08/20/2024 Parks and Recreation Regular August 20, 2024 | 6:00 PM Page 1 of 3 Parks and Recreation Commission Regular Meeting Agenda CITY OF GILROY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING AGENDA TUESDAY, AUGUST 20, 2024 | 6:00 PM CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 7351 ROSANNA STREET, GILROY, CA 95020 Chair: Patricia Bentson Vice Chair: Theresa Graham Commissioners: Sam Bozzo, Doc Davis, Luis Ramirez Staff: Public Works Director Heba El-Guindy and Recreation Manager Adam Henig Mission Statement The Parks and Recreation Commission of the City of Gilroy is committed to enhancing the quality of life for its citizens by promoting planning, acquisition, development, and sustainability of parks, trails, cultural, historical and other recreational areas. The commission embraces wellness and recreation, park safety, and inclusiveness for all ages and abilities because Parks Make Life Better. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City will make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. If you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at least 72 hours prior to the meeting at (408) 846-0204 or cityclerk@cityofgilroy.org to help ensure that reasonable arrangements can be made. Materials related to an item on this agenda submitted to the City of Gilroy Parks and Recreation Commission after distribution of the agenda packet are available with the agenda packet on the City website at www.cityofgilroy.org subject to Staff’s ability to post the documents before the meeting. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THE GILROY OPEN GOVERNMENT ORDINANCE Government's duty is to serve the public, reaching its decisions in full view of the public. Commissions, task forces, councils and other agencies of the City exist to conduct the people's business. This ordinance assures that deliberations are conducted before the people and that City operations are open to the people's review. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THE OPEN GOVERNMENT ORDINANCE, TO RECEIVE A FREE COPY OF THE ORDINANCE OR TO REPORT A VIOLATION OF THE ORDINANCE, CONTACT THE OPEN GOVERNMENT COMMISSION STAFF AT (408) 846-0204 Parks and Recreation Commission Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 3 August 20, 2024 | 6:00 PM PUBLIC COMMENT GUIDELINES: During the PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA portion of the meeting, each person wishing to speak should prepare a presentation of not more than three (3) minutes. Persons wishing to address the Commission are requested, but not required, to complete a Speaker’s Card located at the entrances. Completion of this speaker’s card is voluntary. All persons may attend this meeting and speak, regardless if a card is completed or not. Speaker’s slips should be submitted to the Secretary BEFORE this portion of the meeting begins. Anyone wishing to address the Commission on any other item on this AGENDA is requested, but not required, to fill out a speaker’s slip as well and submit it to the Secretary BEFORE the Commission takes action on the item. The agenda for this regular meeting is as follows: 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. FLAG SALUTE 4. SECRETARY'S REPORT 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 5.1. May 21, 2024 6. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 7. INTRODUCTIONS 8. PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA 9. NEW BUSINESS 9.1. Golf Course Park Naming Request 1. Staff Report: Bryce Atkins, Assistant to the City Administrator 2. Public Comment 3. Possible Action: Commission consideration of the naming request to name the Gilroy Golf Course area as Ousley Park. 9.2. Potential Lease of Las Animas Recreation Building 1. Staff Report: Victoria Valencia, Economic Development Manager 2. Public Comment 3. Possible Action: Commission consideration of a lease of the Las Animas Recreation Room to Gilroy Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous 10. OLD BUSINESS 10.1. Potential Pickleball Court Site Evaluation Project - Scoring Collection 1. Staff Report: Bryce Atkins, Assistant to the City Administrator 2. Public Comment 3. Possible Action: Commissioners provide scoring from their assessment of potential sites. Parks and Recreation Commission Regular Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 3 August 20, 2024 | 6:00 PM 10.2. Review of FY24 and FY25 Parks and Recreation Commission Work Plan 1. Staff Report: Adam Henig, Recreation Manager 2. Public Comment 3. Possible Action: Receive and comment on the FY24 and FY25 Parks and Recreation Commission Work Plan. 11. DEPARTMENT UPDATES 11.1. Recreation Division Updates 11.2. Status of City Parks 12. COMMISSIONER PARK REPORTS & COMMENTS 13. STAFF COMMENTS 13.1. Annual Parks/Recreation Staff Appreciation Breakfast – Fall 2024 14. FUTURE COMMISSIONER INITIATED ITEMS 15. ADJOURNMENT Page 1 of 3 City of Gilroy Parks and Recreation Commission Regular Meeting Minutes Tuesday, May 21, 2024 | 6:00 PM 1.CALL TO ORDER Meeting called to order by Chair Bentson at 6:01 p.m. 2.ROLL CALL Attendance Attendee Name Present Luis Ramirez, Commissioner Theresa Graham, Vice Chair Patricia Bentson, Chair Salvatore Bozzo, Commissioner Absent Doc Davis, Commissioner 3.FLAG SALUTE 4.SECRETARY'S REPORT The agenda was posted on May 16, 2024. 