CA 94404 11150 A 1,000,000 X P-660-5R143841-TIL-21 12/4/2021 12/4/2022 1,000,000 10,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000A X 810-5R143576-21-43-G 12/4/2021 12/4/2022 APD Owned Autos Only Comp/Coll Ded.2,000 5,000,000A CUP-7S954134-21-NF 12/4/2021 12/4/2022 5,000,000 10,000 A X UB-5R147157-21-43-G 12/4/2021 12/4/2022 1,000,000 Y 1,000,000 1,000,000 B Professional Liab.PAAEP0008806 12/4/2021 Ded: $50,000; Agg:5,000,000 Re: all operations. The City of Gilroy, its employees, officers, officials and volunteers are named as additional insureds on GL with 30 Day Notice of Cancellation and included as additional insured on Auto per attached endorsements. Waiver of Subrogation on WC per attached endorsement. 30 Day Notice of Cancellation per attached endorsement. Sixty (60) Months Optional Extended Claims Reporting Period on Professional. 30 Day Notice of Cancellation on WC is not available. City of Gilroy Attn: Ogarita / City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95202 CSGCONS-01 MHILL Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. 575 Market St Ste 3600 San Francisco, CA 94105 Melissa Hill Melissa.Hill@alliant.com Travelers Property Casualty Company of America Arch Insurance Company X 12/4/2022 X X X X X X X X DocuSign Envelope ID: A5138A34-4302-464D-A71C-1F702974F30E COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED - WRITTEN CONTRACTS (ARCHITECTS, ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS) This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART 1. The following is added to SECTION II - WHO IS AN INSURED: Any person or organization that you agree in a "written contract requiring insurance" to include as an additional insured on this Coverage Part, but: a. Only with respect to liability for "bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal injury"; and b. If, and only to the extent that, the injury or damage is caused by acts or omissions of you or your subcontractor in the performance of "your work" to which the "written contract requiring insurance" applies. The person or organization does not qualify as an additional insured with respect to the independent acts or omissions of such person or organization. The insurance provided to such additional insured is limited as follows: c. In the event that the Limits of Insurance of this Coverage Part shown in the Declarations exceed the limits of liability required by the "written contract requiring insurance", the in- surance provided to the additional insured shall be limited to the limits of liability required by that "written contract requiring insurance". This endorsement shall not increase the limits of insurance described in Section Ill - Limits Of Insurance. d. This insurance does not apply to the render- ing of or failure to render any "professional services" or construction management errors or omissions. e. This insurance does not apply to "bodily in- jury" or "property damage" caused by "your work" and included in the "products- completed operations hazard" unless the "written contract requiring insurance" specifi- cally requires you to provide such coverage for that additional insured, and then the insur- ance provided to the additional insured ap- plies only to such "bodily injury" or "property damage" that occurs before the end of the pe- riod of time for which the "written contract re- quiring insurance" requires you to provide such coverage or the end of the policy period, whichever is earlier. 2. The following is added to Paragraph 4.a. of SEC- TION IV - COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS: The insurance provided to the additional insured is excess over any valid and collectible "other in- surance", whether primary, excess, contingent or on any other basis, that is available to the addi- tional insured for a loss we cover. However, if you specifically agree in the "written contract requiring insurance" that this insurance provided to the ad- ditional insured under this Coverage Part must apply on a primary basis or a primary and non- contributory basis, this insurance is primary to "other insurance" available to the additional in- sured which covers that person or organization as a named insured for such loss, and we will not share with that "other insurance". But this insur- ance provided to the additional insured still is ex- cess over any valid and collectible "other insur- ance", whether primary, excess, contingent or on any other basis, that is available to the additional insured when that person or organization is an additional insured under any "other insurance". 