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Resolution No. 2024-55 | Mid-Cycle Adjustments FY25 Budget.docx RESOLUTION NO. 2024-55 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY AMENDING THE BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF GILROY FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-2025 AND APPROPRIATING PROPOSED EXPENDITURE AMENDMENTS WHEREAS, the City Administrator prepared and submitted to the City Council a budget for the City of Gilroy for Fiscal Years 2023-2024 and 2024-2025, and the City Council carefully examined, considered and adopted the same on June 5, 2023; and WHEREAS, City Staff has prepared and submitted to the City Council proposed amendments to said budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 for the City of Gilroy in the staff report dated November 18, 2024 for Preliminary Fiscal Year 2023-2024 year-end report and mid-cycle adjustments for Fiscal Year 2024-2025. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the appropriations for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 shall be adjusted (increased or decreased) in respective funds as outlined on Exhibit A to this resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of November 2024 by the following roll call vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: BRACCO, ARMENDARIZ, MARQUES, HILTON, CLINE, TOVAR, BLANKLEY NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: APPROVED: ______________________________ Marie Blankley, Mayor ATTEST: Beth Minor, Interim City Clerk Docusign Envelope ID: DCDAF9BB-CDCE-43B1-9739-A811469E28CF Resolution No. 2024-55 Mid-Cycle Adjustments to FY25 Budget City Council Regular Meeting | November 18, 2024 Page 2 of 2 CERTIFICATE OF THE CLERK I, BETH MINOR, Interim City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 2024-55 is an original resolution, or true and correct copy of a City Resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a Regular Meeting of said held on Council held Monday, 18 November 2024, with a quorum present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this Tuesday, 19 November 2024. ____________________________________ Beth Minor Interim City Clerk of the City of Gilroy Docusign Envelope ID: DCDAF9BB-CDCE-43B1-9739-A811469E28CF Summary by Fund Type Revenues Expenditures General Fund 199,946$ 3,941,172$ Special Revenue Funds 658,781 1,716,791 Capital/Development Funds 700,000 4,997,733 Internal Services Funds (1,403,540) 3,513,167 Enterprise Funds - 1,771,535 Agency Funds - 15,000 ALL FUNDS TOTAL 155,187$ 15,955,398$ Itemized Detail Line Fund>Department>Description Revenue Adjustment Expenditure Adjustment 1 100-GENERAL FUND TOTAL 199,946$ 3,941,172$ 2 Administration 46,200 46,200 3 Federal Grant: Emergency Management Performance Grant 21,200 21,200 4 State Grant: Listos California Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Support Grant 25,000 25,000 5 Administrative Services 31,500 6 Fire Department Annual Life Scan Exams 31,500 7 Community Development (11,254) 512,229 8 ADU Pre-Reviewed Plans Program 50,000 9 CDBG FY2024-2025 Allocation Adjustment (11,254) 10 Climate Action Plan/VMT/TDM Policy 400,000 11 Commercial Linkage Fee Nexus and Feasibility Study 30,000 12 Community Development Focused Fee Study 30,000 13 Increase in Fleet User Fees 2,229 14 Finance (25,000) 912,000 15 Admin Fee-Garbage 70,000 16 Business Licenses 100,000 17 Documentary Transfer Tax (80,000) 18 Franchise Garbage 85,000 19 FY24 General Fund Pension Contribution from Budget Savings 450,000 20 FY24 General Fund OPEB Contribution from Budget Savings 450,000 21 FY25 Sales Tax Reduction (600,000) 22 Investment Income 400,000 23 Transient Occupancy Tax Compliance Audit Review 12,000 24 Fire 219,821 25 Increase in Fleet User Fees 112,821 26 Lexis Nexis SOP Manual 35,000 27 Six portable radios 72,000 28 General Government 131,529 29 Increase in Fleet User Fees 2,529 30 Liability Insurance Premium Increase 129,000 31 Police 127,524 32 Increase in Fleet User Fees 127,524 33 Public Works 190,000 1,960,369 34 Citywide Park Restroom Reroofing/Rehabilitation 200,000 35 Federal Grant: Local Roads Safety Plan 190,000 190,000 36 General Park Improvements (Shades/Equipment)300,000 37 Special Events: Street Barriers 300,000 38 Increase funding for FY25 Pavement Rehabilitation (Savings from FY23 Project)700,000 39 Increase in Fleet User Fees 22,569 40 Miller Park Restrooms Electrical Undergounding 97,800 41 Traffic Calming 150,000 42 200-SIDEWALK REPAIR RESERVE FUND TOTAL TOTAL 329,322 43 Public Works 329,322 EXHIBIT A: RECOMMENDED MID-CYCLE ADJUSTMENTS TO FY25 BUDGET Line Fund>Department>Description Revenue Adjustment Expenditure Adjustment 44 Sidewalk Maintenance Program 329,322 45 205-GAS TAX FUNDS TOTAL (175,570) 290,339 46 Administrative Services 85,000 47 Electricity for street lights (PG&E)85,000 48 Finance (175,570) 49 State Gas Taxes (175,570) 50 Public Works 205,339 51 Annual Citywide Traffic Signal