5.APPROVAL OF MINUTES 5.1.April 16, 2024 RESULT: Pass MOVER: Luis Ramirez, Commissioner SECONDER Salvatore (Sam) Bozzo, Commissioner AYES: Chair Bentson, Vice Chair Graham, Commissioner Ramirez, Commissioner Bozzo ABSENT: Commissioner Davis 6.APPROVAL OF AGENDA RESULT: Pass MOVER: Salvatore (Sam) Bozzo, Commissioner SECONDER Luis Ramirez, Commissioner AYES: Chair Bentson, Vice Chair Graham, Commissioner Ramirez, Commissioner Bozzo ABSENT: Commissioner Davis 7.INTRODUCTIONS None. 8.PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA None. 9.NEW BUSINESS May 21, 2024 6:00 PM Page 2 of 3 Parks and Recreation Commission Regular Meeting Minutes 9.1.Receive a Notice of Acceptance of Completion for the San Ysidro Lighting/Picnic Area Improvements Project No. 23-PW-281 Mr. Henig provided a brief overview of the report. There was a question about when the State would conduct its inspection for grant purposes. Henig cited the staff report, which said that the State is expected to perform the inspection within a year while the Project is still under warranty in case of any potential changes. 10.OLD BUSINESS 10.1.Review of FY24 and FY25 Parks and Recreation Commission Work Plan Mr. Henig reviewed the Work Plan and the following topics were mentioned: •Arbor Day – Commission recommends that Arbor Day be held at Rainbow Park in either September or October. Staff will return with a specific date at a future meeting. •Training Opportunities – Henig mentioned the upcoming Bike Summit in South San Francisco. He will send information about it. Commissioners are invited to attend. •Citywide events – Henig mentioned that the Commission could participate in the Downtown Live series. He will send dates to see who is interested in tabling. •Recreation & Parks dedicated revenue stream – Commissioner Ramirez and Chair Bentson will meet separately to discuss the formation of a white paper that they can present to City Council in August. More information will be provided at the next Commission meeting. •Storywalk – Staff will provide an update at the August meeting about the Storywalk. 10.2.Establishing a List of Sites for Evaluation of Future Potential Pickleball Courts Mr. Atkins collected the pickleball sites evaluation scoring sheets from the commissioners who were present. He also requested their feedback on which sites would not be appropriate for this analysis. There were five that were removed from the list, leaving 15 possible park locations. The ones removed were: Butcher Park, Gateway Park, Rainbow Park, Renz Park, and Village Green Park. Commissioners Bozzo and Ramirez informed the Commission and staff that they visited the pickleball courts at South Valley Middle School. They inquired what role this existing facility would have within this project. Henig and Atkins explained that since it was not City property, it would not be relevant to this specific project, however, it will be noted in the final staff report. 11.DEPARTMENT UPDATES 11.1.Recreation Division Updates May 21, 2024 6:00 PM Page 3 of 3 Parks and Recreation Commission Regular Meeting Minutes Mr. Henig provided the updates for the Recreation Division as described in his staff report. 11.2.Status of City Parks Mr. Sousa provided the following updates: •Christmas Hill Park – A smaller restroom will be available to public soon; Pavilion restroom is being worked on and the plan is for the restroom building to be delivered at the end of June. •San Ysidro Park – Refurbished handball courts by fixing the damaged concrete and peeling paint. •Hecker Pass Dog park – Fence was moved around the water faucet. •Several playgrounds received fiber bark for its playgrounds. •Weed abatement is underway at several parks . •The Sports Park scoreboard is getting fixed. •The plaque for the pop-up park will be installed soon. A dedication ceremony is scheduled next week. The inclusive panels should arrive at the end of June. 12.BICYCLE & PEDESTRIAN ENCOURAGEMENT & EDUCATION - none 13.COMMISSIONER PARK REPORTS & COMMENTS The comments were made about the