3. The following is added to SECTION IV - COM- MERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS: Duties Of An Additional Insured As a condition of coverage provided to the addi- tional insured: a. The additional insured must give us written notice as soon as practicable of an "occur- rence" or an offense which may result in a claim. To the extent possible, such notice should include: CG D4 14 04 08 © 2008 The Travelers Companies, Inc. Page 1 of 2 POLICY NUMBER: P-660-5R143841-TIL-21 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY ISSUE DATE: 12-4-21 DocuSign Envelope ID: A5138A34-4302-464D-A71C-1F702974F30E COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY i. How, when and where the "occurrence" or offense took place; ii. The names and addresses of any injured persons and witnesses; and iii. The nature and location of any injury or damage arising out of the "occurrence" or offense. b. If a claim is made or "suit" is brought against the additional insured, the additional insured must: i. Immediately record the specifics of the claim or "suit" and the date received; and ii. Notify us as soon as practicable. The additional insured must see to it that we receive written notice of the claim or "suit" as soon as practicable. c. The additional insured must immediately send us copies of all legal papers received in con- nection with the claim or "suit", cooperate with us in the investigation or settlement of the claim or defense against the "suit", and oth- erwise comply with all policy conditions. d. The additional insured must tender the de- fense and indemnity of any claim or "suit" to any provider of other insurance which would cover the additional insured for a loss we cover. However, this condition does not affect whether this insurance provided to the addi- tional insured is primary to that other insur- ance available to the additional insured which covers that person or organization as a named insured. 4. The following is added to the DEFINITIONS Sec- tion: "Written contract requiring insurance" means that part of any written contract or agreement under which you are required to include a person or or- ganization as an additional insured on this Cover- age Part, provided that the "bodily injury" and "property damage" occurs and the "personal in- jury" is caused by an offense committed: a. After the signing and execution of the contract or agreement by you; b. While that part of the contract or agreement is in effect; and c. Before the end of the policy period. Page 2 of 2 © 2008 The Travelers Companies, Inc. CG D4 14 04 08 POLICY NUMBER: P-660-5R143841-TIL-21 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY ISSUE DATE: 12-4-21 DocuSign Envelope ID: A5138A34-4302-464D-A71C-1F702974F30E THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. XTEND ENDORSEMENT FOR ARCHITECTS, ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF COVERAGE – This endorsement broadens coverage. However, coverage for any injury, damage or medical expenses described in any of the provisions of this endorsement may be excluded or limited by another endorsement to this Coverage Part, and these coverage broadening provisions do not apply to the extent that coverage is excluded or limited by such an endorsement. The following listing is a general coverage description only. Read all the provisions of this endorsement and the rest of your policy carefully to determine rights, duties, and what is and is not covered. A.Non-Owned Watercraft – 75 Feet Long Or Less H.Blanket Additional Insured – Governmental Entities – Permits Or Authorizations Relating ToB.Who Is An Insured – Unnamed Subsidiaries PremisesC.Who Is An Insured – Retired Partners, Members, I.Blanket Additional Insured – GovernmentalDirectors And Employees Entities – Permits Or Authorizations Relating ToD.Who Is An Insured – Employees And Volunteer OperationsWorkers – Bodily Injury To Co-Employees, Co- J.Incidental Medical MalpracticeVolunteer Workers And Retired Partners, Members, Directors And Employees K.Medical Payments – Increased Limit E.Who Is An Insured – Newly Acquired Or Formed L.Amendment Of Excess Insurance Condition – Limited Liability Companies Professional Liability F.Blanket Additional Insured – Controlling Interest M.Blanket Waiver Of Subrogation – When Required By Written Contract Or AgreementG.Blanket Additional Insured – Mortgagees, Assignees, Successors Or