Vote No on Item 10.4 Jeffrey BuchanonCAUTION: This email originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or responding to this email. From:Jeffrey Buchanan To:Public Comments Subject:EXTERNAL - Vote No on Item 10.4 Date:Monday, September 16, 2024 2:23:03 PM Dear Mayor and Council: On behalf of Working Partnerships USA, I urge you to vote no on the resolution presented to Council for item 10.4. While some of the content of the resolution supporting fair elections is something we can agree on, digging into the recommended actions and questionable data sources in the resolution makes it clear that the real goal of this resolution is to suppress the votes of lawful voters and to bring into question the outcome of our elections despite any legitimate proof of voter fraud. The resolution asserts a series of unsupported claims about the validity of our elections without citing a single source of data the public or Council could review. By calling for policies known to suppress the votes of low frequency and minority voters, such as bringing government identification or proof of citizenship to a polling place, this resolution appears aimed at preventing or scaring away lawful citizens within the City of Gilroy and elsewhere from taking part in our democracy. With so many pressing issues before the City of Gilroy, from land use and homelessness to economic development and public safety, I hope this Council will not lend its time, name and reputation to such highly questionable claims and conspiracy theories. Best, Jeffrey Buchanan Managing Director of Policy & Public Affairs Working Partnerships USA Cell 408 221 3570 jeffrey@wpusa.org City Council Meeting 9/16/2024 Agenda Item 10.4