commissioner park assignments: •Bentson – o Del Rey looked fine. o Cydney Casper – hopscotch was painted, and the fountain needs to be checked. •Graham – parks look good. •Ramirez – At Las Animas, noticed a motor biker making holes in grass; otherwise, park looks good. 14.STAFF COMMENTS - none 15.FUTURE COMMISSIONER INITIATED ITEMS Chair Bentson requested that the Miller Red Barn Association be invited to present in June. 16.ADJOURNMENT Chair Bentson adjourned the meeting at 7:20 p.m. ________________AH_____________________ Adam Henig, Recreation Division Recording Secretary City of Gilroy Parks and Recreation Commission STAFF REPORT Agenda Item Title:Golf Course - Park Naming Request Meeting Date:August 20, 2024 From:Bryce Atkins, Assistant to the City Administrator RECOMMENDATION Commission consideration of the naming request to name the Gilroy Golf Course area as Ousley Park. BACKGROUND The City received a question on June 3, 2024 from Barbara Armenta, descendant of Mary Ousley, regarding the absence of the name of Ousley Park from the Golf Course sign when it was recently replaced. After discussions with the applicant and research, a summary of the history of the park name is as follows: •The area currently used as the Gilroy Golf Course was being used as a golf course, initially as a lease as a golf course, by Mary Ousley in 1922 through leases. •As part of her will (enacted at her passing) and effectuated in 1938, Mary Ousley donated the area to the City with a few restrictions: o The City could only use the land for a park or golf course, or otherwise it was to be returned to the descendants. o The property had to carry the name of Ousley Park. •In 1970, her descendant Josephine Hoey executed, in exchange for consideration, a quitclaim deed for the area. This removed all conditions on the property, including the use restriction and the required naming. In light of the research and discussions showing the removal of the name, required by operation of the will but removed by execution of the quitclaim deed, and the family’s desire to re-establish the name as Ousley Park, the proper approach is the submittal of a Commemorative Dedication and Names Application. ANALYSIS Golf Course - Park Naming Request City of Gilroy Parks and Recreation Commission Page 2 of 2 August 20, 2024 The City received the attached Commemorative Dedication and Names Application from Barbara Armenta on July 23, 2024. The application is complete, and has attached documentation from Barbara Armenta regarding the history of the land and contributions of Mary Ousley for the Commission’s consideration. The Commission is asked to render a recommendation to the City Council regarding the request to re-establish the name to the property currently hosting the Gilroy Golf Course facility. PUBLIC OUTREACH This item was included on the publicly posted agenda for this meeting. Attachments: 1. Commemorative Dedication and Names Application - Ousley Park 1 Significance of Re-establishing the Name “Ousley Park” on the Gilroy Public Golf Course Hecker Pass Road, Gilroy, California, July 2024 By: Barbara Hoey-Armenta To: Gilroy City Staff, Parks and Recreation Commission, and Gilroy City Council Several weeks ago, I noticed that the “Ousley Park” name is missing from the new City of Gilroy Golf Course sign that was installed at the new entrance off of Autumn Drive. The Golf Course has held the Ousley name since 1936 when it was officially named "Ousley Park” by a condition of the gift of the land to Gilroy. The name appears on the sign posted at the old entrance off Hecker Pass Road. Likewise, documents, maps, and promotional material reference the land “Ousley Park” – even on the internet. I sent an email to the City Manager and Asst. City Manager about the new entrance sign lacking the Ousley name. Communications with Bryce Atkins, Asst. City Manage, uncovered details about the property gifting, deeds, and also history of Gilroy and the land. The outcome of our emails was a determination that my family needs to complete a “Commemorative Dedication and Name Application” to continue to have the name, “Ousley Park” assigned to the City of Gilroy Golf Course. Therefore, we respectfully appeal to your sense of appreciation for Gilroy’s long line of community-minded donors who set an example of charitable giving, such as the Ousley family who gifted their land for a public use. Mary Ousley’s gift of land to the City of Gilroy for a public golf course and park, should continue to carry the name “Ousley Park.” Background and History of the Ownership of the Gilroy Golf Course on Hecker Pass Road The Gilroy Golf Course is located on 36+ acres of the old Ousley Ranch on