Receivers N.Contractual Liability – Railroads PROVISIONS uses or is responsible for the use of a watercraft that you do not own that is:A. NON-OWNED WATERCRAFT – 75 FEET (1)75 feet long or less; andLONG OR LESS (2)Not being used to carry any person1.The following replaces Paragraph (2)of or property for a charge;Exclusion g.,Aircraft, Auto Or Watercraft, in Paragraph 2.of SECTION I –B. WHO IS AN INSURED – UNNAMED COVERAGES – COVERAGE A – BODILY SUBSIDIARIES INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE The following is added to SECTION II – WHO ISLIABILITY:AN INSURED: (2)A watercraft you do not own that is:Any of your subsidiaries, other than a partnership(a)75 feet long or less; and or joint venture, that is not shown as a Named (b)Not being used to carry any person Insured in the Declarations is a Named Insured or property for a charge;if: 2.The following replaces Paragraph 2.e.of a.You are the sole owner of, or maintain an SECTION II – WHO IS AN INSURED:ownership interest of more than 50% in, such subsidiary on the first day of the policye.Any person or organization that, with period; andyour express or implied consent, either CG D3 79 02 19 ú 2017 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved.Page 1 of 6 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc. with its permission. POLICY NUMBER: P-660-5R143841-TIL-21 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY ISSUE DATE: 12-4-21 DocuSign Envelope ID: A5138A34-4302-464D-A71C-1F702974F30E Unless you are in the business or occupationb.Such subsidiary is not an insured under of providing professional health caresimilar other insurance. services, Paragraphs (1)(a),(b),(c)and (d)No such subsidiary is an insured for "bodily above do not apply to "bodily injury" arisinginjury" or "property damage" that occurred, or out of providing or failing to provide first aid"personal and advertising injury" caused by an or "Good Samaritan services" by any of youroffense committed:retired partners, members, directors or a.Before you maintained an ownership interest "employees", other than a doctor. Any such of more than 50% in such subsidiary; or retired partners, members, directors or "employees" providing or failing to provideb.After the date, if any, during the policy period first aid or "Good Samaritan services" duringthat you no longer maintain an ownership their work hours for you will be deemed to beinterest of more than 50% in such subsidiary.acting within the scope of their employmentFor purposes of Paragraph 1.of Section II – Who by you or performing duties related to theIs An Insured, each such subsidiary will be conduct of your business.deemed to be designated in the Declarations as:(2)"Personal injury": a.A limited liability company;(a)To you, to your current or retired b.An organization other than a partnership,partners or members (if you are ajoint venture or limited liability company; or partnership or joint venture), to your current or retired members (if you are ac.A trust; limited liability company), to your otheras indicated in its name or the documents that current or retired directors orgovern its structure."employees" while in the course of his or her employment or performing dutiesC. WHO IS AN INSURED – RETIRED PARTNERS, related to the conduct of your business,MEMBERS, DIRECTORS AND EMPLOYEES or to your other "volunteer workers"The following is added to Paragraph 2.of while performing duties related to theSECTION II – WHO IS AN INSURED:conduct of your business; Any person who is your retired partner, member,(b)To the spouse, child, parent, brother or director or "employee" that is performing services sister of that current or retired partner, for you under your direct supervision, but only for member, director, "employee" or "volunteer worker" as a consequence ofacts within the scope of their employment by you Paragraph (2)(a)above;or while performing duties related to the conduct of your business. However, no such retired (c)For which there is any obligation to partner, member, director or "employee" is an share damages with or repay someone else who must pay damages because ofinsured for: the injury described in Paragraph (2)(a) (1)"Bodily injury":or (b)above; or (a)To you, to your current partners or (d)Arising out of his or her providing ormembers (if you are a partnership or failing to provide professional health carejoint venture), to your current members services.