05/13/2024 Youth Commission Regular Page 1 of 3 City of Gilroy Youth Commission Regular Meeting Minutes Monday, May 13, 2024 | 6:00 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Nguyen called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. 2. FLAG SALUTE Chair Nguyen led the pledge of allegiance. 3. ROLL CALL Attendance Attendee Name Present Maya Beyret, Commissioner Sophie Gong, Commissioner Alfred James, Commissioner Saed Mustafa, Commissioner (late, arrived at 6:05 p.m.) Thanmay Sarath, Commissioner Aiden Francis, Treasurer Melanie Reynolds, Vice Chair Jaimee Nguyen, Chair Biruh Abaneh, Voting Member Emily Lai, Voting Member Gianna Garcia, Voting Member Absent None 4. SECRETARY'S REPORT The meeting agenda was posted on May 10, 2024. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 5.1. April 8, 2024 RESULT: Pass MOVER: Aiden Francis, Treasurer SECONDER Biruh Abaneh, Voting Member AYES: Commissioner Beyret, Commissioner Gong, Commissioner James, Commissioner Sarath, Treasurer Francis, Vice Chair Reynolds, Chair Nguyen, Voting Member Abaneh, Voting Member Lai, Voting Member Garcia ABSTAIN: Commissioner Mustafa Commissioner Francis motioned to approve the Monday, March 11, 2024 minutes. Commissioner James seconded the motion. Motion passed with a 10- 0-1 vote (Mustafa absent) 6. INTRODUCTIONS May 13, 2024 6:00 PM Page 2 of 3 Youth Commission Regular Meeting Minutes None. 7. PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA None. 8. NEW BUSINESS 8.1. Change Youth Commission Meeting Schedule in August 2024. The proposed meeting date change from August 12 to August 26 was presented to the Commission. Commissioner James motioned for approval to change the meeting date to August 26, 2024. Commissioner Abaneh seconded. Motion passed 11-0-0. RESULT: Pass MOVER: Alfred James, Commissioner SECONDER Biruh Abaneh, Voting Member AYES: Commissioner Beyret, Commissioner Gong, Commissioner James, Commissioner Mustafa, Commissioner Sarath, Treasurer Francis, Vice Chair Reynolds, Chair Nguyen, Voting Member Abaneh, Voting Member Lai, Voting Member Garcia 8.2. Proposed Changes to the Youth Commission Bylaws Henig reviewed the proposed changes to the existing bylaws. Commissioner Francis had a question about Section 6, #3, regarding if it applied to City Council. Since the verbiage includes “policy bodies,” Henig said it would. Henig also stated that even if this item is removed, commissioners can still attend meetings and report back, however, it would not be in an official capacity. If the Commission approves the changes, it will adopt them at their next meeting and will take effect. Commissioner Gong motioned to approve the recommended changes as outlined in the attachment of the staff report. Vice Chair Reynolds seconded. Motion passed 11-0-0. RESULT: Pass MOVER: Sophie Gong, Commissioner SECONDER Melanie Reynolds, Vice Chair AYES: Commissioner Beyret, Commissioner Gong, Commissioner James, Commissioner Mustafa, Commissioner Sarath, Treasurer Francis, Vice Chair Reynolds, Chair Nguyen, Voting Member Abaneh, Voting Member Lai, Voting Member Garcia May 13, 2024 6:00 PM Page 3 of 3 Youth Commission Regular Meeting Minutes 9. OLD BUSINESS 9.1. Review End of Year Presentation to City Council The Commission reviewed the presentation, which was delivered by Chair Nguyen. There was a recommendation that she mention the raffle prizes when discussing the OpportunitTEEN Fair slide. Henig asked Nguyen if she would like to practice it in the Chambers prior to the actual presentation. She agreed to and they will setup a time to meet. 9.2. Review FY2024 and FY25 Youth Commission Work Plan The Commission reviewed its work plan and there was no update. Henig encouraged them to attend the upcoming creek clean-up on Saturday, May 18 at Christmas Hill Park. 10. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING It was recommended at the August meeting the Commission focus on welcoming new commissioners by reviewing the Brown Act, Commission bylaws, and other pertinent information about serving as a Youth Commissioner. 12. STAFF/COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Henig reminded commissioners who’s terms are ending in 2024 they will need to reapply if they want to continue to serve on the Commission. He also asked commissioners to promote the vacancies to their classmates. 13. ADJOURNMENT Chair Nguyen adjourned the meeting at 6:30 p.m. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing minutes were duly adopted at a regular meeting of the Youth Commission of the City of Gilroy. Adam Henig, Secretary