Hecker Pass Road (formerly Bodfish Road). The City’s use of the golf course land began in 1922 when landowners, Mary Ousley and Clara Ousley, entered into a lease agreement with Mr. C.C.Donahue and E.E. Brownell, the Trustees for Gilroy Golf and Country Club. The lease was renewed in 1925 with Jas. Princevalle and D.L. Raynolds representing the Golf Course. Upon Mary’s death in 1936 the land was deeded as a gift to Gilroy by Mary’s will. Mary was the last of the original Ousley pioneer family to live on the Ousley property, which was within the Solis Rancho and Las Animas Rancho. In 1969, Mary’s niece in-law, Josephine Hoey, who inherited the Ousley estate, released the land and all conditions to Gilroy in a Quitclaim Deed. The Golf Course land was conveyed with the City holding all rights and interest, easements and rights reserved. Essentially, the Ousley-Hoey family has given use of the land since 1922 to the City of Gilroy, first in lease agreements, then in a gift and finally in a full deed. 2 Significant Contributions While the gift from the family is significant, the history of the land and its people is equally significant. The Ousley name is part of the history of the Gilroy community and specifically of the Hecker Pass agriculture and vineyard region going back to 1854. The Ousley name is engrained in the historic Las Animas Land Partition Lawsuit brought about by Henry Miller, which affected nearly every resident of Gilroy for decades in the late 19th century. In fact, the Ousley contribution to Gilroy was honored by Gilroy in a bronze statue of Electa Ousley and Thomas Rea, “The Handshake” by sculptor, Marlene Amerian on Monterey Street downtown. The Ousley family made other contributions of their farm land for community use. In the 1870s the City of Gilroy purchased from Electa’s daughter, Emma Ousely-Hoey, to build a reservoir for water from Uvas Dam. This reservoir was Gilroy’s main water storage for 100 years till storage tanks were built above Santa Teresa Boulevard. (Emma Ousley-Hoey’s descendants, carrying the name of the pioneer Hoey family, still live in the old two-story home, built in 1872, next to the Golf Course.) Another contribution was that the Ousley family gave a cemetery site to the Chinese families to bury their dead, located just west of the seventh green outside the Golf Course. This occurred around 1900 because restrictions of the time forced the Chinese immigrants to bury outside the City limits. (One hundred years later, the remains were ceremoniously exhumed and buried in the Gavilan Hills Cemetery.) Another interesting contribution for the community occurred in 1885 when the City used the Ousley land to build an isolation ward. A building was constructed as an isolation ward for smallpox victims after the 1885 epidemic, but was never used. It was located next to the Gilroy Golf Course. The building was moved in 1960s to the parcel next to the family farm house. It has been restored and is used by the Hoey descendants today. The Ousley Ranch, also known as Ousley-Hoey, has been a landmark farm in Santa Clara Valley for one hundred and seventy years this year. The Samuel and Electa Ousley family was among the earliest American families in south Santa Clara County, arriving in 1854. The Ousley family and their descendants have resided continuously on the property since that time. Their story is a classic representation of the challenges and opportunities facing Santa Clara Valley farmers and ranchers beginning in the second half of the nineteenth century. The added dimension of Electa’s early widowhood adds a deeper understanding to the struggles faced by Californians during an era when prosperity rose and fell, and land titles were uncertain as they faced the Spanish and Mexican land grant litigation. Photos and documents left by the Ousley family of this era reflect the no-nonsense family matriarch, whose tenacity and devotion to her children is exemplified by her quest to claim and retain lands for their welfare. The Ousley Ranch House, built in 1872, and well-maintained today is the symbol of the staying power the family exhibited. The direct descendants, the Hoey family, continued the connection with the 3 Gilroy community and agriculture business in the 1950s-1980s with abundant orchards, field crops, and cattle. The relationship to farming continues today and can be experienced through the antique shop, the Barn at Hoey Ranch. Having the City’s public Golf Course carry the name of “Ousley” is a reminder to its residents to recognize with pride the connection and identity we have to Gilroy’s land, agriculture, public recreation and generous spirit. Therefore, to commemorate the legacy of the benefactors of the Golf Course, we are requesting that the park continue to be identified as “Ousley Park” and the name remain on a sign of the Golf Course. Historical Photos of the Ousley property in the 1920s before and after the Golf Course was built. Promotional pamphlet for Gilroy. Gilroy, South Santa Clara Valley, Calif.: The Home of the Prune. January 1926. P. 28 Ousley Park, Gilroy Golf Links. 