Upgrades 117,474 52 Annual Safe Routes to Schools 62,600 53 On-Call Geotechnical Eng & Material Testing 10,000 54 Traffic Data Collection 15,265 55 215-TRANSPORT/MOBILITY GRANT FUND TOTAL 182,600 182,600 56 Public Works 182,600 182,600 57 Lions Creek Trail West of Santa Teresa and Day 182,600 182,600 58 223-OTS PD GRANT TOTAL 28,500 28,500 59 Police 28,500 28,500 60 Office of Traffic Safety PT24079 28,500 28,500 61 225-POLICE GRANTS FUND TOTAL 19,822 19,994 62 Police 19,822 19,994 63 Board of State and Community Corrections Wellness 172 64 Justice Assistance Grant Community Room 19,822 19,822 65 227-SOUTH COUNTY YOUTH TASK FORCE TOTAL 6,000 35,124 66 Police 6,000 35,124 67 South County Youth Task Force - FY25 County District Attorney's Office Grant 6,000 6,000 68 South County Youth Task Force FY24 Unspent Grant budget 29,124 69 228-BRD STATE&COMM CORR TITLE II TOTAL 469,183 469,183 70 Police 469,183 469,183 71 Board of State and Community Corrections Title II 469,183 469,183 72 245-COMMUNITY DEV BLOCK GRANT FUND TOTAL 128,246 127,795 73 Community Development 128,246 127,795 74 CDBG FY2024-2025 Allocation 128,246 127,795 75 250-HOUSING TRUST FUND TOTAL 10,000 76 Community Development 10,000 77 Arbitrator for Mobile Home Rent Stabilization Ordinance 10,000 78 260-COMMUNITY FACILITIES FUND TOTAL 223,004 79 Public Works 223,004 80 CFD Irrigation and Landscape Upgrades 153,504 81 Vehicle 65,000 82 Contractual Services - Tree Removal 4,500 83 290-RECREATION FUND TOTAL 930 84 Administration 930 85 Increase in Fleet User Fees 930 86 400-CAPITAL PROJECT FUND TOTAL 700,000 700,000 87 Public Works 700,000 700,000 88 Gateway Senior Apartments Pedestrian Crossing Safety Improvements 700,000 700,000 89 410-STORM DRAIN DEVELOPMENT FUND TOTAL 205,228 90 Public Works 205,228 91 State Trash Amendments Stormwater Compliance Project 118,800 92 Stormwater NPDES Compliance 86,428 93 425-TRAFFIC IMPACT FUND TOTAL 511,207 94 Public Works 511,207 95 Gilroy Ice Center 511,207 96 435-WATER DEVELOPMENT FUND TOTAL 2,831,298 97 Utilities 2,831,298 98 McCarthy Site Well #9 CIP Project # 800050 2,831,298 99 440-PUBLIC FACILITIES IMPACT FUND TOTAL 750,000 100 Public Works 750,000 Line Fund>Department>Description Revenue Adjustment Expenditure Adjustment 101 Civic Center Master Plan 750,000 102 600-FLEET SERVICES FUND TOTAL 300,000 215,000 103 Administrative Services 300,000 215,000 104 Fleet - Emergency/Unplanned repairs 100,000 105 Fleet - Parts 85,000 106 Increase in Fleet User Fees 300,000 107 Liability Insurance Premium Increase 30,000 108 610-LIABILITY INSURANCE FUND TOTAL 300,000 300,000 109 Administrative Services 300,000 300,000 110 Municipal Pooling Authority 300,000 300,000 111 615-FACILITY SERVICES FUND TOTAL 655,811 112 Administrative Services 655,811 113 Increase in Fleet User Fees 3,111 114 Liability Insurance Premium Increase 15,000 115 Old City Hall HVAC Project 360,700 116 Shooting Range lead abatement measures 277,000 117 620-INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND TOTAL 19,822 686,000 118 Finance 435,000 119 Cyber Security Assessment Implementation 200,000 120 Firewall for Redundant Internet Connection 25,000 121 Network Security Software 30,000 122 Next Generation Wi-Fi 70,000 123 SeeClickFix 50,000 124 Verizon VOIP DID Trunk Circuit 60,000 125 Police 19,822 186,000 126 AT&T Data Circuit for CLETS 46,000 127 Network Equipment Purchases 10,000 128 PD Community Room A/V Upgrade 19,822 130,000 129 Public Works 35,000 130 Public Works Workstation Class Computers 35,000 131 Utilities 30,000 132 Firewall and Switch for SCADA Systems 30,000 133 625-EQUIPMENT OUTLAY TOTAL (2,023,362) 1,656,356 134 Other General Government (2,023,362) 1,656,356 135 Citywide Energy Savings Measures (2,023,362) 1,656,356 136 700-SEWER FUND TOTAL 211,755 137 Utilities 211,755 138 Annex Repairs for Utilities Department Equipment, Furniture 70,000 139 Increase in Fleet User Fees 11,664 140 Liability Insurance Premium Increase 60,000 141 Office, Computer Supplies 35,000 142 Old Gilroy Chesnut to Forest Sewer Upgrade CIP#800550 35,091 143 705-WATER FUND TOTAL 1,559,780 144 Finance 60,000 145 Customer Engagement Portal 60,000 146 Utilities 1,499,780 147 Annex Repairs for Utilities Department Equipment, Furniture 70,000 148 Electricity for Water's wells and boosters (PG&E)200,000 149 Forest and Eighth CIP #800620 66,419 150 Increase in Fleet User Fees 14,961 151 Liability Insurance Premium Increase 60,000 152 Office, Computer Supplies 15,000 153 PFAS Outreach 45,000 154 St Louise Hospital Large Meter Install CIP Project # 800670 63,200 155 Water Reservoir A and B Painting CIP Project # 800690 483,200 156 Water Reservoir A and B Retrofit Overflow Piping CIP Project # 800700 482,000 157 810-HWY 152 BOND SERIES 2018 FUND TOTAL 15,000 Line Fund>Department>Description Revenue Adjustment Expenditure Adjustment 158 Finance 15,000 159 CFD Administration 10,000 160 Annual Disclosure Filings 5,000 GRAND TOTAL 155,187$ 15,955,398$