(if you are a limited liability company) or (3)"Property damage" to property:to your current directors; (a)Owned, occupied or used by; or(b)To the spouse, child, parent, brother or sister of that current partner, member or (b)Rented to, in the care, custody or controldirector as a consequence of Paragraph of, or over which physical control is(1)(a)above;being exercised for any purpose by; (c)For which there is any obligation to you, any of your retired partners, membersshare damages with or repay someone or directors, your current or retiredelse who must pay damages because of "employees" or "volunteer workers", anythe injury described in Paragraph (1)(a) current partner or member (if you are aor(b)above; or partnership or joint venture), or any current(d)Arising out of his or her providing or member (if you are a limited liabilityfailing to provide professional health care company) or current director.services. Page 2 of 6 ú 2017 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved.CG D3 79 02 19 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc. with its permission. POLICY NUMBER: P-660-5R143841-TIL-21 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY ISSUE DATE: 12-4-21 DocuSign Envelope ID: A5138A34-4302-464D-A71C-1F702974F30E D. WHO IS AN INSURED – EMPLOYEES AND organization will be deemed to be VOLUNTEER WORKERS – BODILY INJURY designated in the Declarations as: TO CO-EMPLOYEES, CO-VOLUNTEER a.A limited liability company;WORKERS AND RETIRED PARTNERS, b.An organization other than a partnership,MEMBERS, DIRECTORS AND EMPLOYEES joint venture or limited liability company;The following is added to Paragraph 2.a.(1)of orSECTION II – WHO IS AN INSURED: c.A trust;Paragraphs (1)(a),(b)and (c)above do not as indicated in its name or the documentsapply to "bodily injury" to a current or retired co-that govern its structure."employee" while in the course of the co- "employee's" employment by you or performing F. BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED – duties related to the conduct of your business, or CONTROLLING INTEREST to "bodily injury" to your other "volunteer 1.The following is added to SECTION II –workers" or retired partners, members or WHO IS AN INSURED:directors while performing duties related to the Any person or organization that has financialconduct of your business.control of you is an insured with respect toE. WHO IS AN INSURED – NEWLY ACQUIRED liability for "bodily injury", "property damage"OR FORMED LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES or "personal and advertising injury" that The following replaces Paragraph 3.of arises out of: SECTION II – WHO IS AN INSURED:a.Such financial control; or 3.Any organization you newly acquire or form,b.Such person's or organization'sother than a partnership or joint venture, and ownership, maintenance or use ofof which you are the sole owner or in which premises leased to or occupied by you.you maintain an ownership interest of more The insurance provided to such person orthan 50%, will qualify as a Named Insured if organization does not apply to structuralthere is no other similar insurance available alterations, new construction or demolitionto that organization. However:operations performed by or on behalf of sucha.Coverage under this provision is person or organization.afforded only: 2.The following is added to Paragraph 4.of(1)Until the 180th day after you acquire SECTION II – WHO IS AN INSURED:or form the organization or the end This paragraph does not apply to anyof the policy period, whichever is premises owner, manager or lessor that hasearlier, if you do not report such financial control of you.organization in writing to us within 180 days after you acquire or form it;G. BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED – or MORTGAGEES, ASSIGNEES, SUCCESSORS OR RECEIVERS(2)Until the end of the policy period, when that date is later than 180 days The following is added to SECTION II – WHO ISafter you acquire or form such AN INSURED:organization, if you report such Any person or organization that is a mortgagee,organization in writing to us within assignee, successor or receiver and that you180 days after you acquire or form it; have agreed in a written contract or agreementb.Coverage A does not apply to "bodily to include as an additional insured on thisinjury" or "property damage" that Coverage Part is an insured, but only withoccurred before you acquired or formed respect to its liability as mortgagee, assignee,the organization; and successor or receiver for "bodily injury", "property