4 Photographs of Reservoir. Above: Reservoir looking north east. The Ousley family house in far back. Below: Close up of reservoir on Ousley hillside. (Gilroy Golf Course occupies this location today.) Courtesy of Barbara Armenta from collection of family history. 5 Ousley property and Bodfish Road (Hecker Pass) before the Golf Course. Photo courtesy of Barbara Armenta from collection of family history. Postcard picture taken on Hecker Pass looking north. Orchards and vineyards of the Ousley family. Present day Gilroy Golf Course, Ousley Park. 6 7 References and Citations: Ousley Ranch, A case study in ranching in Santa Clara County from the 1850s to 1900, by Maureen Olson (Frantzich). Prepared for A Public History Slideshow for History 197, San Jose State University Master’s Program, May 3, 2009. No Good Deed Goes Unpunished, by Barbara Armenta, self-published prepared for University of Massachusetts Lowell, Massachusetts, 2018. Plaque honors Chinese cemetery, Gilroy Dispatch, April 5, 2004. https://www.topozone.com/california/santa-clara-ca/park/ousley-park. Ousley Park is listed in the Parks Category for Santa Clara County in the state of California. Ousley Park is displayed on the "Gilroy" USGS topo map. Mary E. Ousley (1853-1936) Last Will and Testament of Mary E. Ousley, page 1, 1936 City of Gilroy Parks and Recreation Commission STAFF REPORT Agenda Item Title:Potential Lease of Las Animas Recreation Room Meeting Date:August 20, 2024 From:Victoria Valencia, Economic Development Manager RECOMMENDATION Commission consideration of a lease of the Las Animas Recreation Room to Gilroy Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous BACKGROUND The Las Animas Recreation Room, located at 400 Mantelli Dr. Gilroy, has been underutilized in recent years. The room was used for an after-school program for elementary school age students in 2021, and a dress giveaway program in 2022 and 2023. The square footage of the building is 1792 and includes a kitchen, storage, and restroom. Gilroy Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous is a non-profit group providing free services to Gilroy residents. Their current leased facility is 7511 Gourmet Alley. The Gourmet Alley Construction project has displaced them, and the city has allowed this group to utilize the Las Animas Recreation Building since May of this year. They are anticipated to remain in the building through the remainder of construction, which is anticipated to be October 2024. ANALYSIS The city received a lease offer letter on July 28, 2024, from Gilroy Fellowship of Alcoholic Anonymous. They are seeking a three to five year lease agreement to utilize the Las Animas Recreation Room at $1200 per month. They meet 16 times per week, providing a steady presence and activating an underutilized space. At this time, there are no future plans for this site. The Commission is asked to render a recommendation to City Council regarding the request to lease the Las Animas Recreation Room. City of Gilroy Parks and Recreation Commission Page 2 of 2 August 20, 2024 Potential Lease of Las Animas Recreation Building Attachments: 1. Letter from Gilroy Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous (Business Committee) Gilroy Fellowship of Alcoholics 7511 Gourmet Alley Gilroy CA 95020 JULY 28,2024 To:City of Gilroy City Council From:Gilroy Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous (Business Committee) To Whom It May Concern, The Gilroy Fellowship of AA would like to formally request a lease agreement for the 400 Mantelli Location in Veteran's Memorial Las Animas Park.Our fellowship consists of daily meetings,which are open to the public for membership.Our mission statement is:To be a member of AA “The only requirement is a “desire”to quit drinking.”We currently hold 16 meetings a week in the community and have noticed a growth in membership since using the facility at 400 Mantelli. The facility fits the needs of fellowship and will allow the potential to continue to provide a safe environment for our members to work on recovery.As members of the Gilroy AA fellowship,we feel when anyone,anywhere in our community,reaches out for help and recovery from alcohol,we are responsible to answer that call.Securing a permanent lease on a facility will