05/02/2024 Planning Commission Minutes Page 1 of 5
City of Gilroy Planning Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes Thursday, May 2, 2024 | 6:00 PM
1. OPENING Tonight’s meeting was called to order by Chair Bhandal at 6:00 p.m.
Chair Bhandal led the pledge of allegiance.
3. REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA AND ROLL CALL The agenda was posted on Friday, April 26, 2024 at 6:48 p.m.
Attendance Attendee Name
Present Stefanie Elle, Commissioner Adriana Leongardt, Commissioner Joan Lewis, Commissioner
Kelly Ramirez, Commissioner
Annedore Kushner, Vice Chair Manny Bhandal, Chair
Absent Monica Valdez, Commissioner 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS Chair Bhandal opened public comment for items not on the agenda.
There was one speaker, Greg Nauman. The comment provided was for Public Hearing
Item 6.1. There being no further speakers, Chair Bhandal closed public comment for items not on the agenda.
5.1. April 4, 2024 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
A motion was made by Chair Bhandal; seconded by Commissioner Lewis to
approve the consent agenda. RESULT: Pass [6 – 0] MOVER: Chair Bhandal SECONDER: Commissioner Lewis
AYES: Commissioner Elle, Leongardt, Lewis, Ramirez, Vice Chair Kushner, and
Chair Bhandal ABSENT: Commissioner Valdez
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6. PUBLIC HEARINGS 6.1. Tentative Map application to subdivide approximately 41.4 acres for development of the Canyon Creek, Rocky Knoll and Malvasia II neighborhoods of the Glen Loma Ranch Specific Plan (TM 20-05) 1. Staff Report: Cindy McCormick, Planning Manager 2. Public Hearing: Chair Bhandal opened public comment.
Connie Rogers, Carolina Gabriel, and Sib Dey provided a public comment during the public hearing expressing concerns with regards to the emergency services, infrastructure, and the developments future design and density.
3. Close Public Hearing: There being no further speakers, Chair Bhandal closed public comment. 4. Disclosure of Ex-Parte Communication:
None. 5. Possible Action:
Staff has analyzed the proposed project, and recommends that the Planning
Commission: a) Recommend that the City Council, based on its independent analysis, determine that the proposed project is exempt from further environmental review pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines section 15182 (Projects Pursuant
to a Specific Plan), which exempts residential projects that are consistent with a specific plan for which an environmental impact report was certified; and
b) Adopt a resolution recommending that the City Council adopt a resolution
approving Tentative Map TM 20-05, subject to the findings, conditions, and mitigation measures provided in the draft resolution. 6. Alternative Action:
Continue the application to a future Planning Commission meeting per the request of the applicant. A motion was made by Commissioner Ramirez; seconded by Commissioner Lewis to deny the applicant’s request to continue the application.
RESULT: Pass [4 – 2] MOVER: Commissioner Ramirez SECONDER: Commissioner Lewis
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AYES: Commissioner Elle, Lewis, Ramirez, and Chair Bhandal NAYS: Commissioner Leongardt and Vice Chair Kushner
ABSENT: Commissioner Valdez A motion was made by Commissioner Ramirez; seconded by Commissioner Lewis to:
a) Recommend that the City Council, based on its independent analysis, determine that the proposed project is exempt from further environmental review pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines section 15182 (Projects Pursuant to a Specific Plan), which exempts residential projects that are consistent with a
specific plan for which an environmental impact report was certified; and RESULT: Pass [6 – 0] MOVER: Commissioner Ramirez SECONDER: Commissioner Lewis
AYES: Commissioner Elle, Leongardt, Lewis, Ramirez, Vice Chair Kushner, and
Chair Bhandal ABSENT: Commissioner Valdez
A motion was made by Commissioner Ramirez; seconded by Commissioner
Lewis to: b) Adopt a resolution recommending that the City Council adopt a resolution approving Tentative Map TM 20-05, subject to the findings, conditions, and
mitigation measures provided in the draft resolution.
RESULT: Fail [3 – 3] MOVER: Commissioner Ramirez SECONDER: Commissioner Lewis AYES: Commissioner Lewis, Ramirez, and Chair Bhandal NAYS: Commissioner Elle, Leongardt, and Vice Chair Kushner ABSENT: Commissioner Valdez
6.2. Zoning text amendments to implement various programs of the Gilroy 2023-2031 Housing Element
1. Staff Report: Cindy McCormick, Planning Manager
2. Public Hearing: Chair Bhandal opened public comment. 3. Close Public Hearing:
There being no speakers, Chair Bhandal closed public comment.
4. Disclosure of Ex-Parte Communication: None. 5. Possible Action:
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Staff recommends that the Planning Commission:
a) Recommend that the City Council, based on its independent analysis, find
that approval of Zoning Amendment Z 24-0001 is exempt from review under the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) where it can be seen with certainty that the amendments to implement the Gilroy 2023-2031 Housing Element would not result in a significant environmental effect; and
b) Recommend that the City Council adopt an Ordinance, approving Zoning Amendment Z 24-0001, amending the Gilroy City Code, Chapter 30 (Zoning), Article XI (Residential Use Tables) in conformance with the City of Gilroy 2023-2031 Housing Element. A motion was made by Chair Bhandal; seconded by Commissioner Elle to:
a) Recommend that the City Council, based on its independent analysis, find that approval of Zoning Amendment Z 24-0001 is exempt from review under the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines
Section 15061(b)(3) where it can be seen with certainty that the amendments to
implement the Gilroy 2023-2031 Housing Element would not result in a significant environmental effect. RESULT: Pass [6 – 0]
MOVER: Chair Bhandal
SECONDER: Commissioner Elle AYES: Commissioner Elle, Leongardt, Lewis, Ramirez, Vice Chair Kushner, and Chair Bhandal ABSENT: Commissioner Valdez
A motion was made by Vice Chair Kushner; seconded by Commissioner Leongardt to: Recommend that the City Council adopt an Ordinance, approving Zoning Amendment Z 24-0001, amending the Gilroy City Code, Chapter 30 (Zoning),
Article XI (Residential Use Tables) in conformance with the City of Gilroy 2023-2031 Housing Element. RESULT: Pass [6 – 0] MOVER: Vice Chair Kushner SECONDER: Commissioner Leongardt AYES: Commissioner Elle, Leongardt, Lewis, Ramirez, Vice Chair Kushner, and
Chair Bhandal ABSENT: Commissioner Valdez 7. NEW BUSINESS
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8.1. Planning Division Staff Approvals There were no Planning Division approvals since the last report provided to the Planning Commission at its April 4, 2024 regular meeting. 9. PLANNING DIVISION REPORT Community Development Director Sharon Goei re-shared Cindy McCormick’s reclassification to Planning Manager. Commissioners congratulated Cindy. 10. ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY REPORT No report. 11. ADJOURNMENT Chair Bhandal adjourned the meeting at 7:48 p.m.
Ariana Fabian, Planning Technician