c.Coverage B does not apply to "personal damage" or "personal and advertising injury" and advertising injury" arising out of an that: offense committed before you acquired a.Is "bodily injury" or "property damage" thator formed the organization.occurs, or is "personal and advertising injury" For the purposes of Paragraph 1.of Section caused by an offense that is committed, II – Who Is An Insured, each such CG D3 79 02 19 ú 2017 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved.Page 3 of 6 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc. with its permission. POLICY NUMBER: P-660-5R143841-TIL-21 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY ISSUE DATE: 12-4-21 DocuSign Envelope ID: A5138A34-4302-464D-A71C-1F702974F30E subsequent to the signing of that contract or openings, sidewalk vaults, elevators, street agreement; and banners or decorations. b.Arises out of the ownership, maintenance or I. BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED – use of the premises for which that GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES – PERMITS mortgagee, assignee, successor or receiver OR AUTHORIZATIONS RELATING TO is required under that contract or agreement OPERATIONS to be included as an additional insured on The following is added to SECTION II – WHO ISthis Coverage Part.AN INSURED: The insurance provided to such mortgagee,Any governmental entity that has issued a permitassignee, successor or receiver is subject to the or authorization with respect to operationsfollowing provisions:performed by you or on your behalf and that you a.The limits of insurance provided to such are required by any ordinance, law, building code mortgagee, assignee, successor or receiver or written contract or agreement to include as an will be the minimum limits that you agreed to additional insured on this Coverage Part is an provide in the written contract or agreement, insured, but only with respect to liability for or the limits shown in the Declarations, "bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal whichever are less.and advertising injury" arising out of such operations.b.The insurance provided to such person or organization does not apply to:The insurance provided to such governmental entity does not apply to:(1)Any "bodily injury" or "property damage" that occurs, or any "personal and a.Any "bodily injury", "property damage" oradvertising injury" caused by an offense "personal and advertising injury" arising outthat is committed, after such contract or of operations performed for theagreement is no longer in effect; or governmental entity; or (2)Any "bodily injury", "property damage" or b.Any "bodily injury" or "property damage""personal and advertising injury" arising included in the "products-completedout of any structural alterations, new operations hazard".construction or demolition operations J. INCIDENTAL MEDICAL MALPRACTICEperformed by or on behalf of such 1.The following replaces Paragraph b.of themortgagee, assignee, successor or definition of "occurrence" in thereceiver. DEFINITIONS Section:H. BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED – b.An act or omission committed inGOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES – PERMITS OR providing or failing to provide "incidentalAUTHORIZATIONS RELATING TO PREMISES medical services", first aid or "GoodThe following is added to SECTION II – WHO IS Samaritan services" to a person, unlessAN INSURED:you are in the business or occupation of providing professional health careAny governmental entity that has issued a permit services.or authorization with respect to premises owned or occupied by, or rented or loaned to, you and 2.The following replaces the last paragraph of that you are required by any ordinance, law,Paragraph 2.a.(1)of SECTION II – WHO IS building code or written contract or agreement to AN INSURED: include as an additional insured on this Unless you are in the business or occupationCoverage Part is an insured, but only with of providing professional health carerespect to liability for "bodily injury", "property services, Paragraphs (1)(a),(b),(c)and (d)damage" or "personal and advertising injury"above do not apply to "bodily injury" arisingarising out of the existence, ownership, use,out of providing or failing to provide: maintenance, repair, construction, erection or (a)"Incidental medical services" by any ofremoval of any of the following for which that your "employees" who is a nurse,governmental entity has