help us focus on offering that assistance. We are looking for a lease agreement with the City of Gilroy for 3 or 5 years and are currently capable of paying $1,200 a month as we are self-supporting through member contributions.As always,we are open to negotiation on terms and agreements with the City of Gilroy for this location. We thank you for your time and consideration of this request. Sincerely, Andrew Verner-Current Chair Jessica Gopp –Former Chair Joe Nunez-Recording Secretary (ad-hoc committee for the Gilroy Fellowship Business committee of AA) City of Gilroy Parks and Recreation Commission STAFF REPORT Agenda Item Title:Potential Pickleball Court Site Evaluation Project - Scoring Collection Meeting Date:August 20, 2024 From:Bryce Atkins, Assistant to the City Administrator RECOMMENDATION Commissioners provide scoring from their assessment of potential sites. BACKGROUND There have been calls for the development of pickleball courts within the City of Gilroy. The Parks and Recreation Commission (PRC) has held discussions regarding three possible locations, which culminated in the meeting and input provided at its September 19, 2023 regular meeting. In November of 2023, City staff came before the PRC and advised that, although the PRC provided comments about some of the locations, a more detailed and firm recommendation was going to be required. The work conducted on this project so far includes the below: •At the meeting of November 21, 2023, staff advised the PRC that it would be returning in the new calendar year with a plan for carrying out this assessment and developing firm recommendations. •At the February 20, 2024 meeting of the PRC, staff presented a project calendar. •At the March 19, 2024 meeting, the Commission received a presentation and held discussion regarding the ideal pickleball courts. •At the April 16, 2024 PRC meeting, the template for the individual weighed scoring structure was presented and discussed. •At the May 21, 2024 meeting, the Commission submitted their weighted scoring percentages, and discussed and identified those parks for consideration in the evaluation, a total of 15 parks. •At the June 18, 2024 meeting, the compiled categories identified by the commissioners were provided as scoring sheets to each commissioner, with a Potential Pickleball Court Site Evaluation Project - Scoring Collection City of Gilroy Parks and Recreation Commission Page 2 of 2 August 20, 2024 sheet for each park. The commissioners were to spend the next approximately two months assessing the parks and documenting their scores to be submitted at the next Parks and Recreation Commission meeting in August. ANALYSIS This item is purely for receiving the scoring back from the commissioners, and any general comments that the commissioners would like to provide regarding their experiences and observations. The scores will be tallied, and a priority order based on the scoring will be returning to the September meeting for presentation, review, and potential amendments as may be desired by the Commission. PUBLIC OUTREACH This item is a continuing discussion. It has been included on the publicly posted agenda for this meeting. City of Gilroy Parks and Recreation Commission STAFF REPORT Agenda Item Title:Review of FY24 and FY25 Parks and Recreation Commission Work Plan Meeting Date:August 20, 2024 From:Adam Henig, Recreation Manager RECOMMENDATION Receive and comment on the FY24 and FY25 Parks and Recreation Commission Work Plan. BACKGROUND On February 20, 2024, the Parks and Recreation Commission adopted a new Work Plan for the remainder of FY24 and for FY25.  At each monthly meeting, the Commission review the Work Plan to ensure the assignments are completed or in the process of being completed.    •The Commission agreed to adopt the following items on their Work Plan:    •Hosting Arbor Day (suggestion was to have it in the Fall);   •Training opportunities for Commission members (i.e., webinars, conferences, etc.);   •Participate in citywide events (i.e., Breakfast with Santa and Bike to Wherever Day);   •Monitor city parks;   •Establish guidance for a future pickleball court at a city park;   •Study opportunities for parks and recreation services to have dedicated funding sources; and,   •Work with Gilroy Library to bring about a Storywalk to a park or a trail.  The Commission Work Plan is attached and offers the most recent updates. PUBLIC OUTREACH This item is a continuing discussion. It has been included on the publicly posted agenda for this meeting. Review of FY24 and FY25 Parks and Recreation Commission Work Plan City of Gilroy Parks and Recreation Commission Page 2 of 2 August 20, 2024 Attachments: 1. 