issued such permit or nurse assistant, emergency medicalauthorization: advertising signs, awnings,technician, paramedic, athletic trainer,canopies, cellar entrances, coal holes,audiologist, dietician, nutritionist,driveways, manholes, marquees, hoist away Page 4 of 6 ú 2017 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved.CG D3 79 02 19 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc. with its permission. POLICY NUMBER: P-660-5R143841-TIL-21 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY ISSUE DATE: 12-4-21 DocuSign Envelope ID: A5138A34-4302-464D-A71C-1F702974F30E that is available to any of your "employees"occupational therapist or occupational for "bodily injury" that arises out of providingtherapy assistant, physical therapist or or failing to provide "incidental medicalspeech-language pathologist; or services" to any person to the extent not(b)First aid or "Good Samaritan services"subject to Paragraph 2.a.(1)of Section II –by any of your "employees" or "volunteer Who Is An Insured.workers", other than an employed or volunteer doctor. Any such "employees"K. MEDICAL PAYMENTS – INCREASED LIMIT or "volunteer workers" providing or failing The following replaces Paragraph 7.ofto provide first aid or "Good Samaritan SECTION III – LIMITS OF INSURANCE:services" during their work hours for you 7.Subject to Paragraph 5.above, the Medicalwill be deemed to be acting within the scope of their employment by you or Expense Limit is the most we will pay under performing duties related to the conduct Coverage C for all medical expenses of your business.because of "bodily injury" sustained by any one person, and will be the higher of:3.The following replaces the last sentence of Paragraph 5.of SECTION III – LIMITS OF a.$10,000; orINSURANCE: b.The amount shown in the Declarations ofFor the purposes of determining the this Coverage Part for Medical Expenseapplicable Each Occurrence Limit, all related Limit.acts or omissions committed in providing or failing to provide "incidental medical L. AMENDMENT OF EXCESS INSURANCE services", first aid or "Good Samaritan CONDITION – PROFESSIONAL LIABILITYservices" to any one person will be deemed The following is added to Paragraph 4.b.,to be one "occurrence".Excess Insurance, of SECTION IV –4.The following exclusion is added to COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITYParagraph2.,Exclusions, of SECTION I –CONDITIONS: COVERAGES – COVERAGE A – BODILY This insurance is excess over any of the otherINJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE insurance, whether primary, excess, contingentLIABILITY:or on any other basis, that is ProfessionalSale Of Pharmaceuticals Liability or similar coverage, to the extent the "Bodily injury" or "property damage" arising loss is not subject to the professional services out of the violation of a penal statute or exclusion of Coverage A or Coverage B. ordinance relating to the sale of M. BLANKET WAIVER OF SUBROGATION –pharmaceuticals committed by, or with the WHEN REQUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACTknowledge or consent of the insured.OR AGREEMENT5.The following is added to the DEFINITIONS The following is added to Paragraph 8.,TransferSection: Of Rights Of Recovery Against Others To Us,"Incidental medical services" means:of SECTION IV – COMMERCIAL GENERAL a.Medical, surgical, dental, laboratory, x-LIABILITY CONDITIONS: ray or nursing service or treatment,If the insured has agreed in a written contract oradvice or instruction, or the related agreement to waive that insured's right offurnishing of food or beverages; or recovery against any person or organization, we b.The furnishing or dispensing of drugs or waive our right of recovery against such personmedical, dental, or surgical supplies or or organization, but only for payments we makeappliances.because of: 6.The following is added to Paragraph 4.b.,a."Bodily injury" or "property damage" thatExcess Insurance, of SECTION IV –occurs; orCOMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY b."Personal and advertising injury" caused byCONDITIONS: an offense that is committed;This insurance is excess over any valid and subsequent to the signing of that contract orcollectible other insurance, whether primary, excess, contingent or on any other basis,agreement. CG D3 79 02 19 ú 2017 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved.Page 5 of 6 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc. with its permission. POLICY NUMBER: P-660-5R143841-TIL-21 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY ISSUE DATE: 12-4-21 DocuSign Envelope ID: A5138A34-4302-464D-A71C-1F702974F30E N. CONTRACTUAL LIABILITY – RAILROADS 1.The following replaces Paragraph c.of the definition of "insured contract" in the DEFINITIONS Section: c.Any easement or license agreement; 2.Paragraph f.