1. FY24 & FY25 Parks and Recreation Commission Work Plan FY24 and FY25 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION WORK PLAN Project Name Work Lead Commissioner/ StaffDeliverable in June 2025City Council Priority StatusHost Arbor DayDevelop a community event around Arbor Day to retain Tree City USA designation Sam Working with staff to Identify park to host and celebrate Arbor Day event. Maintain and Improve City infrastructureStaff is proposing to host Arbor Day at Rainbow Park on Thursday, October 24, 2024Training Opportunities for CommissionersParticipate in parks and recreation related training opportunities PatInform commissioners about upcoming opportunities; participate in trainings N/A No updateParticipate in Citywide EventsMeet and greet residents at speciaevents in the City; inform residentsabout the Commission & parks and recreation All CommissionersTable or participate in citywide events such as Breakfaswith Santa, Bike to Wherever Day and or a Downtown Gilroy event N/AParticipated in Bike to Wherever Day 2024 on May 16, 2024 at the Christmas Hill Park Levee. Approximately 20 people visited the energizer station; featured in Gilroy Dispatch. Monitor City parksShare observations about parks at monthly meetings; commissioners are responsible for reporting on their park assignments at monthly meetings; utilize checklist All CommissionersCommissioners have been assigned two or more parks to report on at each meetingMaintain and Improve City infrastructureCommissioners will continue to monitor and report their observations of their assigned parks to staff Review of establishing a Pickleball facilityEstablish guidance for a future pickleball court at a city park All CommissionersParticipate and provide input in survey of pickleball locations and types of amenitiesMaintain and Improve City infrastructureCommissioners have assessed potential pickleball locations at city parks and submitted their findings Study opportunities for parks and recreation services to have dedicated funding sourcesResearch how a dedicated fundingsource can be available for fundingparks and recreation services and facilities Pat and LuisPublish memo to identify opportunities to develop dedicated funding source for parks and recreation services.Ensure NeighborhoodEquityBentson met with Public Works Director Guindy and will share additional information with Commission. Work with Gilroy Library to bring about a Storywalk to a park or a trail. Identify and recommend a park or trail location that is suitable for a StoryWalk in Gilroy. Support the City to install a Storywalk at a park or on a trail.Maintain and Improve City infrastructureStaff will provide a brief presentation about updates to the StoryWalk project.Revised August 12, 2024 1 City of Gilroy Recreation Division 7171 Hanna Street | (408) 846-0460 Rec@cityofgilroy.org | www.cityofgilroy.org/recreation Below are the following updates from the Recreation Division. I.Aquatics – This is the third summer the City has contracted with Swimming Swan, the pool operator at the CHS Aquatics Center. This year there has been significant increases in swimming lesson participation and recreation swim. They have already exceeded the total number of swimming lessons by 40%, having provided 1,959 lessons. For recreation swimming, there has been a 30% increase in attendees in comparison to the previous year. As of August 1, they have served 3,640 participants. The last day the pool will be open is Sunday, September 1. II.Summer Camps – The final week of summer camps this season occurred during the week of August 5. Here are the numbers in comparison to last year: •2023 – 551 summer campers •2024 – 839 summer campers (35% increase) A large portion of the increase in campers had to do with the 2 return of the City-run camp at Gilroy Gardens, the first time it has run since 2019. There were 143 campers enrolled. III.July 4 Fireworks – The Recreation Division organized the annual 4th of July fireworks display at Gilroy High School. IV.The 2024 Fall Recreation Guide arrived on August 9 and was delivered to every household in Gilroy. The guide provides information on more than a hundred upcoming recreational classes and programs. V.Rodeo Days at the Senior Center – On Friday, August 9, the Center served 110 seniors in celebration of Rodeo Days, this month’s theme. There was a petting zoo and a visit from the GPD mounted unit. 3 VI.Party in the Park – Approximately 350 residents attended the annual Party in the Park event at San Ysidro Park on July 19. Despite the heat, participants enjoyed themselves, where they were entertained by hula dancers, a petting zoo, folklorico dancers, and ukulele musicians.