(1)of the definition of "insured contract" in the DEFINITIONS Section is deleted. Page 6 of 6 ú 2017 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved.CG D3 79 02 19 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc. with its permission. POLICY NUMBER: P-660-5R143841-TIL-21 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY ISSUE DATE: 12-4-21 DocuSign Envelope ID: A5138A34-4302-464D-A71C-1F702974F30E THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. BUSINESS AUTO EXTENSION ENDORSEMENT ti p .­ f p ,v Paragraph II- z q ­ v 50% p Bu v ff y ­ 180 f qu ­ gz f po ­ r. II- p gz w q tt t za x "j" "ro "ff g pli b ­ "" Lili fo I. J. L. N p z q "" W II. , s n f II- RAG ""f ""w p "" c "p'" ,p prf ­ . 2.p b. B.5., Ot ae f ­ b.H Dg ­ ­ "": (1) "", ; (2)Any "" ""t "p'",t 3 5302 5 © 2015 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved. Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc. with its permission. Page1 of4 Policy Number: 810-5R143576-21-43-G DocuSign Envelope ID: A5138A34-4302-464D-A71C-1F702974F30E II - (2) II - (4) F. ­ -DIT (5) 7,olicy eid,vg itory A (5) (a) (i) (ii) (iii) iv) C., II - GE (v) u , C., f N II - COVERED T OG t. y li (b) T ry x . (c) This fo ry ry i P2 4 © 20i 5 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved. Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc. with its permission. 3 5302 15 Policy Number: 810-5R143576-21-43-G DocuSign Envelope ID: A5138A34-4302-464D-A71C-1F702974F30E (d) Ill - Ill - $750 ci I. fi Ill - p $0 $100 ry ft u J. t W $400 ro : (1) O b "; OMMECAL AUO (2) In p ft b Pro Paragraph .,Exclu­ Ecl 3a p 1b 1c : a. Cp v C ; b. v - ; c. b fl. p $1000 fo L. N N 2 OON y v z cci k : (a) Y(v); (b) A (); (c) A (y a y ); (d) An x ( g); (e) Any t W F U 5 f ght vry t th U 5 ght very gat h v v q tt x ci v ci p 3 5302 15 © 2015 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved. Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc. with its permission. 3 4 Policy Number: 810-5R143576-21-43-G DocuSign Envelope ID: A5138A34-4302-464D-A71C-1F702974F30E N. UNINTENTIONAL ERRORS OR OMISSIONS B.2., Con­ cealment, Misrepresentation, Or Fraud, SECTION IV - BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS: ,y fom by y j y r .H­ ro ff r g ­ mu xrci -l. P4 4 © 20i 5 The Travelers Indemnity Campa ny. All rights reserved . Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc. with its permission. CA T3 53 02 15 Policy Number: 810-5R143576-21-43-G DocuSign Envelope ID: A5138A34-4302-464D-A71C-1F702974F30E ..... TRAVELERSJ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS LIABILITY POLICY ENDORSEMENT WC 99 03 76 ( A) - POLICY NUMBER: WAIVER OF OUR RIGHT TO RECOVER FROM OTHERS ENDORSEMENT - CALIFORNIA (BLANKET WAIVER) We have the right to recover our payments from anyone liable for an injury covered by this policy. We will not enforce our right against the person or organization named in the Schedule. The additional premium for this endorsement shall be mium. Schedule Person or Organization % of the California workers' compensation pre- Job Description This endorsement changes the policy to which it is attached and is effective on the date issued unless otherwise stated. (The information below is required only when this endorsement is issued subsequent to preparation of the policy.) Endorsement Effective Insured Insurance Company DATE OF ISSUE: Policy No. ST ASSIGN: Endorsement No. Premium Page 1 of 1 Countersigned by _ ANY PERSON OR ORGANIZATION FOR WHICH THE INSURED HAS AGREED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT EXECUTED PRIOR TO LOSS TO FURNISH THIS WAIVER. UB-5R147157-21-43-G12/04/2021 UB-5R147157-21-43-G DocuSign Envelope ID: A5138A34-4302-464D-A71C-1F702974F30E City of Gilroy, its officers, officials, and employees 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 POLICY NUMBER: P-660-5R143841-TIL-21 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY ISSUE DATE: 12-4-21 DocuSign Envelope ID: A5138A34-4302-464D-A71C-1F702974F30E POLICY NUMBER: P-660-5R143841-TIL-21 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY ISSUE DATE: 12-4-21 DocuSign Envelope ID: A5138A34-4302-464D-A71C-1F702974F30E